Skyrim cave yellow stone map. The Cursed Tribe (Malacath). Meet with Chief Yamarz at the Yellow Stone Cave

Yellow Stone Cave- one of the many caves in Skyrim, located near the northeast of Riften. Part of the quest of the Daedric Prince Malacath “Cursed Tribe” takes place in this location.

Yellow Stone Cave

The appearance of the cave differs slightly before and after completing the task:

  • Before the start of the task, the cave will be inhabited by various animals and monsters. Depending on the level of the protagonist, these can be frost spiders, bears (at high levels- cave) or trolls. The number of opponents also depends on the level of the main character.
  • After the start of the task, some of the animals and monsters will be replaced by giants. Also, various attributes of giants will appear everywhere: rock carvings, their weapons, the remains of mammoths.

The easiest way to find the cave is to move from Riften along the road towards Shor Stone. Right after the last one watchtower Riften needs to turn right onto the path that goes around a small hillock. This path will soon lead to the cave. Along the way you may encounter several bears and a frost spider. If you go a little higher up the mountain to the left of the cave entrance, you can find an orichalcum outlet and a silver vein.

From the inside the cave is beautiful place. This is a semi-open type of cave: in the vault of the giant pit hall there are several large breaks that provide an influx of fresh air and are a source of light. Birds fly into the cave through the gaps, and two cascades fall from the upper level. beautiful waterfall, flowing like a stream into the depths of the cave. All these factors caused a wonderful underground forest with plants characteristic of the Rift to grow in the cave.

Many types of mushrooms grow in the cave: white mushroom, demon mushroom, Namira's rot, bloody crown, fierce mushroom. Mora tapinella grows on the stumps of fallen fir trees. In addition to mushrooms, you can find red mountain flower plants here.

You can go down to the bottom of the central hall only by jumping down the ledges and trunks of fallen birch trees. On the way down, you will notice a passage covered with cobwebs, in which there will be no spider, but you will find the body of one of the orc pilgrims of Malacath, who never made it to the sanctuary of the Orc God in the Grove of Giants.

Before the events of the quest, 1–5 level animals or monsters will roam at the bottom of the pit, among the trees, near the stream. During the quest, these opponents will be replaced by a man-eating giant. A fire is burning next to his parking lot, there are gnawed human remains lying around, an overturned merchant cart with a level healing potion and one chest locked with a Novice level lock. Also at the bottom of the pit you can find two silver veins and one iron ore.

To get to the Grove of Giants location and climb to the exit of the cave, you need to go through the tunnel along the stream. A flock of bats will fly out of the tunnel towards you, adding to the atmosphere. Immediately beyond the passage there is a small cavern, where, depending on the time of visit, there will be another bear or giant. Also in a small depression is the body of another orc pilgrim.

The further path up the tunnel will lead to the lair of a couple of bears. This is a fork from which you can either get to the Grove of Giants, or, after walking further along the tunnel, return to the upper level of the central pit hall. In the bears' lair there are many human remains and another orc corpse.


  • “Cursed Tribe” - part of the quest takes place here, during which you need to save the life of the leader Yamarz so that he can get to the Grove of Giants.
  • "Pest Control" is a possible target location for this Companions radiant quest.


  • Orichalcum exit (1 pc.) - outside, up the slope, to the left of the entrance to the cave.
  • Silver vein (3 pcs.) - two inside the cave at the bottom of the central pit hall, one outside, up the slope, to the left of the entrance to the cave.
  • Iron ore vein (1 pc.) - inside the cave at the bottom of the central pit hall.
  • Chest - 2 pcs.
  • Leveled healing potion.


  • Just before the climb up the mountain leading to the cave, there is a small area - this is a place for random encounters. Here Dovahkiin can meet random creatures or characters.
  • The cave is wonderful place to develop werewolf skills (if you have the “Indiscriminate Eating” ability).


  • During the quest "Cursed Tribe", Chief Yamarz can get stuck in the textures while jumping down the ledges of the pit.

Walking along the road leading from Ivarstead towards Riften, Dovahkiin will notice the orc fortress of Largashbur. If the main character's level exceeds ninth, then he will witness the battle of the giant with the orc defenders of the fortress.

Having decided to help the orcs, you should hurry. The giant is significantly stronger than any member of the tribe and, if not intervened in time, can destroy a significant number of defenders.

After the giant is defeated, the shaman of the fortress, the orc Atub, will approach Dovahkiin. She will thank you and tell you that this was not the first attack on the fortress by a giant, and if this continues, the fate of the tribe will be unenviable.

