Fishing according to the new rules: what you should know when going to the pond. Fishing must be “correct” Let’s study the laws for fishermen together

A true fishing Olympian can send a large fish back into the water without blinking, having just been defeated in a fierce fight. But before giving life to a worthy opponent, he will definitely take a photo with him.

We are against trolling

Catch just to eat or sell, or to be happy? The answer to this almost Hamletian question separates the fisherman from the amateur fisherman. However, even among amateurs there are those who do not notice that they are crossing the dividing line. These are trollers.

Collecting fish from large areas is contrary to the ethics of hobbyism. Passing trolling baits or large live baits attract large fish, and the number of bites increases significantly. The only excusable case is if in this way the habitats of fish of a certain species are scouted, so that later they can return and cast.

A long fishing line trailing behind a boat *boat* confuses the gear of those who are already fishing here, both from the shore and from boats. There are bodies of water where it is not prohibited, and it is only a matter of conscience whether to go straight through the gear if there are a lot of amateurs that day, or look for another place.

A fish, it's nobody's business until you catch it. But when they see from the motorboat that he has caught a good pike, they immediately rush to this place and iron it up and down. Or maybe I fed him for three days?

We are for trolling in Belarus

I don’t see the logic in those who oppose trolling. Their assessments lead not forward, but backward, to chariot riding and hunting with bows and arrows. Why do you buy wound spinning rods, the same wobblers and unique bait mixtures? Use a walnut stick to catch a worm and a dragonfly - and the catch is yours!

Do you like to sit for hours with a fishing rod in your hand? And for me - to rush (not very fast, of course). And it’s breathtaking that the fish has caught up with me and is already on the hook.

Trolling does not necessarily lead to a big catch. Still, this is not a network, although it can be empty. With this method, the unpredictability of fishing is fully preserved. And the norm is the same for everyone. The only difference is that the process speeds up. Agree, bargaining with conscience, including the weight of the catch, is a personality flaw of the fisherman, not a flaw of the method.

Trolling is called lazy fishing. But it is still unknown who has more tension - who sits in a familiar place without risking anything, or those who move along with the fishing line, ready at any moment to overcome unexpected hooks that threaten to deprive you of quite expensive baits.

Suppose the echo sounder shows a pike at a depth of 10-15 meters, almost at the bottom, on a dump. If not a troll, how to get it? And I’ll make a maneuver on a motorboat at a distance of 30 meters, and my spoon will hit the pike directly.

Each fishing method has disadvantages. and troll are too catchy, fishermen with donks take up a lot of space on the shore, and ice “knights of bets” even more so. Perhaps only penguins with jigs can’t be blamed for anything

Recently, in the Glussky district, a reception of citizens was held by the head of the Osipovichi interdistrict inspection for the protection of flora and fauna, Vyacheslav Goryachiy (on the picture). It seems that the interview with Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, compiled based on questions from our readers - hunters and fishermen, will be interesting to many.

Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, many were interested in the information that spearfishing is prohibited on the Ptich River in the Glusk region.

In general, initiatives to ban certain fishing methods come from local inspections for the protection of flora and fauna, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Natural Resources determine a list of water bodies from the reserve fund where fishing in one way or another is prohibited. So, caring people have repeatedly contacted our interdistrict inspection with a request to ban spearfishing in the Glusk region. The Ptich River is the only significant body of water in this territory, and it bears a heavy load: all the fishermen fish here in every possible way. Accordingly, this has a serious impact on the fish population. Last year, when there was little water, the fish accumulated in the holes, and underwater hunters knocked them out almost completely.

- What should those who have received an underwater hunter’s certificate do?

You can engage in spearfishing with this certificate in hand throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus - in places where it is not prohibited. But let me remind you that to engage in underwater hunting, a fisherman must have not only an underwater hunter’s certificate, but also a membership card of the Russian State Public Organization “Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers” with a note on the payment of annual membership fees. In addition, I note that underwater hunting using scuba gear and other self-contained breathing devices is prohibited in Belarus.

