The most terrible roads in the world. The most dangerous roads in the world that will take your breath away The most dangerous section of road in the world

Twenty-five years ago, a bus overcrowded with passengers fell off a steep cliff in the Bolivian Andes. More than a hundred people died, being buried at the bottom of the canyon under a huge pile of sand, writes Forbes. Unlike many other tragedies, this one was not caused by alcohol, speeding or negligent driving, just a small miscalculation of the kind that many experienced drivers make every day.

This topic continues a series of LifeGlobe stories about the most dangerous cities in the world. In addition to it, we decided to write about the roads :) Some roads are more forgiving of small mistakes in driving, some less so, but the Old Yungas Roads highway does not forgive anything. This incident remains one of the most terrible in the history of Bolivia and, unfortunately, not the only one. Every year, the number of deaths among those who dare to drive along the forty-mile Old Yungas Road exceeds one hundred. Ironically, this route has become a place of tourist pilgrimage among those foreigners who want to add “riding the most dangerous road in the world” to their list of achievements. But this route is not the only one of its kind. There are enough roads in the world that deserve the dubious title of “The Most Dangerous in the World.”
A non-profit organization in Washington, D.C., there are at least nine roads that rival the Old Yungas Trail in its dubious popularity. The AMA compiled data on broken down cars, local road regulations, government support for road maintenance and several other factors provided by the US State Department, the UN, the International Health Organization and other organizations to determine the most dangerous roads in the world. Since different organizations provide different data on safety and accident statistics, ABMDP collected all possible information and analyzed it to ensure that the results were as objective as possible.

1.The North Yungas Road, Bolivia

This road is called “Death Road”

On this stretch of about 70 kilometers, connecting La Paz and Coroico, more than 25 cars crash every year, killing 100-200 people. According to some sources, the road was built in the 1930s by Paraguayan prisoners. Others say that an American construction company worked here in the 70s. The road descends from a height of 3.6 thousand meters to 330 meters above sea level. There are very steep slopes and slippery and muddy surfaces. In some places on this winding and extremely narrow “road” it is impossible for two cars to pass each other - you need to stop, go forward, sort it out and negotiate. By the way, one of the local road rules requires the driver of a car going downhill to stay on the outer edge of the road, and vehicles going uphill always have priority right of way. In some places, even one truck fits miraculously, despite the fact that trucks and buses are the main transport on the “Road of Death.” And for those who love flying more than driving on roads - a story about the most dangerous runways in the world

Often, due to thick fog, the road can only be seen a few meters ahead. And then you need to move very slowly and carefully. Not only to avoid colliding with oncoming traffic - due to tropical downpours, landslides often occur, and a piece of the road can simply be washed away. This is the recipe for mortal fear.

The road received its name relatively recently, in December 1999, when a car carrying eight Israeli tourists fell into the abyss. But this is not the loudest accident on this route. On July 24, 1983, a bus with more than a hundred passengers fell into the canyon here - to date this is the worst accident in the entire history of Bolivia. Local residents, if they have to travel through the “road of death,” pray to get there alive. After all, if something happened, it would take more than an hour to get to the nearest hospital. Along the same road, by the way.

However, North Yungas Road is one of the few routes connecting northern Bolivia with the capital, so its operation does not stop, no matter what. Since the early 1990s, the road's deadly dangers have made it a popular tourist attraction.

Many people come here to raise the level of adrenaline in their blood by going down it on an SUV or mountain bike, reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h in some sections. Not everyone returns. But those who managed to travel along it and survive compare this route with conquering Everest. And ordinary Bolivians continue to “conquer” this road every day.

2. BR-116, Brazil

The second longest road in Brazil, BR-116, stretches from Porto Allegre through Curatiba and Sao Paulo, all the way to Rio de Janeiro. The section of road from Curatiba to Sao Paulo was nicknamed “Rodovia da Morte” (Highway of Death). And again, not in vain. The highway stretches along steep cliffs, and at times turns into tunnels made in stone. As a result, tourist guides write that “accidents and fatal car accidents occur all the time” on this road.

3. Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

The 2,412 km long Sichuan-Tibet Highway starts from Chengdu in Sichuan Province in the east and ends in Lhasa in Tibet in the west. The road extends to Lhasa near Ya'an, Garze and Chamdo. The Sichuan-Tibet Highway passes through 14 high mountains, average 4000-5000m, covers dozens of famous rivers (Dadu River, Jinsha River, Lantsang River, Nujiang River), crosses primeval forests and numerous dangerous areas. These are breathtaking views of the line, with unique ethnic customs.

The highway is located on the mountains, which is very high, the roads are narrow, it is often cloudy and definitely dangerous.

Over the past 20 years (from 1985 to 2005), the number of road traffic deaths in China has almost doubled (from 3.9 to 7.6 per 100,000 population). During this time, the number of cars on the road has increased, as have other vehicles, mainly motorcycles. According to Xinhua News Agency, in 2006 there were almost 82,000 fatal accidents on the roads, in other words, for every 10,000 vehicles there were 5.1 fatalities. The irony is that the highest rates of road deaths were found in the least densely populated regions. Undoubtedly, the high mountain road from Sichuan to Tibet, especially on the Chengdu-Tibet section, where landslides and rock avalanches are common, is one of the most problematic in this sense

4. Pan American Highway, Costa Rica

The "longest motor road in the world" (according to the Guinness Book of Records) is another killer, at least in Costa Rica.

The Pan-American Highway begins in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, in North America and ends in southern South America.

Although only a small section of the road passes through Costa Rica, it nevertheless can compete for the title of the bloodiest highway. This road is one of the few routes leading to the country's picturesque tropical forests. But leaving the rainforest untouched comes at a cost: due to the lack of construction, sections of the Pan-American Highway are washed away during the rainy season and remain, at best, a dangerous route at other times of the year. just when the traffic is heaviest.

Here the roads are narrow and crooked, surrounded by steep cliffs, and floods and landslides often occur here.

5. Coastal Roads, Croatia

Compared to other roads from our topic, the roads of the Croatian coast look simply childish, but that’s not the point. The problem here is the “hot” Croatians who love to drive around on sharp turns. Therefore, no fewer accidents occur here than on more dangerous roads.

Good news for the throngs of tourists flocking to Croatia's fishing villages and seaside resorts on the Dalmatian (Adriatic) coast: they don't have to worry about land mines left over from the breakup of Yugoslavia. A much more serious danger lies in the coastal roads and numerous reckless Croatians.

6. Cotopaxi Volcan, Ecuador

If you are traveling in Ecuador, be careful, the roads here are dangerous, and the most dangerous of them is the one that extends slightly south of the capital (Quito), the Cotopaxi Volcano Highway. It's 25 miles of dirt road riddled with dangerous curves that leads from the Pan American Highway to Cotopaxi Volcano National Park. The road is full of potholes, and in addition, there is a high probability of landslides and mudflows. Add to this the numerous old cars and their less experienced drivers, and you can assume that you have a fair idea of ​​what it is like to “drive a car in the jungle.”

7. Luxor-al-Hurghada Road, Egypt

This road connects recreation areas along the Red Sea coast with the ancient southern city of Luxor. The Luxor-Hurghada highway is a real road of death. At night, drivers race through the dusty desert with their headlights off, colliding head-on with each other. Ironically, on the Luxor-Hurghada highway, the only thing more dangerous than driving at night with your headlights off is driving at night with your headlights on. Bandits, robbers and even terrorists patrol the dark road in search of easy prey. In 1997, 62 German tourists died at the hands of terrorists on this road.

8. A44, UK

The A44 from Oxford to Aberystwyth is a narrow two-lane road that has seen so many road traffic accidents in recent years that it has become notorious as a road where CCTV cameras are installed to try and reduce the number of accidents. Considering that 25% of all accidents on this highway are head-on collisions, caution really doesn't hurt.

9. Road Patiopoulo-Perdikaki, Greece

Even though the Ottoman Empire occupied Greece for 400 years, they failed to conquer one small mountainous region in the central part of the country - Agatha. They had military power, political will and all that, but the Turks simply did not know how to approach him. The roads in this mountainous region are now as dangerous and steep as they were in those days.

