Aftenposten (Norway): Putin and Xi, happy, clinked glasses of vodka. But do we have reason to fear a new alliance between China and Russia? But do they have memory? Shanghai Observer: Where does Putin get his culinary skills?

It is a special glandular-muscular organ located in the pelvic area directly under the bladder. It covers the beginning of the urethra and is similar in shape to a chestnut, consisting of two lobes connected by an isthmus.

The prostate of the average adult man usually weighs about 20-25 grams. Its main function is to produce a special secretion. This is the so-called prostatic juice, which is part of male sperm and increases the vital activity of sperm.

Main functions:

Prostate in women

Do women have a prostate gland? Women do not have a prostate, but there is an analogue. In fact, a woman's prostate gland is Skene's gland or paraurethral gland.

Interesting! This female component was named after the doctor Alexander Skin. He was the first to describe its structure and functions.

Reference! Skene's glands are located on the anterior wall of the vagina. Open into the urethra. They are surrounded by tissue that includes part of the clitoris. The tissue extends into the vagina, each time filling with blood during sexual arousal.

In this case we are talking about a glandular organ. Like the prostate, it is small in size. Its parameters are completely individual and depend on the female body.

Why is it called a prostate analogue? First of all, because it produces a special secretion, the composition of which is very similar to the secretion synthesized by the prostate gland.

Female lubricant differs from male lubricant only in that it does not contain sperm. Despite numerous scientific studies, doctors have still not been able to explain the purpose of this female organ.

The release of lubricant from the paraurethral component occurs at the moment of orgasm.

If we consider the function of the gland in terms of maintaining the required level of concentration or from the point of view of secretion production, then we can conclude that it does not perform any vital function.

It is a vestigial organ.

This is the opinion held by most doctors and scientists. Moreover, sometimes Skene’s iron is completely absent in the female body, which does not at all affect the woman’s health.


Now you know that women have an analogue of the prostate gland - the Skene gland. And, if the organ is present, it means, like other organs, it can be susceptible to various diseases.

Diseases of the paraurethral gland, like any other similar ailments, are quite dangerous. After alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately conduct a medical examination and begin a course of treatment as soon as possible.

Moscow— Russia is conducting the largest exercises since 1981 together with the Chinese. But many Russians still view China as a greater threat than the West.

The scene in the Vladivostok port is a classic example of a successful Russian PR show specifically for TV channels.

Clad in blue kitchen aprons, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin baked delicious Russian pancakes.

Then the presidents tasted pancakes with Russian caviar, sour cream and onions, after which they clinked glasses of vodka.

While the presidents were enjoying themselves, the gigantic Vostok military exercise began, which Russian officials say involves 300,000 soldiers, 36,000 combat vehicles, 1,000 aircraft and 80 ships.

China is participating in the exercise with 3,200 troops and 30 aircraft, making the maneuvers the largest Russian-Chinese military exercise in history.

Are we seeing signs of a new Russian-Chinese alliance?

“This is not a military alliance, but everything is moving towards that,” Russian sinologist expert Vasily Kashin told the Vedomosti newspaper.

Both Western and Russian observers say the exercises show how closely Russia has grown closer to China as a result of its conflict with the West.

The Chinese and Russians have conducted more than 20 joint exercises together in recent years, but never at this level.

The exercises come as large Russian forces are put on alert in the west.

“Russia wants to show off its power to the United States and give the impression of being a superpower,” Russia expert Sarah Pagung of the German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP) told .

While the soldiers were training, Putin and Xi Jinping promised that trade between Russia and China would grow by more than 800 billion crowns this year ( 1 Norwegian krone = 8.31 rubles, - approx. translation.).

In addition, a number of new large contracts were concluded, in particular between the Chinese company Alibaba and oligarch Alisher Usmanov.

China wants to learn how to fight from the Russians

In Russia, the exercises attract a lot of attention; in China, they are covered more modestly.

