An unexplored ocean. Secrets of the depths of the sea. Questions are in the air. Unresolved disputes

No matter how hard man tries to position himself as the crown of creation of evolution, as soon as nature shows its tough temper, even modern developments turn out to be useless before the power of the advancing elements. New models of smartphones or another concept car that reaches a hundred kilometers in three seconds turn out to be unnecessary toys, the development of which wasted time, money and effort. An example of the powerlessness of humanity is very clearly manifested even in the inability to study our own planet, for example, what do we know about what is located in the ocean depths?

Water is the earth's most valuable resource, although it still doesn't reach many people. After all, there is practically no water on other planets surrounding the Earth. This substance has a number of strange properties, for example, it expands both when heated and when cooled, while other substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. The neutral position of water is fixed at 4°C, while it forms a fairly dense layer at the border with warmer layers, and a small underwater vessel can even lie on it, turning off the engines. This technique is often used by submariners when they want to deceive the enemy. And of course, water is home to billions of microorganisms, and those that live at great depths are still a mystery.

Unfortunately, a person is still not able to ensure a long stay at a significant depth, which means he is left with only short dives. However, what we manage to obtain is quite enough to throw modern scientists into a state of confusion. Water samples taken from the deepest place in the world, the Mariana Trench, showed that 90% of them contained microorganisms that were either vaguely reminiscent of those that can be found in surface waters, or completely unknown to science. Recently, while studying samples of Antarctic ice, scientists discovered some similarities between bacteria frozen thousands of years ago and those found in samples from the ocean. Thus, we can trace the connection and confidently say that previously the appearance of the planet, like the climate, was completely different, however, what happened that forced microorganisms to adapt to such unfavorable living conditions in eternal darkness?

Many scientists are of the opinion that millions of years ago, a meteorite fell on the surface of the Earth, and this led to climate change and a pole shift. The description of the catastrophe can most often be found under the guise of a global flood... The latter, however, could have already been a consequence and flooded ancient cities located on land. With such global changes, there simply could not have been earth tremors, as a result of which the well-known Mariana Trench was formed, and microorganisms or other forms of life that got into it along with water found themselves in an isolated space with their own natural laws, beginning to adapt to them. This mysterious place has not yet been explored and, according to the most conservative estimates, under the ocean floor there is a space of hundreds of thousands of cubic meters, with its own mountainous terrain. It remains a mystery how one can survive at such a depth and in the complete absence of oxygen, if, of course, the creatures there have the same structure as those living above? What worries researchers most is the potential danger that may come from microorganisms that can be the causative agents of dangerous and unknown diseases.

If it is still possible to find some scientific explanations for microorganisms and try to investigate the phenomenon, then with strange creatures that vaguely resemble humans, this does not work. Eyewitnesses who have seen them talk about short-term chance encounters, and most often these creatures rush to hide. But sometimes everything ends badly for the people who tried to establish contact with them.

For the first time, scientists were inspired to think about the existence of ancient civilizations under water by the remains of an underwater city located in the Bermuda Triangle area. Today, there are several such artifacts, quite large-scale in terms of construction volume, in the world’s oceans, and in a variety of areas. In Oceania, Africa, near the South American continent, and more recently, massive foundations made of rectangular stone blocks were discovered even in the Black Sea near Crimea. The ancient megacities are up to half a million years old, that is, the creatures who lived here were the absolute masters of the planet when present-day humanity did not even exist.

Unfortunately, buildings often go so deep that inspection with the help of divers becomes impossible and, of course, the question arises - did they appear when there was land here or were they built under water? In the legends of the peoples inhabiting the islands of Fiji, there are many stories about gods coming from the depths of the sea. These were creatures unlike humans, covered with scales and having several arms at once. According to the same legends, they swam freely and were under water, and when they reached land, the tail fin turned into limbs similar to human ones. Since the peoples of this region have a fairly ancient history, scientists took such evidence very seriously; moreover, during excavations of one of the ancient settlements here, several stones with images carved on them were discovered. Having studied them carefully and carried out carbon analysis, scientists found that they were about five thousand years old, and apparently the ancient people worshiped people from the ocean, and the stones were installed in a place for worship and sacrifices.

This find made it possible to assert that, at least partially, some cities were built directly under water, which means that the prehistoric creatures who lived there had technologies that were significantly ahead of even our current ones. Pearl miners, especially those who have extensive experience and swim to great depths, have more than once descended into ancient ruins in search of something valuable, and each of them can say that they have seen some mysterious creatures that vaguely resemble fairy-tale mermaids. True, according to eyewitnesses, they were in a hurry to hide, but what attracts them to ancient ruins?

