Phi Phi Island (Phi-Phi) - or the paradise island of Thailand, description of the island, map and photo of Pi Phi Don. Pi sounds divine

Math enthusiasts around the world eat a piece of pie every year on the fourteenth of March - after all, it is the day of Pi, the most famous irrational number. This date is directly related to the number whose first digits are 3.14. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Since it is irrational, it is impossible to write it as a fraction. This is an infinitely long number. It was discovered thousands of years ago and has been constantly studied since then, but does Pi still have any secrets? From ancient origins to an uncertain future, here are some of the most interesting facts about Pi.

Memorizing Pi

The record for memorizing decimal numbers belongs to Rajvir Meena from India, who managed to remember 70,000 digits - he set the record on March 21, 2015. Previously, the record holder was Chao Lu from China, who managed to remember 67,890 digits - this record was set in 2005. The unofficial record holder is Akira Haraguchi, who recorded himself on video repeating 100,000 digits in 2005 and recently published a video where he manages to remember 117,000 digits. The record would become official only if this video was recorded in the presence of a representative of the Guinness Book of Records, and without confirmation it remains only an impressive fact, but is not considered an achievement. Math enthusiasts love to memorize the number Pi. Many people use various mnemonic techniques, for example poetry, where the number of letters in each word matches the digits of Pi. Each language has its own versions of similar phrases that help you remember both the first few numbers and the whole hundred.

There is a Pi language

Mathematicians, passionate about literature, invented a dialect in which the number of letters in all words corresponds to the digits of Pi in exact order. Writer Mike Keith even wrote a book, Not a Wake, which is entirely written in Pi. Enthusiasts of such creativity write their works in full accordance with the number of letters and the meaning of numbers. This has no practical application, but is a fairly common and well-known phenomenon in the circles of enthusiastic scientists.

Exponential growth

Pi is an infinite number, so by definition people will never be able to establish the exact digits of this number. However, the number of decimal places has increased greatly since Pi was first used. The Babylonians also used it, but a fraction of three whole and one eighth was enough for them. The Chinese and the creators of the Old Testament were completely limited to three. By 1665, Sir Isaac Newton had calculated the 16 digits of Pi. By 1719, the French mathematician Tom Fante de Lagny had calculated 127 digits. The advent of computers has radically improved human knowledge of Pi. From 1949 to 1967, the number of digits known to man skyrocketed from 2,037 to 500,000. Not long ago, Peter Trueb, a scientist from Switzerland, was able to calculate 2.24 trillion digits of Pi! It took 105 days. Of course, this is not the limit. It is likely that with the development of technology it will be possible to establish an even more accurate figure - since Pi is infinite, there is simply no limit to accuracy, and only the technical features of computer technology can limit it.

Calculating Pi by hand

If you want to find the number yourself, you can use the old-fashioned technique - you will need a ruler, a jar and some string, or you can use a protractor and a pencil. The downside to using a can is that it needs to be round and accuracy will be determined by how well a person can wrap the rope around it. You can draw a circle with a protractor, but this also requires skill and precision, as an uneven circle can seriously distort your measurements. A more accurate method involves using geometry. Divide the circle into many segments, like a pizza into slices, and then calculate the length of the straight line that would turn each segment into an isosceles triangle. The sum of the sides will give the approximate number Pi. The more segments you use, the more accurate the number will be. Of course, in your calculations you will not be able to come close to the results of a computer, however, these simple experiments allow you to understand in more detail what the number Pi is and how it is used in mathematics.

Discovery of Pi

The ancient Babylonians knew about the existence of the number Pi already four thousand years ago. Babylonian tablets calculate Pi as 3.125, and an Egyptian mathematical papyrus shows the number 3.1605. In the Bible, Pi is given in the obsolete length of cubits, and the Greek mathematician Archimedes used the Pythagorean theorem, a geometric relationship between the length of the sides of a triangle and the area of ​​the figures inside and outside the circles, to describe Pi. Thus, we can say with confidence that Pi is one of the most ancient mathematical concepts, although the exact name of this number appeared relatively recently.

New look at Pi

Even before the number Pi began to be correlated with circles, mathematicians already had many ways to even name this number. For example, in ancient mathematics textbooks one can find a phrase in Latin that can be roughly translated as “the quantity that shows the length when the diameter is multiplied by it.” The irrational number became famous when the Swiss scientist Leonhard Euler used it in his work on trigonometry in 1737. However, the Greek symbol for Pi was still not used - this only happened in a book by a lesser-known mathematician, William Jones. He used it already in 1706, but it went unnoticed for a long time. Over time, scientists adopted this name, and now it is the most famous version of the name, although it was previously also called the Ludolf number.

