Allowed and prohibited items on the plane for hand luggage. Allowed and prohibited: a list of what can and cannot be carried on the plane in hand luggage in Russia and abroad. What can be carried on the plane in hand luggage

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal belongings. This is wrong. The main criterion is the weight of hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier is based on. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.


First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women often ask what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to airline rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents with you in hand luggage. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

When it comes to personal hygiene items, you can bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover on board the plane. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Requirements vary here and different airlines may have limits ranging between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

When packing luggage for a trip, you should take into account the rules for importing items of the country in which the passenger will arrive. Otherwise, you may encounter the unpleasant moment of having your things searched and confiscated. You need to clearly know what you cannot carry in your luggage on the plane or in what quantities. Since there are restrictions on the volume of liquid and other factors.

And if there is a violation in at least one of the parameters, the airline may require additional payment. In addition, children under 10 years of age are allocated a place for luggage weighing no more than 10 kilograms. After 12 years, the rate increases to standard.

Prohibited items for carriage in luggage when flying on any airline

The very first item on the list of items prohibited for transportation is a ban on potentially dangerous things, such as:

  1. All types of weapons: firearms, cold steel, gas, pneumatic guns. This category also includes stun guns of any power.
  2. Items created on the basis of explosives: TNT, ammonal, gunpowder, dynamite, explosive liquids and the like.
  3. Pyrotechnic and signaling items: firecrackers, smoke bombs, signal flares.
  4. Gas: substances liquefied and compressed in cylinders, technical or household, aerosol. This group also includes items such as a lighter and a can for refilling it.
  5. Flammable liquids: ether, menthol, acetone, brake fluid, any substances based on petroleum products.
  6. Highly flammable solids: matchboxes, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and others.
  7. Substances containing poison and other toxic components based on nicotine, arsenic, strychnine, mercury.
  8. Things that can contribute to corrosion: salt, acid, peroxide, lime.
  9. Spreading radiation.
  10. Items with a magnetized structure.

In addition, baggage transportation rules prohibit bringing on board any items that could damage the cargo or harm people’s health. For example, dry ice or asbestos.

When traveling to Russia from another country, it is worth knowing that the import of live plants, seeds or soil is strictly prohibited.

Important! It is allowed to transport piercing weapons such as a crossbow, scimitar, epee and sword in the luggage compartment of an aircraft.

What happens if prohibited items are found in a suitcase?

Once airport security officers discover that a passenger is carrying a dangerous weapon without a pre-approved permit, it is seized and turned over to the police. The airline client will be removed from the flight until the investigation is completed.

If the cargo prohibited for transportation by plane does not pose a danger or value, it is disposed of according to the rules. If items and valuables are important to the passenger, it is possible to leave them in storage to be retrieved upon return.

Usually things that are on the prohibited list are already found at the reception desk. Therefore, they are most often given to mourners or left in storage rooms. In addition, it is possible to send them through the post office. Items that cannot be carried in the cabin, but are permitted to be carried in the luggage compartment, will need to be transferred to luggage.

If customs officers find prohibited items in your carry-on luggage during post-passport inspection, they will confiscate them. But the passenger has the opportunity, after drawing up a seizure report, to leave things with the airport service with a guarantee of return after the return flight. In some cases, airline employees meet halfway and independently hand over items to the baggage compartment with the possibility of receiving them on the belt.

If controversial situations arise, the passenger should carefully consider the situation and not be nervous. If you contact the airline employees kindly, the incident can be resolved without losing items dear to your heart. They will help you find a way out of this situation. If a passenger shows aggression, he may be removed from the flight.

What is allowed in luggage?

Any item that is not classified as dangerous can be carried on an airplane. For the convenience of passengers, airline tickets often provide a complete list of what can be carried in luggage. But it must be taken into account that there is no one standard for all countries. The main reference point in this case is the country where the passenger is going.

The list of such items, for example, includes religious items and books if the passenger lands in Dubai.

Alcohol that was purchased directly at the airport in a duty-free store is allowed to be carried in hand luggage. But provided that the packaging is not opened and there is a cash receipt. Low-cost airlines have slightly different rules in this regard and may not allow alcohol on board, even if purchased at a duty-free store. Or you will need to pay a certain fee.

In order to transfer prescription drugs and drugs that contain psychotropic or narcotic impurities, you will need to show a prescription from a doctor. If the flight is international, then they will also have to be declared to avoid problems with the customs service.

