Research vessel "Kern". Analysis of the mineralization of desalinated water on fishing fleet vessels. Research vessel "Kern" Vessel core 7 technical characteristics

Final qualifying work
Specialty 26.02.05 “Operation of ship power plants”
Performed by a cadet of the ESEU 4k group Vladislav Aleksandrovich Otkupshchikov
Scientific supervisor Boris Yurievich Chernyavsky
Consultant Belyaev Alexander Ivanovich

Research vessel "KERN"

R/V "Kern" is a multifunctional motor ship of unlimited navigation area, designed for
performing a set of engineering studies. Equipped with a full set of production equipment
seismoacoustic profiling, side-scan sonar, multi-beam echo sounding,
magnetometry, soil sampling. It is periodically modernized.

Vessel characteristics

Length, width, draft
55.76 m x 9.51 m x 4.22 m
1157 t
Board height
5.17 m
Gross tonnage
749 t
Power plant
Propulsion type
Maximum driving speed
Fuel reserve
Water ballast
GD: NVD48,VDG 6Ch18/22,ADG
12.20 knots
172 t

Main engine

Cross section

NVD48 engine characteristics

Number of cylinders
Cylinder diameter
320 mm
Piston stroke
480 mm
Compression ratio
660 hp / 485 kW
Average piston speed
6.85 m/s
Starting speed
About 85 rpm

Method for producing desalinated water using the example of a “D” type desalination plant

Installation diagram

Distillate mineralization

The distillate is unsuitable for drinking due to low mineralization and
insufficient content of calcium ions, fluorine and other elements,
of great importance for the human body. Absence in water
sodium, magnesium, calcium salts reduce its taste. Besides,
freshly prepared distillate exhibits increased corrosiveness
activity towards steel pipelines. These disadvantages
distillate is eliminated by mineralization.
The most widely used method is based on dosing in
distillate of concentrated salt solutions. On domestic vessels
fleet for mineralization of 1 m3 of distillate 763.4 g is used
mineralizing components of the following composition: NaHSO4-96,
MgSO4 7HaO - 81, CaCl2 6H2O - 322, NaHCO3 - 262.6, NaF-1.8 g.
Based on the principle of volumetric dosing of pure salt solutions into the distillate
periodic mineralizers used for
sea ​​vessels. They are divided into automated (MD type) and
non-automated, so-called wash-out (MB type).


Mineralizer type MD
The distillate from the HEU enters one of the mixing tanks 13, 7 through valves 10 and 9. Salt solution
NaHSO4 is prepared in tank 20, a solution of CaCl2- salt in tank 19, a solution of NaHCO3 and NaF- salts in tank
1. As the mixing tank (for example, 13) fills with distillate, low level sensor 14 (6) s
using the lower level relay 16 (4) turns on the dosing device 18, which, through the distributor
doses of reagents 2 supplies a solution of mineralizing salts from tanks 20, 19 and 1 into the filling
distillate mixing tank 13. When the upper level sensor 15 (5) is triggered using a relay
upper level 17 (3) the mineralized water drain valve 12 (8) opens and the valve closes
distillate supply 10. Evacuation pump 11 and distillate supply valve 9 are turned on
mixing tank 7, in which mineralization is carried out in the same way.

Mineralizer type MV

The mineralizer consists of a hollow conical body 1 with a bumper visor 7, a quick-release cover
9, inlet 6 and outlet 8 nozzles located tangentially to the body, and sight glass 2.
The mineralizer works as follows. Open the cover 9 and load one of the
mineralizing components. Then turn on the circulation pump 3 and pump distillate from tank 5
through the mineralizer again into the tank. The distillate flow moves in the mineralizer body from bottom to top
helical trajectory. Salt particles centrifugal forces are thrown towards the wall of the body, intensively
mix and gradually dissolve. Undissolved particles slide down along the body wall and
are picked up again by the distillate flow.
The process is controlled visually through sight glass 2: undissolved substances should not be visible in the water.
particles. The duration of stirring depends on the temperature of the distillate. After the first component in
The second and third doses are dosed into the tank in the same way. Then the pump is turned on again to mix the water and
alignment of ionic composition. The duration of the mineralization process does not exceed 1 hour. Prepared
drinking water is sent by pump 4 for disinfection (for example, to an ultraviolet irradiation installation),
and then to consumers.

