The best competition in the tourism industry landing page. Selling landing pages in tourism: secrets of high conversions. How much does it cost to create a landing page for a travel agency?

6828 October 16, 2014 Daniil Davydov, online travel business farmer Hello, dear colleagues! In this article I will tell you about selling tourism landing pages and how to increase their effectiveness.

Let me give you a couple of examples of tourism landing pages

Each landing page has its own structure, which can be, for example, one of the following

Site header

The header (the top part of the website page) must contain three elements:
  • contact phone number (ideally a number on 8 800)
  • immediately below the number is a CTA button (call to action)
  • Company `s logo

An important point: if you add an indication under the contact phone number that calls within Russia are free, this will increase the conversion by 1.8%!

At the beginning of the page, in the header, we insert the key query itself (the phrase by which the site should be found by the search engine). Under the title we use a USP (unique selling proposition), that is, something with which we can attract our tourists and interest them.

Grip form

In capture forms it is also necessary to use the USP. In addition, you can add photographs of vacationing people who embody the collective image of your target audience. Happy faces next to your capture form significantly increase conversion rates, meaning you'll get your agency far more leads than a boring, plain background.

Below are some examples of a page with a capture form.

The capture form works very effectively, where you are asked to subscribe to the site’s news - in this way, you attract the visitor to your product, stimulate his loyalty, but do not directly offer to buy anything, do not impose. The capture form with a subscription to useful tips related to vacations and travel works especially well.

Think through in detail all offers that may prompt a site visitor to fill out the capture form. How can you interest him, other than immediately buying a tour?

Please note that wherever you talk about the benefits of your agency, you must indicate the benefits that the tourist will receive by contacting you. Many people miss this point, speaking only about themselves: “we are the best...”, while you need to talk about the advantages compared to other TAs from the point of view of your client (“with us you can...”). And to do this, you need to study your target audience in more detail.

USP segmentation according to target groups

The target audience, as well as key queries, must be segmented in order to more accurately meet the needs of a potential client and are guaranteed to attract him. For convenience, it is worth creating a so-called “USP matrix”.

You should have the most detailed possible collective portrait of your client in each segment. You need to know what he is interested in, what attracts him, in order to understand what can hook him.

Having defined several USPs for different segments of the target audience, they can be placed on the landing page in different forms of capture. By scrolling through the page, your tourist will see exactly what suits him best and will definitely leave you his details to select a tour.

CTA button

This button should be bright, noticeable, and immediately catch your eye. Practice shows that orange buttons get the most clicks, but there is no exact recipe. Try different colors, experiment and find your perfect button design!

Landing page components

Please note that landing pages generally contain a general USP, and we segment it and create a separate one for each category of potential clients. The question arises: how not to overload the page and force the visitor to view it to the end. The answer is simple: place only the essentials on it.

The essence of such a “minimalistic” page is that the visitor does not need to scroll through it: all information and main blocks are located compactly, up to the shift line (that is, immediately visible to the visitor, on one screen). Contrasting photographs that complement the landing page elements work well on such pages. At the top of the page you need to place a menu where all sections of the site that are potentially interesting to a tourist will be displayed, so that by clicking on a button he can easily get additional information on the main site or on an additional landing page related to this section.

It is important to be able to place all the useful information before the shift line, so that the tourist at first glance finds what interests him and stays on the site.

You can also make a universal landing page that a tourist lands on based on a key query from a search engine. This page immediately contains a form in which the visitor fills out the necessary tour parameters. Don’t forget to place the advantages of your agency next to the form so that the tourist immediately understands that he is in the hands of professionals.

If you add a “request a call” button to such a page or indicate that “calls within Russia are free,” then the conversion will increase even more due to calls, since many tourists find it more convenient to communicate by phone.

Another trick

Remember when we talked about photographs of tourists next to the capture form? If you use an image of the tourist looking directly at this form, you can increase your conversion rate by another 6%. This is due to the fact that a person instinctively follows the direction of view of photographs and is not distracted by looking at all the elements of the page. This effect can be enhanced by arrows leading to the CTA button, the capture form and the fields that need to be filled out.

Incentives can also be used to encourage the user to take a targeted action. For example, place information about a current promotion in the capture form, offer a certificate or a discount.

You can add photos and reviews of other tourists about the work of your agency to inspire confidence on the part of a new client who has just arrived on your site.

That's not all!

Having achieved the target action, be sure to provide the tourist with feedback. There is a so-called “5 minute rule”, which means that a site visitor, in order to become a full-fledged client, must receive a response within 5 minutes, since he almost certainly performed the same action on the sites of 4-5 of your competitors, so if you A call back has been ordered, please make it as soon as possible.

As for filling out the form, you should set up a thank you page so that the tourist is confident that the process has been completed successfully and all that remains is to wait for their application to be processed. Promise to contact him as soon as possible and be sure to keep this promise!