The only exception is passengers with diabetes who require insulin. They can carry syringes and glucometers along with the medicine.

Airlines allow solid food to be carried in the cabin on domestic flights as long as it does not exceed the weight or size limits. But when flying internationally, you need to check in advance about the possibility of carrying food. It is often prohibited to take fish, meat or dairy products on such flights. This is due to the fact that such products are considered perishable, and there is a possibility of infectious diseases occurring, which can develop into an epidemic.

Items that can be put in luggage in a limited volume

Subject to precautions and restrictions, the following items can be checked into the luggage compartment:

  1. Cutting things intended for household use.
  2. Alcohol-based drinks must be transported in manufacturer's containers with an alcohol content of no more than 70%.
  3. Liquids containing alcohol if they contain less than 24% alcohol.
  4. Sports and household aerosols.
  5. Thermometer packed in a standard case. No more than 1 piece per airline client.

What items can be carried in hand luggage, subject to restrictions:

  1. Medical thermometers without mercury or in a case from the manufacturer. No more than one copy per passenger.
  2. Barometer with mercury, hermetically packed with the sender's seal.
  3. Non-refillable lighter, no more than one.
  4. A mixture of dry ice intended to refrigerate perishable foods, but not exceeding two kilograms.
  5. Three percent hydrogen peroxide in a volume of no more than one hundred milliliters per person.
  6. Liquids and aerosols that do not endanger the life and health of passengers are transported in a volume of one hundred milliliters. Or packed in a plastic transparent bag of no more than one liter.

About transporting fragile items in luggage

Fragile items are processed according to the same principle as any other passenger item, based on weight or space occupied in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

The system of payment by baggage weight is widespread in the CIS, Europe and Asian countries; it is assumed that things will be transported free of charge, but a limit is set. If the total weight of items exceeds the established parameters, the airline client will need to pay extra for the excess weight.

Paying for the space occupied by baggage is most often practiced in America, but at the same time, such a system can be found among air carriers in Australia, Russia and Europe. According to the rules, passengers in economy class are allowed to check into the luggage compartment one suitcase or bag weighing no more than twenty-three kilograms. Customers who have purchased business class tickets are given an additional seat with a total weight of no more than 64 kg.

When transporting fragile luggage, the entire procedure follows standard rules; the only difference is the mandatory mark, which must be attached to the package. All luggage marked with this sticker is loaded into the luggage compartment manually. However, airlines are not responsible for storing items.

If you are concerned that fragile cargo will not be safe, even with such a mark, it can be transported in hand luggage. But subject to the conditions on acceptable parameters, that is, the weight should not exceed 5-10 kilograms, depending on the established weight limit.

When transporting fragile cargo, it is necessary to provide it with high-quality packaging. For example, putting an item in a box with sealed walls. It is also necessary to avoid voids around it. It would be best to fill them with foam, paper parcels or clothing. Thus, the passenger will protect fragile cargo from chaotic movement inside the box.

If an airline customer is transporting liquids in glass bottles, they must be placed in an airtight container and then placed in a clear Ziploc bag.

For those who are not aware of the tragedy of a universal scale, or simply do not fly on airplanes, a brief excursion into history:

On February 15, 2018, Aeroflot airline suddenly tightened the rules for free transportation hand luggage, reducing its permissible dimensions.

Some readers won’t even understand why there’s such a panic: just think, just a few centimeters were removed. But in reality, thousands of travelers around the world find themselves in an unpleasant situation.

What are these new rules that everyone is discussing?

According to new Aeroflot rules, the height of hand luggage has decreased from 25 to 20 cm, and also reduced the number of items that could be carried in hand if they do not fit in hand luggage.

What can you bring? on an Aeroflot plane in your hands, in addition to hand luggage:

  • briefcase
  • handbag
  • bouquet of flowers
  • outerwear
  • suit in a suitcase
  • baby food for the child during the flight
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair
  • medications in the amount required for the duration of the flight
  • additional backpack weighing up to 5 kg and dimensions no more than 80 cm
  • folding baby stroller weighing no more than 7 kg and dimensions no more than 42x50x20cm
  • goods purchased at Duty Free ( one sealed plastic bag, with dimensions no more than 115 cm)

What has become impossible to carry:

  • Photographic equipment, camera, lenses
  • Laptops

According to international standards, the size of one free piece of baggage (backpack, bag, briefcase or suitcase) that can be taken into the aircraft cabin is 55x40x25 cm with a total weight of up to 10 kg for economy class.

