Hiking to the Caucasus “30th All-Union Route (Through the Mountains to the Sea). Legendary thirty Thirtieth route

12700 rubles

9 days, 100 km, Difficulty: Medium

The tourist hiking trip “Through the Mountains to the Sea” is one of the oldest and most popular routes in the Caucasus. It was developed at the beginning of the last century and was listed at number 30. The ease of the route allows even unprepared tourists to pass it. For completing the “Thirty” in Soviet times, children were awarded the “Young Tourist” badge.

Today, the “Through the Mountains to the Sea” hike has not lost its popularity. It allows you to follow a unique route, where in 9 days of travel you will encounter several landscape zones at once. Firstly, the route passes through the Kuban chernozem steppes, as well as deciduous and coniferous forests. Secondly, you will be able to see vast alpine meadows, snowfields and glaciers. And after descending to the southern side of the Main Caucasus Range - subtropics and the warm Black Sea! Thus, on one trip you can visit several climate zones.

Hiking route:

Krasnodar - Khadzhokh - Abadzeshsky pass - Lago-Naki plateau - Mount Oshten - Guzeriplsky pass - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - Fisht-Oshtensky pass - Lake Psenodakh - Maikop pass - Circassian pass - Babuk Aul - Solokh Aul - Dagomys - Sochi.

The first day. Transfer to the village of Khadzhokh.

The group meets in the morning at the Krasnodar railway station. From there we go by minibus to the mountain village of Khadzhokh. In this area there is a picturesque 400-meter canyon - the Khadzhokhskaya Gorge, through which the rapid waters of the Belaya River flow. Another attraction is the seven-stage cascade of the Rufabgo waterfall. Shallow in dry times, this waterfall turns into a rapid stream of water after rains, for which locals call it the Evil Wizard. We will set up camp in one of the clearings near the gorge and go on a radial hike to explore the local beauties.

Second day. Transfer to the Abadzesh pass, transition to the Lago-Naki plateau (2040 m)

In the morning we will take a minibus from Khadzhokh to the checkpoint of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, where we will issue passes. The zone of alpine vegetation begins here. Among the lush herbs there are karst sinkholes, with snow at the bottom even in the height of summer. Gradually gaining altitude, we will cross the Abadzesh Pass and head along the Lago-Naki plateau to the Rubleny stream. Having chosen a convenient clearing, we will stop there for the night.

Day three. Climbing Mount Oshten (2804 m)

After breakfast we make a simple radial ascent to Mount Oshten. This is the second highest peak in the area after Mount Fisht (2854m). From its top there is a breathtaking view of the endless Lago-Naki plateau, Mount Pshekho-Su (2744m), Mount Fisht and the large Fishtinsky glacier. Ahead you can also see the rocky gorges of the Tsitsa River, green alpine meadows, three-thousand-meter peaks of Krasnaya Polyana and a narrow strip of sea! We spend the night on the Lago-Naki plateau, at an altitude of 2040 m.

Day four. Trekking through the Guzeripl (1985 m) and Armenian (1850 m) passes to the Fisht shelter (1580 m), radial access to the small Fisht glacier

After breakfast, we will leave the parking lot on the Rubleny stream and head along the southern slope of Mount Oshten, which we conquered, to the Guzeripl and Armenian passes. Making our way through lush vegetation, we will admire the peaks of the Main Caucasian Ridge. Our ten-kilometer trek will end at the Fisht shelter. The pride of Adygea originates here - the Belaya River, near which there are equipped parking areas. In the afternoon we will make a radial trek to the small Fishta glacier, which is about 10 thousand years old.

Day five. Trekking through the Fisht-Oshtensky pass (2220m), visiting Lake Psenodakh (1938m), crossing the Maikopsky pass (1950m), descending to the parking lot (1560m).