10. Grand Trunk Road, India to Afghanistan

This road was built in the 16th century, connecting the main cities of India with the cities of Pakistan and Afghanistan and, unfortunately, has not changed at all since then. The road is chronically crowded with carts, animals, bicycles and pedestrians, not to mention the huge number of cars and buses.

It was the top ten most dangerous roads in the world according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel.

But I would like to present to your attention a couple more roads, which are also the most dangerous. After looking at the photographs of these roads, I thought that some of them, such as the road that ranks 1st in this top ten, should not be located where they are. After all, nature has created boundaries: using huge rocks, steep slopes, stones and volcanoes, perhaps they were not intended to be crossed. But people are so stubborn that they have built roads there, but they cannot guarantee safety on these roads. There is always a risk, especially under such conditions, but risk has never stopped a person.

Guoliang Tunnel in Taihang Mountains (China). The name of the tunnel is translated from Chinese as “The Road That Makes No Mistakes.” First, a tunnel was created by villagers from the remote region of the Taihang Mountains to get to the outside world. Now the road is 15 feet high and 12 feet wide, which is quite scary for drivers. The tunnel has 30 windows to see what's what).

Halsema Highway, Philippines. A magnificent but dangerous road on the island of Luzon. In addition to paved parts of roads, landslides and large rocks, heavy fog is possible.

The A682 Road (England)

Grimsel Passage, Switzerland The Grimsel Pass, which is 2165 m high, is a Swiss high mountain pass between the Rhone River valley and the Haslital valley.

Taroko, Taiwan. Mount Teroko is a mountain in Taiwan with an elevation of 3,282 meters

Karakoram Highway, Pakistan towards China. The Karakoram Highway is the highest road on the planet, connecting Pakistan to China. This is a popular tourist route.

Skippers Canyon, New Zealand. The Canyon Road is carved out of shale rock and travels through some of the most spectacular scenery in New Zealand.

Be careful and careful while traveling on these roads!!!

Complaining about bad roads, broken and full of potholes, many do not even think about the fact that there are those in the world where drivers have to risk their own lives, because they have no choice. We have compiled a list of 10 most dangerous roads in the world, the journey through which is scary to imagine.

10. Eshima Ohashi

The rating opens with the creation of Japanese masters. Eshima Ohashi is the only bridge that connects the two cities, its length is almost two kilometers, and if you look at it from the outside, it gives you goosebumps. This curvature is explained by the fact that ships must regularly pass under the bridge and there is no time to move the level structure together.

9. Atlantic Road

Among the most dangerous roads in the world is the Atlantic Route, which is 36 kilometers long and located in Norway. It is a favorite place for tourists because it looks very beautiful, but local residents know very well how dangerous it is. In moments of a storm, the waves reach the path, making it slippery, and with their splashes depriving any visibility.

8. Luxor Al Hurghada

It is located in Egypt, and no, it does not end in a cliff, does not run along the side of a mountain, and is not subject to floods. The key danger that awaits the traveler on this path is bandits and terrorists. They take people hostage, rob and rarely release them alive. That is why any transport here is guarded by the military.

7. Fairy meadows

They are part of the Himalayas and were named so by tourists from Germany who were impressed by this road. It is located at an altitude of three kilometers, runs along the edge of the mountain and does not have any fences, while the people of Pakistan living in these parts manage to drive along it in trucks and buses.

6. Troll Staircase

Another property of the Norwegians, which also looks beautiful, but is fraught with 11 very sharp turns, because of which vehicles that exceed a length of 12 meters are prohibited from passing here. To avoid accidents, authorities close the Troll Staircase for the winter and autumn.

5. Sichuan-Tibet

Sheer horror and a test of endurance, because the path is 2.5 thousand kilometers long, passing through 14 mountains, a lot of rivers and forests. Its highest point is six kilometers above sea level and the mortality rate is simply off the charts. Sichuan-Tibet is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous mountain roads in the world.

