The population was saved by the klepiki. The city of Spas-Klepiki. Sights of the Ryazan region. Entertainment and attractions of Spas-Klepikov


One of the main discoveries of this year for me was the Meshchera side. The land of beautiful but wild nature, rare and depressing cities and abandoned and dismantled narrow-gauge railways. I began my acquaintance with Meshchera with the living heritage of the latter, the Tumskaya Mainline. The Vladimir-Tumskaya section has survived to this day, and once it went straight to Ryazan. The only city left without a railway after its liquidation was Spas-Klepiki. It is this city, associated primarily with the name of Yesenin, that we will look at this time. Searching for traces of the former railway line is part of the mandatory program.

Spas-Klepiki is one of the most compact cities I've ever seen. The territory, which is something other than the private sector, can be covered here by walking in an hour. The city begins, if you enter from Ryazan, very abruptly. Here we are driving through the forest, here we are crossing the Prue River on a bridge, immediately after it we see the road sign “Spas-Klepiki”, and that’s it. Having passed the sign, we find ourselves in the city center. Here you will find an entrance flowerbed - an interesting type of entrance stele.


The administrative center of Spas-Klepikov differs slightly from the historical one. Here, on Lenin Square, there is a faceless government building, silver Ilyich and a large empty space:


At the other end of the square there is a post office and an alley of monuments dedicated to the Heroes of the USSR who were born in the Klepikovsky district:


But already on the next street there are old buildings. Here we were slightly annoyed by the chanson playing throughout the street. It's late afternoon, the weather is good. The first thought is that someone is listening in the car. It turned out that one of the stores had put the pump on the street. Strange PR.


In the central part of Spas-Klepikov a decent amount of beautiful antiquity has been preserved. The facades, of course, are noticeably plastered with advertising, but still not as fatal as, for example, in Kirzhach. But a lot of old buildings are covered with siding, which undoubtedly spoils the view. This is some kind of trend in Spas-Klepiki.


The village of Klepikovo has been known since the 16th century. It grew, as often happens, due to the busy road - the Kasimovsky tract, which passed through it. Thanks to him, trade at least developed here. Over time, industry also developed: in the 18th century a linen factory operated here, and in the 19th century they began to produce cotton wool. The cotton factory is still one of the main industries in the city.


Spas-Klepiki is a very small town indeed. Until 1920 it was a village. The caretaker of the Yesenin Museum generally said, waving her hand, that in fact this is still a village today.


Two years before becoming a city, Spas-Klepiki went down in history with a peasant uprising. The local population, who, to put it mildly, were not delighted with the Soviet power that had not yet had time to strengthen, carried out a brutal lynching of representatives of the provincial emergency commission sent to the city. This gloomy story is perhaps the most striking episode in the entire five hundred years of the existence of Spas-Klepikov.


It is indicative that the city and regional center of Spas-Klepiki is inferior in population to the village of Tuma, which is part of the Klepikovsky district. Moreover, Tuma has a railway, a reputable bus station and a luxurious church, but Klepiki has none of this.


The railway, ending in neighboring Tuma, once connected Vladimir and Ryazan. The section from Vladimir to Tuma was preserved thanks to its conversion to a broad gauge, but from Tuma to Ryazan the tracks were dismantled. It was on the dismantled site that Spas-Klepiki was located, so there is no longer a railway in the city.


The Kasimovsky tract, which once gave the city a path to life, also turned into the small town Yegoryevskoye Highway. Moreover, it bypasses Spas-Klepiki using a bypass, but it goes right through Tuma. A bypass is good for the environment and traffic, but not so good for the economy of a small provincial town.


Even the administration of the national park was moved to Gus-Khrustalny. How do Spas-Klepiki ultimately live today? Just a cotton factory, the production volumes of which are unlikely to be very high? Even in depressed Kurlovo, work should be better.