There are many other secrets to increasing the conversion of landing pages in the tourism industry; in this article I only talked about the basic practical techniques that work well. Remember to test your pages, fix bugs, and meet the needs of your target audience.

We wish you high tourist conversions and successful sales!

Daniil Davydov, online travel business farmer

A travel agency landing page is an effective marketing tool that, with a reasonable approach, will show much better results than even a very experienced travel agent. Such an Internet page operates around the clock, and if it is created taking into account the peculiarities of human perception of information, it will generate income from the first month of its existence.

Travel agency landing page

There is one peculiarity: travel companies traditionally strive to attract clients with a wide range of offers, tours for 7 and up to 10 days, and accommodation in a four or five-star hotel. That is, they provide maximum choice. And one of the key differences between Landing Pages is that they solve only one specific problem. And a landing page for a travel agency is no exception.

This landing page structure has been time-tested and proven to be productive, so it’s important to stick to it. When visiting a landing page, reading and viewing its contents, the visitor should confidently approach one specific goal. In the case of a travel agency, you can use:

  • go to the main site;
  • tour booking;
  • filling out the registration form to replenish your contact database and receive notifications about new offers;
  • installing the application on a mobile phone or tablet.

The traditional structure is as follows: a title, a description of the problem or proposal, an overview of its merits, motivation for taking an action, and the final action. You can also advertise tours on the landing page, but only one specific tour. It is important to talk about their advantages, but this must be done with reasoning - then the visitor will have no doubt about the authenticity of what has been said.

If you need attract new clients to your travel agency, the first thing that comes to mind is a PR campaign on the Internet. But you need to approach this issue wisely, otherwise you can waste your money. The Zexler company offers an up-to-date solution that is guaranteed to recoup the costs - developing the right landing page.

Our team has a wealth of experience and we know how to attract visitors. We will develop for you a high-quality landing page that will not go unnoticed. Thoughtful design and emphasized benefits Your company will become your business card - within a few weeks your client base will expand significantly. We will do everything to the flow of visitors has not only increased, but also trust in your companyincreased, A fame increased.

Gradually sales will increase, A profits increase. All you need to do is just contact Zexler! We will prepare a commercial offer for you and send it for free.

How much does it cost to create a landing page for a travel agency?

Before answering this question, we hold a personal meeting with the customer and find out how he wants the future landing page to look. We will study in detail features of your business and we will work in accordance with your wishes and preferences. Formal business or casual style? A minimum amount of content or a detailed description of services? The choice is yours.

Depending on how complex the landing page will be and how much time will be spent on development, the cost will vary. Standard sales pages cost 50 thousand rubles. More voluminous and complex landing pages (multi-landing pages) require more investment, and this should also be taken into account. In any case, you will receive a guaranteed result - the right landing page, working to attract customers and increase profits. Your costs for it will pay off within a few months from the moment of launch. Detailed reporting will give you an idea of ​​the resources spent: we work conscientiously, efficiently and on time!

How to attract clients using a travel agency landing page?

Zexler company specialists have been developing landing pages for several years. Our team consists of experienced professionals who know their business. We know, how to attract clients for your company, even if we are talking about creating a single page.

We take a responsible approach to developing a travel agency landing page: We think through the structure, create a unique selling design, emphasize the advantages. Once on such a page, the client will know exactly what services you provide, what their cost is and how to contact you. We'll speed up conversions by making sure you have the correct application form. As a result, your customer base will expand, A brand trust will increase. Contact Zexler, and new horizons will open up for you that you could not even dream of. Our solutions are the best, our ideas are fresh, and the results will exceed all expectations. All you need to do is call or fill out the application form on our website. Our managers will contact you as soon as possible!

A landing page (another name is a landing page, target page or landing page) is a one-page selling type website, with the help of which new clients are attracted, new spheres of influence are developed and the client base is expanded.

The popularity of this type of site is growing every day, so every company committed to serious work strives to acquire at least one selling page. New companies use landing pages to attract the attention of potential customers to their business and product, while large companies can use them for several purposes.


Today, a one-page website can be of several types:


Landing, as a special type of website, has several fundamental differences that affect its effectiveness and performance. As an example of frequent landing pages, we can consider such an area as tourism - in this area, one-pagers are the most popular.


