Reserves and national parks of the Urals. Reserves and national parks of the Chelyabinsk region National parks and reserves of the Urals table

Every year on January 11, our country celebrates the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. And today in the libraries of Chelyabinsk one hundred R toval Eco-tour« World of Nature Reserves . This topic was not chosen by chance, because we, in the Chelyabinsk region, have unique, beautiful national reserves and parks. He will talk about them in our blog head Local History Department of the Central Library named after A.S. PushkinElena Istomina (note, photo by the author).

Nature reserves and national parks - specially protected natural areas - today are perhaps the only way to protect at least a small part of the wild nature and animal world from destruction.

The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks was first celebrated in 1997 on the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund. January 11 was not chosen for this event by chance - on this day in 1917, the first state reserve was formed in Russia - Barguzinsky, which today celebrates its 100th anniversary!

The Chelyabinsk region is home to several nature reserves and parks of national importance and cultural value, which are rich in unique nature and living creatures. These are specially protected areas that are designed to maintain ecological balance.

Ilmensky State Reserve

A corner of nature that is remarkable in its beauty and unique in its diversity of minerals, the Ilmen Mountains, has long attracted scientists and stone lovers. The history of Ilmen exploration began more than 200 years ago, when it became known in Russia and Europe about the richness and originality of the Ilmen Mountains.

Over the years, famous German mineralogists and collectors visited here: I. Menge, A. Humboldt, G. Rose, academicians N.I. Koksharov, P.V. Eremeev, A.P. Karpinsky, D.S. Belyankin, V.I. Vernadsky, A.N. Zavaritsky, A.E. Fersman and many others.

In 1920, the Ilmen Mountains were declared a mineralogical reserve, one of the first reserves created in Russia. Today it is an environmental, scientific and research state institution with the status of an institute as part of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the reserve is to preserve the natural complex in its natural state, to carry out fundamental scientific research of geological, mineralogical, ecological and biological profiles, and to educate the population in environmental and natural sciences.

The Ilmensky Nature Reserve is the only place in the world where, on an area of ​​300 sq. m. there are about 200 types of minerals. Many of them have from 2 to 15 varieties. Here you can find amazonite, sunstone, sea-green aquamarine and blue sodalite, thick cherry almandines and red nepheline, and transparent hyacinths. 30 minerals were discovered for the first time in Ilmeny, and 9 are found only here, among them titanium iron ore or ilmenite.

But the Urals are famous not only for minerals. More than 20 lakes sparkle with blue saucers on the green map of the reserve.

There are more than 800 plant species in the reserve. Among them there are many relicts that have come down to us from the Ice Age. The fauna of Ilmen is also rich: 50 species of mammals, 200 birds, 14 species of fish. Local colonies of beavers and muskrats are also numerous. The reserve is home to all representatives of the Ural fauna: bear, wolf, lynx, roe deer, elk, wild boar and sika deer imported from the Far East.

Specialized natural landscape and historical and archaeological center "Arkaim"

“Country of Cities” is the conventional name for the steppe region of the Southern Urals, where in the 18th - 17th centuries. BC. A vibrant Bronze Age civilization emerged, contemporary with the pyramids of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the famous palaces of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture. The archaeological “Country of Cities” became known with the discovery and research of the cultural complexes Arkaim, Sintashta, Ustye, as well as through the use of space and aerial photography methods.

The Arkaim cultural complex, unique in its preservation and the most studied of the “country of cities,” was discovered in 1987. The total area of ​​the monument is 20 thousand sq.m. The area of ​​archaeological excavations is more than 8 thousand square meters. On the modern steppe surface, a bypass ditch is clearly visible, behind it are two rings of earthen ramparts and a central square. Archaeological studies have shown that the ramparts are the remains of defensive walls, built from the soil of adobe blocks and wood. Inside each ring, like spokes in a wheel, are dwellings that were built from log frames and dirt blocks. In the utility compartments of the houses there are fireplaces, wells, pits for storing food, and metallurgical furnaces. There are covered courtyards in front of the exits. Today, 29 dwellings have been explored. Geophysical methods made it possible to establish that the entire complex consisted of 60 buildings (35 in the outer circle and 25 in the inner circle). Circular and radial streets, a drainage and sewerage system, the bases of gate towers, niches and passages inside powerful defensive walls - all this presents an unusually vivid picture. The settlement has a large collection of ceramics, bone and stone items, metal tools and numerous items related to metallurgical production.

Arkaim today is a natural landscape and historical and archaeological museum-reserve, the work of which is planned in two main directions: the history of climate change and the natural environment of the Southern Urals over the course of 12-10 thousand years; history of changes in human economic activity; interdependence of culture and environment.

East Ural Nature Reserve

In 1957, a major accident occurred at the Mayak chemical plant, as a result of which an East Ural radioactive trace (EURT) was formed within the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Sverdlovsk regions. Research has been conducted since 1958. On April 9, 1966, the East Ural State (Radiation) Reserve was created on an area of ​​16,616 hectares in the head part of the EURT in the north of the Chelyabinsk region. Revealed species diversity: vascular plants 455 species, mosses more than 160 species, mammals 47 species, birds 214 species, amphibians 5 species, reptiles 4 species. The reserve is a large base for radioecological research. Administratively, it is part of the Mayak PA.

Located in the forest-steppe zone of the region. Despite the increased background radiation, thanks to the effective protection of the territory, the reserve is a reserve for many rare species (for example, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, osprey, black-headed gull and Dalmatian pelican).

National Natural Park "Taganay"

Taganay Park is one of the youngest national parks in Russia, established on March 6, 1991. The park is located in one of the most unique corners of the Southern Urals - in the area of ​​the Taganay mountain cluster, just north of the ancient Ural city of Zlatoust. Its area is 56.1 thousand hectares. These are natural complexes that have special ecological, historical, cultural and aesthetic value. The park contains more than 10 natural monuments, over 900 species of plants, more than 190 species of birds and 40 species of mammals. The geographical border of Europe and Asia passes through the park.

For their beauty, these places were often compared with the famous alpine landscapes, calling them “Russian Switzerland” and “Ural Tyrol”. But this is not the only uniqueness of the Taganay National Park. Many valuable ecological systems have been preserved here almost untouched - mountain tundras and meadows, subalpine woodlands, relict forests. On the territory of the national park there are ancient mineral mines, the wealth of which is presented in the collections of many mineralogical museums both in Russia and abroad. Here, in a relatively small area, there are plants and animals characteristic of the Central zone of the European part of Russia, the Russian North, the Volga region, the Urals, Western and Central Siberia, and Kazakhstan. In short, the Taganay National Park is a small mountainous country with its peaks and intermountain valleys, swift mountain rivers and marshy swamps, tundra and small taiga.