The fact that Spas-Klepiki is the heart of Meshchera is reflected in all sorts of local names and denominations, as was customary in the USSR. Here, for example, is the Meshchera cinema:


Until recently, the administration of the Meshchersky National Park, located on the territory of the Ryazan region, was located in Spas-Klepiki. However, in April 2016, it was joined to another national park - Meshchera, in the Vladimir region. It looks logical: who needs identical entities with almost similar names and functions, separated only by an administrative boundary. If earlier Spas-Klepiki and Gus-Khrustalny could equally fight for the right to be called the capital of Meshchera, now Gus is the only contender for this title. The visitor center of the park, to which this carved poster belongs, however, is located precisely in Spas-Klepiki:


Monument to those killed during the Great Patriotic War:

The village of Klepiki, on the site of the current city, was built in the 16th century. In the 17th century, a linen factory appeared here, thanks to which the settlement became one of the rich trading villages on the Kasimovsky tract. With the construction of the Transfiguration Church, the village began to be called differently: some Spassky, some, as before, Klepiki, and a little later the two names merged into one. In the 19th century, the production of cotton wool and tow opened in Spas-Klepiki. The construction of the Ryazan-Vladimir narrow-gauge railway in 1899 gave a new impetus to the development of industry in the village. In 1896, a second-class teachers' school was opened in Spas-Klepiki, preparing teachers for parochial schools. There was nothing remarkable in this discovery itself, since hundreds of similar schools operated throughout Russia. However, the Klepikovskaya school remained in history because Sergei Yesenin studied there in 1909−1912.

Spas-Klepiki became a city under Soviet rule, in 1920. The wars and disasters of the 20th century bypassed Spas-Klepiki. There were no Civil War battles here; during the Great Patriotic War, Spas-Klepiki was in the deep rear.

Since the mid-60s of the 20th century, Spas-Klepiki has become an important tourism center: most of the routes along the Pre River begin there. Three kilometers from the city, in the village of Polushkino, there is a tourist center whose employees organize hikes along the Pre River and the Klepikovsky Lakes. The construction in the 1970s of a road bridge across the Oka River in Ryazan and an asphalt pavement on the Ryazan - Spas-Klepiki road further increased the tourist importance of the city.

After a national park was established near the city, to travel along the Pre River and the adjacent forests it is necessary to obtain permission from the park directorate and buy vouchers (the price, however, is symbolic). These measures make it possible to limit and streamline the recreational load on the Meshchera ecosystem. Without restrictive measures, the nature of Meshchera would have suffered irreparable damage, the first signs of which appeared back in the 80s of the last century.

The modern city of Spas-Klepiki is the regional center of the Ryazan region. The structure of industry over the past three hundred years has not undergone significant changes: there are textile, knitting and clothing factories, a cotton factory, which became the Klepikovsky cotton association, and shoe production. In the full sense, Spas-Klepiki is made the capital of the Meshchersky region by the directorate of the Meshchersky National Park, which was formed in 1992.

Not far from the village of Lunkino, a wonderful wooden museum town was built in 1997. Today, the Meshchera Museum of Wooden Architecture displays about 2,500 exhibits, including carved wooden compositions, household items, wood paintings, models of ancient Moscow and landscape sculptures. The museum itself, similar to a Russian tower and decorated with traditional house carvings for the Ryazan region, suggests that the traditions of their ancestors, accumulated over centuries, are carefully preserved here, and that all the best that is created in the interregional School of Masters in close connection with these will be consistently collected here. traditions.

The works of students from all six branches of the School make up almost a third of the museum’s collection. The other part of the exhibition consists of works by teachers heading the branches of the School: G.N. Nageikina (Spas-Klepiki), M.V. Andreeva (Kovrov), V.P. Perepelkina (Ryazan), S.A. Bessonova (Kasimov), A.I. Panina (Spassk), Yu.A. Alimova (Shilovo). An entire wall is dedicated to examples of house carvings, traditional for the Ryazan region. It is the revival of this carving that local historians dream of. Separate rooms of the museum are dedicated to the work of master masters of the School: V.P. Kohana. P.V. Ivanov and V.N. Nasyrov, each distinguished by their unique style.

