Warm, inexpensive countries. Paradise for pennies: countries where it is cheap to live. Traveling as a tour or on your own

The article provides a selection of countries where it is cheapest to live, so you can choose a paradise for yourself, to which you can move at any time if you wish.

There are countries in which our citizens with an average income will feel rich, having in addition also a warm sea and exotic fruits at hand. In Europe and the USA, many people, after retirement, began to move to live in countries with a low cost of living, because on a pension of 500-1000 dollars you can live there without denying yourself anything.

1. Thailand

Sunny Asia is one of the most favorite places for Russians to move, and Thailand was not chosen by chance, since the average salary of a Russian here is a decent fortune, despite the fact that the exchange rate of one Thai baht is approximately equal to two rubles.

You can live right on the Cote d'Azur, surrounded by palm trees and warm sun. Of course, we are not talking about living in tourist places, but about living as an ordinary Thai citizen. You can rent a comfortable apartment with one or two rooms with all amenities almost in the center of Bangkok and maybe even with a swimming pool for 22 thousand rubles. You cannot find such prices for similar housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

A full lunch in a Thai cafe - first, second with meat and drink - will cost you 200 rubles, but if you cook it yourself, like at home, the cost of food will be even lower. Such prices can be found in the center of resort towns, and if you move to a less popular city, then the costs can be halved. But what is a little expensive here is gasoline: about 100 rubles per liter.

2. India

India is a country of contrasts, a mixture of ancient cults and customs with modern technologies. Here, living in a penthouse, you can see the local slums from the window, and painted yogis in a state of trance and monkeys will sit on the central streets. But the cost of living for us here is lower, therefore, having earned money in Russia, you can live luxuriously in India, since here the cost of 1 rupee is just over a ruble.

Even at the height of the season in Goa, you can rent an excellent apartment with amenities for 20-25 thousand rubles per month. But the local cuisine, of course, is not for everybody, but if you like it, a hearty lunch at a local shack will cost from 70 to 200 rubles.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia generally offers incredibly low prices for accommodation; here you can invest $150 a month, although without luxury, but you can decide for yourself how much extra you want to spend. A full meal here will cost only $1. But this country has a very high unemployment rate and low salaries, therefore, it will be possible to live beautifully here if you receive income in your homeland.

4. Bali

Bali is a paradise island belonging to Indonesia, but here, due to the promotion of resorts, life will be more expensive than on the mainland. However, if you try to avoid popular resort areas and eat at warungs for locals, then you can live here, just like in Russia, but not in gray and dull courtyards, but in a paradise near the ocean. Here the local rupee exchange rate is as follows: 100 rupees costs approximately 0.58 rubles.

In Bali, near the sea, you can rent a decent room for a month for about 100 bucks, and a three-room apartment, if you look hard enough, for 400 greenbacks. Lunch for two here will cost an average of 230 rubles, and vegetarian dishes - even less. But if you settle in less popular places in Bali, then rent and food will be cheaper.

5. Philippines

Living in the Philippines is also cheap, with the exception of the capital city, as it is very popular among tourists, so if you want to live where it is cheaper, then it is better to choose other cities besides Manila. The exchange rate of the local peso in relation to the ruble was on average 1 to 1.70, respectively.

For cheap and comfortable accommodation, foreigners choose the province of Cebu, which is quite developed, but the prices here are low. Rent of an entire house with amenities can be found for $300 per month, and a comfortable room for two in a hotel for 1,200 rubles per day. You can have a hearty meal within 100-150 pesos, and if you want exotic fruits, then go to the market for them, where they will cost you almost pennies.

6. Cambodia

Sunny Cambodia will greet you with its Asian flavor, unusual ancient temples and strange cults. This country is considered the most popular among budget tourists who want to find a place where they can live without spending a lot of money. You can rent a two-room apartment with amenities here from $300, and a two-story house with two bathrooms, three bedrooms and a front garden for $550.

A hearty meal in a cafe will cost 3 dollars, and if you want to visit a European restaurant, you will have to shell out about 5 dollars.

However, not everything is so sweet here. On the wild beaches, which are not particularly clean, packs of stray dogs and forest inhabitants walk quietly.

7. Vietnam

The coast in the Southeast of Vietnam is beginning to gain popularity among travelers, as there is a gorgeous tropical forest spread over 11 hectares, and a beautiful coral reef off the coast is considered the best place for underwater excursions and hunting in all of Asia.