Without knowing the reason for the attacks, it will not be possible to prevent relapses, so she will have to perform a ritual of summoning one of the Daedra Princes, the Orc God, Malacath, in the hope that he will advise what to do next. For the ritual, she will need two ingredients - troll fat and a daedra heart. But the local leader, Yamarz, forbade the tribe members to leave the fortress. Therefore, Atub again asks for the Dragonborn's help.

Help Atub prepare for the ritual of summoning Malacath

Well, well, troll fat is easy to get: it is available for sale in pharmacies, or you can “borrow” it right in the fortress itself, in the herbalist’s house. The Daedra heart is more difficult; it appears on sale extremely rarely. One can be “borrowed” from the Companions, on the lower level of Jorrvaskr.

Having obtained the ingredients, we return to Atub. She will thank you again and say that since Dovahkiin intervened in all this, he needs to be present during the ritual, after which she will follow the leader Yamarz to the long house. Let's follow her.

In the main house of the Orc fortress, our hero witnesses a not very pleasant scene: Yamarz reproaches Atub for her self-will and for turning to a stranger for help. But, after grumbling, the leader admits that there is still no other way out and goes to the courtyard, to the sanctuary of Malacath.

At the end of the ritual, Malacath will listen and turn to... no, not to the Dragonborn, but to Yamarz. The Daedra Prince will accuse the leader of weakness and say that in order for the attacks of the giants to stop, it is necessary to eliminate their leader, who settled in the Grove of Giants, and take away Shagrol’s war hammer from him.

After listening to the Daedra's answer, Yamarz will blame the main character, saying that it is all his fault. But he will immediately soften and offer a reward for Dovahkiin to escort him to the grove, protecting him from enemies along the way. He will motivate this by the fact that he does not want to waste his strength on trifles, because to defeat the leader of the giants you need to be in in better shape.

Meet with Chief Yamarz at the Yellow Stone Cave

After receiving consent, Yamarz will quickly run towards the Grove of Giants, which can only be reached by passing through the Yellow Stone cave. You can run after him, but it is better to walk to the cave on your own. Otherwise, you will have to defend the entire road to Yamarza’s cave, and if you arrive at your destination later, the orc, alive and well, will be waiting at the entrance.

The cave is located near Riften. To find it, you need to move along the road towards the Shor Stone, immediately after the last watchtower of Riften, turn right onto the path that goes around a small hillock. This path will soon lead to the Yellow Stone cave. Along the way you may encounter several bears (at high cave levels) and a frost spider.

Near the cave, patterns characteristic of giants are painted on the stones, a giant’s club is leaning against a stone, human remains lie, and the ground is stained with blood. Seeing our hero, Yamarz will demand that his part of the deal be fulfilled and will immediately rush into the cave. Let's run after him.

Defend Chief Yamarz from the cave dwellers

The cave is practically one giant hall, the bottom of which can only be reached by jumping down the ledges. There are several large breaks in the cave roof, and two beautiful waterfalls cascade down from the upper level.

These factors caused a whole beautiful forest to grow at the bottom of the pit of the main hall. However, now is not the time to admire the beauty, because Yamarz rushes forward, not giving time to enjoy the scenery.

In a pit among the trees, one giant wanders around a fire. You can ignore him; he wanders quite far from Yamarz's path.

It must be said that the local giants are cannibals. More precisely, meroeds. Throughout the cave you can find the bodies of dead worshipers of Malacath and their gnawed remains.

From the central hall along the stream we find ourselves in a small cavern, where there will be another giant. There is a chance that Yamarz will run past him too. Otherwise, you will have to eliminate the giant while protecting the orc. A narrow passage upward will finally lead to the entrance to the Grove of Giants. But right there is the lair of a couple of cave bears. Having dealt with the animals, you can proceed to the Grove.

Deal with the leader of the giants

The Grove of Giants is a corner fenced off from the outside world wildlife. In the middle of the only clearing stands the real sanctuary of Malacath in the form of his statue. The leader of the giants has set up camp nearby, cynically roasting the corpses of the orc pilgrims he killed at the stake.

Once in place, Yamarz will again show weakness. At the last moment, he will chicken out, but trying not to reveal his fear, he will try to persuade Dovahkiin to fight the leader of the giants instead of him, promising an additional reward. Here a choice appears: agree to help Yamarz or refuse.

Refuse to help Yamarz

If the main character refuses, then Yamarz will reluctantly go to fight the giant, but will die a little faster than immediately. And our protégé will still have to deal with the leader of the giants.

