Cycling tourism - everything you wanted to know about cycling tourism. Cycling tourism - its types and travel routes Features of cycling tourism in different countries

Cycling tourism, exclusively for ignorant people, seems like some kind of semblance or analogue of an easy walk. They say you calmly pedal and look around, simultaneously exploring the area and enjoying all the delights of life. In fact, a cyclist faces a wide variety of dangers along the way, for example, cars or fallen trees, as well as large and small stones. Alternatively, even angry dogs can ruin your holiday. This is not to mention the fact that the weather can suddenly deteriorate, and driving with an icy wind blowing in your face and rain pouring down your collar is, to put it mildly, unpleasant. However, the number of cycling tourists and fans of such active recreation is growing every year. And the reason for this is the indescribable and incomparable feeling of flying freedom. It is worth all the difficulties or hardships endured.

Types of cycling tourism

According to its design features, bicycle tourism is divided into several types. They differ. For example, civilized cycling tourism is the well-known, most common bicycle rides in an area that is optimally suited for such a pastime. There are no obstacles or adventures to be found here, as such, but beautiful and picturesque views of the area are abundant. In general, this is a real paradise for beginners.

Sports cycling is a sport that, unfortunately, is in decline today. But he forces his fans to set new and new records. It is required to cover a certain predetermined distance within a certain period of time. For example, it takes, say, a couple of months to get from Moscow to Vladivostok by bicycle.

Race bike tourism involves a situation where travelers don't pay any attention to the sights, they just ride. And the sooner the better, there is no time for poetry. The main thing here is to overcome a given distance. They literally “swallow” a given space. But this is interesting and exciting in its own way.

Expedition cycling is preferred by those people who enjoy overcoming obstacles. For example, with a backpack for cycling tourism on a hike through mountains or ice fields, and also through frozen bodies of water - rivers and lakes. Each time they will create an even more difficult route for themselves.

Biker touring is essentially testing the power of your bike. The faster you move along the highway, the better. By the way, bikers and street racers constantly show off and compete with each other in technology. Winter cycling tourism fully corresponds to the time of year indicated in it. It turns out that these are walks in bad or at least very cold weather. As they say, everything is for everyone.

What does the success of a bike trip depend on?

First of all, it depends on your physical fitness, as well as on the right choice of bike.


Bicycles come in different types, and to choose the best one for yourself, you should learn more about them.

If not everything, then a lot will depend on the correct choice of bicycle. In particular, whether your trip will work out or not. If you suddenly make a mistake, then the bicycle threatens to immediately turn into a useless addition to a walk.


It would be better for beginners to turn to specialists for help - basic knowledge is still needed.

The best type of bicycle is considered to be the most common, touring one. It has a durable road frame, curved handlebars and 622mm wheels.

A mountain bike, also known as a mountain bike, is also good. With a smaller wheel diameter and a straight steering wheel, all components with parts can boast increased strength. This type of transport is suitable for an aggressive travel style, but is not particularly suitable for long bike rides.

In addition, there are also hybrids of mountain bikes and touring bikes. True, they mainly combine not the advantages, but the disadvantages of both types. In general, experts do not recommend them.

Where can you go cycling?

To go hiking on two wheels, you don’t have to leave the country.

Russia has a fairly extensive geography for cycling tourism. You can ride, say, from Kaliningrad to the Urals. There are better routes, when in the process it is possible to see many of the sights of our huge country. A gold ring will definitely give you a great experience. On the way you come across very picturesque places, be it fields and pine forests, as well as birch groves. One should not lose sight of the opportunity to contemplate the architecture of ancient cities, in particular Suzdal, Vladimir and Kostroma, as well as Yaroslavl and Uglich. This trip takes about 10 days.

A good tour will be from the Pushkin Mountains to Pskov, definitely through the city of Izborsk. You will learn a lot about the history of Russian architecture, and see the places where the luminary of Russian poetry, A. S. Pushkin, once worked.

Route through central Russia

In central Russia there are many already developed routes to the sources of the Volga River, around the Ladoga River or along the Isthmus of Karelia. You can go to the Valaam natural park to see the monasteries, and also visit the Transfiguration Cathedral.


In Karelia there are very popular tours in the direction of the flat Kivach waterfall - it is the second largest in all of Europe, and also to the Marcial Waters resort. But the most beautiful Karelian tour will be a trip through the landscape reserve called “Tolvoyari”.