Since these places are not yet very popular, even on weekends there are not too many tourists here, so you can rent decent housing for $150-200 a month. But it is worth noting that in close proximity, even on the beach, local residents will always be with you.

8. Laos

Laos is famous for its mountains, Buddhist culture and extreme rubber boat rafting on mountain rivers. Living in Laos is not only beautiful, but also cheap, since renting luxury housing here will cost a maximum of $20 per day, and a budget option can be found for $9. If you rent housing in Laos for a month, you can expect to pay 150-200 dollars for a comfortable one-room apartment in a residential area.

When it's time for lunch, you can eat your fill at a cafe for $2-4. And if you want to rent a bike to get around Laos, this pleasure will cost only $10 per day.

9. Nepal

Nepal has earned the reputation of a mystical country with the Asian center of spirituality. Travelers who are looking for their path and love to philosophize on the topic of existence love to come here. For budget tourists, this is a real Paradise - you can admire the local attractions, beautiful nature and abundance of temples for literally pennies. For example, renting a one-room apartment in Kathmandu will cost you a maximum of $200, and the most expensive dish in a luxury restaurant will cost you a maximum of $8.

10. China

China is a huge country with wild desert plains, picturesque countryside and vibrant metropolises with skyscrapers and other amenities of modernity. But, despite this, China is a fairly cheap country for a foreign tourist to live in, and the level of income here is not like poor Cambodia, but much more decent. A taxi ride around the city costs an average of one dollar, lunch costs 2 dollars, and you can rent a luxurious apartment with several rooms and all amenities in an excellent location, taking into account utilities, security and other benefits for 20 thousand rubles.

11. Bulgaria

For those who do not like the flavor of Asian countries and want to live cheaply somewhere in Europe, it is best to go to Bulgaria. Of course, there are no very low housing prices here, as in some Asian countries, but it is much cheaper to live in Bulgaria than anywhere else in the European Union.

If you try, you can rent excellent apartments in a residential area of ​​the capital or province for $200 a month. In addition, there are wonderful beaches and it is beautiful, definitely no worse than in France. By the way, if you want to relax by drinking a bottle of beer, here it will cost you only 80 cents.

12. Romania

Romania is another inexpensive country to live in the European Union. Here, of course, it is not as warm as in all previous countries and there are no Cote d'Azur, but there is very beautiful architecture, many ancient castles and other attractions. The forests and mountains are famous for their beauty, where in winter you can go skiing and stay in an ice hotel.

Despite the fact that prices here are higher compared to poor Asian countries, accommodation is still cheaper than here. Lunch in a cafe will cost a maximum of 350 rubles, and renting an apartment will cost 14-23 thousand rubles in the center and 8-17 thousand in residential areas.

13. Nicaragua

This country is simply a real paradise for budget living for people who love to save money. Everything is cheap in Nicaragua: housing, food, entertainment, transport rental. Here, $1,000 is enough for two people to live comfortably in a huge apartment, without denying themselves anything, and even invite a housekeeper to clean your home several times a week.

14. Guatemala

Guatemala is an interesting country with a rich cultural heritage and attractions, accommodation in it will be inexpensive, but beautiful. Renting a comfortable and spacious one-room apartment per month will cost 200 dollars, and 25-30 bucks a month will be enough for food. There is also a real abundance of tropical fruits here, which are record-breakingly cheap.

15. Honduras

We are used to jokingly attaching all sorts of absurdities related to politics to Honduras, but today this country is developing very rapidly in the tourism sector. It's not only cheap and fun, but also very beautiful, romantic and tasty.

You can get a hearty meal for just $3. But it is worth knowing that it is better not to visit the city of San Pedro Sulla, it is recognized as the most dangerous city in the world, where markets and streets are constantly patrolled by the military, so there is no place for foreigners.

16. Mexico

In the culturally developed city of Guanajuato in Mexico, you can rent a beautiful apartment for 150 - maximum 200 dollars a month, go to the cinema for 3 dollars, and drink a glass of beer for less than a dollar. Mexico is a very beautiful and free country, with azure beaches and interesting flavor.

17. Albania

The southern part of this flourishing country is an excellent place for a quiet and dignified life. It has a mild Mediterranean climate and beautiful views. Living in this country, unlike its European neighbors, is significantly cheaper.

