The temples of Pattaya are monuments of Buddhist culture. What to see in Pattaya on your own? Attractions, beaches, islands Temples in Pattaya how to get there

Hello, dear readers - seekers of truth, connoisseurs of knowledge and lovers of travel!

People go to sultry Thailand to soak up the sun and swim in the sea, and also to learn about the culture of another people, their traditions, way of thinking and to get in touch with the main religion of this country - Buddhism.

This article talks about the symbol of Buddhism in a Thai city beloved by tourists - the Temple of the Golden Buddha in Pattaya. You will find out when it was founded and how to get to it, what kind of view opens from there and how to fulfill your deepest desires.

A moment of history

2017 marked the 40th anniversary of the appearance of the Big Buddha, or rather his statue, on Pratamnak Hill. Construction took about a year. Then Pattaya was a small village, so the 15-meter high and 10-meter wide Buddha seemed simply huge.

The Big Buddha did not immediately turn golden - at first the statue was white. The statue was made of concrete and built on wooden axles. But some guides now insist that inside it is made of pure gold - 5 thousand tons of precious metal!

During this time, a lot has changed - Pattaya has become an incredibly popular resort city, where thousands of tourists come. But even now the statue, installed at an altitude of 120 meters above sea level, is visible from any part of the city and attracts not only Buddhist pilgrims, but also curious and caring travelers.

On the way to the temple

“Temple of the Big Buddha”, “Temple of the Golden Buddha”, “Big Buddha mountain” – this cultural attraction of the resort is called as they please. This is not a separate building, but a whole open-air complex with the main statue, which is associated with many beliefs and traditions.

The temple is located in the center of Pattaya, between the central beach and Jomtien beach, in a picturesque location on the mountain. It’s called Pattaya Mountain. Miracles and fulfillment of desires begin at its very foot.

Bird traders in cages scurry around here. For 100 baht, they offer to buy one such cage and release the birds into the wild on the top of the mountain - it is believed that this will protect against bad luck and clear the karma of the animal liberator.

It should be remembered that in Thailand, as in other Asian countries, you can and even need to bargain - this is a whole game, an art that will help you save a good amount of money on your trip.

It is believed that before visiting the golden Buddha one should prepare and cleanse the aura. To do this, you need to take an envelope from the novices of a small temple, into which you then put a donation of 20 baht, and put it on the table in front of the monk.

The monk blesses the visitor, reads mantras over him, and then ties a string on his wrist: white for men, red for women. At this moment you need to clear yourself of unnecessary thoughts and focus on your desire. The belief says that when the amulet bracelet wears out or breaks, the wish will come true.

Why should an offering be given in an envelope? Monks are forbidden to take money, and they figured out a way to get around this rule - just put it in an envelope.

A little further away there is another wish-granting bounty attraction. There is a whole row of bells hanging here. If you hit each of them with a special stick and make wishes that are not related to the material world, then they will definitely come true soon.

Finally, at the top you can see the Buddha statue itself, dazzling with its golden shine. A long staircase leads to it, which amazes with its beauty.

On both sides of the stairs snakes, or, as they are called in Thailand, legs crawl and writhe. Seven-headed, with open mouths and sharp teeth, they look terrifying, but in fact they carry a completely different meaning - they are a symbol of wisdom.

Exactly 120 steps separate visitors from the main statue. Another tradition is connected with this - when rising, you need to count them. They say that if a person stumbles and loses count, then he does not have very good karma, which needs to be corrected.

Golden Buddha and his entourage

At the top, with a half-smile on his face and peace in his eyes, sits a golden Buddha in the lotus position. The statue is striking in size and majesty. At its foot there is an altar where you can pray and make offerings. After sunset, the statue is illuminated, which makes the view even more mesmerizing.

The main statue stands surrounded by other figures - different forms of Buddha, sometimes very unexpected. Eight statues correspond to specific days of the week. Exactly eight, because in Buddhist culture Wednesday is divided into morning and afternoon.

Buddhists believe that in the life of Gautama Buddha, the day of the week was associated with certain events and actions. Each of them has its own purpose, color and even animal. Each day of the week has its own Buddha. Today he is a beggar - tomorrow he is rich, yesterday he was fat - the day after tomorrow he will be thin.

