Abandoned villages of the Arkhangelsk region: Kuchepalda. Arhangelsk region

The life of historical landmarks is tragic in many ways and can be interrupted at any moment. And how painful it is to write that our country is losing another beautiful attraction...

Just recently I returned from a large expedition to the Russian North. In the Kargopol district of the Arkhangelsk region, I was especially struck by the amazing village of Kuchepalda. This settlement has a long history and a unique layout - once cozy wooden houses were located on the shore of Lyada - a lake that looks like a perfect circle. And next to Kuchepadla, in the middle of a picturesque field, there is a legendary temple in the form of a frozen candle flame in Red Lyaga.

For a long time, the life of the village residents was built around a beautiful lake. But, over time, disaster befell Kuchepalda. The water left the lake, and with it, the outflow of the local population from the village began. Now Kuchepalda is an abandoned village, looking like a beautiful ghost. Despite the desolation, until recently all the buildings of the village were located in a circle.

A few days ago, bad news came from Kuchepalda. Several ancient wooden houses burned down. The legendary circle has opened. The future fate of the ancient northern village is under threat.

At the entrance to the village, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region near Kargopol, a dilapidated chapel has been preserved.

Together with the “Common Cause” we are installing a sign “Chapel of Elijah the Prophet”. It was built at the end of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century.

"In the village of Kuchepalda there is a chapel in the name of the prophet Elijah - wooden, covered with planks, sheathed outside and inside with planks, painted with oil paint; length 4 pp., width 3 pp. [fol. 21] and height 1 ½ pp. ; it has 2 windows and 2 doors. It is unknown when, the structure is well preserved. Valued at 100 rubles."

RGIA, f. 799, op. 33, building 1112, l. 20-21. Insurance estimates for Krasnolyazhsky parish, July 19, 1910


Let's take a walk around the dry lake and see the preserved houses of northern architecture.

All lyags have wells from which water is collected. No one can say why the lake dried up; most likely it was shifts in the earth.

Kuchepalda was the 4th largest in the entire Olonets province.

You can get to Kuchepalda by turning at the sign "Kuchepalda" on the Kargopol-Pudezh highway.

The roads are still intact; they are still maintained in good condition by lumberjacks who are removing timber from here.

In one of these rickety huts, but only in the neighboring village of Grinevo, Ulyana Babkina lived, thanks to her the Kargopol toy was revived.

This is what the village looks like from a drone. In plan it is shaped like a Q, with a handle facing southeast, towards Krasnaya Lyaga. The circle has a length of about one and a half kilometers, if measured along the main street [http://sobory.ru/article/?object=28682]

There are stoves in the houses.

People began to leave the village in the 70s.

In Soviet times there was such an action “liquidation of unpromising lands”. It began in 1958 and ended in the 1980s. Thanks to this, we have lost and continue to lose most of our villages in the Non-Black Earth Region.

The plank roofs are covered with roofing felt.

The last resident left here 5 years ago.

Red rowan. In the north it is even brighter.

Yesterday, archaeologist Roman Ivanov wrote to me: “Tonight we returned from Krasnaya Lyaga. Everything is in order at the church. Your table is in place. But in Kuchepalda, two neighboring houses burned down the other day. The ashes of one of them were still smoking a little yesterday. It feels like someone flooded the old faulty stove in the house. And then the fire spread to the neighboring house. These are the two houses that stood across the lake directly opposite the entrance to the village. One of these days I’ll finish the album about the expedition and post these photos too. walking through the ashes. It’s very sad. As far as I understand, the houses were uninhabited. It’s just that someone (hunters, fishermen, stalkers, etc.) came in and flooded the stove.”

According to the recollections of former village residents, there were more than a hundred houses and about four hundred inhabitants in Kuchepalda

It is known that after the Second World War, the Pobeda collective farm was located in Kuchepalda, the chairman of which was the Full Knight of the Cross of St. George, a participant in the First World War, a World War II veteran who went through the Battle of Stalingrad V.Kh. Turygin.

The collective farm in Kuchepalda collapsed along with the neighboring Pechnikovsky state farm in 1992. In the early years of the nineties, the village was still alive and survived due to the farm that remained in it.


The karst lake is said to have sunk underground overnight. It’s as if people got up in the morning, but there was no lake...

They say the name Kuchepalda means “rotten lake”.

To preserve heat, cotton wool was often placed between window frames in village houses.

Some plots have two houses. One of them is smaller - winter, to make it easier to heat.

From a height of 300 meters.

Come to Kuchepalda, but try to keep it the same as it was before your arrival.

Somewhere in the thickets you can find a well with clean water.