These dimensions allow you to neatly fill the luggage rack above three seats, at the rate of one passenger in a seat - one piece of luggage for hand luggage.

So almost all manufacturing companies produce bags and suitcases of exactly this size for flights in the aircraft cabin. And at Aeroflot, suddenly, in an instant, these dimensions became invalid. And into the cabin of the plane with a suitcase standard size it became impossible to pass.

Height limit of 20 cm ( and even less) is found among low-cost airlines - airlines that save on everything for the sake of a favorable price for their tickets.

But Aeroflot is far from a low-cost airline, and no one expected such meanness from the oldest national air carrier.

What to do if your carry-on baggage does not meet the requirements

At airports there are special “calibrators” - metal baskets in which you can put your luggage if you are not sure whether it is the right size for a flight in the aircraft cabin, and not in the luggage compartment.

So, Aeroflot employees meticulously force many passengers to check their backpacks and bags, right in front of the check-in counters for flights. If the suitcase does not fit into the calibrator, or sticks out from it, there are two options:

1. Check in as luggage. Yes, yes, all the delicate equipment that you want to carefully carry on a cozy shelf above your chair is offered to be handed over to the rude hands of airport workers. It's like playing roulette: you may get lucky with neat movers, or you may not ( more often - no).

2. Pay extra for oversized hand luggage. This option is preferable, although it can lead to slight confusion: prices vary from 5,000 rubles on flights within our country, to 150 dollars (or euros) on flights abroad, if the size of hand luggage exceeds 203 cm.

Any chance you can get through with my bag?

You can try to squeeze your bag into the calibrator if the bag or backpack is soft. This is exactly how I walked with my trusty backpack, which was unsightly bloated due to the sweater I had stored there for cold weather in Barcelona.

The Aeroflot employee thought my backpack was oversized, so they politely asked me to check it for proper size. The check was successful, the backpack fit into the iron container, and I was allowed onto the plane.

If your backpack doesn’t fit into the “calibrator”, you can take out some of your things and put them in a bag or soft backpack. I always carry a fabric backpack like this with me inside my main one - it takes up little space, and can come in handy at any moment away from home.

According to the rules, the passenger has the right to an additional backpack ( or package), which does not exceed 80 cm in total dimensions and weighs up to 5 kg.

This way, you can outsmart the system and not check your hand luggage into your luggage. The approaches to “calibrators” are not limited - you can combine things, check and combine again.

Is the difference of 5 centimeters insignificant? No matter how it is!

Most suitcase manufacturing companies have a special line in their model range “ Cabin luggage": these are suitcases, bags or backpacks that correspond to generally accepted dimensions for unhindered travel in the aircraft cabin.

Only Aeroflot has dimensions decreased by 5 centimeters in height. The result is angry posts on social networks, scandals, hysterics, wasted nerves and money, and ultimately a negative attitude towards the airline, including threats of boycott.

It’s good that Aeroflot came to their senses. Just the other day, the conditions for carrying hand luggage changed again on the official website: the company returned the generally accepted dimensions of 55x40x23-25 ​​cm. However, without official statements.

But what to do to avoid losing money right before the flight? You need to buy the right suitcase that will pass any “calibration” test without any problems and fit on the luggage rack.

And there are such suitcases. They cost the right amount of money, hold enough things and save the passenger’s nerves.

Choose which one you want. All is good.

With any suitcase from this selection, you can confidently go straight onto the plane, no one will say a word. Until some Aeroflot quietly changes established standards again, of course.

1. Embossed suitcase with an unusual lid

2. Aluminum and lightweight Xiaomi 90FUN

3. Durable and cheap WOVELOT suitcase

4. Stylish and spectacular Y-ROAD TRAVEL Business

5. Compact bag on wheels from Y-ROAD TRAVEL

6. Real Bat-suitcase from travel tale

The rules of international transportation imply certain restrictions on the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. To ensure a smooth flight, you need to know exactly what items you absolutely cannot take on board the aircraft.

You cannot take the following with you in your hand luggage on the plane:

  • sharp objects;
  • piercing objects;
  • hazardous substances;
  • liquids;
  • any weapons and explosives.

The transportation of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 purchased before September 2, 2016 is not allowed due to the explosion of several devices in the hands of users. Other brands of phones can be carried in hand luggage and in the luggage compartment without any problems.

Items that cannot be carried in a bag on board an aircraft include a manicure set made of metal objects, a lighter, knitting needles, a corkscrew, and a thermometer with mercury.