National Natural Park "Zyuratkul"

In the southern part of the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 200 km west of the regional center - the city of Chelyabinsk and 30 km from the nearest cities of Satka and Bakala, is located one of the most beautiful parks in Russia - the Zyuratkul National Park.

The park territory occupies the highest mountainous part of the Chelyabinsk region. There are 15 natural monuments in the park.

The center of the park is the high-mountain lake (724 m above sea level) Zyuratkul - the pearl of the region, a unique natural object.

The unique aesthetics of this large mountain reservoir, its unusual high-altitude location, the purity and transparency of the water fully justify the name - the characteristic of the lake - the Ural Ritsa. The lake is one of the most remarkable natural monuments of the Urals, not only Russian, but also world-class. On the shores of Lake Zyuratkul there were once sites of primitive people - 12 sites of fishermen and hunters from the Stone Age (VIII-V millennium BC) were discovered on the lake.

On the territory of the park there is the highest ridge of the Chelyabinsk region - the Nurgush ridge (average height - 1200 m, maximum - 1406 m above sea level) it stretches for 50 km. At the top of the ridge is a unique huge mountain plateau, about 9 square kilometers, the largest in the region, with groups of tundra vegetation. The second highest mountain range, Zyuratkul, is also located here. An ancient “paleovolcano” was found among the mountains, in the crater of which there are more than 70 minerals - and this is on an area of ​​1 square kilometer, which is unique for Russia.

The park exhibits a combination of relict vegetation from several geographical zones. Up to 650 species of plants grow in the park, and the list of rare plants in the Red Book includes more than 70 names. There are local endemic and relict forms of animals, insects and plants.

In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Ecology plans to create a new specially protected natural area in the Chelyabinsk region - Zigalga National Park.

Zigalga is one of the most powerful and extensive ridges of the Southern Urals. Located on the left bank of the Yuryuzan River, it belongs to the central Taganay-Yamantau belt. The most significant peaks, from south to north: the highest point of Zigalga and the third highest in the Southern Urals - Bolshoy Shelom (1427 m), Third Shelom (1293 m), Merzly Utes (Merzlaya, 1237 m), Poperechnaya (1389 m), Evlakta (1310 m). It borders with the Bolshaya Suka, Nary, Bakty ridges and the Iremel massif.

The idea of ​​creating the Zigalga National Park in the Chelyabinsk Region was widely announced in December 2011, when the concept for the development of specially protected natural areas of federal significance until 2020 was approved. It was planned to create a national park by the beginning of 2014. Its area should be 84 thousand hectares: from the border of the Zyuratkul National Park in the east to the South Ural Nature Reserve and the Bashkir Iremel Natural Park in the west. The purpose of its formation is to preserve the unique mountain landscapes of the central, most high-mountainous part of the Southern Urals, relict and endemic species of animals and plants, including butterflies and other insects listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Chelyabinsk region.

We invite you to the A.S. Pushkin Central Library for books about nature reserves and national parks of the Chelyabinsk region and Russia.Pay attention to the Guide “Chelyabinsk region. Dreams come true here" - an illustrated guide about the uniqueness of the region, its nature, people, history, culture, economy, architecture, sports and legends and with information that any traveler needs (food places, hotels, communications, etc.).



by geography

"National Parks of the Southern Urals"


Ulyana Tomasova, 9th grade


Isaeva Vera Vasilievna

geography teacher



Project work passport

1. Project name: National Parks of the Southern Urals

3. Project managers. Isaeva Vera Vasilievna – geography teacher

Table of contents

I. Introduction
1.1. Relevance of the study…………………………………………………………….1

1.2. Object of study……………………………………………………….2

1.3. Purpose of the study……………………………………………………….……2

1.4. Research objectives………………………………………………………..2



2.3. Bashkiria National Park ……………………………………………11

2.4. Buzuluksky Bor National Park ……………………………………13

III. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….15
IV. Bibliography. …………………………………………………………...16

I . Introduction

1.1. The relevance of research.

On the territory of the Southern Urals there are many corners of nature that are unique in their beauty. Often we do not think about the riches that nature has given us. Striving for a more comfortable life, we cut down forests, penetrate deeper into the bowels of the Earth, thereby causing enormous damage to nature. As a result, rivers dry up and rare species of plants, birds and animals disappear. The number of environmental problems on earth is also increasing. Where to look for solutions? How can we help preserve territories, natural resources, unique flora and fauna?

Object of study: national parks of the Southern Urals.

Objective of the project: ddescribe the specially protected areas of the Southern Urals.

Project objectives:

1. Study literature and Internet resources.

2. Select materials about the national parks of the Southern Urals.

3. Prepare a message and presentation of the project.

4. Draw conclusions.

Methods and techniques:

    collection of information;

    work with literature;

    processing of collected information;

    creative work on creating a presentation.

II. National parks of the Southern Urals

2.1. Zyuratkul National Park

National Park "Zyuratkul" is a national park located in the southern part of the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 30 km south of Satka, 200 km west of Chelyabinsk. Organized on November 3, 1993. Total area - 88,249 hectares, length from north to south - 49 km, length from west to east - 28 km.

The park performs the following main tasks: preservation of reference and unique natural complexes, monuments of nature, history, culture, archeology and other cultural heritage sites; environmental education of the population;

    development and implementation of scientific methods of nature conservation in conditions of recreational use;

    environmental monitoring;

    restoration of damaged natural and historical-cultural complexes;

    creating conditions for regulated tourism and recreation.

The national park is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

The highest mountain lake in the Urals (724 meters above sea level) - Zyuratkul - gives its name to the park of the same name, on the territory of which it is located. Founded in 1993. Located in the Chelyabinsk region. Created to preserve one of the most beautiful lakes in the Urals - Zyuratkul. Translated from the Bashkir language, “yurak-kul” means “heart-lake”. The lake is surrounded by mountain ranges. This is the most mountainous part of the Southern Urals. The park is located at the junction of two natural zones - taiga and forest-steppe.

These lands began to be developed a long time ago - on the shores of the lake, sites of Stone Age man were discovered, including the remains of ancient dwellings. The old Kazan road is at least 3000 years old, which was used by many warlike tribes crossing the mountains.

