Chinese pyramids on the map. Giant pyramids of China. The beginning of the study of Chinese pyramids

There are many cultural heritage sites in the world, the origin and purpose of which remains a mystery to this day. The most famous pyramids are from three countries - Egypt, Mexico and China. But there is a certain difference between them in the knowledge gained, because if access to the first two tombs is open to researchers, then some Chinese pyramids can only be accessed with a special permit, and they are protected by law.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

The Chinese pyramids are superior to the Egyptian and Mexican ones both in number and in height. Access to some of them is officially open, but getting to them is very problematic due to the presence of closed military and strategic zones on the way to the objects. However, such secrecy has alarmed more than one generation of scientists. It is likely that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire themselves were able to get to the bottom of the truth and do not want to reveal their secret knowledge to the public.

Chinese pyramids: photos

Despite the colossal height of the Chinese pyramids, it is impossible to see them from space. Why are they so carefully hidden from the eyes of scientists from Europe? What secret does this ancient heritage of our ancestors keep?

The Chinese themselves have legends according to which the pyramids are evidence of contact between ancient people and extraterrestrial races. According to legends, these structures were built by people who descended from heaven on dragons made of iron and breathing fire. And the ancient emperors who ruled before our era claimed that they themselves were the descendants of these same guests from distant Space.

Great Pyramid of China

For some time, the pyramids were accessible to ordinary people without special permission. So, a certain nomad discovered several buildings near the city of Sichuan. The sides of the pyramids have a regular geometric shape, and the absence of peaks unites them with structures in Mexico.

Chinese pyramids: why are they hidden?

Why do the Chinese guard ancient buildings so carefully? They probably figured out the nature of the origin of the pyramids. Indeed, even some Chinese legends indicate a description of aliens who had blond hair and blue eyes. According to legend, the pyramids are evidence of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence in past eras.

Immediately after the war, American pilots, who inadvertently stumbled upon ancient buildings in the city, took several high-quality photographs of ancient structures from the air. According to the conclusions of Pentagon researchers, the height of the largest pyramid is more than 300 m, which is 2 times more than the Cheops pyramid known in Egypt.

An interesting fact is that most of these buildings are located in places that are most suitable for agricultural work. The government of the Celestial Empire hid for quite a long time the very fact that the most important historical artifacts were located on the territory of the country. Only at the beginning of the 21st century did China officially confirm the existence more than 410 pyramids in the country!

White Chinese pyramid

The mysteries hidden by the main, 300-meter White Pyramid stun the minds of scientists who were lucky enough to visit the site. Thus, it is a known historical fact that during the construction of the pyramid more than 800,000 workers. But about 600,000 died under rather strange circumstances. The dead end in the study is the fact that the bones of different people are scattered over considerable distances, which is more reminiscent of an explosion that could cause a disaster.

White Chinese pyramid

What is the true purpose of the Chinese pyramids? Scientists make a variety of assumptions. The theory about planetary messages, the transmitter of which was the Earth, sounds fantastic. With the help of similar conical structures located on Mars, as well as in Egypt, sound and light signals can be amplified. The mystery of these ancient structures has yet to be solved.

Chinese pyramids: video

The Chinese pyramids are in many ways superior to others that have ever been found on our planet. They are larger in height than the Egyptian ones, and larger in number than the Mexican ones. Chinese ancient buildings, or rather most of them, are classified objects into whose territory ordinary tourists are not allowed. In addition, it is not so easy for archaeologists from Europe to get to the Chinese pyramids, since Chinese military installations are located where they are located. Thus, China legally ensured the inviolability and security of its most valuable relics. Perhaps the Chinese have long solved the mysteries of their pyramids. That is why they protect them so much from strangers.

The most famous Chinese pyramid is the Great White

The height of the Great Pyramid of China, according to some sources, is 300 meters, which is twice the height of the Cheops pyramid. Its other neighbors are less tall, but no less interesting. Tourists are not allowed to approach the White Pyramid at all, since a secret Chinese military facility is located in close proximity to it. That is why it cannot be seen on satellites. Recently, this structure has been hidden especially carefully.

