New baggage rules are a victory. New rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane: what you can take and what you can’t. What not to take on a plane

The Russian low-cost airline continues to attract tickets for 499 rubles. But an experienced traveler will first clarify what is included in this price and what the baggage requirements are. So, there are three main rules for free baggage allowance on Pobeda:

  • any items not prohibited on flight,
  • any weight of hand luggage,
  • things fit into 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters.

Now let's figure it out...

Pobeda: carry-on luggage

The airline allows you to take absolutely any items on board for free. True, it limits their dimensions to 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters. The actual size of carry-on luggage that you don't have to pay for is simply tiny.

The size of a bag with a 15-inch laptop is 40x31 cm, that is, it does not fit!

Larger items will have to be checked in as luggage and paid for. They won't let you take it into the salon. There is a calibrator at the airline counters and at the boarding gate: an iron box with a lid measuring 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters. Your bag should fit in there and the lid should close. Therefore, either travel light or buy luggage.

Remember, not all items can be carried in hand luggage - read our

Life hacks with hand luggage on the Pobeda flight:

  • fly with a soft bag: compacting it into the calibrator will not be difficult,
  • wear as many things as possible,
  • large pockets are a plus, put small things in them,
  • take the laptop out of the bag, insert it diagonally into the calibrator, press things and the bag down on the sides,
  • Practice on the calibrator before boarding your flight.

New rules 2019

From February 18, 2019, on Pobeda flights, free carriage of one piece of hand luggage weighing no more than 10 kg and dimensions 36 x 30 x 4 cm per person returns. In addition to this, you can take any item from the list of federal aviation regulations:

  • A handbag, briefcase or backpack with dimensions 36x30x23cm.
  • Bouquet of flowers
  • Outerwear
  • Medicines and food for a child in flight
  • One suit in a suitcase
  • Baby bassinet when transporting a child
  • Used crutches, cane, walker, rollator, folding wheelchair
  • Products from DUTY FREE with dimensions no more than 10x10x5 cm

Attention! The airline is also maintaining its previous 36x30x27 rule with no weight restrictions, leaving you to choose which carry-on baggage rule to use.

Baggage cost at Pobeda

The sooner you pay for your luggage, the cheaper it will cost. Therefore, make a decision when purchasing a ticket. There are two options on the Pobeda website:

checked baggage for 499 rubles weighing up to 10 kg
checked baggage for 1499 rubles weighing up to 20 kg

We recommend adding 10 kg of luggage to your ticket. If you meet this standard by purchasing soap, shampoo, etc. on the spot, the savings will be noticeable. After all, you have to pay extra for the return flight. Independent travelers fly light - get used to it)

For RUR 499 you can buy only one piece of luggage per booking. If you are flying with a group, make several reservations with luggage or limit yourself to 10 kg for everyone.

Please note that items in excess of the free allowance at the check-in desk will cost 2000 rubles, and for excess weight of checked luggage you will have to pay an additional 500 rubles per kilogram.

Flights Pobeda: what else to consider

Selecting a location

If you are flying alone, why overpay. But if you are flying together without choosing a seat, the system will deliberately seat you at different ends of the plane. Decide in advance that you cannot change planes during the flight.


When paying by credit card, a 2% fee will be charged on the price. Try going to the cashier and paying in cash, but it's not worth it.


The checkboxes are checked by default, don’t forget to uncheck them when booking your ticket. If you really need insurance, it’s better to use one of the stores to buy insurance online, for example

For office lovers

In November 2017, the airline announced new rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on its aircraft. The reason was FAP 82 - federal aviation rule:

In addition to the established free baggage allowance and without charging a fee, the passenger has the right to carry the following things if they are with the passenger and not included in the baggage:

handbag or briefcase; folder for papers; umbrella; cane; bouquet of flowers; outerwear; printed materials for in-flight reading; baby food for the child during the flight; cell phone; camera; camcorder; laptop; suit in a suitcase; baby cradle when transporting a child; crutches, stretcher or wheelchair when transporting a passenger with limited mobility.

The items specified in this paragraph (135 FAP 82) are not presented for weighing, are not subject to registration and are not marked with tags.