Thais are very reverent about this and plan their day depending on the day of the week, trying to wear clothes of a certain color. Visitors can identify “their” Buddha by the day of the week on which they were born and bring him an offering in the form of a coin or a flower.

In addition, there are seven more different statues, for example, Buddha lying on his right side, or a thin ascetic. These figures can protect against crop failure, natural disasters or other adversities and even help a childless couple find a long-awaited child.

But everyone’s favorite figure is the Buddha of Wealth. His erased navel speaks of this love. To get untold riches, you need to hit his navel with a coin from a distance.

There is a special door on the back of this figure. In the evenings, servants open it and take money for the needs of the temple.

Here, on the top of the hill, there is a temple called Wat Phra Yai. The ensemble of gold and rich red, upturned roofs in the exterior of the temple look rich, despite its modest size.

Another interesting custom is associated with this building - asking for health from the three Buddhas. After putting a few coins in the box, you need to take a candle, incense sticks and three leaves of gold leaf.

Then you should sit in the lotus position or kneel in front of the three statues, make a wish, light and place the candle, and light the sticks from it. With folded hands, you need to concentrate and turn to the Buddhas with a request to accept the gift.

Then you need to attach the golden leaves to those parts of the figures that cause you pain. If no organs are bothered, you should attach the leaves to the third eye - in the place between the eyebrows. It is believed that this will help develop intuition and cognition. Healing should occur within a year.

In the same temple you can find a case with bamboo sticks. You need to shake it vigorously until one of the sticks falls out. It will indicate a number that can be checked against the interpretation on a piece of paper in a special box. Such a “fortune-telling stick” will indicate what awaits a person in the near future.

There is an observation deck behind the sparkling gold statue of the Big Buddha. Visitors love her very much. Some say that Buddha himself left his mark here in the literal sense of the word. You need to send a coin in a circle or place it edge-on onto a trace molded from metal, then there will be happiness and prosperity.

Others - for the view that opens from the mountain. It’s as if several worlds are connected together: the facades of temples, traditional red roofs are adjacent to the high-rise buildings of a modern city, and a little further away - the endless turquoise of the Gulf of Thailand merges with the horizon.

When visiting any Buddhist temples, including this one, it is worth remembering the main rules:

  • You cannot enter the temple wearing shoes;
  • clothing should be modest and cover shoulders and knees, especially for women;
  • It is prohibited to make noise, laugh loudly, smoke, or litter.

How to get there

How to get to the Golden Buddha Temple? Yes Easy! It is located between Thapraya and Pratamnak streets, then there will be a fork where signs will prevent you from getting lost. You can get there in any convenient way:

  • Excursion

A visit to this temple is an obligatory part of any sightseeing tour. This option is suitable for those who want to learn as much as possible about the history and traditions of these places.

  • By taxi

Just tell the driver “Big Buddha” or “Buddha Mountain” and he will understand everything. From the center the trip will take about five minutes and 100-200 baht.

  • By songthaew (tuk-tuk, rickshaw)

The option is the same as the previous one, but ten times cheaper. However, the rickshaw will only be able to take you to the fork, from where you will need to walk following the signs, which is not at all difficult and at the same time pleasant.

  • On a rented motorbike

A solution for dexterous, brave and experienced drivers.

  • On foot

For the lucky ones living near Pratumnak Hill.

The temple's opening hours are from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. It is best to come here in the morning, when it is not yet hot, or in the evening, when it is no longer hot. The time of dawn or sunset will make the panorama opening from the mountain even more picturesque. In addition, it will be possible to avoid the crowds of tourists who come here during the day.

A nice bonus is that visiting is free, although donations in any quantity are not prohibited.


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Temple of Truth (Thailand) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is a wooden temple that has been under construction for 32 years. Its main feature is that the building is erected without nails. True, this is a very controversial statement. In fact, there are nails, but they are only half driven in. The Thais claim that when the temple is completely ready, they will remove all the nails. The exact completion date of construction is still unknown. The Temple of Truth will be approximately completed in 2025. However, those who have already seen this attraction with their own eyes strongly doubt that the Thais will be able to meet this deadline. Construction of the temple began in 1981, and during this time many parts of the building began to gradually fall into disrepair. Skeptics believe that this religious building will never be completed. Of course, the main construction will be completed sooner or later, but the building will constantly need restoration.