Sometimes it seems that the tenants of the reservoirs have done nothing but organize paid fishing there. There are no conditions, no stocking is carried out... Is the use of leased water bodies controlled?

Controlled. All lease agreements for fishing grounds are concluded at the level of regional executive committees. They also have the right to terminate the contract if the tenant does not fulfill its obligations in good faith and facts of violation of the law have been revealed. In addition, if the tenant caused damage to natural resources through his actions, then he compensates the state for the damage caused in the amount determined by the established fees. And if they cannot be applied, it covers the actual costs of restoring the damaged state of the environment, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits from renting a reservoir. I will say that in the republic as a whole, on the initiative of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, quite a lot of contracts with such unfortunate tenants were terminated - for their failure to fulfill the terms of the contracts.

When organizing paid fishing, the tenant does not have the right to sell vouchers before creating the conditions, that is, equipping boat stations, berths, parking lots and places for overnight stay, organizing the rental of fishing gear and small vessels.

Another such moment. It should be understood that there are reservoirs rented for fishing and fish farming. When organizing paid recreational fishing, tenants of fishing grounds are obliged to create favorable conditions for recreational fishing, that is, payment is taken for the fact of fishing and the provision of these conditions - convenient access, a house for living, parking, etc.

In addition, fishing by the population using amateur methods can also be organized by organizations involved in fish farming. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 25, 2015 No. 333 provides for the ability of tenants, at their own discretion, to establish the procedure for the provision of services for catching marketable fish by citizens. In this case, it is not the opportunity to go fishing that is paid for, but the fish itself. Simply put, a person pays for 5 kg of fish; if he doesn’t catch it, he is obliged to provide it or return the money.

As for stocking with juveniles, it is carried out to increase the productivity of reservoirs and watercourses, improve the qualitative composition of catches, and sometimes to restore the number of rare and endangered species. But this does not mean that all kinds of fish should be introduced into the reservoir as often as possible, they say, the more, the better. Stocking should be carried out in accordance with fish farming-biological (or biological) justification, which is developed for each specific water body, based on the state of its ecosystem. Unauthorized stocking of water bodies with fish is prohibited. Violation of this requirement entails administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 20 basic units (4.2 million), and for a legal entity - from 100 to 500 BV (21 million - 105 million).

- What are the penalties for hunting while intoxicated?

There is a law “On Weapons”. It prohibits the carrying, transportation and use of weapons while intoxicated, under the influence of narcotic, psychotropic, toxic and other intoxicating substances. This applies not only to hunters, but to all people who have the right to bear arms. For violation of this norm, Article 23.48 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus provides for a fine of up to 10 basic units (2.1 million), and for the same act committed repeatedly within a year, the fine increases to 20 basic units (4.2 million). In this case, the weapon can be confiscated, in addition, the hunter, as a rule, is deprived of special rights. If an inspector encounters a drunken hunter with a weapon, he calls representatives of the internal affairs department.

Are there any changes in legislation related to wild boar hunting? Do they still need to be disposed of after mining?

As before, products obtained from the harvest of wild boar should not be used for one’s own needs, but must be disposed of, this is due to the threat of the spread of African swine fever, and no changes are expected yet. A ticket to such a hunt is free; moreover, for each wild boar caught, the hunter is paid compensation in the amount of two BV (420 thousand). After the boar is shot, the huntsman calls a representative of the veterinary service, and a disposal report is drawn up. You cannot transport or store carcasses of even legally shot wild boars at home. This provides for criminal liability (Article 282/1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus “Illegal movement (transportation) or cutting of wild animals”). Moreover, the officials who committed this violation also bear responsibility.

If hunters decide to give a ride to a hunter they know who was voting on the side of the road, and when checked, they find parts of the carcass of an illegally hunted animal in his backpack, will they be found guilty?