Agree to help Yamarz

If Dovahkiin agrees to earn a couple more coins and takes pity on the cowardly orc, then, after defeating the giant, Yamarz will treacherously attack the main character. His motive is simple and clear: he does not want to leave a witness to his shame. There is nothing left to do but deal with the traitor.

In any scenario, after the death of both leaders, Malacath will speak to the Dragonborn. He will say that Dovahkiin himself must return Shagrol's war hammer to Largashbur, telling the tribe members about the shame of their former leader.

Return Shagrol's warhammer to Largashbur

Upon returning to the Dovahkiin fortress, Atub will meet Malacath at the sanctuary. She will immediately understand that Yamarz died and ask how it happened. You can tell the truth or lie so as not to spoil Atub’s opinion of her husband. In any case, Malacath himself will tell the truth.

After this, the Daedra Prince will demand that Shagrol's war hammer be placed on the altar of the sanctuary. The hammer will disappear, and in its place a Daedric artifact will materialize - the Volendrung war hammer. Malacath will say that Volendrung will now be owned by the Dragonborn, since only he is worthy. The Orc God will then appoint Gularzob as the new leader.

After this, the task is considered completed, and the tribe of the Largashbur fortress will consider Dovahkiin a friend.

Quest given by: Atub (orc camp Largashbur)
Requirements: Character level 9 or higher
Reward: Volendrung two-handed hammer

Largashbur is a fortress southwest of Riften that is home to a mistrustful Orc tribe. As you approach the walls of the fortress, you will witness a battle between a group of Orcs and a giant.

You can simply watch as the Orcs eventually gain the upper hand, or you can intervene and help (be careful: if you hit the Orc, the tribe will attack you).

After defeating the giant, Hugo one of the gate guards will immediately ask you to leave. However, the shaman Atub will ask for forgiveness for her relative. Ask her about what is happening, and she will tell you that her tribe is suffering and needs help.

It turns out that the once powerful tribe, led by Yamarz, is cursed. The giants feel this weakness of the tribe and therefore periodically attack the fortress. Yamarz has demanded that the tribe remain within the walls of Largashbur, and Atub wants to ask Malacath (the Daedra Lord) to lift the curse. Since the shaman cannot travel to the temple, the ritual must be performed within the fortress, but Atub is missing some ingredients: Troll Fat and Daedra Heart.

Extraction of ingredients

Troll Fat: fat is a relatively common ingredient. Trolls live in the snowy regions of Skyrim. A couple can always be found near the Labyrinthian. You can also buy it from the alchemist.

Once you return to the Orc camp with all the ingredients, Atub will thank you and invite you to Largashbur.

We walk through the courtyard and enter the longhouse. The head of the tribe Yamarz is inside. When we meet the leader, we understand that he does not have the best feelings for us. Atub informs Yamarz that it is time for the ritual.

The shaman begins the ritual: the loud ear of Malacath covers the entire camp. The Daedra Lord is angry with Yamarz, accusing him of being weak. In addition, the Orcs allowed the giants to take possession of the shrine of Malacath. The tribal leader is ordered to clean out the place of worship. Only then will Malacath consider lifting the curse. The ritual ends and Yamarz takes on the task. But first, he wants to talk to you.

Blaming us for everything, Yamarz demands that we help him. We will act as a bodyguard and make sure that the head of the tribe reaches the leader of the giants safely and ends his life. For this, Yamarz promises not to remain in debt. Agreeing or not, we must meet the leader near the entrance to the Yellow Stone cave, which leads to the sanctuary of Malacath. The entrance to the cave is located in the foothills of Mount Velothi, northeast of Riften.

Yamarz reluctantly descends deeper into the cave; we follow him. Along the way we will meet giants (it is not necessary to kill them, you can just pass by). Having dealt with them, we continue walking. A few minutes later we come across cave bears, kill them and go out into the Grove of Giants.

Walking along the bones and bloody trails deeper into the grove, Yamarz stops and makes a proposal to us: The Orc offers to kill us the giant, after which he will return to the tribe and tell us about his success. For this, the leader promises to fill our pockets to the brim with gold. We have two choices:

a) Agree to the offer
b) Persuade Yamarz, kill the giant

In the first case, having killed the giant, Yamarz will say that no one should find out about his cowardice and will attack us.

If we persuade Orc, the giant will launch Yamarz into space with one movement of his club.

One way or another, after defeating the giant (it’s not difficult to kill him, use the features of the landscape in combination with magic and a bow), take the “Shagrol’s War Hammer” from his body. This is the same weapon that Malacath ordered Yamarz to deliver to Largashbur. Next, the Daedra Lord will speak to you. He admires your fighting skills.


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