Therefore, Pobeda abolished its 10 kilogram hand luggage limit and limited only the total volume of items:

For safe placement in the passenger cabin, the maximum total dimensions of Hand luggage and items from paragraph 135 of FAP-82 must not exceed 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters (total size of all items). Carry-on baggage and items from clause 135 of FAP-82 are not limited in quantity and weight, but must fit freely into the Carry-on Baggage calibrator (meter) with the airline logo installed at the airport.

The measurement must be taken before entering the passenger screening area. Carry-on baggage allowances are not cumulative for subsequent passengers and do not apply to children under 2 years of age transported without a separate seat.

Hand luggage, the dimensions of which do not meet the requirements for its safe stowage (clause 9.1 of these Rules), is transported as Checked Baggage with payment of a fee provided for in the fare conditions.

The airline is actively opening new routes. Now you know the secrets of carrying things and are ready for the travel season. Choose the right bag, make a list of things and read about it - you will visit it more than once.

Popular flights Pobeda:

Direction Find a ticket

Moscow → Adler

Moscow → Simferopol

Moscow → Antalya

Moscow → Istanbul

MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/. The law adopted on July 25, which provides for the abolition of conditionally free baggage for non-refundable airline tickets, should reduce the cost of air tickets by 10-20%. However, some experts see in this law and in the amendments to the Federal Aviation Regulations developed as part of the bill only an opportunity for airlines to increase the profitability of air transportation. At the same time, the Ministry of Transport promises that the rights of passengers will not be violated, and the conditions for transporting passengers will not worsen.

On July 25, at a plenary meeting, the Federation Council approved a law that allows not to charge an air passenger for the transportation of baggage if he flies only with hand luggage. The law will come into force 60 days after the day of its official publication. Moreover, the day before, the Ministry of Transport on the official website for the disclosure of legal information published draft amendments to the Federal Aviation Rules (FAR), regulating the rules for the carriage of hand luggage.

In essence, the law cancels the carrier’s obligation to carry 10 kg of baggage for each passenger free of charge. At the moment, the cost of baggage transportation is included in the ticket price by definition; it was not provided as a separate service; only excess baggage required additional payment. According to the bill, the new rule will apply only to non-refundable tickets.

As Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov told TASS, the rule is aimed solely at reducing the cost of air travel for passengers and can reduce the cost of tickets at non-refundable airline fares by 10-20%.

Bouquet, umbrella and telephone

Moreover, there is a list of 16 items that are allowed for free transportation in the cabin. It includes, but is not limited to, a handbag or briefcase, a folder for papers, an umbrella, a cane, a bouquet of flowers, outerwear, books or magazines, a mobile phone, a camera, a video camera, a laptop, a suit in a briefcase, a cradle, crutches, a folding stroller. But new amendments from the Ministry of Transport introduce an obligation for a non-refundable carrier to carry at least 5 kg of hand luggage per passenger. Also, amendments to the FAP significantly reduce the list of free items for transportation, including mobile phones, books and laptops being excluded from the list.

If the bill to abolish conditionally free baggage for non-refundable tickets already seems to have received support at all levels, then the amendments of the Ministry of Transport have become a reason for discussion among both officials and industry experts.

Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko has already called the draft amendments to the FAP “stupidity” and “collective irresponsibility.” The Ministry of Transport, in turn, explained that the ministry proposes to optimize the set of hand luggage without excluding from it the usual things for a passenger on board. Although the list of items has been shortened, as the ministry’s press service explained, “at the same time, the passenger is not prohibited from putting in his hand luggage: a folder for papers, an umbrella, a cane, a bouquet of flowers, outerwear, printed publications for reading in flight, a cell phone, a camera and a video camera, which, in fact, is always in the passenger’s carry-on luggage.” Thus, the listed items can be included in the minimum carry-on baggage allowance of 5 kg, the Ministry of Transport notes.

As Sokolov reported to TASS, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation intends to complete work on the updated FAP within two months.

At the same time, the All-Russian Association of Passengers considered that the amendments do not reflect the interests of passengers.

