"Stone Forest" of Goris. Armenia. Wonders of Armenian nature: stone “forest” and caves of Goris Goris Armenia accommodation in barrels

City Goris located in a unique place - a deep basin surrounded on all sides by rocks. These rocks are a rare natural phenomenon - the result of weathering of volcanic tuff. This process created unusual pinkish cones and peaks that are a fantastic sight.

Located on the Goris River (a tributary of Vorotan), 240 km from Yerevan and 70 km from Kapan on the Yerevan-Stepanakert highway. The city is located in a mountain pit, surrounded by rocky ridges and caves.

Near Goris, in the village of Khndzoresk, there is a complex of ancient cave dwellings, an archaeological and ethnographic museum. On the left bank of the Goris River there is a labyrinth of caves formed in loose volcanic rocks with stone pyramids and bizarre pillars (the so-called cave Goris). Since ancient times, natural ones were used as dwellings, which, after the advent of metal tools, were expanded and completed, forming quite large settlements.

Residential areas - in the south (old) and in the north (new). Between them is a cultural and community center. The airport is located 8 km south of the city, and the village of Khndzoresk to the east.

According to the 1897 census, 1,450 thousand people lived in the district, of which 1,082 were Armenians, 209 were Aderbeijan Tatars (Azerbaijanis).

The average temperature in July is +19 °C, in January - –1.3 °C. The average annual precipitation is 700 mm. Goris is one of the rainiest cities in Armenia.

It is also interesting that inside these cones from ancient times until the middle of the 20th century. people lived. Each dwelling, as a rule, was divided by a partition into two parts: tun - for people to live in and gom - for livestock. Large benches were carved along the walls of the residential area, and in the goms there were feeding troughs for livestock.

The cave city is multi-tiered, with the roof of the lower dwelling serving as an entrance platform for the upper dwelling. With the advent of metal tools, natural caves were increasingly expanded and completed, forming quite large settlements. Thus, with the help of cave cities, two problems were simultaneously solved - housing and the security problem, which, due to the Turkish and Persian invasions, was very acute.

Currently, there is a cemetery at the foot of the cliffs.

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Goris is a city in the southeast of Armenia, located 240 km from Yerevan and 38 km from Sisian. Population – 21,932 people (2010). A settlement on the territory of modern Goris existed at the beginning of our era, and the first signs of urban life appeared here only in the second half of the 19th century. Goris is located in a mountain pit, surrounded by rocky ridges and caves. From the observation deck located at the entrance to Goris from Sisian (near the sculptural composition “Zangezur”) a magnificent panorama of the city opens. There is an airport 8 km south of Goris; it is currently being reconstructed (until 2016). The main attractions are located in the vicinity of the city (Tatev Monastery and rock caves); in the city itself you can see the house-museum of Axel Bakunts, the archaeological and ethnographic museum, the Melik house (XVIII century).


  • A country
  • Marz: Syunik region
  • Square: 36 km²
  • Center height: 1370 m
  • Population: 20,591 people (2011)
  • Timezone: UTC+4
  • Telephone code: +374 (284)
  • Postal codes: 3201-3205

History of Goris

People have lived in the rock caves of the Goris Basin since ancient times. Settlements have existed here since the beginning of our era. The first cities appeared at the end of the 19th century, and now the population of Goris is 23.5 thousand people. According to the general development project, 36 streets were formed in Goris, intersecting at right angles. In the southeast of Goris, a square was planned, along the perimeter of which stone two-story buildings for commercial and public purposes were placed. Not far from the square, a garden was laid out, a city church was built...

The rocks surrounding Goris are called the Stone Forest. Entire ridges of stone columns, pyramids and towers are a unique result of natural weathering processes that have worked on volcanic tuffs for many centuries. The bizarre shapes of the rock remains are complemented by the glare of light on the gray, brownish and black figures of the Stone Forest, which, combined with the landscapes of rocky mountain slopes covered with forest, gives an unforgettable charm to this fantastic landscape.

Climate of Goris

Goris is located in the alpine climate zone, the weather is characterized by mild snowy winters and hot summers. The average temperature in January is -1.3 °C, in July +19 °C. The annual precipitation level is 700 mm.