You can rent a decent apartment for only 100-120 dollars, drink a bottle of beer for 90 cents, and have a tasty and satisfying meal for 6 dollars.

18. Peru

In addition to the fact that it’s inexpensive to live here and you can rent comfortable housing from $150 a month, in Peru you can also find something to do to your liking, look at stunning beautiful places and visit the famous and mystical place of Machu Picchu.

All the necessary food (cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.) costs mere pennies here, even a kilo of fresh salmon will cost no more than $20.

But what is truly expensive here is the Internet with terrible speed (and it is not available everywhere). Depending on the area, prices can range from $20 to $200 per month.

19. Belize

This small country in Central America is not as popular with tourists as it is with various investors due to its offshore zones. But it is very beautiful here, and travelers who have visited the local azure shores of the Caribbean Sea note the beauty of these places and the cheapness of accommodation.

Here, 500-600 dollars a month is enough to live for an entire family; this amount includes the rent of a large house, good food and fresh fruit.

20. Ecuador

Ecuador is the most popular country for retirees to live in. There is a mild climate, beautiful nature, many parks and interesting local people. Ecuador is considered the center of the world, so it is shrouded in a fabulous atmosphere.

For a decent apartment here you will have to pay 150-200 dollars, a hearty meal at one time will cost 2.5-3 dollars. In general, 1000 dollars here is enough for a calm and interesting life in full prosperity.

Every year more and more people quit office jobs and go to live in countries where it is summer all year round. It’s nice to have the warm sun overhead, heavenly places around, the beach, and an abundance of fruits.

Many southern countries are famous for their low prices for housing, food and clothing. Of course, the concept of “living for pennies” is relative for everyone.

There are countries on planet Earth where a person with an average income can afford to live in dignity. Let's look at countries where you can live for pennies, enjoy life, fully develop and improve, work and raise children.

Thailand is a favorite holiday destination for Russian tourists. Hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens and residents of different countries come here every year on vacation. After a luxurious, versatile holiday, many people decide to move to Thailand to live, because food and accommodation here are very cheap.

Often people rent out apartments in their own country and use the proceeds to live abroad without denying themselves anything.

$500 a month is enough to live carefree, without working, in Thailand.

The cost of housing for 1-2 rooms with a kitchen, bathroom and toilet, and sometimes even with a swimming pool costs $250 per month. Of course, simpler housing is cheaper, and renting a room will cost $80-100. Rent a hotel room will cost on average $5-8 depending on living conditions.

Food prices are even more pleasing. The main diet is fruits, vegetables and seafood. If you want barbecue or meat with a side dish, a large portion of roast will cost only $2-3. It will be even cheaper to cook yourself by buying food in supermarkets.

To rent a car or bike, you will be charged $8-20 per day, and $100-200 per month.

India is a beautiful, religiously rich country with beautiful traditions, yoga and many temples. True, some places are dirty, but if you want to move here, you can find a clean place without any problems.

Housing rent and food costs are not much different from prices in Thailand. You can live in India in summer much cheaper than in winter. In Goa, renting a house near the sea in summer costs an average of $300. A little further from the sea, housing prices are about $250. A luxurious hotel room with all amenities will cost $20 per night.

You can eat quality food and inexpensively in small cafes along the sea; lunch will cost about $3, and you can have breakfast for $1. Indian cuisine costs $3, a cup of coffee $0.5, and freshly squeezed juice $1. Rent a bike or an inexpensive car will cost $5-10 per day.

In the Philippines you can live not only cheaply, but also comfortably. The country has developed infrastructure even in provincial towns, such as Cebu. The capital of the country is always full of visiting vacationers, so the city is too noisy and lively, and prices are much higher than in other places in the Philippines.

  • On average, you can rent a house on the islands for $250-300 per month.
  • Renting a room will cost $5-10 per day.
  • You can rent a bed in an inexpensive hostel for $4 per night.
  • A hotel room for two people costs approximately $15.

Food is also inexpensive. In a good cafe you can have a great lunch for $3 per person. In all places for tourists, prices are much higher, that’s why it’s a tourism business. Popular Philippine beer can be purchased for $0.5-1 per half liter.

The country is rich in exotic fruits; they can be purchased at low prices in local markets.

Indonesia is well known to us from the film “Eat. Pray. Love." Beautiful local landscapes, many temples and wise monks who can help you learn the truth and become more harmonious.

