Catching catfish in winter - myth or reality? Catching catfish in winter: the most promising areas and the best gear What is used to catch catfish in winter

Professional fishermen claim that catching catfish in winter requires not only patience, but also skill. To catch this fish you need to drill holes in the ice, which already speaks of the professionalism of the fisherman. Naturally, for such a task, it is necessary to prepare gear in advance in order to pull out fish of varying weights from the ice hole at the right time. In addition, for winter fishing for catfish, you need to select good places in the summer, when you can carefully examine everything and become familiar with the features of this fish prize. Catching catfish in winter.

A fisherman's dream

Every fisherman's dream is a big catfish floundering on the ice. Naturally, to catch such a fish, you need to spend a lot of time selecting bait, as well as choosing a method for catching it. There is an opinion that catfish gain weight quite quickly and by winter can grow up to 200 kilograms. However, the growth of such a fish depends on the reservoir in which it lives and the nutrition with which it increases its weight.

A particularly popular fishing activity is catfishing in winter. And even if a blizzard blows, still for the sake of the cherished goal - to catch a catfish and pull it out of the hole - the fisherman sits and endures all the weather adversities. Catfish are especially active at night, when they search for food underwater. With the onset of spring, they experience a lack of food, which can result in maximum yield for such fish.

To catch a large catfish, you need to not only hook it, but also wait patiently until it actually gets hooked. When a catfish gets hooked, it resists quite strongly. If a fisherman has caught a big fish, he may need all his strength to keep it on the hook.

When to catch catfish in winter

In winter, catfish hide in holes in various reservoirs. Sometimes there can be several individuals in one pit at the same time. That is why, by making a hole in the ice, you can catch several fish without changing the biting location. In winter, catfish are usually deprived of food, which allows them to be caught using various baits. Such fish can be easily seduced by any bait. It is best to catch catfish in the evening, when it is most active. However, if there is a snowstorm or rather cloudy weather outside, then daytime is also suitable for catching catfish.

The size of the hole made by the angler plays a huge role in catching catfish. The most difficult place to guess is where there might be a hole with fish. Scientists have recorded that the deeper the hole in the reservoir, the easier it is to catch prey, since the catfish gradually goes for the bait, while enjoying the bait. However, if the fisherman managed to catch a catfish, then when pulling the fish out of the reservoir, he must not slow down, since it can jump off the hook due to its weight.

Using a samoder to catch catfish

Catching catfish in winter occurs through the correct use of a fishing rod. This is a device that has a thick fishing line with attached hooks and a weight. Initially, the samoder must be thrown into the hole very carefully so as not to spook the fish. There are several hooks on one samoder. That is why, if you are an extremely attentive fisherman, you can catch several catfish at the same time if you fall into the hole where they live. You need to wait a long time for a catfish to bite. If the place is chosen correctly and there is a deep hole in the reservoir where the catfish hid for the winter, then you can expect a catch.

Catfish baits

Fishermen have confirmed that fish such as catfish are best lured using artificial bait. The most preferable are silicone baits, which are made heavy by attaching a particle of lead to them. The color of such baits improves the visibility of fish, thereby focusing attention on their location. So, for example, if the water in which catfish are found is quite cloudy, then it is best to use bright yellow bait. For clear water, silver or green baits are suitable. Additionally, fishermen can use phosphorous baits, which can glow at night, thereby indicating the catfish to food. The size of the bait should not be more than 20 cm. Otherwise, the catfish will not be able to swallow it, and, therefore, will not swim to the fishing spot.

In winter, sleep is not very active. This allows fishermen to freely lure it to the fishing spot and hang bait on the hook that the fish can feast on. The main factor for successful catfishing in winter is the temperature of the reservoir in which the catfish is hiding at the bottom.

Catfishing is currently prohibited. However, poaching methods of catching such fish can be seen quite often today. People simply do not overdo this activity, catching fish for their own purposes and needs.

If you first familiarize yourself with the information that a fisherman may need, you can catch enough catfish in winter to enjoy the delicious meat of such fish. Winter fishing for catfish cannot be carried out anywhere in the reservoir, so you need to prepare for such a complex process in the summer.

Catfish is a heat-loving fish. Therefore, it is possible that the very phrase “catfishing in winter” causes mistrust. We will try to clarify whether this is an accident or a real pattern.

Let's start with a brief acquaintance with such a desirable fish as catfish. Freshwater catfish is the largest fish found in domestic reservoirs. It is an object of fishing. After all, who doesn’t dream of catching a catfish? As mentioned above, catfish are heat-loving fish.