In general, the rules for transporting items depend on the internal rules of the carrier company.

Traditionally, people take on board those items that are of the highest priority or even necessary:

  • keys;
  • money;
  • credit and debit cards;
  • passports;
  • valuable jewellery;
  • easily broken items;
  • documentation required for the flight.


Any person has the right to take no more than 1 liter of liquid per person on the plane in hand luggage. However, each container cannot exceed 100 ml. The concept of “Liquid” in this case may include: shampoos, creams, aerosols, shaving foam and even cosmetics (mascara, liquid lipstick, foundation).

If the container contains 200 ml. There is only half of the shampoo left, it will not be possible to carry it on board: it is not the actual amount of liquid that is taken into account, but the volume of the bottle.

The 1 liter limit does not apply to:

  • food for babies;
  • specialized food for patients with a supporting certificate certified by the seal of a medical institution;
  • vital medications if documentation is available.

Why can't I take liquids with me?

You cannot carry liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml on an airplane because this meets safety regulations. The rule has been in effect since 2007 and is due to the fact that passengers managed to take flammable items such as alcohol, acetone and other toxic chemicals with them in their hand luggage, which pose an increased risk of fire. In cases where the container with a liquid substance exceeds 100 ml, it can, if desired, be used to create an explosive substance that poses a danger to passengers and crew members of the aircraft. In turn, 0.1 liter is quite enough to transport medications.


The transportation of medicines must be approached responsibly, because in some countries, such as Thailand, the legislation provides for serious sanctions for the transport of drugs without manufacturer’s packaging. You need to study the local laws of the country of arrival and follow the requirements. If you have a medical prescription, it is advisable to take it with you: in case of controversial issues, it will be easier to prove your case with an official document than just with words.

If the drugs are not in tablets, but, for example, in gels, ampoules or in the form of a medical ointment, then they can be taken as a general rule of 100 ml.

To transport a larger volume of medicines, you need evidence: an epicrisis, a certificate from the attending physician, a prescription indicating the amount of the drug required and the timing of its administration. The more documentation is submitted, the higher the chances of transporting medicine in excess of the established norm.


You cannot transport products whose export from the country is prohibited. For example, cheese and meat semi-finished products and finished products cannot be exported from Greece. You cannot take water with you, but you can often spot people who managed to take a 0.5 liter bottle with its contents. You can take an empty water bottle with you: the flight attendant will be happy to fill it at the passenger’s request.

You can take on the plane without any problems:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • chocolates;
  • bars;
  • chips;
  • sandwiches;
  • other solid products.


Many people who purchase exclusive products, incl. honey from rare exhibitions, they are wondering if it is possible to take it on board an aircraft. According to general rules, honey is classified as a liquid, and the transportation of such substances is limited to 100 ml.

Honey can only be supplied in micro containers of 0.1 ml and a maximum of 10 pieces. In addition, according to the rules for transporting liquids, such jars must be packed in sealed transparent packaging. If the permissible quantity is exceeded, the excess will be confiscated during inspection. The rules apply to most countries in the world, but before flying it is better to check the latest information on the carrier’s website.

If honey is not produced in the EU, then its import into countries such as Germany is prohibited.


Rechargeable devices are allowed to carry batteries provided that they are located in the device, for example, in an automatic razor. Devices must be in good working order, otherwise they may be confiscated.

Allowed for flight:

  • alkaline batteries;
  • rechargeable batteries;
  • lithium batteries up to 160 W power.

The following are not allowed for transportation on an aircraft:

  • substances that can cause corrosion;
  • toxic chemicals;
  • highly toxic agents;
  • gases in any condition;
  • liquids and substances in a solid state that are prone to instantaneous combustion
  • weapon;
  • ammunition;
  • explosive elements;
  • materials exceeding the permissible level of radiation;
  • paralytic drugs;
  • lithium batteries;
  • equipment with such batteries, including electric scooters and scooters, Segways;
  • any items that pose a potential threat to human life and health.

You cannot take alcohol of more than 70% aging in your luggage, incl. ethyl alcohol, mercury thermometer, 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, graffiti cans, any type of fuel - gasoline, diesel fuel, gas, Zippo lighters, electric gas burners, self-defense cans, matches, fireworks.

In order to avoid problems with the transportation of various items from other countries, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the rules of customs inspection. The laws of foreign countries may differ greatly from Russian ones.

