What shape is the island of Sumatra? Sumatra Island. Islands of Indonesia: geographical location and description. Orangutan Rehabilitation Center

) is the island of Sumatra, it is popular among tourists due to its incredibly beautiful mountain landscapes, the largest volcanic lake, ancient ruins and black sand beaches, the length of which is at least 2 km.

How to get there?

Despite the fact that the island stretches over almost 500 thousand km 2, public transport here is poorly developed. Therefore, the easiest way to get to the island is by plane. There are no direct flights to this place even in major Russian cities, so you will have to fly with a transfer. There are 12 airports in Indonesia, but most often tourists transfer to. From there you can fly directly to the island. It is difficult to say what the cost of the flight will be; it mainly depends on the time of year. At the peak of the tourist season, the cost of a flight from Russia to the island with a transfer can be $1,200.


Sumatra is located on the equator, so you can relax here all year round. There is constantly high humidity and moderate temperatures, so the risk of sunstroke is minimal. There are no big temperature changes here, the air heats up to +25-27 degrees.

The only difference between summer and winter is the direction of the wind. In the period from December to March, the north-east wind direction predominates, and from June to the end of September the south-west wind direction prevails. There is little precipitation on the island, no more than 1000 ml throughout the year.

Resort Information

Scientists believe that people first appeared on the island before our era; they have not yet been able to establish the exact time. Excavations are still being carried out on Indonesian territory, thanks to which archaeologists have found that at least three representatives of different cultures lived on the island, replacing each other.

The first states were formed on the island in the 2nd century. AD Among the most significant powers, it is worth noting the kingdom of Srivijaya. Thanks to him, a lot of wars of conquest were started, as a result of which a small part of the island and the Malacca Peninsula were subjugated. Analyzing ancient writings, archaeologists first come across mentions of Sumatra in the 10th century. Only at that time, because of the gold mines, this place was called the “Island of Gold.”

A famous traveler from Italy first came to the island in 1291, after which he colorfully described this place in his book. Then colonialists from Portugal and Holland appeared in Sumatra. As a result of several years of clashes, the Dutch gained power over the island. After this, in the 15th century, trade in pepper and other spices was established, which at that time were valued in the same way as precious metals. 100 years later the British unsuccessfully tried to attack the Dutch.

In 1833, the Krakatoa volcano, which is located near the island of Sumatra, erupted. The eruption resulted in an explosion and flood. During World War II, Sumatra was captured by Japan, but after the Indonesian authorities were able to return the island to their possession. From that moment on, local residents began to demand autonomy and in 2001 the authorities agreed to this. In 2004, a massive tsunami hit Sumatra, after which some areas of the island are still recovering.

Entertainment and attractions

Local authorities began to think about developing infrastructure to attract tourists only in the last few years. There are more than 20 beaches on the island, most of which have volcanic sand. The island of Sumatra creates ideal conditions for diving, snorkeling and even windsurfing.

In addition, there are a lot of historical and natural attractions that tourists simply need to visit in order to feel the atmosphere of this place.

Lake Toba

At one time, Indonesia became famous thanks to this lake. The thing is that it was formed more than 70 thousand years ago, and is also of volcanic origin. This place is very picturesque thanks to the tropical pine forests that are located on the shore of the lake. To fully enjoy this place, you can take a tour by ferry or boat. The depth of the lake reaches 505 meters. The pond is home to Asian pike, carp, and guppies. The water in the lake is so clean that even at a decent depth you can see fish and take beautiful photographs.

Gunung Löser National Park

The park got its name thanks to the beautiful Mount Löser, which is located on the territory of the park. Gunung Löser stretches for more than 150 km. For tourists, this place is notable not only for its picturesque nature and various types of rare plants, but also for the fact that there are several ecosystems located in the park. For example, within the park there is a large orangutan reserve. This unique natural complex was included in the World Heritage List.

It is also noteworthy that the territory of Gung Leser contains Sumatran orangutans, which are an endangered species. There are only 2 places on the planet where these animals are cared for. Also in the park you can admire rhinoceroses, elephants, tigers, Bengal cats, sambar and siamang.