The main feature of the Temple of Truth in Pattaya is that it is built without nails. True, this is a very controversial statement. In fact, there are nails, but they are only half driven in. The Thais claim that when the temple is completely ready, they will remove all the nails.

The construction of the Temple of Truth was started at the instigation of millionaire Lek Viriyapan. The idea of ​​creating a “house” of religions belonged to him. By the way, he was the creator of Muang Boran, or Ancient City, in Bangkok. Viriyapan admired Thai culture and dreamed of uniting the religions of neighboring countries - Thailand, India, Cambodia and China.

Temple of Truth

The Temple of Truth looks very unusual - it is all decorated with carved figures and ornaments telling about mythological and religious heroes. The height of the temple is 105 meters, approximately the same as a twenty-story building. The construction is based on the philosophy of Buddhism and Hinduism. Every corner, wall, spire means something. For example, a sculpture of a girl with a lotus flower means that religion is the basis of the world, a figure of a man with a dove means peace. In a word, the temple can be studied and examined in detail for a very long time.

If you visit the Temple of Truth, you can see how it is built. The work of the craftsmen does not stop even during excursions - they painstakingly carve all kinds of figures from wood, sometimes they can even tell you what they are working on at the moment. Due to the fact that construction is intensive, visitors are given helmets just in case.

Near the Temple of Truth there is a garden and numerous cafes. In addition, you can ride elephants, horses or quad bikes.

Interestingly, not only tourists, but also Thais themselves often visit the temple. Local residents come to pray and ask their gods to solve this or that problem.

Practical information

The temple is located in the north of Pattaya, on Cape Rachwate. Ticket price - 450 THB, for a child - 225 THB.

Prices on the page are for April 2019.

The Temple of Truth is one of the attractions that is the hallmark of Pattaya. Many people have heard about it, visited it, and if not, perhaps the information from this article will be useful to you. How much does the entrance and excursion to the Sanctuary of Truth cost in Pattaya, how to get there yourself, map, photo and description of this temple complex. In addition, I’ll tell you how to make a wish correctly so that it definitely comes true.

Temple of Truth Pattaya - The largest wooden temple in the world

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

It all started with the fact that the Thai millionaire Lek Viriyaphant in the early eighties of the last century wanted to build a hotel complex on the seashore, in the north of Pattaya, in the Naklua area. But the Buddhist monks dissuaded him from this idea and Khun Lek decided to build a much more spiritual structure, which, according to legend (as the fortuneteller promised), would bring him longevity, peace and peace in his soul, with the only caveat that while the Temple of Truth was being built - its owner will live, as soon as construction is completed - the owner of the temple complex will die. You shouldn’t laugh, in Asia they take spiritual predictions very seriously, even now, in the 21st century, not a single construction is completed without a monastic ceremony, and what’s more, not a single shop will open without the consecration of monks and the expulsion and appeasement of the spirits of the place where they are going to tell business. So, Lek Viriyaphant in 1981 started the construction of the Temple of Truth in Pattaya, which, according to his idea, was supposed to unite all Eastern religions, become a place of pilgrimage, magic and tranquility.

Looking ahead, I will say that the fortuneteller turned out to be wrong and Lek Viriyaphant still died during the construction of the Temple of Truth, in 2000, but the work was continued by his son, who also believes in the prophecy and the estimated completion date of the complex is 2025, most likely it will remain so just a date on the calendar.
Millionaire Lek Viriyaphant built not only the Temple of Truth. This eccentric Chinese-born tycoon built at least two other landmarks you may have heard of. This is the ancient city of Mueang Boran in Bangkok and the Erawan Shrine. Both offer excursions and both buildings are worth a visit. Their creation also has its own interesting history: on the site of Mueang Boran, Lek Viriyaphant was going to make a golf course, but again changed his mind at the instigation of the monks.
Why is it worth visiting the Temple of Truth in Pattaya? What is special and interesting about it? In English, the name of the temple sounds like – the Sanctuary of truth.