The village store building has been preserved.

I hope that after my post, the right thoughts will come to someone and you will want to buy a house or an entire village here. Kargopolye is rich in beautiful places with unique wooden architecture.

Another interesting place in the Kargopol region is the village of Shelokhovskaya. Historical name Archangelo. A wooden church with unique architecture for these places has been preserved here. This is the only cubic-shaped temple in the upper reaches of the Onega River.

The church was built in honor of Archangel Michael - hence the name. The condition, I must say, is not important.
The neighboring small church looks no better, where restoration has dragged on for so long that even the restoration scaffolding is subject to major repairs.

The painted sky inside was well preserved, but everything was closed, and, unfortunately, we were not able to see it.


It was very hot these days. Myriads of white butterflies were constantly circling over the road, and even more of them were sitting right on the ground around small puddles or simply wet places.


Village Trofimovskaya (second name Volosovo). On a small hill near the Onega River, in the greenery, stands the dilapidated St. Nicholas Church. The situation is very deplorable; only chance can save the situation.

It’s a pity to see these rickety walls, so I decided to capture the church in a photo. Who knows whether it will survive or not, but these materials will be somewhat useful for history.


On the way back, a real chamomile field stretched along the road for hundreds of meters around. The spectacle is extraordinary.

A year later, within the framework of , we again found ourselves in the vicinity of Kargopol and, of course, could not help but stop by and stop in these places:

The lake is located 30 kilometers from the border zone with the Vinogradovsky district.

The shape of the lake is an oval; the area in the area is marshy. Not far from the lake there is an empty Red Perch hut.

There is only one river coming out of the lake, with the name Yavronga. It enters the Yula River, which is a tributary of the Pinega River. On the lake in the northern part there is one small island called Plavun.

The lake is part of the Monastyrsky nature reserve. The Monastyrsky Reserve is a state nature reserve of regional importance in the Arkhangelsk region.

Lacha lake

The area of ​​the mirror surface of the lake is almost 356 square meters. kilometers. It is located 118 meters above sea level. Its maximum depth is 5 meters, the average depth is 1.6 meters. There is shipping traffic on the lake. Until 1995, the Kargopol-Gorka passenger shipping line was built along Lake Lacha, with a length of about 103 kilometers.

The shores of the lake are swampy, uncut, the bottom is covered with peat. The lake occurred on the site of a reservoir where a glacier had previously been located, on a slope in the southeastern part of the Baltic Shield. The lake includes 12 rivers.

Shuleskoye Lake

The Zachachevskoye rural settlement bears the official name Zachachevskoye Municipal Formation and is a municipal entity. Zachachevskoye was formed in 2005; previously this territory included the Yemetsky district and the Yemetsky district.

Zachachevskoye rural settlement is located on the southern side of the Kholmogory district, on the bank on the left side of the Northern Dvina. The administrative center of the settlement is the village of Zabolotye. The largest rivers that are part of this municipality are Endyuga, Malaya Chacha, Nykolka, Bolshaya Chacha, Revna, Rakova, Vareka.

Lake Shuleskoye covers an area of ​​700 square meters. On the northern side of the lake, on the shore, there is a hunting hut. The lake is surrounded by the Shuleskoye swamp, and the shores of the lake are very swampy. The waters flowing into the lake flow out of the swamp.

Chayachy Lake

The length of the lake is almost 300 meters and the width is 105. Around the lake there are Oktyabrskaya Street, Primorsky Boulevard and Butoma Avenue.

Despite the fact that the lake is located next to the sea and is small in size, only freshwater organisms (daphnia, slipper ciliates) exist in it, since the water in the lake is fresh. In winter, the lake is covered with ice. In warm weather, in addition to seagulls, ducks flock to the lake for the purpose of breeding. During perestroika, when hunger and poverty flourished on the streets, the duck population dropped sharply due to the fact that they were simply eaten. But recently, local residents have been restoring the population by intensively feeding the ducks with bread. In the thickets of reeds, if you are lucky, you can see otters, which are also found on the lake.

Talto lake

Lake Ta"lto belongs to the Dvinsko-Pechorsky basin district. There are many islands on this lake, the largest of which is the island called “Big”.

Large significant tributaries do not enter the lake. The Talto River flows out of it, which is a tributary of the northern Dvina.

Previously, Lake Ta"lto was part of the Podvinskaya quarter of the Shenkursky district. Shenkursky district is an administrative unit and is part of the Arkhangelsk province and the Vologda and Arkhangelsk governorship, which existed until 1929. The center is the city of Shenkursk.

