The highest mountain in the world - what it is and where it is located. The highest mountains in the world The highest mountain on earth

Wherever this question is asked, the answer will always be “Mount Everest.” However, few people think about the meaning of this question. Most people on the planet won't try to think twice and will immediately answer it the same way. Everest. Therefore, it is not in vain that when we compare the highest mountains on other planets in our solar system (for example, Mount Olympus on Mars), we always compare Everest. The truth is that Everest is not the highest point on planet Earth.

The peculiarity of our planet is such that instead of an ideal sphere, the Earth is an oblate spheroid. Therefore, those places that are located near the equator, as a rule, are much further from the center of the planet than those that are at its poles. If we take this fact into account, then Everest, like all the Himalayas, can hardly be called the highest point on the planet.

Earth as a sphere

The understanding that the Earth is a spherical body came to people back in the 6th century BC. The ancient Greeks were the first to know about this. Although this theory is attributed to Pythagoras, it is equally likely that it may have arisen spontaneously as a result of travel between Greek settlements. The fact is that sailors began to notice changes in the position and visibility of stars depending on the chosen geographical latitude.

Planet Earth. View of the Western Hemisphere from space

By the 3rd century BC, the theory of a spherical Earth began to acquire quite scientific significance. By measuring the angle of falling shadows in various geographic locations, Eratosthenes (276 BC - 194 BC), a Greek astronomer from Cyrene (in modern-day Libya), was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth with an error of 5-15 percent. . With the rise of the Roman Empire and the adoption of Hellenistic astronomy, the theory of a spherical Earth spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.

Knowledge about this was preserved thanks to its transmission from generation to generation by monks, as well as thanks to the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. By the era of the Renaissance and revolution in science (mid-16th to late 18th centuries), geological and heliocentric views had become established in science. With the advent of modern astronomy, more accurate measurement methods and the ability to look at the Earth from space, humanity was finally able to see the true shape and size of our planet.

Modern models of the Earth

Let's clarify the situation a little: The Earth is not a perfect sphere, but it is not flat either. In the first case, I want to apologize to Galileo, in the second - to the flat Earth society. As mentioned above, the Earth has the shape of an oblate spheroid, which, in turn, is a consequence of the peculiarity of its rotation. At the poles it seems to be flattened, and in the equatorial part it is elongated. Many space objects in the solar system have the same shape (take Saturn, for example). Even rapidly rotating stars, such as one of the brightest, Altair, have the same shape.

Data from the 2014 Global Earth Model, where brighter colors indicate points farthest from the Earth's center

Based on some recent measurements, it has been found that the polar radius of the Earth (that is, the distance from the center of the planet to one or another pole) is 6356.8 kilometers, while the equatorial radius (from the center to the equator) is 6378.1 kilometers. In other words, objects located along the equator are 22 kilometers farther from the center of the Earth (geocenter) than objects located at the poles.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account some topographic changes in certain areas, where some objects located near the equator are closer to the center, and others are further from the center of the Earth, compared to other objects in a particular region. The most notable exceptions are the Mariana Trench (the deepest place on Earth, 10,911 meters deep) and Mount Everest, whose altitude is 8,848 meters above sea level. However, these two geological features represent very little difference when considering the overall shape of the Earth. The difference in this case is only 0.17 percent and 0.14 percent, respectively.

Highest point on Earth

In fairness, we note that Everest is indeed one of the highest points on our planet. The height at its peak is 8848 meters above sea level. However, due to its location in the Himalayan range (27 degrees 59 minutes north of the equator), it is actually lower than the mountains located in Ecuador.

Mount Chimborazo

It is here, where the Andes mountain range is located, that the highest point on planet Earth is located. The height of Mount Chimborazo is 6263.47 meters above sea level. However, due to its location (1 degree 28 minutes south of the equator) in the highest protruding part of the planet, its total height from the geocenter is about 21 kilometers.