The Republic of Mari El is another cycling zone. There are forests, lakes with rivers and meadows. Traveling here is a real pleasure. Most of the routes go through pine forests or along rivers, through very beautiful local meadows.

Ural Bike Trips offer combined tours. Both cycling and water. A national park called “Bashkiria” awaits tourists here, further to the border with the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve. He is the only one in the whole world who protects bees. In Altai there are intermountain basins and ridges, as well as steppes with rivers. You can also take a ride along the Katun River and then cross it on a raft.

Route along Baikal

The most interesting route along Lake Baikal begins with the beginning of the taiga zone of the Primorsky Ridge, which stretches along the southwest coast of the lake. Then he turns to the Tazheran steppe, which is very rich in ravines and small salt lakes. Here you can admire the picturesque view of Lake Baikal. This route ends right at Olkhon.


If you are not an experienced cyclist, start with a short hike of no more than 3 days. The surrounding areas of the city in which you live are also suitable for this.

Where can you go on a bike tour abroad?

This is supported in many countries around the world. There are hundreds of exciting routes for cycling tourists in the world. Of course, you can’t master everything; you have to start with the most interesting things.

Cycling abroad

Cycling on the Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight in England is loved by almost all modern cyclists. Traveling here is still a pleasure. Not only is the terrain varied, but there are always some festivals going on.

Provence is sunny and has many vineyards. There are also well-groomed gardens and rocky slopes with ancient villages. The main destination will be a mountain called Mont Ventoux.

On the West Coast of Tasmania, cycling is certainly not easy, because the landscape there is special. But a lot of pleasant impressions are guaranteed. You will have plenty of views of the coastal towns, mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

Driving around San Juan allows you to admire the coves as well as the quaint coastline. Each island has its own differences. In addition to different names - Orcas, Lopez, and also San Juan, you will see different animals. Somewhere you'll see a seal or an otter, or even a killer whale. You might even see a sea lion in person. Eagles fly over the islands from time to time, and a large number of deer live in the forest.


Vietnam has beautiful nature, but the most popular cycling route is the one that runs along the national highway number 1. It is worth keeping in mind in advance that it is quite long, but very picturesque, because it goes along the coast of this country.

Cycling touring in County Clare

And the route to the county called Clare was chosen by fans of various sandy beaches or huge rocks. Cyclists who are lucky enough to get to Ireland become infected with local traditions and, as a result, also go to the pub. There we had a couple of mugs, then we went to the hotel. Well, the road is not going anywhere, it will wait until tomorrow.


In Cuba, the descent from Mount Baracoa to the southern part of the coast is simply stunning, even spectacular. It covers 9 kilometers and runs along the highway called La Farola. Along it there are rocks completely covered with tropical vegetation. With every meter a person is getting closer to the ocean. The main thing is to slow down in time.

There are beautiful coastlines, cliffs and a clear lake called Brass D'or in Canada. And the Cape Breton ridges are the ultimate dream for a cyclist. Along the route you will see fishing villages, and moose, deer and beavers walk in the forest.

Route around the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

The region with the long name Friuli Venezia Giulia allows you to completely immerse yourself in the slow, unhurried and measured life of modern Italian farmers who carefully cultivate the land and care for their gardens, and during breaks sip wine, lying in the shade of the trees.

Otago Peninsula

The Otago Peninsula in New Zealand is interesting because a serpentine line of many turns stretches along the ocean coastline. On the way, tourists will encounter steep climbs and fast, heart-stopping descents, as well as very annoying birds.


If you are a fan of cycling, then, as you can see, there are many different routes to suit every taste. All that remains is to make a choice and make a trip that will be remembered for a long time. In general, you can start with anything to understand what you like most.

Cycling - video

Cycle touring: detailed information on cycling trips around the world. Popular routes, types of cycling tourism, photos, reviews of tourists about cycling tourism on the “Subtleties of Tourism”.

Cycling tourism seems like a cakewalk only to the ignorant. Like, you spin your pedals, look around, study the area and enjoy life. In fact, any danger can arise on the path of a cyclist - a car, fallen trees, stones. Angry dogs, finally. Not to mention bad weather, when rain hits your face or snow creeps up your collar.