“For the Chinese army, this is an opportunity to learn from the Russians, in particular military tactics and strategy,” said Chinese military analyst Song Zhongping in an interview with .


ABC News: Do China and Russia really trust each other? 09/14/2018

Shanghai Observer: Where did Putin get his culinary skills?

Shanghai Observer 09/13/2018

Global News: Putin, Xi, pancakes and caviar 09/12/2018

The Hindu: Xi and Putin intend to boost the Russian Far East

The Hindu 09/12/2018

The Chinese have not fought since the war with Vietnam, so they really want to learn from the Russian experience acquired in Ukraine, Georgia, Syria and Chechnya.

Is there any reason to fear the gigantic Vostok exercises?

Some Western and Russian experts believe that the exercises are partly a show to scare the West:

1. Russia regularly conducts large-scale military exercises “West” and “East”; exercises in the east are always the largest. In the east, the Vienna Agreement, which sets limits on how large exercises can be and also obliges the Russians to invite Western observers, does not apply.

2. “Don’t be afraid of the Russian army,” Russia expert Mark Galeotti wrote in . He characterizes the exercises as a “military-psychological” operation and a “geopolitical game” by the Kremlin.

3. On Kremlin-run TV channels, generals vying with each other to boast about how the Vostok exercise shows that Putin has made Russia great again. The exercises are used to convince the Russians that spending roughly 1/3 of their budget on defense and security is worthwhile.

4. Figures such as 300 thousand military personnel and 36 thousand combat vehicles are “absurd” and “completely unthinkable,” Russian military expert Alexander Golts said in New Times.

The number of Russians who want to impose a ban on Chinese entry (to Russia) has doubled in recent years: from 15 to 31%, according to the Levada Center.

“We are good friends, and the friendship is becoming closer,” Putin told the Chinese president after the pancake party.

By comparison, only 4% of Russians say they could imagine having a Chinese friend.

Dark clouds in the east have put Putin in a gloomy state of mind

While Western media watched the Vostok exercises, few paid attention to what happened in the hours before Putin and Xi Jinping's pancake show.

When Putin met with his ministers, he was in an unusually bad mood, according to Russian media.

In local elections in Russia, Putin's United Russia party showed very poor results in the east of the country. And this is explained not only by the unpopular pension reform.

Putin used the meeting in Vladivostok to grill ministers over why the Kremlin's measures were not working in the Far East.

Low living standards, lack of infrastructure, corruption and economic hopelessness mean Russians continue to flee the Far East.

“We have to do something,” said one sweating minister, who lamented that two new bridges to China were closed due to bureaucratic delays.

“Of course we have to do something. Otherwise we will become a laughing stock,” Putin said.

Is China more dangerous for Russia than the West?

Although trade with China has increased since 2014, it is still 2.5 times less than Russia's trade with the EU.

For the Chinese, trade turnover with the United States is six times greater than with Russia.

“There is a serious risk that the Russian Far East will be populated and developed by China,” the newspaper believes. The newspaper characterizes this as a “much more serious phenomenon” for Russia than the threat from the West.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Is it possible to get a higher education diploma at nine years old? The media in China are closely following the successes of the young prodigy. He has numerous achievements to his name, but the main thing is that the boy can become the youngest bachelor in the country. Father sets high standards. However, there are many who criticize his methods and believe that he is depriving his son of a normal childhood.

The text is in small print and not even a single picture - a nine-year-old boy is already accustomed to such books. Fairy tales and poems for kids, says Dodo, and he has a lot of workload - he studies personnel management, logistics, management and marketing.

“What I like most is management, although it can also be boring. But unlike students who often fall asleep in classes, I can play a little or draw when I’m completely bored,” says Dodo.

Textbooks for adults Dodo studies from morning to evening six days a week, studying at home. And all for the sake of the coveted bachelor's degree from Nanjing University. He will receive it if he passes 13 qualifying exams. However, Dodo himself does not seem to be very ambitious, but his father has grandiose plans.