The period of its greatest activity occurs in the summer months (June - August), when the water warms up sufficiently. Catfish is a predator. The diet of adult catfish is dominated by fish, invertebrates, mollusks and carrion. The catfish is a typical hermit. Usually the fish stay alone, but with the onset of autumn they flock into small schools of 10-15 individuals and choose holes for wintering, often these holes coincide with the summer ones.

In winter, the catfish sleeps, i.e. is in a state of suspended animation and does not react in any way to nearby wintering carp, bream, etc., which can become a potential victim of catfish. In such pits they catch catfish, but most often with a self-determination, i.e. not in a legal way, but who said you can’t try your luck and wake up our catfish?

This is not an easy task and requires skill and great patience. Catfish fishing in winter occurs, of course, in its wintering places, i.e. in the pits. From a practical point of view, when catching catfish, you should hope for success if catfish are present in large quantities in a given reservoir; or, more correctly, the reservoir has a high density of catfish.

In this case, the chances of catching the much-desired trophy are slightly higher. Well, if the fishing location is still clear, then what about the gear? We won’t catch catfish with jigs. Naturally, we won't. The main bait for catfish is silicone bait. Various twisters and vibrating tails can give the best results, and edible rubber also performs well.

The size of the bait starts from 10 cm and should not exceed 20 cm. The color factor depends on the condition of the water; clear water favors the choice of green or silver bait, and muddy water favors yellow bait. In theory, everything is perfectly described, but in practice it can be completely different. An echo sounder can show where catfish are located under the ice, but there is no way to activate them and force them to pay attention to the bait.

There is another very, very interesting aspect of catching catfish in winter. The fact is that on the territory of our country there is a large network of thermal and nuclear power plants, which have their own reservoirs and cooling channels. This is where the most grace comes to Somu. The temperature of water discharges from the power plant usually exceeds a comfortable 8 degrees for catfish.

This is where the catfish gathers together with other fish present, which also serves as food for it. In such places, catfish are active all year round. I was lucky enough to take part in one of these “winter” catfish fishing trips in the cooling ponds of the Krivoy Rog TES, where, in addition to regular catfish, American catfish are also bred, and we can say that the fishing was quite successful.

Summing up, we can say that although catching catfish in winter is not such an impossible task, you can’t really count on success.

Catching catfish in winter is very difficult, because this predatory fish is in a state of absolute rest. That is why we strongly recommend that you prepare for this type of fishing. Our article today allows you to learn some fishing rules, tips for choosing bait and practical thoughts that will allow you to determine the best place, time and best method of fishing. Having caught a catfish in winter, fishing will become an integral part of your life for a long time.

How to catch catfish in winter

Due to their physiological state, the vast majority of catfish are located in so-called wintering pits in winter. There they are partially or completely frozen, which means you can catch it only if you choose the right place for fishing.

To do this in winter is a success, and the significance of which is never diminished by anyone. An angler who achieves this will be respected for many years. Do you want to be a respected fisherman? Then you will find the tips we present today useful.

Choosing a place and time for fishing

A catfish pit is one of the most profitable places, because a large number of desired prey live there all winter. They also often choose half-dams, where it is very calm and also has enough food. In most cases, these predatory fish are located near the very bottom, where they wait for their prey.

Other good places to catch a big specimen are small secluded areas near the groins where the fish will also position themselves in the hope of catching some food for themselves. If we have decided on a place, it is important to note that the bite is best at sunset.

Fishing in winter involves the use of various baits and artificial lures, which can cause a huge stir among hungry fish in the evening! This is exactly what we will try to take advantage of. One way or another, we can tell you how to catch catfish in winter, because we have information about its condition in winter, its location in winter and what time of day is best to fish for catfish. Now another question arises: what to fish for?

Bait selection

It is best if the angler uses special silicone baits with a weighted head. In this case, the bait will quickly and easily sink to the very bottom, where there are a lot of fish. If we talk about the length of the bait, it varies from 10 to 17 centimeters. The color of the bait depends on the body of water in which the fish is being fished.

Transparent water allows you to use golden and silver baits, while muddy water means using only yellow ones. We also note that shiny baits have proven themselves to be excellent, attracting the attention of a hungry predator faster than others.

Wobblers that catch 100%:

Increasing the catch

We have already said that it is better to catch catfish after sunset. At this time, the fish goes to the inner part of the dam, and sometimes swims into a snag, where it catches small fish for food. Winter fishing can be done using a quok. According to some fishermen, it is worth spending a little time and attention to study the creation of the kwok and its use for catching catfish. When trying to catch these fish from a boat, it is best to cast the bait into an area where there is a concentration of small fish. Remember that catfish are predatory fish, which means they themselves hunt smaller fish. Are there small representatives of aquatic fauna? This means that your trophy is somewhere nearby!

