Selenite crystals. How to see giant crystals and get out of a unique cave in Mexico alive. Characteristics of the Crystal Cave in Mexico

The Cave of Crystals (Cueva de los Cristales) is a natural formation in the Mexican city of Naica, Chihuahua, lying at a depth of more than 300 meters underground. Its uniqueness is represented by the interweaving of huge transparent crystals of selenite (a crystalline type of gypsum), reaching record sizes. Giant formations were located and grew in an underground cavity filled with water for several hundred thousand years. Geologists call this miraculous Mexican miracle the “Sistine Chapel of Crystals,” thereby hinting at its beauty and uniqueness.

The cave of giant crystals was accidentally discovered in 2000 by two miner brothers named Sanchez, who were exploring a new drained passage in the shaft of a silver-lead mine for the mining company Industrias Peñoles. Although the miners Juan and Pedro were accustomed to a wide variety of formations, the picture that appeared before their eyes amazed them with its beauty - when the lantern beam illuminated the underground hall, it was reflected many times in different directions, as if everything here was strewn with pieces of a broken mirror. Located at a depth of three hundred meters, the cave contains impressive crystals in its depths, which, like giant rays, cut the space lengthwise and crosswise, creating a truly fantastic spectacle. The largest of them reaches 11 meters in length, 4 meters in diameter and weighs 55 tons, making it the largest naturally occurring crystal formation ever found on planet Earth. The crystals here are as sharp as a razor blade, some of them resemble the mouth of a shark, fancy candles or the huge eyes of a fairy-tale character.

Water is constantly pumped out of the caves, because... if the equipment stops, the space will flood again. Scientists have developed a special program - the Nike project, focused on protecting a natural object from the effects of negative factors. The fact is that crystals degrade in air, so researchers strive to quickly record all the data on a unique geological find before it collapses.

Selenite crystals began to form in an underground cave about half a million years ago. Favorable conditions for growth were formed by a number of factors - the city of Nike lies on an ancient fault, due to which an underground magma chamber formed in the chamber under the cave. The hot magma heated the groundwater, causing it to become saturated with minerals, including large amounts of gypsum. Soon the hollow space of the cave was completely filled with hot water rich in minerals and remained in this state for more than five hundred thousand years. Throughout this time, the temperature of the mineral liquid did not drop below 50 °C, which allowed microscopic selenite crystals to form and grow to incredible sizes. Due to ideal conditions, they grew continuously until miners pumped out the groundwater to explore the cave further. If crystals are placed in an environment that has been “native” to them for many millennia, they will continue to grow.

The Cave of the Giant Crystals remains very hot due to its proximity to the deep underground magma chamber. The air temperature inside the cavity reaches +58 ºС with a humidity of 90-100%. Staying in a cave without special protective suits can lead to severe dehydration within 10-15 minutes. Such extreme conditions significantly complicate the process of studying the object by scientists. They are forced to wear cooling suits and a special backpack with a respirator that allows them to breathe in cold air. Even with all the equipment, the time spent in the cave should not exceed 30 minutes at a time.

The first cave to be discovered in the Nike mine complex in 1910 was at a depth of 120 meters, which was called the “Cave of Swords.” It is filled with transparent light crystals, not exceeding a meter in length. Most likely, the temperature at this depth dropped much earlier, stopping the growth of selenite formations. Crystals from this cave can be seen in many museums around the world. 90 years later, the world learned about the famous Cave of Crystals. It is a horseshoe-shaped depression located inside a limestone rock. The floor of the cave is dotted with transparent blocks, from which a huge 11-meter crystal protrudes. During drilling in 2009, another hall was found at a depth of 150 meters, called the “Ice Palace”. Its selenite formations are much smaller than those of its “neighbors”, and are covered with thin thread-like growths and small formations resembling “cauliflower”.

Selenite is one of the most amazing forms of gypsum, often forming into small transparent compounds. Only occasionally does it present itself as giant crystals, as in the cave of the Nike mine complex. The mineral was named after the Greek goddess, the Moon, due to its soft white color. This form of gypsum is believed to have many healing and metaphysical properties.

Due to its enormous scientific and aesthetic importance, the natural wonder in Mexico is protected, and access to the caves is open only to scientists and researchers. However, the attackers managed to break into the locks several times in order to extract the mineral. Even at the very beginning of its history, when the object was not yet protected by a metal door, many crystals were repeatedly destroyed - some visitors tried to break off a piece as a souvenir, others pursued commercial purposes.

