“The main passenger”: the body of a girl was found, whose photo became a symbol of the plane crash. Main passenger What happened to the thunder family


There were 224 people on board the Russian plane that crashed over the Sinai Peninsula. Mostly St. Petersburg residents. Many happy couples, families with children. Behind every name on the passenger list is a whole life with its history, unfulfilled plans and dreams. Relatives and friends of the victims spoke about what they were like. Those who flew away to relax at sea and will never return.

"Chief Passenger"

Darina Gromova became one of the symbols of this tragedy. The girl was only 10 months old - she was the smallest passenger on the crashed plane. On October 15, Darina’s mother, Tatyana Gromova, took a photograph of her daughter at Pulkovo Airport, posted the photo on her VKontakte page and signed it “Main Passenger.” Two weeks later, this photo spread around the world - a girl looking at airplanes - like an angel before her last flight.

— Tanya and Lesha both worked in our company (the company organizes large exhibitions and fairs. — Ed.). That’s where they met, started dating, and got married last summer,” recalls Gromov’s colleague. - Good, kind guys who loved each other. Lesha was a technical specialist in the IT department. Tanya is a very persistent and capable girl, despite her young age; in a few years she has gone from a simple manager to a project manager for organizing a large forum. She was very active, flexible, did gymnastics as a child, and played tennis before her marriage.

When Tatyana had to go on maternity leave and then sit at home with her little daughter, she, of course, lacked adventure and movement, she rushed to the office and constantly asked her colleagues how they were doing.

“As part of her work, Tanya traveled and flew a lot; she was constantly sent on business trips, including long-distance ones,” the colleague recalled.

So airplanes were her usual way of moving around the world. And she was especially looking forward to this trip to Egypt - she wanted to escape from cold St. Petersburg and bathe her daughter in the sea for the first time. Darina’s grandmother was worried that the girl was too young for long-distance flights and offered to look after her while Tanya and Lesha were vacationing in Egypt. But the parents did not want to part with their “main passenger” for a long time.

"We're flying home!"

Another photo that is hard to look at now is one taken while boarding the ill-fated flight. In the photo, a father is walking up the plane with his three-year-old daughter in his arms. The photo was taken by the girl’s mother, Olga Sheina from Peterhof. She captioned the photo: “Hi Peter! Goodbye Egypt. We're flying home."

The entire Shein family of five gathered to relax in Sharm el-Sheikh: 30-year-old Olga, her 37-year-old husband Yuri and their three children - 11-year-old son Zhenya, 10-year-old daughter Lera and little three-year-old Nastya. It was no coincidence that the Sheins chose the date for their vacation - on October 27, Olga and Yura celebrated the 10th anniversary of their acquaintance and their four-year wedding anniversary. All family members swam, sunbathed, enjoying the sea and sun, capturing every moment of such a long-awaited vacation. Already sitting on the plane on the way back, they took another photo before takeoff - little Nastya by the window, mother Olga in the middle, older sister Lera by the aisle, Yura and her son in the adjacent seats. Rested, satisfied, happy. Less than half an hour after this photo, the entire family died.

The eldest children of the Shein family were very athletic - Zhenya played football, Lera - swimming. In the summer, the girl went to training camps in Evpatoria and won prizes. This year she received the third adult category, which she proudly announced on her social network page.

“We loved her very much,” Lerina’s friends at the sports school told her. “One could envy such a friend; she was one of those who would never give up your secret, would not betray you.” The boys loved her very much. There was a mystery in it. And yet she remained kind and sweet.

Lera was not only interested in swimming, but also enjoyed “working” as an older sister for little Nastya - she drew with her, dressed her up and took photographs of her.

Relatives of the Shein family are in deep mourning - they cannot understand and accept what happened.

“We are in grief,” says Olga Sheina’s cousin Olesya Dushechkina. — Five relatives died at once.

The hardest thing to survive is the tragedy of Olya’s mother - she lost her daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren overnight. She is survived by another daughter, Nadya, and two grandchildren, the youngest of whom is the same age as Nastya.

Happiness did not depend on the weather

30-year-old Svetlana and 33-year-old Mikhail Krylov were also planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary - but after their vacation, on November 27. The couple could hardly afford a trip to Egypt, but Svetlana insisted - she really wanted to show her 10-year-old daughter Christina the sea.