Is Pi a normal number?

Pi is definitely a strange number, but how much does it follow normal mathematical laws? Scientists have already resolved many questions related to this irrational number, but some mysteries remain. For example, it is not known how often all the numbers are used - the numbers 0 to 9 should be used in equal proportion. However, statistics can be traced from the first trillions of digits, but due to the fact that the number is infinite, it is impossible to prove anything for sure. There are other problems that still elude scientists. It is possible that further development of science will help shed light on them, but at the moment it remains beyond the scope of human intelligence.

Pi sounds divine

Scientists cannot answer some questions about the number Pi, however, every year they understand its essence better and better. Already in the eighteenth century, the irrationality of this number was proven. In addition, the number has been proven to be transcendental. This means that there is no specific formula that allows you to calculate Pi using rational numbers.

Dissatisfaction with the number Pi

Many mathematicians are simply in love with Pi, but there are also those who believe that these numbers are not particularly significant. In addition, they claim that the Tau number, which is twice as large as Pi, is more convenient to use as an irrational number. Tau shows the relationship between circumference and radius, which some believe represents a more logical method of calculation. However, it is impossible to unambiguously determine anything in this matter, and one and the other number will always have supporters, both methods have the right to life, so this is just an interesting fact, and not a reason to think that you should not use the number Pi.

One of the most exotic countries in Asia invariably enjoys increased popularity among tourists from all over the planet. This paradise offers secluded beaches, nightlife, stunning landscapes and unique attractions. Colorful Thailand fascinates guests who come here in search of adventure.

Travelers who get acquainted with the fairy-tale kingdom plunge into eternal summer and forget about all their problems. Tourists who feel welcome at the country's resorts admit that they have found a real paradise that they do not want to leave.

Description of the archipelago

The distinctive Phi Phi Islands (Thailand) are located in the province of Krabi and are located 40 kilometers from Phuket. The Phi Phi Islands archipelago includes six islands, the most famous of which are the popular Phi Phi Don and the picturesque Phi Phi Le. Since they are located far from the mainland, they can only be reached by ferry, and the journey from the pier to the resorts will take no more than an hour and a half.

The Phi Phi Islands (Thailand) are equally beautiful, but differ in that one is completely uninhabited, while the other is bustling with daytime activity and the natural charm of the resort makes a lasting impression on vacationers.

However, not everything is as wonderful as it seems at first glance. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm because numerous tourists disturb the flora and fauna of the island, and the archipelago itself cannot cope with such an influx of guests.

Best time to visit the resort

When is the best time to come to the fabulous Phi Phi Islands, reviews of which are not only full of delight? The most favorable time to visit the exotic archipelago with a tropical monsoon climate is considered to be from October to March. During the dry season, when the weather itself favors relaxing or active recreation, the average water temperature is 29 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature is about 30. The rainy season begins in June and lasts until September.

Phi Phi Don

The archipelago, whose area is approximately 28 km 2, is divided into two parts and connected only by a narrow isthmus (Ton Sai Village). It delights tourists eager to swim in the warm waters of the ocean and sunbathe on snow-white beaches. This is a relatively new, but already rapidly developing resort, gaining popularity.

The island, whose population ranges from two to three thousand inhabitants, is famous for its entertainment venues for every taste. True, tourists note that Phi Phi Don is a rather expensive holiday destination, since nothing is grown here - all products are imported.

There are no cars on the island, and the main transport is bicycles. Those with a heavy suitcase can use the services of porters who will take you all the way to the hotel. As experienced tourists say, the road often gives way to quick sand, which causes difficulties. Therefore, it is better not to save money and give a hundred baht to the person who will help with luggage delivery.

Near the Ton Sai pier there is a village considered the heart of the island. There are bars, restaurants, souvenir shops, diving centers, laundries, massage parlors and hotels here. This is a favorite place for all avid party-goers, and guests who prefer privacy and do not want to save on necessities choose the east of the island, where the most respectable boutiques and hotels are located.