  • Having a bright title that can attract the attention of visitors. The headline plays an important role in forming the first impression. For example, if a company offers apartment renovation, then the headline should fully reflect this - the client will immediately see and be interested.
  • Using buttons for calls to action. This is one of the most important marketing moves - the use of contrasting buttons signed with phrases that encourage the completion of the necessary targeted actions. For example, a company that offers kitchens or doors can use both “Order now” and other options as a call. It is important to use non-impersonal forms (Download, Buy, Ok), and also not to use “We”.
  • Simplicity of design. Pay special attention to the design - it should be quite simple and easy to understand. An excessive amount of decorations and elements can only scare off potential buyers. The general design style must be uniform, the colors must be in harmony. If the company has a corporate identity, then the landing page should also be designed in this style using brands and logos - this will not only increase the level of trust, but also make the landing page recognizable. You can use a ready-made design template (it’s easy to find on the Internet for any topic and area of ​​business - it’s best to buy a good template rather than download a free one). Such website development will cost less, and the overall quality will be no worse than when developing an individual design (provided that the template was of high quality).
  • Content. Informational and graphical content always appears in a separate line - maximum attention should be paid to it. Firstly, text content is always as concise, informative and brief as possible. Ideally, the amount of text should not only reflect the essence of the service or product description, answer most of the customer’s questions, but also provide the necessary amount of information for making a decision without leaving the resource. For example, the company offers suspended ceilings. All the advantages of such ceilings, the description of the service offered and the general characteristics should be no larger than two or three screens in size, while giving the client the impression that he has learned as much information as possible and can make a decision right now and take the necessary targeted action. Secondly, it is important to observe proper text optimization - this is important not only for potential clients, but also for further promotion of the resource, so that search engines index the page and display it in searches for certain search queries. There is a slight difficulty in this - due to the small amount of text, it is quite difficult to correctly indicate all the keywords, so promotion may be slower than with a classic multi-page site. It is also important to pay attention to photographs. They should be as unique as possible and reflect the essence of your sales offer or the entire business area. For example, a beauty salon posts photographs of the services offered (manicure, pedicure, haircuts), and a company that sells flowers fills the site with photographs of flowers. Be sure to maintain a reasonable balance - the right number of photos will attract attention, and an excess will only disperse it further throughout the resource.


The popularity of this type of site, such as a landing page, is growing every day. Therefore, regardless of the field of your activity (web studio, house construction, catering, video surveillance, custom-made furniture or real estate agencies), you can become the owner of an effective marketing tool that not only attracts new target customers, but also expands your sphere of influence and increases the level of income.

People love to have a beautiful vacation, and the tourism services market is literally filled to capacity with offers from travel agencies and tour operators. The competition is really huge, but the websites of most travel companies are hopelessly outdated examples of design and usability from ten to fifteen years ago. But it’s 2017... Let’s see what modern selling websites in the tourism industry should look like using the example of 7 Russian and foreign landing pages.


A simple and easy-to-read landing page with a light, spacious, not overloaded layout. Instead of Da Vinci’s saying, it would be much more appropriate to have a target button on the first spread, for example, in the header of the site - for a call back. A good solution would be to include calls to action in the form of links.

The first screen is followed by 7 types of services, but they are not clickable. The third screen is occupied by a complex capture form for searching for a tour, decorated with animation so as not to look too boring.

  • a small text with the company’s message to potential clients;
  • block with photographs and contact numbers of managers;
  • agency contacts with partner logos and a large full-screen map.

Compared to most competitors, this laconic landing page with an unobtrusive, friendly design is just like a breath of fresh air. The lack of a mobile version is disappointing, which will not allow you to adequately use the site from mobile devices.

Another drawback that, unfortunately, affects almost all forms of landing page capture in this niche: after completing the application, the user sees a dry, formal thank you and an abstract promise that he will be contacted soon. But how soon? The client remains in the dark, hoping that the managers are not sleeping and are honestly working off their fee. This is another disadvantage, because an impatient client may not wait for the call, going to the websites of numerous competitors, where he can easily find an alternative.


The entire first spread is occupied by a slider with the 5 best tours - the company’s “hits”. The main product of the tour operator is tours around Ukraine; the existence of last-minute foreign tours can only be guessed from the small panel on the left, above the Facebook and VKontakte widgets. This landing page has a large number of errors and shortcomings:

  • when choosing the Russian language, some of the content is still displayed in Ukrainian;
  • there is no information about the tour to Bukovel, although a presentation video was filmed about it, which can be seen in the “About Us” block;
  • just a huge number of typos and errors in the tour descriptions;
  • original fonts are not used entirely successfully and competently;
  • there are errors in the layout, blocks and text periodically “run into” each other;
  • reviews are formatted in such a way that there is no way to verify their authenticity;
  • Inconvenient target form - it must be filled out for each tourist.

There are, of course, pleasant moments:

  • modern responsive layout with parallax scrolling;
  • a block with target buttons for two different forms of capture: for beach and excursion holidays;
  • detailed information about tours with transparent prices, issued using bulletins and a large number of photographs;
  • An excellent form for subscribing to SMS newsletters, with the ability to mark only subsections of interest.

This is a rather interesting landing page, with an insufficiently thought-out structure, but it allows you to segment your target audience as much as possible and work with it in a targeted manner.