Why, then, every year more and more people choose this type of vacation? Probably because it gives a feeling of freedom - movement, communication. You take responsibility for your destiny. Here you are, the road, you and the bike. Forward, and no one knows what awaits around the corner.

Types of cycling tourism

Another important information for beginners: there are several types of cycling tourism. They are all essentially similar - overcoming obstacles using a bicycle. But there are significant differences.

For example, civilized cycling tourism consists of ordinary walks in areas that are best suited for this type of transport. No adventures along the way. Only fresh air and beautiful scenery. For beginners - just right.

Sports cycling tourism, which, however, is in decline, forces people to set records. You need to cover the required distance in a certain amount of time. For example, a ride from Moscow to Vladivostok in 2 months.

Racing cycling tourism is when travelers do not pay attention to the sights, but only ride, ride and ride. For them, the main thing is to overcome a given distance. They “swallow” the space, like a schoolboy rushing to class who chews a cutlet as he goes.

Expeditionary is chosen by people who like to overcome obstacles. These could be mountains, ice fields, frozen lakes, etc. For such travelers, the best reward is the route traveled. After which they happily build a new, more complex one for themselves.

Biker tourism allows you to test the power of your transport. The traveler chooses a route suitable for his two-wheeled friend and makes the most of it. This is how bikers or street racers compete with each other, showing off their equipment in front of each other.

Winter cycling tourism, as the name suggests, corresponds to one season. Yes, there are people who are only interested in riding in bad weather, in snowfall, slush or ice. They believe that everything around them looks much more beautiful in winter. That’s why they rush to see as many interesting places as possible in 3 months.

Bike selection

Everything depends on the right choice of bike - whether your trip will be successful or not. If you make a mistake, cycling will immediately turn into hiking.

For beginners, it is better to seek help from specialists. These could be consultants in cycling clubs or salespeople in special equipment stores. They will tell you which bike is suitable for a particular route, what to take with you on the road, etc.

The best type of bike is a regular touring bike - with a durable road profile frame, curved handlebars and 622 mm wheels.

A mountain bike or mountain bike is also good. It has a smaller wheel diameter and a straight steering wheel, components and parts of increased strength. These bikes are suitable for an aggressive riding style and are not particularly suitable for long cycling trips.

In addition, there are hybrids of mountain and touring bikes. However, their meaning is still unclear to specialists. Because often such models combine the disadvantages of both directions. It turns out neither this nor that.

Bike tour in Europe

Bicycle tours in Russia

Russia has a fairly extensive geography of cycling tourism. You can easily ride from Kaliningrad to the Urals. There are also better routes, during which you can see many of the country’s attractions.

Golden ring

This route will bring a lot of impressions. Along the way there are picturesque places: fields, pine forests, birch groves. Add to this the architecture of the ancient Russian cities of Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Uglich. On average, a trip along the Golden Circle takes 10 days.

Pushkin Mountains

A good tour from the Pushkin Mountains to Pskov via Izborsk. During this trip, you can get acquainted with the history of Russian architecture, as well as see the places where one of the world's most famous poets, A. S. Pushkin, worked.

Central Russia

In central Russia there are developed routes to the sources of the Volga, around Ladoga and along the Karelian Isthmus. You can visit the Valaam natural park, see monasteries and the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Bike tours around the world

There are hundreds of exciting routes for cyclists in the world. It is unlikely that you will be able to try everything, but these ten are worth mastering. These are the best cycling routes on planet Earth.

Isle of Wight, England

Almost all cyclists put this island first. Traveling here is not just one thing, but two, three, four... in general, you can have a lot of fun in this English place.

There is quite a varied terrain here - streets, hills, green ravines. Festivals are also periodically held on the island. You can witness something like this.

Provence, France

Provence is sunny and has many vineyards. And also well-kept gardens, rocky slopes and ancient villages. The main destination is Mont Ventoux. Until you visit it, you don’t have to leave Provence.

Tasmania, Australia

Cycling on the West Coast of Tasmania is not easy, the landscape is special. But you can get a lot of pleasant impressions from meeting coastal towns, mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

San Juan Islands, USA

You drive around San Juan and admire the bays and coastline. Each island has its own differences. First, they have different names - Orcas, Lopez and San Juan. Secondly, there are different animals found here. Somewhere you come across a dead animal, somewhere an otter has been lost by a killer whale. And here is the sea lion. Eagles fly over the islands, deer sit in the forest. Idyll.