For more than 15 years, Groshev collected a collection of works from both venerable artists, wicker carvers, and very young talents - 15-17-year-old students of the School of Masters. The clearing in front of the museum is decorated with 75 wooden sculptures, and the main exhibition is located in 14 halls.

Wooden works of art brought by V.P. were collected separately. Groshev from abroad. The talented teacher was invited to various countries - and from each trip he returned with one or two works by foreign craftsmen. The hall of foreign carvers contains figurines and compositions by masters from Spain and India, Thailand and Japan, Ukraine and Belarus.

Phone: +7 (965)711−10−74

Address: Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district, Lunkino village

Since March 1984, it has been part of the State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin.

In 1895, merchant A.P. Popov donated a two-story stone building and one tithe of land to the Ryazan Diocese. Thanks to this gift and the efforts of priest V. Dinariev, a year later a second-class teacher’s school was opened in Spas-Klepiki, which trained teachers for the church educational institution. In September 1909, Sergei Yesenin successfully passed the exams and became a student at this school, which he graduated in 1912. Senior teacher E.M. Khitrov taught children Russian literature, penmanship, church reading and served as head teacher. He knew and loved Russian literature very well, he did not limit himself to the school curriculum, he read a lot and talked about Russian and foreign writers and poets. It was Khitrov who first noticed the talented young man and became his literary mentor.

Here, in Klepiki, Sergei Yesenin met Grigory Panfilov, a serious, thoughtful young man who studied well, read a lot, and was interested in the political life of the country. Warm, sincere friendship bound the young people even after graduation. The poet's letters written to a friend from Moscow in 1912-1914 have been preserved.

The village of Spas-Klepiki became the second spiritual homeland of Sergei Yesenin. It was here that he developed as a creative person. Later in his autobiography, the poet noted: “I attribute conscious creativity to the age of 16-17.” In his youthful poems, some of which were included in the handwritten collection “Sick Thoughts,” Yesenin first expressed the ideal of a poet-citizen, a people's defender.

Address: Spas-Klepiki, st. Sverdlova

The park is located in the north of the Ryazan region and covers the Klepikovsky lakes, the adjacent lowland swamps, the valley of the Pra River (a tributary of the Oka), as well as a system of shallow lakes and raised bogs on the Pra and Solotchi watershed.

The Meshchersky National Park is organized to protect, study and preserve the natural, historical and cultural complexes of the Meshchersky region. This territory, in particular the floodplain of the Pra River, winding through the Meshchera forest, is included in the list of wetlands of international importance. About a third of the territory of Meshcherskoe consists of meadows, fields, and villages, where the traditional economic activities of the local population continue, grazing livestock, picking berries and mushrooms. Until recently, large-scale logging, reclamation work, and peat extraction were carried out here.

The territory of Meshchera is one of the most visited recreation areas among the central regions of Russia. The wealth of recreational resources - forests, rivers, a large number of lakes - attracts about five thousand visitors a year, mainly tourists, fishermen, hunters, mushroom and berry lovers.

Yalmont, or as it is also called, Yalmont, is located on a narrow cape, a peninsula that is wedged between lakes Svyatoe and Shagara. From the once majestic Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, only a three-tiered powerful bell tower without a dome remains, on the northern and southern sides of which the remains of the walls of the limits are visible. The central part of the church has been preserved. Four tall pillars stand above the domed vault, surrounding the central turret. All the pillars of the five-domed structure have been debunked. Nearby stands the chimney of a church stove.

The remains of frescoes can still be discerned on the interior walls of the temple. You can see Queen Helena, Prince Vladimir and Tsar Constantine. Inside the bell tower, facing the entrance, episodes of the parable “about the publican and the Pharisee” are written. Above the exit from the bell tower to the central part of the temple, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is depicted (all covered with traces of a homemade ladder, placed by local pilgrims to light the lamp hanging above the vault).

The temple stands on a hill. On both sides there is a wasteland with pits left from the cellars of now defunct houses. Now in this ancient place there are witnesses of the time when life was in full swing here - giant old poplars, an unchanging monument to villages that have disappeared into oblivion.