Studying the cave, which has been sealed for so long, allows geologists to explore and analyze unique data that makes it possible to see how the earth's crust gradually developed over many millennia. In addition to geologists, this natural formation is of considerable interest to biologists, since microscopic cavities in crystals can store ancient microorganisms.

In 2011, the Discovery Channel prepared a project called “Nike. Beyond the Cave of Crystals.” The program talked about computer modeling and mathematical processing, which suggested the possibility of the existence of other similar caves, but further research could lead to the destruction of the crystals.

Once all surrounding ores have been mined, the water pumps will be turned off, causing the caves to flood again and return to their previous state.

“Post from the past”: Amazing caves with huge crystals were discovered in the Mexican desert at a depth of 300 meters. See a selection of photographs of this impressive miracle of nature, against which a person seems like a helpless dwarf.

(Total 20 photos)

1. The Cave of Crystals (Cueva de los Cristales) is located in the Naica mine complex, in the Mexican desert of Chiahua state at a depth of 300 meters.

2. The miraculous miracle arose as a result of the natural creation of unique temperature conditions and the natural blockage of the environment, which was not disturbed for several million years.

3. discovered in 2000 by 2 brothers - miner Sanchez, who were laying a new tunnel.

5. The Cave of Swords was found a little later, and, despite its slightly smaller size, it also delights and amazes with its splendor.

6. Huge crystals reach 15 m in length and 1.5 m in diameter. Such giants weigh more than 55 tons.

7. Volcanic activity with accompanying high temperature and pressure, which began more than 25 million years ago, filled the cavities of the earth with anhydrite (a type of gypsum), which later, disintegrating and enriching the water, allowed nature, by command or whim, to create such an incredible miracle.

8. If crystals are placed in an environment that has been “native” for them for many millennia, they will continue to grow.

9. Preserved droplets of liquid inside the crystals make it possible to understand the conditions, period of development and formation of such chambers with crystal formations.

10. According to the analysis of the samples taken, one of the main conditions for the appearance of such giant crystals is the constant presence of the chamber in a very narrow temperature range of 55-60 degrees Celsius.

11. Today, despite the enormous scientific and aesthetic value of these caves for the world community, several crystals have already been damaged.

12. Repeated attempts to break off pieces of crystals “for souvenirs” or for smuggling prompted the company owners to install an iron door.

13. One of the miners, trying to steal a piece of the find, did not take into account the environmental conditions, and was subsequently found practically baked.

14. Selenite crystal blocks are characterized by their parallel-fibrous structure.

15. The crystals have a wonderful yellowish-silver and sometimes greenish tint. Selene in Ancient Greece is the goddess of the Moon. Apparently for the same noble radiance as that of the night luminary, this stone received such a name.

16. Selenium figurines are traditionally considered assistants in matters of love and oratory. But in the East, selenite is a “spiritual stone” that cleanses the mind and tunes the internal vibrations of the body to the same frequency as Cosmic energy.

17. Constant research and analysis of the data obtained provide geologists with a vast field of study. The “multi-million-dollar blockage of caves” allows scientists not only to speculate, but also to see with their own eyes the stages of development of the earth’s crust.

18. According to Garcia-Ruiz, a geologist from Iceland, “There is no other place on the planet where the mineral world shows itself in such beauty...”

19. According to the latest computer modeling and mathematical processing, in the Naica mine complex, where these two caves were found, several more similar chambers are waiting in the wings.

20. If you believe the developed theory of genetic mechanisms for the formation of such crystals, then it is very possible that in the once active tectonic regions of our planet there are the same cave-halls with unique crystals.

An incredibly ancient cave, with an extraordinarily unique and very expensive treasure of nature, in the Mexican Chihuahuan Desert, which until recently was a simple mine. Today the cave is part of the Naica mine complex. The Mexican mine was discovered back in 1794.

It was used to mine lead, zinc and silver, but was later closed from 1910 to 1917 after the Mexican Revolution.

Only in 2000, after a long period of stagnation, thanks to the brothers Juan and Pedro Sanchez, work at the mine resumed.

Imagine the surprise of the researchers when they began to dig deeper into the bowels of the Earth.

Geologists saw a most beautiful cave, strewn everywhere with giant crystals, which have no analogues in the whole world.

The height of the cave is about 300 meters, and at the bottom of the underground palace there is a rock fracture, from which hot magma erupts with a certain periodicity.

Scientists have determined the type of crystals. It is selenite - one of the most beautiful varieties of crystalline gypsum. This type of crystal is also called “moonstone”. It gives off a soft white glow that resembles reflections of moonlight, which is why the stone was named after the goddess of the Moon - Selene.