National Highway No. 1, Vietnam

Vietnam has beautiful nature, to say the least. The most popular cycling route is along National Highway 1. A word of warning: it is long but scenic because it runs along the country's coastline.

County Clare, Ireland

And this route is chosen by fans of sandy beaches and huge rocks. Cyclists, coming to Ireland, become infected with local traditions and go to the pub. We drank a couple of glasses and headed to the hotel. The road will wait until tomorrow.

La Farola, Cuba

Cuba has a stunning, spectacular descent from Mount Baracoa to the south coast. It stretches for 9 kilometers along the La Farola highway. Along it there are rocks with tropical vegetation. With every meter you are getting closer and closer to the ocean. In general, be sure to brake in time.

Around Cuba by bike

Cape Breton Island, Canada

Beautiful coastlines, cliffs, pristine Brass D'Or Lake, the Cape Breton Ranges - it sounds like music. For cyclists, this route is just a song. Along the way there are fishing villages, and in the forest you can find moose, deer and beavers. This area in Canada is filled with everything that a great cycling route can boast of.

Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

The Friuli Venezia Giulia region allows you to plunge into the leisurely, measured life of Italian farmers who cultivate the land, tend to their gardens and sip wine in the shade of the trees.

Otago Peninsula, New Zealand

A serpentine of turns stretches along the ocean shore. On the way, every tourist faces steep climbs, fast descents and annoying birds. It’s not clear whether to feed them or not - suddenly they will become even more attached.

Among types of active recreation, cycling tourism is the leader in terms of speed of movement and length of routes!

Is cycling tourism a sport or a recreation?

Cycling tourism is one of the types of tourism. The main feature of cycling tourism is that the tourist moves around the area on a bicycle. Cycling tourism is classified as both an active recreation and sports tourism. Cycling tourism as an active recreation involves cycling along tourist and excursion routes.

The difficulty of cycling trips can vary. The big advantage of cycling tourism is that a bicycle makes it possible to cover the route quickly. That is, in a short time you will travel many more kilometers than if you walked. This allows you to explore more tourist sites in a short time. The main purpose of cycling tourism as an active holiday is travel for the soul.

Cycling tourism as a recreation is also divided into two subcategories: bicycle tours and bicycle trips. Bike tour is an easier option. In this case, any person without preparation for hiking conditions can hit the road. All participants of the cycling tour travel without luggage and backpacks, which are in the accompanying car. Meals and overnight stays are provided in hotels or cottages with cafes and restaurants. A more extreme type of cycling tourism is cycling. In this case, the physical load on the participants increases, and comfort, in the everyday sense, decreases. But at the same time, cyclists can get into places where no car can go. Only on a bike ride can you experience a sense of adventure, sit by the fire, and test yourself.

Sports cycling tourism is aimed at obtaining sports categories and titles, and participation in competitions. In sports cycling tourism, there are six categories of trekking difficulty. The first category is the simplest, the sixth is the most difficult. The category of difficulty of a hike is determined by the methodology for categorizing cycling hikes. The minimum length of a cycling trip of the first category of difficulty is 300 km.

Thus, cycling tourism can be safely classified as both sport and recreation.

Cycling is a popular form of recreation

The bicycle as a means of transportation appeared more than 150 years ago. With the invention of the bicycle, travel enthusiasts have many more options. The first mentions of cyclists date back to the beginning of the twentieth century. In our country, cycling tourism began to actively develop in the 20-30s.

Today, cycling is one of the most popular types of outdoor activities. Over 150 years, bicycles have become much more comfortable, lighter and more reliable. And the advantages of the bicycle in tourism have remained unchanged for a century and a half. By bicycle you can cover many more sights, be it nature or some historical monuments. Bicycle tourism does not require the presence of paved roads, or roads at all.

In recent years, cycling tourism has returned to great popularity. For lovers of cycling, there are many interesting routes that can be conquered either independently or through a travel company.

Well, manufacturers of bicycles and equipment are making life much easier for cyclists, making cycling more comfortable and enjoyable. In the stores you can buy new models of bicycles, clothing, cycling shoes, cycling backpacks and other accessories that will make your trip unforgettable!

Cycling tourism is the most, the most, the most...

Cycling tourism is a very unique type of active tourism. It contains a lot of advantages that other types of recreation do not have.

