I am renting a retail space. Rent out your premises to network companies. The image of an object is its most valuable asset


The beautiful term “exposition” is probably already known not only to market professionals, but also to consumers. And yet, let us clarify - by the words “exposition of an apartment,” experts mean the location of the object on the real estate market. Every owner who is really interested in selling their apartment always wants the exposure period to be as short as possible. The best realtor of the month based on the results of work in October, an expert in real estate operations at the Khamovniki branch, Elena Tsareva, talks about what influences the duration and success of the exposition. *

The exposition of an apartment begins from the moment information about your home enters the database and ends when you have decided on a buyer. This is a difficult and responsible period. Your home apartment, where every little thing is connected with memories, is meticulously viewed by strangers as a commodity, sorting out all its advantages and disadvantages. Most likely, you want all this to end as soon as possible, so you can breathe a sigh of relief and calmly prepare for the deal. And everyone wants their home to be appreciated.

Factors of influence

“The duration of an apartment’s exposure depends on several components,” says our expert Elena Tsareva. - One of the main factors is the so-called liquidity housing: how much demand are similar apartments in such an area.

Of course, high demand allows you to sell a property in a shorter period of time.

The second point is the price, or more precisely, its adequacy. As you know, any seller dreams of selling his apartment at a higher price, while any buyer wants to buy cheaper. And so that the apartment does not freeze, it is necessary to find a compromise. - There is a concept, which corresponds to the most common prices for housing of this type. If your goal is to sell as quickly as possible, the price should be either in the average or slightly lower. If you are offering an object at a price above average, it means that your apartment should have clear advantages: for example, European-quality renovation, convenient transport links, a school or kindergarten under your windows. If there are no significant advantages, it is better to settle on a more acceptable amount for a potential buyer. Judge for yourself: will it be possible to quickly sell a two-room apartment for 8 million 800 thousand rubles, if it is, to put it mildly, in normal condition, and its “red price” is no higher than eight million? Of course, if the client insists on his inflated price, the real estate specialist will look for a buyer, and there is even a chance that he will find one. The whole question is how long it will take.

Most likely, you will have to wait for months, and it is unknown whether you will be able to earn that much money.

The type of house (brick, panel, block, monolithic), as well as the floor on which the apartment is located, has a certain significance. For example, an apartment on the ground floor is always sold a little cheaper. “This tendency has its own everyday reasons,” explains Elena. - Residents of the first floor, as a rule, are faced with a loudly closing front door, from which, moreover, it blows all the time, and, possibly, unpleasant odors coming from the basement. In addition, you will definitely have to install bars on the windows to protect your home from thieves. There was a period when apartments on the ground floor were bought very willingly, especially if the house was located near a bus stop or metro station, on the so-called “red line”. Many purchased them in order to subsequently convert them into an office, store, hairdresser, etc. However, now the situation has changed. Firstly, the rules for transferring residential premises to non-residential premises have become more stringent. Secondly, in today's market there is a good selection of ready-made non-residential premises

, which do not need to be re-equipped, wasting a lot of time and nerves. And business representatives most often prefer them.

If we compare the primary and secondary housing markets, apartments in new buildings are in higher demand (and therefore sell faster). The apartment, which already belonged to someone, is decorated in the taste of the previous owner. A potential buyer may not like the renovation or even the seemingly convenient redevelopment. And, as you know, remodeling is more difficult than doing it from scratch. A new building in this sense is like a blank sheet of paper, and does not present any such difficulties, says Elena.

So, among the factors influencing the exposure of housing, one can note its liquidity, adequacy of price, type and location of both the house and the apartment.

- However, in addition to these parameters, the duration of the apartment’s exposure is also influenced by the degree of readiness of documents and the presence of the title documents themselves: purchase and sale agreements, donations, exchanges, a certificate of inheritance by will or by law, a court decision, a certificate of full payment of the share etc., -Elena notes. - When considering each housing option, real estate company specialists assess the possible risk based on the availability of the owner’s title documents. And if the risk is too high, we advise continuing the search, although the choice is always up to the buyer.

Depends on us

According to the expert, we are unable to change many of the factors that influence the duration and success of housing exposition, even if we want to. It is not in our power to move the house closer to bus stop and school.

The same can be said about the material from which the house is built, the number of floors, and, finally, about market conditions. However, there are other success factors that depend on us. For example, we are quite capable of collecting a set of documents on time. The same goes for properly preparing the apartment for viewing.