Renting a house in Indonesia will cost $100 per month, and a hotel room costs $5 per night. Even if you only have a couple of dollars left, you can have a great meal for as little as $1.

In Cambodia, you can often meet lovers of inexpensive travel, as well as nomads who travel around the world with their laptop. The country is prized for its variety of ancient ruins and temples.

Here you can cheaply go scuba diving and see with your own eyes the beauty of the underwater world of Cambodia. A luxurious dinner in a good restaurant costs only $5-7, and half a liter of beer will cost only $0.3.

Everyone who has traveled to Vietnam falls in love with this country at first sight. It has turquoise waters, limestone islands and inexpensive living. Here you can eat well and tasty, enjoy life and not pay much.

In a cafe, if a tourist correctly pronounces the name of a Vietnamese dish, the price for any delicacy will be set at $1. So learn the language! Renting a house will cost $150 per month, and renting a hotel room will cost $5 per day.

China is a huge country with a huge number of inhabitants. But this does not prevent you from living there and traveling calmly from one city to another. A taxi will cost only $1 around the city.

Although China has been in its prime in recent years, the average salary has reached $740, it is still much cheaper to live here than in many European countries.

In many European countries you can live even cheaper than in Asian countries. Bulgaria is an example of this. Tourist holidays in this country are significantly inexpensive.

Renting an apartment will cost only $200, and a hotel room will cost $8-10 per night. Bulgarian beer is especially prized, costing $1 per liter. Here, 70% of the population is Russian-speaking, and there are also many kindergartens and schools in Russian. The country is sunny and beautiful.

Many Russian citizens buy property here for vacations and permanent residence.

Nicaragua is a country of incredible beauty. There is no overpopulation or wild influx of tourists here. The country is harmonious and inexpensive to live in. A rich variety of exotic fruits and seafood. Amazing vegetation and friendly people.

To fly to live in this country, you will have to work hard. Otherwise, prices here are extremely low.

Rent an apartment for a month will cost on average $100, and a delicious lunch will cost $3. Water sports enthusiasts should first visit this country.

If you choose a country abroad to live in, then you should consider Honduras. Today, this place has begun to attract more and more tourists. Because here you can live inexpensively and have a good rest. You can have a delicious meal in a restaurant for just $3, and rent a hotel room for $5 per night.

In any case, choosing a country for permanent residence should be taken more than seriously. After all, it’s good where we are not! When moving abroad, you should take into account that you will not have close Russian-speaking friends nearby, and a foreign country has its own traditions and customs. Good luck!

Greetings! Real estate is traditionally considered one of the most reliable investments. Apartments on the sea coast and... away from Russia are especially valued. How much will such a purchase cost? Today I will write about where the cheapest real estate in the world is (based on last year’s results).

Albania was once a country almost closed to tourists. But over the last twenty years, resorts have been growing here like mushrooms after rain.

For example, Shengjin used to be just a run-down village for fishermen. And today it is a promising resort on the Adriatic coast: warm climate, pine forests, sandy beaches and picturesque views.

The area is actively being developed along the beach line. By the way, in 2015 the price of real estate in this area was the lowest on the Adriatic coast.

The price per square meter in luxury apartments a couple of meters from the beach starts from €700. Residential complexes of this level include the entire resort infrastructure: restaurants, cafes, parking, outdoor swimming pools, children's playgrounds.

The cost of cheaper apartments (2nd and 3rd line) starts from €500 per sq.m. True, apartments in Albania are built “on a grand scale” (footage here starts from 40 sq.m).


Experts call Sunny Beach one of the most promising Bulgarian resorts. The nearest major city (Burgas) is only 35 km away. For most of the summer, this part of the coast enjoys wonderful weather, and the golden sandy beaches of Bulgaria are famous throughout the world.

Now the area is being actively developed - and investors have plenty to choose from. The average price per square meter here is €1,300. But if you want, you can find a cheaper option.
A miniature house by the sea can be bought for €30,000 (this is exactly the kind of property that Russians often rent out).

On the secondary market, the price of one-room apartments starts from €20,000, two-room apartments – from €22,000. And in this country, tiny studio apartments in a multi-storey building a few kilometers from the sea are sold inexpensively.

By the way, in 2015, sales of Bulgarian real estate increased by 20%. And the profitability of such investments is estimated at 5-7% per year.