Phi Phi Le

The second largest island of Phi Phi Le (Krabi, Thailand), which is a limestone monolith towering above the water, is surrounded by two bays - Lo Sama and Maya Bay. The latter gained fame after the release of the drama "The Beach". You can get to the mesmerizingly unique beauty of Maya Bay, where the main events of the Hollywood film unfolded, in a few hours from Phuket by ferry. The beach, surrounded by majestic cliffs, has been the subject of litigation that has lasted for many years.


The fact is that the film company in 2000 significantly changed the appearance of Maya Bay to give it a “paradise” look. The fantastic beauty of the beach was created artificially: coconut trees were cut down and giant sand dunes were filled in. However, the company did not fulfill its promises to restore the natural landscape, and the damage caused to the ecosystem could not be repaired. The state government sued the film crew, but in 2004 Mother Nature intervened and made her own adjustments.


Belonging to the province of Phi Phi (Thailand) were at the epicenter of a tsunami caused by an underwater earthquake. More than a thousand local residents and foreigners who flew in on vacation died. A monument to the victims of the disaster was erected on the picturesque Phi Phi Don, and every year they pay tribute to those who left this world so early. However, according to experts, it was the tsunami that restored the ecosystem of the island’s bay.

A paradise with unspoiled nature

Just 12 years ago, there was no tourism infrastructure on Phi Phi Le. Everything changed after it was included in the Marine National Park. This is a stunningly beautiful tropical paradise with pristine nature that is a must see. People often come here for a day to watch the sunrise and fully enjoy the inaccessible cliffs emerging from the depths of the sea, amazing lagoons and explore mysterious caves that hide a lot of interesting things.

What else to see

The observation deck is another amazing place that tourists who come to the picturesque Phi Phi Islands (Thailand) should not miss. View Point offers stunning views of a luxurious area created for relaxation and bliss, and two bays from above resemble the wings of a huge butterfly preparing to take off. The climb to the site takes about 40 minutes, and tourists often abandon the adventure due to the intense heat, so the best time to visit it is morning or evening.

The mysterious Viking Cave, home to swallows, is a sacred place for the people of Thailand. On the walls of the grotto, which can only be reached via a bamboo bridge, images of ships and animals are immortalized.

In this paradise you can go snorkeling or diving, dive into the waters of a sunken ship, practice rock climbing, rent a kayak and explore the archipelago on your own.

Phi Phi Islands: description, beaches

The largest beach on the island is Ton Sai with white sand. This is a great place for youth recreation, since most of the discos and bars are located here. Ships with new tourists arrive at Ton Sai Bay, and from here guests of Thailand sail to neighboring beaches that cannot be reached by land. The center of Ton Sai is always crowded, so to swim, you have to look for corners in other places. This is an accessible but rather dirty beach with a pier where new ferries and boats are constantly arriving, so the muddy water here is not very suitable for swimming.

On the other side of the isthmus is Lo Dalam Bay - a clean and cozy beach. True, tourists admit that Loh Dalam Bay is quite shallow, and during low tides the water goes almost 200 meters. Young people love it for its nightly outdoor parties that last until the morning.

Monkey Beach is often included in the excursion program of pleasure boats. The beach of the colorful island of Phi Phi in Thailand with cute, endearing animals is very popular with foreign guests who love to feed the cheerful monkeys bananas and pieces of pineapple.

Long Beach can only be reached by boat from Ton Sai Bay. There are always a lot of tourists on the beautiful beach with clear water, so those who like solitude can recommend Laem Tong Beach, where several luxury hotels have been built for travelers who prefer peace and quiet.

Where to stay?

In total there are about 80 hotels and guesthouses of varying levels of service. Accommodation here is much more expensive than on other islands in Thailand. It is worth considering that at the height of the tourist season, prices increase several times.

Guests of this paradise recommend staying in the north of Phi Phi Don island in a few hotels located near the secluded beaches of Laem Tong Beach or Long Beach. And for poor young people who came to have fun, we can recommend the resort center, where everything they need for a fun holiday is located.

Tourists choosing luxury hotels on Phi Phi Island (Thailand) will have to fork out 1,800 baht per night. Those who want to save money can choose the so-called beachfront-hotels, which have nothing but a bed and a fan (600 baht per day). They are located in the area of ​​the village of Ton Sai, where life is vibrant even at night.

Perhaps the most famous hotels and guesthouses are Viking Nature Resort, Phi Phi The Beach Resort, Phi Phi Dream Guest House, Zeavola Resort, Phi Phi Island Village Beach Resort & Spa, Phi Phi Banyan Villa.