A simplified distillate mineralization scheme has become widespread on sea fishing vessels.

The following tanks are provided: 1 - for coastal or mineralized water with a capacity of 5 days; 3 and 4 - for
mineralized water each with a capacity equal to half the capacity of tank 1. Tank capacities are selected according to
recommendations of the USSR Ministry of Health, taking into account the presence on the ship of a five-day reserve renewable supply of water in
in the case of preparing drinking water from desalinated sea water. Distillate mineralizer installed
flush type 8, pumps for supplying water to consumers 11 and for water mineralization 12. To reserve
one pump to another, their suction and separate discharge lines are connected to each other by blind
flanges 2 and 10, which, if necessary, are replaced with straight-through ones.
A bactericidal installation 9 is installed on the water intake line to tank 1, and on the water supply line to
consumers - bactericidal installation 6. Automatic control over the operation of bactericidal
settings: in the case when the ultraviolet lamp is not lit, the solenoid valve 5 closes,
stopping the water supply. Pneumatic tank 7 serves to distribute water to consumers. Immediately after switching on
The HEU begins preparing mineralized water in tanks 3 and 4. After filling one tank
Three sets of salts are sequentially poured into the mineralizer with distillate and separately dissolved.
Dissolution of salts is carried out by pumping the distillate with pump 12 from tank 3 or 4 through the mineralizer
again into one of these tanks.
After the supply of shore water from tank 1 is completely used up, the mineralized water from
tanks 3 or 4 are pumped into tank 1, and from it to consumers through pneumatic tank 7. B
in the vacated tank 3 or 4, mineralized water is again prepared and the cycle is repeated

Analysis of mineralized water

The resulting mineralized water contains Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO, HCO, F ions. For rate
In order to correctly prepare this water, it is necessary to determine the content of each of
these ions
or their total content.
Desalinated water undergoing mineralization must have its original total salt content
(determined by the salinity meter of the desalination plant) not higher than 20 mg/l.
Let's consider this analysis using the example of the SKLAV-1 laboratory
One of the purposes of this laboratory is indicative control of distillate mineralization.

Ship's integrated water analysis laboratory

1- left cabinet door; 2 - glass cylinder; 3 - test tubes; 4 - separating funnel; 5 - thermometer; 6 cup for determination of petroleum products; 7 - glass rod; 8 - pencil case for filter paper; 9 cases for bulk reagents; 10 - pencil case for strips of filter paper; 11 - clamp; 12 - lower
panel; 13 - top panel; 14 - air supply switch; 15 - bulb for supplying air to containers with
titration solutions; 16 - glass burettes; 17 - comparator for determination of phosphates and nitrates; 18 bolts; 19 - board with a device for determining the oxygen content in water; 20 - comparator; 21 - cuvette; 22
- switch for supplying analyzed water; 23 - syringe; 24 - thermometer; 25 - colorimetric scale; 26 titration flask; 27 - droppers with reagents; 28 - sampler; 29 - pencil case for storing rubber
connecting hoses; 30 - fuse;
The comparator has a syringe 23 for introducing an indicator solution into the analyzed sample and a cavity with
colorimetric scale 25, on which the color of the analyzed sample is compared and determined
oxygen concentration in water. At the bottom of the cabinet there are polyethylene dishes: flask 26 for
titration, polyethylene droppers 27 with chemical reagents, as well as a sampler 28 (mug) from
heat-resistant material.

Technical characteristics SKLAV - 1

1. Measurement limits:
total hardness - 0.1-0.5 mEq/l,
alkalinity 0.1-0.5 mEq/l,
chloride content in condensate - 0.1-4.5 mg/l,
chloride content in boiler water - from 5 mg/l and above,
nitrate content - 10-50 mg/l,
phosphate content - 10-50 mg/l,
degree of water contamination with oil products: in condensate - 1-20 mg/l, in ballast water - 10-350 mg/l,
content of oxygen dissolved in water O - 0.1 mg/l;
2. Laboratory power supply is from the mains.
3. dimensions main case - 525 x 320 x x 550 mm;
4. Weight - about 30 kᴦ.
The total water hardness, alkalinity, and chloride ion content are determined using a titration block.
The study of phosphates and nitrates is carried out in a comparator, the content of petroleum products is determined by extracting them from water. Results determined
values ​​are read from the standard graphs printed on the bottom
laboratory panels. The content of oxygen dissolved in water is determined using an installation consisting of
a comparator with a set of reference films, a dispenser syringe and auxiliary equipment.
Chemical utensils, instruments and containers are placed in shock-absorbing nests and withstand pitching and vibration. Almost all dishes are made of chemically resistant plastics. Fastenings for utensils and equipment
have anti-corrosion coatings, since the laboratory is intended to operate in aggressive environments
(sea air, solvent vapors
to her).
Using the reagents located in the main case, about 100 analyzes can be performed. All stock
reagents allows you to conduct about 3000 analyses.