“Christina was not Svetlana’s own - she is her husband’s daughter from his first marriage,” Victoria Leonova, Krylova’s classmate, told MK in St. Petersburg. — The girl had a difficult childhood, she lived for a long time with one grandmother, then with another, her own mother also took her, but then Christina ended up in her father’s family. Svetlana took care of the child all the time, constantly came up with entertainment for her, took her everywhere, was involved in her development... They exchanged an apartment with great difficulty in order to take Christina. The first room to be renovated was just for my daughter - a fairy-tale nursery with a beautiful castle on the wall. Sveta designed the interior herself.

Svetlana worked as a lawyer, and on weekends she and Mikhail went to school to see a family psychologist in order to better understand how to raise a child and communicate with him. When her friends admired the “dedication” of Svetlana, who, having no children of her own, took essentially someone else’s girl to raise, she just shrugged her shoulders: “I love her father, how can I not love his daughter?!”

The Krylov family loved to go to the dacha and go out into the forest with tents, even if the weather was not very favorable. “Happiness does not depend on the weather. It is inside us,” Svetlana wrote in her social network status.

"Don't be afraid, I never get into accidents"

27-year-old Anna Tishinskaya was one of those bright beauties from whom it is difficult to take your eyes off. She lived brightly, “in a hurry to live,” as her friends recall. For many years Anya worked for the St. Petersburg Jewish organization Hillel, then opened her own creative agency More to organize events and holidays. She loved to take photographs, traveled all over the world, searched for herself and her path in life. Friends said about her: when Anya grows up, she will definitely do something big and good.

“Anya and I once worked together in India,” says her friend Alexandra Davydova. “And one day she was driving me on her decrepit scooter with conditional brakes and fearlessly flew towards the truck. She cheerfully shouted to me, ready to jump, over her shoulder: “Don’t be afraid, I never get into accidents.”

“You were just at my birthday party,” Anya’s close friend Irina Bezman wrote on her page. — You should have come on October 31st and told me about your great vacation. You joked so cheerfully that you were flying on Kyrgyz airlines...”

“She always lived in the future,” recalls her friend Igor Berinsky. “I didn’t understand at all why she was in such a hurry to live, I couldn’t keep up with her, I couldn’t withstand this frantic energy. “Drama club, photo club, choir club - I want to sing...” I teased her when I saw her out of breath, with a camera over her shoulder, running towards me from choir rehearsal. Anya was not offended at all; on the contrary, she seemed to feel sorry for me for my life, which was so boring compared to hers. In recent years, Anya has been actively engaged in yoga, meditated, stopped eating meat products, and went to bed early.

“She was a very good person, even naive in some ways, very self-sufficient and self-discovered,” said Irina Bezman. “After a long search, she found her favorite thing, organizing events, she really liked it. Of course, she wanted a family, like all girls...

“Thank you for being...”

They loved to travel. Most often Egypt, sometimes Thailand. This time too, 48-year-old Vladimir and 45-year-old Victoria Golenkov could not wait for the moment when they would finally fly to hot Egypt. They took their granddaughter with them - little Diana, who turned only four years old in September. Evgenia Sadovskaya, Diana’s mother, Vladimir and Victoria’s daughter, remained at home in St. Petersburg. On October 31, she lost all her closest people at once...

“Their whole life revolved around Diana,” says Alexander Mikhailov, a classmate of Vladimir Golenkov. “Volodya and Vika loved to go on vacation with their granddaughter; they always took her to the dacha. They doted on her, they were practically second parents...

On the pages of Vladimir and Victoria on Vkontakte, almost all the photographs are with their granddaughter. A smiling dark-haired girl either laughs against the backdrop of the sea or tries to blow out the candles on a birthday cake. On October 31, after the disaster, Evgenia Sadovskaya posted another photo of her parents and daughter on the Internet. “My beloved, dear ones. Thank you for being there. Eternal memory to you, my daughter, mom and dad...” she wrote.