If the investigation proves that the driver of the vehicle knew about this, he will be prosecuted for illegal transportation. The same applies to other hunters in the car.

The new Rules for fishing and fishing have been in effect for two years now, but some of its provisions still cause mixed reactions from those who like to sit on the shore with a fishing rod. In particular, the clause on the obligation to maintain proper sanitary conditions.

But this is an elementary rule, common to everyone; even in childhood, most of us are explained that we need to clean up after ourselves. Although you noted correctly, not everyone agrees with this, which is why this point was prescribed in the law as mandatory. The fisherman is obliged to maintain proper sanitary condition of fishing grounds: do not leave garbage on the shores or on the ice, prevent clogging and pollution of fishing grounds, as well as damage to signs, billboards, and notices installed near fishing grounds, in water protection zones and coastal strips. Let me emphasize: not only do not litter yourself, but also avoid littering. That is, previously, a fisherman could be punished only by proving that it was he who left this mountain of garbage. Now the rule is clear: if there is garbage, there is a fisherman nearby - he is responsible. When you come, you clean it up, when you leave, you clean it up too. But, I will say, most fishermen are understanding about this; it happens that together with our inspectors they quickly remove it, whether it is their own garbage or has already been on the shore before. After all, our goal is not to punish, but to achieve cleanliness around water bodies.

Let's talk more about responsibility. I know that in the case of illegal fishing, in addition to a fine, the fisherman must also compensate for the damage.

Absolutely right. Illegal fishing (without proper permission, during the period of prohibition, in prohibited places, with prohibited tools or prohibited methods) is fraught with a fine of 20 to 50 BV (4.2 million - 10.5 million) with confiscation of fishing gear or without confiscation . In addition to the fine, you will have to compensate for the damage caused to the environment. The law establishes a tax for each type of fish. So, catfish (one individual) will “cost” 4 BV (840 thousand), pike and bream - 3 BV (630 thousand), tench, ide and carp (carp) - 6 BV (1 million 260 thousand). During the spawning period, damages are compensated in triple amount. For example, now, when catfish are spawning and there is a ban on catching it until July 1, the violator will pay not 4 basic, but all 12, that is, 2 million 520 thousand. I think we don’t need fish so much that it is impossible to wait and then pay such amounts.

By the way, the same applies to illegal hunting: a fine of 20 to 50 BV plus compensation for damage. In this case, an elk will cost 300 BV (63 million), a roe deer - 120 BV (25.2 million), a beaver - 70 BV (14.7 million).

- How to correctly measure caught fish to determine the commercial measure?

The length of the fish is determined by measuring the distance from the top of the head (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. Let me remind you of the commercial sizes of some types of fish for amateur anglers: pike -40 cm more, ide -25 cm, tench -22 cm, carp -20 cm, pike perch -40 cm, common catfish -70 cm, for bream and silver carp, as well as low-value fish species (roach, crucian carp, perch) the measure has not been established.

Well, the last question worries all fishermen, even the most law-abiding ones. How often do your inspectors visit our area?

Yes, it's an interesting question. Often. The Osipovichi Interdistrict Inspectorate is assigned two districts - Osipovichsky and Glussky, but the powers of our employees are not limited to this territory. We, like representatives of other inspectorates, have the right to work throughout the republic. Therefore, in addition to us, inspectors from Lyubansk, Bobruisk, Svetlogorsk and other inspections often visit the Glusk region.

- Thank you for the interview!


26-06-2014, 11:05

How does the new edition of the rules for fishing and fishing, which comes into force on June 26, differ from the previous one, which has been in force since 2010? The changes affected both ordinary fishermen and “water” businesses. We won’t touch business – we’ll tell you what those for whom fishing is a hobby need to pay attention to.

Learn the terms

From now on there is no more poaching – there is only “illegal fishing.” The term has been brought into line with the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses. Previously, poaching was called fishing in violation of the rules, but illegal fishing is “fishing without proper permission, or at prohibited times and (or) periods, or in prohibited places, or with prohibited tools, or prohibited methods and techniques.