After breakfast we pack up camp and hit the road. Our goal is the most picturesque and highest pass of route 30 - Fisht-Oshtenovsky. Having conquered it, we will go down to Lake Psenodakh, which has the shape of a crescent, for which it is called Lunar Lake. The lake is shallow, it is fed by underground springs, so the water in it is cold. After resting near the lake, we will continue our way to the Maikop Pass along the rocky walls of Pshekho-Su. Having descended from the pass, we will stop for the night.

Day six. Trek to the Vodopadny shelter (1530 m).

Today we will have an exciting journey through the yew and beech grove. Walking along the southwestern slope of Mount Pshekho-Su, we will come out to a spur of the mountain, and then descend to a clearing with waterfalls. Our camp will be located at the tourist site “Vodopadny Shelter” at the foot of Mount Fisht. Here we will see an extraordinary sight: many waterfalls flowing from the Fisht wall, among which is the highest waterfall in Europe, reaching 200 m. We swim in the waterfalls and relax!

Day seven. Trekking through the Cherkessky pass (1836 m) to the Babuk-Aul shelter (700 m).

We get up early and set off to conquer the Cherkessky Pass. We will walk through a shady beech forest, our path will now and then be crossed by numerous streams - tributaries of the Shahe River. Next comes a rather steep descent with a large height difference (1500 m) over a short section of the path (about 4 km). This place is called the “Merry Descent”, because in front is the sea. We will stop for the night at the Babuk-Aul tourist camp. On its territory there is a toilet, shower, volleyball court and kiosk.

Day eight. Transfer to the village of Solokh-aul, transfer to the village of Dagomys.

We will continue our descent to the sea. The path goes along the Shahe River through a shady deciduous forest. On the way there are many streams with small waterfalls. Particular attention is drawn to the Skalisty stream, which flows in small streams, falling onto the walls of the canyon and turning into diamond dust. Soon we will reach the village of Solokh Aul, where there is an interesting museum of Krasnodar tea. In the village of Solokh-Aul we will board a minibus and go to the suburb of Sochi - Dagomys. The warm Black Sea, long beaches, palm trees and blooming magnolias are the reward for the completed hike. We'll set up camp on a wild beach.

Day nine. Moving to Sochi.

Having had a good swim in the warm sea, we begin our leisurely preparations for home. Those wishing to extend their vacation can stay here in Dagomys. The rest go to the Sochi railway station or the airport.

10500 in a group 7-8 people
12500 in a group 4-6 people

12500 in a group 7-8 people
14500 in a group 4-6 people

15500 in a group 7-8 people
17500 in a group 4-6 people

Lagonaki is a unique mountainous region of the North-West Caucasus. The name “Lagonaki” denotes a highland that unites into one orographic unit a number of mountain ranges and flat-topped ridges in the area between the Belaya and Pshekha rivers: the Nagoy-Chuk ridge, the Lagonaki ridge, the Montenegro, Messo, Murzikao and Abadzesh massifs, the Azish-Tau ridge, the Stone Sea ridge and Fisht-Oshtenovsky mountain range. Along the periphery, the highland is clearly outlined by steep, sometimes steep slopes. The highlands are composed of a thick layer of Upper Jurassic limestone, in which karst landforms are widely developed: caves, sinkholes and wells, karst valleys.

In the scientific literature, as well as in local history publications, one can find different definitions of Lagonaki, its area and borders. Sometimes only ridges with mountain-meadow vegetation located north of the Pshekha-Su and Oshten peaks are combined under this name. There is even a statement that the Lagonaki plateau is a basin between the Murzikao massif and the Stone Sea ridge.

A number of tourist routes are laid through the Lagonaki highlands, the most famous of which is, perhaps, the Thirtieth route or “thirty”.

Features of the route

The Lagonaki Highlands can be visited from the end of May, but the best time to walk the Thirtieth Route is the second half of June, July, August and September, when the alpine meadows are free of snow, the subalpine tall grasses do not interfere with walking, overnight stays at altitude are not so cold and you can even swim in the mountains lakes At the end of September, the first snowfalls are already possible in these places, which briefly decorate the shores of the lakes and trees in the valley, only to melt later. The beginning of October is the time of golden autumn in these places, but at the same time in the highlands you can find yourself at the beginning of the real winter.