The park is located in the highest mountainous part of the Southern Urals. The terrain is mountainous, heavily intersected by river valleys and small streams. The Nurgush ridge, located in the central part of the park, is the third highest in the Southern Urals, its highest point is 1406.2 meters above sea level.

Many rivers of the reserve carry their waters from mountain springs, which is why they are so clean and transparent. Some of these rivers are natural monuments: Bolshaya Kalagaza, Berezyak, and Bolshaya Satka in the upper and lower reaches.

The climate of the region is temperate continental, characterized by a large annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations. The average temperature in July is +16.6ºС, in January -16ºС. The absolute maximum temperature reaches +38ºС, the absolute minimum –50ºС.

The mountainous terrain of the national park determines the presence of altitude zones here: dark coniferous forests, subalpine and alpine meadows and mountain tundras.

Almost half of the species of vascular plants of the subalpine belt are endemics and relicts. These are alpine knotweed, cicerbita uralensis, valerian officinalis, horsetail, meadow grass, meadowsweet, blueberry, and Asian forget-me-not.

Among the endemics of the Southern Urals, Lagotis uralensis, cycerbita uralensis, Igoshina's groundsel, Krylov's hawkweed, Uralian kachim, Uralian Saussurea and others grow here.

Larch forests, a relic of the pre-glacial era, are a botanical attraction of the park.

46 species of mammals and 160 species of birds have been recorded in the protected area. Among the vertebrate animals, the predominant species are those characteristic of the forest zone of the Urals: squirrel, pine marten, bear, lynx, roe deer, black grouse, hazel grouse, woodcock, yellowtail, and others.

Among the bird species listed in the Red Book of Russia, the golden eagle is noted in the park.

Lake Zyuratkul is rich in fish. It is home to pike, burbot, perch, ide, and roach. Such valuable fish as whitefish, ripus, and bream were successfully acclimatized.

There are many routes developed and arranged in the national park. In addition to those listed earlier, in the park it will be interesting to see such natural monuments as the rock complex "Zyuratkul Pillars", the rock outcropping "Grebeshok" on the Bereznyak River, the artesian spring Fountain and many other wonders of nature

2.2. Taganay National Park

The mysterious word “taganay” is interpreted by researchers in different ways. Most often, the translation from Bashkir sounds like “Moon stand”, or “Moon supply”, “lunar tripod”. There are also possible options such as “mountain of the rising moon,” “mountain of the new moon.” And if the word is of Kett origin, then the translation will sound like “comb.”

The national park itself was formed in 1991 with the aim of preserving the natural complexes of the Taganay mountain ranges and Lake Turgoyak, which have special ecological and aesthetic value. Another important work of the park is to ensure the development of sustainable tourism.

The park occupies the northern part of the territory of the municipality of Zlatoust and a small part of the Kusinsky district. Its territory is 56.8 thousand hectares (568 sq. km.). Among the 29 national parks of Russia, Taganay ranks 20th in area, and among the parks of the Ural Federal District it ranks 2nd. There are 13 natural monuments located in the park.

The uniqueness of “Taganay” is that here, on a relatively small area of ​​land, animals and plants characteristic of the central zone of European Russia, the Russian North, the Volga region, the Urals, Western and Central Siberia, and Kazakhstan are found together. In the park, valuable ecological systems of mountain tundra and meadows, subalpine woodlands and relict forests have been preserved almost untouched. Although in mineralogical terms Taganay is inferior to the world-famous Ilmen, collection samples of Taganay minerals are presented in the exhibitions of many museums in Russia and other countries.

The park's relief is a system of mid-mountain ridges of Taganay. The tops of the ridges are most often rocky and inaccessible, crowned with bizarre outcrops and steep ridges. The most impressive in this regard is the bulk of the Responsive Ridge. The slopes of many peaks (Kruglitsa, Itsil) are continuous piles of large blocks of kurumniks. These stone screes “flow” down, forming entire “stone rivers” at the foot.

Taganay National Park is a small mountainous country of unique beauty with unique flora and fauna, captivating landscapes for the traveler, and an interesting history. It is no coincidence that famous scientists, writers, artists and travelers, who visited these places at least once, dedicated many admiring words to Taganay. The Taganay mountain range in the Zlatoust region is represented by the following notable peaks of the ridge.

The northernmost and most extensive peak in area of ​​Big Taganay is Dalniy Taganay. It is located 20 km northeast of the city limits of Zlatoust. Dalny Taganay consists of three ridges.

A notable feature of Dalny Taganay is strong winds: the average annual wind speed here reaches 10.3 m/s, the maximum is over 50 m/s. Clear weather is rare here; on average, there are almost 240 days of fog and 132 days of snowstorms in Far Taganay per year. The highest peak of Bolshoi Tagannay - Kruglitsa rises to the sky to a height of 1178 m. It is located 12 km northeast of the city limits of Zlatoust.

The slopes of Krutlitsa are completely covered with sparse thickets of creeping juniper.

The white quartzites of Kruglitsa are mostly covered with lichens, which is why in clear sunny weather the peak is painted in the most delicate greenish-white tones.

In the saddle between Otklikny Ridge and Kruglitsa there is the Valley of Fairy Tales (locally called Pesochnye Gorki), a uniquely beautiful area of ​​sub-alpine low-growing coniferous forest (spruce, fir) with clearings of berries (lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries), mountain grasses and juniper dwarf trees, with numerous bizarre remnants composed of sugar-like quartzites

9 km northeast of the city limits of Zlatoust rises Otkliknoy Greben, the second peak in the Bolshoi Taganay system. This mountain received its name for its characteristic ridge-like outline (view from Chrysostom) and a loud, repeated echo arising from the reflection of sound from an almost vertical rocky wall.

The height of the current Otklikny Ridge is 1155 m, the length of the rocky part is about 800 m, the relative height of the remains from the foot of the peak is 150 m. This peak is composed of crystalline schists and quartzites; among the minerals here there are almandine garnets, staurolites and a wide variety of aventurines (pink, white, yellow). At the foot there is a fir forest, at the northern end there is a small plateau.

The southernmost peak of Bolshoi Taganay, the Double-Headed Sopka, is located 7 km away. Northeast of the city limits of Zlatoust. The Double-Headed Hill is composed of white quartzites, their whiteness in sunny weather blinds with the power of high-mountain snow. On the southern slope of the mountain there is a huge single rock, its outline reminiscent of an ancient Gothic castle - the famous Climbing Wall, replete with almost vertical rock walls. Climbers often conduct their training here.

