Spain presentation template. Spainpedia: Ideas, routes, tours Tourist information offices

Centuries of Arab rule had a huge impact on all aspects of life on the Iberian Peninsula, including the development of Spanish culture. In architecture, this was expressed in the fact that two cultural traditions, mixed, formed a unique combination of shapes, colors, decorative elements, and amazing designs for practical purposes.

Everyone who has been to Spain at least once falls in love with it forever. Wonderful climate, incredibly beautiful nature, mountains, sea, beaches, cities, excellent cuisine, open and hospitable people - all this wins the heart of each of us. But there is another treasure of Spain that impresses and fascinates - the beautiful and majestic cathedrals. Their massive construction began in the country after the final expulsion of the Moors.

Ecotourism is not only about well-fed cows and forest walks, it is also an introduction to the secrets of the universe. When, without looking at the starry sky, can you feel what is important in life and what is vanity of vanities? There are many places in Spain with crystal clear air, from where you can see all the beauty of the night, and if you want to look deeper into the Universe, telescopes and professional astronomers are at your service.

Spain has many impressive volcanic areas - more than you might imagine. Some of them look like they are in alien landscapes, where life, at first glance, is absent. Others are surrounded by rich green vegetation and adjacent to water. Let's go get acquainted with the most interesting representatives of volcanoes in Spain!

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Tourist Information Offices

Tourist offices in Spain are called Oficina de turismo. on diagrams and maps they are always indicated by the i icon. Most often they are located in the historical center of the city (near the main attractions), as well as at train stations and airports. Employees of such offices necessarily speak English (often also French); they usually have everything a tourist needs to feel confident in an unfamiliar place: maps, diagrams, booklets (sometimes in Russian), videotapes, CDs. discs, souvenirs. Here we sell guest cardsJ museum cards, theater and! festival tickets. Such! offices you can book a tour,] get information on how to get to this or that place,1 sometimes you can also book a hotel. The guidebook, if possible, contains addresses, schedules, and telephone numbers of tourist offices of cities in Spain.

Maps, diagrams, booklets

If you are staying at a hotel, pick up a free city map at the check-in table that shows the location of your hotel. In bookstores, souvenir shops, and newsstands you can always buy maps (3-15?) - from the simplest to the most detailed, as well as road atlases.

If the city has a metro or... tram, the route map can be obtained at the ticket office. Plans of specific attractions (cathedrals, churches, museums, castles, monasteries) are usually located on special stands installed at the entrance. In Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville, Toledo, and other large cities and places popular with Russian tourists, there are brochures in Russian.

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The direction will most likely require considerations of love first. Simply because this is the most common type of relationship between a man and a woman. But options for hatred, friendship and work relationships are also possible. There is no point in listing all possible versions of works touching on the theme of love. However, it is advisable to take into account when preparing for the final essay that the topic can concern both mutual, “correct” love, and unrequited or “criminal” love, that is, illegal. It is worth thinking in advance about how to cover such topics and on what material. If, for example, the writer intends to consider “criminal” love as an option for desirable self-expression, then it is worth turning to M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” (Margarita is married, but loves the Master); if a graduate considers such love unacceptable, he can refer to the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin.”


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