“The worst thing for me today is to find words of condolences for Zhenya, the daughter of Volodya and Vika,” says Irina Snytko, a close friend of the Golenkovs. — I’ve known Vika since childhood, we are neighbors in the country, the same age. We spent the summer months together: we swam, played, rode bicycles, our grandmothers were also friends. Vika's birthday was July 14 - Bastille Day. That's why they named her Victoria - Victory... She was very beautiful, it always seemed to me that she looked like an Italian: bright, dark, spectacular. At the same time, her character and temperament were also southern - open, easy to communicate, always cheerful and with a smile. I met Volodya when he and Vika became a family. He and I also became friends immediately. They were a wonderful couple, I never heard them swear and shout at each other... These people remain wonderful in my memory: kind and sympathetic, very cheerful and sociable, they had so many friends... I can’t to say more, the tears are simply choking... I wish only one thing: that their daughter finds the strength and courage to survive all this! Love, appreciate your loved ones every moment while they are with you...

Born and died on the same day

Zhenya Yavsin and Sasha Chernova were born on the same day - March 2, only two years apart. His wife was 21 years old, Sasha was 19. In addition to his girlfriend, the young man also took his mother, Elizaveta, on the trip. The three of them were relaxing. There were rumors that Eugene proposed marriage to his beloved on the seashore. But the guy’s close friend denies this.

“This is just a beautiful story that journalists made up,” says Daria Trondina.

However, the lack of engagement does not detract from their relationship. Friends say that Zhenya looked after Sasha very beautifully.

“Zhenya dreamed of dating Sasha for a very long time, he woke up and fell asleep with the thought: “How can I be with her?” recalls Daria Trondina.

As a result, the girl reciprocated. They were a couple for about a year and a half.

— We knew Zhenya for 4.5 years. We met on the first day of classes at the university. Lesgaft, where we studied together. He came into the classroom for a lecture and sat down at my desk. Every minute spent with him was accompanied only by a smile and laughter. It was good with him, although they say that there is no friendship between a girl and a guy. But we had a real friendship with him,” says Daria Trondina. — Three months ago I gave birth to a child. Zhenya was one of the first to report this. He kept promising to come and visit, but he never got around to it.

Evgeniy was involved in table tennis - he played professionally and at his age already worked as a coach. Thanks to this sport, he met Zhenya. She was also into ping pong.

— I have known Zhenya Chernova since childhood, we played together for the team of the Arkhangelsk region (Zhenya was born and raised in Arkhangelsk and only recently moved to St. Petersburg. — Ed.). She’s a very good person, kind, well-mannered, I especially liked her calmness in any situation,” said Alexandra Kuznetsova.

Perhaps Zhenya and Sasha really wanted to get married. But fate decreed otherwise. By the will of fate, lovers were not only born, but also died on the same day, in an instant.

Premonition of danger

The son of the dean of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Valery Gordin, Leonid, died in the plane crash. He was vacationing in Egypt with his girlfriend, Alexandra Illarionova. In a month, Leonid would have turned 29 years old, Sasha was a year younger than him. They planned to get married in April next year. But they had been living together for a long time. Just three weeks ago, everyone was looking for a cat that had escaped from the dacha. Found. Then a vacation and a trip to Egypt - warm sea, reefs, rainbow fish.

On October 30, on the eve of the flight home, Alexandra posted a photo with Leonid - as it turned out, the last. “I was on holiday with them in the same hotel. I noticed this wonderful couple. Very nice and positive. And Sasha had such a funny bang,” wrote Anna Vasilenko in a group created in memory of Lena and Sasha on VKontakte.

As the girl’s friends now recall, she was very afraid of heights. Maybe she had a presentiment?

Katerina KUZNETSOVA, Elena MIKHINA, Lyubov RUMYANTSEVA, photo.

Considering all the circumstances of the false crash of A321 on October 31, 2015 - props in Sinai, media blanks of accounts, selfies, lists, etc., “the main passenger Darina Gromova” simply cannot help but be photoshopped.

The left child was filmed somewhere indoors, the airport was inserted.

The work is very thorough.

But Photoshop can't help but leave traces. There are a lot of them. We show.

Lighting. The runway is clearly illuminated by the low sun on the right (arrow). With this lighting, the left shoulder from behind (circled) cannot be illuminated. This is an oversight of the shopper, who used the figure of a child, filmed somewhere in a room with two light sources, one of which is on the right, the second on the left.

The biggest problem of Photoshoppers. They drew some kind of homunculus. The scale was greatly violated.