What else is new in the formulations? Fishing is named as a prohibited method of fishing, fishing control bodies are replaced with “state bodies exercising control over fishing and fisheries”, and these are:

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and its territorial bodies
  • State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Plants
  • state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Presidential Administration

Remember about spring and other prohibitions

A spring fishing ban is a traditional and inevitable misfortune for fishing fans. As before, it will be introduced during the spawning period. But if previously a single deadline for introducing the ban was established throughout the entire territory of Belarus - from April 1 to May 30, now it can be different in different regions. What can you do: the climate has changed. Here are the new dates:

  • Brest and Gomel regions - from March 20 to May 18
  • Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno regions - from April 1 to May 30
  • Vitebsk region – from April 10 to June 8

Recreational fishing will still be allowed during the ban. But now anglers need to meet the following criteria. You can fish with one fishing rod with one hook or one spinning rod equipped with artificial bait, with one single, or double, or triple hook, during daylight hours from the shore (without going into the water) or from ice, from artificial structures, except for prohibited fishing methods . The latter include scarring, the use of firearms or pneumatic weapons, instruments whose principle is based on the use of an electromagnetic field, ultrasound, and others. The full list can be found in the text of the new rules (clause 109.3).

As for additional prohibitions, they also remained and even underwent changes. Thus, it is prohibited to catch pike from March 1 to April 15, and in the Vitebsk region - from March 9 to April 25. As usual, the situation is similar: for the Brest and Gomel regions the ban will be in effect from May 19 to June 20 and from November 1 to March 31, for other regions of Belarus - from May 31 to July 1 and from November 1 to March 31.

Attention: there is a new ban on pike perch fishing. To preserve the population, it is prohibited to catch it from April 15 to May 30.

Don't forget to keep it clean

For amateur fishermen, one of the mandatory requirements enshrined in the rules is the obligatory observance of cleanliness in water bodies. In other words, the fisherman is “obligated to maintain proper sanitary conditions of fishing grounds.”

What does it mean? You must not leave garbage on the banks or on the ice, do not allow other pollution of fishing grounds, damage to signs, billboards, and notices installed near fishing grounds, in water protection zones and coastal strips.

Count your fishing gear

The updated rules have reduced the number of simultaneously used fishing gear of the same or different types with a total number of hooks to 5 pieces per fisherman. For comparison: previously their number could reach up to 10.

At the same time, quotas for catching fish from the fishing reserve fund have not changed. Maximum – 5 kg of fish per fisherman per day. In this case, you need to position yourself no closer than 50 m from the designated commercial fishing gear. This innovation is caused by conflicts that arise every now and then between recreational fishermen and commercial fishermen.

Remember the important “little things”

Areas exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster are prohibited for fishing. Including subsequent resettlement zones, from which the population has been resettled and where a checkpoint regime has been established.

Watercourses of the fourth category (up to 5 km long) have been added to the list of types of fishing grounds.

When organizing paid recreational fishing, there should be preferential payment terms for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of groups I and II, minors under 16 years of age, as well as local residents.

The term “intensive fishing methods” no longer exists. In paid fishing, the permissible total number of hooks per person has been reduced from 11–20 to 6–10. This is especially true in winter: girders, stakes, etc. super popular during this period. At the same time, the procedure for fishing on the track (or trolling) and spearfishing in the reserve fund has been simplified. Previously, “track” meant a method of catching predatory fish using a spoon, wobbler or other artificial bait moving behind a swimming craft. From now on it is “a method of fishing in which bait or bait is towed using vessels, including engines.” These fishing methods can only be carried out by members of the Russian State Public Organization “Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers”.

Persons guarding leased fishing grounds are given the right to stop vehicles in these territories, inspect things, vehicles, fishing gear, fishery products, as well as personal searches of persons who have committed offenses.