4. Siberian road

The only way to get to Yakutsk. Also called the M56 highway, this is definitely not a place for passenger cars, because even huge SUVs, tractors and trucks get stuck and loaded here for a long time.

Among the ten most dangerous roads in the world is this one, carved out of the Tereko Gorge in Taiwan. It has fences, but it is very narrow and low, and since many areas are not lit, without a person who has already driven it several dozen times without incident, it is better not to go there.

2. Halsema

Without a doubt, Halsema is a path that runs at a maximum altitude of 7.5 kilometers above sea level. It starts with cobblestones, and then generally turns into pure mud; the journey along it takes about 10 hours and during all this time the driver will not have even a minute to relax.

1. Death Road

The first place in the ranking is occupied by a highway located in Bolivia, which every year causes at least 20-30 accidents and claims the lives of at least 100 people. It passes along a mountain slope, where landslides often occur, and fog swirls, depriving normal visibility.

The roads described below claim lives every year. We offer you a list of the scariest and deadliest roads you have never seen.

Stelvio Pass is a mix of beauty and danger. Along the way, breathtaking Italian views open up to your eyes. Drivers are greeted with 75 hairpin banked turns. Because of this, the pass is considered the most winding road in Europe. Some turns force you to turn the car 180 degrees

The road is only open from May to September. The risk of landslides, slippery asphalt and poor visibility sometimes forces authorities to close the road even in the warm season. The route is protected by a half-meter concrete fence, which at an altitude of 2700 meters causes dizziness even for experienced drivers.

Dalton Highway, Alaska

The length of Dalton is 666 km. The number hints that you shouldn’t go with fearful people. The road is isolated; along the route there are only 3 small villages, the number of inhabitants of which is 57 people. Drivers spend the rest of the journey surrounded by ice and snow.

The Dalton Highway is rightly called the snowiest and one of the most dangerous roads. Every year it causes hundreds of accidents due to the fact that most of the year the road is covered with a crust of ice, and losing control and getting stuck in the snow is a matter of a few seconds.

The photos of the road look like Photoshop. It's hard to believe that it is possible to drive onto the almost 100-meter top of the bridge. This height is necessary for the passage of large vessels.

The length of the road is 1.7 km, which makes the slope when driving no more than 6%, but the appearance of the bridge is scary.

The road is closed in the fall and winter, but is a popular attraction during the warmer months. Tourists are attracted by the amazing view that opens from a height of 850 meters above sea level.

The climb to the top consists of 11 sharp turns on sharp cliffs, protected by a concrete fence and stones. There, visitors are greeted by parking, souvenir shops, an observation deck and a waterfall.

The road was built to transport mining equipment in a canyon full of gold. The path to the precious metal was paved in the 1900s. During this time, he took more than one life. Captains Road is narrow, with soft and shaky soil. Since its founding, no infrastructure or asphalt has appeared. Some areas do not accommodate two cars going in the same direction.

During rains, the path turns into a swampy mess, from which only special equipment can pull the car out. There are no barriers along the way, so during rainstorms the soft earth crumbles and forms gaps. It is impossible to obtain compensation for damage to cars on this road.

Those traveling along this highway are faced with rockfalls, landslides, extreme weather conditions, avalanches and lack of oxygen. Sometimes highways are closed for 2-3 months due to insecurity. Even in sunny and dry weather, bloody and fatal accidents occur on the highway.

The highway runs along a picturesque mountain range and covers 14 mountain peaks, the average height of which is 4-5 km. The peak point of the route is a pass at an altitude of 6 km above sea level. Drivers unaccustomed to such conditions sometimes develop altitude sickness. Therefore, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is the most dangerous in the country.

Locals call Guoliang the road that does not tolerate mistakes. Wrong movement easily drives the car into a trap. The tunnel, built in steep rocks, has many holes that lead straight to a deadly cliff, and sharp turns are not protected by anything. Because of this, cars easily fly off the track and crash.