The city is home to the house-museum of the writer and poet Aksel Bakunts, ethnographic and archaeological museums, a Melik house, and the Seven Springs monument. Among the attractions in Goris are the ruins of a church and cemetery of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as cave houses. An impressive view of the sights of Goris opens from the observation deck at the entrance to the city, near the sculptural composition “Zangezur”.
In the vicinity of Goris there is the amazing village of Khndzoresk - this is a whole complex of ancient cave buildings that were used as dwellings, which, with the advent of tools, were completed and expanded, forming entire settlements on the slopes of the mountains.
It is impossible not to mention one of the most famous monasteries in Armenia, located near Goris - Tatev Monastery, the cultural and educational center of medieval Armenia.

Finally, the time has come to introduce you, dear readers, to one of the most famous settlements in Southern Armenia, the city of Goris.

The city of Goris is located in a mountain pit, surrounded by rocky ridges and caves, anchored by cliffs.

The city is located in the valley of the Vararak River in the east of Syunik region 250 km from Yerevan. The average temperature in summer is +20 °C, in winter about 0 °C. About 700 mm falls here annually. precipitation, it is one of the rainiest cities in the Republic of Armenia.

I was convinced from my own experience that this is one of the rainiest cities in Armenia: it was with periodic rain and significant cloudiness that this settlement greeted me.

Goris as a whole is a small city, with more than 25 thousand inhabitants. The city's climate is mild, winters are relatively warm, summers are not hot, but with heavy rainfall. The Goris region is divided into eastern and western parts by the wide valley of the Vararakn River (also referred to by the name Goris). The city is located on the banks of this river at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level.

The city is mentioned as Kores, Köres, Kyurus, Kuris, Zangezur, etc. A settlement on the territory of modern Goris existed at the beginning of our era, and the first signs of urban life appeared here only in the second half of the 19th century. The Goris caves and rock dwellings indicate that Goris has been a settlement since ancient times. The number of caves in and around Goris reaches more than 10 thousand. During the excavations, pottery from the Copper and Bronze Ages and other items (tools, weapons and objects made of basalt and obsidian) were discovered.

The old city, which is located on the left bank of the middle reaches of the Goris River with crevices on the northwestern slopes of Mount Khut, was in the past a village in the Khaband province of Syunik. Some researchers believe that Goris and the villages of Goru and Gorayk, mentioned by the 13th century historian Stepanos Orbelyan, are one and the same place.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the wealthy Melik-Useinyans settled in Goris. In 1870, the new city of Goris was founded on the right plateau of the river, when, as a result of the royal administrative division, it was turned into the administrative center of Zangezur of the Russian province of Elizavetpol.

In 1885 Goris received city status. According to the master plan, urban development was formed by 36 streets intersecting at right angles. The city is built up mainly with two and three-story houses along straight and wide streets. In the south-eastern part of the town, a square was planned, along the perimeter of which were placed two-story stone buildings for public and commercial purposes (among them, the Passage building stood out, which can still be seen today). A small city garden was built next to the square. The city church and the monument “Seven Springs” are also located here.

There was no industry in the city, there were few artisans. Under Soviet rule, Goris became the industrial center of Syunik. Over a dozen industrial enterprises were built, among which the most significant is the microelectric motor plant, which came into operation in 1960. The motors produced here are used in vending machines, sewing machines, on various machines, etc., and large Zangezur ceiling fans are produced. There are knitting factories, tobacco-fermentation factories, auto repair factories, and beer and lemonade factories. Recently, a physical and technical laboratory of the Computing Center of the Armenian Academy of Sciences was created here. Its scientists are conducting research on the decomposition of matter in an ultrasonic field using gamma-reflection spectroscopes. Research is also being conducted on liquid crystals, which are very promising in science and technology.

The time has come to find out what actually makes this city interesting for tourists. What is actually interesting for tourists is not so much Goris itself, although in the city itself there are actually quite a few interesting objects, the most significant of which is perhaps Old Goris or Cave Goris, which will be discussed further. And so Goris often serves as an important transit point to get from here to the nearest attractions, of which there are quite a few in these parts.