In the Italian region of Calabria (the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula) is the cozy resort of Scalea. In Italy, this quiet place is considered a deep province. Therefore, prices for local real estate are not too high.

The cost per square meter “floats” in a fairly wide range from €500 to €1500. The price, as usual, is influenced by the apartment’s distance from the sea or city center, the prestige of the area and the view from the window.

You can buy a good apartment for €25,000. However, you will have to walk 15-20 minutes to the sea, and the apartments themselves will be tiny. But even such a budget option is fully furnished with furniture and appliances before sale.


Despite the fact that today we have, to put it mildly, ambiguous relations with Turkey, no one prohibits Russians from buying real estate in this country. The investment attractiveness of Turkish resorts is one of the highest in Europe. If, of course, we focus on the budget segment.

The cheapest option in Turkey is the town of Alanya (120 km from Antalya). Well-groomed sandy beaches, clear sea, a lot of attractions in the city and surrounding areas - and very affordable prices. And thanks to its favorable location, the “high season” in Alanya lasts until November.

The cost per square meter in luxury apartments starts from €1,050. Cheaper real estate, as usual, can be found on the secondary market. Moreover, unlike Russian resales, houses in Alanya are rarely older than ten years.

An apartment on the outskirts of the city in a five-story building can be bought for €25,000. Let me clarify that “outskirts of the city” here means a 20-minute walk to the sea and 8 kilometers to the center. As a rule, such “non-prestigious” properties are sold with furniture and appliances (the cost of the “stuffing” is already included in the price of the property).


The largest city in the province, Torrvieja, is located on the Spanish Costa Blanca. You've probably heard it often referred to in the media as the “Russian capital of Spain.” Every second property owner in this city has foreign citizenship. True, not only Russian, but also German, British and even Swedish.

The beaches here are excellent, the climate is excellent, and there are also unique salt lakes. But compared to Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey, real estate in Torrvieja “bites”. But it still turns out cheaper than in Moscow or Sochi.

A good house here can be purchased for €30,000 (without a pool and a couple of hundred meters from the sea). A studio apartment on the outskirts or a property from a bank will cost approximately the same amount (but you will most likely have to make repairs there).

The price of cottages starts from €45,000 (with a swimming pool), comfortable villas – from €75,000.

In which country in the world would you like to buy real estate? Subscribe to updates and share links to useful articles with friends on social networks!