The width of the road is less than 4 meters. Small tourist buses can hardly fit into the narrow openings between the rocks, and it is simply impossible for two cars to pass each other on a 1 km long section of the road. There is no artificial lighting in the tunnel; it is illuminated by “windows” cut into the rocks.

Northern Yungas Road or "Road of Death"

Yungas deservedly bears the title of the most dangerous road in the world. Every year, 300 people die and 30 cars and buses crash on the Death Road. The length of the route is 69 km, and the width is 3.2 m. It is impossible for two vehicles to pass each other, so drivers agree on the travel time in advance.

In the narrowest places, cars hang over the abyss, the depth of which is 600 meters. The height of the “Road of Death” reaches 3.6 km. Weather and climate also make travel difficult. Fogs reduce visibility on the road to a few meters, and humidity and rain provoke landslides. The worst thing is that there are no alternatives to the road, and local residents use it every day.


Along with cars and buses, cattle cross the 11-kilometer pass. They move only in one direction: traffic on Zoji-La is one-way, cars drive in opposite directions in turns. The road is only open from May to October, from 4 am to 4 pm. The height of the mountain path is 3529 meters.

The danger does nothing to reduce the influx of cars. Sometimes traffic jams form on Zoji-La, during which convoys of vehicles line up in front of sharp turns. There are no fences or asphalt surfaces to be expected. The crossing is complicated by the sudden change in weather: on one side of the pass the sun is shining, and on the other it is raining.

Los Caracoles

The road connects Argentina and Chile, so there is always a large flow of cars on it: cars, trucks and large tourist buses. The path runs along the slope of the harsh Alps and winds through a serpentine of 20 turns. The road surface is of high quality, but slopes and sharp turns are difficult to navigate.

The crust of ice that appears after frost significantly aggravates the passage of the path. Most of the year the pass is snowy. The authorities monitor the condition of the road, clean and repair it. There are no protective barriers along the entire length of the transport route.

Accidents happen every day in the world. The main reasons are lack of experience, non-compliance with traffic rules, and drunk driving. But there are some roads that even an experienced driver is not always able to overcome. Local residents have no choice, they have to use them. They also attract tourists who love adrenaline more than their lives. Such roads are called death routes. Below is a list of the 10 most dangerous roads in the world.

Halsema Highway (Philippines)

The Halsema Highway passes through the Central Cordillera Valley. The highest point of the highway is 11906 meters above sea level. The length of the road is 150 kilometers. Its beginning is paved, but then a dirt road begins. It is winding, with many turns, ups and downs. During the rainy season it is even more difficult to drive through. It is washed out and covered with dirt and clay. Landslides often occur and rocks fall. It’s not possible to turn around and go back, the road is one-way. The situation is aggravated by fog and lack of fences. Accidents happen here all the time.

Fairy Meadows (Pakistan)

This road is very narrow. It is located in the mountains at an altitude of 3 kilometers above sea level. The German climbers named it so beautifully. Local residents do not share this opinion. The track is covered with pebbles mixed with dirt. Lots of breaks. There are no fences. The road was made several hundred years ago. It has not been repaired since then. Since it is very narrow, only one car can fit. The last kilometers are covered on foot or by bicycle. It serves as a starting point for travelers planning to conquer Mount Nanga Parbat.

Zoji La Pass (India)

The road is located on the northwestern side of India. Connects the provinces of Karshmi and Ladakh. Zorji La Pass runs along the pass. The highest point is 3528 meters above sea level. But it offers amazing views of the Himalayas. The road is not wide, so cars can only move in one direction. The movement is organized by time: first the transport goes in one direction, after a certain time in the other. In winter it is covered with snow and it is impossible to drive through it. It opens at the end of May and closes at the end of October. But from 16:00 to 4:00 traffic on the pass is limited, regardless of the time of year. There are obstacles on the route in the form of walking sheep.

BR-116 (Brazil)

The President Dutra Highway connects Porto Allegre and Rio de Janeiro. It ranks second in length in Brazil. However, it is the leader in terms of the number of accidents. Its length is 3540 kilometers. The road is in poor condition, there are many potholes and uneven spots. There are a large number of rocky cliffs and tight tunnels. Part of the road from Curitibo to Sao Paulo was called the “Highway of Death”. Criminals often operate on the highway. Even tourist guides indicate the danger of the route. People die here all the time.