SKLAV - 1, preparation for work

Unpack the laboratory (cabinet) and a set of spare parts (in two boxes) and all utensils carefully
wash and dry. Mount the laboratory cabinet on a vertical wall or on a work table
indoors. When installing a laboratory, it is imperative that its body has a rigid support at the bottom. Before
turn on the laboratory to the power supply, set fuse 30 to position,
corresponding to the mains voltage. Connect the laboratory to the network. Turning on and off
laboratory is performed automatically when opening and closing the right door of the cabinet.
Open the doors of the laboratory cabinet and secure them with latches. Insert the clamps into
special holes on the bottom panel of the cabinet.
Place dishes and cutlery on shelves and cabinet doors in accordance with Fig. 3.
Open the top panel of the cabinet and fill containers with 0.5 l reagent solutions in accordance with
Place the containers on the shelf in the same order as the burettes on the top panel:
first nest – trilon “B”; second – sulfuric acid; third - 0.1 N solution of mercury nitrate, etc.
Close the containers with appropriate lids. Long lid tube for a container with Trilon “B”
should be connected by a rubber tube to the burette for Trilon “B”, and the short one to the fitting of the air supply switch 14. Therefore, when setting the switch 14 accordingly, pressing the bulb
15 leads to the flow of air from it through a short tube, for example, into a container with Trilon “B”.
In this case, an increase in air pressure in the container with the reagent leads to the displacement of the latter by
a long tube lowered into it and filling the corresponding burette with Trilon “B”. Long
the lid tube for the sulfuric acid container must be connected by a rubber tube to the burette
for sulfuric acid, and the short one - with the corresponding switch fitting 14, etc.
Check the flow of solutions into the burettes by turning on the 14 V switch one by one
corresponding positions and, by pressing the bulb, determine the flow of solutions into
appropriate measuring burettes.
Fill the containers located on the bottom shelf and left cabinet door with reagents in accordance with
inscriptions on stickers.

Analysis using the example of determining water hardness and chlorine ion concentration

-General hardness.
To determine the total hardness of water, the following is used: 0.01 N solution of Trilon “B”, ammonia buffer
solution and dry indicator mixture. To prepare a solution of Trilon “B”, add
1.8613 g of Trilon “B” and dissolved in distilled water, bringing the volume of liquid in the flask to the “1 l” mark.
To prepare an ammonia buffer solution, 20 g of chemically pure ammonium chloride is dissolved in
water (about 500–600 ml), add 100 ml of 25% ammonia. The solution is mixed and diluted
distilled water up to 1 liter. The dry indicator mixture is obtained by mixing and grinding 100 g in a mortar
sodium chloride and 1 g of acid chrome dark blue indicator. Establish the normality of the received
Trilon “B” solution can be done as follows: pour 10 ml of 0.01 N magnesium sulfate solution into a 250 ml flask,
which is taken from fixanal (a standard solution of known concentration), and add 90 ml
distilled water; add 5 ml of ammonia buffer solution and add a pinch of indicator
acid chrome dark blue; slowly titrate with Trilon “B” solution until the pink-red color changes to
bluish-lilac. Separately titrate 90 ml of distilled water as described above. Normality
solution is calculated using the formula Ntril = a ×H1/(b – c), where Ntril is the normality of the solution being determined
trilon "B"; Н1 – normality of MgSO4 solution; a – amount of MgSO4 solution taken for titration, ml; b –
the amount of Trilon “B” solution used for titration of the MgSO4 solution, ml;
c – amount of Trilon solution consumed for titration of 90 ml of distilled water, ml. Example
counting. To titrate 10 ml of 0.01 N MgSO4 solution, 10.5 ml of Trilon “B” were consumed. For titration 90 ml
0.10 trilon “B” was consumed in distilled water, then Ntril = 0.01×10/(10.5 – 0.1) = 0.0096N. 42