The discovery of the American pilot was the most informative, but they preferred to classify it

In 1945, a United States Air Force pilot named James Kaufman flew over China on a reconnaissance flight. Over the Qinling ridge, the engine of his plane began to malfunction. The pilot had to reduce altitude to avoid a possible crash. Flying over the valley, James saw an interesting structure, which immediately attracted his attention with its size.

Subsequently, the pilot wrote a report in which he described the pyramid:

Having flown around the hill, I reached a spacious plain. Having descended, I noticed a strange structure resembling a pyramid on its territory. It seemed to me that it was made of some kind of metal alloy, which shone a little in the sun, emitting a pleasant light. On top of this structure was a smooth sheet, probably metal, resembling the color of a precious stone.

James' plane was equipped with a camera that was considered modern and quite powerful at the time. Using this device, the pilot took several photographs, which he attached to the report described above. Experts - Pentagon employees, having read the report, decided to classify it. All that was known was that the height of the pyramid reaches 300 m, and the length of its base is almost 500 meters.

By the way, the height of the Cheops pyramid does not exceed 150 meters. The length of its base, or rather one of the sides of the base, reaches only 230 meters. Previously, this particular structure was considered the largest pyramid, but now this will have to be doubted.

A trader from Australia was also lucky enough to accidentally become acquainted with the Chinese pyramids

In 1963, a certain Bruce Kagi managed to find manuscripts from an Australian nomadic trader that described the Chinese pyramids. This manuscript was compiled in 1912 and was considered lost for a long time. By the way, the author's name was Mayer Schroder.

Schroder once walked with his companion along the ancient capital of China, which is now the city of Xi'an. At a certain moment, he noticed a huge structure that looked like a mountain. Getting closer to it, the merchant noticed that it had geometrically regular edges and a flat top. After that, he came across other pyramids, the purpose of which he could not even imagine. These buildings were located “under the noses” of people, but despite this, no one knew about their existence.

The merchant noted that the sides of the pyramids are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The oldest Chinese structures were lined with slabs made from clay or a similar material. In the past there were steps on their edges. Almost all the tops of the pyramids were flat, which made them reminiscent of similar Mexican structures.

In modern times, Chinese pyramids do not have such clear outlines, as they have been greatly influenced by time. The slopes of some buildings are overgrown with trees, which perfectly camouflages them. The sharp corners of almost all the pyramids were smoothed out, which is why they began to look more like mountains.

The merchant’s friend, who, by the way, was a monk, told him that the age of the Chinese pyramids cannot be measured with modern figures. In the oldest Chinese books, written about 5 thousand years ago, it was said that these pyramids were built by an even more ancient emperor who flew to our planet from the constellation Leo. To be more precise, one of the first pyramids was built by Emperor Huangdi, who flew from the above constellation. He allegedly ruled for a hundred years, after which he flew back.

Why do the Chinese hide their pyramids?

As mentioned earlier, there are classified military facilities near the Chinese pyramids, for example, a cosmodrome. The government has the right to hide such objects legally. The strangest thing is that some images taken with the help of satellites show a direct connection between the Chinese cosmodrome and one of the pyramids. Perhaps Chinese engineers have learned to somehow harness the energy of these buildings.

Another version is based on the fact that the above-described pyramids do not belong to the Chinese, so they will not be able to answer all the questions regarding their origin. Some myths describe that these buildings were built by the ancient Dinlin tribe, who arrived from the north. Representatives of this tribe were tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed. According to the description, they are quite similar to Russians. Moreover, in old burial grounds in China, the remains of people belonging to the light race were often found. In one of the burial grounds they found a curious symbol - a circle made of ocher, inside of which there were two fish, supposedly swimming towards each other. This is an ancient Slavic symbol, which later turned into the Chinese “yin and yang”.

The first photograph of the pyramid was taken during the Second World War by the American pilot D. Gausman. Returning from another operation, the engine of his plane began to malfunction. This caused him to lose altitude, and a strange structure appeared in the area of ​​the Chinese plains.

It was a gigantic structure that amazed the imagination with its grandeur and grandeur. The pilot, taking advantage of this luck, quickly took photographs of the structure and attached them to his report to the highest federal services in America.