Alexander Nesterov

Responsibility for violation of the Rules for conducting fishing and fishing is established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 8, 2005 No. 581 “On strengthening liability for violating the rules for conducting fishing and hunting, fishing and hunting.” This document provides for administrative liability of individuals for fishing during prohibited times, prohibited places, or using prohibited tools and methods in the form of a fine of twenty to fifty basic units.
- In what cases is there criminal liability for fishing violations?
- If the amount of damage caused to fish resources by a violator of the Rules for Fisheries and Fishing is more than 40 basic units, criminal liability arises. In addition, criminal liability is provided for illegal fishing using explosives, toxic substances, and electric current.
- How to find out where and when you can or cannot sail on ships with a motor - gasoline, electric?
- According to Article 53 of the Water Code of the Republic of Belarus, the use of water bodies for navigation on small vessels (rowing and motor boats, cutters, sailing yachts, etc.) is permitted in the manner established by local executive and administrative bodies in agreement with government authorities for natural resources and environmental protection and state shipping authorities.
Specific information can be obtained from the relevant executive committee or district inspectorate of natural resources and environmental protection. I would like to draw attention to the fact that the use of watercraft in specially protected natural areas may be regulated by regulations on these territories.
- How to find out where intensive recreational fishing (on a path with a motor) and spearfishing are organized? Who and where should be paid for such fishing?
- In the fishing reserve fund, intensive fishing methods are carried out free of charge. The list of reservoirs where intensive fishing methods are permitted is determined by a decision of the district executive committee, agreed with the district inspectorate of natural resources and environmental protection. The fish catch rate is the same 5 kilograms as with conventional fishing methods.
In leased fishing grounds, intensive fishing methods are carried out for a fee, the amount of which is set by the tenant. The tenant also sets the fishing quota.
- How to determine what belongs to the fund of fishing grounds provided for free use by decision of the President? Is there a place for an amateur fisherman there?
- Reservoirs provided for free use by decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and to which user they are provided, are indicated in a normative act adopted by the President. To conduct fishing in such areas, the user must also have a special permit (license).
If the user’s license indicates that he carries out fishing by organizing paid recreational fishing, then the user organizes paid recreational fishing on his reservoirs and determines the regime of recreational fishing in accordance with the fish catch quotas established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. If these reservoirs are located in a specially protected natural area and transferred for use to, say, a national park, then the regime of recreational fishing on these reservoirs is primarily regulated by the regulations on this national park.
- What is a fishing reserve fund? How to define it? What is the regime of this fund?
- The fund of fishing grounds that are not leased for fishing or for free use by decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus is a stock of fishing grounds. Recreational fishing in these reservoirs is carried out free of charge using permitted fishing gear. The norm for catching fish by one amateur fisherman is 5 kilograms. In addition, as I already noted, in the reservoirs of the reserve fund, by decision of the district executive committee, intensive fishing can be organized, also free of charge.
- How is the catch of fish that has not reached commercial size limited?
- The norm for catching fish that has not reached the commercial limit is established by the Rules for Fisheries and Fishing: 20 percent of the amount of fish caught of each species for which the commercial limit is established. It follows from this that if an amateur fisherman has ten pike in his catch, then two of them may be smaller than the fishing standard (less than 35 cm). The angler must release the rest of the small pikes.
- By car you can drive up to the reservoir no closer than 30 meters from the water. If the distance is less, what is the penalty for this?
- According to the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, violation of the regime for maintaining water protection zones and coastal strips entails a fine in the amount of ten to fifty basic units.
- Is fishing with two spinning rods in a couple allowed?
- Yes, it is allowed.
- Is the commercial limit for fish established for hobbyists only for 12 species?
- The fishing limit is established for 11 species of fish and one type of crayfish.
- Can an amateur fisherman use an echo sounder?
- Yes, you can use an echo sounder.

Trolling is a very productive fishing method when it comes to pike perch. So, we devote the weekend to this method of fishing, which is carried out on a boat.