Chlorine ion concentration

Determination of the concentration of chlorine ion in water
In most cases, it is produced by the mercurometric method using a 0.1 N solution
mercury nitrate and indicator mixture No. 1 for the determination of chlorides. To obtain a 0.1 N solution of Hg(NO3)2
it is necessary to transfer 16.68 g of Hg(NO3)2 into a liter volumetric flask, dissolve in a small amount
distilled water and add in small portions (1 ml) with vigorous shaking
concentrated nitric acid until the precipitate dissolves. Then fill with distilled water to the “1” mark
l". A 0.1 N solution of Hg(NO3)2 can also be prepared from HgO.
To do this, transfer a sample of 10.83 g of HgO into a liter volumetric flask, add 10–15 ml of water and gradually
(small portions with vigorous shaking) add concentrated nitric acid until
dissolve the precipitate and fill with distilled water to the “1 ml” mark. If the pH of the resulting solution< 2, то,
by adding 0.005 N NaOH solution drop by drop, adjust the pH of the solution to 2. If the solution is cloudy, filter it. Solution
0.0025N is prepared by diluting a 0.1N solution 40 times (25 ml of a 0.1N Hg(NO3)2 solution is placed in a volumetric
liter flask and fill with distilled water to the “1 l” mark). To establish normality
For prepared Hg(NO3)2 solutions, 0.1N or 0.0025N NaCl solutions and 0.05N HNO3 solution are used. Easier
Prepare a 0.1 N NaCl solution from fixanal (stock solution). A 0.0025 N NaCl solution is prepared by diluting
basic solution 40 times. A solution of 0.1 N NaCl can also be prepared by dissolving a sample of 5.846 g of NaCl
(previously recrystallized and dried in a closed porcelain crucible for 3 hours at
temperature 120 o C) in a liter volumetric flask in distilled water. A 0.1 N HNO3 solution is prepared from
fixed. A 0.05 N HNO3 solution is prepared by diluting a 0.1 N solution by 2 times. This solution can also be prepared from
concentrated nitric acid (HNO3). To do this, by measuring the specific gravity of the latter, use the table to find
normality (N) and using the formula A = 0.05×1000/N, find out the number of milliliters of concentrated acid
(A), which must be added to water to obtain 1 liter of 0.05 N HNO3. To obtain a 0.05N NaOH solution
It is necessary to dissolve 2 g of NaOH in one liter of distilled water.
Preparation of indicator mixture
No. 1 for the determination of chlorides is made by dissolving 0.5 g of diphenylcarbazone and 0.05 g of chromephenol blue in 100
ml 96% ethyl alcohol. The solution is stored in a dark bottle. Its stability is about three months. Can
use a dry mixture: 8 parts urea, 1 part diphenylcarbazone and 0.1 part bromophenol blue.
Establishing the normality of the Hg(NO3)2 solution is carried out using this method. Pour 5–
10 ml of NaCl solution (0.1 N or 0.0025 N), add 100 ml of distilled water, 10–15 drops or a pinch
indicator. The solution turns blue (pH = 4.4), then a 0.05 N HNO3 solution is added dropwise until it turns blue.
yellow color and 0.5 ml of excess of the same acid (usually the total acid consumption is 1 ml).
The solution prepared in this way has a pH of about 3.3. The NaCl solution is titrated slowly, vigorously shaking
solution of Hg(NO3)2 until the yellow color turns into
faint pink-violet. Titrate 100 ml separately
distilled water, also bringing its pH to 3.3 by adding a 0.05 N HNO3 solution in the presence of an indicator.
The normality of the Hg(NO3)2 solution is calculated using the formula Н = А×Н1/(V – V1), where Н is the normality of the solution
Hg(NO3)2; Н1 – normality of the exact NaCl solution; A – amount of NaCl solution taken for titration, ml; V –
amount of Hg(NO3)2 solution consumed for titration, ml; V1 – amount of Hg(NO3)2 solution,
100 ml of distilled water used for titration, ml. 1 ml of 0.1N Hg(NO3)2 solution corresponds to
0.3546 mg chlorine ion. 1 ml of 0.01N Hg(NO3)2 solution corresponds to 0.3546 mg of chlorine ion. 1 ml 0.0025N solution
Hg(NO3)2 corresponds to 0.08865 mg of chlorine ion.