Hiking along Route Thirty can take four days or more. But it is better to plan 4-5 days for this trip: during this time you can visit all the most interesting sights of Lagonaki and the surrounding area.

“Route Thirty” is not technically difficult and is accessible to almost any traveler.

For travel Need the following camping equipment:

  • backpack (volume not less than 60 l)
  • rug
  • sleeping bag (preferably with a comfort temperature no higher than +5°)
  • tent
  • trekking poles
  • flashlight
  • set of utensils (mug, spoon, bowl, knife).

At the end of September and beginning of October, frosts are possible at night, so you will need warm clothes.

When packing your backpack, don't forget leave some space in it for food (which the guide will buy and distribute to you)!

additional information




Suitable for beginners, but minimal physical fitness required


Trekking for 3 days, cost per person:

10500 in a group 7-8 people
12500 in a group 4-6 people

Hiking for 4 days, cost per person:

12500 in a group 7-8 people
14500 in a group 4-6 people

Hiking for 5 days, cost per person:
15500 in a group 7-8 people
17500 in a group 4-6 people

(For a group of less than 4 people, the price is negotiable)

Included in the price

  • pass to a specially protected natural area (reserve, sanctuary, national park)
  • food on the route
  • guide services
  • first aid kit
  • gas equipment
  • photo report from the trip

Not included in price

  • equipment rental
  • medical insurance
  • transfer from the airport/station to the beginning of the route (to the beginning of transfer by off-road transport)

Equipment rental

  • the cost of renting a basic set of equipment (tent, mat, sleeping bag, dishes, flashlight, trekking poles) is 1200 rubles. per day per person.
  • The cost of renting additional equipment (backpack, gaiters, etc.) can be found in the section.

additional information

  • Participants carry tents, personal equipment (sleeping bag, mat, flashlight, dishes) and food themselves in backpacks. Setting up the camp and preparing food is carried out in turn by all participants in the hike.
  • Depending on weather conditions and the physical condition of the group, the guide may make changes to the route.
  • The optimal group size is from 4 to 10 people.

The famous "Thirty" - the legendary route 30 through the mountains to the sea
The route was restored in 2001.

Spending the night at a camp site and in permanent shelters, traveling with a light backpack, cooking by a cook.
Certified instructors work with the group. Joining a group from one person.

Route 30 passes near the famous mountain. Fisht is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments in Russia, the highest mountains closest to Moscow. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.

Arrivals in 2019:

June: 10.06 – 16.06; 17.06 – 23.06; 24.06 - 30.06
July: 01.07 – 07.07; 08.07 – 14.07; 15.07 – 21.07; 22.07 - 28.07; 29.07 - 04.08
August: 05.08 – 11.08; 12.08 – 18.08; 19.08 - 25.08; 26.08 - 01.09
September: 02.09 - 08.09; 09.09 - 15.09

On arrival days there is a transfer from the Krasnodar railway station at 06:30, from the airport at 07:00, the cost is 500 rubles per person.

1 day. Check-in at a camp site or hotel in the village of Kamennomostsky, accommodation in rooms with amenities on site, meeting with an instructor. Walk to the Through Cave. Lunch at the camp site. Excursion to an unequipped part of the canyon. The canyon displays amazing, unique, talented works of stone art created by nature. Getting to know the area. After dinner, an evening of dating, gatherings around the fire.

Day 2. Hiking to the Rufabgo gorge (the main natural monument of this area). On the route you will explore five picturesque ones, explore the grotto - the site of a primitive man and the surrounding rocks covered with lush vegetation. Lunch in the gorge near a tourist fire. Return to the camp site through observation platforms. In the evening, songs with a guitar on the fire pit.