Many believe that these are descendants of that very ancient race or one of the races. It was probably they who came out of the water to the ancient Fijians and gave them some knowledge. For example, according to the same legends, they taught how to build boats; before that, the natives had no idea that it was possible to float on the surface of the water. However, as researchers suggest, not only intelligent and possibly safe forms of life may be hiding in the depths. Scary monsters, which are usually depicted in fabulous seascapes, can also move freely underwater. Giant squids or sharks no longer surprise anyone, and the movie “Jaws” has ceased to be science fiction, although half a century ago one could only learn about such giants from books about the prehistoric past of the Earth. Reptiles, huge insects the size of an apartment building, and other creatures that were astonishing in their mass were the absolute masters, or so official science claims.

Was this really the case? The fact that they existed is proven by the skeletons, which are striking in their massiveness, but many researchers are not inclined to think so about the owners. These creatures were a completely natural addition to the fauna of that time, such as dogs and cats today. The real owners of the planet, the same ones who lived or later began to live under water, controlled them well, using telepathic waves. This feature was inherent in all ancient civilizations, from the Hyperboreans to the Atlanteans, which is described in detail in ancient Egyptian sources, as well as the Ramayana and Mahabharata. That is why the ancient gods could not use some kind of artificial aircraft to move around the planet, but with the power of thought they could force a massive animal to carry out the necessary commands.

After the disaster, land creatures died, but those that could live under water went deep into the ocean, where they can still be. The special composition of water at such depths allows not only prehistoric bacteria, but also more complex organisms to exist almost forever, so it is possible that once we go down, we will encounter species that are officially considered extinct. Frequent encounters between fishermen and giant squid, as well as sightings of previously unseen giant sharks near the coast, indicate that prehistoric creatures are rising from the depths for some reason, but why do they do this? What is most concerning is their ability to live in surface waters; they feel quite comfortable here, but where they begin to actively hunt, plankton and small fish disappear.

If we follow the logic, then after sharks and squids we should really see something more ancient, that is, the plot of the Japanese film “Godzilla” will also become a sad reality. It is possible that such cases have already happened, because only military ships can descend to great depths, and the military tries not to disclose anything unusual that happens there, sending such material behind the thick walls of their archives. Only from fragmentary data from retirees can one sometimes find out that sometimes damage to the hull of submarines remains from contact with unknown creatures, and their nature is not inferior to damage from a large-caliber projectile.

Researchers tend to see the activation of prehistoric giants as the fault of modern man. Which, however, is not surprising, since most of today’s global changes on the planet are happening precisely through his fault. Pollution of the world's oceans, as well as global warming, could not bypass even such depths, and therefore it is possible that due to some chemical changes in the water they are forced to rise to the top. By detecting earthquakes and sea tsunamis that have become more frequent around the world, scientists have come to the conclusion that the mantle layer of the planet began to warm up again, and accordingly, the temperature in the ocean depths rose. All these circumstances once again confirm the absolute helplessness of man in the face of natural disasters. If humanity continues to treat the environment this way, then it is quite possible that it will no longer have to face natural disasters, but a powerful army of monsters and dangerous ancient microorganisms emerging from the depths, and it is not difficult to guess who will be the loser.

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While many people look into space in awe, they forget that incredible prospects of unexplored wonders may lie much closer - in Earth's oceans. As technology improves, the ocean continues to reveal more and more secrets.

1. Large amorphous creature

Recently, a video was posted online that showed a giant amorphous blob-shaped creature swimming near a deep-sea drilling rig. The creature pulsated near the underwater cameras for long enough to attract attention. A creature of incredibly huge size, glowing from within, constantly fluctuated and changed its shape.

Some have suggested that it was a completely unknown creature from the depths of the ocean. Others felt that this could be evidence of some kind of alien presence at depths where humans could not reach. Most researchers said that it was a giant jellyfish that was disturbed by a drilling rig.

2. Crystal pyramid in the depths of the ocean

There are many stories about strange crystal pyramids that were found deep in the ocean, supposedly near the Bermuda Triangle. Those who insist on the existence of such artifacts claim that most scientists know about them, but deny everything for conspiratorial reasons.