Let's start getting acquainted with Goris from its modern part, and gradually move on to Old Goris with its cave complexes.

there is a town that is one of the most ancient settlements in the country. We will talk about the city of Goris. According to reliable historical information, settlements first appeared in this area more than two thousand years ago. Fans and connoisseurs of excursion holidays will be interested in holidays in Goris, Armenia - prices, entertainment and attractions, everything here speaks of antiquity.

Today there is a peaceful situation in Goris. All buildings that were damaged during the war were restored or completely replaced with new ones. Not long ago, an interesting workshop was opened in the city - Goris Crochet. Its main specialization is aimed at the production of crocheted products, which include not only clothing, but also a variety of toys. Today the restaurant business is very actively developing in the city, the tourism sector is flourishing and, which is typical for Armenia, wine production.

Goris on the map:

Due to its location, the weather in the city is quite mild. At the same time, there are no sharp temperature changes between seasons. The average summer temperature is +19 degrees; in winter, the average drops to minus 1 degree. This area in Armenia is considered the rainiest, so you should pay attention to this factor and immediately take clothes with you in case of bad weather.

Information on how to get there

Due to the fact that Goris is not so far from the city, getting here is very easy. Most often, tourists use the services of intercity buses. For more comfortable travel, you can use a taxi. The length of the route is only 240 kilometers. At the same time, the road is smooth and without difficulties. The entire journey will take an average of 4 hours.

Sights of Goris

You won’t find many attractions on vacation in 2019 within the city limits. The most interesting historical monuments are located some distance from Goris. The city is located in a gorge on the coast of the river of the same name. This place is surrounded on all sides by mountains and green slopes. The main characteristic is that there are no tall buildings in the city. Life here is measured and moves slowly. Tourists are attracted here by beautiful places with incredible nature, as well as surrounding attractions. Yerevan is only 240 km away. And getting here will not be difficult for anyone.

Cave cities

The first thing that attracts all tourists to Goris is the cave cities. These are the houses in which the population of the city lived. These rooms were cut directly into the rock. Some "apartments" had two floors. This place evokes delight and interest. Many tourists from different places come here every year.

Stone forest

Goris is surrounded by ancient rocks on almost all sides. These rocks have been exposed to wind, rain and snow for many centuries. Over time, they turned into intricate sculptures. To some extent they resemble trees of different heights and shapes. It is in connection with this that this place acquired the name - Stone Forest. In the city itself there is a specially equipped observation deck for tourists. From here you can fully appreciate the beauty of this natural wonder.

Tatev Monastery

Not far from the city, on a rock is located one of the most popular Armenian attractions - the Tatev Monastery. It is located on the very border of Armenia. The date of its construction dates back to the 9th century. For a long time, the monastery performed a defensive function. Until now, the building is surrounded by impregnable massive walls. The literal name of the monastery is “Give me wings.” There is a legend why the monastery acquired such a name. According to it, after the monastery was completely erected, the master who built it stood on the edge of the abyss and uttered the phrase “Ogni Surb ta tev” (May the Spirit send down wings) and then rushed down. The master grew wings and flew away, after which the Tatev monastery was named.

The road to the monastery stretches over green forests. It can be reached as quickly as possible only by cable car, which also has the name “Wings of Tatev”. Every tourist arriving in Goris must visit the monastery and walk along the road to it. The impressions will remain the most positive and will remain in the memory for a long time.

Tatev cable car

This road was opened for tourists in 2010. Its construction was justified by the fact that the Tatev Monastery began to be in great demand among tourists. Using the cable car you can get to the monastery and spend only 12 minutes. The lifting height is 320 meters. The cable car stretches for a distance of 5.7 km. 25 people can climb in one trip. During the ascent you can enjoy beautiful views of the area.