There is a way to measure the width of the parapet than in the photo of this parapet with two adults

With the average length of a man’s foot with a boot, the width of the parameter is a maximum of 4.5 cm.

Measuring the child's height with this width, we get a maximum of 45 cm plus feet. This is some kind of homunculus, not a human child at 10 months old. Newborns are taller.

I'm just guessing, sorry. With very high tolerance.
For those who want, calculate more precisely, based on any table of the relationship between foot length and shoe size. I took the maximum, 32 cm is a lot, in fact this guy’s feet are no larger than size 40)

It can be done differently. By simply combining the width of the parapet, we get a homunculus that is shorter than the knee of a normal adult.

When adults die because of someone else, it is a terrible tragedy. If children die for the same reason, then this is a doubly tragedy!

The tragic story of one family

A ten-month-old girl from the Leningrad region flew to Egypt by sea with her parents. In her father’s arms she swayed on the Mediterranean waves and soaked up the sun.

Darina Gromova is the main passenger of the tragic flight. Photo from her mother's social network page.

While returning home, the girl died in a plane crash along with her father and mother and other passengers on the plane. Among the almost three dozen children on that flight, there was no less Darina. Her parents Alexey and Tatyana Gromov worked in the same thriving company. It was a good young family.

At Pulkovo Airport, the mother took a photograph of her daughter looking at the planes through the terminal window. And she posted a photo on social networks under the title: “Main Passenger.” Now this photo of Darina Gromova, still alive, has spread all over the world.

On the Internet, Darina is called the main passenger of the tragic flight. The baby’s grandmother, feeling the trouble, asked the children to leave her granddaughter with her. But they didn’t listen.

How did it happen?

On October 31, 2015, an Airbus A321-231 of a Siberian airline crashed over the Sinai Peninsula. It was chartered by the travel company Briscoe for international charter flight 7K-9268 St. Petersburg - Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg. On it, tourists returning home from Egypt were vacationing on the Mediterranean coast.

Within twenty minutes, the autopilot raised the plane to an altitude of ten kilometers. From there he immediately began to fall vertically at a breakneck speed of 1.8 km/minute. That is, it took 5.5 minutes to fall to the ground. During this time, the pilots requested a landing. But the landing strip was more than 50 kilometers away.

There were reports online that there was an explosion in the tail of the plane. They even named the person who brought the explosives on board and placed them in the “tail” of the liner. This was later confirmed by the layout of the remains of the liner. The disaster claimed the lives of 224 people (including the death of the entire crew). Initially there were several versions, in particular, a technical problem or a human factor. The main version was a terrorist attack.

The ISIS group, an organization banned in Russia, chalked it up to its bloody account. As always in such cases, the perpetrators were not punished. The Kremlin assured that they would search for those involved in the death of the plane passengers indefinitely and punish the perpetrators.

This is the worst disaster of Russian passenger aircraft. There was no such tragedy either in the history of Egypt or in this series of Airbus. Flights to this African country from the Russian Federation were stopped for a long time, which hit Egypt’s tourism hard. Flights recently resumed after the Russian side was convinced of the safety of local air terminals. This kind of work is still being done.

Terrorist attack or equipment malfunction?

The Egyptians stubbornly refuse to recognize the cause of the disaster as a terrorist attack. The transport ministry of this country assured that final conclusions would be made quickly. But the conclusions still contain no mention of a terrorist attack. So trust them!

Reading time: 8 minutes. Published 11/02/2015

A terrible tragedy in Egypt. The plane crash over Sinai, which claimed the lives of 224 people on an Airbus A321 aircraft, caused a storm of emotions in the minds of not only Russians, but also people around the world.

Reading news feeds on social networks, I come across thousands of posts and comments from users who perceive the pain of others and the grief of losing loved ones as their own. The greatest sorrow was caused by the death of a 10-month-old girl, Darina Gromova, who died along with her parents in this terrible plane crash. “” as her mother called her before the flight will forever remain in the memory of millions of Russians as a symbol of this terrible tragedy over the Sinai.

To support my words, I will cite several posts and comments from users posted on various social networks. Russia and the whole world are mourning, realizing the terrible tragedy of the flight Kogalymavia Airbus A321 in Egypt as a personal loss.