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IslandKo Phi Phi Don located almost in the central part of the Andaman Sea. P It became famous after the film “The Beach” with DiCaprio was filmed on the neighboring island (Phi Phi Leu). Both islands are located next door. Moreover, Pi Pi Don is now being developed to the maximum, but Pi Pi Leu is still “holding its defense” from tourists, because fortunately, there is no residential infrastructure on it.

Although Pi Pi Don is beautiful. The island has absolutely stunning coves - palm trees, sand, really clean water.

The largest bay on the island is called Ton Sai. The bay that it forms has the same name.

Along the beach stretches the village of Tonsai Village - the main tourist center on the Phi Phi Don islands: cafes, a market, many shops, food stalls, kiosks with clothes, souvenirs and all sorts of small things, hotels, restaurants, massages, etc.

This is a global gathering of weirdos.

The island is populated by backpackers from all over the world, as well as tourists who came on package tours to Phuket, Ao Nang or somewhere else, and from there took a one-day tour to Phi Phi Don. And therefore there is entertainment for every taste. during the day - sedate, “family” get-togethers. Nin my opinion - noisy youth.

Among other things, the village has a police station, two small hospitals (Phi Phi Hospital and Siam International Clinic), a huge number of currency exchange points, many ATMs, payphones, and a post office. There is also a school and a mosque here. A n There are diving schools on the shore and all kinds of boat excursions are offered.

The pier is located almost in the center of the village. Passenger boats arrive here from Krabi, Phuket, Koh Lanta and smaller nearby islands.

Lots of small shops and restaurants. Some of which are cheap. So finding inexpensive food on Ko Phi Phi Don is within everyone’s reach! This is important because prices here are generally very high. The village, as I already said, is developing quite quickly commercially. Today you can see countless travelers here. So traders work on the principle: “sooner or later they will buy my product, even at this price”...


If we talk about housing, the relatively cheapest housing on Phi Phi Don is the hotels in the central part of the village. It is also the most restless. Why see below. Quieter, but also more expensive hotels are located in the eastern part of the island (Laem Tong and Loh Ba Kao areas).

So the best option is to check into a hotel on one of the streets going deep into the isthmus. You can rent a room there for around 1000 baht. It's relatively inexpensive but fairly quiet.

Things to do

Photo session on viewpoint

View the island isthmus from above. To understand what the central part of Phi Phi Don island is like, you can climb to the viewpoint. Viewpoint is located north of Ton Sai Village, at an altitude of about two hundred meters. To climb it you will have to overcome 325 steps. But from above there are wonderful views of the southern part of Phi Phi Don island and the narrow isthmus connecting the southern and northern parts of the island.


Shopping isn't cheap. But the island has its own trading baubles. So, for example, in Bangkok you are unlikely to buy shark jaws... And here’s another feature of the island. Some fruits can be bought here even out of season, when they are not available either in Phuket or Bangkok. I still haven’t decided where they came from here...


There are several beaches on the island.

The most famous beach on Phi Phi Don Island is Ton Sai Beach. The beach is located on one side of a narrow spit that divides the island into two parts - western and eastern. But alas, along its entire length there is now a village with hotels, bars and restaurants. Although the left side of the beach (back to the sea, facing the shore) is, in principle, suitable for swimming.

On the opposite side of the spit there is another beach - Loh Dalum Beach. Unlike Tonsai Beach, Lo Dalam Beach does not have a pier or boat dock. But, alas, it is shallow. So at low tide it is problematic to swim on it. Because the water area is literally exposed.

One of the most decent beaches in Phi Phi Don is Long Beach (Hat Yao). It is clean, relatively quiet and located near the village. Plus fine white sand, clean water. Long Beach is a good place for snorkeling. There is a coral reef nearby where you can see reef sharks. They are small and not dangerous.

Night parties

Without a stretch, Pi Phi Don can be called the island of night parties. Most of which take place on the shore. So, as I already said, if you are a sleeper and don’t like nightlife, then it’s better not to settle in the first line. Don't expect peace. Well, yes, as they say, they knew where they were going.