Day 3. A training hike in. The gorge is located away from popular tourist trails, but also has picturesque waterfalls, beautiful grottoes, and caves. All around are chestnut and beech forests. These are the sites of Neanderthal settlements, which are 120 - 130 thousand years old. A huge accumulation of burial mounds from the Zikh, Kasozh, Meotosarmatian and Scythian periods keep the secret of the peoples who existed here. The path runs along a clean rocky stream bed polished with water, lunch in the gorge. In the evening we hand over things not needed on the main hike to be sent to Dagomys. Getting ready for the main hike.

Day 4 Bus crossing Hadjokh - . Hiking to the Fisht shelter. On this day you will pass the ridge, four easy passes, and visit the subalpine and alpine zones. Lunch in the alpine near the karst lake. In the first half of summer, part of the route passes through snowfields. This is the most interesting and eventful day of the route. In the evening, flag raising and gatherings around the fire.

Day 5 Shelter "Fisht" - radial access to the Small Glacier. On this day you will visit the classic nival zone (a zone of bare rocks, eternal ice and snow). There will be mountain gorges at your feet. Lunch at the shelter. For those who want to climb the huge boulder Fishtenok. Bonfire in the evening.

Day 6 Shelter "Fisht" - lane. Belorechensky - shelter "Babuk-aul". On this day, you will find two easy passes (where there is a telephone connection) and a long, “Merry” descent into the subtropical zone through beech forests of the Colchis type. In the evening, presentation of badges and Russian tourist certificates.

Day 7 Shelter "Babuk-aul" - the village of Solokh-aul - Dagomys. We will spend this day in the humid subtropics, walk through a boxwood grove, see lush and lush vegetation, several waterfalls, and many rare and beautiful rock forms. Lunch at the Bzych River. Bus transfer to the village. Dagomys, after 17.00 arrival in Dagomys. In Dagomys, receiving personal belongings handed over in Khadzhokh.

Tour cost for one participant: 17,900 rubles.

The cost of the program includes: accommodation at the camp site and tourist shelters, 3 meals a day, cook services at the camp site and shelters, instructor services, internal route transport, transportation of things (resort) from Khadzhokh to Dagomys, delivery of almost all food and gas to the shelters, rental of group equipment, entrance fees (except for the Khadzhokhskaya Gorge entertainment center), group first aid kit, fee for staying in the reserve.

The program price does not include: travel, equipment rental.

Required personal equipment: backpack (50 - 70 liters), personal sleeping bag and mat, rain cape, hiking shoes - sneakers or hiking boots, replacement shoes, shower slippers, warm tracksuit and sweater, nylon wind suit, long-sleeved shirt, hat with wide brim, small flashlight, plastic water bottle, personal utensils, seat.

  • Region: Western Caucasus
  • Duration: 9 days
  • Complexity:
    • 75 km.
    • 25 km.
    • 2804 m. Oshten
  • Other dates
  • The legendary Thirty is the most famous hiking trip in the Western Caucasus since the times of the Soviet Union, passing through the picturesque mountains of Adygea. This route is unique in that it passes through all climatic zones and landscapes - from the Kuban steppes to high-altitude permafrost, from humid subtropics to glaciers. The Thirty hike is very variable. The option described below is just one of many possible paths that can be taken. Each instructor has his own favorite trails and his own vision of what is most beautiful on this route. Therefore, the thread may change depending on the weather, the condition of the group and requests and suggestions. But in any case, no matter what path you take, an unforgettable experience awaits you, and every hiking day will contain a little life!

    Route plan:

    1 day

    Krasnodar - Khadzhokh - Rufabgo Waterfalls - Khadzhokh Gorge

    We meet at the southern wing of the Krasnodar-1 railway station at about 11 am. We make a transfer (4 hours) to the small town of Hadzhokh, where our Thirty starts. Its picturesque brick houses and green foothills give it a resemblance to some towns in the Swiss Alps. Under the USSR, Khadzhokh was called Kamennomostsky, because from ancient times industrial stonemasons lived here. We set up camp in a cozy place and go to explore the main local attractions - the Rufabgo waterfalls and the Khadzhokh Gorge (the canyon of the Belaya River). The Khadzhokh Gorge is a very narrow and deep canyon, which the stormy and noisy Belaya River carved into these stones over hundreds of years. Let's walk along the river to the Rufabgo waterfalls, of which there are 7 here. By evening we will return to camp. Bonfire, dinner, getting to know each other.