“In the current edition, these amendments do not reflect the interests of passengers, but only take into account the interests of airlines,” says the association’s appeal sent to the Ministry of Transport (TASS has a copy of it).

Airlines' response

Pobeda Airlines (part of the Aeroflot group, which actively lobbied for the adoption of the amendments - TASS note) has already stated that it is ready to reduce basic fares if the existing obligation of all airlines to include baggage allowance in any fares, including non-refundable ones, is cancelled.

“The reduction in tariffs can reach 20%,” the company said in a statement. “This measure is necessary for the successful development of low-cost airlines, one of the main principles of which is the ability to offer the client a low fee for the flight in exchange for refusing the majority of services in which the client does not needs."

Currently, about 40% of Pobeda passengers travel light and do not have the right to carry 10 kg of luggage and most personal items provided for by federal aviation regulations, the company said in a statement.

Aeroflot, which maintains the image of a premium carrier, told TASS that it does not plan to introduce baggage-free fares. “Prices for airline tickets in economy class will not change due to the adoption of the new law. In addition, our airline plans to leave the carry-on baggage allowance in the aircraft cabin unchanged,” the company’s press service told TASS.

Siberia Airlines, the third largest company in terms of the number of passengers carried, also told TASS that they do not plan to change the tariff system.

“We are satisfied with the provisions of the bill, but we do not plan to change our tariff system,” the company’s press service told TASS. True, now the airline already has a baggage-free fare, which allows only carry-on luggage in the cabin. Recently, the court of the city of Ob in the Novosibirsk region declared such a tariff illegal.

Is it cheaper without luggage?

According to the general director of the ticket sales agency, Kirill Faminsky, after the abolition of free baggage allowance and a reduction in the allowable volume of hand luggage, the cost of air travel may, on the contrary, increase.

“I view this decision as a step towards market liberalization,” he says. “This will provide additional benefits for low-cost airline passengers and will remove the problem of interpreting air rules. But in general, of course, this will increase the cost of the flight, since the first and most obvious solution for airlines will reduce the permissible carry-on baggage allowance to a minimum and charge fees for excess."

Reducing the free carry-on baggage allowance will allow companies to increase the profitability of transportation, but at the same time may entail a violation of the rights of passengers, says Andrei Kramarenko, an employee of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the Higher School of Economics.

“Despite the growth in traffic, the profitability of airlines is declining in 2017: the main increase in production indicators is now due to price dumping. An attempt to abolish the free hand luggage allowance is one of the tools for increasing profitability,” he believes.

According to the expert, in Russia, most likely, there will be carriers who will decide to read the law literally and will introduce an additional fee on flights for transporting outerwear or a laptop that does not fit into the permitted briefcase or handbag.

As Sokolov told TASS, the new rules do not imply worsening conditions for passengers. In order to guarantee the rights of passengers regarding the carriage of hand luggage when implementing the new legal norm, the federal aviation rules will contain requirements for the carrier, he noted.

According to OneTwoTrip development director Arkady Gines, in the short term, the abolition of the mandatory 10 kg baggage allowance may also provoke a struggle for passengers who are most critical to the cost of tickets.

“This, in turn, could lead to lower airfare for the cheapest baggage-free fares,” he notes.

Now, purchasing one additional piece of luggage at current “baggage-free” rates costs on average 2,000 rubles or €50 (on international flights - TASS note) for a suitcase weighing up to 23 kg, says Gines.

For comparison, the world's largest low-cost airline Ryanair allows you to carry on board for free a small suitcase on wheels measuring 55x40x20 cm and weighing no more than 10 kg and one small bag measuring 35x20x20 cm. If a passenger breaks the rule, the company fines him £50. The company does not have conditionally free luggage; the cost of a piece of luggage in a compartment, depending on the weight of the luggage, varies from €10 to 60.

Rules for transporting baggage on an airplane although subject to federal and international laws, they may still have some differences. Each air carrier has the right to independently decide what restrictions to set. Uniform standards are applied only in terms of ensuring flight safety. Our article describes in detail what and how much you can transport on an airplane.

Baggage in the law: what governs the rules for the carriage of luggage by air

The rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo by Russian air carriers are regulated by the same order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82.