View of Mount Everest from the top of Kala Patthar

If we consider the issue in terms of distance to the geocenter, Everest is located at a distance of 6382 kilometers from the center of the Earth, while Chimborazo is located 6384 kilometers. The rounded difference is only about 3.2 kilometers, which at first glance may seem quite insignificant. However, when it comes to the titles of “the very best”, you need to be precise.

Of course, even after such explanations, there will be people who will confidently say that Mount Everest is still the highest point on the planet, if we consider its height from the foot (base) to the peak. Unfortunately, they are wrong here too. Because in this case, the title of tallest mountain goes to Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The height of the mountain from the base to the very top at Mauna Kea is 10,206 meters. This is the highest mountain on our planet. However, most of the mountain goes several thousand meters deep into the ocean, and therefore we can only see its peak at 4207 meters.

However, those who consider Everest the highest mountain according to its height above sea level will be right. If we consider its height as height above sea level, then Everest is truly the tallest mountain in the world.

The highest mountains in the world have different names, but at the same time they can be called briefly - Seven Peaks - a term that appeared in 1985 at the suggestion of Richard Bass (the man who was the first to conquer all seven peaks) and united the seven highest peaks on each continent. This association is not equal to the ranking of the highest mountains in the world, most of which are located in Nepal. This list is made up of mountains, each of which is the highest on its continent.

The highest peak in North America is located in Alaska and is the center of Denali National Park. The summit of Mount McKinley is 6194 meters away from the ground. This mountain is the third in the world in terms of topographic position, surpassed only by Everest and Aconcagua. And if you take into account the ratio of base to peak, then McKinley is the highest mountain in the world. The mountain got its name in honor of the American president, and the Indian name - Denali - means “great”.

Part of the Andes and with a height of 6959 meters, Mount Aconcagua is considered the highest peak in South America. The mountain is located in the Argentine province of Mendoza and is 15 km from the border with Chile. The name of the mountain comes from the Quechua words for “stone guardian.”

Europe – Mount Elbrus (Russia)

Elbrus is an inactive volcano with a height of 5642 meters, which is located in the Caucasus Mountains on the border of Russia and Georgia.

Elbrus has several other names, the most romantic of which, translated from Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian, means “mountain that brings happiness.”

Asia – Mount Everest (Nepal/China)

The world's highest mountain, Everest, is located exactly on the border of Nepal and China. Everest is part of the Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. This is where the highest mountains in the world are located. The height of Everest is 8848 meters. Everest attracts all climbers of the world and this is understandable. Technically, Everest's routes are not very difficult, but they come with the added challenges of altitude sickness, extreme winds and nasty weather conditions. The name Everest is English - in honor of the head of the geodetic service who first told the European community about this peak. The mountain has the Tibetan name Chomolungma (divine mother of life) and the equivalent Nepalese name Sagarmatha (mother of the gods).

The highest mountain on the African continent is an extinct volcano, the highest point of which is 5895 meters away from sea level. Moreover, Kilimanjaro has three peaks, two of which are extinct, and the third may well wake up. Kilimanjaro erupted 360,000 years ago, but volcanic activity at Kibo Peak (the highest of the three) was seen 200 years ago, suggesting the volcano is potentially active. In Swahili, the name Kilimanjaro means "sparkling mountain".

The highest point of Oceania is also the highest mountain in the world, which is located on an island. Puncak Jaya is located in the west of the island of New Guinea. The height of Mount Puncak Jaya, also called simply Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid, is 4884 meters. The name of the mountain means "mountain of victory" in Indonesian.

Antarctica - Mount Vinson

The seventh of the highest mountains in the world received its name in honor of Carl Vinson, an eminent American politician. The Vinson Mountains are part of the Ellsworth Mountains and have a high point 4,892 meters above sea level.

Seven mountains, each unique in its origin and beauty, attract climbers from all over the world. Climbers who have conquered the Seven Peaks are united in an informal community.

Reading time: 8 min.