On the eastern slope of the Left Side, at an altitude of 690 meters, there is the famous “White Key”, the most famous Taganay spring. The water in it is unusually clear and tasty, incomparable to any other. An analysis carried out in February 1990 by geographers from Moscow State University showed that the softness of the source water is higher than even that of melted snow, i.e. there are practically no mineral salts in it.

The territory of the park is characterized by a cool and excessively humid climate. In winter, temperatures drop to -50ºС, the maximum in summer is +38ºС.

The flora of Taganay is formed by elements of the floras of Kazakhstan, Western and Central Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region, the Central strip of European Russia and the Russian North.

From the north, along the ridges, a zone of mountain spruce-fir forests of the middle taiga enters here, from the east - southern taiga forests with an admixture of larch and birch, birch-pine forests. Here you can see mountain steppes, and the highlands are occupied by subalpine meadows and mountain tundra.

Among the types of vegetation in the park, 45 are relics, that is, remnants of the flora of previous eras, which are in some inconsistency with modern conditions of existence. Another 14 are endemic to the Urals and Cis-Urals, that is, they are not found anywhere else except these territories.

The unique geographical location of the park also left its mark on the animal world of the park. It is represented by more than 50 species of mammals. Here, following the plants, the fauna of Siberia and Central Russia, the south and the north, interpenetrate and mix.

Here you can find elk, Siberian roe deer, wild boar, representatives of mustelids - weasel, ermine and others, brown bear, lynx, hare.

Of the total number of bird species, one third are wintering, the rest are found on migration and during migrations. Wintering species include waxwings, tap dancers, and hawk owls. In winter, during migrations, birds of the tundra and northern taiga are encountered: white owl, snow bunting, bullfinch, nutcracker. Wood grouse, hazel grouse, and black grouse nest under the forest canopy. Very rare and subject to protection: osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, eagle owl.

Many routes have been developed and landscaped in the park.

2.3. Bashkiria National Park

The national park, formed in 1986, is located in the southeastern part of Bashkiria. In the north and east, the park borders the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve, serving as a buffer zone for it. The area of ​​the park is 83.2 thousand hectares, including 2.5 thousand - the water area of ​​the Nugush reservoir.

The national park is located on the southwestern slopes of the Southern Urals, west of the Ural-Tau watershed ridge. The relief is dissected by deeply incised river valleys. Rivers cutting through the ridges form deep and narrow canyons with rocky outcrops of bizarre shapes - “Devil's Finger”, “Sphinx”, “Castle”, “Duck’s Nose” and others.

The mountain rivers of the park - Belaya, Nugush, Kuzha, Uryuk - are fed by snow, rain and groundwater. Interesting objects are the streams Shulgan, Sumgan, Kutuk, Yuriash. These streams in the upper reaches disappear underground and make their way under the limestones, forming karst cavities (Kapova Cave, Sumgan Gap).

The climate in the park is continental, characterized by relatively sharp variability and inconsistency of weather in individual years, which is especially typical for the mountainous areas of the Urals. The average air temperature in July is +19.7ºС, but sometimes rises to +41ºС. In winter, temperatures can drop to -48ºС

The vegetation cover of the territory combines features of steppe, broad-leaved, taiga and mountain-meadow vegetation. In the central part of the park, due to the inaccessibility of the territory, forests have been preserved, where you can find many old hollow trees and dead wood, which are the habitat of many living organisms.

In the flora of the park, 15 rare and endangered species included in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR (1988) were identified, including: Russian hazel grouse, low iris, red pollenhead, lady's slipper (listed in the IUCN Red Book), straight grouse, Shiverekia Podolskaya, astragalus Klera, thin-legged stiff-leaved.

In the park there are almost all species of animals characteristic of the Southern Urals: brown bear, wolf, lynx, ermine, European mink, hare, chipmunk, muskrat, roe deer.

More than 30 bird species are classified as rare and endangered. 16 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. These are the black-throated loon, black stork, white-eyed duck, osprey, greater spotted eagle, imperial eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, and common gray shrike.

The rivers and reservoir are inhabited by pike, common taimen, European grayling, pike perch and many other fish.

There are several wonderful natural monuments located on the territory of the national park. Firstly, this is the Kuperlya karst bridge, which nature spent millions of years creating: the Kuperlya river, having disappeared into an underground channel, began to make its way underground, developing a cave. Gradually, the roof of the cave became thinner and finally collapsed, leaving part in the form of a bridge. The length of the bridge is 35 meters, the width in the very middle right above the river is a little more than a meter, the span height is 16 meters.

Another notable place: speleological museum - laboratory of the Kutuk-Sumgan tract. Here along the river valleys there are karst caves, a karst tunnel, a bridge, funnels of various sizes, wells, and numerous springs. In the underground halls of the caves you can see stalactites, stalagmites, grottoes, chambers, calcite dams, cave pearls.

The Sumgan Cave evokes not only admiration for its stone beauty, but also respect for the scale of its architecture. This is the longest cave in the Urals. The total installed length of the passages is 9860 meters, and the depth is 134 meters. Tourists are fascinated by the alluring “windows” in the shaft of the water shaft, the multi-meter tongues of ice hanging from them and the yet unsolved secrets of the caves.

2.4. Buzuluksky Bor National Park

The Buzuluksky Bor National Park is located in the Orenburg region.

“Buzuluksky Bor” - on the one hand, this park can hardly be called the Southern Urals, after all, it is the west of the Orenbuzhye region, it is not so far from Samara. But still, this is still the Orenburg region, i.e. Southern Urals.

Buzuluksky Bor differs from other national parks in the Southern Urals. There are no mountains here. This is an island forest standing on steppe sandstones and geologically this is not the Urals - this is the high Trans-Volga region. And as many as 106 thousand hectares of first-class pine forest in the middle of the steppes.

There are several settlements within the park that have interesting names. "Guerrilla". The places here are truly partisan. Or, for example, “Panic”.

“Buzuluksky Bor” is the youngest of all the national parks of the Southern Urals.It appeared in 2007. So far everything here is in its infancy, but recreation areas have already been equipped and two tourist routes have been developed.

2.5. Zigalka National Park

In 2017, the Russian Ministry of Ecology plans to create a new specially protected natural area in the Chelyabinsk region - the Zigalga National Park.

Zigalga is one of the most powerful and extensive ridges of the Southern Urals. Located on the left bank of the Yuryuzan River, it belongs to the central Taganay-Yamantau belt. The most significant peaks, from south to north: the highest point of Zigalga and the third highest in the Southern Urals - Bolshoy Shelom (1427 m), Third Shelom (1293 m), Merzly Utes (Merzlaya, 1237 m), Poperechnaya (1389 m), Evlakta (1310 m). It borders with the Bolshaya Suka, Nary, Bakty ridges and the Iremel massif.