The provisions of the order apply to all domestic and international flights of civil aviation vessels - both regular and charter. However, airlines are allowed to set their own rules for transportation, including baggage, provided that they do not contradict national and international standards.

Differences in rules, as a rule, relate to the dimensions of baggage, free baggage allowances, etc. That is, the provisions that are important for ensuring the safety of passengers and crew of the airliner remain unchanged.

Types of luggage

According to general rules, baggage carried by air passengers is divided into checked baggage, that is, to be transported in the luggage compartment, and unchecked baggage, which is hand luggage.

Checked baggage allowance

Requirements for the dimensions and weight of free checked baggage are established by air carriers. However, the differences are usually unimportant. The vast majority of airlines adhere to the generally accepted standard, according to which the baggage allowance is differentiated depending on the class of service and the tariff applicable within this class.

For example, Aeroflot - Russian Airlines accepts free of charge into the luggage compartment luggage whose parameters in the sum of 3 dimensions (length, height and width) do not exceed 158 cm. Moreover, for all groups of business class fares, 2 pieces of luggage are provided per 1 passenger , each of which can accommodate luggage no heavier than 32 kg.

The weight standards for baggage belonging to passengers flying in comfort or economy class at the Premium fare are slightly lower - 2 pieces of 23 kg each. For other economy class fares, only 1 piece of luggage weighing no more than 23 kg is provided free of charge.

Baggage exceeding the specified weight will have to be paid separately - in addition to the ticket price. The cost of transporting so-called excess baggage is also set by the air carrier. On average, for domestic flights it varies from 2,500 to 7,500 rubles. For international prices, prices are indicated in the currency of the European Union (euro), but payment, if accepted on the territory of Russia, is made in rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the date of settlement.

Baggage allowed for carriage as hand luggage

The general rules for air baggage transportation allow you to take into the cabin a bag or suitcase whose parameters in the sum of 3 dimensions do not exceed 115 cm (40 x 55 x 20). Such parameters allow you to easily fit luggage under the seat or on a special shelf above it.

However, these standards do not apply to a number of things, such as:

Don't know your rights?

  • baby cradle and food (in case of transporting a child);
  • umbrella;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • cane;
  • handbag or briefcase;
  • folder for papers;
  • laptop;
  • camera and video camera;
  • mobile phone;
  • outerwear;
  • any printed publications (except for antique ones, which are subject to mandatory declaration and require compliance with special transportation rules);
  • crutches;
  • suit (in a suitcase);
  • a bag containing any goods purchased at Duty Free stores.

Important! Items from the above list are allowed to be transported in the aircraft cabin free of charge in excess of the established norm. Such baggage is not subject to weighing, registration and registration and is not marked with tags, unlike all other types of hand luggage and items transported in the luggage compartment.

However, there are many restrictions, primarily due to security considerations. For example, any liquid, as well as gel and paste-like substances are allowed to be carried in the aircraft cabin in containers whose volume does not exceed 100 ml. Moreover, all of them must be packed in 1 plastic bag, and their total volume cannot exceed 1 liter. Everything that is in excess of the norm will have to be given to the mourners, left in the airport storage room, or, if you don’t mind, thrown away.

Important! These restrictions apply not only to water or other drinks, but also to various lotions, creams, perfumes, eau de toilette, as well as shaving or hair styling gels, shaving foams, deodorants (in any form), all types of pastes (including toothpaste). ) etc.

But baby food can be transported in any volume required by the child during the flight. The same applies to medications, but the passenger must confirm their need with the appropriate documents.

Drinks and other liquids, gels and pastes purchased at Duty Free can also be taken into the salon in any quantity. However, to do this, they need to be packaged and sealed at the purchase stage. The seal is valid for 24 hours. Similar requirements apply to goods purchased on board an aircraft.

Special luggage

Passengers who have certain health problems that require the transportation of special medical equipment or equipment will have to coordinate their luggage with the airline company in advance. So, as a general rule, you will need to obtain prior permission if you intend to take the following with you on the plane as baggage or hand luggage:

  • wheelchair and other devices for transporting patients, powered by batteries;
  • medical cylinders with gaseous oxygen or air (up to 10 kg).