Moreover, we must remember that Pi Pi Don is not Phangan. It's there that once a month people have a blast at the Full Moon party. Everything is different here. The main contingent of Pi Pi Don are tourists who came here for a day or two. And they dream of getting EVERYTHING from the island in a short time. Well, in the sense of having a blast! So the little people come off. Every evening there are a lot of beach parties here. And all of them are fueled by killer cocktails. Remember when you were little, you used to play on the beach with little plastic buckets. So now on Pi Pi Don everything is the same, only the buckets are used not by kids, but by adult “kids”. And their purpose is somewhat different. Buckets are sold everywhere in the evening, complete with local whiskey or gin, cola, energy drink and a straw. Then this entire “vacation kit” is mixed and sucked out through a straw. Your head is buzzing, the world is becoming unusually bright and you want adventure. It’s not difficult to find them on Pi Phi Don if you want. Well, like on Pi Pi Don and without incident.

One island was not enough for us, we wanted others, smaller in size. Leaving Phuket on our way to Indonesia, our first stop was the Phi Phi Islands, where we spent several days immersing ourselves in the local waters and nightlife.

Phi Phi Islands are located approximately 50 km from Phuket and 40 from the mainland of Thailand, in particular, the province of Krabi, which they are part of as a marine national park. The island archipelago of Phi Phi includes two large islands: Phi Phi Don and Phi Phi Leh, plus several smaller islands, such as Mosquito and Bamboo.

Phi Phi Islands

There are several versions of the origin of the name "Pee Pee" and all are based on the Malay language. The main version is that the name refers to mangrove plants. Other interpretations are much more beautiful and, most likely, invented for tourists who make sour faces when they hear about mangroves: “That’s all? Plant? Where is the legend about a beautiful princess and unrequited love? In Thai, “Pi” means “brother”; the islands are often called twin brothers, as they are similar in outline from above. Another version in circulation is that the name somehow means “ghost,” because the islands from a distance look like ghosts, especially in the trembling haze.

We are only inhabited by Pi Pi Don, where there is a small village and many hotels of varying star ratings and price categories. The island is called the Thai Ibiza, because every evening the local beach bars start blaring music and the rave lasts until the morning. In general, I wanted to see a Thai rave.

On the approaches to Pi Phi Don

Of course, Pi Phi Don can only be reached by sea. We bought ferry tickets and looked for a transfer to the pier. Tickets cost us 300 baht per person. And so, on May 12, a minibus picked us up from our condo and took us straight to the port. While still on the bus, they put distinctive stickers on us with the disembarkation point, gave us tickets, and showed us where to go at the pier. The ferry was scheduled to leave at 8.30 and arrive at 10.15 at Phi Phi Don in Ton Sai Bay; it is advisable to know the name of the bay in advance, since some of them cannot be reached by land and in any case you need to travel by boat. But if you're heading out to party, you need to disembark at Ton Sai.

Our ferry is very comfortable

At the pier, everyone is charged a fee for visiting the National Park - 20 baht per person. For those who are too lazy to carry their suitcases, there is the opportunity to use the services of porters with carts or bicycles (the main mode of transport on Phi Phi Don).

Packed parking lot

We went to Loh Dalam Bay, where our booked hotel was. It took about 15 minutes to get there through the village; along the way we saw many offers for overnight accommodation, the most common prices being 600-700 baht per night. You can find beds cheaper. Most of the village is a market, interspersed with places to eat, drink, dive centers and travel agencies where you can choose any tours or buy tickets from Phi Phi to wherever your heart desires, such as Phuket, Krabi, Penang, Khao Lak, Langkawi, Kuala Lumpur. Food prices here are about twice as high, even in 7/11 stores.

The most pleasant view of the residential part of Phi Phi Don

The hotel turned out to be a bungalow type in a beautiful and calm place, without thinking twice we extended our stay for another night, immediately at the reception we bought tickets for the ferry to Krabi (250 baht per person) and went to explore the surrounding area. We didn’t read any special information about the island, we knew that there was a village, a mosque, a school, a view point and a tsunami memorial (in 2004 the islands were badly damaged by a wave, the village was literally washed away, killing about 2,000 people).

Our bungalow is on the left

A cat with a litter of kittens was waiting for us on the threshold of the house. They gathered here every morning

Future Panther

We chose view point, it seemed to be close to our hotel, however, somehow we did not take the tourist road. I had to walk about five kilometers uphill in the heat.

Our way to view point

In one place we came across a bunch of forks indicating view points 1, 2 and 3. After getting lost a little, bumping into some bar, we finally ended up somewhere. From this place there was a magnificent view of the entire island, and from here you can go down to Long Beach – Had Yao. While we were relaxing and admiring nature, lathered people began to flock here, apparently following our path.