Based on the analysis results

In MD type mineralizers, salts are introduced into the distillate in the form
concentrated solutions using three separate dispensers.
The first of them supplies a solution of NaHSO and MgSO, the second - CaCl and
the third is NaHCO and NaF. If all indicators determined using
SKLAV-1 laboratories will meet the required level, then
there is no reason to doubt the correct operation of the dispensers and
quality of the prepared water. Deviations in chloride content
indicate a malfunction of the dispenser of the second component,
Deviations in alkalinity (HCO) indicate incorrect operation
dispenser of the third component, and if this works correctly
dispenser deviation in sodium level indicates a dosing defect
third component. If calcium and magnesium levels (total
rigidity) meets the requirements, then this serves as an additional
evidence of the correct operation of dispensers 2 and 3
If when using wash-out type mineralizers
(mixing salts with distillate directly in the ship’s tank)
concentrations of all ions determined according to the above principle
(Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO) correspond to the established
requirements, then we can assume that mineralization has been carried out
correct and the water quality is satisfactory. Deviations
concentrations of any ions from the required level indicate
incorrect dosing of those components with which these ions
are introduced into water, or about their insufficient dissolution.


SKLAV-1 makes it possible to periodically monitor the quality of mineralized water and identify possible
sources of errors in the mineralization process and take measures to eliminate them.
Obtaining fresh water from seawater directly on board a ship is a promising
a way to solve the long-standing and ongoing problem of water shortage for the fleet.
Development of methods and apparatus for obtaining desalinated water and its subsequent conditioning
provided the opportunity for the widespread introduction into practice of this form of water supply to ships. In hygienic
In relation to the supply of ships with desalinated water, it is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it from
water supply from coastal sources and requiring special consideration.
At the outlet of water desalination plants, distilled water is obtained, that is, chemically pure, without
any minerals and salts. Drinking such water for food leads to leaching of salts and minerals from
bones, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
For drinking purposes, desalinated seawater can be used after mineralization and at full
compliance with its salt composition requirements. In this case, its disinfection is mandatory.
Mineralization. must be carried out using a dispensing unit approved by the sanitary authority
supervision, with deviations for each chemical component of no more than ± 10 - 15%.
Based on the above, we can conclude that control (analysis) of the salinity of desalinated water plays a role
no small role in the life of the crew on board; the correctness and timeliness of the analysis depends on
operation of the ship's mineralizer, safety of using water for drinking and cooking on board
In my opinion, water is the most important element on a ship; not only the work of such energy systems depends on it
installations such as the main engine, steam boiler, etc., but most importantly - the health and performance of the ship

The research vessel "Aldan" was originally built as a small freezing shrimp fishing trawler (MKRTM) according to project 12961 (Laukuva type) at the Avangard shipyard, Petrozavodsk, Russia on July 18, 1989, construction number 619.

The developer of the project was the design bureau of the Shipyard "Leninskaya Kuznitsa" (USSR, Kiev). The construction of ships of this project was carried out from 1985 to 1997. A total of 49 ships were built during this period.

Project 12961 ships were intended for: fishing with bottom, twin, mid-water trawls from the stern; catching shrimp with a double-breasted trawl; storage of frozen and chilled products and transportation to the port.

Navigation area: unlimited without the right to exit north of 66°30"N and south of 60°00"S, as well as in winter conditions in the Bering, Okhotsk Seas and the Tatar Strait.

In February 2012, the fishing vessel "Aldan" was purchased by Belfracht CJSC, which stood for several years at the quay wall without proper care, was in a deplorable condition and, in many respects, was supposed to be scrapped.

According to a message dated September 23, 2012, Belfracht CJSC completed the modernization of the fishing vessel Aldan. One of the main priorities when modernizing the vessel was the comfortable accommodation of the expedition crew, the ability to place and connect various kinds of scientific equipment on deck and the operation of the vessel in Arctic seas, taking into account all the requirements and restrictions of the Northern Sea Route Administration.