At the same time, the packaging of such items must completely eliminate the possibility of gas and liquid leakage from the batteries, and also provide protection against tipping over and short circuits. In addition, the packaging must be marked with a corrosion hazard sign.

What can't be carried on an airplane

No airline will accept for carriage as baggage items the circulation of which is prohibited or restricted in Russia. An exception is provided for potent and other similar medications if the passenger has medical documentation confirming their prescription.

In addition, in order to ensure flight safety, the following cannot be transported either in the luggage compartment or in the cabin:

  • any types and forms of explosives (including items filled with them);
  • radioactive, toxic, oxidizing, flammable, poisonous, poisonous, caustic and corrosive liquids and solids;
  • gases in compressed and liquefied states;
  • gas, cold steel, firearms and traumatic weapons, with the exception of specialized flights (for example, during the extradition or other type of escort of a person in custody, if it is impossible to transport him by land).

Important! These prohibitions do not apply to mercury thermometers, tonometers and barometers, which are allowed to be carried in the amount of 1 piece. per passenger in a sealed package. The same applies to disposable gas lighters, non-hazardous aerosols, 3% hydrogen peroxide (they are subject to regulations for the transportation of liquids), dry ice for cooling perishable food (no more than 2 kg per person).

In addition to the listed items prohibited for transportation on an airplane, you cannot take any piercing or cutting objects with you into the cabin as hand luggage (even nail scissors are not allowed), as well as magnets - they can interfere with the operation of the ship’s instruments.

Important! On some routes there are additional restrictions on the number, types and sizes of baggage. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the transportation rules established by a particular airline in advance. Passengers planning to fly with their pets should pay special attention to this. There are separate requirements for their transportation.

Carry-on luggage is the name given to items that every passenger on an airliner can take into the cabin. The size and weight of allowed luggage is determined by the carrier, and these parameters differ significantly from company to company. However, there is a list of things that cannot be taken as hand luggage on a plane, and everyone needs to know it so that there are no problems when boarding. We bring to your attention the new rules for 2019 regulating the composition of hand luggage and baggage in Russia.

Items that should not be taken into the salon

As in the rules of previous years, passengers are strictly prohibited from carrying any weapons in the cabin of the airliner. The list includes:

  • Firearms and traumatic weapons (pistols, rifles, revolvers, machine guns, machine guns, etc.);
  • Edged weapons (daggers, knives, sabers and swords);
  • Throwing weapons (grenades, knives, bows).

Please note that it is prohibited to take even toy weapons that imitate existing models in reality.

Substances prohibited on board under new rules

The list of substances prohibited for carriage as hand luggage includes flammable liquids. These include compounds whose flash point does not exceed 66 degrees: diethyl ether, cyclohexane, benzene, acetone and ethanol, alcohols, various aromatic compounds, turpentine, kerosene. In ordinary language, you cannot take varnishes and paints, printer inks, tinctures, ethers, sealants, cosmetic lotions, solvents and solvents on board.

The second type of prohibited substances is explosives. They are divided into liquid (nitroglycerin, ethyl nitrate, nitroglycol), gel, suspension (ammonium nitrate mixtures), emulsion and solid (tol, hexogen and nitrate).

Radioactive substances also cannot be taken in hand luggage. These are mixtures or compositions containing radioactive isotopes (germanium, vanadium, cadmium, selenium, zirconium, molybdenum, rubidium and others). Accordingly, you will not be allowed on the plane if you are taking with you isotopes necessary for treatment or diagnosis, or gamma ray logging instruments.

When landing, oxidizing substances are also confiscated from you, which may not be flammable, but at the same time provoke and support the combustion of other materials. The list of oxidizing substances unacceptable for carriage in hand luggage includes:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bleaches;
  • Perchloric acid solution;
  • Ammonium chlorate;
  • Ammonium bromate;
  • Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate;
  • Ammonium nitrite and its solutions;
  • Mixtures based on sodium nitrite, potassium nitrate and ammonium salts.