How many highest mountains do you know? When and by whom were they conquered? And how safe are they to try to climb on them? In this article we cover the topic of the highest points of the world, which amaze with their spectacular views and equally spectacular numbers. Let's get to know them better

8091 meters
The Annapurna mountain range is famous for its highest point - Annapurna I. The height of the latter is 8091 m. This is one of the most dangerous peaks for climbers, the mortality rate when attempting to conquer is 33%, but since the nineties this figure has dropped to 17%. Annapurna, translated from ancient Indian, means “Goddess of Fertility.” The first to set foot on the summit were the French, the famous climbers Lou Chanel and Maurice Herzog, they did it in 1950. At first their goal was Dhaulagiri, but after inspection they decided to change the mountain, since that mountain seemed impregnable to them.

8125 meters
The first person to conquer Nanga Parbat was Hermann Buhl, who, as part of K. Herligkoffer’s expedition in 1953, set foot on its peak. Before this, many attempts were made to climb this mountain, they date back to 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939. During the war, attempts were suspended, and only the attempt of the Austro-German Herligkoffer expedition was successful. In general, the first data about the mountain appeared in the 19th century, when Adolf Schlagintveit traveled to Asian countries and made detailed drawings of the massif. Nanga Parbat is popular among climbers and has a high mortality rate of 21%.

8156 meters
The Mansiri Himal mountain range, which is located in Nepal, is famous for its Mount Manaslu. This mountain has another name - Kutang. After reconnaissance of Mount Manaslu, researcher Tilman came to the conclusion that it can only be climbed from the northeast. And only in 1984, namely in January of that year, the Poles Maciej Berbeka and Ryszard Gajewski conquered the peak of Kutanga. The mortality threshold on this mountain is not too high - only 16%.

8167 meters
The highest mountain in the Himalayan range is Dhaulagiri. For almost 24 years, since 1808, this mountain was considered the highest mountain in the world. The global community of climbers began to conquer it back in the 50s of the 20th century, and only on the eighth attempt did they manage to win. A combined team of European climbers, led by Max Eiselin, set foot on the summit on May 13, 1960, conquering this height. Translated from the ancient Indian Dhaulagiri - “White Mountain”.

8201 meters
Cho Oyu was conquered in 1954 by an Austrian expedition that included Joseph Jechler, Pazang Dawa Lama and Herbert Tichy. This was the first official ascent without the use of oxygen cylinders and oxygen masks. This resounding success opened new horizons for world mountaineering. Today, to conquer this peak, you can choose any of 15 routes and simply enjoy the climb.

8485 meters
Makalu is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountains for climbers. Only a third of all expeditions end successfully. The first ascents date back to the mid-fifties of the twentieth century. Perhaps this mountain would have been conquered earlier, but a huge number of climbers set themselves the goal of conquering Lhotse and Everest, and did not pay attention to this peak. The first to conquer Makalu was a French expedition led by Jean Cauzy and Lionel Terray in 1955. To conquer Makalu now, you can choose climbing paths of varying difficulty, there are more than 17 of them in total.

8516 meters
Only a quarter of attempts to climb Lhotse are successful. Geographically, this mountain is located on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region, which makes it a cult object for many researchers and lovers of mysticism. The first to set foot on this mountain was a Swiss expedition, which included two famous climbers: Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss. It happened on May 18, 1956. Until now, the Eastern Face of Lhotse, as well as the traverses of all its peaks, remain unclimbed.

8586 meters

Kanchenjunga takes bronze in our top. This mountain was considered the highest mountain in the world until 1852. Interestingly, for three whole years the height calculations (which were carried out in 1849) were not published. But now, by right, Everest is considered the highest mountain, and Kanchenjunga is included in the list of famous eight-thousander mountains. It was first conquered on May 25, 1955, by two climbing friends: Joe Brown and George Bend. Over time, the mortality threshold on all mountains decreases, but only on Kanchenjunga does this figure increase from year to year. Now it is 23% and is constantly growing. There is a Nepalese legend according to which Kanchenjunga is a female mountain that kills all the fairer sex who try to climb it.