Temple of Truth in Pattaya - How much does it cost to build?

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

Let's get back to the facts. It was not enough for millionaire Lek Viriyaphant to build just a temple. He wanted his temple complex to be out of the ordinary, special, outstanding, unique in the world. And he realized his idea. The construction of the Temple of Truth costs a lot of money and is carried out using donations from visitors, including the price of admission. So most of the money paid for entrance and entertainment on the territory goes to the purchase of building materials and maintenance, construction, and salaries of employees of the Temple of Truth.

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is truly the largest wooden temple in the world and was built without a single nail. You probably heard about this, and on the spot I wanted to doubt this statement, since the nails are still there and visible. But it turns out that the nails are not driven into the wood completely, they leave about 1 cm from the head in order to then pull it out, that is, the nails are a temporary phenomenon. Once in the Temple of Truth, you will definitely see workshops where architects are cutting and grinding more and more new figures for the temple, as well as restoring new ones. There is also a stand on which wooden locks are displayed, with the help of which all the figures are attached to the temple. Very interesting idea, take a closer look and touch it.

wooden castles that are used in the construction of the Temple of Truth

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

The crazy price is due to the fact that for the construction of the wooden Temple of Truth in Pattaya, only the most valuable types of trees are taken - teak and ironwood. They are eternal. They cannot be damaged by insects, are not subject to corrosion and aging, and are super strong and super resistant to all weather conditions. And yet, in the Temple of Truth there is an endless process of cutting out new parts and restoring old ones, because the complex stands on the seven winds, on the very seashore, and over the years the unvarnished figures lose their luster, as well as parts of the body.

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

What is the Temple of Truth dedicated to?

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

The Temple of Truth symbolizes the symbiosis of four Eastern religions and four countries - China, Thailand, Cambodia and India. The four elements personify the idea of ​​the temple - fire, water, earth and air.
Every figure, every flower, every tiny detail here has its own meaning and is filled with philosophical meaning. And in my opinion, in order to understand what’s what in the Temple of Truth, you need to go here on a tour or take the services of a guide on the spot (the language of the tour is English). Otherwise it will just be wandering around a wooden temple.

Halls of the Temple of Truth

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

The Indian hall is dedicated to all four elements. Here you will see dragons, ancient animals, trees and the ocean.

Chinese talks about the life and incarnations of Bodhisattvas - beings who decided to become a Buddha for the sake of all the inhabitants of the earth. There are also supports with octagonal sections.

The Cambodian hall will be of interest to visitors who want to conceive children. According to legend, you need to rub the hand of one of your three children in order to quickly become pregnant. You can do such a ritual not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. If you want happiness and peace in your marriage, you need to stroke your husband’s knee or your wife’s hand. Considering how polished the knees and hands of the statues are, the prediction works.

Thai Hall – Dedicated to seven avatars, according to the number of days in the week. The biggest avatar is Sunday, the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadette. Here visitors can find out who patronizes them and calculate the day on which they were born. The Thai hall in the Temple of Truth is the only one that is a prayer house and Thais come here to light candles, pray to the spirits of their ancestors and ask for a better life. Mantras sound in this hall, very strange mantras. If you're there, you'll understand what I'm talking about. This is some kind of natural hypnosis, they enchant, envelop, I don’t even know how to explain and what sensations, positive or negative, but some kind of stupor sets in and the person grows straight to the place. Probably such mantras are used to put a person into a state of trance, for meditation, because they definitely help to escape from everything that exists.

Also in the center of the Temple of Truth you will see a huge column - this is a tree trunk in which the spirit of a woman lives; incense, food, and offerings are brought here so that this spirit will help and have a beneficial effect on the construction.

Excursion to the Temple of Truth – Prices and service options

The excursion to the Temple of Truth begins from the gate. There is a mini-zoo right at the entrance; children will be interested in feeding the sheep and lambs, rabbits and goats. The entrance is free. You can also ride elephants on the territory, feed them, ride a horse or ride an ATV. All these options are optional and are not included in the entry price.

The entrance price to the Temple of Truth in Pattaya is 500 baht and 250 for children. An excursion here costs the same and is very often included in other excursions, since in my opinion there is no point in going only to the Temple of Truth. It takes an hour and a half maximum to visit it.