A modern landing page with a responsive, adaptive, simple and clear layout, which actively uses automatic sliders, and each slide is equipped with a target button. 6 main types of services (clickable), as well as the best last-minute tours and promotional offers are located immediately on the first screen. The downside is that they even added hashtags to the page about the tours that open from here, but they forgot to add the order form. Instead, you can leave your comment there using your WordPress or social network profile to log in.

  • a short block with a target button leading to a form for selecting last-minute tours;
  • sliders with articles and news (to promote the site in search engines);
  • slider with the main popular destinations for tourists;
  • a short block with a target button that sends you to the capture form for those who could not find a suitable tour (it periodically works with an error);
  • the last block, which contains: contacts, links to social networks and reviews.

A good, high-quality landing page on WordPress, in which you need to polish the Thank You Page, navigation and optimization - the page takes a long time to load.


Landing page for a Moscow network of travel agencies:

A laconic but friendly adaptive landing page, designed in a trendy manner. On the first screen:

  • large logo with expanded descriptor;
  • headlines with a call to action;
  • button for call back in the upper right corner of the header.

The next block lists the websites of travel agencies that are part of the network. Each of them occupies its own unique niche in the Russian tourism services market. Behind them is an infographic that tells the story of the company's development.

A powerful review block contains a large number of positive, as well as neutral and even negative reviews, linked to a specific agency and indicating some order details.

The next block contains a daily counter of visitors to all network sites, as well as information about the latest online orders. After them come numerous awards and diplomas, as well as photographs of company experts. The page ends with contacts. There is nothing to complain about here.


Landing page of a travel agency that is part of the Golden Domes network:

Just an excellent landing page promoting a tourism business in the niche of specialized services for sports facilities, training camps and competitions. An excellent example of a Russian-language landing page that correctly positions the company on the market. The first spread has an appeal, short bullets of key benefits and a target form, and the background is high-resolution thematic photographs.

The next screen lists all the promotions and ends with a capture form to receive a discount. Here the original horizontal is used as the background.

  • block with 4 main services;
  • additional benefit triggers;
  • personal address from the director of the company;
  • simple open form for feedback;
  • contacts with links to popular social networks.

The layout is adaptive, very simple, even the CallbackHunter button is static and not annoying, and the pop-up window contains a single field for entering a phone number, with convenient markup. Nothing superfluous, everything is extremely clear and effective.


An admirable western landing page from the tourism industry:

The first spread is designed as a full-screen video background with a powerful call to action and a button to watch the presentation video. In the header of the site there is a logo, a navigation menu, a contact phone number and a target button in the very corner. All CTA elements are highlighted in bright red, making them hard to miss.

Copywriting is beyond praise, with strong Call to Action. Instead of regular photographs, small videos are used everywhere, and they look especially impressive in reviews. The site is beautifully optimized, the layout is light and airy, and the layout is clear and well thought out. The long target form is designed as a large pop-up panel on the right side of the screen. Landing page that you must read.


The site greets the visitor with an original video screensaver, which evokes incredibly vivid emotional associations with the company’s services in the potential client, due to the direct comparison of beautiful images of nature with images of a luxurious vacation. The target CTA button sends the user directly to the landing page, which is also a cut of beautiful video backgrounds:

The page has an original structure: you can switch between views from the shore and views from the ship. Effective calls to action lead to the official company website. An exciting landing page that, in its adaptive version, changes video backgrounds to simple photos.

Tourism is a very popular and in-demand business area. Today, we are pleased to offer you effective solutions to increase sales in the field of travel services for any pocket. For a modest budget, our catalog has entire tourist themes to choose from. After a simple registration on the site, which will take less than 1 minute, you will get access to all templates for a 7-day trial period -

Even with high conversion rates, created by experienced specialists specifically for sales in the tourism industry, we are waiting for you in our landing page store.

You can purchase a suitable landing page layout as non-unique or unique, and also order from us with an exclusive design, having at your disposal the most powerful modern Internet marketing tool to increase sales in the niche of travel services.


The tourism business is an extremely competitive arena. A major role in this area is played by:

  • urgency and seasonality;
  • experience and expertise of managers;
  • degree of reliability of information about tours and services;
  • quality of service provided and reliability of tour operators;
  • the length of time the company has been present on the market, its achievements, awards and recommendations.

Most sites in this area have long since become obsolete, continuing to function at the very least and bring some profit to the owners, mainly due to the already accumulated client base. Developing a modern, high-conversion landing page to promote the services of a travel company can not only significantly increase sales, but also win over the chosen niche from competitors.

Consult with professional Internet marketers, spare no expense on sales copywriting, modern design, promotion, and you will be very pleasantly surprised by the final result, which will pay off in just a few days.


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