“Why waste precious time when you need to study! My child is not a genius - he is simply more talented than many and achieves high results thanks to my upbringing. By the age of 14, he will definitely receive a master’s degree,” said the founder of the school for gifted children, He Lisheng.

Since childhood, the father comes up with more and more new tasks for his son. For example, at the age of five he became the youngest pilot in China - he flew a light aircraft on an equal basis with an adult. Dodo's achievements, as a rule, are always under the gun of photo and video cameras of journalists.

It's all about him. Dozens of articles on the front pages of newspapers: genius, talent, young talent... For example, Dodo received a gold medal at a robotics competition. And here he does orienteering in the cold. And then I even took part in a street fashion competition. Each such article causes controversy in society: will the educational workload and such media attention cripple the child’s psyche?

“There are so many things to do and achievements, but where is Dodo himself? How can he find himself if adults constantly dominate him and control his life? In my opinion, there is nothing to envy here. And besides, soon the unusual child Dodo will become a completely ordinary adult, like everyone else. Such a return from heaven to earth will seriously affect his psyche,” says child psychologist Li Juan.

Despite everything, the boy’s fame resounds throughout China. And his father, in the wake of his son’s popularity, opened a school for gifted children. Everyone here wants to be like Dodo. Parents pay two thousand dollars a month for training using a special method.

Meanwhile, Dodo successfully passed two exams: sociology and marketing. There are 11 more to go. He continues to prepare even during the summer holidays. At stake is the title of the youngest academic degree holder in China. In addition, both critics and supporters of this method of education are eager to find out whether the nine-year-old boy will reach new heights.

Secrets of the lunar race Karash Yuri Yuryevich

But did cooperation have a chance?

So, after familiarizing yourself with the events of the autumn of 1963, in particular with the speech of the US President at the UN and the reaction of the Soviet leadership to it, you may get the following impression: the United States ardently and selflessly offered to build the USSR a “space bridge” between the two countries, and the Soviet Union this did not agree. The Kremlin did not accept this idea for the reasons that it believed that through this “bridge” the insidious Yankees would penetrate into the USSR in order to “sniff out” its strategic secrets, or this “structure” would mask the “abyss” separating both countries in the form of an arms race and foreign military bases along Soviet borders.

But even if everything is not so, how sincere was NASA’s desire to form a “lunar alliance” with the USSR? Recall that such cooperation could lead to a reduction in the allocations allocated for the agency's activities, and the difficulties of interaction with the Russians, according to Gilruth, could cause “trepidation” among NASA employees.

To answer this question, let's look at the agency's attitude to Kennedy's proposal voiced at the UN. In the weeks following the White House speech and in the absence of a clear Soviet response, NASA felt at a crossroads. A few days after Kennedy's speech, agency chief Webb outlined "general guidelines for NASA personnel." He sent a copy of the document to the White House, where it was approved by McGeorge Bundy the same day. Webb conducted a real linguistic analysis of Kennedy's speech, highlighting moments in it that, wittingly or unwittingly, correlated with the agency's intentions not to rush into the arms of the USSR. The head of NASA especially noted the following: the President only said that “we should consider” the possibility of a joint lunar expedition, and that the key word here is “consider”, and as for the word “joint”, this is the goal that we should focus on during “consideration” and assessments [of the possibility of a Soviet-American flight to the Moon].” Webb specifically emphasized in his note:

“While we provide the Russians with a chance to work together and appear to the world as a nation ready to take on any challenges associated with cooperation in this extremely important area where weapons systems have not yet proliferated, we must continue to move forward with our own program(emphasis mine. - Yu. K.)».

Arnold Frutkin, the person responsible for international relations at NASA, shared similar views with Webb. In his opinion, “to rush from the proposal to consider the issue to the conclusion that the President openly asked to install an American spacecraft on a Soviet carrier for a flight to the Moon, or vice versa, or to assume that American and Soviet astronauts should form a joint crew for the lunar expedition...” would be clearly unfounded conclusions. As Frutkin emphasized, Kennedy’s words were nothing more than a “touchstone” for assessing the possibility of implementing such a bilateral project.