And the last group of substances that cannot be taken into the salon according to the new rules of 2019 are toxic and infectious substances that, if inhaled, interacting with the skin or entering the body through food, can cause death, severe poisoning or illness. This group also includes pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous to the health and life of people and pets.

Procedure for confiscating prohibited objects

If, during the inspection of your hand luggage before boarding, you are found to have objects and substances prohibited for transportation, they will be confiscated. During the seizure process, airport employees will issue a report.

If the seized items are on free sale, but cannot be transported in the aircraft cabin, they will be given to mourners or left for storage at the airport.

If a passenger is found with cartridges or gas weapons without accompanying documents, they will be immediately handed over to the police, and a passenger attempting to smuggle objects, the carrying and possession of which carries criminal liability, will be removed from the flight and handed over to the internal affairs authorities.

Exceptions to the 2019 rules

When packing your carry-on luggage, there are a few things you can put in your bag that are exceptions to the lists above:
  • A bottle of vinegar no more than half a liter in volume;
  • Alcoholic drinks up to 70% in manufacturer's packaging;
  • Cosmetic aerosols with a volume of no more than 0.5 liters;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Lighters and vessels for refilling them (no more than two);
  • One medical thermometer;
  • No more than two kilograms of dry ice for cooling food products;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide in a bottle of up to 100 ml;
  • One hand-held blood pressure monitor.

Additional airline requirements

Some air carriers have tightened the rules for carrying hand luggage, adding potentially dangerous objects to the generally prohibited items that could cause a passenger injury to others. These included corkscrews for uncorking bottles, needles for injections (in the absence of medical indications confirmed by a certificate), knitting needles and hooks for knitting, nail scissors and penknives.

To avoid problems during inspection, read the hand luggage rules of the selected company. They are usually published on the airline's online website.

Airlines will now be able to sell tickets that do not include baggage allowance at all - previously 10 kg were guaranteed free (new baggage rules on planes).

On July 20, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Air Code (Rules for the carriage of baggage on an airplane), which will affect millions of air passengers. Now on plane tickets airlines may not include free baggage allowance at all. Is it true, this only applies to non-refundable rates- and they are the cheapest, and most travelers buy them.

The news left many tourists stunned or slightly confused: how is it that baggage-free fares were introduced a long time ago, I paid for a suitcase on the S7 flight last summer? But Pobeda only lets you in with a handbag, and demands money for a backpack!

In fact, the baggage-free fares of Russian airlines have so far been conditionally baggage-free - any of them allowed you to take 10 kg for free. Even Pobeda, with all its strictness, allowed you to carry 10 kg of hand luggage in the luggage compartment. Precisely because this norm was prescribed in the Air Code. Now it has been cancelled. And carriers have every right not to include luggage at all in the ticket price. If you need a suitcase - pay, if you are ready to fly light - save.

And now, tomorrow at all airports in the country they will start charging money for each suitcase? Komsomolskaya Pravda figured out the details of the new rules.


Baggage and hand luggage: The air code allowed each passenger to carry a minimum of 10 kg free of charge. At the same time, it was not specified where exactly - in the luggage compartment or hand luggage. And the airlines interpreted it as they saw fit. For example, S7, according to the baggage-free fare, allows you to take 10 kg of hand luggage into the cabin; there is no free luggage at all. “Victory” is the opposite: a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg can be checked in as checked baggage free of charge, but they are not allowed to take anything other than the list specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations (See “Important”). Other carriers, even at the cheapest fares, have free allowances that are more generous than the minimum required by law: Ural Airlines has 5 kg of hand luggage and 10 kg of luggage, Aeroflot has 10 kg of hand luggage and 23 kg of luggage.

Eventually: 10 kg is quite possible if you are flying for the weekend or on a short business trip. And it really doesn’t matter where these 10 kg fly, in the luggage compartment or the cabin. Passengers could actually save money by buying conditionally baggage-free tickets - after all, they still include 10 kg.


Baggage: The airline may not include free luggage at all in the ticket price. Or maybe include it - as she decides.

Carry-on baggage: A passenger has the right to carry carry-on baggage free of charge “within the limits established by the carrier in accordance with federal aviation regulations.” That is, and here almost everything is left to the airline. Maybe my brother will allow 5 kg into the salon, maybe 10 kg. Or it may be limited to items from those same federal aviation regulations (see "Important"), their amendments did not affect them.