Firstly, a bicycle is the most environmentally friendly form of transport. The bicycle does not require fuel, and therefore does not pollute the environment with gases hazardous to nature. Secondly, a bicycle is the most economical means of transportation. Thirdly, it is a highly capable vehicle, and in difficult situations it can simply be carried by hand. Fourthly, if necessary, a bicycle can be carried by car, bus, subway and train. Fifthly, when riding a bicycle you spend less energy and are not as tired. Even overcoming difficult places, instead of irritation, you can get a certain pleasure and drive. Sixthly, cycling “removes” such inconvenience as carrying a heavy backpack on your back. And seventhly, what could be more pleasant than riding a modern bicycle, which easily picks up speed and brakes quickly.

As you have already seen, cycling tourism has many advantages: no harm to nature, inexpensive travel costs, the ability to travel around hard-to-reach places in a short time and the pleasure of cycling.

Bicycle as the basis of cycling tourism

Choosing the right bike for cycling is the key to the success of the entire trip. A bicycle must be comfortable and reliable. It should be comfortable so that you can comfortably travel long distances on it. Your active recreation should not turn into a struggle with pain and discomfort.

Before your cycling trip, be sure to choose the bike that is right for you. Ride your bike for a few kilometers to make sure you make the right choice. Pay attention to the frame size. It should match your height. For those who don't know, let's clarify. Each bicycle has its own “size”, that is, the frame size. And for a certain height there is a specific frame size.

Typically, bicycle touring uses chrome-molybdenum or aluminum frames. Aluminum frames are suitable for short bike trips. They are light and durable. For serious cycling trips, take a bicycle with chrome-molybdenum frames, which can be easily repaired on your own.

The frame must have rack mounts. There are 2 types of fastenings: side (located in the rear stays of the frame) and central (located in the jumper connecting these stays).

After the frame, pay attention to the seat. Its geometry must satisfy the anatomical features of your body. The seat can be cheap or very expensive, the main thing is that you feel comfortable on it. Remember, your bottom will not forgive you for an uncomfortable seat!!!

Before cycling, adjust the height of the seatpost and the position of the saddle itself. Your extended leg should touch the pedal with your heel.

Experts also advise paying attention to takeout. It needs to be selected according to length so as not to experience pain in the back and arms during long trips. The most common offset values ​​are from 90 to 130 mm in length.

Bike reliability is of paramount importance. You may find yourself in a place where there are no workshops. Therefore, you will have to repair the bike yourself. Be sure to take a standard bicycle repair kit and a minimum number of tools with you on your cycling trip.

Features of backpacks in cycling tourism

As you may have guessed, backpacks are special in cycling tourism. They are even called bicycle backpacks. Bicycle backpacks are divided into shoulder backpacks and luggage backpacks.

Backpacks have a small volume from 5 to 35 liters and are designed to carry a minimum of things. Typically, bike backpacks are brightly colored, have helmet mounts, and taper toward the top.

Luggage bike backpacks (“bike pants”) are mounted on the trunk of a bicycle, with parts of the backpack usually hanging on either side of the wheel. Depending on the number of compartments, bicycle backpacks are single-volume, double-volume and multi-volume. It is easy to attach axes and pumps to the single-volume bicycle backpack. The big advantage of a multi-volume backpack is that you can both neatly put things in it and take it out of it.

The most popular are three-section bicycle backpacks. Each section can be used separately. The disadvantage is that when fully assembled, such a backpack is difficult to attach to a bicycle, and it is inconvenient and heavy to carry on yourself. There are even five-section bicycle backpacks available in imported versions.

Popular cycling destinations

Among the most popular and interesting places for cycling tourism are the Crimea (steppe and mountain), Karelia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Southern Urals, the Krasnodar Territory, and the Caucasus. In fact, in every region of Russia you can find places for cycling tourism.

Crimea is especially ideal for active recreation and cycling tourism. Here you can combine several types of recreation. During your cycling trip, you can relax on the Black Sea coast, visit the sights from the Swallow's Nest to the Genoese fortresses, then go to the mountains, get to Chufut-Kale or Bakhchisarai, visit the Crimean Nature Reserve, the Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve, the Cape Martyan Nature Reserve , Karadag Nature Reserve, Kazantip Nature Reserve, etc. Since Soviet times, several tourist routes have passed through the territory of Crimea, including those with a “bicycle” bias.