View of Pi Phi Don

After getting lost, we came across a human view point, where we could sit on the rocks. There is a walking road that leads here, several times shorter than our bypass road, but with an entrance fee, apparently 40 baht. They take payment somewhere below and this booth was noticed when we were going down a short but steep staircase.

Human view point, with a large sign

Here you can sit somewhere on the rocks and watch the sunrises and sunsets

Better view of the island from here

From here you can better see Lena and Phi Phi Le Island

After the view point we sweated a little on the porch of the bungalow, the view was very pleasing

Then in the hotel bar... Wi-Fi was good there, especially with the antenna in my right hand

On the shore near the hotel we watched the rain on the other side of the island, because of it, part of the mountains looked like a giant turtle

There are a lot of stones on the shore; you can tell how old they are by their rings))

We were actually waiting for the sunset

Broken boat on a party beach

The clouds look like some kind of fashionable trololo face... or what is it called?!

While we were wandering around, we noticed that on Pi Pi Don there was a predominance of young people and, for some reason, most of them were boys. It's full of bars, pubs and pizzerias, and when it gets dark they start selling buckets of alcohol. Dangerous thing... with beer!

Alcohol buckets are already on sale

The bucket is ready

After a picturesque sunset on the beach, revelers begin to beckon to the bars, music thunders everywhere, and fire shows sparkle. If you wander around, you can choose the music you like. For us there was a “Stones Bar”, where they played breakz, dubstep and drum’n’bass, and there were some of the freshest compositions. Here we sat on special sun loungers.

There are many lingams here

Firemen at work

The largest crowd of people was noticed at the bar where techno was playing.

Since hanging out until the morning was not part of our plans, in view of what was planned for the next day, we went to bed early. At the hotel, it turned out that you could hear a musical mess coming from the beach. At the reception in the morning we were warned about loud music, but in reality it was not so scary, it did not interfere with sleep. Drunk neighbors returning to their rooms make more noise. At about 5 am it was already quiet.

The next evening on the beach everything was repeated, only the fire show was no longer so mesmerizing (tired, you know =)). It was fun to watch the fiery jump rope, but by the time I got up the courage to jump, it had already been turned off, but then they came up with other fiery entertainment. The musical repertoire was surprisingly different, as were the DJs.

Fire jump rope... daredevils drink at the house's expense

Fire Pyramid

The firemen did something in the water

In terms of nightlife Pi Pi Don is the best place for lovers of diverse music and dancing on the beach, considering that dance music is a complete disaster in Thailand. Now we know for the future where we can have fun.

By the way, it is more correct to say Pi-Pi, as the Thais pronounce it.

When they talk about traveling to the Phi Phi Islands or vacationing there, they mean Phi Phi Don - the only inhabited island of the archipelago, where there are hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, tour desks and other infrastructure. The remaining five islands are pristine jungles, caves and small sandy beaches. They offer day excursions, mainly for diving and snorkeling, as well as to soak up the secluded beaches.

The most famous island in the archipelago is where the film “The Beach” with Leonardo DiCaprio was filmed in Maya Bay in 1999. This is the most popular local attraction; many tourists buy day tours to Phi Phi to see this particular place.

Phi Phi Don is translated as “butterfly” because it is similar in outline. The island is small - the area is only 28 square meters. km. The local landscapes are amazing and consist of limestone cliffs standing vertically out of the water, partially covered with vegetation. They are the hallmark of Phi Phi and the whole (the same natural “statues” can be seen, for example, in).

Phi Phi Islands on the map of Thailand

Who should go to Phi Phi

The Phi Phi Islands are considered by most as a resort for 1-2 days. And most often they are visited as part of some kind of excursion. However, the place is perfect for a full-fledged vacation. There is everything for this here: shops, cafes, restaurants, inexpensive and expensive housing, a lot of excursions to neighboring islands, a gorgeous sea and snow-white beaches. In the evening, you can have fun at open-air discos ala Full Moon Party or just enjoy the view in some establishment on the seashore.

In general, the island is heterogeneous and this is why it will suit different categories of tourists. There are several sections almost isolated from each other with completely different rhythms. For example, this is a place for party-goers and budget tourists. It is here that the entire infrastructure is located with bars, restaurants, nightlife and massage parlors (where you can also find “adult” entertainment). In the evening, a grand open-air disco begins on the coast and the sounds of music can be heard until the morning (the Thai law that all establishments must close at 2 am is not strictly observed here). A very noisy and lively place, great for young people, party-goers and playmakers.