However, the vast majority of researchers insist that these stories of crystal pyramids under the ocean are misleading. Similar stories allegedly began to appear after swindlers announced that they had found a broken piece of crystal near the top of one of these pyramids, which supposedly had magical properties.

3. The secret of immortality

"Benjamin Button Jellyfish" has an incredibly unique feature. If they encounter serious injury or simply reach an advanced age, these jellyfish can reverse the aging process and revert back into a polyp, starting their life cycle all over again. This allows them to heal from their injuries and live essentially forever, which currently poses a major threat to the world's oceans.

Button's jellyfish begin to populate parts of the oceans, breaking the entire balance of marine flora and fauna. Although many scientists doubt that people today can find a reason for the true immortality of jellyfish, others argue that in the future such a thing will be possible for people. At a minimum, this could be a cure for cancer.

4. Atlantis - reality or fiction

Many theories about the lost city of Atlantis are completely wild and fantastic. Some say that Atlantis is located in the Bermuda Triangle, although legends never mention its presence in that area. Others believe that the domed cities of Atlantis still survive deep underwater.

A historian named Bettany Hughes was studying the ancient myth of Atlantis and realized that Plato was probably allegorizing the island of Santorini, located near ancient Greece, under the guise of Atlantis. The people who lived in Fera, a city on this island, were very skilled merchants and traders who benefited from the strategic position between three continents. This allowed them to become very rich and lead Ferais to prosperity.

Unfortunately, the island's residents had no idea that they were actually living right on top of a volcano. In 1620 BC. the volcano literally exploded into an eruption, and the explosion was so huge that it affected almost the entire world. Plato has almost certainly heard of it. The remains of Thera are perfectly preserved, like the famous city of Pompeii, which was also destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

5. Intelligent life could be much closer

The scientific explanation for the mermaid legend implies that sailors were often at sea for long periods of time without women and often drinking, so it is not surprising that they experienced visual hallucinations, mistaking manatees for mermaids. However, the ocean is a very large place and largely unexplored. Nobody knows what's going on in the depths. People are always looking for intelligent, human-like life, but it can look and act completely different.

6. The main enemy is pressure

Many people are surprised by the incredible amount of money spent on space exploration when the ocean is right next door and still largely unexplored. They compare the colossal costs of spaceships and space stations, believing that the cost of studying the ocean could be tens of times less.

In fact, in many ways, the problem of ocean exploration is much larger. After all, at a depth of just a couple of kilometers, the pressure becomes simply unimaginable, which is why a completely minuscule amount of the deep-sea part of the ocean has been explored so far. If radically new technologies do not appear, then people will not soon find out what is hidden in the oceans of the Earth.

7. The largest earthly creature

Many people have speculated about what kind of sea monsters might be hiding in the depths where humans cannot reach. Giant squids, previously considered a myth, have already been found, which can actually reach incredible sizes. In fact, even many normal fish can grow to nightmarishly enormous sizes under certain conditions in the deep parts of the ocean.

It is not surprising that people have long been wondering what the biggest and most terrible thing can live in the depths. Even if we go back to the time of dinosaurs, the largest creature was no larger than the modern blue whale. However, much of the ocean remains unexplored, especially in the deeper areas, so no one knows what monstrously huge creatures lurk almost next to people.

8. The ocean is 95 percent unexplored

Some may have heard that the ocean is “95 percent unexplored.” Marine biologists believe this is a gross oversimplification. Scientists today, using satellites, radar and mathematical calculations, have created a map of the ocean floor with a maximum resolution of 5 kilometers. Although these are still very rough sketches, marine biologists have a pretty good idea of ​​where trenches and ridges are in the ocean.

However, marine biologist John Copley, while pointing out the meme's fallacy, also admitted to Scientific American that humans have actually studied far less than 5 percent of the ocean.

9. Methane hydrate - a new source of energy

Methane hydrate is a strange crystalline structure made of water and methane frozen together. Ever since the discovery of gas hydrate deposits several decades ago, governments have begun to seriously explore hydrates as a form of alternative energy.

Methane hydrates are certainly very useful in case of shortages of other natural gases, but there are certain problems. First, as with any undersea exploration, commercial production will be very expensive. And secondly, environmentalists fear that underwater drilling could lead to real disasters.

10. The answer to the "Bloop" sound

Back in 1997, people were confused by sound recorded underwater near South America. It was loud enough to be clearly picked up by two different stations several kilometers apart, and many people thought it was the sound of a colossal deep sea creature.