Fishing with a zherlitsa

Another popular fishing method is the girder. Now we will talk about how to catch catfish in winter using a zherlitsa. First, we need to securely secure our device on the shore, tying it to nearby growing trees. Do not use pegs, because the catfish will easily snatch the tackle.

The bait is frogs, which can be safely left on the surface. Aggressive fishing awaits us in winter at dusk. We have noted this point several times already, so don’t lose sight of it when you hunt this giant.


Dear readers, today we briefly discussed the basic tips and rules that are important to consider when catching predatory fish - catfish. Of course, winter fishing for catfish is exciting and interesting, but remember the following:

  • The winter catfish does not rush onto the hook, it is in a state of absolute rest;
  • While in his hole, he will not once again leave his cozy habitat;
  • If you want to catch him in the cold season, then start finding out the location of the catfish pits in the summer;
  • You shouldn’t use just one fishing method; it’s better to study all the possible ones and choose the one that is convenient for you personally and seems effective.

Fishing is a whole science and only “educated” fishermen will be successful!

The catfish fishing season is from the end of May to August, but experienced fishermen do not miss the opportunity to fish for this freshwater predator in the winter. Catching catfish in winter requires preparation. You need to prepare for such fishing in the summer, since with the onset of cold weather at the end of autumn, catfish gradually go to catfish pits, where they freeze until spring. But, if you have identified the locations of such holes in the summer, you can start catching catfish in the winter. It should be remembered that catfish is a predatory fish and should be caught at night; it usually takes bait well at sunset and sunrise, but some fishermen have successfully caught catfish in winter during the day in cloudy, snowy weather. The teeth of a catfish are like a brush, so it is recommended to use a steel leash (can be made from a string) 20 centimeters long, since the catfish can rub the fishing line with its brush during long-term fishing; the place of its attachment must be equipped with swivels to prevent tangling. It is better not to skimp on reels and not to take small ones, since a catfish can take 50-70 m in a jerk, the thickness of the line is 1.5-2 mm, and a nylon cord may also be suitable. When fishing, the fishing line should not get tangled; for this, some people lubricate it with drying oil. Hooks, according to our classification, need to be large, size 40. Lures should also be at least 15 cm, preferably silicone; in winter it is good to use with a Stand-Up head, then you will increase the effectiveness of hooking. In muddy water, it takes well with yellow neon baits, and in transparent water with silver-green baits; night Super Glow twisters, which need to be “recharged” with a flashlight, also work well. If the current is strong, sometimes in the front part of a semi-dam, then you will need an additional sinker, because catfish are bottom-dwelling fish. It’s good to place the “Olive” at 15-30 g and secure it with rubber stoppers, so that when sliding along the bottom it raises clouds of mud that can attract the attention of catfish. It is better to catch catfish in winter with piece bait, but some fishermen soak pieces of squid in water to create a scent and put them on so that the hook is not visible. Experienced fishermen who know the places of catfish pits prefer to catch catfish in winter, as they react quickly and aggressively to bait during this period. Fishing is also possible with a girder, but you need to take into account that wintering areas may be littered with snags and you will not be able to pull out the gear. Most people prefer to fish with a spinning rod, although frequent snags are possible, which can sometimes be confused with a catfish bite. At the end of autumn, when catfish go to their wintering grounds, you can still catch them with a “kwok”, which it is advisable to make yourself, since the sold ones do not give such a “sound”. When fishing with a kwok, you will have to plow the river, but the catch will fully reward your patience. You just need to have with you a special mitten with a steel thread (a catfish brush can seriously injure your hand) and a hook; for large specimens, especially large ones, when pulled out, they are jammed with a hook or an oar. Fishing can last up to an hour, the main thing is to avoid getting pulled under the snag. If the ice is good, you can use a very old method of catching catfish in winter: fishing with a samoder. Samoder is three hooks with a sinker that are attached to a thick fishing line or rope. A hole is made above the catfish hole and the fisherman is lowered; you can catch more than one fish, so it’s better to go with a partner for this kind of winter catfish fishing, because you may have to widen the hole in order to pull out the catch. You need to pull it out quickly and carefully so that the catfish does not fall off; it is better to pierce it with a hook near the surface.