The wooden church was built in 1676, and at that time it was called Resurrection. However, it burned down, and construction of a new church began in its place in 1740. The current temple was completed and put into operation in 1746, and the bell tower was completed in 1782.

Among the attractions of the Assumption Church, the Gospel and the cross deserve special attention. The Gospel is remarkable in its size; it took about six kilograms of precious metal to plate it with silver. The cross is considered unique in that there is an inscription on it outlining the history of the construction of the church in the village of Struzhany: “Consecrate the altar of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ under the power of the Most Pious Autocratic Empress Elizabeth Petrovna with the blessing of the Right Reverend Alexy, Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom , in the summer of 1746, indictment 9, month of June 6 days in memory of the Venerable Sisoi the Great. In Pereyaslavl Ryazan, an old Ryazan camp, in the village of Struzhany, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ was built in August 1740 on the 24th day in memory of the holy martyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athens.”

After several fires, the church was rebuilt in 1798 and was already called Uspenskaya. Nowadays, the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God has an area of ​​741.1 square meters. m, the main altar in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God and two side altars: the right one in honor of the Prophet and Baptist of the Lord John and the left one in honor of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. In 1996, the inside of the church burned down, but was restored through the efforts of parishioners. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages are few in number and in the autumn-winter period there are no more than 30 - 40 people at work even on holidays, and in the spring-summer, with the onset of the summer season, there are 70 - 80 people. Young people often visit the temple, especially in the summer; there are 10 × 12 permanent parishioners. Prayers are often served in the church, akathists are read, and on holidays tea parties are held after the service. Many nearby villages belong to the parish.

Address: Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district, village. Struzhany

Ushmor is an old estate that has been brought into complete order. Now the estate is used as a hotel. The camels living on its territory give it a special charm. There is a children's playground, cozy paths, flowers and other green spaces.

On the vast territory there are two large buildings of classical architecture, an elegant gazebo, a Roman colonnade, and another building, the farthest one, red, made in the style of local Ryazan Gothic. There was also a church here, beautiful, tall, of strict architecture, blue, like the reflection of the sky in the Meshchera lakes. She stood outside a high fence of wrought iron bars. There is also a wonderful park with a linden alley, a stable with an arena, a large pond, a cascade of waterfalls, a fountain, a colonnade and an enclosure with deer. All this recreates the atmosphere of a noble estate at the end of the 18th century.

The guest house is designed in the Gothic style and is separated from the main space of the estate by a hedge, which allows guests to relax comfortably in a cozy Italian courtyard. On the ground floor of the guest house, guests have at their disposal a salon and a fireplace room, on the second floor there is a kitchen, a dining room and three blocks of apartments. Each apartment includes a large hall, bedroom and bathroom. The interior of the house is decorated in classic English style. The interior decoration uses antique furniture, original paintings and engravings on hunting themes.

All this beauty is not fenced off, oddly enough, by a dense high fence, but is quite accessible for viewing, although, of course, access to the territory is closed. There is a children's playground where anyone can stroll along the paths around the estate.

Address: Ryazan region, Klepikovsky district, Ushmor village, 2/1.

The ancient Russian city of Spas-Klepiki, the sights of which we will consider in the article, was first mentioned in chronicles in the mid-seventeenth century. The name is interpreted interestingly. “Klepiki,” scientists believe, is a knife for cutting fish. And the word “saved” was already attached to the name after the construction of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the nineteenth century. Some folk legends claim that the church was built by robbers as a sign of repentance for their crimes. Other legends say that the temple was erected by local merchants for miraculous deliverance from persecution by robbers. Since ancient times, one of the main industries of the inhabitants was fishing. It is not for nothing that a fish, together with a cross and a feather, is depicted on the city’s coat of arms.

The small provincial town of Spas-Klepiki (Ryazan region) with a population of less than six thousand does not have high-rise buildings. There are mainly one- and two-story houses here. Some buildings are well preserved, others look very unkempt.

Yesenin Museum

The city of Spas-Klepiki is the birthplace of the talented Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. Therefore, the townspeople consider the museum of the genius of Russian poetry to be the main attraction.