8614 meters
Karakoram is the second highest mountain in the world, after Everest. It was discovered back in 1856 by an expedition of European climbers. They gave it the name K2, which means the second peak of the Karakoram. The first to try to conquer it were Aleister Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein, but their attempt in 1902 was not successful. The first to actually set foot on the top of Chogori were the Italians, led by Ardito Desio. Now you can climb the Karakoram by ten different routes. In terms of mortality threshold, this is the second most dangerous mountain, after Annapurna, the mortality threshold is 24%. Until now, no one has yet been able to conquer Chogori in winter.

8848 meters
So, the first place that everyone has always heard of is Chomolungma. Sherab Zhamm is the Bonn goddess, after whom the mountain was named, Chomolungma - “Divine Life Energy”, translated from Tibetan. The name Everest was given in honor of George Everest, who led the British Indian Survey. This name was proposed by Andrew Waugh, a follower of George, in 1856. The first person to conquer Everest was a climber from New Zealand, Hillary Edmund. It happened on May 29, 1953. More than 280 deaths have already been recorded while attempting to climb Everest. But this does not stop daredevils; every year more than 400 people try to climb the highest peak in the world.

Mountains are magnificent creations of living nature. Sometimes they are so beautiful that it is impossible to take your eyes off them. Mountain ranges and peaks covered with snow caps make up the beautiful scenery. Many tourists strive to visit mountainous areas, as these places give an unforgettable experience. Extreme sports enthusiasts all over the world annually conquer one peak after another, trying to climb to the most unattainable heights. There are a huge number of mountains on the globe, varying greatly in size. A mountain is an elevation on land that is more than 500 meters high. There are low, medium and high mountains. The latter include all elevations more than 2000 meters long from base to top. At the same time, their relative height is indicated - the size from the foot to the top. Absolute altitude is measured from sea level; as a rule, this is a larger parameter. Scientists have compiled a table of all the largest mountains on the planet. The list of the highest peaks in the world includes 117 hills. They have a magnitude of more than 7200 meters above sea level. All of them are located in Central and South Asia. The top 10 highest mountains in the world include peaks that mainly belong to the Himalayas (except for one). The Himalayas are the highest mountain system on the planet. It is located between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic Plain.

Top 10 highest mountains in the world

  1. Chomolungma: 8848 m.
  2. Chogori: 8611 m.
  3. Kanchenjunga: 8586.
  4. Lhotse: 8516 m.
  5. Makalu: 8485 m.
  6. Cho Oyu: 8188 m.
  7. Dhaulagiri: 8167 m.
  8. Manaslu: 8163 m.
  9. Nanga Parbat: 8126 m.
  10. Annapurna 1: 8091 m.

Chomolungma is the highest mountain on the planet

Chomolungma tops the list of the highest mountains, formed in descending order. It is the highest peak on the globe. It is located on the Mahalangur Himal mountain range. The southern tip of the mountain is located near the border with Nepal, its northern point (the highest) belongs to China. Other names for the highest peak on the planet:

  • Everest;
  • Sagarmatha;
  • Shengmufeng.

Chomolungma has the shape of an irregular tetrahedron, in which two edges are flatter than the third. It comes into contact with other mountain peaks, which are also ranked as the highest. These are the South Col (7906 meters), Lhotse (8516 meters), North Col (7020 meters), Changtse (7553 meters). At the top of Everest there are accumulations of ice from which water flows along all sides of the tetrahedron. The hill attracts a lot of extreme sports enthusiasts who want to add it to the list of peaks they have conquered. With the development of tourism, this has become much easier. Travelers are required to undergo the necessary training, be equipped according to all rules, and pay fees for transport services, communications, and security.

The fee for climbing and traveling along the route is several tens of thousands of dollars. In this case, you need to obtain permission for the expedition, which is paid separately. The entire route can be completed in 3 to 4 weeks. The expedition includes accommodation in camps and acclimatization. The difficulties lie not only in mastering the steepness itself, which requires enormous physical resources, but also in the fact that the top of the highest point in the world has abnormally low temperature conditions. They reach -60 degrees, which can pose a threat to human life. Plus, there are strong winds and solar radiation affects it. The last section, leading straight to the top, is called the longest mile, as it is the most dangerous. This is a very steep path that is not easy to overcome.