Siberian Road (Russia)

Included in the list of official federal highways. This is the only road to the city of Yakutsk. In fact, her. It is impossible to drive along it in winter, and winters in Siberia last a long time. It freezes, it is covered with snow, there is often ice and terrible visibility. But it doesn't get better in the warm season. If it rains, a swamp will form instead of a road. Cars are literally drowning in the mud. In 2006, the track was awarded the title “The most dangerous track in the world.” According to some versions, it is even ahead of the “road of death” in Bolivia. There are rumors about it, as if there is a cursed area here. The maximum number of accidents occurs here, and drivers do not remember how it happened. This is explained by a gas leak. Recently, people have become interested in the route and have finally begun its reconstruction. The road is being repaired in patches, with the most impassable sections being replaced.

Death Road (Bolivia)

The road connects the city of La Paz and the province of Yungas. Its location is the Andes Mountains, the most dangerous part is 70 kilometers from the city of La Paz to Coroico. The route has very sharp changes, the altitude ranges from 3600 meters to 330 above sea level. On the left is a wall, on the right is a steep cliff. The road surface is clay. Fatal accidents often occur. The number of deaths per year reaches 200 people. In 1995, it was awarded the title of the most dangerous in the world. But still, the road is constantly busy, it is used, despite its bad reputation. Local residents have nowhere to go, there is no other way. The situation is worsened by fog, and landslides occur due to frequent rains. Travel companies organize tours by bicycle or motorcycle. Only the most desperate agree to this. You need to be prepared for the fact that conquering this road will be the last moment in your life.

Sichuan Highway (China)

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway connects Sichuan Province and Tibet. The road is a serpentine with a length of 2500 kilometers, its height is 5000 meters. The highway passes through forests and mountain rivers. It is quite narrow. Natural conditions add to the dangers. There is often fog and rain in this area. The Chengdu-Tibet section is famous for constant landslides and rockfalls. Accidents and accidents are common. As on all mountain roads, the driver needs to be extremely careful to avoid an accident.

Stelvio Pass (Italy)

The road has been in use for a long time; it was built back in 1829. Located on the mountain passes of the Alps, near the city of Bolzano. It has concrete barriers, but they are not high enough, cars still fall into the abyss. The Stelvio Pass ascends to the Plateau mountain pass. Its height is 2700 meters. The road is closed in winter and operates from early June until October. But under unfavorable weather conditions it may be closed in the summer. Its condition is quite good, two cars are quite capable of passing each other, but there are narrow sections and tunnels. Its main danger is sharp turns, there are a lot of them here. The road twists like a snake. Inexperienced drivers need to be careful.

Trollstigen (Norway)

This road is called a landmark of Norway. It was founded in 1936. It starts in the Strynefjell mountains near Lake Langvatne and runs to Sogge Bridge in Romsdal. If you look at it from above, you will notice that it looks like a ladder. That is why it is called the “Troll Staircase”. The most dangerous section is called "Eagle Road". There are 11 sharp turns on this section. In some places the road has an incline of 9 degrees and a width of about 3 meters. It can be difficult here even for experienced drivers. You can often see tourists on the highway. Beautiful views of mountains, waterfalls, and valleys attract them from all over the world. There are observation decks and recreation areas.

Kabul-Jalalabad (Afghanistan)

The road connects Kabul and Jalalabad. Its length is 60 kilometers. This route consists of sharp and sharp turns, with many cliffs. Local residents do not follow traffic rules, this further provokes accidents. And they happen here almost every day. In addition, the road is controlled by representatives of the anti-government Taliban movement. Recently, the exact number of deaths is unknown. But based on the data that local authorities have, it can be called the most dangerous in the world.

Ask motorists, for example, in Minsk about a dangerous roadway, and they will point to Bangalore Square. People tell scary stories about roads in the Smolensk and Bryansk regions.