The Southern Urals and Bashkiria will be of interest to cyclists. The low Ural mountains covered with fluffy taiga, gentle mountain rivers, reddish rocks and caves, as well as many lakes will captivate you from your first trip. The history of this region is rich and mysterious. The Urals are full of legends and traditions. Somewhere here the Mistress of the Copper Mountain hid her treasures...

The Caucasus and the Krasnodar region are generally a separate topic in the cycling tourism section. These places are meant to surprise, learn and discover!

European countries will also be interesting for cyclists: Italy, France, Greece, Crete, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Catalonia. Bicycling in Europe is one of the popular forms of not only recreation, but also transportation. Hence, the city infrastructure and roads are ideal for cycling tourism. Well, here you can see a great variety of monuments, castles of ancient knights, old fortresses, and also admire the Alps and Pyrenees.

Cycling is healthy!

Cycling is a great way to stay fit. After all, many of us, working in offices, suffer from physical inactivity.

Physical inactivity is a violation of body functions (musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, breathing, digestion) with limited physical activity and decreased strength of muscle contraction. Physical inactivity is a consequence of the fact that a person has freed himself from physical labor; it is also sometimes called the “disease of civilization.” Physical inactivity especially affects the cardiovascular system - the strength of heart contractions weakens, working capacity decreases, and vascular tone decreases. Metabolism and energy are also negatively affected, and blood supply to tissues is reduced. As a result of inadequate breakdown of fats, the blood becomes “fatty” and flows lazily through the vessels - the supply of nutrients and oxygen decreases. The consequence of physical inactivity can be obesity and atherosclerosis.

The main prevention of physical inactivity is movement, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. That's what cycling gives us!!!

In addition, cycling gives you the opportunity to get to know the surrounding area, the surrounding nature, and get a lot of positive emotions. Cycling calms your nerves and improves your tone. Well, for those who want to lose weight, remember that cycling tourism will contribute to this.

So choose your route and hit the road! Well, for residents of the Southern Urals we recommend the “Lake Region” cycling tour. Call: 8-951-488-3565.

When everyone starts actively talking about cycling holidays, they mean going through a variety of routes in which you can meet sights, as well as various excursion objects. If you decide to relax as actively as possible, cycling tourism is exactly what you need.

You will certainly have a completely unique opportunity to climb into the most remote and secluded corners, drive along trails and see simply magnificent places that cannot be seen if you go on a trip by excursion bus or car.

Cycling tourism is also attractive because you get excellent and useful physical activity during the entire exciting journey, and improve the condition of your entire immune system.

The main task is to prepare properly and select high-quality equipment for cycling tourism. What is attractive about this type of modern and so popular tourism? What type of cycling tourism do you have the opportunity to engage in and enjoy the sights around you?


Modern bicycle tourism allows every tourist to feel complete unity with a certain area, because you will not have any boundaries. Using a bicycle, you can explore the area as if you were walking along it.

Complete freedom of travel destinations. A unique opportunity to choose your route and change it at any moment when you want. Modern mountain bikes can handle absolutely any route, so this should definitely be used.

Many people in our modern world pay attention to the environment and try to take care of it as much as possible. Every person wants to travel actively and visit a variety of countries. In this case, cycling tourism is the best and optimal option.

What are the other advantages of such popular tourism:

  1. Every minute you breathe fresh and clean air, and your body receives a constant load.
  2. A tourist has a unique opportunity not only to see the sights, but also to improve immunity.
  3. Cycling tourism is also relevant for those who suffer from heart disease, but they are allowed exercise controlled by a doctor.
  4. Cycling tourism is quite economical.

You will only have to spend money once - purchasing a good and comfortable bicycle, as well as equipment. You have the opportunity to purchase additional items or update your set. Sometimes repairs are needed, but they are not global, so there will not be large expenses.

Types of bicycle tourism

Cycling tourism has different guises. This type of recreation stands out quite favorably against other types of tourism. It is the benefits from it for humans and the entire environment that are a real godsend for a vacationer.

Cycling tourism gives everyone the opportunity to combine business with pleasure: you ride over a long distance, feel unity with your environment, which is simply impossible to achieve while traveling by road.

You have the opportunity to choose the optimal type of tourism for yourself in order to enjoy your vacation as much as possible and get the benefits that are guaranteed to come from it.