On the shore of Lake Ta"lto there is the Nadozernaya-1 site, which was founded in the middle of the second millennium BC.


One river flows into Lake Pochozero, with the name Undosha. The length of the Undosha River is 96 kilometers, its basin area is 3610 square meters. kilometer The Talam River is fed by snow and rainwater. It starts from Lake Undozero and then flows into Lake Pochozero. It flows from the northeast to the southwest.

One river also flows out of Lake Pochozero - Pocha. Its length is 13 kilometers, its drainage basin is 4290 square meters. kilometer From the beginning of winter to the end of summer there is ice on the river.

Most of Lake Pochozero is located on the territory of the Kenozersky National Park.

Pig Lake

Pork Lake belongs to the Dvinsko-Pechorsky basin district. The total area of ​​the lake is 17.6 square meters. kilometers.

Only one tributary stands out, with the name Pocha. The Pocha River flows in the Plesetsk region. Its length is 13 kilometers. The river is fed by melted snow and rainwater. The river is covered with ice from the beginning of winter to the end of summer. This river begins from Lake Pochozero and is part of the territory of the Kenozersky National Park.

Lake Surzi

Lake Surzy is one of the largest lakes in the area. The total area of ​​the lake is almost 6 square meters. kilometers, and the total area of ​​the lake basin is 58.3 square meters. kilometer The lake is connected by a tributary to the Syurzinskaya Viska River. The mouth of the Syurzinskaya Viska River is 81 kilometers on the left side of the bank of the Rochuga River. Its length is 9 kilometers. On the border zone of the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region it connects with Lake Syurzi.

In the period 2001-2002, several people were poisoned with toxins at Lake Surzi, some of them even died. A version was put forward that the poisoning could have occurred as a result of the crash of one of the rocket stages that were launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, but this version was not confirmed.


The lake is located in a swampy area in the southern part of the Onega Peninsula, in the eastern part of the sources of the Kyanda River. The Kyanda River passes through the rural settlement of Pokrovsky. Its origin comes from a swamp located on the Onega Peninsula, to the western part of Lake Solozero. Then it flows into the Onega Bay of the White Sea.

Lake Solozero has several large islands, these are Ilyaostrov and Sredniy. Several streams flow into the lake, the largest of which are Lenyaruchey and Chelkaruchey and one river called Verkhnyaya Solza.

There is only one river leaving the lake - Nizhnyaya Solza.


Lake Shardozero is part of the territory of the Undozero rural settlement, in the southwestern part from the ridge on the northern side of the East European Plain to the southern part from the Onega Bay of the White Sea, in Karelia and in the Arkhangelsk region. The municipal formation "Undozerskoye" or Undozerskoye rural settlement is a municipal formation in the Arkhangelsk region, Plesetsk municipal district. The administrative center of Undozersky is the village of Undozero.

The total area of ​​the lake is 32,200 square meters, the area of ​​the basin is 78,900 square meters. The Shardozerka River flows from Lake Shardozero and enters the Karelsky Brook, which in turn flows into Lake Syvtozero.

Shuzhega Lake

The Shidrovskoye rural settlement, which includes the lake, is a municipal entity (or rural settlement) in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Vinogradovsky municipal district. The administrative center of the rural settlement of Shidrovskoye is the village of Shidrovo.

Lake Shuzhegskoe is located in a very difficult place, on the border zone of the Shenkursky district, 3 kilometers on the north side from the sources of the Yeg River. At an altitude of approximately 55 meters. The shores of Lake Shuzhegskoe are covered with swamps. Only one river flows out of the lake, with the name Shuzhega, which is a tributary of the Northern Dvina. The length of the lake is 3 kilometers 200 meters, width up to two kilometers. The mirror surface area is 5.6 km².

The lake is home to many species of freshwater fish.

Lake Svyatoe

Lake Svyatoe or Uglovatoye is located near the village of Yemetsk, ten kilometers from the Anthony-Siysky Monastery. This beautiful northern lake with clear water is revered among Orthodox Christians.

There are many legends associated with the lake. They say that there was once a pagan temple here. At this place, Saint Anthony of Siysky, who was looking for a place to build a monastery, met a fisherman who pointed to Great Mikhailovskoye Lake, where bells could sometimes be heard from the deserted shore. The monastery was founded there. And on the shore of the Holy Lake, the Monk Anthony founded the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross.

There is an ancient tradition of making a religious procession from the walls of the monastery to the Holy Lake. The history of these religious processions begins in 1627, when Saint Anthony appeared in a dream to the peasant Ian Tyrydanov, who commanded him to go with many people to Angular Lake and pray there. Since then, the procession has taken place annually on the tenth day after Easter. In recent years, this tradition, interrupted by Soviet power, has been resumed.