Bukit Lawang Village

This village is located within the Gunung Löser Park. On weekdays only tourists live there, but on holidays and weekends local residents come to this place. This place was created so that tourists can understand how Indonesians used to live. The village is located near the river, so many of the houses overlook it. Bukit Lawang is perfect for those who want to enjoy nature and imagine what this village was like decades ago.

Great Mosque

The mosque is the main attraction of the city of Medan (the main city of northern Sumatra) and is of high value as an architectural and historical monument. The Great Mosque was built during the rule of the Dutch and has remained virtually unchanged since then; local authorities carefully monitor the condition of the monument. This building was erected in 1907, it is made in the Moroccan style. Local residents regularly come here to pray. If you use the services of a guide, you will find out that the building embodies a symbol of religion and culture. Locals believe in the sanctity of this place as the Great Mosque was not damaged even after the tsunami in 2004.

Bohorok National Reserve

This reserve is a rehabilitation center for orangutans; it was created to preserve and increase the population of these animals. Now there are more than 5,000 individuals on its territory. Basically, zoo employees are engaged in teaching domesticated animals to survive in the wild. The thing is that earlier in Indonesia it was customary to keep orangutans as pets, but then people got tired of putting up with their disobedient behavior and abandoned this idea. As a result, the animal population has decreased significantly and the reserve staff is trying to correct this.

Sultan's Palace

Another significant attraction is Istana Maimun, as the locals call the palace. It was built in 1888, so it is a historical monument. This place shows off the local flavor well. You can take home a piece of the colonial era in the souvenir shop, where many works by local craftsmen are presented.

The island of Sumatra in Indonesia is an ideal holiday destination; this resort is suitable for absolutely everyone, because everyone will find entertainment here to their liking.

Sumatra is truly a beautiful and breathtaking island in Indonesia. This is where you can not only enjoy the real beauty of nature, but also plunge into dangerous adventures. Travelers have the best opportunity to enjoy picturesque nature, unique cultural heritage and affordable prices.

However, the island of Sumatra is associated with numerous natural disasters, which include volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, landslides and earthquakes. Only brave tourists will be able to fully immerse themselves in the world of Sumatra and Indonesia in order to comprehend other facets of life.

Gunung Löser is a national park located along the border of two Indonesian provinces. From the very beginning, this natural attraction has attracted a large number of tourists who are ready to appreciate the beauty of nature and unique ecosystems. Gunung Löser National Park is a World Heritage Site and is home to orangutans, rhinoceroses, elephants, tigers, and Bengal cats.

Toba is one of the largest lakes in the world. The appearance of the lake was facilitated by the eruption of the volcano of the same name. Tropical pine forests grow on the banks. At the same time, even a boat trip will give you bright and positive impressions.

Lake Toba is famous for its clean and clear water. People can see fish that sometimes rise to the surface of the reservoir. In addition, you can take unique photographs of Lake Toba.

The village of Tomok Bolon is a traditional settlement of the Sumatra tribe. Tourists note that this is where you can understand how the locals live.

The entire village consists of houses with natural thatch roofs. The houses are located on low stilts, which make it possible to wait out floods here if necessary.

The village also has special rice granaries, which are the same size as residential buildings and can be used as an additional bedroom.

The most important and beautiful building in the village is the public house. Its façade is decorated with a classic floral pattern combining red, white and black. Nowadays, the traditions of the peoples of Indonesia are gradually becoming a thing of the past. This is due to the noticeable influence of civilization. However, if you hurry, you can visit the village of Tomok Bolon.

The center is successfully working to preserve and increase the orangutan population. The center was founded in 1973. Currently, the place is almost unique, since the opportunity to see wild orangutans is practically lost. Thousands of individuals live in the reserve, so there is a good chance for the center to operate effectively.

Tourists get the opportunity to go into the jungle to understand how monkeys live. In addition, you can watch wild orangutans feeding. Such opportunities for fans of eco-tourism turn out to be truly worthy.

The Sipiso Piso waterfall is located in the northern part of Lake Toba. This waterfall is precipitous, which only adds a unique touch to its appearance. The place surprises with its picturesque beauty. In addition, Sipiso-Piso exists thanks to an underground river that flows under the plateau.