The vessel received a full package of RMRS documents and proceeded from the repair port of Murmansk to the port of Arkhangelsk to mobilize a research expedition to work in the Kara Sea.

R/V "Aldan" IMO: 8728440, flag Russia, home port Arkhangelsk, was built on July 18, 1989, construction number 619. Shipbuilder: Avangard Shipyard, Petrozavodsk, Russia. Owner and operator: Belfracht JSC, Arkhangelsk, Russia.

Main characteristics: Tonnage 359 tons, deadweight 168 tons, displacement 560 tons. Length 35.72 meters, width 8.92 meters, side height 6.07 meters, maximum draft 4.1 meters. Speed ​​10.9 knots. Crew 11 people. Can accommodate 19 specialists on board. Has a deck of 140 m2. On board there is a mobile laboratory, a stern portal with a capacity of 3 tons, a crane, and a desalination plant.

Power is supplied by one 6NVD 48A-2U diesel engine with a capacity of 800 horsepower.

On September 29, 2012 at 22:40 local time, an expedition set out from the port of Arkhangelsk on the research vessel Aldan to search for the famous caravel of Willem Barents “The Flying Dutchman”.

On August 26, 2013, Belfracht CJSC, using the R/V Aldan, completed the first stage of providing marine expeditionary research in the Novozemelsky license areas No. 1 and No. 2 in the Kara Sea. In order to support the expedition, work was carried out on the R/V Aldan to modernize and adapt the vessel for the needs of the expedition. In particular, the vessel was specially installed - a stern hydraulic portal for working with an outboard device, a rotating side rod for installing a multi-beam echo sounder, and a mobile laboratory for conducting research.

On July 15, 2014, we successfully completed the emergency towing of the lost research vessel “Kern” to the port of Murmansk.

In April 2015, Pomorskaya Shipyard LLC began modernizing the vessel according to project 12961/619-MEB, developed by Marine Engineering Bureau LLC.

The purpose of the modernization is to improve the maneuvering characteristics of the vessel by installing a bow thruster BTX 1200CC, with a power of 55 kW and a tractive effort of 12.9 kN, as well as improving operational qualities (ensuring independent loading and unloading operations by installing a domestically produced SF-125 deck telescopic crane, maximum load capacity 3000 kg).

According to a message dated July 20, 2015, there was a ship on board, after which it began to be used as a research vessel.

According to a message dated August 28, 2015, an expedition to carry out survey work to create a multi-scale geological and cartographic model of the Central and Western Arctic.

It is a multifunctional vessel designed to perform a range of engineering studies. It has on board a full set of equipment for seismic-acoustic profiling, side-scan sonar, multi-beam echo sounding, magnetometry, soil sampling and hydrometeorological research. It is periodically modernized.

Register data

Vessel name Kern
Inmarsat - C 427300955
IMO identification number 8837942
Registration number m-892457
Shipowner JSC AMIGE
Home port Murmansk
Flag Russia
Year of construction 1991
Place of construction Russia, Khabarovsk.
Purpose. Vessel type Geophysical. Research.
Call sign
Power plant Motor ship
Register class KM(*)Ice3 Special purpose ship

Main characteristics

Length, width, draft 55.76 m x 9.51 m x 4.22 m
Displacement 1157 t
Power plant GD: 1 x 6NVD48A & 2U, Germany, 736 kW.
VDG: 3 x 6ChN18/22, 150 kW.
ADG: 1 x DGA50M1-9R, 60 kW.
Thrusters Bow thruster: PU-2.1 (PU 130 A), 1x135 kW.
Maximum driving speed 11.5 knots
Navigation area Is not limited
Autonomy 30 days
Crew 40 people.
Rescue equipment Rescue boat - 1 pc.,
Life rafts - 8 pcs (PSN 10),
Lifebuoys - 8 pcs.,
Life jackets - 45 pcs.,
Wetsuits - 45 pcs.
Radar transponders - 2 pcs.

Deck mechanisms

Electric overhead crane Type LE-84 up to 0.9 t, boom radius 3-4 m.
Universal cargo crane Manufacturer: “FASSI CRANE”, Italy.

Model F600AFM.26.