Some people even suggested that this is the notorious Cthulhu, whose mythical place of imprisonment (the underwater city of R'Lieh) is supposedly located a couple of thousand kilometers from the stations that picked up the sound. Eventually, scientists came to the conclusion that the sounds were simply the crackling sounds of ice shelves breaking apart underwater.

The bottom of the world's oceans is uneven, cut through by gorges whose depth is tens of thousands of meters. The relief was formed millions of years ago due to the movement of tectonic plates - the “shell” of the earth’s crust. Due to their continuous movement, the location and shape of the continents and the ocean floor changed. The deepest ocean on the planet is the Pacific Ocean, which at this stage of technological development cannot be fully explored.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest on the planet. In its western latitudes lie the continents of Australia and Eurasia, in the southern - Antarctica, in the eastern - South and North America. The length of the Pacific Ocean from south to north is almost 16 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 19 thousand. The area of ​​the ocean together with its seas is 178.684 million kilometers, and the average depth is about 4 kilometers. But there are amazing places in the Pacific Ocean that make it the deepest in the world.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the ocean

This deepest chasm got its name in honor of the nearby Mariana Islands. The depth of the Pacific Ocean in this place is 10 kilometers 994 meters. The deepest point of the trench is called the Challenger Deep. Geographically, the “Abyss” is located 340 km from the southwestern tip of the island of Guam.

If we take Mount Everest for comparison, which, as is known, rises 8848 m above sea level, it can completely disappear under water and there will still be room.

In 2010, an oceanographic expedition from New Hampshire conducted research on the ocean floor in the Mariana Trench area. Scientists have discovered four seamounts, each at least 2.5 kilometers high, crossing the surface of the trench at the point of contact between the Philippine and Pacific lithospheric plates. According to scientists, these ridges were formed about 180 million years ago as a result of the movement of the above-mentioned plates and the gradual creep of the older and heavier Pacific Plate under the Philippine Plate. The maximum depth of the Pacific Ocean was recorded here.

Diving into the abyss

Deep-sea vehicles with three people descended into the depths of the Challenger Deep four times:

  1. Brussels explorer Jacques Piccard, together with American Navy Lieutenant John Walsh, were the first to dare to look into the face of the abyss. This happened on January 23, 1960. The deepest dive in the world was made on the bathyscaphe Trieste, designed by Auguste Piccard, Jacques' father. This feat, without a doubt, set a record in the world of deep diving. The descent lasted 4 hours 48 minutes, and the ascent lasted 3 hours 15 minutes. The researchers found large flat fish at the bottom of the trench that looked like flounder. The lowest point of the World Ocean was recorded - 10,918 meters. Later, Picard wrote the book “11 thousand meters”, describing all the moments of the dive.
  2. On May 31, 1995, a deep-sea Japanese probe was launched into the depression, which recorded a depth of 10,911 m and also discovered ocean inhabitants - microorganisms.
  3. On May 31, 2009, the Nereus automatic apparatus went on reconnaissance and stopped at 10,902 m. It shot a video, took pictures of the bottom landscape and collected soil samples, in which microorganisms were also found.
  4. Finally, on March 26, 2012, film director James Cameron accomplished the feat of diving solo into the Challenger Deep. Cameron became the third person on Earth to visit the bottom of the World Ocean in its deepest place. The single-seat Deepsea Challenger was equipped with advanced deep-sea imaging equipment and powerful lighting equipment. Filming was carried out in 3G format. The Challenger Deep is featured in James Cameron's National Geographic Channel documentary.

This depression is located at the junction of the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate. Extends from the Kermadec Trench towards the Tonga Islands. Its length is 860 km and its depth is 10,882 m, which is a record in the Southern Hemisphere and the second deepest on the planet. The Tonga region is notorious for being one of the most active seismic zones.

In 1970, on April 17, during Apollo 13's return to earth, the spent landing stage containing plutonium fell into the Tonga Trench to a depth of 6 km. No attempts were made to remove her from there.

Philippine Trench

The second deepest place in the Pacific Ocean is located in the Philippine Islands. The recorded depth of the depression is 10,540 m. The depression was formed as a result of the collision of granite and basalt layers, the latter, being heavier, was undermined by the granite layer. The process of meeting two lithospheric plates is called subduction, and the place of “meeting” is the subduction zone. In such places, tsunamis are born and earthquakes occur.