The idea of ​​creating the Zigalga National Park in the Chelyabinsk Region was widely announced in December 2011, when the concept for the development of specially protected natural areas of federal significance until 2020 was approved. Its area should be 84 thousand hectares: from the border of the Zyuratkul National Park in the east to the South Ural Nature Reserve and the Bashkir Iremel Natural Park in the west.

The purpose of its formation is to preserve the unique mountain landscapes of the central, most high-mountainous part of the Southern Urals, relict and endemic species of animals and plants, including butterflies and other insects listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Chelyabinsk region.

III . Conclusion

Summing up our research, the purpose of which was to characterize the specially protected natural areas of the Southern Urals, we found out that in this ecologically complex region of our country, a huge amount of work is being done to protect various natural objects. Many protected areas and national parks have been created, the main goal of which is to preserve the unique Ural landscapes with their flora and fauna from anthropogenic, destructive influence.

The diversity of landscapes in the Urals makes it especially attractive. Here you can find forests, steppes, tundras and even glaciers, which evokes genuine admiration for the nature of this place.

We have identified the diversity of specially protected areas of the Southern Urals and proven their main role in preserving the biological diversity of the Urals, as well as throughout Russia. Here forest islands and steppe islets, tundras not yet covered by all-terrain vehicles, river basins and mountain landscapes are protected from massive human invasion.

National parks preserve the standards of Ural nature, extremely diverse nature, sometimes harsh and majestically inaccessible, often beautiful and generous.


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10. Gorchakovsky P.L. Flora of the high mountain Urals. M., Nauka, 1975, 284 p.

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12. Chernyavskaya S.I. Mammals of the Denezhkin Stone Nature Reserve. Tr. zap-ka “Denezhkin Stone”, 1959. Vol. 1, Sverdlovsk, p. 87-113.

13. Igoshina K.I. Flora of mountain and lowland tundras and woodlands of the Urals. // Plants of the north of Siberia and the Far East. M.-L., Nauka, 1966, p. 135-223.

14. Makunina A.A. Physical geography of the USSR, M., 1985.

15. Prokaev V.I. Physico-geographical zoning as a scientific basis for planning a network of state reserves in the Urals. // Nature conservation in the Urals., Sverdlovsk, 1960.

16. Prokaev V.I. Physico-geographical zoning of the Sverdlovsk region, vol. 1. (textbook), Sverdlovsk, 1976, 137 p.

17. The Urals and the Urals. M., Nauka, 1968, 461 p.

18. Alpatiev A.M., Arkhangelsky A.M. Physical geography of the USSR., M. 1976.

2. Rakovskaya E.M. Physical geography of Russia. M., 2001.p.

3. Milkov F.N., Gvozdetsky N.A. Physical geography of the USSR. M., 1986.

4. Zhitnev D.V., Serebryansky M.M. Pechero Ilchinsky Reserve., 1988.

5. Tarasov O.V., Rovny S.I., Bakurov A.S. Nature conservation of the Southern Urals. Chelyabinsk, 2007.

6. Website and

7. Vernigor R.A. Denezhkina Stone has the status of a nature reserve. Wildlife protection. M., 1983, p. 28. Peacemakers Yu.I. Reserve “Denezhkin Stone”. Reserves of the USSR, vol. 2, M., Geografgiz, 1951, p. 38-44

8. Kharitonov D.E. Spiders of the “Denezhkina Stone” and its environs (Northern Urals). // Scientific journals of Perm University, 1956, vol. 2, Issue. 3, p. 15-35.

9. Gorchakovsky P.L. Money stone. Around the World, 1949, No. 9, p. 48-50.

The slopes of Yamantau are covered with swamps and littered with kurumnik - a pile of sharp stones. Many brown bears live here. According to legend, Mount Yamantau has very strong energy and can radically change the life of a person who climbs to its peak at least once.

The Inzerskie Zubchatki ridge is one of the most picturesque places in the Southern Urals (Photographer Alexey Klyanin)

The rivers of the South Ural Nature Reserve are quite small in size, their length does not exceed 100 m. The largest are the Maly Inzer, Tulmen (or Tulma), Bolshoi Inzer and Yuryuzan. All of them belong to the Belaya River basin. The Tulma River is considered the cleanest in the area, but also one of the shallowest, its depth does not exceed 2 m. After the reserve was founded and active deforestation was stopped, beavers settled in these places and the Caucasian otter returned.

Tulmen River

Having visited the reserve, you will probably find out what hanging swamps are. The largest of them is Sychinskoye (750 hectares), somewhat smaller ones are Mokhovoe and Kolpatskoye. They are called hanging because they form on the slopes of mountains, where groundwater comes to the surface. The water in the Sychinsky swamp is constantly in motion, flowing from the upper edge to the lower edge, and vice versa.

general information

  • Full name: South Ural State Nature Reserve.
  • IUCN Category: Ia (Strict Natural Reserve).
  • Date of foundation: June 19, 1978.
  • Region: Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Chelyabinsk region.
  • Area: 252,800 hectares. Relief: mountainous.
  • Climate: sharply continental.
  • Official website:
  • Email: [email protected].

History of creation

Until the middle of the 18th century, the territory of the modern South Ural Nature Reserve was practically uninhabited.

In the 19th century, huge areas in the Ural Mountains were occupied by the private Inzersky forest dacha; two iron smelting plants operated here: Inzersky and Lapyshtinsky. It is not surprising that natural processes were greatly disrupted. In 1924, the factories were completely stopped and closed. Then a number of forestry enterprises were organized here. Deforestation has reached alarming proportions.

In the late 1970s, large-scale construction of a secret facility began in the vicinity of the Yamantau ridge. In the depths of the mountain, the closed city of Mezhgorye grew up, which had several other names: Ufa-105, Solnechny, Beloretsk-16, etc. In parallel with this, the South Ural Nature Reserve was founded in 1978.

The South Ural Nature Reserve is one of the most beautiful and inaccessible in Russia. It is located in the highest mountainous area of ​​the Southern Urals

Vegetable world

On the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve, 700 species of higher plants grow, 226 species of mosses; 169 - lichens, 177 - soil algae and 121 - fungi. 57 plant species are relicts of various ages.