Sevlichi Nature Reserve

From Goris, every tourist will be able to visit the popular today Karagelsky nature reserve (Sevlichsky is its second name). Lake Sevlic is located at an altitude of 2658 meters in the crater of the volcano itself. The area adjacent to the lake is completely inhabited by a variety of unique animals and plants. In 1987, the government decided to protect the unique flora and fauna, and it was decided to transfer the entire territory to the category of a nature reserve. In the city itself it is also worth visiting the ethnographic museum.


In the place of Karahunj there is another attraction that every arriving tourist must visit. Here is the oldest astronomical observatory on the planet. It is located on a mountain plateau at an altitude of 1770 meters above sea level.

This complex consists of 222 stones. They are located vertically. The height of each is from 150 to 280 centimeters, while the weight is on average 8.5 tons. Some stones are distinguished by the fact that round holes are made in the upper part. The diameter of each hole is 4-5 cm, and has a conical expansion at the ends. The inner surface of each hole is perfectly flat and smooth. According to scientists, this structure has a certain meaning.

Since 1994, scientists have conducted several planned expeditions. During which they did some research. A very detailed topographic survey was also carried out. Subsequently, it was decided that all the buildings were used in ancient times as an observatory. These conclusions were also confirmed by the fact that rock paintings were found near this place. They testified that the inhabitants of Armenia in ancient times had quite a lot of knowledge in the field of astrology. To get to Karahunj you should take a taxi. From Goris this place is located at a distance of only 4 km.

Goris Crochet workshop

No less interesting for tourists will be a visit to the famous Goris Crochet workshop. The enterprise is small in size. This is where unique knitted products are produced. The factory was founded in 2010. The main purpose of creating this factory is to organize jobs for the female half of the population. The production specializes in crocheting a variety of toys, rugs, unique bags and key rings. At the moment, the staff is 60 people, thanks to which more than 100 different types of products are manufactured. It is worth noting that the range of products is constantly expanding.

Satani Kamurj

In another way, this place is popularly called the Devil's Bridge; this is another attraction that is located not far from Goris. This place is a natural monument that got its name because of the steam. It rises from under the bridge, which was formed at the narrowest point of the Vorotan River. The length of the bridge itself is as much as 30 meters, while the width is 60.

Tourists will also be interested in taking a dip in the healing springs located nearby. The water itself is saturated with minerals and enters the springs from cracks formed in the rocks.

Where to eat in Goris

In order to eat in Goris, you can choose any restaurant or cafe; there are quite a lot of them here. Those who want to enjoy national cuisine should visit the Takarik restaurant. This place is also great for vegetarians.

An equally popular place is the Atseni tavern. The menu also includes Armenian and Eastern European dishes.

Without fail, visiting any restaurant or cafe you need to try Armenian Khorovats, in other words, shish kebab. It is prepared according to the usual recipe, but its special feature is the marinade. This dish is served with fried eggplants, peppers and tomatoes. The meat is served not on a skewer, but in pita bread.

An equally popular dish of Armenian cuisine is dolma. This cooking principle is similar to our cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage, grape leaves are used. The restaurant will also offer tourists the national dish Khash. Beef legs and tripe are used to prepare it. This dish can be called seasonal, since it is prepared to a greater extent in late autumn.

How to get around in Goris

As in any city, the most common type of public transport is a minibus. There are enough of them and there will be no problems with movement. The cost of the trip costs on average 15 rubles. If you wish, you can order a taxi. With its help you can get to almost any place.

Where to stay in Goris

Those who want to spend their vacation in comfortable conditions and the star rating of the hotel matters should immediately head to the Diana Hotel. The hotel is located in the city itself. Guests are offered free internet access, private parking and a fitness center. You can also swim in the pool if you wish. The cost of a room is on average 2000 rubles.

For a budget holiday, Eden Hostel & Guest House is suitable. The hostel is equipped with everything necessary for a normal holiday. The rooms are designed to accommodate different numbers of people. Everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves. The hostel also offers barbecue facilities, and there is a playground for children. The average cost of living is 600 rubles.

Goris is suitable for those who want to enjoy a holiday close to nature. Magnificent landscapes and natural attractions will leave wonderful impressions for many years. It’s worth planning your vacation in advance so that you have time to explore all the beauties.

A little more about Goris in the video:


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