The depression runs along the volcanic ridge of the Kuril Islands on the border between Japan and Russia. The length of the trench is 1300 km, and the maximum depth is 10500 m. The depression was formed more than 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous period as a result of the collision of two tectonic plates.

It is located near the Kermadec Islands, northeast of New Zealand and in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The trench was first discovered by the Galatea group from Denmark, and the Soviet research vessel Vityaz studied the bottom of the trench in 1958 and recorded a maximum depth of 10,047 m. In 2008, an unknown species of sea slugs was discovered at the bottom of the trench, as well as deep-seated crustaceans long up to 30 cm.

Video: inhabitants of the Mariana Trench

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Some say that the limit of our knowledge about the world lies in space, but they flatter themselves: the limit of our knowledge is still on Earth. The world's oceans continue to represent one of nature's greatest mysteries. Many of us take the ocean for granted, but it is huge, powerful and almost endless, and its depths can hide something unimaginable. 10 examples of such surprises are in this post!

The Bimini Road, also called the Bimini Wall, is located in the Bahamas. It lies underwater at a depth of only about half a meter, so that it can be seen through the water. Some of its stones reach a length of 6 meters! Some believe that it was formed naturally, others believe that it was laid by people. Only one question remains: why build a road under water?..

9. “Sea of ​​Milk”

The “milk sea” effect occurs when in a certain area of ​​the ocean all the water seems to change color and becomes a milky white-blue hue. This is quite a frightening phenomenon; many sailors and travelers felt completely disoriented when confronted with it. Many scientists claim that this is due to the activity of bacteria, but bacteria have not yet been discovered that can change the color of water for days on end, but not constantly, but from time to time.

These stunning ancient pyramids were found in Japan, near the island of Yonaguni. Researchers say they may be older than the Egyptian pyramids! This is all great, but how exactly did they end up underwater? Nobody can say for sure. If they are man-made, they may have been part of the city. But people cannot live under water! Or... once could they? Or were they not built by people? Who knows.

A question for philosophers who love riddles like “can God create a stone that he himself cannot lift”: how can an underwater waterfall exist if water is everywhere? However, underwater waterfalls exist and can even be very dangerous - the currents that form near them can destroy a ship. So far, scientists have discovered 7 underwater waterfalls, and most likely these are not all similar phenomena that we know about. The largest of them is located off the coast of Denmark.

6. Underwater “crop circles”

You know about “crop circles” - mysterious patterns that, looking at them, people think that these circles were left by a UFO upon landing? So, these circles also exist under water. Apparently, aliens are not very concerned about where exactly to land - on land or in the ocean! In fact, scientists believe that these traces remain from the mating ritual of one of the fish species - this is not as interesting as the version with aliens, but what can you do?

Ah, the Bermuda Triangle! Once upon a time, people were really concerned about having to fly or swim through this area if the route ran through it. They talk about it less now, but it used to be a significant cause for concern. It was also called the “Devil's Triangle”, and many planes and ships in this area disappeared without a trace. Some say there is a portal to another world there! This may not be true, but why tempt fate?

All the items on this list are real mysteries, but the Cuban underwater city is something that really makes you think seriously. There is a structure off the coast of Cuba whose existence makes you think that perhaps the myth of Atlantis was based on real facts! This is an underwater city that has giant pyramids and sphinx sculptures. Some believe that the city is over 10,000 years old and sank during an earthquake. It is really difficult to come up with another explanation.

The Devil's Sea is an area in the sea approximately 100 km from the Japanese capital Tokyo, near the territory of Guam. Many sailors are afraid to enter these waters. Many ships of brave souls who tried to cross the Devil's Sea sank here. Strong storms and gales erupt in this area “out of the blue,” in the middle of a clear sky. In addition, no one lives here - no fish, no birds, no whales, no dolphins. Most likely, there is something connected with this that we humans don’t know!

Another real mystery is the mysterious circles near the Persian Gulf that glow and rotate. Some scientists claim that these are plankton, but most researchers disagree with this. Most likely, this is another of the unknown oceanic phenomena (although, of course, like other phenomena on Earth, aliens may be involved in this).

This is perhaps too mysterious even for this list! Some people believe that what we think is a UFO at the bottom of the Baltic is just a rock. Others say it is an old sunken submarine. But this device looks like it came straight out of a Star Wars movie! The team of researchers who discovered it claim that it rests on a huge pillar, and inside it there is what appears to be a staircase leading into a black hole. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the versions given here or not, one thing is clear: definitely, this is truly a mystery for humanity!


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