The natural attraction can be viewed from three observation platforms. Each place offers a truly beautiful panorama of Sumatra. The most worthy is the upper observation deck, which offers beautiful views of the best natural sites of the Indonesian island.

Simalungun Royal Palace is a worthy example of ancient Indonesian architecture. Despite its considerable age, the palace was kept in good condition thanks to regular restoration activities. Inside the building are richly decorated rooms containing rich displays on the history of Sumatra. If desired, you can buy unique souvenirs in a nearby store.

The museum center is one of the oldest in Indonesia. Numerous artifacts from the Aceh province, which belongs to Sumatra, are presented here.

Every visitor to the museum can appreciate the unique exhibition, which fully reveals the significant aspects of the Aceh province. Moreover, most of the exhibits are directly related to nature and geology, as a result of which visitors get the right impression of the potential of the province.

The Ampera bridge, which is a drawbridge, was previously actively used to pass passing ships. The construction of the bridge was planned with the aim of creating a unique rival to Tower Bridge, which turned out to be a fundamental issue for the local government. Funds for the project were taken from war reparations that were recovered from Japan.

The Amper drawbridge project was developed by representatives of the Japanese company Fuji Car Manufacturing Co. Ltd. However, even the Japanese did not have the relevant experience, so the project was not so easy to implement.

The Amper Bridge's vaults stopped rising in 1970. This is because the half-hour wait required to lift the vaults caused serious delays. The siltation of the river also made it impossible for vessels to pass through.

The national park surprises with its large area, but tourists also note the truly picturesque nature. On the territory of the natural attraction there are rivers with rapids, caves, waterfalls and hot springs. The amazing diversity of the world's flora and fauna makes the national park play a truly important role for the entire nature of Indonesia. Tigers, leopards, tapirs, Malayan bears, and rhinoceroses live here.

The Soeman H.S Library, which is national, is located in a unique building. The house where the library is located surprises with its modern and elegant forms. However, not only the architectural design of the library contributes to the successful attraction of tourists.

The collections are regularly replenished with new world literature and classical masterpieces, so the library is only expanding and developing. Local residents and tourists can choose interesting books and read them in a special room, attend lectures and relax in a cozy cafe.

Location: Jl. Jenderal Sudirman - 462.

The Istana Maimun Palace is one of the most worthy attractions in North Sumatra. The palace surprises with its unique architectural and interior design, in which it is possible to find worthy elements of various styles that are combined in a truly harmonious way.

The palace complex was built for Sultan Al Makmun in 1887 - 1891. Nowadays, the palace complex is one of the most important attractions for tourists.

Only one hall is available for visiting, which can be explored in about 15 minutes. However, the interior still allows you to understand how special Indonesian attractions are and make sure that many objects differ from European ones.

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic religious site that attracts pilgrims from different parts of the world.

Construction activities were carried out in 2001 -2005. The religious landmark is a 2-story building with three domes, which are made in accordance with the best principles of Indonesian style. The building is decorated with various religious symbols that highlight the characteristics of religious faith.

Location: Jl. Sakura III No. - 7, Perumahan Taman Sakura Indah.

Bukit Barisan Selatan is a national park in Sumatra and is an official World Heritage Site. The work of the national park helps to preserve the wealth of Indonesian fauna and flora.

Initially, the territory was recognized as a protected area. However, almost 50 years later the site was recognized as a national park.

The World Wildlife Fund notes that violations of current legislation have led to partial loss of forests, as the area is now used for the development of coffee plantations.

Nature and adventure lovers can stay in a small hotel or campsite. In addition, river walks will contribute to a successful approach to pristine nature.

Sumatra is a truly enchanting Indonesian island that allows you to experience nature and Indonesian culture.

St. Peter's Cathedral is a Catholic church in the city of Bandung. This cathedral is the cathedral for the city diocese. The design of the new church in the neo-Gothic style was developed by the Dutch architect Charles Wolf Schoemaker back in 1906, but the illumination of the present cathedral took place only on February 19, 1922.