What else to do on site?

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

Take a boat ride on the Gulf of Thailand
Shoot with a bow
View show program

Thai national dances take place at the temple at 11:30 and 15:30

Entrance + boat ride for 20 minutes - 700 baht, for children - 450. Entrance + quad biking - 600 baht, for children 350.

Please note that on the territory, before going down to the temple, there is an observation deck and a cafe. There are several cafes, I liked the one right opposite the temple. There you can have an inexpensive snack and drink a refreshing fruit smoothie.

Rules for visiting the Temple of Truth

Since this building is a full-fledged functioning temple, you need to come here with your shoulders and knees covered. Long skirt, cape over shoulders. If you don't have them, you can rent them for 200 baht, which will be refunded on the way back.

After the observation deck, you go down the stairs, an employee gives each visitor a helmet. These are safety measures; walking around the temple without a helmet is prohibited, as work is underway.

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

To the left of the temple is the workshop where the architects work. They are happy to let you touch the tools and help the child tourists plan some part.

Temple of Truth in Pattaya

How to get to the Sanctuary of Truth – Map

I'll repeat it again. If you do not live nearby, that is, do not live in the Naklua area, you do not have your own transport, driving on your own is a waste of time. Take an excursion, the money will be exactly the same, they’ll just take you and bring you to the hotel. If you live nearby or have your own transport, then here is the Temple of Truth on the Google map:

City transport does not go here and to get there on foot, you need to take a tuk tuk from the center to the “dolphins” and get off at Naklua, cover a few more kilometers in the heat, walk from the tuk tuk for about 20 minutes and there are a lot of construction alleys with dogs that sometimes lead not feeling too friendly. In general, advice to everyone, if you are going to walk a lot in Pattaya, especially in the evening, think about what you will use to scare away dogs. A stone, a spray can, something else. I can’t say that this is a really big problem, but it is there. Not long ago, at 12 noon, I barely escaped from a pack of stray dogs that surrounded me and wanted to bite. And not somewhere in the alleys, but quite in a crowded place.

I won’t end on a bad note, but I will say that the Temple of Truth is a very interesting building and is worth a visit, especially if you get an interesting and knowledgeable guide who thoroughly understands all religious movements, temple construction, Buddhist philosophy and can convey this in an accessible and interesting language . I was in the Temple of Truth as part of the excursion Temple of Truth + Palace of the Chicken King, the program was called “Luxury of Siam”, in my opinion it has now changed, but in any case, if you need contacts of a good travel agency in Pattaya, where you will not have to overpay, write in the comments, I'll send it to you by email.

Have a nice and interesting holiday in Pattaya!

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For many tourists, the resort of Pattaya is associated with constant entertainment, nightclubs, parties, transvestites, with whom its streets are simply crowded. Because of this, one gets the impression that it is simply unrealistic to encounter something sacred here. But in reality everything is completely different. Local residents are so “saturated” with their religion that they are sometimes forced to adhere to its strictest rules. On weekends, they regularly visit temples, the appearance of which is simply stunning in its beauty and grandeur. And I will tell you about the most popular temples in Pattaya in this article.

This is one of the largest temple complexes within Pattaya. Being the main shrine of the resort, it attracts hundreds of visitors every day, among whom pilgrims play a significant role. In the center of the complex is a huge statue of the Seated Buddha. Surrounded on all sides by smaller sculptures, it creates an atmosphere of harmony and peace.

Within the temple there is a separate prayer room, a small lotus pond, a souvenir shop and other buildings. Located on the top of Pratomnak Hill, the temple is open throughout the day. At its foot there is a park area, which has still retained its original appearance. And from the complex there are stunning views of the central part of Pattaya. Entrance here is absolutely free, you just need to maintain a neat appearance and cover your shoulders and knees.

Temple of Truth

Interesting in its architectural design, made entirely of wood. Its construction began in 1981 and is scheduled for completion in 2025. The building consists entirely of hand-carved wood. All these ornaments intertwine mythological and religious stories not only of Thailand, but also of countries such as China, Cambodia and India. Measuring 100 m wide and 108 m high, the temple simply amazes with its grandeur and the atmosphere of the ancient era.