As for the option in which the Soviet Union would give a positive response to the president's initiative, NASA preferred a cautious and unhurried course of action. The first step, according to Webb, could be the joint work of the Soviet Union and the United States to choose a landing site on the Moon, and in general, both countries, as the head of NASA believed, could together do “a lot of things that would come close to ensuring that representatives [The USSR and the USA] ended up on the same ship.”

Employees of the Presidential Administration also agreed with the point of view of NASA employees. Thus, one of the members of the “team” of science adviser Jerome Wiesner noted that “negotiations on a joint program will most likely be long and intense in discussing many technical, administrative and political problems... Thus, slowing down the implementation of our program only based on the assumption that that the Soviet Union would do the same and that the [Soviet-American mission to the Moon] plan would be successfully implemented would be contrary to our fundamental interests.” Rather, the United States should “develop a preliminary plan for the joint program that would not only effectively utilize the combined capabilities of the two countries... but would also benefit the Apollo program by strengthening our position in joint negotiations should NASA or the White House rush to present this plan to Congress."

As for the White House, at the end of October he again recalled his interest in “lunar” cooperation with the USSR. On the 25th of the same month, McGeorge Bundy asked all individuals and organizations that would somehow have to “forge” forms and ways of interaction with the Soviet Union in space to prepare specific proposals regarding negotiations with the USSR on this topic. On October 29, Wisner gave Kennedy a memorandum proposing a strategy for preparing for the negotiations. Wisner specifically emphasized that "it is not difficult for NASA to put together a comprehensive plan for a joint program... and present it to the President fairly quickly for further consideration."

But what about Kennedy himself? Did he really “go into the shadows” after his speech at the UN, observing from there the Kremlin’s reaction to the proposal for a “lunar alliance”, leaving his assistants to think about how to give this “alliance” clear outlines? There were some reasons for such an assumption. The President was indeed in no hurry to take further steps without waiting for a response from Khrushchev or any high-ranking representative of the Soviet government to his initiative. However, he by no means lost interest in the idea of ​​​​cooperating with the USSR on a flight to the Moon. On October 23, he sent Webb a copy of a note about a meeting between Dryden and Blagonravov in September 1963 in New York, published in the New York Times on September 18. The president accompanied the note with the following note: “I think it would be useful to collect clippings like this, demonstrating Russian interest in landing on the moon. This will provide additional support to our efforts.” Kennedy, however, did not specify what he meant by “efforts” - US actions aimed at establishing cooperation with the USSR in space, or attempts by the White House to negotiate with the Kremlin on cooperation between the two countries in the exploration of extraterrestrial space.

After Khrushchev rather skeptically outlined the Soviet “lunar” plans on October 25, the president was asked at a press conference held on October 31: “Do you think that Premier Khrushchev took the Soviet Union out of the “lunar race”, and do you think that Should the United States, in any case, continue [to work on its lunar program] as if the "moon race" were still going on? Kennedy responded:

“I did not see this in his statement... I did not receive any convincing confirmation that Mr. Khrushchev or the Soviet Union had finally withdrawn from the “space race”...

The fact is that the Soviets are making an extremely large effort in space, and all available evidence suggests that they will continue it and that they have the capacity to do so. I would treat Mr. Khrushchev's words with great caution. As I understand it, he said that the expedition to the Moon should be preceded by appropriate preparation. We agree with this.

From my point of view, the space program that we have now plays a key role in ensuring the security of the United States because, as I have said many times before, it is not about going to the moon. The point is to acquire the necessary competence to control the world around us...

I think we need to continue our program. I think this is the best answer to Mr. Khrushchev.”

At the same press conference, Kennedy admitted that his appeal to the Soviet Union with a proposal to join forces with America to fly to the Moon remained unanswered.