Ten years later, the Holy See established the Apostolic Prefecture of Bandung and this church became the cathedral of the city's Catholic structure.

At first glance, neo-Gothic design may seem very standard, but a closer look reveals the subtlest signs of art deco. One of the most outstanding features of St. Peter's Basilica is the stunning stained glass window located above the altar.

The cathedral is surrounded by skyscrapers that interfere with the perception of its austere beauty. The expansion of modern architecture is currently the main problem of the city.

Lake Toba

Toba is the world's largest lake of volcanic origin; it was formed approximately 75 thousand years ago by the eruption of the volcano of the same name. Lake Toba is located on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, its shores are very picturesque, as they are overgrown with tropical pine forests, so a walk on the water by ferry or boat always leaves a lot of positive impressions on tourists.

Lake Toba is the largest in Indonesia, and its maximum depth is 505 meters. In its water there are various types of fish, for example, the well-known guppies, carps, as well as Asian pike, spotted gourami, rasbora and so on.

The water of the lake is clean and transparent, which allows you to sometimes see fish rising to the surface and even take photographs of them.

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Sultan's Palace

Istana Maimun (Sultan's Palace) is located in Medan, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Like the Masjid Raya (great mosque), it is a popular site for tourists and researchers, as well as an architectural and historical monument of the city. The palace was built in the Italian Rococo style in 1888.

The palace is considered the most pompous architectural structure of Medan and is a representative building of the colonial era. It is perfectly preserved and is periodically restored, so it has not only historical, but also aesthetic value, as a carrier of a combination of elements of different cultures.

In the palace souvenir shop there is a wide selection of costume jewelry from local manufacturers, where each visitor can choose a piece of jewelry that conveys all the richness of the local flavor. The jewelry is made in the traditional Indonesian style and can be a wonderful souvenir to remember your arrival in Medan.

The Great Mosque or Masjid Raya Mosque is located in Medan, on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Along with Istana Maimun, the Sultan's palace, it is one of the main attractions of the city, the main architectural and historical monument. Both buildings are the finest examples of Dutch colonial architecture and are maintained in almost perfect condition.

Masjid Raya Mosque was built in 1907 by one of the Dutch architects in the Moroccan style, and today it is the main religious building in Medan. The mosque building combines colonial and Indian Mughal influences and is similar to the Tuban Raya Mosque in East Java.

This mosque has great symbolic significance for the inhabitants of the province as a symbol of religion and culture. What adds special veneration to this building is the fact that it withstood the devastating 2004 tsunami.

Sarcophagus of King Sidabuthar

On the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, not far from the town of Tomoka, where the ferries dock, behind the market stalls lies the tomb of the Batak king Sidabutara, surrounded by his relatives. This tomb is more than 200 years old, and all these years its interesting structure and unusual decoration, conveying the national Indonesian flavor, have attracted tourists.

It is believed that all Bataks descended from Si Raja Batak - the King of the Bataks, so almost any islander will be happy to show you the family tree, because they are all happy to tell you that they descended from the king. For the same reason, they treat the tombs of their kings with great respect, as if they were the tombs of direct ancestors.

Not far from the tomb of the kings, there are Batak houses where the annual puppet festival is held: an amazing and unusual spectacle that always attracts many spectators. There is a small Batak museum on the island, which contains unique carved statues that are several decades old. Here in the museum you can take a photo in traditional Batak attire.

Löser National Park

Gunung Löser is a national park in Indonesia, named after Mount Löser, which is located on its territory. The park itself stretches along the border of two Indonesian provinces for 150 kilometers. This park has attracted a large number of tourists since its establishment because it contains many ecosystems such as the Bukit Lawang Orangutan Sanctuary.

Gunung Leuser National Park, together with Bukit Barisan Setalan and Kerinci Seblat, forms a unique natural complex called the Virgin Tropical Rainforests of Sumatra. It is a World Heritage Site.

Tourists and researchers from all over the world are also attracted here by the fact that Gunung Löser is one of the habitats of Sumatran orangutans; there are only two such places on the planet. In addition to these rare animals, the park is home to the sambar, Sumatran rhinoceros, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, siamang, Sumatran serow and Bengal cat.