Later, in the 60s, the Chinese pyramids were accidentally discovered by aviator Bruce Kathi from New Zealand. He found the diaries of traders from Australia who made an excursion to Shanxi Province at the beginning of the 20th century. From their notes, he realized that they had also identified mysterious structures in central China. Having collected all the data, Kati made a sketch of 16 pyramids located near the city of Qiyan.

And only in the spring of 1994, an archaeologist from Austria Hartwig Hausdorff received official permission from the Chinese authorities to travel to areas closed to tourists. First he discovered 6 giant pyramids. Later, upon arriving in China in the fall of the same year, he filmed a short documentary about them. His surprise knew no bounds when, while viewing these videos, he discovered more than a hundred more pyramids in the distance!

Most of the pyramids are concentrated in the Qiyangyan region. The territory where they are located is mostly desert, and agricultural work is constantly carried out on it. Some pyramids are located in close proximity to the city - already a mile away the archaeologist noticed a structure of regular geometric shape about 70 meters high.

Hausdorff established that from the top of this pyramid one can see 17 similar structures, located in rows, in pairs or individually. A few miles from this “city of heights,” the archaeologist discovered another cone-shaped structure with a flat top. He found striking similarities with a Mexican pyramid called Teotihuacan.

The government officially confirmed the existence of about 400 pyramids in China only in 2000. The largest of them was called the "Great White". Small structures have been recognized as burial mounds, although most scientists believe that the first Chinese pyramids previously acted as energy conductors and were of extraterrestrial origin.

Valley of the Pyramids of China

This section of the Chinese plain is a complex valley in which the pyramids are located. It extends near the city of Xi'an and includes a gigantic complex of interconnected structures. The length of the Valley of the Pyramids is about 50 km, and its shape resembles the Milky Way.

The first and most amazing pyramid of the Valley is called the Maolin Mausoleum. It was here that archaeologists found thousands of clay statues of traders, ancient warriors and peasants. But scientists have not found a single sign indicating that this building is the tomb of the emperor.

Absolutely all pyramids are built from natural material – clay rock called “loess”. The structures have a square or rectangular base, and some are installed on small embankments or platforms about three meters high. Individual pyramids have many steps, the height of which is about a meter or two, but there are also buildings of a smooth shape, without any ledges.

Yasen Park is of particular importance in the Valley of the Pyramids. It is located 15 km from Xi'an and consists of 20 monolithic buildings. When examining the pyramids, it turned out that they were also never the tombs of ancient emperors, since they do not have internal space.

The uniqueness of Yasen Park is that all its pyramids are accurate indicators of the cardinal directions and have the same shape with a truncated top. The largest three elevations of the valley form an interesting schematic arrangement, very reminiscent of the plan for building the pyramids in Egypt.

The Chinese pyramids of the valley are very ancient, are in poor condition and have significant damage. Local residents did not attach much value to these buildings, often using their land for cultivation of fields and on their farms.

The first of them were erected back in 1032. BC during the period of the power of the ancient eastern rulers of the Xia clan. Now the pyramids require reconstruction, since many of them are covered with deep cracks, heavily damaged and close to final disappearance.

Mysterious White Pyramid

All the pyramids of the Celestial Empire have a common feature - their height ranges from 25-100 meters. Only one building is unique in its size, which is located near the Jia Lin River and has a height of about 300 meters - almost 2 times more than the Cheops Pyramid. This is the Great White Pyramid, majestic, gigantic, striking in its appearance and royalty.

Scientists suggest that the White Pyramid is the tomb of the great emperor of the Qin dynasty. During its construction, about 700 thousand people died, and their remains were laid in the walls of the structure and compacted with multi-ton layers of earth. An amazing discovery was the location of the remains - the bones were randomly mixed, as if the bodies of the builders were torn to pieces before death.

Upon further study, a version emerged that the dead servants of the emperor did not build the pyramid, but only cut a long tunnel leading into the room. The opening of the White Pyramid, during which a powerful explosion occurred, took place in 200 BC. The ancient builders did not just open it - during the entrance, the high-tech mechanism laid down by the ancient civilization was destroyed.