People have long attributed healing properties to the Holy Lake. When the Holy Cross Church on the shore of the lake was destroyed, believers erected a cross near the ruins of the temple. They tried to destroy the cross several times, but each time it was restored anew. It stands on the shore of the lake to this day.


Lake Myadozero is located on a hill in the northern part of Lake Vezhmozero, in the center of the Onega Peninsula. The Onega Peninsula is very large and is located on the territory of the Onega and Primorsky districts, on the southern side of the White Sea. Its northernmost point is the cape located near the village of Letniy Navolok.

There are a couple of islands on the lake. The shores of the lake are filled with swamps. The lake has no major tributaries. Only one river comes out of Lake Myandozero, with the name Myanda, which is a tributary of the Vezhma.


The area of ​​Lake Lekshmozero is 54.4 square meters. kilometer There is not a single island on the lake.

The lake does not include any major tributaries. The Lekshma River emerges from it. Its length is 73 kilometers. Drainage area 1070 sq. kilometer Its major tributaries are Pezhma, Siyanga, Voya. This river connects Lake Lekshmozero with Lake Lacha. The length of Lake Lacha is 33 kilometers, the width is 14 kilometers, the mirror area is 345 square meters. kilometers.

Previously, this lake belonged to the territory of the Kargopol district.

Lake Varsh

Lake Varsh is one of the largest lakes in the entire Arkhangelsk region, and the largest in the Mezensky region. The total area of ​​this lake is 44.2 square kilometers, the area of ​​the lake's drainage basin is 428 square kilometers.

On the border of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the western outskirts of the Timan Ridge and the Arkhangelsk region, Lake Varsh is the largest glacial lake.

The lake includes 2 large bays, the southern and northern. Lake Varsh is surrounded by taiga, and there are swamps along all its banks. The surrounding area of ​​the lake is not inhabited.


The total area of ​​Lake Undozero is approximately 44,700 square meters. meters, the total area of ​​the lake basin is 709,000 sq. meters. The Undosha River emerges from this lake. Its length is 96 kilometers, and the basin area is 3610 square meters. kilometers. The river is fed by melted snow and rainwater. It adjoins the Onega River basin. Its length is about 416 kilometers, and its basin area is 56,900 square meters. kilometers. It flows into the White Sea. It is an inland sea in the northern European part of Russia and is classified as part of the Arctic Ocean.

There are more than 30 different islands on Lake Undozero. There are several villages along the shores of the lake: on the northern side is the village of Skarlahta, on the southern side is the village of Mezen, as well as the villages of Pogost and Gorokhovskaya.

Lake Vazhenets

It is located in the southern part of the Vinogrado district, not far from the border with the Shenkursky district. It is located 55 meters above sea level. Lake Vazhenets is surrounded on all sides by marshes.

Only one river flows out of the lake with the same name Vazhenets, which is a tributary of the Northern Dvina.

The lake is home to a variety of freshwater fish, which is why it is famous among fishermen. The surroundings of the lake are very picturesque. The shores of the lake are covered with swamps, and coniferous forests are located a little in the distance.

Shidozerskoye Lake

Lake Shidozerskoye is located near the village of Zabolotye, in the Arkhangelsk region, in the Kholmogorsky district. Not far from the lake is the village of Shidozero. The water temperature at the end of July is no more than 20 degrees, due to the fact that several springs with cold water flow along the bottom of the lake.

The lake is home to many species of fish, such as snail, pike, perch, sorog and others.

The lake is located two kilometers from the Northern Dvina, and therefore during the onset of floods on the Northern Dvina, the lake imperceptibly merges with it and heavily drowns local residents from the village of Shidozero. Shidoze Lake is highlighted by the Krenitsa Bay, which juts out noticeably into the meadow located nearby.

Slobodskoye Lake

Its total area is 12.2 square kilometers. Lake Slobodskoe has only one large tributary, the Slobozerka River. It is located in the northwestern part of the Kholmogory district, Arkhangelsk region. It is the source of the Kekhta River. Its total length is 10 kilometers.

The Kekhta River flows out of Lake Slobodskoye. It flows through the territory of Primorsky and Kholmogory districts, Arkhangelsk region. It is a tributary from the left side of the Northern Dvina River. In its middle reaches it is crossed by the M8 federal road, which is 54 meters long.