Due to the pronounced optical iridescence effect, selenite is used as an inexpensive ornamental stone. Pure selenite has a white tint. In nature it is often found with impurities. Such crystals are colored yellowish or pink. The material is easy to process, quite soft, due to its low hardness in jewelry it is scratched and quickly rubbed, requiring new polishing.

Quite often, for its extraordinary optical resemblance to the lunar glow, the crystal is credited with a number of healing and metaphysical properties allegedly contained in the stone, which is what charlatans take advantage of, assuring them of the supernatural powers of an unusually beautiful mineral.

The length of huge crystals is up to 15 meters. Each one has a diameter of more than one and a half meters, and the weight of one piece is at least 50 tons. For this feature, the former simple mine was given the appropriate name “Crystal Cave of Giants.”

Professional researchers of the cave determined that the age of the unique find is about half a million years, and the crystals themselves are of enormous size, formed as a result of the junction of thermal waters with a temperature of more than 50 degrees and cold underwater currents, saturated with oxygen and sulfides, which washed rich deposits of zinc, lead and silver.

The high air temperature of the cave with the presence of chemical fumes harmful to the human body does not allow you to stay there for more than 10-15 minutes without special equipment.

Fascinated by the most beautiful unearthly spectacle, the people who visited the dungeon called the unique cave the Sistine Chapel of crystals.

But, unfortunately, due to the large financial costs associated with pumping out water, such an extraordinary masterpiece of nature will soon be flooded and only pleasant memories, documentary videos and unnaturally beautiful photographs will remain from the magnificent crystals.

There are places on our planet where, once you get there, you involuntarily realize how tiny a creature man really is... In this article we will talk about an amazing cave in Mexico, the distinctive feature of which is the simply incredible size of the crystals...

The Cave of Giant Crystals was found while drilling a local mine 300 meters deep in the Mexican town of Naica, Chihuahua.

The main chamber of the cave contains some of the largest selenite crystals ever found on the planet (selenite is a crystalline form of gypsum), for example, the largest crystal found reaches 11 meters in length, 4x in diameter and weighs about 55 tons.

This is what selenite looks like in its pure form

The cave is extremely difficult to study due to extreme conditions - constant 90-99% humidity and temperatures reaching 65°C, as a result of which an ordinary person without a special protective suit can stay here for no more than 10 minutes, so the cave owes the main measurements and research to specially collected for this goal of a group of scientists known as Project Nike

And these photos were taken by professional photographer Matthew Rader, who specializes in photography in narrow, wet and inaccessible canyons, as well as in dark and dangerous environments, although even for him, shooting in such extreme conditions was not easy, and it was not possible to take clear photographs succeeded, even using all the tricks and techniques in his arsenal

Matthew himself later said that while photographing the crystals he was so excited by the views that he had to force himself to concentrate on time in order to return in time to the exit located 10 meters away from him and not lose consciousness

Today, access to the crystal caves is open only to scientists, but a couple of times the locks have been broken by mineral hunters. Later they were found, but retribution “descended” on one of the hunters even before that, right at the crime scene - the unlucky robber was pierced through with a crystal, which he wanted to knock from the ceiling

The conditions for the appearance of such unique crystals in this cave were created by an ancient fault, due to which magma entered the chamber below it. The heated groundwater began to become saturated with minerals (mainly gypsum) - as a result, the cave gradually filled with this excessively mineral-rich liquid and remained in this state for more than 500 thousand years. All this time, the temperature here fluctuated around 50°C, which allowed the crystals to form and grow to such huge sizes

In 1910, Nike miners discovered a strange cave while mining at a local mine. The find was immediately dubbed the Cave of Swords due to the characteristic salt formations reaching a meter in length. The Cave of Swords is located at a depth of 120 meters, directly above the Cave of Crystals, and the relatively small size of the selenite formations suggests that during their formation the temperature here dropped much faster than in the lower chamber, as a result of which the crystals of the Cave of Swords stopped growing, unlike Caves of Crystals, which still maintain temperature conditions suitable for their growth

The Cave of Giant Crystals was discovered only in April 2000 by Eloy and Javier Delgado, miners of the Nike mining company Industrias Pe?oles, digging a drainage tunnel in a mine rich in silver, zinc and lead, at a depth of about 330 meters. Noticing that a small hole had formed as a result of the explosion, Aloy squeezed through it and found himself in a room approximately 10 by 20 meters. The Mexican was so amazed by what he saw that he was momentarily speechless. He later said that when the flashlight beam hit the room, it was reflected many times in different directions, as if someone had broken a giant mirror here. A month later, another, larger cave with selenite was found nearby.