Today, finding a body of water where intensive activities are allowed is not a problem. But not all of them contain pike perch. Fortunately, there are enough of these in the Naroch region. From the documents we will need a membership card of the Belarusian Public Association of Hunters and Fishermen, which gives the right to engage in intensive fishing methods. In addition, if the reservoir belongs to a national park, you should take care of purchasing a voucher.

For fishing, we choose a boat with a motor capable of pushing the vessel at low speed for a long time. ICEs produced in the USSR coped poorly with this. An echo sounder is highly desirable. We will use it not only as a depth gauge to determine promising places, but also for constant visual contact with the bottom topography. No matter what anyone says, trolling is not as simple as it might seem. For a good result, it is not enough to put the rod in the holder and ride around the pond. Especially when it comes to pike perch. This pike can attack a wobbler that will be even a meter above it. This trick won't work with a fanged one. You have to constantly work with the spinning rod, pulling the bait near the very bottom. But in promising places it is not even. Hitches are also inevitable. Therefore, we add the cut to the list of “must haves”. Losing an expensive and catchy wobbler is an unaffordable luxury.

Many readers, I’m sure, are now waiting for a list of effective baits. He won't be there. And not because I’m lazy or sorry to declassify my favorites. The names of working wobblers have long been known to everyone. Any self-respecting manufacturer has a line of pike perch baits. The Internet is full of information. But the fact is that each of them works only in its own conditions. Let me explain. The super catchy “Japanese” with a depth of 4 meters is completely useless at depths of 6 meters. And vice versa: a deep-sea wobbler will dig the bottom here and get caught on the first pass. To some extent, the depth of the wobbler can be adjusted by releasing the braid and even its thickness. But these possibilities are not limitless.

How to determine the optimal bait release? I usually do this: I lower or throw the wobbler close and start moving. When he starts poking the bottom with a spatula, I reel in the reel to feel the clear working vibration radiating into my hand. And then I remove another meter or two of cord. In order not to go through this procedure every time, I highly recommend purchasing either a multi-colored reel with a line counter, or a multi-colored cord, every ten meters of which is painted in a certain color.

The second point is the shape and size of the bait. Small wobblers with an elongated body, reminiscent of bleak or minnow, are suitable. Even trophy pike perch greedily attacks baits 4–5 centimeters long.

For fans of certain brands, I’ll separately note that in my collection there were cheap “Chinese” ones that easily beat out super-technological and expensive Japanese “megabass”. There is another problem with manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom: the repeatability of copies is very low. Of three completely identical baits, only one can work.

Well, in conclusion, I’ll describe one piece of equipment that can help out when catching pike perch at great depths, even if you don’t have deep-sea wobblers. We knit a triple swivel to the end of the cord. To it is a leash made of fishing line for the load and a leash made of fluorocarbon for the bait (the second one should be twice as long as the first). I don’t recommend using the cord here: it will get tangled terribly. The leash for the load should be less strong than for the wobbler - in this case, if the load sits among the stones, we will be able to save the wobbler. The weight of the load when fishing at a depth of up to 8 meters can be 30–40 grams. One more thing: I don’t recommend abandoning this design. It’s better to just lower it to the bottom and leave on the boat. Tested - it works!

Additional Information:

From May 31 to July 1, there is a ban on fishing for common catfish in the fishing grounds of the Minsk region. It will end a little earlier in the Gomel and Brest regions - on June 20.

Increased fishing of catfish, including poaching, has led to a significant decrease in its numbers. Since 1981, at the suggestion of scientists, the European (common) catfish has been included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus as a fish species that is greatly declining in number and subject to full protection. Thanks to prohibited measures, the populations of this fish species gradually recovered. Currently, the European catfish has been removed from the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

Illegal catching of one catfish during the ban will cost violators 12 basic units. They will also be subject to an administrative fine of up to 50 basic units. And if the damage from illegal fishing amounts to 100 or more basic values, a criminal case may be initiated.


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