Orangutan Rehabilitation Center

The Bohorok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center is a national reserve located on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, created to preserve and increase the orangutan population. Bohorok was founded in 1973 near the small village of Bukit Lawang, and now it is one of the few places in the world where you can still see wild orangutans. There are more than 5,000 of these monkeys in the reserve.

The main task of the reserve is to train domesticated orangutans to survive in nature. Orangutans used to be extremely popular as pets in Indonesia, but their population declined sharply in the late twentieth century, and rehabilitation officials are now seeking to increase it. To do this, the reserve buys animals from their owners and gradually adapts them to life in the wild.

Bokhorok is an extremely popular destination among tourists. Here you can watch wild orangutans up close while feeding, or go on a jungle excursion to see the monkeys in their natural habitat. The reserve itself is a real tropical forest - a very picturesque place, ideal for eco-tourism.

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Bukit Barisan Mountains

Bukit Barisan is a densely jungled mountain range stretching across the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The length of the mountains is 1700 kilometers. Bukit Barisan also includes three national reserves that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Bukit Barisan means "row of hills". In fact, this is a huge mountain range that includes many volcanoes (more than 35 of them are active). Also, it is in the Bukit Barisan Mountains that Kerinci Peak is located - the highest peak in Indonesia, whose height is 3800 meters.

This region is rich in picturesque alpine lakes, the most famous of which is Lake Toba, located in the caldera of an ancient supervolcano.

The Bukit Barisan mountain range is a very beautiful place. These are thousands of kilometers of pristine tropical forests, high mountains and beautiful lakes. And although we are not talking about comfortable admiring nature, the Bukit Barrisan mountain range still attracts many eco-tourists from all over the world.

The most popular attractions in Sumatra with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Sumatra on our website.

More attractions of Sumatra

In the west of the Malay archipelago is the sixth largest island in the world - Sumatra. Being part of the Greater Sunda Islands group. The area of ​​Sumatra is 473,000 sq. km. The population is more than 50,370,000 people. The capital of Sumatra is .

Geographical location and relief of Sumatra

The island of Sumatra, a photo of which can be seen below, is located on the world map in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the equator divides it into almost two equal parts. The length of the island is approximately 1.8 thousand square meters. km, and the width is 435 km. Sumatra is separated from neighboring Malacca by the Strait of Malacca, and from neighboring Malacca by the Sunda Strait.

The southwestern coast of Sumatra is mountainous and contains the Batak and Aceh plateaus. The fault zone divides the Barisan mountain range into two chains composed of Paleozoic rocks: limestone, quartzite, crystalline schists. The east of the island is a swampy plain.

On the island of Sumatra there are 12 active ones, as well as many extinct ones. The highest point of Sumatra is the active volcano Indrapura or, whose height is more than 3800 m above sea level. Other large volcanoes are 2891 m high and Dempo 3159 m high.

The island of Sumatra is characterized by high seismicity. Earthquakes with an amplitude of up to 7-8 points are possible here. So, in 1883, an eruption located near Sumatra lowered the entire neighboring one under water. And the infamous 2004 tsunami on the island of Sumatra, caused by an undersea earthquake, caused enormous damage to its southern and western coasts.

The area where the island of Sumatra is located has an equatorial climate characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The average temperature here is +25-27ºС. In winter, winds blow from the northeast, and in summer – from the southwest. In the east of the island, precipitation falls up to 1000 mm per year. In western Sumatra, up to 4000 mm can fall, and in the mountains - up to 6000 mm. Moreover, from May to September there is almost no rain, and the main precipitation occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Cities of Sumatra

Tourists traveling around the island usually visit the following places:

Sights of Sumatra

Many tourists strive to get to this exotic island. Life here is different in many ways from European life. From what to see in Sumatra, it is important to name:

The island has a variety to suit every taste and budget:

  • JW Marriott Hotel Medan– 5-star hotel in the center of the metropolis in Sumatra Medan with modern, well-equipped rooms, a swimming pool and a gym;
  • Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotels & Convention-Medan– stylish 4-star hotel with a conference center and spa;
  • Aston Jambi Hotel & Conference Center– a 4-star hotel located in the city of Jambi, provides its guests with a full range of services;
  • Horison Siantar Hotel– an excellent 3-star hotel with non-smoking rooms will provide its guests with a comfortable stay.