About 80% of the reserve's territory is occupied by forest. The main species here are Siberian fir (Abies sibirica) and Siberian spruce (Picea obovata). Light-coniferous forests are dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Sukachev larch (Larix sukac-zeivii). Among the shrubs you can find species that are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan: common juniper (Juniperus communis), wolf's bast (Daphne mezereum), Kuril bush tea (Pentaphylloides fruticosa).

Surprisingly beautiful and fragrant during the flowering period, the wolf's bast shrub, or deadly wolfberry, is considered one of the most dangerous representatives of the flora of the South Ural Nature Reserve. The shrub received its name “wolf bast” because of the high strength of the bast layer of the bark. It’s as if the plant itself is warning: don’t touch me!

The diversity of mushrooms in the Southern Urals is amazing, and each of them is unique in its own way. For example, the common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) is interesting because its body is not divided into a cap and a leg, but is a single whole.

Animal world

The fauna of the South Ural Nature Reserve includes 50 species of mammals, 188 birds, 5 reptiles, 5 amphibians and 23 fish. Almost all large vertebrates characteristic of Bashkortostan are found here. There are also several interesting representatives of the mustelid family. These include the American mink (Neovison vison), brought here in the 1930s, the stone marten (Martes foina), and the common otter (Lutra lutra).

The reserve has a large population of moose (Alces alces) - there are up to 700 of them here. Climbing Yamantau, you can meet whole herds of these forest giants.

In the reserve there are birds that are listed in the Red Book of Russia. These are the black stork (Ciconia nigra), red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis), short-tailed eagle (Circaetus gallicus), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetus), greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga), white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), sandpiper magpie (Haematopus ostralegus), eagle owl (Bubo bubo) and gray shrike (Lanius meridionalis).

Some amphibians and reptiles are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan. These are the common toad (Bufo bufo), grass frog (Rana temporaria), water snake (Natrix tessellata) and common copperhead (Coronella austriaca).

To the east of the Yamantau ridge is Mount Iremel (1582 m), which is considered sacred here. Between these mountains is the Inzerskie Zubchatki ridge - one of the most beautiful places in the Southern Urals. Each part of this ridge has its own name. The southern part, which is a pile of stones, is chaos. The northern one with high walls and natural stone gates is a castle; the central part is Mount Mayak, and next to it is a group of rocks called the Three Bogatyrs. Hermit monks have long settled near the battlements, spending their time in solitude, fasting and prayer. According to one of the ancient legends, it was from these places that the wise men came from, who brought their gifts to the infant Christ.

Mount Iremel

For visitors

Reserve mode

Certain areas of the reserve can be visited by prior agreement with the administration and after receiving a pass.

How to get there

You can get to Beloretsk from Ufa or Magnitogorsk by train or bus, from Moscow - by train Moscow - Magnitogorsk. The village of Tirlyan can be reached from Beloretsk by bus or taxi; the distance is about 30 km.

Where to stay

You can stay in private houses in the villages. At the administration of the reserve you can book an excursion and agree on a possible parking spot.

Student project work on the topic "National Parks of the Southern Urals"

View document contents
"Project National Parks of the Southern Urals"

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school named after. Zaika L.T.”

Krasny Oktyabr village, Varna district

Chelyabinsk region

Direction: social science

Information and educational

Project topic:

National parks of the Southern Urals


Anastasia Ponosova, 7th grade student

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school named after. Zaika L.T.” Krasny Oktyabr village

Varna district, Chelyabinsk region

Mentor: Stasenyuk Nadezhda Andreevna,

geography teacher

p. Krasny October, 2018


Introduction…………………………………………………………..……………..…….. 4

1. Theoretical part

1.1 “Zyuratkul”………………………………………………………....…………………5 1.2 “Taganay”…………………… ………………...…………………………….....………….6

1.3 “Bashkiria”…………………………………………..……………………….………….7

1.4 "Buzuluksky Bor" …………………………………………….…………………….….8

2. Practical partBasic techniques for working in Microsoft Office……….………………………………………………………..…………………………...…9

2.1 Creating a presentation layout

2.2 Inserting text and pictures





In order to create the project “National Parks of the Southern Urals,” Internet resources and literature were studied. The result was interesting and voluminous material. Each national park of the Southern Urals is also illustrated. And based on this, short stories were prepared to be included in the project. The project turned out to be colorful and interesting. I think that this work will benefit school students.

Project type – informational.

The work is educational in nature and will be useful to both teenagers and teachers as material for additional information on geography, history, possibly and other subjects.

This work contributes to the development of skills in working with literature, the Internet teaches how to work with the Microsoft Office Word program to achieve goals, promotes the development of cognitive, universal actions, and develops communication and creative abilities.


There are many unique and beautiful corners of nature in the Southern Urals. Very often, humanity does not think about the riches that nature has given and continues to give us. Striving for a more comfortable life, people are penetrating deeper into the bowels of the Earth, cutting down forests, thereby causing great damage to nature. As a result, many birds, animals, plants and insects simply disappear. Rivers and lakes are drying up. At the same time, the number of environmental problems on our land is increasing. Where then should we look for solutions? How to help and preserve territories, natural resources, unique flora and fauna?

Objective of the project: characterize the specially protected areas of the Southern Urals.

Project objectives:

1. Study literature and Internet resources.

2. Prepare a message and presentation of the project.

3. Select materials about the national parks of the Southern Urals.

4. Draw conclusions.

Methods and techniques:

    collection of information;

    work with literature;

    processing of collected information;

    creative work on creating a presentation.

Theoretical part

1.1 Zyuratkul National Park (1)

Zyuratkul National Park (Appendix 1) is located in the southern part of the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 30 km south of Satka, 200 km west of Chelyabinsk. Organized on November 22, 1993. The total area is 88,249 hectares, the length from north to south is approximately 49 km, the length from west to east is 28 km. On the territory of the park there is the Zyuratkul reservoir - the only high-mountain lake on the western slope of the Southern Urals and many mountain ranges. The park is located at the junction of two natural zones - taiga and forest-steppe - resulting in a wealth of flora and fauna.

There are forests on the territory - spruce and spruce-fir, as well as birch forests. 70 rare plants of the park are listed in the Red Book of Russia, among them: lady's slipper, large-flowered lady's slipper, male orchis, Ural anemone and many others. 90% of the territory is occupied by dark coniferous taiga, but birch is found in some areas. The climate of the region is temperate continental, characterized by a large annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations. The average temperature in July is +16.6ºС, in January -16ºС. The absolute maximum temperature reaches +38ºС, the absolute minimum –50ºС. Lake Zyuratkul is rich in fish. It is home to pike, burbot, perch, ide, and roach. Such valuable fish as whitefish, ripus, and bream were successfully acclimatized.