Why are the Chinese silent?

The pyramids are carefully hidden - their edges are densely planted with fast-growing tree species that hide the buildings from prying eyes. This disguise allowed the Chinese to keep them secret for a long time, claiming that they were just hills and mountains. On some of the ancient structures, local residents grew rice crops, while the rest were densely overgrown with forest.

Just recently, China declared the area where the White Pyramid is located a closed zone, inaccessible to foreign tourists and researchers. The government of this country has built a base on the territory near the hills for launching rockets and satellites into space. Archaeologists and scientists from other countries are also not allowed to visit the pyramids, believing that these structures will only be explored by Chinese archaeologists of the next generation.

The secret of the Chinese pyramids is reliably protected by the state, not giving the slightest chance to researchers. What are the Chinese trying to hide, what are they afraid of? Some scientists believe that the Chinese authorities do not want to study the pyramids because they are very afraid of finding ancient manuscripts there that will completely change our understanding of the creation of the Earth.

Recently, strong magnetic fields were discovered in the "Valley of Black Bamboo." This zone is located in the Chinese settlement of Jilin, near the plains where the pyramids rise. In these mysterious places, people disappear, aircraft crash, and the compass needle wanders erratically. When people find themselves in this place, they experience memory loss and do not orient themselves in space.

This suggests some kind of extraterrestrial force that erects barriers to protect the pyramids from outside visitors. It can be assumed that this unusual place belongs to a civilization of aliens, who may control all its processes.

It is also assumed that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire keep the Chinese pyramids secret for another reason. Most likely, the government of this country does not have a firm belief that these majestic buildings belong to Chinese culture. There is a version that the ancient pyramids were built not by the Chinese, but by mysterious alien creatures who left them as a gift unique technologies and materials from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Sons of Heaven or Martians?

According to ancient Chinese legend, the pyramids are evidence of a visit to our Earth by alien creatures. According to legend, at the beginning of the century, two merchants from Australia traveled to the Sichuan Plains and discovered more than a hundred Chinese pyramids. The old monk told the traders that these buildings belonged to the era of the reign of emperors who were confident in the existence of extraterrestrial worlds.

The ancient manuscripts of the emperors indicate that the pyramids were built more than 5 thousand centuries ago. In addition, the rulers testified that they were the heirs of the “Sons of Heaven”, who flew to the planet on huge thundering dragons made of iron. They were the builders of the pyramids.

There are suggestions that aliens from other planets, maybe from Mars, were involved in the construction of the pyramids. This was confirmed by space photographs of the Martian relief, on which elevations of unknown origin are clearly visible, shaped like the White Pyramid.

The energy power of the pyramids

According to scientists' hypotheses, the largest Chinese pyramids are interconnected and perform a special function. It is known that if electronic stations of the same power are built in different parts of the planet, their flows can be transmitted across the globe.

And perhaps these ancient elevations were built specifically to transmit signals or impulses, and their location is directly related to a certain electronic process.

A version has emerged that, in all likelihood, if you sit inside the pyramid in a designated place, its special design allows you to keep in touch and transmit thoughts over long distances. Contacts could go beyond the planet, allowing communication with alien civilizations. But all these are just assumptions, while scientists do not have real answers to all the questions.

The earthquake opened three pyramids

Of course, the easiest thing would be not to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and classify them as fiction. However, the mystery of the Chinese pyramids unites many more inexplicable events that happened in reality. In 1959, a powerful earthquake occurred near the city of Wuhan, which affected the change in relief in this area. During the disaster, part of the rocks shifted and three cone-shaped elevations were revealed - giant pyramids 45 thousand years old!

Chinese scientists managed to get inside the pyramid and through its passages, reminiscent of a labyrinth, they entered a huge hall, the vaults of which were painted with ancient drawings. The researchers were struck by some of the images - in one of them you can clearly distinguish people chasing the beast. And above them, in a round-shaped aircraft, are depicted creatures in decoration very reminiscent of modern clothing!