Load capacity:

8.4 t (boom radius 6 m);

2.7 t (boom radius 16 m).

Windlass B-3 chain caliber 28 mm, length 177 m with two ground anchors of 900 kg each.
Mooring device, capstan Ш-4, cable 23 mm, 30 k

Communication and navigation tools

Manufacturer: USA
Radio communication device "Raytheon", 250Wt, A3
Doppler log AQUA operating range: 3-180 m (under the bottom of the ship) error: 0.1 knot
Speed ​​and distance indicator IEL-2M
Radar Furuno FR-2115
Gyro-compass "Meridian" (analogous to "Braun")
Echo sounder JMC F-3000, range: 5-3000 m
Marine satellite terminal V-SAT SeaTel 4006

Special equipment

Geophysical complex Continuous seismoacoustic profiling HF: EdgeTech, USA
SB-0512i - 0.5-12 KHz
2000-DSS - 1-16 KHz
LF: electro-spark sources
Delta-Sparker, Applied Acoustics
SWS-500, Geodevice
Frequency range 0.1-1.0 KHz
Side scan sonar EdgeTech, USA
2000-DSS and 4200-FS
Frequency range 300/600 KHz
Sight width up to 800m
Resolution 0.5m
Magnetic prospecting SeaSpy magnetometer
Variation station SENTINEL
Marine Magnetics, Canada
Acoustic tracking system Determining the coordinates of towed devices ORE BATS, EdgeTech, USA
Range up to 1500m
Accuracy 0.3% incl. range
Hydrometeorological complex Measuring currents RCM-7, RCM-9, AANDERAA, Norway.
ADCP WH-600, RDInstruments, USA.
Measuring sea level fluctuations and waves WLR-7, WLR-8, AANDERAA, Norway.
SBE-26-03, SBE-26 plus, Sea Birds Electronics, USA
Profile measurements of water temperature and salinity NXIC-CTD and YSI-63 probes, Falmouth Scientific Inc, USA
Observations of meteorological elements Anemorumbometer M63M-1 (Russia),

Aspiration psychrometer MV-4M (Russia),

Aneroid barometer MD-49-2 (Russia)

Hydrographic complex Seabed topography survey Multibeam echo sounder SEABAT 7101 240KHz, RESON, Denmark
Single beam echo sounder SyQwest StrataBox HD

41. NIS "Zephyr-1" (formerly « Academician Gubkin» )

Date of construction: 1987, Poland
Shipowner JSC Dalmorneftegeofizika

Brief characteristics:

Length, beam, draft - 81.85 m x 14.8 m x 5 m
Displacement - 2833 tons
Main engine - Zgoda - Sultzer 6ZL 40/48
Speed ​​- 11 knots

42. NIS « Probe»

Date of construction: 01/18/1987, USSR
Shipowner Kaliningradgeofizika
Home port Kaliningrad

Brief characteristics:

Length, beam, draft - 55.76 m x 9.512 m x 4.22 m
Displacement - 1157 tons

Speed ​​- 12.2 knots

43. NIS "Zodiac"

Date of construction: 08/28/1997, Russian Federation
Shipowner Magadan Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
Home port Magadan

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 44.88 m x 9.47 m x 3.77 m
Displacement - 781 tons
Main engine - 6NVD 48A-2U
Speed ​​- 11.4 knots

44. NIS « Igor Maksimov»

Date of construction: 10/07/1987, Finland
Shipowner FBU State Maritime Emergency and Rescue Coordination Service Russian Federation
Home port Korsakov

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 49.9 m x 10.02 m x 3.6 m
Displacement - 928 tons
Main engine - 6MG 25BX
Speed ​​- 12.8 knots

45. NIS « Prospector-1 »

Date of construction: 09/12/1968, USSR

Home port Astrakhan

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 47.72 m x 9.03 m x 1.88 m
Displacement - 595 tons
Main engine - 6ChNSP 18/22-225-3
Speed ​​- 8 knots

46. ​​NIS « Deneb»

Date of construction: 12/20/1993, Russian Federation
Shipowner Southern Branch of the Institute of Oceanology RAS
Home port Taganrog

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 31.85 m x 7.08 m x 2.1 m
Displacement - 242 tons

