The glass bridge began to crack. A glass bridge in China suddenly began to “crack” right under the feet of tourists. Glass observation decks and trails

According to the site, the video was published from a tour of a glass bridge in China, which is located at an altitude of 1200 meters along the Taihang Mountain. The property offers a magnificent view of the surrounding area. The video shows how one of the unsuspecting visitors to the bridge suddenly sees cracks in the glass under his feet and falls to his hands and knees in horror, screaming for help. At this time, the glass surface continues to crack with sound, and the guy, in a panic, tries to crawl to the side so as not to fly into the abyss.

However, it soon became clear that the cracks on the glass were not real, but just a visual effect added by the project designers at the request of the customer. Such cracks are activated only in some sections of the bridge. These panels react to people's steps and display cracks on transparent displays, accompanying the effect with the characteristic sound of cracking glass. Many users felt that even such fake cracks could impress some customers so much that they would give them a heart attack.

According to the site, the district authorities even published an official statement on the WeChat service channel explaining the unusual design effect. According to authorities, this is an interesting provocative effect that should attract more visitors with the possibility of receiving additional adrenaline.

The bridge is strong enough, there should be no defects, and can withstand even high temperatures of 60°. Does not waver or wobble in wind speeds of 220 kilometers per hour.

The bridge is treated with care; everyone who wants to walk across it wears shoe covers. And for people who really want to admire the beauty of the valley, but are afraid to go alone, there is a special staff that accompanies the entire path - from one peak to another.

True, the Chinese themselves are already accustomed to such bridges. The very first glass bridge was built on Tianmen Mountain. The length of courage is only 61 meters. But when you find out at what height the bridge is located, you are unlikely to agree to experience all the delights of human creation. The bridge flaunts at an altitude of 1220 meters. There are always enough people who want to, but there are more of those who are instilled with fear of heights. Many people are terrified of heights, I wonder what it was like for the builders. We hope their work was well compensated.

You won’t believe it, but not long ago a guide was leading a tourist group across the bridge when suddenly cracks began to appear under his feet with a creaking sound.

The man fell to the floor and started screaming, he was scared. It is interesting that a happy, calm man walks towards him and casts an incomprehensible glance at the guide. He is not aware of what happened.

In the video you can see what is happening for yourself. People were so excited, and there was a lot of discussion online later. To reassure people, the East Taihan County government told the media that these were just special effects. This is a PR stunt to ensure that a large number of tourists visit such a terrifying attraction.

A video from China is gaining popularity on the Internet, in which a man walking along a glass bridge falls in panic when cracks begin to creep along the glass under his feet. Fortunately, everything worked out well - the cracks turned out to be just an ingenious special effect added to one of the sections of the bridge.

Footage of a man whose feet cracked the surface of a glass bridge along Taihang Mountain has captured the attention of Chinese social networks, reports the website Mashable. You can watch how the hero of the video, noticing the cracks, falls on the glass in fear and tries to crawl away.

A man not expecting a trick, presumably a tour guide, leads a group of people.

Suddenly, cracks begin to appear under his feet.

The guide falls onto the glass screaming, but cracks continue to creep under his hands. The man tries to crawl away in panic.

The video instantly went viral a large number Chinese media.

Fortunately, the cracks that frightened the pedestrian turned out to be just the result of the work of special panels installed on one of the sections of the bridge located at an altitude of 1,200 meters. The panels react to pedestrian steps, displaying images of creeping cracks and emitting a characteristic sound.

From located along sheer cliff The bridge offers an impressive view.

The East Taihang County government issued an official apology, explaining that the cracking glass was just an effect added by designers for the purpose of “provocation.” The administration does not intend to dismantle the panels that frighten pedestrians and hopes that a good dose of adrenaline will help attract additional tourists.

“The effect is too realistic, it’s actually a little scary.”

“The cores can die here.”

In 2015, cracks that appeared on another glass bridge located at a kilometer altitude seriously frightened residents of the Chinese province of Henan. That time the cracks turned out to be real and the bridge had to be closed for repairs.

To reassure the public, which is suspicious of the reliability of glass structures, designers often come up with various strength tests. Thus, the highest and longest glass bridge, erected over the Zhangjiajie Canyon, journalists were allowed to hit with sledgehammers.

While bridges in China frighten random pedestrians, in the United States a bridge mocks hapless drivers. In the town of Durham, North Carolina, a bridge passes low over the road to literally all trucks passing under it.

Glass Bridge– it’s not only beautiful, but also stylish. The Chinese decided so and built an unusual glass structure in Hunan province. After the construction of the bridge, it was used to connect the two sides of the mountains, and also played pranks on many tourists.

Bridge Features

This bridge is considered the longest structure on the planet made of glass. Its length is 430 meters. And the width is 6 meters. The bridge is suspended at an altitude of 380 meters. This design is also safe and equipped with the latest technology.

The glass bridge project and its construction cost China $3.4 million. The bridge consists of 99 durable and three-layer parts. Under the bridge stretch national park and canyon. For now, excursions at the site are being conducted in test mode.

Tourist draws

Immediately after the opening, a funny incident occurred on the extraordinary bridge. The guide, who was leading the group through the glass structure, suddenly fell to his knees and screamed heart-rendingly, and a visual effect of cracked glass appeared under his feet. The tourists were taken aback, but then relaxed a little, because a passer-by was calmly walking along the bridge in their direction.

A glass bridge in China cracked under the feet of tourists (video)

It turned out that the bridge is equipped with interactive panels that create the effect of cracks and also reproduce the sound of breaking glass necessary for the prank. These are the kind of entertainers the Chinese are.

Visit to the bridge

8,000 people can look at the bridge and walk along it per day. Before opening, the structure was tested for strength more than 100 times. The opening of the attraction took place in 2016. At first, people were on duty near the ticket office in front of the bridge at night to buy tickets for the excursion.

Now everyone has become accustomed to the new miracle of engineering, and the excitement around it has died down a little. 800 people can cross the bridge at the same time. But for security reasons, the capacity was reduced to 600. After all, the bridge itself is guarded by about 200 guards.

The facility is open to visitors from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. It often happens that by 8 am all tickets for the glass bridge are already sold out, so it’s worth planning a tour of it in advance.

The ticket price is approximately 140 yuan. A child whose height is less than 1 meter and 30 centimeters can enter for free.

How to get to the glass bridge?

The city with the bridge is located in the southwest of Beijing. You can get there by train. You will have to get off the train at Zhangjiajie station. It is also possible to fly to this place from Beijing by plane.

The canyon, over which a glass bridge hangs, is located a 15-minute drive from the city. The best way to get there is by car, which is easy to rent.


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