The Cave of Crystals is a horseshoe-shaped depression in limestone rock. Its floor is covered with almost perfectly cut transparent blocks, from which protrudes the same huge crystal that we have already mentioned above. Today the caves are only accessible thanks to the constant pumping of water by the mining company's powerful pumps. If they are stopped, the cave will fill with water again. The problem is that when exposed to air, the crystals deteriorate and begin to break down, so Project Nike scientists are trying to visually record the crystals before they break.

In 2009, during another drilling, the back room of the Cave of Crystals was found, later called the Ice Palace. It is located 150 meters below sea level and is not flooded, but its selenite crystals are much smaller, with small "cauliflower" shaped formations and amazing thread-like crystals.

In February 2011, the Discovery Channel prepared the program “Nike. Beyond the Cave of Crystals,” which stated that scientists are confident in the existence of many other “crystal” rooms, but further research will lead to the destruction of the crystals

Experts say that it is possible to preserve selenite crystals by gradually lowering the temperature, so in the near future the mining company plans to equip the Cave of Giant Crystals with an air conditioning system and make it more convenient for tourists to visit, so it is quite possible that in a year the first lucky ones will get there

Most likely, both caves will be open to the public - the smaller one, the size of a two-bedroom apartment (temperatures around 40°C), and the larger one, the size of a temple (temperatures over 60°C). Both of them are located at a depth of almost 400 meters

When the mine's metal reserves run out, it will no longer be profitable for Industrias Pe?oles to maintain these unique caves, so they will be sealed again and allowed to fill with water.

A short video that allows you to see in more detail the beauty of this unique place...

If you liked the Cave of Crystals, I advise you to virtually visit the Austrian Ice Cave

The giant crystals are found in a cave system connected to the working mine NAICA (cave of crystals) and are located 300 meters below the main mine in Chihuahua, Mexico. The main chamber contains giant crystals of selenite (gypsum, CaSO4 2 H2O), one of the largest natural crystals ever discovered in the world. The largest species to date is 12 m (39 ft) long, 4 m (13 ft) in diameter and weighs 55 tons.

The cave is very hot and the air temperature reaches up to 58 ° C and up to 99 percent humidity. Due to these factors, the cave remains unexplored. A person without proper protection falls into thermal shock, then into a coma.

There is currently no public access to the caves. the site is one of the few companies that has contacts that allow you to make tours in this system for scientific and research organizations, for TV channels, as well as for clients who are willing to pay a round sum for entry permission.


Nike is located on an ancient volcanic fault. There is a magma cavity under the cave. The magma heated the underground waters, and they became saturated with minerals, including large amounts of gypsum. The cave has been filled with hot mineral solution for millions of years. During this time, the solution temperature remained stable in the range of 54-58 °C, providing the only possible conditions for the growth of selenite crystals (with the participation of the anhydrous form of calcium sulfate - anhydrite). The lowest crystal growth rate is 1.4 ± 0.2 × 10−5 nm/s at a temperature of 55 °C.

History of discovery and present

In 1910, miners discovered a cave beneath the Nike mines, later called the Cave of Swords. It is located at a depth of 120 m above the Cave of Crystals and is filled with beautiful light and transparent crystals approximately a meter long. It is assumed that at this depth the temperature dropped much earlier, stopping the growth of crystals.

The cave of crystals was discovered in 2000 by the Sanchez brothers, miners who were digging a new tunnel in the mine complex for the company Industrias Peñoles. The Nike mine complex contains significant deposits of silver, zinc, and lead. The Crystal Cave is a horseshoe-shaped cavity in a mass of limestone. Huge crystals cross the cave space in different directions. Water is constantly pumped out of the caves. If the equipment stops, they will flood again. The crystals degrade when exposed to air, so Project Nike researchers are eager to document this geological feature.

The new hall, called the Ice Palace, was opened during drilling in 2009. It is located at a depth of 150 m and is not filled with water. The crystal formations are much smaller, with thin thread-like growths.


In the future, biologists may be interested in crystals, since their microscopic cavities filled with liquid may contain ancient microorganisms. A Discovery Channel broadcast in February 2011 mentioned the possible existence of other caves, but their exploration requires the destruction of crystals. It was indicated that the cave would eventually be returned to its original flooded state.

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