Chogori - the second largest mountain in the world

Chogori is in 2nd place in the top 10 largest mountains on the planet. Also, this peak is the northernmost of the list of all eight-thousanders in the world. This is the only peak from the top 10 that does not belong to the Himalayas, but to the Karakoram mountain system. It is located within the Baltoro-Muztagh mountain range, which runs from Kashmir to China. It is also known under the names K2, Dapsang, Godwin-Austen.

In the late 1980s its height was disputed as the highest in the world. A team of US scientists said satellite measurements show a magnitude of about 8,900 meters, placing Chogori at the top of the world's top 10 highest mountains. However, Chinese researchers soon refuted this opinion, establishing the height of the mountain as 8611 meters. Conquering Chogori is even more difficult than the object described above. The passage of the path is fraught with even greater difficulties. Figures showing the number of fatal accidents are 23-26%. For comparison: by the end of the 2000s, more than 3,500 travelers had visited Chomolungma, and only 284 had visited Chogori, and for 66 people the ascent ended in death. Chogori is the second most dangerous mountain in the world after Annapurna. In winter, not a single extreme sports enthusiast has managed to visit the top of Chogori.

Kanchenjunga - the third eight-thousander in the world

Kanchenjunga is located in the Himalayas, like the other 8 mountains on their list of the highest. It closes the top 3 highest peaks on the planet. Its height is 8586 meters. Kanchenjunga separates India and Nepal, running along their border. The mountain includes five peaks, 4 of which are above 8000 meters. Its name is translated into Russian as “five treasures of the great snows.”

Until the mid-19th century, this mountain was considered the highest of all the peaks in the world, but then calculations made dropped it to third position in the top 10. Kanchenjunga, like Chogori, has a fairly high mortality rate when climbing it. The number of deaths is determined as 22%. This figure does not decrease, even despite the higher level of technical equipment. The Nepalese say that the culprit is the spirit of the mountain, which has taken the form of a woman, so it takes the lives of girls trying to climb it. For 10 years, the only woman to climb Kanchenjunga was Briton Ginette Harrison. Then three female climbers visited the summit: from Austria, Spain, and Poland.

Lhotse - the most difficult routes

Lhotse is a mountain in the Mahalangur Himal mountain system in the Himalayas. It is 3 km away from Everest; the mountains are separated by the South Col pass. Lhotse with an absolute height of 8516 meters ranks 4th in the top 10 highest mountains in the world. From the outside, Lhotse looks like a tetrahedron with 3 vertices. In addition to the main one, climbers climb the Srednyaya Peak and Shar, which are 8414 and 8383 meters long, respectively.

These two peaks present more challenging routes to climb. The middle peak remained inaccessible until 2001. The route along the South Face to Lhotse Shar is recognized as one of the most difficult in the world. According to the Italian extreme climber Messner, who was the first in the world to visit all 14 of the highest mountains on the list of eight-thousanders, there is no route equal in difficulty to the South Wall. There are also very high mortality statistics here.

Makalu is the fifth mountain from the top 10

Makalu is in 5th position on the list of the highest peaks in the world. Its name translates as “Black Giant”. It is separated from Everst by 22 km. Makalu consists of two peaks: Main and South-East. This mountain has long been known to world-famous climbers, but the first ascents to it began only after the 50s of the 20th century.

This fact can be explained by the fact that first people strive to conquer the highest mountains in the world, and only then pay attention to the remaining peaks. Unlike Lhotse, which has only a few routes, Makalu has many more tourist routes. There are 17 routes along which you can climb to the peak. The French group was the first to ascend Makalu. In the late 90s, Russian climbers reached the peak by climbing the mountain along the Western Face. Technical is one of the most difficult paths. The climb was recognized as the best of the year, and the participants received the prestigious Golden Ice Ax award.