    Day 2

    Transfer to the Lagonaki checkpoint - Instructor's gap

    In the morning we will be transferred to the Lagonaki checkpoint. A short delay for formalities at the entrance, and now we are already in the Lagonaki Biosphere Reserve. Today we have a short and easy transition to the Instructor's Gap - the place of our overnight stay. However, if you are unaccustomed to it and with heavy backpacks, the path may seem difficult. No problem, everyone will adapt tomorrow. And the beauty of the Lagonaki Nature Reserve will be a well-deserved reward for our endurance. In the reserve, you can only cook on a burner, so, unfortunately, there will be no long cozy gatherings around the fire. If anyone has any strength left, they can walk along the Rublenoye stream along the rifts down and back.

    Day 3

    Radialka to Oshten (2804 m)

    We will devote this day to a radial (light, without backpacks) ascent of Mount Oshten. We leave our things in the same camp and go to storm the peak. Let's leave as early as possible, because in the Caucasus it is such a peculiarity that in the afternoon it often rains, and the snow-capped peaks are also covered with clouds and fog. To avoid getting lost, you need to get up at dawn. After the beautiful views of Lagonaki opening from the top of Oshten, you don’t want to go back down at all. We spend the night in the same camp - swim in waterfalls, admire the stars, and relax.

    4 day

    Crossing the Guzeripl and Armenian passes - radial to the Small Fisht Glacier

    Today we are moving to the Fisht camp site. Along the way we will need to overcome two simple passes - Guzeriplsky and Armenian. We arrive at the parking lot around 15:00, leave our things and follow a narrow trampled forest path to the radial path to the Small Fisht Glacier - one of the lowest non-melting glaciers in the Caucasus and throughout the world. We spend the night at the Fisht camp site.

    5 day

    Radials to the Fisht-Oshten pass and Lake Psenodakh

    We stay at the Fisht camp site and climb radially today to the Fisht-Oshten pass. It is very windy here, but this will not stop us from admiring the monument to the defenders of the Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. Also from here we can see our entire route to the camp site. After the pass we will go to the famous mountain lake Psenodakh, located at an altitude of 1952 m in the shape of a crescent. The surrounding views are worthy of an artist's brush! And the water temperature in the lake is only +4 degrees. The bravest ones will swim in its icy waters. In the evening we will return to the camp site.

    Day 6

    Belorechensky and Cherkessky passes

    Today we leave the hospitable Fisht camp site and move on. Our path will lie through the simple Belorechesky Pass (1782 m), after overcoming which we will reach the next one - the Circassian Pass (1800 m). The view from here of the green valleys and sharp rocky peaks is simply incredible! We will go to the parking lot to the booths of Armenian shepherds, and spend the night in one of the authentic booths.

    Day 7

    Moonlight Glade - 200-meter waterfall

    We are moving towards Vodopadisty. On the way we pass Putin's dacha on Lunnaya Polyana. They say that when the owner is here, helicopters circle over the dacha day and night, dispersing the clouds. We will soon come to a stunning 200-meter waterfall, where we will rest and take a swim, refreshing ourselves from the road. Our trekking is almost complete, there is nowhere to rush and it’s quite possible to relax. We will spend the night near a strange river, which by August practically dries up during the daytime, and appears again in the evenings for several hours. This phenomenon is explained simply - the river is filled with the waters of a glacier that melts during the day, and during the cold night the water freezes and by morning disappears completely. We will see such a natural metamorphosis with our own eyes.