Sumatra Restaurants

In order to taste the national ones, you can visit one of the restaurants in Sumatra:

  • Restaurant Garuda- this is a whole network of authentic restaurants that are located throughout Sumatra, and especially in its northern part, in the establishments you will be treated to dishes of meat, fish, and vegetables;
  • Jenny's Restaurant– a restaurant located on the island of Samosir, the traditional dish there is fish caught in Lake Toba, fried until crisp;
  • Tip Top Restaurant is one of the oldest restaurants in Sumatra, but this does not make it less popular, but rather the opposite. Here you will be treated to fried rice, delicious cakes and even homemade ice cream. This restaurant is located in Medan on Ahmad Yani Street.


If you come to Sumatra and dream of doing something here, pay attention to the shopping centers available in each city:

  • Sun Plaza – This shopping and entertainment center is located in Medan on Jl. Ainul Arifin & Diponegoro/Polonia, you can choose products from brands such as Franco, Mango, Zara;
  • a modern shopping complex in Palembang is located at Jln. PON IX, 30137, where you can buy fashionable shoes, clothes, souvenirs, jewelry;
  • Batik Tanah Liek Citra Monalisa in Padang - here you can buy fabrics made using the batik technique, as well as finished products from them.

How to get to Sumatra island?

When going on a trip to Sumatra, keep in mind that the easiest way to get to the island is by plane. Medan is home to Sumatra's main airport, Kuala Namu, which receives flights from many cities in Indonesia, as well as from other countries such as China and Thailand. From the airport to the center of Medan you can travel by train, regular bus or taxi.

To travel by car from Sumatra, you can take a ferry. However, such a road will take you a lot of time and may be unsafe.

Sumatra is an island where virgin nature is combined with beautiful temples and unusual customs of the local people. Travelers from different countries flock here to enjoy their stay in this paradise of the planet. Here you can bask on the beach, get acquainted with strange birds and rare animals, and also study local architecture. The island is famous for its huge parks, mountains, hot springs and alluring black beaches. It is the exoticism and the absence of crowds of tourists that allow you to enjoy relaxation and bright colors to the fullest, as well as take a break from the usual dullness and noise of the metropolis.

Geographical features

Sumatra ranks fourth in size in the world, its area is 473 thousand km². It is located on the equator, which divides the territory almost equally. The island has an elongated shape. Along the western border there are mountain ranges with the highest peak - the Indrapura (Kirinchi) volcano, 3800 m high. Slightly lower in height, but no less picturesque, are the Dempo and Marapi volcanoes. There are a total of 12 active volcanoes in Sumatra. Earthquakes often occur here; their amplitude regularly reaches 7-8 points.

The largest lake on the island is Toba. It is located in the crater of the largest, now dormant, volcano. The lake is the main attraction and tourist hub. It contains another island - Samosir, with an area of ​​530 km². On the northern edge of the lake there is the beautiful Sipiso-piso waterfall, 120 m high.

The east and northeast of the island are covered by wet lowlands. The territory is dotted with a large number of rivers. The largest are Hari, Rokan, Musi and Kampar; they carry their waters from west to east.


The equatorial climate of Sumatra is characterized by high humidity and constantly warm air within +26…+28°C. Precipitation levels vary on the east and west coasts. If in the lowlands near the eastern coast the average annual precipitation is only 1000 mm, then in the west 4000 mm falls. In the mountains, precipitation reaches 6000 mm. The maximum amount of rain falls from October to March.

From December to the end of March, the temperature drops by several degrees. The reason for this is cool winds from the northeast. In April-November, hot southwesterly winds blow on the island. Due to the decrease in humidity during this period, the heat is more easily tolerated.