We recently returned from our next trip - and then I came across someone’s post about the need to urgently leave for a “normal” country. That here people are underfed, underfed (with good wine and cognac), underrecognized, not allowed to travel and generally not paid extra. And there everything will be civilized. I don’t understand what kind of “normal” country all these abnormal people have gathered in - well, who are underfed? Of course, traveling is very good. It is especially good to travel when leaving for 2-3 weeks. It’s even better if you leave for a month or two - and it’s really good to go somewhere to live and study. And not because you are in fashionable clothes, with beautiful pictures on Instagram and unknown jars in your cosmetic bag, but because it gives you a chance to develop your worldview. But it is worth knowing the following. — If you live in Germany, then all week long you collect coupons for the best deals from supermarkets. Even if you are a “well-off family”. Because your family's security is about sticking to a budget, and your budget = your coupons. No, you don’t spend more at ABC of Taste than on your mother or on saving money for the future, being sure that the promotions are for the poor and old cat ladies. You carefully analyze offers and collect coupons. — If you live in Germany and are going on vacation, you choose an average hotel where everything is inclusive. Breakfast lunch and dinner. This is if you are with your family. If you don’t have a family, then you choose hostels. No, you don’t list restaurants with Michelin stars in your gadget and don’t look at five-star hotels with ratings of 8.9 or more on Booking.com. Don't spend more on food than on hotel. You choose something for reasonable money with reasonable quality. — If you live in Germany, you don’t take lifelong baths and hot showers. Simply because it's expensive. No, “expensive” is not what you are used to in Moscow. Expensive = impossible. — If you live in Germany, you pay taxes. Very high taxes. No, you don’t pay them the same way as in Moscow - when the employer paid based on wages, and you “don’t owe anyone anything else.” And therefore you can “freelance here” and “freelance here”, and money for freelancing on Yandex-Money or on a card marked “Gift”. You pay on all your income. And if you don’t pay, then you have every chance of doing “freelancing” for the state for the next few years... in prison. True, this will not be that creative work. — If you live in Germany, then after 10 pm you are quiet. Yes, both on your birthday and yes, for repairs. Simply because if you don't behave in a way that won't bother your neighbors, you move. To the police. And you park correctly too. No, not in the entrance, not on the sidewalk, because in your head “some bastards didn’t take care” of your parking, not in the flowerbed (God forbid you park in someone’s flowerbed), but correctly - along marks and markings. If you decide that you will still park at your neighbors’ doors, then you move again. No, you don't get a fine that you'll never pay. You and your car move to the police station, where, with due regularity, you begin to “freelance” for the state. - You live in France and suddenly in winter you decided that you were cold in your room? You are sure that the apartment must be warm, so you will go talk to the landlord about it. You will hear: “Of course it’s cold, it’s winter, if you haven’t noticed, dress warmly.” And this will happen not only in France. Because heat is expensive, but expensive = impossible. And if you do everything that is expensive, you will never have a secure old age. Yes, yes, the same one that we love to poke in our country. This is the same secure old age that is provided in youth with discount coupons and heating bills. — If you live in France, Germany and Italy, you buy only seasonal products and only from your region. Because it's logical. Because there is no point in demanding ripe tomatoes in January. Because tomatoes don’t grow in your region in January, and those not from your region are expensive. No, no one will understand your suffering over food - because there is no logic in it. In South Tyrol in Italy, in Austria, in Germany, the main dishes will be potatoes and meat, because they are very good with potatoes and meat. You will find one type of Brie and two types of Parmesan in the supermarket. Each region (no, not a country, a REGION!) eats its own meat, its own cheese, its own vegetables. And drinks his wine. What is growing and being done right here. If it doesn’t grow and isn’t done, it doesn’t eat or drink. No one would think of falling into hysterics because there is no wine from the Venetto in Liguria. Simply because it has no logic. Moreover, there is such a very aggressive phenomenon as cheese patriotism, wine patriotism and other gastronationalism. They are more likely to become hysterical if it is the other way around. — If you live in France, black mold will quietly live with you in your bathroom. Of course, you know that black mold affects the lungs, but removing mold is too expensive, and anything that is expensive is a stupid waste of money. And whether you will have to remove mold from your lungs - this is written with a pitchfork. So live in peace. — In any city in Europe you will pay for parking. No, not like in Moscow, buying a car for the road and covering a couple of numbers with a snowball leaf. You will pay a lot. And you'll spend hours looking for parking. And in the USA too. Because if you can’t pay for parking, there’s no point in buying a car—it’s not logical. And yes, buying expensive cars, especially if you are in France, is absolutely illogical. And those who eat a lot of gasoline are also not logical. The main thing in a car is that it can drive and carry. — In most cities in the world, everything works by the clock. In Europe from 9 to 12 and from 15 to 19. You can have lunch only from 12 to 14, and dinner from 19. And yes, you can at least say “on the weekend I wake up at 12 and there is nowhere to have breakfast in this stupid city” - but no one does this will not understand. Because there is a way of life, there are trade unions and there is a logic that does not fit in with your whims and sprees. Maintaining someone like you is too expensive and not normal at all. — About travel. More than 80 percent of Americans have never traveled outside their state. A once in a lifetime trip to France is considered an event. Most Italians and French never travel. Swiss families prefer to spend their winter holidays in Austria, German families prefer to spend their winter holidays in Italy. Because everything else is expensive. So expensive that it’s not worth it at all. There is a lot more that people in “humanized” countries consider to be the norm, on which their normal life is based. Most often, this is all connected with a clear awareness of one’s actions, the value of money, planning, obedience to the law, and attachment to one’s country, land, and cuisine. Here I see people who were raised on expensive oil and curse this oil at every corner. More precisely not so. Indignant that with such oil, they could have been given more. Talking about some unknown “middle class”, which in their picture of the world wraps itself in sable and eats oysters. Well, or at least he works 4 months a year and drives around in multimillion-dollar cars with the latest generation gadgets, wearing jeans for 300 euros. At the same time, the “middle class” in normal countries lives as I listed above. Another thing I’m interested in is what happens when these “cool” people, with their life expectations, still move to Europe, where for many, 1000 euros of net income, after taxes, is a lot? There are those who are finally moving away from lamenting on social networks and moving! But not so much as to make money in “damned Moscow”, on its “damned oil money” and its “crazy Russians” and live in the EU, but for real? Do “normal people” support them in how they should be paid, for what, how to feed and drink them? A?