Cycling classic

Here everything will happen as in an ordinary tourist and exciting hike in nature. Your main means of transportation is a bicycle. You will have a great overnight stay in nature in a furnished tent, interesting evenings around a warm fire, and food cooked on a picnic. All these aspects must be taken into account to make your vacation enjoyable and exciting.

This cycling tour has a certain advantage - you can cover the longest distances in the time allotted for the hike. You will even have the opportunity to carry a load, but not on your back, but on a bicycle.

Cycling tourism is civilized

This is a common and popular type of active recreation. Not so long ago he came to our country from the far west. You will have an excellent opportunity to relax during an overnight stay in a comfortable hotel, hostel or campsite. Often they take food from stores or in cafes on site, but if you wish, you can cook it yourself or in the company of vacationers with you.

There are certain advantages here that cannot be ignored:

  1. A light weight that should be carried on a bike. This is due to the fact that overnight stays will be in a hotel. There will be no tents, no thermal underwear, or other things that are needed for minimal comfort during a tourist holiday on bicycles.
  2. The food will be bought in stores or cafes, so you won’t need to take any ingredients. This will also lighten your load.
  3. The ability to walk a short or long distance in a short time. It won't take a lot of your strength and energy.

Very often this version of cycling tourism is called European. It involves the use of certain delights of civilization, which is simply necessary for many tourists. This style has nothing negative or bad, as you have an excellent opportunity to gently enter the world of cycling recreation.

Cycling tourism educational

This type is the simplest, but at the same time quite common. The main purpose of such a vacation is a bicycle trip with sightseeing, interesting historical and natural places. You will need absolutely nothing from the cyclist other than his desire to enjoy the ride. Educational cycling tourism allows you to relax for several days with or without a planned overnight stay - it all depends on individual preference.

Sports cycling tourism

Sports cycling is multi-day cycling trips with full hiking equipment. This is a cycling touring all-around competition. The emphasis is on the complexity of the route with difficult roads, off-road and forest paths and the like.

This type of vacation will require you to formalize certain documents, as well as maintain detailed and thorough statistics of the entire cycling trip. This is necessary so that the campaign and, accordingly, you are assigned a certain sports category. This important indicator directly indicates how prepared you are. This category is needed for professional instructors and for participation in a wide variety of cycling trips.

Adventure cycling

Travel companies have recently been organizing trips to hard-to-reach areas - tropical forests, mountains and deserts - for thrill-seekers in some countries. Usually a bus accompanies the group for backup. You can always use his services in case of rain, bad weather or just tired.

Types of bicycles for cycling tourism

Road racing bikes

Designed for driving on smooth asphalt, where they have advantages thanks to thin tube tires.

It is better for experienced cyclists to engage in tourism on such bicycles. They are not very maneuverable, they have the lowest cross-country ability of all types of bicycles. Thanks to the tubes - thin tires - they are designed to drive on smooth asphalt.

Touring bikes

Classic touring is a more durable version of a road bike. Advantages of touring bikes:

  • ease of movement on highways and dirt roads,
  • good directional stability,
  • high load capacity,
  • wide range of gears (18-27).

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • low maneuverability,
  • moderate cross-country ability on technically difficult routes.

Touring bikes are good for classic and sports trips on a variety of roads, but they are not suitable for aggressive and extreme driving.

Mountain Bikes

Mountain bikes were born in the early 80s of the 20th century and are still developing today. They have many names: off-road vehicles, mountain bikes, all-terrain vehicles, just bikes. They are designed specifically for driving in particularly difficult conditions. They have an aggressive appearance, have an off-road frame and 26-inch wheels. The mountain bike has a heavy-duty design, a large number of gears (24-27), wide tires, and excellent cross-country ability in off-road conditions.

A mountain bike is very versatile, suitable for both city riding and sports and long-distance travel.


This is a relatively new type: a symbiosis of touring and mountain biking. Hybrids are similar to mountain bikes in terms of frame geometry, a large number of gears (24-27), handlebars and stem. The wheel size is usually 28 inches. Front shock absorbers allow hybrids to be even more versatile.

The hybrid combines excellent speed performance with high cross-country ability on bad roads. Hybrids, like touring cars, are more suitable for classic hikes, but are aimed at harsh driving conditions.