A drawing was also discovered confirming the knowledge of ancient people about space. The wall clearly depicted the 10 planets of the solar system in a certain sequence, with Mars and Earth united in a ring. This suggests that in ancient times there was some kind of connection between these planets, but what exactly is unclear.

Scientists are of the opinion that the arrangement of the Chinese pyramids forms a complex pattern that astronomers can easily decipher. If you plot all the structures on a map of the starry sky, the outlines of the mysterious constellation of Chinese mythology, the Cygnus, are formed - the oldest symbol of eternal life.

Inexplicable events, fantastic legends and mystery shroud the pyramids in a dense haze, the creation and essence of which are still shrouded in secrecy today. Perhaps China carefully hides the “eighth wonder of the world” for its own reasons known only to it.

One thing is clear - these mysterious structures are an integral part of the Universe, and having unraveled them, humanity will enter a new stage of thinking and development, discover unique opportunities, and perhaps even the secret of immortality.

White pyramids, pointed and flat, were erected in China, the Middle Empire, long before the Egyptian tomb pyramids. Only a small part of the Chinese pyramids has been explored. Many were discovered only in the 20th century.

It was 1945. The end of World War II was approaching in distant Asia. A US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft inspected the Qinling Ridge area southwest of the city of Xi'an. Suddenly the pilot noticed something incomprehensible under the wing: in the middle of a high-mountain valley a huge pyramid rose.

Can't be! Are there really pyramids not only in Egypt and Latin America?

The photo of the “white pyramid” of 1947.

The report written by the pilot after landing is still perceived as a sensation: “I flew around the mountain and reached a flat valley. Directly below me lay a giant white
a pyramid shrouded in an almost unreal, bright glow. It seemed to me that it was made of metal or stone of a very special type. I flew over the silver-white colossus several times. The most remarkable thing about it is the top: a large piece of metal that resembles a precious stone.”

According to American experts, the pyramid soared into the sky to a height of 300 m, the length of the side of its base was 490 m. For comparison: the height of the Cheops pyramid initially reached “only” 146.94 m, and the length of the side of the base was 230.38 m. It turns out that that the most monumental pyramid in the world is located in China!

China has more pyramids than Egypt. There are several hundred of them between the major cities of Xi'an and Xianyang alone. Only gradually will the world learn about the countless archaeological treasures of the Celestial Empire. Even in China itself, few people know about the existence of the pyramids, since they are located in forbidden military zones or hard-to-reach places.

In 1991, many pyramids were discovered near the city of Xi'an during the search for a site for a new airfield. These tombs rise 40 meters high above the surrounding fields. Like many Central American pyramids, they end not with a sharp peak, but with a flat platform. The pyramids in the Xianyang area even reach a height of 50 m. They are often located in groups of 4-5 structures. Since no excavations have been carried out until now, one can only guess that large cavities lurk in their depths. This is indicated by, say, cut down terraces. Some pyramids were built during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD).

They became tombs for the founder of the dynasty, Emperor Liu Bang, and eleven subsequent Han rulers. The two pyramids were created during the Zhou Dynasty (1027-256/249 BC). Even older is the pyramid of Emperor Shao Hao, a descendant of the legendary Huang Di (“Yellow Emperor”), who ruled the Middle Empire around 2600 BC. e. Near the city of Qufu (Shandong Province), in the middle of a vast park, a pyramidal stone structure 18 m high and 28 m wide with a flat top sparkles. This symbolic tomb is crowned with a small temple-tower, inside which, like a pharaoh, sits Emperor Shao-Hao, who considered himself, like the Egyptian rulers, the son of the gods.

Archaeologist Professor Wang Shipin found that one of the pyramids discovered 30 km from the city of Xi'an, in a restricted military zone, is located at the geometric center of all parts of the world. It turns out that the unknown builders had deep knowledge about the spherical shape of the Earth and the distribution of land masses. Professor Wang also shares the view that the pyramids are oriented according to the stars. If so, then their location is consistent with the ancient teachings of feng shui, sacred geomancy. Perhaps the pyramids of Egypt, the stone monuments of Northern Europe and Greece were built according to the same principles. If these relationships are confirmed, great discoveries await us regarding the knowledge of ancient peoples.