    Day 8

    Transfer to Dagomys

    In the morning we walk another 3 km to a picturesque observation deck, admire the mountains again, and then leave for Dagomys in a custom car. We put up tents in a convenient place by the sea, swim, sunbathe, and relax.

    Day 9

    Sochi. Way home.

    All we have to do is get to the bus or train station in Sochi, and then go home. Our "Legendary Thirty" hike is completed. See you again in the mountains.

    Route map "Legendary Thirty"

    The cost of the trip includes:

    • Instructor-guide services
    • 3 meals a day
    • Registration of the group with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
    • Boilers, gas, burner, fire equipment
    • Group medical kit (at the conductor)

    The cost of the trip does not include:

    • Personal equipment rental
    • Medical insurance
    • Transfers, nature reserve, attractions, etc.

    Approximate price of the tour: 9000 RUB tour + 3000 RUB additional. expenses + train tickets

    helpful information

    This is a real hike. We carry food, equipment and personal belongings in backpacks on our backs. We spend the night in tents and cook over a fire (sometimes on a burner).

    The instructor has the right to change the route depending on the weather, the condition of the group and other factors.

    Payment in cash at the beginning of the hike to the instructor. When leaving the route, the money is not recalculated and is not returned.

    Groups usually have from 10 to 15 participants.

    The improvement of the camp (installation of tents, collection of firewood, cooking) is carried out by all participants of the hike. Working together is more pleasant and fun :).


    Zakalichnaya Olga
    • 09.01.2015
    Belokonev Roman
    • (34 years old) Yartsevo
    • 06.01.2015

    Unforgettable Route Thirtieth

    Legendary Thirty from September 23 to October 1, 2013

    The idea to go hiking arose quite spontaneously. The main catalyst was a report on one of the travel sites dedicated to the Lycian Way.

    So, everything was so beautifully described there and there were such amazing photos and such enthusiastic reviews that I set myself the goal of definitely going there. Having given it some thought, I came to the conclusion: you should initially gain experience of serious hiking, so that during a voyage abroad you can be completely immersed in the contemplation of nature, and not be distracted by all sorts of nonsense - like adjusting the straps of a backpack(.

    The guide gathers the group in the morning in Krasnodar and together we move to Khadzhokh (Kamennomostsky).
    Starting our trek through the Caucasus from the mountain resort of Khadzhokh, we will devote the first day to preparation. Without backpacks, we will go around the outskirts of Khadzhokh - the White River Canyon - the Khadzhokh Gorge.

    Walking along the banks of the canyon, we will admire the roaring and raging river twenty meters below. Then, a short walk takes you to the famous Rufabgo Falls.
    The Rufabgo cascade consists of seven waterfalls: the six-meter “Noise”, “Cascade”, “Heart of Rufabgo” surrounded by two branches of the river, the fifteen-meter “Lace”, the thirteen-meter “Maiden Braid” aka “Rufabgo’s Sword”, “Bowl of Love” and the “Lelkin” waterfall "

    After the rains, the picturesque Rufabgo waterfalls turn into streams of raging water. Hence the Circassian name of the stream - the Evil Wizard. At the waterfalls on the banks of the White River we will settle down for the night, ready to conquer the peaks tomorrow.

    Day 2: Abadzesh Pass and Lagonaki Plateau

    We are getting closer to the peaks. In the morning we move to the Caucasus Nature Reserve to the Abadzesh Pass. Now we begin a full-fledged hike through the highlands, rising into the subalpine zone: karst sinkholes covered with grasses and mountain flowers, snow-covered peaks of the surrounding mountains and very clean mountain air. From the Abadzesh Pass we head to the Rublennoye stream.
    We will have lunch on the colorful Lagonaki plateau with a view of one of the famous peaks of the Main Caucasus Range and the goal of tomorrow's hiking day - Mount Oshten (2,804 m).
    Today we will stop for the night on the bank of a mountain stream at the foot of Oshten, and tomorrow we will go on an assault.