A list of countries where living costs are indecently low. find out countries where you can live cheaply and enjoy life.

There are a considerable number of places in the world where the cost of living will be lower than in Russia. Sometimes much lower. Cheap countries to live in are primarily the region of Southeast Asia, but you can also live in Europe not very expensively - read about this in articles and.

If you have long wondered where you can live inexpensively abroad, then here you will find the answers. We present to you a list of cheap countries to live in, a month of living in which can cost less than a week's expenses for living in Russia.

UPD (winter 2019).

The article has been completely revised taking into account changed prices and the greatly fallen exchange rate of the ruble (currently 1 $ ≈ 67 rubles). The prices in the article are indicative and are indicated in local currency. Information is current for 2019.


(Photo © Hallmanlau / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Exchange rate: 1 Thai baht (THB) ≈ 2 RUB.

Mecca for Russian travelers and downshifters. More and more Russians are leaving to live in Thailand, deciding to exchange gray everyday life and cold weather for a rich life in sunny Asia. This practice is especially common for residents of large cities: people rent out their apartments/rooms, and the money received from this is more than enough for them to live carefree in Thailand right on the seashore. Another category of people are freelancers. Working remotely via the Internet, these people do not earn the most money by Russian standards, but such earnings are quite enough to live here.

So, the cost of living in Thailand (as in any other place) consists of two main parts: the cost of housing and the cost of food.

Cost of housing in Thailand

Renting a house or condo in Thailand (one or two bedrooms, a kitchen, often even with a swimming pool) will cost from 10 thousand baht per month - from 17 thousand rubles. With this money, it is now unlikely that you will be able to rent housing with a similar level of comfort in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And here you have a whole house! For example, in St. Petersburg we rented a room near the Tekhnologichesky Institute metro station for about 20 thousand rubles including utilities (price before the crisis, 2014).

The decisive factor in pricing rental housing in Thailand is geographical. In popular tourist destinations such as Pattaya, Hua Hin and Phuket, everything will cost more than in the north of Thailand - for example, in Chiang Mai. In addition, seasonality, amenities and the size of the home affect the price. We recommend renting private housing on the special Airbnb service - there you will find a variety of options.

Food prices in Thailand

The second key component is food. The cost of food in Thailand is surprisingly low. A shish kebab will cost from 10 baht, a large plate of rice with meat - from 30 baht, noodle soup and dumplings - from 40 baht. Food costs in Thailand will be even lower if you cook yourself, buying food in stores and markets. Read more about current prices in this country in the article and - prices for food and accommodation, as well as transport, are described in detail there.

Prices for renting a bike in Thailand

For those who prefer to have their own vehicle, this is ideal motorbike rental. A month's rent will cost 3-4 thousand baht or 200-300 baht per day. In the north of Thailand, rent will be cheaper. Gasoline costs approximately 40-50 baht per liter.

Read our useful articles and instructions on how to get to Thailand on a budget:


(Photo © mehul.antani / flickr.com)

Exchange rate: 1 Indian rupee (INR) ≈ 1 RUB.

Cost of housing in India (Goa)

In general, rental prices in India are not much different from those in Thailand. The cost of rent depends on the time of year (more expensive in winter), on the size and furnishings of the home, on the distance to the beach and, importantly, on the expected rental period. For example, in Goa, even during the season (winter), renting a condo or house far from the coastline (over 3 km) can cost from 18.5 thousand rupees per month, closer to the sea - from 23.5 to 30 thousand rupees per month. Most often, people rent houses (1-2 rooms with a kitchen, but not on the beach) for 20-26 thousand rupees per month. To calculate the cost of renting a house in Goa, you can use a special one, which will take into account all the most important parameters and give you the average price for this type of housing.

A room in a guesthouse (double with shower and toilet) will cost from 470 to 700 rupees. You can rent a bungalow or a wooden house (with shower, toilet, minimal furnishings) for 400-1000 rupees per day. It is best to look for private accommodation in Goa on the special Airbnb service. Another option is to look locally, unless you decide to come before the holidays - New Year and Christmas, then it is better to book in advance.