But the most dangerous ones, as a rule, are in the mountains. I once had to drive along a mountain serpentine road in Romania, when there were steep slopes on one side and an abyss on the other.

We stopped for a smoke break and I looked down, and there was a dead sheep lying at the bottom of the gorge. Since then I have been afraid of mountain roads and try not to drive on them. Because of this, I did not go to the Valley of Flowers in India; they told me what roads I would have to take to get there.

If you look at the top most dangerous roads in the world, you can say that they are simple and safe.

Death Road in Bolivia, Yungas Province

It is in this province that one of the main “celebrities” of Bolivia is located. The 56-kilometer-long section is called “the road of death” by locals. When you go to look at the terrifying “sight,” think twice about whether it’s worth it, considering that the highest point is 3.6 kilometers above sea level, the lowest point is 330 meters, the road width is 4 meters (it’s not easy to pass other cars).

Steep climbs, terrible condition of the surface (a mixture of clay and mud), lack of fencing are the reasons why dozens of cars break down here every year. Do not forget that buses regularly run along the “death road”, which increases the number of victims. Fogs and landslides as a result of heavy rains also worsen the situation.

Nepal, Karnali highway

Extreme lovers go here, only on motorcycles. Only locals decide to take big risks on this 250-kilometer highway; they travel in cars and buses at any time when the section is not closed to entry. They close the road when the surface is in worse condition, for example, after prolonged rainfall.

Karnali claims around 50 lives every year. Reasons: lack of fences, rockfalls, landslides.

Why not close the dangerous highway? The high number of casualties is not a convincing argument for the government to take such a step, given that Karnali connects dozens of settlements. There is no alternative except helicopters.

Ecuador, area near the Cotopaxi volcano

The official name of the road is Cotopaxi Volcan Road. Looking at the name, it’s easy to guess where the site leads. The route is 40 kilometers long, unlike the previous ones, it does not have large cliffs and does not “suffer” from frequent landslides. But it is on the list of the most dangerous, if only because it is located next to an active volcano. The last time he woke up after a long sleep of 140 years was in August 2015.

Adding fuel to the fire, flooding is a common occurrence in this region due to the steep elevations and terrain features.

Even minimal precipitation becomes a large-scale problem, a disaster that claims human lives.

Chilean Ruta Nacional 5

It is part of the famous Pan-American Highway. With a length of 3,364 kilometers, it does not at first seem dangerous, but first impressions are deceiving. When reaching the section between Iquique and Arica (city), drivers are faced with a straight 300 km 2-lane highway running along a desert landscape.

The appearance of absence of danger plays a cruel joke on motorists. Many people lose concentration, fall asleep and run off the road. Others are faced with another problem - a powerful side wind that can even overturn a truck.

New Zealand, area near Skippers Canyon

The 25-kilometer scenic road is located on a sheer cliff. During its 140 years of existence, it was never expanded. Tourists cannot go in rented SUVs, since car insurance is not valid in this area.

Built in the 19th century, the track was designed as a road for moving carts. It is not surprising that driving a car is not an easy task. When giving way to oncoming cars, sometimes drivers back up for 3 kilometers.

China, Guoliang Tunnel

Located in the scenic area of ​​the Taihang Mountain Range. The 1.2-kilometer-long tunnel is the result of the hard work of 13 local residents, many of whom sacrificed their lives for the sake of their “creation.” The 4 meter wide tunnel is partially visible. This helps drivers navigate the road during the day. Traffic is blocked at night.

Since the Guoliang tunnel is the only one that connects the village with other settlements. Residents who do not have transport move along it. On the other hand, walking is safer, given the number of motorists affected by rockfalls.

Alaska, Dalton Highway

The Dalton Highway was called dangerous even at the design stage. And there is a good reason for this - the 666-kilometer-long road passes through three settlements, the population does not exceed 25 people. If the vehicle breaks down, there will be no quick help here.

The highway was created for commercial transportation. Now it is used by workers of the oil pipeline, to which the road section leads. And these motorists are familiar with government warnings to take essentials with you when venturing onto the Dalton Highway.

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