It is located in the building of a former church and teachers' school. This is a modest two-story building under an iron roof, fenced with a low openwork with low wooden lattice gates and a wicket. This was the school where S.A. studied. Yesenin. Here you can hear a lot of interesting things about people who were in one way or another connected with the poet’s adolescence, teachers, see the desk at which he sat, household items characteristic of that era.

Another museum dedicated to the genius of Russian poetry is located in Travelers claim that this is the one that should be visited first, because Yesenin was born here and spent his childhood.

Also in Spas-Klepiki, on one of the streets, there is a bust of Sergei Yesenin. And in the town there is an unusual plaster sculpture of a girl feeding two bear cubs from a nipple.

"Forest Fortress"

What interesting things can you see when visiting Spas-Klepiki? Museum of Wooden Architecture "Forest Fortress". It is very young, founded only 10 years ago. The exhibits there are simply unique.

These are various figures of animals and fairy-tale characters made of wood. Some of them are painted, some are not, which in both cases gives the products a special charm. Beautifully carved boxes and table clocks can also be seen here. The museum building itself is noteworthy, in the form of a fairy-tale mansion, richly decorated with wooden carvings.

There are also courses on decorative wood processing.


What else can you see when you come to Spas-Klepiki? The sights of the town are really interesting. What amazes and delights Yesenin’s homeland most is the unsurpassed beauty of nature and marvelous landscapes. It is not without reason that the famous writer Konstantin Paustovsky dedicated his literary works to the beauty of the region. This is where the Meshchersky National Park is located. Its pride is its water resources. These are the valleys of the Pra River, many large and small lakes, and swamps. The famous Great Klepikovsky Lakes give the park its unique landscape. They are connected to each other by channels and seem to be lost among the forests. with sandy shores, surrounded by mighty trees, are the pride of Russia.

This is one of the cleanest ecological areas. White Lake (Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan region) is famous for its special beauty. It is also an ideal place for fishing, as it is home to many species of freshwater fish. The lake is of karst origin, very deep. In some places up to 100 meters. The largest, naturally, is Lake Velikoye (Spas-Klepiki) with an abundance of various representatives of flora and fauna. It has eight very picturesque islands.

Spas-Klepiki Attractions

In addition to the wonderful nature, there are archaeological monuments in the park. This is the Deulinsky burial ground and Tyukov town. Tourists can also admire well-preserved churches built in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Nowadays they are part of the National Park. Park staff have developed several tourist routes. Those interested can choose a route not only by topic, but also by mode of transportation: on foot, by water or by car. In addition, for the convenience of vacationers, several tourist sites have been created, where those who wish can relax in nature and pitch a tent. For those who love a comfortable holiday, a number of tourist centers and boarding houses are available. For example, “Sergeevo”, “Meshchera”, “Polushkino” and others. There is a healing spring in the park.

Sights of the Ryazan region

The amazing history of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Tuma. Like the vast majority of churches, it was closed during Soviet times. But it was returned to believers in 1945. The church building dates from the mid-nineteenth century. The architectural style of the temple is mainly classicism, with rich decoration of walls and windows. The spire of the multi-tiered bell tower is about eighty meters. The interior decoration of the temple is very rich. It contains works by Italian masters, as well as ancient paintings, icons and frescoes made according to sketches by outstanding Russian artists of the century before last.

At the entrance to Tuma you can see It was installed recently, but a hundred years ago such crosses were not uncommon at the entrance to a populated area. They appeared before the weary traveler as a symbol that he had safely reached his destination and could praise the Almighty for this.

In the village of Ilyino, travelers can see the small, amazingly beautiful Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, built back in 1838. The building is wooden, with an iron roof and domes. The character of the building can be said to be dominated by simplicity and dignity.

While in Spas-Klepiki, you should definitely visit the village of Ushmor, which is located nearby. There is a very well-kept park complex here. Its pearl is a beautiful round rotunda surrounded by neat lawns and beautiful flower beds. It is a place for photo sessions of newlyweds. And not in vain. This private estate will satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated esthete.