But it's completely different. There are no discos here, there are fewer people and therefore after sunset there is almost complete silence. This beach can be recommended to married couples with children (the entrance to the sea, however, is very sharp) and in general to lovers of a relaxing holiday. Or for those who want to sleep peacefully at night, but also go for entertainment (it’s a 20-25 minute walk to discos).

And the entire east of Phi Phi is completely wild, there is complete silence and almost deserted beaches even during the day. Lovers of wild holidays without people, but who want comfort - expensive hotels and upscale restaurants - should go here. This is the place for them.

How to get there

There is no airport on Phi Phi; you cannot get here directly. At the same time, most planes from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries fly to Thailand at Bangkok International Airport - Suvarnabhumi, and less often to Phuket and Krabi. Then you can travel by land or take a domestic flight - the nearest airports to Phi Phi are in Phuket and Krabi. Where to buy a transfer including bus and ferry.

Cheap flights to Bangkok

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

If you are already in Phuket or Krabi, then it is best to buy tickets from one of the many local travel agencies or. This is often cheaper than coming to the pier yourself.

From Phuket to get to Phi Phi costs from 300 baht, and from Krabi - from 200 baht. Travel time is about two hours.


Phi Phi is a small mountain island with almost no roads, there is nowhere to go, and therefore it is poorly developed. There are no taxis, tuk-tuks or motorcycle taxis. Nevertheless, there is a rental of motorbikes and bicycles, but it is not clear why - due to the mountainous terrain you can’t really ride a bicycle, only next to and. But this doesn’t make much sense, because... You can walk them up and down in an hour, exploring all the corners. And it will definitely be faster than riding a bicycle along crowded small streets.

A rented motorbike may be useful to travel along the asphalt road through the center of the island to and. But, in principle, you can reach them on foot in 30-40 minutes from.

The island also offers taxi boats (longtail boats), which can take you to neighboring beaches and islands.

Beaches of Phi Phi

The most popular, noisiest beach is located closest to, where there is a large selection of accommodation. Here are the main nightlife attractions of Phi Phi - bars and discos. It is characterized by large ebb tides.

One of the best beaches in Thailand, located some distance from the center of the island. There is a good selection of accommodation here, and there are cafes. Quite boring at night. You can get there on foot or by water taxi.

The most calm and secluded beach on Phi Phi, but at the same time of very good quality. The only drawback is that it is quite remote and not so easy to get to.

What to do and what to visit

The main thing why tourists come to the Phi Phi Islands is to relax away from civilization, to completely dissolve with nature. - diving, snorkeling, fishing and trips to neighboring islands. You shouldn't expect bars with girls - like in Pattaya or Phuket, but there are still discos and bars, as well as a huge number of foreign young people.

The Phi Phi Islands are part of the National Marine Sanctuary, so the environment is monitored very strictly, and you will be charged 20 baht for entry to the territory upon arrival.

All ferries arrive at the pier in the bay. Thanks to this, this is the most developed place in terms of infrastructure, the best for purchasing souvenirs and booking excursions. There are a lot of people only until 14:30, when the last ferry leaves for the mainland, picking up tourists. From you can walk to, also very popular among tourists. If you want complete privacy, the absence of shops and souvenir shops, then go to the north of the island, to Laem Tong Beach.

Be sure to climb to (altitude 180 meters above sea level) not far from and - from there the island is clearly visible.

Everything is natural. There are a lot of them on Phi Phi Ley: Maya Bay, where the film “The Beach” was filmed; Viking cave with ancient rock paintings; swallow's nests.


The climate on the Phi Phi Islands is tropical. The average temperature throughout the year is +28…+32, a little cooler in winter, a little hotter in April-May. The best time to visit is from November to early May, when there is very little rain and the sea is calm and there are no strong waves. Water temperature +27…+29 degrees.

Phi Phi weather by month*
Month Daytime temperature (degrees) Temperature at night (degrees) Precipitation (mm)
January 31 22 48
February 33 22 25
March 33 23 52
April 33 24 129
May 32 24 309
June 31 24 261
July 31 24 273
August 31 24 259
September 31 24 373
October 31 23 330
November 30 23 230
December 31 23 91

*weather data provided by World Climate Guide.


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