I read and the tears flow and flow. Captions and hashtags for photos posted a few minutes before takeoff: #‎ we're flying home , #‎main passenger. I’m afraid to even imagine what people felt at the time of the fall. How the hearts of mothers broke as they hugged their babies to themselves, reassuring them and believing that everything would be fine... How men tried to protect their wives and children, realizing their own helplessness... How scary it is to realize when I myself got off the plane a couple of days agoaircraft. This is grief. For people who did not wait for their family and friends. For all of us, since everyone could end up on one side or the other.
How many lives and families are left in the sky? How many relatives were looking for flight information? Kogalymavia when he disappeared from the scoreboard... Sincere to the loved ones of the victims.

Think about your life. Right now. What emotions fill you? What's in your soul? So much blackness. We throw it out on our loved ones every day, every hour, without fear or conscience. We shout, blame, abandon, take offense at those who occupy a significant place in our hearts. Children whose parents, as it seems to us, do not allow them to live, constantly meddle in their own business, are annoying, do not understand... What if they don’t return home tomorrow? Or the husband won’t come home from work, and the guy won’t waitand stopping his beloved, hurrying to him from the institute? Or maybe a friend, once again saying “We don’t say goodbye” at the end, will no longer say “Hello”? Or someone won't return from vacation..? Every day we hear a news show host report in a cold voice about another accident or catastrophe. And we think that this is a movie, it’s far away, somewhere not in this world, this will never happen to us. But the tears somehow flow down the cheeks themselves, because they are with us. The plane that took off from Sharm El Sheikh on the morning of October 31 and never arrived at Pulkovo evening, retained 224 souls on board. They flew home to their family and friends, but never returned to where they were expected. They will no longer hug or kiss their loved ones, they will no longer say warm and kind words to their loved ones. We waste relationships with dear people on quarrels, resentments, anger... What if asking for forgiveness and forgiving tomorrow is not possible? Or say “I love you,” hug and feel the warmth of a loved one? Please think about this. Don't waste your life on something that can only destroy and break. Ask for forgiveness from a friend you haven’t talked to for a year, kiss your loved one before bed, tell your parents how grateful you are to them for what you have. Because fate will not wait until you finally have a free moment for this.

Happy memory to those killed in the disaster in Egypt and deepest condolences to their families. We all mourn with you.

This terrible tragedy affected each and every one of us. We mourn with the whole country... Our soul is torn with grief .

The photo of the baby, posted by her mother with a gentle caption, touches the depths of the soul. This baby was only 10 months old... God, her whole life would have been ahead of her! Tears, pain... I can’t imagine how people who have lost their families, children, babies will survive this grief! Someone came into VK at 6 something... and that’s it. And there is no man! I didn’t know any of these people, but my thoughts are with the relatives of the victims! There are 27 children on the list of dead! How? For what? These kids haven't even seen life and ra reach! I watched on the news, those who greeted me at Pulkovo airport hoped until the very end that there would be survivors! And when they realized what had happened, that they would never see them, would not hug them, would not look them in the eyes....tears, hysterics.....How terrible it is! Take care of your loved ones! Appreciate every second spent with them! And remember, every day could be your last! We remember, we mourn... may you rest in peace! Peter, hold on! We are with you! Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg 10/31/2015. Kogalymavia, on board Airbus A321, flight 9268 – 224 dead.

Recent incidents make us think that any day and any moment can be the last... You never know at what moment everything can end. I’m terribly afraid of airplanes, I’m afraid of flying myself, and I worry even more when my loved ones fly. And when something like October 31, 2015 happens, I can’t find a place for myself. You just understand that you don’t need to put off your life for later, you need to appreciate it here and now, appreciate what you have, your family, friends, every moment you live, every ray of sunshine.tsa, smile, joy and sadness, you shouldn’t spoil relationships with loved ones over trifles, you shouldn’t waste time and energy on insults and unnecessary fuss, because no one has ever taken anything with them from here... God, how scary it is, that’s it To leave like that without saying goodbye... Without saying the main words to someone... It's sad. Tears when I see a photo of the little girl who was on board... Flight 9268.

You read lists of names, years of birth, look at photographs... Someone was chatting on VK just yesterday at half past seven in the morning, someone called loved ones and asked to meet them at the airport... You get goosebumps and tears well up. Strength to the loved ones of the victims.