Cho Oyu - the easiest way

Cho-Oyu, or Chovouyag, is the sixth highest eight-thousander of the top 10. Its height above sea level is 8,201 meters. Chovouyag belongs to the same system of mountain ranges as the higher mountains on the list of the highest peaks in the world. This is the Everest mountain range. Unlike previous mountains, famous for their most difficult trails, Chovouyag is considered the easiest to climb.

The path to the top runs through the Nangpa-La pass. It is located between Nepal and China, 30 km from Everest. This is the main trade route between the Tibetans and the Sherpa people of Nepal. Climbers also climb it. Despite the easier route, not all climbers manage to successfully reach Chovouyaga Peak. There were cases of travelers dying from exhaustion or as a result of an avalanche. In 2014, an American teenager, who was 16 years old, was able to conquer this mountain. He became the first climber of his age in the world to climb Cho Oyu.

Dhaulagiri - a large number of peaks

Dhaulagiri completes the list of the seven highest mountains in the world. Another name for the peak is White Mountain. This massif is located in the center of Nepal, in the south of the Main Himalayan Range. Its peculiarity is that it has as many as 11 peaks.

The height of the main one is 8167 meters, the rest have a height from 7193 to 7751 meters. Like other eight-thousanders in the world, which are smaller in size than Everest, Dhaulagiri was conquered only in the middle of the last century. Although the mountain was previously known as rivaling Everest in height. Swiss climbers who climbed in 1960 were the first to use a light aircraft to transport equipment. The team paved a path to the top that is now considered a classic.

Manaslu - Mountain of Spirits

Manaslu is part of the Manmiri Himal mountain range located in central Nepal. Its name translates as Mountain of Spirits.

It is located on the territory of the national park of the same name. There is a hiking route inside the park that takes two weeks. Its highest point is the Larkya-La pass with an altitude of 5200 meters.

Nanga Parbat - difficult climb

Nanga Parbat is in 9th place in the list of eight-thousanders in the world. This mountain is located in the northwestern part of the Himalayan mountain system. It represents their ending. Nanga Parbat is located in Pakistan. The name translates as Naked Mountain, and also as Mountain of the Gods.

The climbing routes to the top of the Mountain of the Gods are among the most difficult. Nanga Parbat is one of the 3 most difficult peaks to climb. The array consists of 4 vertices. The height of the main one is 8125 meters, the rest have sizes from 6820 to 7070 m.

Annapurna - the most dangerous mountain in the world

Annapurna closes the list of eight-thousanders included in the top 10. But she is famous not only for this. The hike to its summit is the most difficult, which is why it is at the top of the list in terms of mortality rates.

This figure reaches 32%. With the development of technology and improved equipment for climbers, it decreased somewhat, but still remained the highest compared to other mountains. Another feature of the mountain is that it has the largest number of peaks - 13.

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP 10 list? How many eight-thousanders are there in the world? By the way, the highest mountain is not even Everest...
No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks of the world. This peak is also considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all years of climbing is 32%, but in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as “Goddess of Fertility.” The peak was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Kanchenjunga ranks third in the ranking of the highest peaks in the world. The height of the peak is 8586 meters. Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on data from the 1849 expedition, it was proven that the highest mountain is Everest. Mount Kanchenjunga was first conquered on May 25, 1955 by George Band and Joe Brown.

All peaks in the world tend to have a decreasing mortality rate over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. In recent years, the mortality rate when climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. In Nepal, there is a legend that Kanchenjunga is a woman mountain that kills all women who try to climb to its peak.

No. 2. K2 or Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters

K2 is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakoram. The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio. To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.

Climbing K2 is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth. Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) of vital energy (lung).” The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma.
The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the chief surveyor of British India in 1830–1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world.

Before the first successful ascent to the summit, which took place in 1953, about 50 expeditions were carried out to the Himalayas and Karakoram (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat and other peaks). On May 29, 1953, Everest was conquered by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.
In subsequent years, the highest peak of the world was conquered by climbers from different countries - the USSR, China, USA, India, Japan, and other countries. Over the entire period of time, more than 260 people died while attempting to climb Everest. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.


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