Cost of food in India (Goa)

You can eat inexpensively in India in shacks - small eateries on the beaches, where you will find both European and Indian food. You can have lunch at a shack for between 60 and 150 rupees. Breakfast will cost about 50-80 rupees, Indian dishes cost in the range of 100-200 rupees, soups - from 50 rupees.

Freshly squeezed juices cost between 50 and 100 rupees per glass, depending on the type of fruit. A bottle of local beer in a store costs about 60 rupees, in a cafe - from 100 rupees, a cup of coffee in a mid-price cafe - from 50 to 80 rupees. A bottle of water in a store - from 15 rupees, masala tea - up to 50 rupees, depending on the establishment.

Prices for renting a bike in Goa

It costs from 200 to 250 rupees to rent a bike per day, for a month - 4-6.5 thousand rupees. The price depends on the power of the bike and how new/worn it is.


(Photo © Sunova Surfboards / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Bali is an island belonging to Indonesia.

Exchange rate: 10,000 Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) ≈ 45 RUB.

Cost of housing in Bali

Bali is becoming more and more popular every year, which is why housing prices are rising noticeably. The cost of housing in Bali depends on the resort, location and amenities, rental period and size. For example, a house with three rooms and a kitchen in Kuta on Airbnb can be found from $500 per month, but if you try, you can find it from $400 per month. A guesthouse room for a month can cost from $70, but be prepared for very spartan conditions. In general, on average, a decent room in Bali can be found in a guesthouse for $13-15 per night.

Housing prices in Bali vary significantly from resort to resort - the more popular it is, the more expensive it is. Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua, Sanur - prices here will be quite high. In Uluwatu, Jimbaran, Canggu and other cities it’s cheaper; judging by traveler reviews, you can find a nice house not too far from the sea for around $400.

Advice: The longer you plan to rent a home, the cheaper it will cost you. In Bali it is common to pay your rent up front, so keep this in mind. It is also better to look for a house on your own, riding around on a bike, since agencies and realtors charge a large commission (and there is a risk of getting involved with an unscrupulous realtor). Before contacting agencies, read reviews on the Internet.

Cost of food in Bali

You can eat on a budget in Bali in warungs (small cafes), lunch for two will cost about 40 thousand rupees (about 170 rubles), that is, a dish with meat costs up to 20 thousand rupees, soups are about the same. Vegetarian dishes are cheaper - up to 15 thousand rupees. Milkshakes cost up to 13 thousand. Sweet pancakes - up to 20 thousand rupees. On average, a dish in a warung costs 20-25 thousand rupees.

Be careful - not all warungs are for locals; there are also tourist warungs designed for foreigners, the prices there are higher. The closer the warung is to the sea, the higher the prices.

Useful articles about the island:

  • - fly to a paradise island cheaply!
  • - overview of current prices.
  • - information on prices for visas, transport, food and rental housing.


Exchange rate: 1 Philippine Peso (PHP) ≈ 1.3 RUB.

Cost of renting a house in the Philippines

The Philippines is another place where you can live cheaply. The capital Manila is too popular among tourists and, therefore, is not suitable for inexpensive accommodation. However, the province of Cebu, which is a fairly developed region with all the necessary infrastructure, will be quite suitable for budget living. A house on the islands of Cebu and Panglao can be rented from 13.5-15 thousand pesos (or from $300). If you put in a lot of effort and search hard, you can get by on 10 thousand pesos a month.

A room in a house in Boracay can be rented for 630 pesos per day, a bed in a hostel with shared amenities can be found for 300 pesos per day, and in general, on average, prices in hostels are in the range of 400-500 pesos. The price for a double room in a hotel is on average 700 pesos per night, you can find cheaper ones - the price depends on the location and amenities. We recommend looking for private housing on the popular Airbnb service - there are not only standard rooms and apartments, but also exotic options.

Food prices in the Philippines

Food in the Philippines, as in other Southeast Asian countries, is inexpensive. In cafes and local shops you can eat your fill for 100-150 pesos per person, buying a portion of rice with meat and a drink, but you can eat cheaper. In tourist cafes the prices are higher - you will have to spend about 200-300 pesos per person. In restaurants, the main dish costs from 100-150 rubles. The most popular beer is San Miguel Pilsen: a 0.33 bottle can be bought for 30-50 pesos, rum costs from 80 pesos. inexpensive, better to buy in the markets.

Introductory image source: © torbus / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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