In particular, if the apartment is in a condition that is popularly referred to as “destroyed,” then it would be better to make minor cosmetic repairs. - No one is asking you to spend a lot of money, you can simply glue up wallpaper, lay down a new one instead of the old worn-out linoleum, even if it’s inexpensive - this will give the apartment a more well-groomed look and will certainly play a role. You won’t make an impression on the buyer,” our expert summarizes.

In addition, when showing an apartment, professionals advise minimizing distractions.

It is advisable that as few people as possible be present during the showing (and if there are animals in the house, it is better to remove them from view). This will give the potential buyer the opportunity to calmly look and evaluate the apartment, and imagine himself as the owner.

And finally, one more important piece of advice. Let the agent negotiate: Be friendly and polite, but do not interfere with the agent-buyer negotiations. Try to give comprehensive answers, but only to the questions that are asked. Your agent knows best what is important to the buyer and can easily handle any situation.

* According to experts, all of the above tips will help you sell your apartment at the optimal price and in the optimal time frame. Elena Tsareva

She has been working at Reskor for many years now; she is distinguished by an absolute sense of responsibility and the ability to properly build relationships with clients. This is probably why in their reviews they note her individual approach, responsiveness, and complete understanding of their requirements, sometimes even on an intuitive level.

  • By the beautiful term “exposition of an apartment,” experts mean the presence of an object on the real estate market. The exposure begins from the moment information about your home enters the database and ends when you have identified a buyer. This is a difficult and responsible period. Your home apartment, where every little thing is associated with memories, and “the walls heal,” strangers meticulously examine as a commodity, sorting out all its advantages and disadvantages. Most likely, you want all this to end as soon as possible, so you can breathe a sigh of relief and calmly prepare for the deal. And you also want your home to be appreciated. Our experts talk about what influences the duration and success of the exhibition:
  • Elena Ovsyannikova, director of LLC AN "Sloboda";

Galina Buyuklinskaya, head of the sales department of the Vivat Realty Academy.

When? “The duration of an apartment’s exposure depends on several components,” says Galina Buyuklinskaya

The second point is the price, or more precisely, its adequacy. Everyone knows the buyer’s desire to buy cheaper, and the seller’s desire to sell more expensive. There is a concept of average price, which corresponds to the most common prices on the market for housing of this type. If your goal is to sell as quickly as possible, the price should be either in the average or slightly lower. An apartment that costs more must have clear advantages: for example, European-quality renovation, convenient transportation, a school or kindergarten under the windows. If there are no significant advantages, it is better to settle on a more acceptable amount for a potential buyer. Judge for yourself: will it be possible to quickly sell a two-room apartment in the Sormovsky district for 3 million 800 thousand rubles, if it is, to put it mildly, in normal condition, and the red price for it is 3 million? Of course, a good real estate specialist can find someone willing to buy it, but this will take a lot of time. You will have to wait for months. And it is unknown whether it will be possible to earn exactly that much.

A luxury apartment is also not so easy to sell quickly, although its price is justified. This is explained simply - not everyone can afford such housing. Still, the majority of buyers in Nizhny Novgorod belong to the middle class.

The type of house is of certain importance - brick, panel, “people's construction”, etc. (brick houses are more valued), the floor on which the apartment is located. The attention of buyers is more likely to be attracted by the third or fourth floor than by the first and last. This tendency has its own everyday reasons. Residents of the first floor, as a rule, are faced with a loudly closing front door, from which, moreover, there is a constant wind and unpleasant odors coming from the basement. In addition, you will definitely have to put bars on the windows, otherwise clever thieves can easily break into your home. There was a period when apartments on the ground floor were bought very willingly, especially if the house was located near a bus stop or metro station, on the so-called “red line”. Many purchased them in order to later convert them into an office, store, hairdresser, etc. However, now the situation has changed. Firstly, the rules for transferring residential premises to non-residential premises have become more stringent. Secondly, in today's market wide choose ready-made non-residential premises that do not need to be converted, wasting a lot of time and nerves. And business representatives most often prefer them.

Those who live on the top floor often suffer from leaking roofs. Moreover, the rain from the ceiling begins in April-May, and ends only by November. By the way, if the elevator breaks down, you will have to walk nine or more flights of stairs with heavy bags.

If we compare the primary and secondary housing markets, then the greatest demand is: a. This means that apartments in new buildings sell faster. In addition to the obvious advantages of newly built housing, it is worth noting one more point. The apartment, which already belonged to someone, is decorated in the taste of the previous owner. A potential buyer may not like the renovation (from the color of the wallpaper in the bedroom to the design on the tiles in the bathroom) or even the redevelopment that seems convenient at first glance. And, as you know, remodeling is more difficult than doing it from scratch. The new building does not present any such difficulties; it is like a blank sheet of paper.