This is an unusual matter and requires a lot of diligence on the part of the fisherman. Catching catfish is not easy in the summer, but in the winter it’s just hard. Winter catfish enters an intermediate state of suspended animation. We can say that he is sleeping and does not react to anything. But in fact, it is possible to achieve a bite, but for this you need to do a lot of exhausting work. Catfish live at great depths, which means that in places number one there will be holes and deep dumps. Catfish mainly live on large, deep rivers and rarely leave their permanent camp sites. We can say that the catfish is tied to one specific place. Catching catfish from the ice is almost impossible. Even if it bites and if the specimen is large, it simply won’t fit into a hole even with a diameter of 130 millimeters. There is one wonderful piece of equipment that will allow you to catch catfish throughout the year, both in summer and winter - this is a spinning rod. Catching catfish with a spinning rod in the winter season is a matter for strong and experienced fishermen. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find at least one point. To catch catfish in any season, you should use only powerful, proven gear. Now we’ll talk about how to catch it yourself and what tactics to use, but I want to start with choosing the right powerful gear.

Choosing gear for catching catfish

We will need a spinning rod with high power and a good deterrent resource. Usually such poles seem bulky, but in fact you can choose a very good model with light weight and excellent fittings for a reasonable price. Since in winter we catch catfish from the shore on an ice-free river, we will need a long stick. The optimal length of a catfish spinning rod should be at least 270 centimeters. The large length allows for long and extremely accurate casting, and the long spinning rod absorbs all jerks of the fish well. Having decided on the length, you need to choose the appropriate system. Som will be able to bend any rod into an arc and when catching this fish you will need a stick of maximum rigidity, namely with an ExtraFast action, which means super fast. Only a super fast stick allows you to keep the fish on a short leash and prevent it from diving under a snag or sticking to the bottom. The weight range is 10-40 or 12-56 grams. The result is the most powerful kit possible. I almost forgot to say that we will need a sensitive rod. If we feel all the nuances in the wiring, we will be able to hook the catfish correctly and in a timely manner. Let's summarize. A spinning rod for catching catfish with a dough of at least 40 grams, a length of at least 270 centimeters with a fast action and a sensitive tip. Choosing a spinning rod is easy, but more stringent requirements are required for the reel. And here's how to choose a reel.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the size; do not take a reel smaller than 4000 thousand. Such a massive reel will allow you to cast very far and, in addition, it has a strong mechanism. As a rule, the main pair of such meat grinders is enlarged and endures all hardships and impacts. U catfish The coil simply must have a decent powerful braking friction system. The approximate load on the brake is about 11 kilograms, and only Japanese gear has this feature. Good line laying and smooth running should be at the highest level. As you understand, such a reel costs a lot of money, but the costs will be justified.

Fishing line for catfishing We will use exclusively wicker with a diameter of 0.22 millimeters. A smaller diameter will easily tear, but we still need to maintain sensitivity, so 0.22 millimeters is beyond competition.

Choosing bait for catching catfish in the winter season

In winter, catfish are caught exclusively with two types of baits that you must have in your travel arsenal. The number one bait will be a wobbler. Wobblers are not simple ones, but deep versions with large blades. The class of wobbler depends on the place of fishing, but mostly these are minnows and shads. The color of the bait should be given special attention; I often use baits in provocative shades such as yellow, green and red. Moreover, catfish react very, very well to the color red. Another type of bait for catching catfish is vibrotails and twistors. It is best to choose large sizes, ranging from 8 centimeters to 10 centimeters baits.

Now let's talk about the type of wiring of this or that bait. If we are talking about a wobbler, then direct monotonous animation will be beyond competition. In this case, the wobbler must draw the bottom with a spatula and raise the turbidity, but such a bait will be good in local places, not in a large water area, like, for example, a jig, but in a miniature section of a reservoir. Twisters and vibrotails are designed for fishing a large area of ​​water and serve mainly as search baits. If we skim off the quick cream with a wobbler, then with twisters and fantails we catch pricked or inactive fish. Wobbler models should be chosen in the floating version. A few turns of the coil, and only then give a short pause. Silicone should be applied with twitches and jerks; monotonous dragging along the bottom often helps; of course, a pause in this case is also very important, especially at the moment when som alert or when it needs to be brought out of hibernation. If your mustachioed friend doesn’t want to peck, you need to experiment with the speed of the retrieve and, of course, with the colors.


Tactics are based on correct fishing of a point. The edges of pits and pits are fished with wobblers, but we fish with jig baits at considerable depths and in huge backwaters with a decent depth. If the catfish is active, then it attacks the wobbler instantly. In the winter season, do not stay long in one place; the fisherman’s feet feed him, just like the wolf from the Russian proverb. Changing the bait angle does not affect this fish in any way. And be sure to apply an attractant to the bait, then the chance of a bite increases significantly!

I hope you will find a lot of interesting and informative things in this article. No tail, no scales.

Video about catching catfish in winter


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