Taganay National Park (2)

Translated from the Bashkir language it is “moon stand”. “Taganay” is the most popular national park for tourists in the Southern Urals (Appendix 2). It is widely famous for its beauty due to its picturesque mountain ranges. Also here you can admire the high mountain ranges, and you can admire the amazing stone river that stretches for several kilometers, relict forests, woodlands and mountain tundras. There are also ancient mineral mines here. There is a Two-Headed Hill there. This is the very first mountain peak of the ridge, which is encountered on the way of tourists approximately 7 km from the start of the path. The two-headed hill is the most visited peak of Taganay. Uniqueness of the Taganay National Park:

    Ancient mineral deposits.

The park's relief is a system of mid-mountain ridges of Taganay. The tops of the ridges are most often rocky and inaccessible. The most impressive in this regard is the bulk of the Responsive Ridge. The slopes of many peaks are continuous piles of large boulders. These stone screes “flow” down, forming entire “stone rivers” at the foot. In the park, temperatures in winter reach -50, and in summer up to about +38.

Bashkiria National Park (3)

Bashkiria National Park (Appendix 3) is located on the southwestern slopes of the Southern Urals, where there are 15 settlements inhabited by about 3.8 thousand people. You can also see different animals there, such as polar bear, fox, lynx, badger, squirrel, hare, chipmunk, hamster, etc. There are more than 231 species of birds and 32 species of fish in the national park.

Approximately 30 thousand people visit the park every day. The most attractive places are the Belaya and Nugush rivers, the Kutukskoye tract, and the Nugushskoye reservoir. A tourist route for speleologists has been laid out in the Kutuksky tract. It consists of 36 karst caves, a tunnel, a bridge, sinkholes of various sizes, and mines. There are also monuments in the park, such as the Kuperlinsky karst bridge, Bear Glade and Kutuk-Sumgan. There are walking and horseback routes to all three monuments. The mountainous terrain of the park is strongly dissected by river valleys. Mountain rivers are fed by rain and groundwater, as well as snow.

Buzuluksky Bor National Park (4)

More than 60 thousand hectares of the Buzuluksky forest (Appendix 4) are occupied by sands, the thickness of which in some places reaches 90 meters. The main attraction of this park are two pine trees aged 300-350 years. Bor is surrounded on almost all sides by a strip of deciduous forest, which borders on the steppe.

This forest contains approximately 39 species of mammals, 144 species of birds, 8 species of reptiles, 4 species of amphibians, 23 species of fish and about 800 species of insects. Inhabited by elk, roe deer, wild boar, badger, marten, common squirrel, and beaver. There are also birds there, for example: golden eagle, wood grouse, gravedigger, black grouse. Previously, it was very common to see a lynx, but now this animal is on the verge of extinction. Also on the territory of the Buzuluksky pine forest there are several oil fields, which are estimated from 40 to 80 million tons.

In the Buzuluksky forest you can find corners of a wide variety of natural regions of the country: shady broad-leaved forest - oak forest and northern tundra, deep taiga and sultry feather grass steppe, as well as the Mast forest. Very close to the lowlands where sphagnum bogs are hidden, you can find streams with clean, cool water, in which, until recently, both trout and muskrat were found.

2 Practical part.

Basic techniques for working in Microsoft OfficePowerPoint

    1 Creating a layout presentations

Go to Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office and select Microsoft OfficeWord from the list.

To add a picture, click on the “Insert” button at the top (the “Insert. Picture” tab).

To change the arrangement of elements, click on the “Work with Picture” button at the top and select the appropriate option from the list.

Save your work via “File” (round button in the left corner) – “Save as...”.

2 Inserting text and pictures

You can insert text or a picture in two ways: “via copy-paste” or by clicking on the “Insert” tab at the top of the program. To add images, use the "Drawing" buttons


After studying the literature, I became acquainted with the National Parks of the Southern Urals, which preserve the standards of Ural nature, extremely diverse nature, sometimes harsh, always beautiful and generous.

I really enjoyed creating this project. While doing it, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the capabilities of Microsoft OfficeWord. Perhaps next year I will be able to continue this work and create a film about the parks of the Southern Urals.

Working on the project showed me that the national parks of the Southern Urals, which I talked about, are really very beautiful, wonderful. This project took me very little time, but I created it easily and fun. I think that the project I created is in great demand, they are modern, useful, colorful.

I'm satisfied with my job.

    "Geographical atlas of the Orenburg region." - M.: Publishing House DIK, 1999.

    "Order-bearing Orenburg region." - Chelyabinsk: South Ural book. publishing house, 1968.

    “Around the native land (Local history essays).” - Chkalov: Chkalov Book Publishing House, 1954.

    Buzuluksky pine forest // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons (82 tons and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890

Internet resources›pictures zyuratkul›taganay

  1. ru.depositphotos.comstock-photos/Taganay.html

  2. › Bashkiria (national park)› article…natsionalnyiy-park-bashkiriya…i…› …329394/natsionalnyy-park-bashkiriya ›Buzuluksky pine forest› dic.nsf/ruwiki/99926 /images › Buzuluksky pine forest pictures


Appendix 1: Zyuratkul National Park

Red rocks of Zyuratkul National Park

Appendix 2: Fast mountain river in the Ural Taiga, Blue sky, Sunny day.

Russia, Southern Urals. Golden autumn on Taganay

Appendix 3: White River of Bashkiria National Park

Nugush reservoir

Appendix 4: Mast forest

Buzuluksky pine forest, golden autumn

"National Parks of the Southern Urals"

National parks of the Southern Urals

Completed by: Anastasia Ponosova, 7th grade student

Zyuratkul National Park

  • Zyuratkul National Park is located in the southern part of the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. On the territory of the park there is the Zyuratkul reservoir - the only high-mountain lake on the western slope of the Southern Urals, it is very popular. There are many mountain ranges there. The park is located at the junction of two natural zones - taiga and forest-steppe - resulting in a wealth of flora and fauna.

Zyuratkul National Park

Zyuratkul reservoir

The shoe is real.