Speed ​​- 10.2 knots

47. NIS « Dmitry Ovtsyn »

Home port Arkhangelsk

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 68.24 m x 11.89 m x 4.12 m
Displacement - 1616 tons

Speed ​​- 13.9 knots

48. NIS « Prospector-2 »

Date of construction: 09/23/1988, USSR
Shipowner Morinzhgeologiya LLC
Home port Astrakhan

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 54.82 m x 10.15 m x 3.5 m
Displacement - 1008 tons

Speed ​​- 12 knots

49. NIS « Kartesh »

Date of construction: 12/14/1973, USSR
Home port Kandalaksha

Brief characteristics:

Length, beam, draft - 34.01 m x 7.1 m x 2.9 m
Displacement - 327 tons

Speed ​​- 9 knots

50. NIS « Kern»

Date of construction: 02/06/1991, USSR

Home port Murmansk

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 55.76 m x 9.51 m x 4.22 m
Displacement - 1157 tons
Main engine - 6NVD 48A-2U
Speed ​​- 12.2 knots

51. NIS "Kimberlite"

Date of construction: 10/21/1985, USSR
Shipowner OJSC "Arctic Marine Engineering-Geological Expeditions"
Home port Murmansk

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 53.74 m x 10.71 m x 4.5 m
Displacement - 1280 tons
Main engine - 8NVD 48A-2U
Speed ​​- 12.4 knots

52. NIS « Lugovoe»

Date of construction: 07/08/1986, USSR
Shipowner Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Home port Vladivostok

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 33.97 m x 7.09 m x 2.82 m
Displacement - 310 tons
Main motor - 8NVD 36-1U
Speed ​​- 9.1 knots

53. NIS « Mezen»

Date of construction: 07/30/1975, Poland
Shipowner Laboratory of Regional Geology and Geodynamics
Home port St. Petersburg

Brief characteristics:

Length, beam, draft - 72.82 m x 13.02 m x 5.1 m
Displacement - 2775 tons
Main engine - 6AL 25/30
Speed ​​- 13.7 knots

54. NIS « Mirage»

Date of construction: 12/28/1978, USSR
Shipowner Far Eastern Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute
Home port Vladivostok

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 55.65 m x 9.52 m x 4.16 m
Displacement - 1132 tons
Main engine - 6NVD 48A-2U
Speed ​​- 11.2 knots

55. NES « Michael Somov»

Date of construction: 06/30/1975, USSR
Shipowner Northern Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
Home port Arkhangelsk

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 133.13 m x 18.84 m x 8.4 m
Displacement - 14135 tons
Main engine - 4R 32BC
Speed ​​- 11.4 knots

56. NIS « Caspian explorer »

Date of construction: 08/27/1996, Russian Federation
Shipowner FSUE Caspian Research Institute of Fisheries
Home port Astrakhan

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 35.72 m x 8.92 m x 3.6 m
Displacement - 550 tons
Main engine - SKL 6 NVD 46A-2U
Speed ​​- 10.9 knots

57. NIS « Nautical geotechnician »

Date of construction: 12/25/1960, USSR
Shipowner LLC "PGS-Khazar"
Home port Sochi

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 48.25 m x 8.5 m x 1.73 m
Displacement - 486 tons
Main engine - D12D
Speed ​​- 9.5 knots

58. NIS « Nikifor Shurekov »

Date of construction: 10/05/1992, Russian Federation
Shipowner LLC MF "Bark"
Home port Astrakhan

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 35.35 m x 7.08 m x 1.78 m
Displacement - 242 tons
Main engine - 6ChSPN 2A 18/22-315
Speed ​​- 10.2 knots

59. NIS « Nikolay Evgenov»

Date of construction: 09/25/1974, Finland
Shipowner: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Hydrographic Enterprise of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Home port Arkhangelsk

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 68.24 m x 11.87 m x 4.15 m
Displacement - 1633 tons
Main engine - RBV 6M 358
Speed ​​- 13.5 knots

60. NIS « Paul Gordienko»

Date of construction: 03/26/1987, Finland
Shipowner FGU Hydrometflot
Home port Vladivostok

Brief characteristics:

Length, width, draft - 49.9 m x 10.02 m x 3.6 m
Displacement - 928 tons
Main Engine - 824TS
Speed ​​- 12.8 knots


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