‪#‎ Darinagromova Peter I'm grieving. I look at this photo and my head is filled with horror. Now my daughter is 10 months old, just like Darina was this little angel. I'm very very upset. I'm crying.Usually if it happens in the air. Nothing can be prevented anymore. When so many human destinies have already been changed forever by this day. Someone will start talking about whether it was necessary to bankrupt a large carrier? Because of which, the way to the market was opened, few people from well-known regional airlines with an unknown fleet of worn-out aircraft. But someone did not notice this, because the Western imposed values ​​of celebrating Halloween are more dear to them than the grief now of the entire country as a whole. Life is such a thing. Not every grief is your grief. You shouldn't judge such people. Because nothing will change. Judge those who allow such things to happen. P.S Try to tell your loved ones every day that you love them. No one is immune.

Can't look at the photo DArina Gromova in an Aeroport" ‎G great passenger". A mother's heart is breaking. How painful it is, along with everyone who didn’t make it. Pleasant events such as a long-awaited vacation should not be associated with grief. Tragedy. Pain. Children shouldn't die at all. And big children who already have children of their own shouldn’t either. Our deepest condolences to the family. Very painful.

Today is a day of mourning in Russia, for the second day the entire country is mourning the 224 people who died in the terrible tragedy. Just think about what happened!! Whole families flew from the sea!!! 27 children...27 little angels...I don't understand one thing! People post photographs of little Darina Gromova and write words of support to relatives and friends. And it is perceived as if it is currently “fashionable”. Well, I need to check in, and I published a photo in a dark color! Have you gone crazy???? My The family can’t come to their senses for the second day, friends call and write to me asking where are you? Have you arrived already?? Yes, you understand!!! This is simply a tribute to memory, a sign that people are not indifferent to what happened. It seems to me that it is “fashionable” today to write about how thousands of people are being killed in the world, military operations are taking place in Ukraine, children are dying of cancer, and here you are with your airplanes. Yes, I'm with the plane in the feed! Because I care, because it’s scary! There is no speculation of tragedy here, this is a grief that happened mainly to the residents of our city. Have respect, behave like people! ‪ R eys 9268, “The main passenger” of Kogalymavia.

Rescuers are our bodies of 10-month-old Darina Gromova and her parents, Alexey and Tatyana, who were victims of the crashAirbus A321 in Egypt. The girl was the youngest on board; her mother called her “the main passenger.” The couple got married just a year ago, and this holiday in Egypt was the first trip together for their family. Before flying to Sharm el-Sheikh two weeks ago, Tatyana posted on her Instagram a photo of little Darina watching the planes at Pulkovo.

“The main passenger,” the young mother affectionately signed the photo, not suspecting that this particular photograph would become a sad symbol of the terrible tragedy that occurred in the skies over Sinai.

Journalists from the LifeNews TV channel reported the discovery of the bodies of the Gromov family. In a conversation with the publication’s staff, Darina’s grief-stricken grandmother said that she did not want to let the girl go to Egypt and was worried about how the baby would survive the flight. She also offered Alexei and Tatyana Gromov to leave their 10-month-old granddaughter with her during the trip, but they refused.

Darina Gromova’s grandmother said that her son Alexey called her on the eve of the disaster to inform her of his imminent return. In the crash of the Kogalymavia liner, a woman lost three relatives at once - a little granddaughter, one of her sons and a daughter-in-law.

Let us note that rescuers from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will continue active searches at the site of the plane crash with Russians in Egypt from the very morning of November 2, 2015. As TASS reports with reference to the acting head of the National Center for Management in Crisis Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Alexey Smirnov, currently the search area is more than 20 square kilometers. Due to the fact that the plane, according to available data, began to fall apart while still in the air, the bodies of its passengers were scattered at a great distance from each other and from the main crash site.

Let us recall that the Airbus-321 aircraft, operating flight 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, crashed on the Sinai Peninsula on October 31, 2015. The airliner's crew stopped communicating shortly after takeoff. According to some information, the plane dropped sharply by 1.5 kilometers, after which it disappeared from radar screens. Before contact was lost, the pilot was requesting permission to land at Cairo airport.

There were 224 people on board the crashed A321 - seven crew members and 217 passengers. The plane crash was the largest in the history of Russian and Soviet aviation.


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