So, among the factors influencing the exposure of housing, one can note its liquidity, adequacy of price, type and location of both the house and the apartment. But a lot also depends on the first impression that a potential buyer has when viewing it.

“In addition to the price, liquidity of the apartment and its other characteristics (condition, number of floors, material from which the house is built, etc.), the duration of the apartment’s exposure is also influenced by the degree of readiness of documents and the presence of the title documents themselves (purchase and sale agreements, donations, exchanges) , a certificate of the right to inherit by will or by law, a court decision, a certificate of full payment of a share, etc.), - notes Elena Ovsyannikova. - When considering each housing option, a real estate specialist assesses the possible risk based on the availability of the owner's title documents. And if the risk is too high, he advises to continue the search, but the choice always remains with the buyer.”

Advice from professionals

We are unable to change many factors that influence the duration and success of housing exposure, even if we want to. Alas, it is not in our power to move the house closer to the bus stop and supermarket by the power of thought. Approximately the same can be said about the material from which the house is built, the number of storeys, and, finally, about market conditions. But we are quite capable of collecting a set of documents on time. The same goes for properly preparing the apartment for viewing. And the recommendations of our experts will help you with this.

Galina Buyuklinskaya advises:

  1. If the apartment is in a condition that is popularly described as “not so hot,” then it is best to make minor cosmetic repairs. No one is asking you to spend a lot of money, but glued wallpaper and new inexpensive linoleum to replace the old worn-out one will certainly play a role.
  2. Pay special attention to smells. They have a stronger effect on a person than one might think. It happens that an unbearable “amber” is in the apartment against the will of the owners. For example, the culprit is a dirty basement, a clogged garbage disposal, or stray cats. In the first two cases, be sure to contact the housing office or the house management company or the sanitary and epidemiological station. And in the latter case, all that remains is to roll up your sleeves and wash the entrance - what else to do? If the unpleasant odors are over, we often advise our clients to brew coffee, bake pancakes or pies the day before the viewing. Try to make your home smell like home and make the buyer want to come back.
  3. And, of course, do some general cleaning. By the way, we, real estate specialists, sometimes take up rags and mops ourselves to help our clients, if they are an elderly person or a chronically busy workaholic.

Elena Ovsyannikova advises:

  1. Remember that you will never have a second opportunity to make a good first impression.
  2. The front door is business card apartment, so you need to be sure that it is always in order. A beautifully decorated front door evokes interest and a desire to come and visit.
  3. Finishing an apartment is a guaranteed means of selling it quickly and profitably. Keep in mind that walls of light or neutral, dim colors will visually increase the area of ​​the room.
  4. Clean windows will make the apartment more spacious and attractive. Open the curtains and curtains, and the apartment will be filled with light and sun, becoming bright and welcoming.
  5. The kitchen must be clean! Many buyers judge the owner of the house by the cleanliness of the kitchen. So make it shine.
  6. A sparkling clean bathroom will also help sell an apartment. Wipe down the tiles and floors to ensure they are free of water and soap stains. Don't forget to pay attention to the shower curtain or doors. Clean the ventilation grille and ventilate the bathroom;
  7. Avoid clutter and chaos.
  8. Make closets and utility rooms look more spacious (to do this, fold things neatly).
  9. Show it in all its glory: balcony, loggia or garage. Clear your garage of unnecessary items. Remember - a balcony is not a place to dump.
  10. Make any necessary repairs to your home, such as oiling door hinges if they squeak. By eliminating minor, minor breakdowns and deficiencies, you will have the opportunity to sell the apartment more profitably.
  11. An apartment filled with light and fresh air looks attractive. Conversely, the smell of tobacco, animals or a trash can creates a negative impression. Be sure to ventilate the apartment, and good weather keep the windows open and use an air freshener. The crackling of wood in the fireplace and the seductive smells coming from the kitchen will fill the apartment with a special feeling, warmth and comfort.
  12. Lighting. Don't forget to turn on all chandeliers and sconces. Good lighting will help agents show the apartment in the evening and on cloudy days. Be sure to replace burnt out light bulbs on the landing.
  13. Minimize distractions. It would be better if as few people as possible were present during the screening. Keep animals out of sight. This will give the potential buyer the opportunity to calmly look and evaluate the apartment and imagine himself as the owner.
  14. Let the agent negotiate: Be friendly and polite, but do not interfere with the agent-buyer negotiations. Try to give comprehensive answers, but only to the questions that are asked. Your agent knows best what is important to the buyer and can easily handle any situation.