Was there an exchange of ideas and values ​​between ancient cultures? Qufu, the name of the capital of the Shao-Hao Empire, is consonant with one of the variants of the name of Pharaoh Cheops - Khufu. It is also possible that already 2,000 years ago, the Great Silk Road, 6,500 km long, connected the Han power with the Roman Empire, which bought silk in exchange for gold and glass. In any case, such contacts do not seem at all incredible. But definitive proof of this fact is a task for future research.

As we have already said, the Chinese pyramids first became widely known in the West back in 1947, when they were accidentally discovered by American pilots flying over the area. Several photographs were taken, newspapers published them, then a similar photograph appeared in 1957 in Life magazine...

And then scientists tried to forget about the giant structures, which should have been located somewhere in Egypt or Central America. But, naturally, not everyone has forgotten. There is a category of eccentrics whom you don’t feed with bread, but let them unearth some unknown secret of history. They are absolutely convinced that in our past everything was far from the way they write about it in textbooks.

And these beliefs are based not on someone’s idle speculation or one’s own imagination that knows no bounds, but on numerous artifacts of antiquity that stubbornly refuse to fit into the generally accepted concept of the historical development of mankind. The German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff belongs precisely to this category of people, who persistently searches for traces of ancient legendary civilizations such as Atlantis or Mu, publishes evidence of aliens visiting the Earth, and other similar “dubious” things. You can have any attitude towards the activities of people like Hausdorff, but it was he who, in 1994, managed to penetrate into a closed area of ​​Shaanxi province and make a photo report there about the pyramids, which to this day have not been studied at all by historians. It is clear that these structures are absolutely not characteristic of known periods in the history of Chinese culture, which extends over thousands of years. The age of the pyramids is unknown, and local residents, naturally, cannot say anything intelligible about this.

True, Hausdorff managed to find the diaries of two Australian traders who entered Shaanxi in 1912. They then happened to meet an old Buddhist monk, who said that these pyramids were mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they descended from the sons of heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons”...

WITH the clones of some pyramids are planted with small coniferous trees. There is an opinion that for many years the Chinese have been disguising these structures as natural hills, planting them with fast-growing shrubs and trees. Oddly enough, Chinese archaeologists do not open these pyramids and do not conduct any research

For some reason, the Chinese government categorically prohibited researchers from other countries from touching these places. US writer George Hantom Williamson, through his connections with the US Air Force, obtained a photocopy of a topographic map of the city of Xi'an. The map was made based on photographs obtained from satellites. And not far from the city of Xi'an, the location of sixteen pyramids was indicated. New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagy in 1963 found the diaries and an article by Schroder written in 1912. Fred Mayer Schroder was a trader from Australia who led caravans from the Great Wall of China into the interior of the country. One day he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdykhan, and he said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China, Xian Fu (on the modern map it is Xi’an).”

“After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something rising on the horizon. At first glance it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer we saw that it was a structure with four regularly beveled edges and a flat top.”

Schroder felt a sense of respectful wonder at the most magnificent creation of human hands that he had seen in his life. He was shocked by the thought that people who had the knowledge that allowed them to plan and build such a structure had now completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

“We approached them from the east,” writes Schroder, and saw that in the northern group there were three giants, and the remaining pyramids successively decreased in size until the smallest in the south. They extended for six or eight miles across the plain, overlooking the cultivated land and villages. They were under people's noses and remained completely unknown to the Western world. The large pyramid was about a thousand feet high (about three hundred meters, that is, almost twice as tall as the Cheops pyramid) and almost fifteen hundred feet at the base of 500 meters, that is, twice as large the Pyramid of Cheops). The four sides of the Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented along the compass points. Each face of the pyramid was a different color: black for the north, green and blue for the east, red for the south, and white for the west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth.

Once on the sides of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones that had fallen from above. Below were steps of rough-hewn wild stone (each stone about three feet square).

The pyramid itself, like most buildings in China, was made of adobe. Huge gutters the size of mountain canyons stretched along its walls. They were also covered with stones. Trees and bushes grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to a natural object. This majestic sight took my breath away.