However, Khrushchev’s statement on November 1, the day after the president’s press conference, in which the leader of the USSR unexpectedly expressed his readiness to cooperate with America in carrying out a manned flight to the Moon, accelerated preparations in the United States for the start of cooperation with the Soviet Union in this direction. White House Administration Officer Arthur Schlesinger, as well as State Department Bureau of International Organization Affairs staffers Harlan Kivland and Richard Gardner, visited NASA on November 5.

The purpose of the visit was to brief the agency on planning "the stages that may have to be passed through in considering the possibility of cooperation." The meeting at NASA became further evidence of the agency’s at least skeptical attitude towards the idea of ​​a Soviet-American “lunar alliance.” At the end of the briefing, Schlesinger noted that NASA's plans were "more procedural than substantive," providing for the exchange of information on existing programs and plans. At the same time, the presidential aide had the general impression that “NASA continues to have a very negative approach to the idea” of cooperation in carrying out an expedition to the Moon. According to the agency, “actual and significant steps will depend on the trust established during procedural interactions.” Realizing that the only way to galvanize NASA is to remind it that it must follow White House policy, Schlesinger suggests that National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy once again "express the President's interest in progress" in forming a partnership with the Russians to go to the Moon.

However, it is unfair to say that the entire agency opposed cooperation with the USSR. There was at least one NASA employee interested in participating in negotiations with the Soviet Union about cooperation in the field of manned spaceflight. His name was John Glenn. Let me remind you that this is the first American astronaut to make an orbital flight in February 1962. Upon his return to Earth, Glenn established friendly relations with President Kennedy and his brother Robert - a step, as the astronaut's subsequent career showed, that was explained not only by his vanity. Glenn became seriously interested in politics and left NASA in 1964 to devote himself entirely to his newfound occupation. In 1975, he was elected senator from Ohio and remained in this capacity until 1999. However, already at the end of his political career, his “first love” took over, and in 1998 Glenn made the second space flight in his life. True, this time it was no longer in the cramped “tin can” of a Mercury-class ship, but in the spacious cabin of the Discovery shuttle. After this, he became the oldest person ever to fly in Earth's orbit - at the age of 77 years.

But let's go back to 1963, when Glenn was still only 41 years old and a NASA employee. On November 4, he sent a memorandum to McGeorge Bundy. In fact, it was a response to a request from the National Security Advisor on October 25, 1963, regarding “negotiations with the Russians [on the exchange of] information obtained during space flights.” Glenn offered to "work together with Dr. Dryden, and also accompany him to meetings where [Glenn's] presence would be desirable, in order to explore the possibility of mutual exchange of information, particularly in the field of manned flight." According to the astronaut, the popularity he gained after his orbital flight will attract the necessary attention to such meetings and negotiations with the Russians. If the Soviet Union, Glenn reasoned, sent a representative of its manned program, perhaps an astronaut, to negotiate with the Americans, “it would demonstrate that the President's proposal had indeed opened a new channel of communication in the Cold War.” Accordingly, “the refusal of the Russians... will only demonstrate to the whole world that they do not want to cooperate... The President has seized the initiative from the Russians (in terms of offering partnership. - Yu. K.), and one way to keep her is to accept this offer."

The White House quickly picked up Schlesinger's idea - to remind NASA of the president's interest in quickly drawing up a plan for cooperation with the Soviet Union. On November 8, Schlesinger and National Security Council official Charles Johnson drafted a presidential directive in the same spirit. They then asked "reliable people at NASA and the State Department to review its contents." They reported that they accepted this document “with enthusiasm.” Realizing that there was nowhere else to go, NASA head Webb also “cordially” welcomed the draft directive.