That is: the airline will legally be able to demand payment for everything except a handbag or briefcase. Both for luggage and for hand luggage - be it a backpack, a sports bag, or a duty-free bag. Have you seen many ascetics who fly to another city with only a handbag over their shoulder, without, sorry, a change of underwear or socks? In this situation, the passenger will have to pay on top in any case - either for a suitcase or for hand luggage. But. There is hope that airlines will avoid extremes and leave some reasonable standards for free hand luggage. This is what happens in the world, in any case (see “What about them”).

*After the amendments come into force. All this applies only to non-refundable tickets. For passengers with refundable fares, the new law does not change anything.


When will the new rules take effect?

Calmly - only 60 days after the official publication of the amendments. Approximately from the end of September - beginning of October. That is, we will have time to fly off during the summer holidays, as usual, 10 kg are guaranteed free of charge even at baggage-free fares.

Will they charge for a suitcase on any flight?

No. It all depends on the airline and the fare at which you buy the ticket. The amendments make it possible to make only non-refundable tickets completely baggage-free. If the ticket can be returned, then its price automatically includes at least 10 kg of luggage (or more, this is the right of the airline).

Most likely, carriers will reshape their tariff schedules to accommodate the new rules over the next two months. There will be the cheapest tickets, which cannot be checked in and any baggage is only for money, there will be average ones, with 10 kg of free baggage and restrictions on return (with a fine, for example), and expensive ones, where you can take a suitcase weighing 23 kg and change the ticket itself and return it. This is a conditional diagram, of course.

How do I know if I qualify for free luggage?

The amendments oblige the airline to inform the passenger about the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage when purchasing a ticket. To be fair, they still do not hide this information on their websites. As a rule, you need to click on the name of the tariff next to the price or the icon symbolizing baggage. You will see: hand luggage only, 10 kg, 23 kg... If you realize it after purchase, look for the “Baggage” column in the electronic ticket.

How much will it cost to check in a suitcase?

Tariffs are set by the carrier. On average, at current prices, 2,000 rubles or 50 euros (on international flights) for a suitcase weighing up to 23 kg.

Will tickets become cheaper?

The main argument of supporters of the law is that plane tickets will become cheaper. Why? Baggage transportation is a service for which the passenger pays. After all, with suitcases, the plane is heavier, it needs more fuel, again loading and unloading, wages for loaders, luggage belt. Now everyone pays for this service. And if you divide it - the flight separately, the luggage separately - some passengers will be able to pay only for the flight itself and thereby save. The basic tariffs of Pobeda, as they say, will be reduced by 20%.

Those who are willing to fly at a “naked” fare and without luggage at all will probably pay less. But for most passengers, flights will eventually become more expensive, he believes Alexander SIZINTSEV, General Director of the Internet service for travelers Biletix. Because in addition to the fare, they will fork out money for luggage, even minimal ones.


Let's see if we have tickets for 10 euros!

In the European Union and the United States, laws do not regulate the issue of luggage at all; airlines themselves decide what they will allow a passenger to carry for free, and what for money, he comments PR Director of Aviasales Janis Dzenis.

So in Russia now it’s like all over the world. Anyone who has flown with Western low-cost airlines knows: with Ryanair, EasyJet and the like, the ticket really does not include any baggage at all. But they are generous with hand luggage - Ryanair even allows you to carry two bags, one on the shelf above the seat, the other under the seat. So passengers save on suitcases and take as much as they can into the cabin.

Russian aviators who lobbied for the newly adopted amendments argued that our 10 kg free baggage allowance prevents domestic low-cost airlines from competing with foreign ones that do not have such restrictions. Well, let's see if we will now have tickets for 10 euros, like in Europe - the obstacles have been removed!


50% of passengers do not know whether free luggage is included in the ticket they purchased.

30% pay for the suitcase already at the airport, was surprised to learn that the fare is baggage-free.

You can save 60%, if you pay for baggage not included in the ticket in advance, on the airline’s website.


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