Road bikes

A modern road bike has a durable design and tires, a wide range of gears, so they are not inferior to touring in cross-country ability. The soft saddle and high seating position make it the most comfortable of all types of bicycles.

The main purpose of such bicycles is grocery shopping and leisurely walks over short distances.

The advantage of a road bike is its low cost. This is due to the entry-level equipment, simple frames and the absence of a suspension fork.

You have an easy and clear task to choose the best option that will help you enjoy your holiday and cycling. You have an excellent opportunity to try each of the types - just buy a bike, equipment and enjoy the environment. The desire to travel is what drives every tourist who sets out on a journey in nature.

When traveling by car, you don’t have time to look at the beautiful buildings, walking can be too tiring, and you can’t go far on your own two feet, but bicycles are a completely different matter! In addition, all countries of the world are now pursuing an active social policy to develop cycling culture, so the number of cities ideal for cycling tourists will only grow from year to year.

We decided to recall several points on the map that already proudly bear the title of bike-friendly.

No other city on the planet could open this list: the undisputed cycling capital of the world is Amsterdam. It seems like it was created to move around on two wheels. It’s incredible, but 40% of all city traffic here is made up of cyclists, for whom the capital of the Netherlands has all the necessary conditions: dedicated traffic lanes, traffic lights, special guarded parking lots, canopies to protect iron horses from the weather and, of course, the most picturesque routes along numerous embankments.

Almost half of Copenhagen residents cycle to work or school. There are more registered bicycles in this city than there are people living here. In addition, there is a Bicycle Embassy in Denmark. Do we need any more arguments in favor of the fact that Copenhagen deserves the right to be called one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world? And they exist - every year the kingdom spends from 20 to 30 million dollars on the development of cycling infrastructure - new paths, parking lots, traffic lights. In addition, tourists in Copenhagen can rent public bicycles absolutely free of charge; all you need to do is leave a deposit, which will be returned to you after the end of the bike ride.

Another city that is definitely worth exploring by bike is San Francisco. In one of the most populous cities in California, traffic congestion is growing at an incredible rate, so switching to bicycles was an excellent way out of the current situation. Local authorities are actively supporting proposals that make life easier for cyclists: San Francisco is adding more scenic routes, and buses are equipped with special racks and areas for transporting bicycles.

In Berlin, about 13% of locals call cycling their main means of transportation. Compared to the Netherlands and Denmark, these figures seem modest, but the growth rate is impressive - in 10 years the number of bicycle owners has doubled. Considering that Germany has quite cold and long winters and the cycling season is open only in the warm season, this is good news. So are wide streets, dedicated paths and parking, and the BBBike mobile phone app that helps you determine the best bike route in the city from point A to point B.

In 2007, the Barcelona City Council set out to develop a cycling culture, and in the years since then it has achieved outstanding results. The main achievement was the construction of more than 100 bicycle stations throughout the city: you can take a bicycle to any of them and return it too. The council is working hard to expand the cycle network and build underground car parks. In addition, in September Barcelona celebrates a car-free day, when all residents switch to two-wheeled transport, and in May a whole Bike Week is organized!

Basel is a quiet and picturesque Swiss town, surrounded by beautiful fields, vineyards and cattle pastures. Here, cyclists do not so much get their vehicles to their destination as admire the scenery while slowly maneuvering through the streets. But at the same time, naturally, all conditions for riders have been created here - dedicated lanes, traffic lights, maps of the most impressive routes and many other options that are pleasant to the heart of any cyclist.

North American cities don't have much in the way of support for cycling, so Montreal stands out in particular. Bicycle paths began to be built here in the mid-1980s, and by today they have already shrouded the entire city and surrounding areas in a dense web. The cycling season here, unlike most European cities, is not year-round, but when the weather permits, walking turns into an exciting journey. According to sociological surveys, almost half of local residents pedal at least once a week.

It may seem strange to be included in the ranking of this dynamic metropolis with a population of millions and an overloaded transport system, but there is nothing surprising here: in the central areas of Tokyo, life is much slower than in the business districts and is ideal for cycling enthusiasts. Here the riders are not clad in lycra, like cyclists from London or New York, and are not trying to burn maximum calories while pedaling their newfangled machine. The Japanese prefer to drive quietly, without rushing anywhere, and their vehicles are often decorated with charming grocery baskets.


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