Let the exposition of your apartment be easy and quick!

Experts said that the mass segment remains the most in demand and the fastest selling/rented housing, but the situation with the rental of luxury housing, according to market participants, has become quite sad.

“Now you can “sell” for six months”

In the primary mass housing market, clients today behave completely differently than they did a year ago, when they were in a hurry to make a purchase and were ready to buy an apartment even if its cost increased during the decision-making period, fearing that it would go to someone else. “If something like this happens now, then the deal will most likely not take place at all,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group. – Now the average time to sell an apartment is a month, and this is a lot for the primary housing market. Just a year ago, clients took an average of 1-2 weeks to think, and this time was enough for them to make a decision. Today, they don’t think so much about the proposed option as they walk around the market and go through all the possible options. Moreover, developers make very interesting offers to buyers, and everyone is trying to outbid each other. Thus, clients have the opportunity to choose the best among them, as well as bargain, request discounts and bonuses, which is especially important in a crisis.”

As for the secondary market of mass housing, here, according to Alexey Lee, head of the secondary housing sales department of the Trigergroup Academy of Sciences, the statistics are as follows: “If previously it took 1-1.5 months to find a buyer, now you can “sell” for six months. But everything also depends on the price.”

At the same time, MIEL specialists analyzed the exposure time of sold apartments and came to the conclusion that they increased slightly, and in some months even decreased. “However, it is worth keeping in mind that if an object is not sold for several months in a row, the owner usually removes it from sale and puts it up again after some time. There may be 2, 3, 4 such stages (it all depends on the conditions put forward by the owner of the property being sold), however, it is impossible to reflect in total all periods of sale, because the owner could previously have tried to sell the apartment on his own or through another agency. And recently, as practice has shown, the number of apartments that are put up and taken off sale repeatedly has increased,” he emphasized Alexey Shlenov, executive director of MIEL-Network of real estate offices.

About the secondary market for luxury housing Maria Litinetskaya says that a year ago, a good luxury apartment with a budget of $3-5 million was easily sold within six months, provided that the price was not inflated and the property itself was liquid, without visible flaws. “Now the same facility can stand idle for a year, or even longer. However, it is worth noting that this state of affairs is not typical for the entire secondary luxury real estate market. There are projects that still have high liquidity. At the same time, the speed of project implementation depends on the availability of competing proposals in a particular residential complex. If 5-20 apartments are sold at once in the same elite building, the sale period may take several years. If the apartment is offered in a fully populated complex with excellent infrastructure, where there are practically no other offers for sale, then the likelihood of its quick sale is extremely high,” the expert said.

The situation with luxury rentals is very sad

Now let's look at the timing of exhibiting apartments when renting.

In general, experts say that currently, comfort and business class apartments on display for rent are delayed for a period of from a week to several months, and the terms have increased in proportion to the drop in demand.

As for the rental of luxury real estate, here, according to Head of the rental department of the company "Azbuka Zhilya" Roman Babichev, the situation is quite sad. “There is now calm there, coupled with a catastrophic drop in prices,” says the expert. – In fact, apartments may not be rented out for years. An example is an apartment near the Conception Monastery in the Ostozhenka area, with which our specialists worked. There were only two viewings in a year, and during this time the owner reduced the price from the initially desired amount of 1,000,000 rubles. up to 450,000 rub. per month. For this money, representatives of one of the embassies very quickly removed it. In our opinion, before the crisis, this apartment could be rented for 700,000-800,000 rubles. and, of course, there would be much more people willing. However, there are deluxe complexes where only one or two apartments are rented, and there are always those who want to rent an apartment in this particular location, but even here, compared to 2013, prices have fallen by 30%.

The situation now is such that if the landlord of luxury real estate does not want to lower the price of his housing, such an apartment can be rented out for years, unless, of course, it is some kind of super-exclusive.”

Thus, the duration of exposure of apartments, both for rent and for sale, has certainly increased - sometimes several times. Of course, experts say that these terms largely depend on how flexible the owner will be in terms of price concessions. But not everyone is ready to reduce the price, especially when selling, so many simply temporarily remove the object from display. Buyers are also in no hurry to make a deal and bargain until the last minute. We can say that the market found itself in a kind of “suspended” state.


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