To Turkey

The list of goods prohibited for import according to local laws in Turkey includes:

  • any narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • weapon;
  • piercing and cutting objects;
  • substances with radiation;
  • any items that may visually resemble antiques - for example, a brooch or necklace from the early 20th century;
  • food containing meat;
  • food containing milk.

In addition, there are certain import limits for the following goods:

  • perfume– no more than 5 pcs. about 150 ml.;
  • tobacco– no more than 10 packs of cigarettes, less than 199 grams of tobacco products, 50 grams of chewing tobacco;
  • alcohol– 1 bottle of 1 liter for a person who has reached the age of majority, or 2 bottles of 0.7 liters each;
  • medicines– only if documents are available;
  • Jewelry– for an amount not exceeding 15 thousand dollars;
  • Russian gifts– for an amount not exceeding 439 dollars (150 for those under 18 years of age);
  • tea- 1 kg;
  • coffee- 1 kg;
  • chocolate- 1 kg;
  • dried fruits– less than 2.99 kg;
  • vegetables and fruits– no more than 1 kg.
  • electronics– each item in 1 copy, film cameras – 5 pieces, which it is advisable to declare;
  • animals- 10 pieces. with a certificate and vaccinated against rabies, issued at the Turkish Consulate 15 calendar days before departure. A special document will be issued - “Certificate of Origin”.

When importing food products into Turkey, their value will be taken into account as a Russian “gift”.

To Germany

In Germany there is a ban on the import of:

  • drugs;
  • medicines for medical purposes without a license;
  • piercing objects;
  • pornography depicting minors;
  • products that are not licensed or counterfeit brands;
  • meat, fish, honey and eggs that are produced in other countries.

There are restrictions on transportation:

  • animals;
  • fur;
  • plants;
  • skin;
  • elephant bones;
  • radios;
  • stun guns.

In general, the requirements are similar to Turkey.

From China

You cannot export from China:

  • weapon;
  • explosive objects;
  • radio signal receivers;
  • Precious metals and valuable jewelry must be declared;
  • any pornography;
  • drugs;
  • meat - lamb, beef;
  • rare representatives of flora and fauna;
  • documents containing state secret of China.

You can carry limited quantities:

  • alcohol – up to 3 liters without duty;
  • tobacco;
  • nephritis;
  • spices;
  • local sweets.

There are no restrictions on silk and clothing, as well as local gadgets. However, when crossing the Russian border, customs officers may have questions.

To Greece

In addition to obvious dangerous items and substances, you cannot import porn, plants, rare animals and plants. Under no circumstances should you import meat or dairy products; even a small chocolate bar can result in a serious fine.

Restrictions apply to:

  • alcohol – 1 l;
  • tobacco – 200 cigarettes;
  • coffee – 0.5 kg;
  • personal goods – up to 175 euros;
  • sports equipment;
  • perfume - 1 piece 50 ml, or 250 ml of men's perfume.

To Italy

The import of drugs and psychotropic drugs, weapons, explosive objects, pornographic materials, plants, animals, as well as meat and dairy products, eggs and poultry from Asia and the Balkan Peninsula is prohibited. Otherwise, the rules are standard.

You can transport guns for hunting after obtaining permission from the consulate.

The rules for transporting goods vary from company to company. Even when located in the same country, there are nuances that each carrier sets individually based on the international and domestic standards of the country. Therefore, before flying, it is strongly recommended that you read the rules on the airline’s website.


Hand luggage allowances are set at 10 kg per passenger and 15 kg for a business class passenger. The dimensions of the place should not exceed 55x40x25 cm.

You can take with you for free:

  • bouquet;
  • clothes;
  • medicines;
  • goods from Duty Free;
  • adaptations for people with disabilities;
  • any bags and backpacks no more than 80 cm when adding length, latitude and height;
  • only 1 piece Tennis rackets, guitar, small instrument, badminton set in a package.

Hand luggage is not allowed for children under 2 years of age.


The requirements for the passenger depend on the ticket class and are similar to Aeroflot rules. According to the general principle, hand luggage does not exceed 10 kg, and baggage space does not exceed 23 kg per person. S7 “Priority” members are provided with benefits in the form of free additional baggage allowance.

The size of hand luggage must be no more than 1.15 m when adding length, latitude and height.

Different countries have their own requirements for baggage transportation, but rules such as the transportation of liquids in 100 ml containers, the ban on the transportation of narcotic, explosive and sharp objects apply throughout the world. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, you need to read the carrier's requirements. This will allow you to receive up-to-date information on the transportation of goods to anywhere in the world.


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