Animal and plant life

People go to Sumatra to enjoy its beautiful nature, not desecrated by man. There are several natural parks and reserves on the territory. The largest of them (Gunung Luser) is home to many colorful birds and primates. This is where elephants, leopards, rhinoceroses and the endangered Sumatran tigers live. Fans of long walking tours can go to conquer the Loser and Luser mountains. This excursion will last at least ten days and will allow you to truly feel unity with nature.

For those more interested in the plant world, you should head to the Querincy Seblat Park. In the wild jungle you can find the tallest flower, Amorphophallus, as well as the huge insectivorous Rafflesia. Residents of nearby villages look for the blossoming buds in advance and, for a small fee, lead tourists to them.

Lush vegetation can be found not only in parks. Ficus, palm trees, ferns and vines grow almost everywhere. In the mountains, at an altitude of 1.5 km, you can find more common oaks, maples, chestnuts and coniferous vegetation.

Among the diverse fauna, almost 30% of the species are endemic, that is, they live exclusively in the Sumatran forests. Here in the wild you can find black-backed tapir, Malayan bear, tabby pig, woolly wing or island civet. Along the coast, among the corals, many divers are attracted by underwater inhabitants.


You should start exploring the city by visiting the Masjid Raya mosque. This majestic snow-white structure with unusual black domes appeared in the 19th century. The structure consists of numerous arches, and the walls are decorated with ornaments and Arabic script. The mosque is especially beautiful in the evening. In the rays of an orange sunset, the walls are painted in various warm shades.

The next attraction in the city is the Sultan's Palace (Istana Maimun). This is a large, colorful, although a little chaotic, building. Around the palace there is a large lawn with palm trees and an English lawn. Arches, gazebos and terraces are painted in a more cheerful ocher color.

The real highlight of Sumatra is Lake Toba and the island of Samosir located in the center. It is suitable for long educational excursions to local villages and a relaxing holiday. The area here is hilly, covered with mountains and rivers; on Mount Belirang you can swim in hot thermal springs. The most popular tourist village is Tuk-Tuk. There are hotels, cafes and several clubs here. Representatives of the Batak people, who are distinguished by their unique customs and rituals, also live here. A century ago they practiced cannibalism and headhunting, but the Christian influences of the colonists made them more peaceful. The national dance Toba-Batak is a fascinating performance. There are several museums and interesting places nearby:

  • Huta Bolon in the village of Simanida;
  • a museum with the tomb of Raja Sidabatu in the village of Tomok;
  • Stone thrones in the village of Ambarita.

There are many souvenir shops in Tomoka where you can buy handmade items from local residents:

  • wooden crafts;
  • sun umbrellas;
  • cosmetics;
  • inexpensive clothes.

In mid-June, it is worth visiting the town of Palembang, where a racing boat regatta is held in honor of Srivijaya (harvest festival). There is a museum nearby dedicated to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin and Balaputra Deva. There is also a zoo where crocodiles, elephants, bears and orangutans live.

Things to do?

Tourism on the island began to develop quite recently, so the infrastructure is not developed everywhere. But most hotels and restaurants are distinguished by their novelty and reasonable prices. Due to the volcanic origin of the island, the sand on the beaches is black or dark gray, and the beaches themselves rarely have a smooth entrance to the water. Therefore, swimming on the island is not popular, but there is a lot of interesting things for fans of diving, snorkeling or rafting on mountain rivers. Instructors and equipment rentals can be found in resort towns near rivers or right on the beach.

Visiting local villages allows you to get closer to the diverse customs, religion and features of local architecture. Some houses with characteristic triangular roofs are abandoned, which allows you to study their interior furnishings.

Volcanic eruptions are not always accompanied by huge flows of lava. Sometimes hot air with sulfur and ash breaks through small holes. The guide will show such wells during the ascent so that tourists can feel all the power hidden in the bowels of the earth. It’s not for nothing that Indonesia is called the hot spot of the planet due to regular eruptions.

How to get there?

Indonesia can be reached using international airlines. From Moscow to Denpasar you can find a direct flight or get there with several transfers in Bangkok, Dubai, Shanghai or Kuala Luipur. From Denpasar to Sumatra, small domestic planes fly to Medan. It’s convenient to start exploring the island from the city or go straight to Samosir.


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