Slipper grandiflora

male orchis

Red Rocks

Taganay National Park

  • Translated from Bashkir it means “moon stand”. It is widely famous for its beauty due to its picturesque mountain ranges. Here you can admire high mountain ranges, an amazing stone river stretching for several kilometers, relict forests, woodlands and mountain tundras. There are ancient mineral mines here. There is a Two-Headed Hill there. This is the very first mountain peak of the ridge, which is encountered on the way of tourists approximately 7 km from the start of the path. The uniqueness of the Taganay National Park
  • almost untouched valuable ecological systems - mountain tundras and meadows, relict forests.
  • Plants and animals of different natural zones.

Double-headed hill

Bashkiria National Park

  • The national park is located on the southwestern slopes of the Southern Urals, where there are 15 settlements inhabited by about 3.8 thousand people. You can also see different animals there, such as polar bear, fox, lynx, badger, squirrel, hare, chipmunk, hamster, etc. There are more than 231 species of birds and 32 species of fish in the national park.

White river

Buzuluksky Bor National Park

  • More than 60 thousand hectares of the Buzuluksky forest are occupied by sands, the thickness of which in some places reaches 90 meters. The main attraction of this park are two pine trees aged 300-350 years. Bor is surrounded on almost all sides by a strip of deciduous forest that borders the steppe.

Mast forest

Golden autumn

View presentation content
"Protection of National Parks of the Southern Urals"

Information and educational project on the topic “National Parks of the Southern Urals”



  • Goal: to characterize the specially protected areas of the Southern Urals.
  • Tasks:
  • Study literature and Internet resources.
  • Prepare a message and presentation of the project.
  • Select materials about the national parks of the Southern Urals.
  • Draw conclusions.

Work plan

Stage of work on the project


Collect information and illustrations.

Planned result

1-2 week of February

Prepare design documentation.

Abstracts, Internet resources

3rd week of February

Create a presentation to defend your project work.

Make a preliminary defense.

Project work

4th week of February

Defense presentation

1-2 week of March

Protect the project.

Text of the speech

How I wrote a project paper

Introduction: Relevance of the topic, purpose, objectives

1 . Theoretical part. Working with Microsoft Office

1. 1 Create a presentation layout

1. 2 Inserting text and pictures

1. 3 Practical part

1. 4 Collection of information about the National Parks of the Southern Urals


My preliminary defense

I'm satisfied with my work.

The goal was achieved in full.

Creative project on the topic “National Parks of the Southern Urals”


7th grade student at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School named after. Zaika L.T. Krasny Oktyabr village, Varna district, Chelyabinsk region Anastasia Ponosova


Geography teacher Nadezhda Andreevna Stasenyuk

The reserves of the Urals are unique nature conservation areas. The amazing Ural region is characterized by the diversity of its landscapes, and its reserves are unique protected areas. The Urals carefully preserves its protected areas, of which there are quite a lot in the region.

The Ilmensky State Reserve was the very first in the Urals. It was formed in 1920 as a mineralogical one, but was later converted into a complex one.
The largest area in the Urals is the Yugyd Va National Park in the Komi Republic. Its area is about 2 million hectares.
One of the most famous nature reserves in the Urals, Pechoro-Ilychsky, is located in the southeastern part of the Komi Republic.

The difference between a Reserve and a National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary.

Reserves- protected natural areas, in which (unlike reserves) the entire natural complex is protected. The most important nature reserves in the world are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Reserves recognized as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are protected by international law and are called biosphere reserves.
There are also natural historical reserves, architectural reserves and museum reserves.

Site material https://site/

Reserve- a plot of land or water space within which the entire natural complex is completely and forever withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. A reserve is also called a scientific research institution to which the specified territories are assigned. There are more than 100 nature reserves and game reserves in Russia. Any activity that disturbs natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited in the reserve.

Biosphere Reserve- a protected area (reserve, national park, etc.), in which the protection of the most representative natural complexes for a given zone is combined with scientific research, long-term environmental monitoring and education in the field of nature conservation. The creation of biosphere reserves in Russia (since 1973) is associated with the “Man and the Biosphere” program.

National Park(natural national park), a territory (water area) in which landscapes and unique natural objects are protected. It differs from the reserve in allowing visitors for recreation.

Below is a list of existing state nature reserves and parks in the Urals with the chronological date of their formation. In the table, biosphere reserves that are part of the international system of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring are highlighted in green.

Nature reserves of the Urals

date of creation Name Location Area, sq. km.
1 May 14, 1920Ilmensky ReserveChelyabinsk region303,8
2 May 4, 1930Pechora-Ilychsky ReserveKomi Republic7213,22
3 July 11, 1930Bashkir Nature ReserveRepublic of Bashkortostan496,09
4 April 9, 1966East Ural Nature ReserveChelyabinsk region166,16
5 July 6, 1971Visimsky ReserveSverdlovsk region335
6 February 17, 1976Malaya SosvaKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra2255,62
7 June 19, 1978South Ural Nature ReserveRepublic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk region2528
8 May 31, 1982Yugansky ReserveKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra6486,58
9 October 1, 1982BasegiPerm region379,35
10 January 16, 1986Shulgan-TashRepublic of Bashkortostan225,31
11 December 24, 1986Verkhne-Tazovsky ReserveYamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug6313,08
12 May 12, 1989Orenburg ReserveOrenburg region216,53
13 February 26, 1991Vishera ReservePerm region2412
14 August 16, 1991Denezhkin StoneSverdlovsk region781,92
15 October 7, 1996Gydansky ReserveYamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug8781,74
16 October 9, 2014Shaitan-TauOrenburg region67,26

National parks of the Urals

Name Location
1 BashkiriaRepublic of Bashkortostan
2 Buzuluksky pine forestOrenburg and Samara regions
3 ZyuratkulChelyabinsk region
4 Pripyshma forestsSverdlovsk region
5 TaganayChelyabinsk region
6 Yugyd VaKomi Republic

Natural parks of the Urals

Name Location
1 Asly-KulRepublic of Bashkortostan
2 Bazhov placesSverdlovsk region
3 ZilimRepublic of Bashkortostan
4 IremelRepublic of Bashkortostan
5 Kandra-KulRepublic of Bashkortostan
6 Kondinskie lakesKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
7 Muradymovskoye GorgeRepublic of Bashkortostan
8 NumtoKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
9 Oleniy RuchiSverdlovsk region
10 Chusovaya RiverSverdlovsk region
11 Samarovsky ChugasKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
12 Siberian ridgesKhanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
13 YuribeyYamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

General provisions on specially protected natural territories of the Russian Federation, the procedure for the formation of state natural reserves, the regime of special protection of the territories of state natural reserves are determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1995 No. 33-FZ “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”.


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