The temple complex is located in the northern part of Pattaya - in the Naklua area. The minimum cost of visiting for adults is 500 baht, and for children – 250. But the price may vary depending on the specifics of the excursion program.

Chaimongkron Temple

Despite the fact that Chaimongkron Temple is located in the heart of Pattaya (literally a few minutes from the famous one), it is not very popular among tourists. That is why the atmosphere of silence and tranquility is always preserved here.

Amazing aromas of incense waft throughout the area, thanks to which you can plunge headlong into the world of Buddhism. All visitors are greeted with joy by the monks, who knit a colored ribbon on their hand, thereby giving their blessing.

There is a school within the temple, which is always full of children. There is also a cozy cafe with national Thai dishes, the cost of which is minimal. You can often see a meditating monk on the shore of the lake. The temple is open during the daytime, and entry is absolutely free.

Orthodox church

The opening took place in 2008. Its significance is so great that it is simply impossible to imagine the resort without such a special piece of our homeland. Occupying a small area, the temple conducts almost all Christian ceremonies, including weddings, baptisms, and funeral services. The peaceful and calm atmosphere makes it possible to touch the true faith with all your soul.

The entire interior painting of the building was done by Thai craftsmen, and in the very center of the dome is an icon of the Mother of God. The temple is open to all parishioners throughout the day, and visiting it is absolutely free. There are candles placed inside the hall, which are available to every visitor. A Sunday school and library operate within the temple. It is located in the north of Pattaya - within the Naklua district.

Wat Yan Temple

Situated on an area of ​​145 hectares, it is a whole complex of various buildings, pavilions, sculptures and lakes with lotuses. The architectural design of the buildings combined Indian, Chinese, Thai styles and some elements of Singapore. The temple is famous for the most important shrine in Thailand - the footprint of the great Buddha, which is located in the pagoda chapel. To see this miracle, you need to climb 300 steps to the top of the hill.

Along the way, you will see the temple-museum of the Chinese Emperor, figures of warriors of the ruler of China, many Buddha statues, a stupa, as well as an amazing image of Buddha on a granite rock. The temple complex is located 20 kilometers south of Pattaya, on the road to the famous Nong Nooch Park. The entrance fee for an adult is 700 baht, for children - 450.

Map with temples

On this map I marked all the temples that I described in this article.

Each temple is a piece of the centuries-old history and religion of the Thai Kingdom. Their majestic and bright buildings cannot leave any guest of the country indifferent. When going to get acquainted with them, it is worth remembering that these are not only visited tourist places, but also active religious sites that have their own charters and traditions. Buddhist monks always welcome foreigners on their territory with cordiality, demanding only cultural behavior and appropriate appearance.

Numerous Pattaya temples . Their atmosphere gives peace and reminds of the main values ​​of life.

Participation in simple rituals instills faith in a prosperous future. Some of the religious buildings have become popular attractions, monuments of Buddhist culture and original architecture.

Wat Yanasangwararam

The largest temple complex in Pattaya is Wat Yannasangwararam - tourists simply call it. On a vast territory of over 146 hectares there are buildings of different architectural styles, numerous sculptures, and unique religious relics. This is one of the few places that has preserved a well-kept park with gazebos for meditation and ponds covered with lotuses.

The main temple and the entire complex are named after the Patriarch of Thailand, Venerable Yanasangwon. Construction of his residence was completed in 1976. Since then, the territory of Wat Yan has expanded significantly, thanks to the patronage of the monarch. A sign of respect and gratitude to the royal family were the golden statues of Rama VII and Princess Sinakharinthra, cast in full height.

The white sanctuary cone is different from the traditional ones Pattaya temples height and innovative architectural elements.

Thais consider Wat Yang miraculous, thanks to the main relic - the footprint of the great Buddha. It is kept in the small Mondop chapel on the top of the hill. To see it, you have to pay 50 baht and climb 300 steps, getting rid of negativity along the way. Thais also revere another local shrine: the stupa with the relics of Buddha.