The directive was signed by Kennedy and became official National Security Action Memorandum 271 on November 12. The official title of the document was “Cooperation with the USSR in matters of space exploration.” Let us remember that such an official document has already come out of the White House. We are talking about Memorandum No. 129, which was issued in February 1962. This document ordered the State Department, together with NASA, the White House Office of Science, and the National Aeronautics and Space Council, to prepare proposals and recommendations for negotiations with the Soviet Union on cooperation in the field of space . At that time, the State Department played the main role in carrying out this assignment, and NASA played only a supporting role.

Now the situation has changed. Agency chief Webb was given direct orders to “assume personal initiative and primary responsibility within the Government for the development of a program of significant cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space, including the development of specific technical proposals...

These proposals should be developed with a view to their possible discussion during negotiations with the Soviet Union, which could be a direct result of my September 20 call for greater cooperation between the United States and the USSR in outer space, including cooperation in the mission to the Moon."

Why did Kennedy this time make NASA the main player in preparing negotiations with the USSR on “substantial” cooperation in space? Apparently there were two reasons. The first was that the period of political preparation for this kind of discussion, as Kennedy believed, was over and the time had come for concrete action. And who knows better than the aerospace agency what practical steps need to be taken so that the Soviet-American partnership in space is finally filled with real content? The second reason is personal. Apparently, over time, the president became more confident that there would be no “sabotage” of his initiative by NASA, and Webb and his employees, no matter what ulterior thoughts they had about cooperation with the Russians in space, would strictly carry out the will of the White House.

The actual end of cooperation Events that occurred in the field of domestic policy of the USSR, as well as in the international arena, primarily the change of Khrushchev's leadership to Brezhnev's, as well as the increased aggressive expansion of the United States in Vietnam actually

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It is believed that he was the first author who was able to awaken readers' interest in the genres of science fiction and fantasy.

And we're in website We adore him, so we have collected the best quotes from his works.

  • When a person is 17, he knows everything. If he is 27 and still knows everything, then he is still 17.
  • There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, don't read them.
  • The first thing you learn in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you find out is that you are still the same fool.
  • Kindness and intelligence are properties of old age. At 20, a woman is much more interested in being heartless and frivolous.
  • To survive, you need to stop asking what the meaning of life is. Life itself is the answer.
  • They don't win wars at all. Everyone does nothing but lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.
  • Evil has only one power - the one we ourselves give it.
  • When life is good, there is no need to argue about it.
  • Love is when someone can give a person back himself.
  • Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you will die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. He is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Don’t ask for guarantees, don’t seek peace - there is no such beast in the world.
  • When you live next to people all the time, they don’t change one iota. You are amazed at the changes that have taken place in them only if you separate for a long time, for years.
  • Looking for rabbits in hats is a lost cause, just like looking for a modicum of common sense in some people's heads.
  • Smile, don't give misfortune pleasure.
  • Human memory is like sensitive photographic film, and all we do throughout our lives is try to erase what is imprinted on it.
  • Yes, we have enough free time. But do we have time to think?
  • We have one responsibility - to be happy.
  • He who has ceased to be surprised has ceased to love, and he who has ceased to love is considered to have no life, and whoever has no life is to be considered to have gone to the grave.
  • And if living life to the fullest means dying sooner, so be it: I prefer to die quickly, but first taste more of life.
  • It doesn't matter what exactly you do; It is important that everything you touch changes shape, becomes different from what it was before, so that a part of you remains in it. This is the difference between a person who simply cuts the grass on his lawn and a real gardener.
  • Create something yourself that can save the world, and if you drown along the way, at least you will know that you swam to the shore.
  • Books are just one of the containers where we store what we are afraid to forget.
  • The real secret to creativity is to treat your ideas like cats - just make them follow you.
  • Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings...
  • I experienced the simplest and greatest happiness in the world - I was alive.

Quotes from works: “Dandelion Wine”, “The Martian Chronicles”, “Fahrenheit 451”, “The Mechanisms of Joy”, “Summer Morning, Summer Night”, “Zen in the Art of Writing”, “Death is a Lonely Business”, “ Trouble is approaching”, “I sing the electric body!”


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