L-29 aircraft and the narrow gauge railway museum

In Spas-Klepiki, near the old buildings, there is an unusual monument to the aircraft. It was installed in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory. The Czechoslovak training aircraft L-29 is located on the pedestal.

Not far from Spas-Klepikov there is probably one of the last narrow-gauge railways in the country. The depot in the village of Bolon is simply a working museum of this endangered type of transport. A museum of narrow-gauge equipment was founded at the Tumskaya railway station. Tourists will be able to see with their own eyes a snow plow, old passenger and freight cars, and a flat car, which are no longer used for modern railways. All these new technologies have now been forgotten and are preserved only in this museum.

Anyone planning a trip creates a list of attractions in Spas-Klepiki that are definitely worth a visit. Some plan independent ways to explore the city, others choose various sightseeing tours. Usually they capture the main attractions of Spas-Klepiki and introduce tourists to the main milestones of the history and cultural life of the city.

Art lovers first of all try to find sculptural attractions on the Spas-Klepikov map. In the main city squares you can often see classical sculptures, against which city guests pose. But in famous parks you can see exhibitions of conceptual sculptures and art objects. They can be made from the most unexpected materials and represent incredible variations of different shapes that you will have to think about.

Religious buildings occupy a special place in the list of the main attractions of Spas-Klepikov. They are an integral part of the appearance of the Russian city; many of them keep important historical secrets within their walls. In Spas-Klepiki and beyond, you can visit monastery complexes known throughout the country, admire the elegant appearance of large Christian churches, or look into quiet and small chapels that are so popular among the locals.

While touring the area, you can also see special religious sites. These could be national religious buildings, ancient places of worship, or generally mysterious places of power. Near Spas-Klepiki you can visit the following: St. John the Theologian Monastery, Nikolo-Radovitsky Monastery, Solotchinsky Pokrovsky Monastery.

The walking promenades along Spas-Klepiki are very romantic. You can buy a Spas-Klepikov map in advance with attractions and routes, or just go wherever your heart desires. In this case, it will be even more exciting. Allow yourself to get lost in colorful alleys or spend time in public gardens. And if you want to take a break, you can have a snack or drink coffee in some cozy cafeteria. By the way, in Spas-Klepiki there are several popular places at all times that every guest of the city wants to visit.

If you intend to fully study the city's history and modernity, go to the museum institutions of Spas-Klepikov. They contain extensive exhibitions on ethnology, art, objects of folk art and everyday life, from archaeological excavations. Traditionally, such attractions are located in the center.

However, open thematic museums can often be seen outside the city. They organize interesting showrooms dedicated to national life and folk crafts. In addition, this could be a museum reconstruction of ancient cities or military fortresses. These attractions of Spas-Klepikov will be interesting for children: Museum of Wooden Architecture (Forest Fortress Museum).

For tourists traveling with their families, the question always arises: where to go with children. The most popular offer is to go to one of the Spas-Klepikov water parks. Most often, discounted rates are offered when purchasing a family full-day pass.

If you are traveling in the winter or spring season, we recommend that you consider the Spas-Klepikov ski resorts for a fun pastime. There are a lot of activities for children and parents: a variety of ski and snowboard slopes, cheesecake riding, interesting extreme parks for experts. Usually these centers are located several tens of kilometers from the city, for example: Alpatyevo, Borovskaya Kurgan, Chulkovo ski resort. So it’s easier to go there with your own car or book a car rental company.

An excellent option for a family vacation - active outdoor recreation. These attractions are located near Spas-Klepiki. These could be rivers, gorges, famous nature reserves. You just need to decide on the place: Meshchera National Park. You can get here either by your own car or by public transport. Find out in advance the routes of intercity buses starting from suburban bus stations in the direction you need. In such an adventure you will get many unforgettable impressions from being in the fresh air, replenish your health and good spirits.

If you arrived in the city on work matters, then you do not have enough free time for long excursions. In such circumstances, we recommend purchasing a condensed guide to the sights of Spas-Klepiki with photos and descriptions.