In the temple museum, the meditating monks made of wax make a strong impression. Life-size figures appear alive. There is a popular observation deck at the top. Magnificent views of the Gulf of Thailand and the picturesque surroundings fascinate with their beauty.

Five kilometers from the main temple is Mount Khao Sin Chan with the famous rock carving of the seated Buddha. The gigantic image, 160 m high, has no equal.Outlines of a figure created usinglasers, lined with gold plates, visible from afar.

Viharnra Sin - “abode of the gods”

This colorful architectural ensemble, built in 1988, was a gift from China to the royal dynasty. It combines the functions of a religious building with a museum.

The temple is guarded by statues of armed warriors in various equipment. Dragons and mythical monsters watch vigilantly from the rooftops.The elegant multi-colored buildings of the Chinese style have no analogues in the country.

The museum presents a collection of national artifacts, images of Chinese rulers, mounted warriors, revered deities and gifts presented to the king. A picturesque group of warriors froze forever on the balcony.

In terms of antiquity, none of them can compete with the religious building, erected in 1899 during the reign of Rama V. temples in Pattaya . Wat Sattahip has a second name - Wat Luang Pho I. This is the name of a talented monk who created a building project with a unique architecture.

The building is designed so that parishioners enter from the street and exit through a door leading to the shore of the Gulf of Thailand. In the temple there is a life-size statue of a monk, cast at the expense of Luang Pho admirers. He helped many parishioners and left a good memory of himself.

Wat Sattahip is located in the area of ​​the same name. The small elegant building attracts with its originality. On its territory there are traditional Buddhist stupas and several pagodas where monks live.

Big Buddha

The popular temple attracts travelers with its famous statue of the Big Buddha, 15 m high. The width of the giant gilded statue, installed in 1977, is about 10 m. It was created with funds raised by the monks.

The highest hill was chosen as the site for the installation of the shrine - 140 m above sea level. It is called Big Buddha Hill. Residents of Pattaya are proud of the temple complex and visit it often.

A staircase of 120 steps leads to the top of the hill. According to legend, they must be counted when rising. The one who does not go astray has a pure aura. The rise on both sides is guarded by seven-headed gold-colored naga snakes.

To get to the Buddha's altar, it is customary to receive a blessing and a talisman from the monk in the lower temple. They leave a white envelope at the entrance with 20 baht in it. After conquering Big Buddha Hill, visitors enter another temple for ritual cleansing. By leaving a small donation, you can make a cherished wish.

At the altar of the Big Buddha, believers light candles and say prayers. The main statue is surrounded by 10 statues of Buddha in different incarnations and poses.

Some are responsible for certain days of the week, others for welfare and other needs. A favorite pastime of tourists is to throw a coin into the stomach of a figure that brings wealth.

To get rid of diseases and cleanse karma, it is recommended to hit the bells with sacred mantras with a stick. They hang next to the stairs. Another option is to buy a cage with birds and release them into the wild.

From the observation deck of Mount Pratumnak, where the highest point of Pattaya is located, the entire city is visible. In the evening, the illuminated temple complex looks like a vision from an oriental fairy tale.

Temple of Truth or an unfinished masterpiece

The history of this temple is reminiscent of the epic La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The gigantic structure, designed to tell about the varieties of Eastern religion, has been under construction since 1981. The author of the idea and the main sponsor was Lek Viriyapan, a Thai businessman who dreamed of introducing everyone to the philosophical revelations of Buddhism. He passed away in 2000, and The Sanctuary of Truth is not yet completed.

This is one of the most interesting Pattaya temples . The entire structure and intricate decoration are made of precious wood. Elaborate carvings frame the interior with figures of saints and mythical characters.

The temple amazes with its fantastic outlines and colossal scale: its height and width exceed 100 m. It is considered the largest wooden temple in the city and the whole country. The architecture of Wang Boran is a mixture of Indian, Khmer, Thai and Chinese styles.

Admission is paid, the ticket costs 500 baht.

Important! In the major temples of Pattaya Strict dress code: clothing must cover shoulders and legs. Shoes are removed before entering. It is not recommended to touch monks and ministers.

When planning to take photographs, pay attention to prohibitory signs. It is customary to sit on the floor with your legs crossed so as not to violate the traditions of Buddhism.


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