We drove around the pyramids looking for the entrance, but found nothing.” When Schroder asked Bogdykhan about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were more than five thousand years old. When asked why he thinks so, Bogdykhan replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient.”

Schroder was one of the very few Europeans lucky enough to see the pyramid complex in Shanxi, and one can only hope that the Chinese authorities will lift the veil of secrecy in the future and allow outsiders to visit.

“The main thing that interested me,” writes American researcher Vance Tied, was the geographic coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same ancient builders belonging to the same civilization had a hand in their construction. I vaguely realized that each of the pyramids performed a special function and that there was some kind of geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world.

If the Egyptian complex is located at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 degrees. I think that one day many different relationships will be calculated between the coordinates of the Giza and Chancy plains, Williamson indicated in a letter to Thied that the pyramid at Chancy, indicated as number four on the map, was in all likelihood the same structure that was photographed in 1947. “According to my preliminary calculations,” V. Thied further writes, “there could be a connection between it and the Great Pyramid of Cheops, because both are based on the number 16944. The computer pointed to pyramid No. 6 as the most interesting in the group.

The distance along the circle drawn between Pyramid No. 6 in Shanxi and the Great of Egypt turned out to be equal to 3849 degrees 5333 arc minutes or nautical miles (plus or minus one hundred feet). This is equal to 64.15888 degrees. This number squared twice is equal to 16944430 harmonic equivalent mass.

We visited the wide plains of Sichuan, in the very center of China. Their attention was attracted by completely unusual pyramids. It was not possible to find out anything about these strange structures. Even asking local residents about the pyramids did not help. Some said that these pyramids were brought with them by aliens, some said that they were built by great magicians, and some even noted that these pyramids are older than humanity itself. Now many people are studying the pyramids, but even despite this, most of the mysteries associated with the Chinese pyramids remain unsolved...

Location of Chinese pyramids

The pyramids are scattered throughout Sichuan and the Jia Lin Valley. In the middle of the fields in Xianyang is the Valley of the Pyramids with dozens of man-made mounds.

The time when the pyramids were built is unknown. However, the German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff noted that he once spoke with a Buddhist monk, and he told him that these pyramids were mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors.”

In total, more than 100 pyramids are scattered across an area of ​​2,000 square kilometers, many of them becoming widely known only recently. For example, only in March 1994, 6 pyramids were discovered located in the province of the city of Xi'an. Now these discovered pyramids are considered the largest of all found in China.

For a long time, the Chinese government was against conducting any research on the territory of the pyramids. In 1912, two businessmen, Fred Meyer Schroeder and Oscar Maman, traveled to the Chinese province of Shaanxi, which has long been famous for its silk products. Their path lay through the Kin Lin Xiang Mountains, located 60 kilometers southwest of the city of Xi'an. Suddenly they saw in front of them a huge snow-white pyramid about 300 meters high with a wide platform on top. There were several more pyramids nearby, but much smaller in size. “This sight shocked us even more than if we had found them. But these pyramids are in front of the whole world, and in Western countries they know nothing about them,” they wrote in their diary in May 1912. This entry became the last line in their “travel notes”... Since then, no one has heard anything more about the merchants, and their diary in the early 60s of the twentieth century was found by a New Zealand pilot, Captain Bruce L. Cathy, who devoted the rest of his life to searching for mysterious pyramids and information about them. He managed to find out that rumors about the colossal tombs of Chinese emperors had existed for many centuries, but none of the researchers or ordinary travelers could reach the area of ​​​​the mythical buildings, since at all times China had maintained a centuries-old tradition of isolation and mystery. Foreigners have always had incredible difficulties in achieving archaeological research in China. Some areas of the country were closed even to visiting Chinese “for reasons of national security.” Only in 1994 was it possible to obtain the first official permission for scientists to enter the territory where the pyramids are located.

The work of the German archaeologist Hartwing Hausdorff made a great contribution to the study of the mysterious pyramids. However, for a very long time, the Chinese authorities did not want to let the scientist near the structures. For the first time, an archaeologist was allowed into the Valley of the Pyramids only in 1997. True, he only managed to get permission to look at the structures, without any research. To obtain permission to carry out more serious work, he had to wait several more years.