    Day 3: Climbing Mount Oshten

    The whole day is dedicated to the conquest of Oshten. We will climb the mountain lightly, without backpacks.
    Once on the snow-covered peak, we will be transported from recent summer to winter for several hours. The snow-white mountains around will complement this picture, and the contrasting green valleys will beckon us down to the evening warmth of the fire and cozy waterfalls in which we can swim until the evening.
    But how lovely it is to play snowballs at the top under the hot sun, and admire the fabulous starry sky in the valley before going to bed!

    Day 4: Hike to the Fishta glacier through the Guzeripl and Armenian passes

    But there is an incentive not to waste time getting ready in the morning and not to prolong the day's journey. The most interesting thing will happen after setting up the camp. You can take a walk to the lower Fisht glacier. On the slopes of the mountain there is also the Soaring Bird cave and one of the deepest in Russia (640 m) cave system White Star (White Star, Cross, Tourist). But we won’t go to the caves, but after admiring the glacier we’ll go to bed, wrapped in warm sleeping bags.

    Day 5: Crossing the Fisht-Oshten Pass, Lake Psenodakh

    Goal of the day: cross the Fisht-Oshten pass (2,200 m). The pass is located above the two highest peaks in the western part of the Caucasus. And Fisht is the westernmost peak of the Caucasus, which has glaciers on its slopes of the Caucasus. The path at an altitude of more than two kilometers is not easy, but very colorful. After lunch at the pass we will begin our descent to the picturesque mountain lake Psenodakh. The lake is quite shallow - just above the knee, but in one of its sides there is a pool where the depth of the water exceeds human height.

    The Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su mountains, located in the vicinity of Psedonakh, are considered by the locals to be three brother mountains. Romantic legends tell about their miraculous appearance. The oldest is Fisht (2,867 m), the middle is Oshten (2,804 m) and the youngest is Pshekho-Su (2,744 m). And from the top of Pshekho-Su there is a magnificent view of the rocky slopes of Mount Fisht and the sharp ridge of the Great Glacier. And we will headlong descend from the Maikop Pass down to our overnight stay.

    Day 6: Waterfall Stream and Moonglade

    In the morning we will move to a short passage to the Circassian Pass. And our path to Moonlight Glade passes next to a huge two-hundred-meter waterfall. An incredible sight!
    But you can’t always see it. The main waterfall fills only after a good rainfall or in the spring. But on the other hand, the small waterfall is always full, flowing straight from the rock, the same 200-meter height.

    We will also admire the peak of Mavrikoshka and pass the Circassian Pass, where a stele was erected in memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. On this day we will have our last high overnight stay, right on the Circassian Pass.

    Day 7: Balagany, Mount Mavrikoshka, Shahe River

    We begin our descent to the sea. A steep descent with a drop in height of more than 1,500 m through a beech forest will lead us to the Babuk-Aul farm. The Caucasian Nature Reserve ends here and, after passing through the cordon, we will head to the Shakhe River. Let's cross the seething Shahe via an impressive pedestrian suspension bridge and find ourselves on an old dirt road. We'll spend the night right on the river bank.

    Day 8: Solokh Aul, Dagomys and the Black Sea

    The famous Thirty ends and having reached Solokh Aul, you can already enjoy sweets or drink beer in local shops and cafes while waiting for the bus to Dagomys. There is also an interesting tea museum in the village of Solokh-Aul.
    And here we are on the shores of the Black Sea! It’s already subtropical here: figs, persimmons, banana and ficus palms, and it’s very warm. We will spend the rest of the day away from the village on a wild beach. You can sunbathe and swim in warm sea water...

    Day 9: Completion of the hike

    The last day of the hike no longer involves trekking. Today we are leaving for home. We will return, some to Krasnodar, and some to Sochi, and from there we will go home.

    Cost: 11,000 rub.

    Payment is possible both in cash and by non-cash method.

    Duration: 9 days
    Difficulty: Medium difficulty

    The route is suitable for beginners and more experienced tourists, children over 14 years old. Minimal physical training is required.


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