You can certainly look for such a guide upon arrival in the city at the railway stations or at the airport. This guide provides an index of the most popular places to go in Spas-Klepiki, with names and photos of attractions. Isn’t it true, this greatly simplifies the task of what to see in Spas-Klepiki, especially if you have a tight time limit.

But, if the directory presents the most visited places in Spas-Klepikov, then in the search network you can find a list of unfamiliar, but no less interesting attractions with reviews from experienced travelers. Abandoned quarries, mysterious quarries, ancient railways, overpasses - such attractions attract adventure lovers. For example: Depot in Bolon.

When planning a trip to Spas-Klepiki, we recommend finding out not only about the sights, but also about other significant infrastructure facilities of the city. To move around the city, it is good to know the public transport traffic pattern, the location of railway and bus stations or ports, and metro stations. Nevertheless, such large transport hubs of Spas-Klepikov can be very interesting from a tourist point of view. Often they become the calling card of the city.

The picturesque White Lake is located in the Klepikovsky district of the Ryazan region, 22 kilometers from the city of Spas-Klepiki, north of Lake Velikoye. The area of ​​the lake is 33.4 hectares, length - 848 meters, maximum depth - more than 100 meters. In addition to its anomalous depth, the lake is distinguished by its unusual purity of water. The lake is of karst origin, formed as a result of the erosion of rocks by water.

The reservoir is surrounded by pine forests, its banks are covered with reeds. The lake has a muddy bottom and a sandy coastal zone. The underwater vegetation of the lake is represented by many algae. The reservoir is home to such species of fish as ide, pike, roach, tench, perch, ruffe, crucian carp, and gudgeon. Crayfish also live in the lake. The lake is excellent for fishing both from the shore and from a boat.

Great Lake

The Great Lake is located in the Klepikovsky district of the Ryazan region. It is part of the group of so-called Klepikovsky lakes, being the largest of them. Its area is 20.7 square kilometers, its length is about 6 kilometers, and its maximum depth is about 5 meters. The lake is of thermokarst origin. It is part of the Meshchersky National Park.

The lake is connected to the Proy River and Lake Shagara. There are eight islands on the lake, the largest of which are Sosnovka and Berezovy, as well as many small reed islands. The lake is home to waterfowl and a variety of plants, including rare ones. The lake is rich in fish; it contains pike, crucian carp, tench, roach, ide, ruffe, bream, perch and many other species of fish. The lake is famous for the fact that it contains huge pikes and perches. The lake is a natural monument.

What sights of Spas-Klepikov did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Museum of Wooden Architecture in the village of Lunkino

The Museum of Wooden Architecture is located in the village of Lunkino near the town of Spas-Klepiki, Ryazan region. There are interesting wood crafts on display, many of which are made by children.

The Meshchersky National Park, created in 1992, is located in the Ryazan region, on the territory of the Klepikovsky and Ryazan districts, its area is 103 thousand hectares.

The park contains architectural monuments - churches built in the 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as archaeological monuments - Tyukov town, Deulinsky burial ground and others.

In addition to rich forests, the park has a large number of lakes, which makes it attractive for tourists and fishermen. Various ecological trails, a water tourist route, car routes and tourist parking areas have been created for park visitors.

School-museum of S. A. Yesenin

The ancient village of Spas-Klepiki is the birthplace of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. On the edge of the village there is a two-story brick building - the Spas-Klepikovskaya second-grade teacher's school, where Yesenin successfully passed his exams in September 1909, and where he studied until 1912.

The school was opened in 1896, thanks to the efforts of priest V. Dinariev, with donations from a resident of the village, merchant A.P. Popov. The school trained teachers for church educational institutions.

The closed educational institution was not to the taste of the future great poet, but the experience and knowledge of the teachers he met within the school had a great influence on the formation of Sergei’s worldview and personality.

Currently, the school is a museum in memory of the poet’s youth: the school’s furnishings have been preserved: the students’ bedrooms, the lobby where theology lessons and daily prayers were held, the desk where Yesenin sat, his notebooks, his first poems.

The most popular attractions in Spas-Klepiki with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Spas-Klepikov on our website.


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