This attitude of the Chinese authorities is completely incomprehensible. The whole world learned about the pyramids only at the beginning of the 20th century, but, of course, in China they could not help but know about the pyramids. For many centuries, the pyramids were carefully camouflaged so that visitors would not accidentally see them - they were covered with earth, planted with trees, and even surrounded by fences. Why did they hide so carefully? Officially, the authorities explain this by saying that the pyramids are sacred to the Chinese people, and the intervention of foreigners is perceived as sacrilege for them. But it doesn’t seem like the pyramids are particularly revered.

Quite the contrary. Today, the pyramids, for the most part, are in deplorable condition. And it’s not at all because of influence and time. Most of them were looted and destroyed by local residents. Pyramids were built not from stones, but from clay and earth. At one time, the pyramids suffered greatly because local peasants broke off whole pieces of this material in order to later use them as fertilizer for the land. And the state itself as a whole was not very interested in preserving the relics - no money was allocated either for their protection or for their restoration. The ancient structures were not cared for all the time until European scientists became interested in them.

Features of Chinese pyramids

What are the Chinese pyramids? Outwardly, they are very similar to the pyramids located in Central America. On average, all pyramids are 100 meters high. The smallest of them is 25 meters, and the largest is 300 meters (the Great White Pyramid).

There is an assumption that the location of the pyramids is not accidental; they were “arranged” according to the special laws of Feng Shui, which are strictly followed in the Middle Kingdom. The pyramids are located in accordance with astronomical landmarks and testify to the incredibly precise knowledge of the ancients in the fields of mathematics and geometry. According to the Chinese, the most important buildings should be erected in those places where two principles emanate from the ground at once - male and female (“blue dragon” and “white tiger”). Perhaps it was on these principles that the Chinese pyramids were built. Even a pyramid was found that occupies a place exactly in the center of the ancient empire. One has only to wonder how people of those times managed to calculate everything so accurately.

Many pyramids were once hollow inside, but since they are made of rather fragile material, all the interior spaces were filled up. There is no way to get inside without destroying the entire pyramid. Scientists managed to get into only one of them. Not far from the base of one of the round pyramids, they discovered a buried passage that led them into an underground labyrinth. The stone walls of the deep corridor were so polished that the researchers did not even doubt for a second that the ancient architects had done a great job here. And they were convinced of this when they soon found themselves in a huge hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with incomprehensible drawings. Scientists were most interested in two of them: one depicted, and the other a strange prehistoric hunt in which people took part... in clothes reminiscent of modern spacesuits.

As for the first drawing, the ancient artists depicted ten balls placed at different distances from each other and grouped around a single center (Sun?), the third ball from the center (Earth?) and the fourth (Mars?) were connected by a line in the form loops. The report about the found drawings was so surprising that... the Chinese authorities immediately wrote a refutation, and landscaping work began in Shaanxi province: fast-growing shrubs and trees were planted on the pyramids to give the buildings the appearance of natural mountains overgrown... The expedition inside the round pyramid was the first and the last one, since after it none of the scientists managed to obtain permission to carry out work in this structure.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

All pyramids are a complete mystery. The main question is what is the purpose of these buildings? Perhaps these mysteries will remain unsolved. Firstly, because there are very few ancient sources that say anything about the Chinese pyramids. Secondly, there is very little research being done. Chinese science does not work with pyramids; scientists from other countries are allowed in with great reluctance. Some believe that Chinese scientists are afraid to invade the pyramids for fear of finding documents there that will change our entire understanding of life on Earth.

In one of the Buddhist temples, scrolls dating back 5,000 years were discovered with information that the authors of the grandiose project were representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations called the Sons of Heaven. However, scientists refuse to take information from these ancient sources seriously. Most are still inclined to the theory that says that the pyramids are used to bury emperors in them, that is, in this they become similar to Egyptian tombs. There is also an assumption that the pyramids had no practical value, and served exclusively for religious rituals.


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