Lake Severnoe

Lake Severnoye is the second largest lake located on this island, after Lake Melkoye. Lake Melkoe is located on the eastern part of Graham Bell Island, its total area is 4.5 square meters. kilometer Three different streams and one large river flow into it. It is connected to the sea by a channel. The shores and bottom are composed of sandstone.

Several streams flow into Lake Severnoe, but only one comes out. The shores and bottom of the lake, like those of Lake Melkoye, are composed of sedimentary fragments of various rocks bound by minerals.

Lake Butygino

Lake Butygino, in the hot summer, is in good demand among local residents.

The bottom of the lake is muddy.

The length of the lake is 543 meters, its widest point is 358 meters. The total surface area of ​​the lake is 129 square kilometers, and the total length of the coastline is 1 kilometer 566 meters. The lake is home to several species of fish, mainly crucian carp. In connection with this, this lake is also in great demand among fishermen.

In the summer of 2012, activists of the Yabloko party, Arkhangelsk branch, cleared all the shores of the lake of garbage.

Nimenga Lake

Lake Nimengskoye is adjacent to the Onega River basin. The length of the Onega River is 416 kilometers. She starts her journey from Lake Lacha. Flowing across the plain, it forms reaches of up to 450 meters in places, and sometimes narrows to 40. Initially, it flows in a northerly direction, making a bend near the city of Mirny.

The Shultus and Iloksa rivers flow into Lake Nimengskoye. Only one river flows out of it, named Nimenga.

It's not so easy to get to abandoned villages by car. But there is a village in the Arkhangelsk region with the wonderful name Kuchepalda, where not only a decent road leads, but there is even a sign:

Let's roll it up.

About eight kilometers later, in a field on the right, we see a lonely church. This is the former village of Krasnaya Lyaga, from which only this church has survived. The temple looks amazing in the middle of a huge field. This is my favorite tree of all the wooden churches of the Russian North, but now we are not talking about it.

Just two years ago, people lived in Kuchepalda, Old Believers. They wrote that they even kept a tame crane.

Now we haven't met a soul here.

The houses are completely overgrown. The electricity was cut off about five years ago.

It’s hard to believe that just over a hundred years ago Kuchepalda was the fourth most populated village in the entire Olonets province. There were 117 houses and 641 people.

The location of the village is unusual. The houses here form a regular circle.

There used to be a lake in the middle of the village. Regular round shape, karst. According to local legend, the lake disappeared overnight. People go ashore in the morning - but there is no lake. And in the evening there was a lake and there were fish in it.

The same thing happened in Krasnaya Lyaga. There was also a lake there and it also disappeared. But there are no houses preserved in Krasnaya Lyaga, and there is no hint of them. Most likely, the same fate will befall Kuchepalda, only there won’t even be a church left standing here.

The strongest house in Kuchepalda. Even the windows are intact.

We made our way through the weeds and nettles and entered a couple of empty houses.

A sad sight.

But the stoves are still strong.

This house felt like someone had lived here just recently. Look, the cans are still standing unbroken, even now for preparation.

And in general in the village it was felt that the houses still remembered their owners, their joys, sorrows, dreams...

Maybe former residents of Kuchepalda still come and visit their homes?

The Arkhangelsk region has a fairly dense network of rivers and lakes that attract fishing enthusiasts. The largest lakes in the Arkhangelsk region are Lacha, Kenozero and Kozhozero. Most of the lakes are concentrated to the west of Onega and are located in groups, attached to moraine piles. Among the numerous lakes, there are often sinkhole karst lakes with variable water levels, as well as swamp and riverine lakes or, as they are also called, oxbow lakes. The largest lake in the Lacha region is the main freshwater reservoir of the Arkhangelsk region, where up to 30 percent of all lake fish in the region are caught, mainly bream. Let us remind you that the Arkhangelsk region includes Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Among lakes of the Nenets district Most notable are Golodnaya Guba and lake systems, such as the Vashutkinsky lakes, the Indigersky lakes and others. The lakes here are mostly shallow, their area is up to 3 square kilometers, the average depth is up to 3 meters, in rare cases - 5 meters. Lake basins in most cases are of residual glacial and thermokarst origin; relict oxbow lakes are located in river valleys.

Fishing in the Arkhangelsk region, undoubtedly brings fishermen a good catch. The region's lakes are home to a wide variety of fish species, including roach, perch, pike, ide, bream and other species. Planned fishing is carried out on many lakes. The shores of the lakes are equipped with recreation centers where fishermen can stay overnight to make fishing a comfortable holiday. In the Kenozero National Park, in addition to the largest lake in the Kenozero Park, there is a whole chain of lakes, in one of which, Lekshmozero, the second largest, Lekshmozero whitefish and vendace are found.


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