The most unusual photographs of the world. Exotic animals (38 photos) Strange and unusual photos

In this collection we will show the most unusual photographs of the world, which, one way or another, caused a great resonance.

Pillars of Creation. The photograph was taken in 1995 using the Hubble telescope. For scientists, such photographs were a real treasure trove of knowledge, and for ordinary people - a breathtaking sight.

Surgery on the spine of an unborn child. An American photograph has gone around the world, showing how an unborn child is clinging to life. At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother had to undergo an incision to perform surgery on her fetus's spine to save the baby's future life. A tiny hand grabbed the surgeon’s finger and this moment was captured. The child was born without complications.

A famous photograph by the equally famous Stephen McCury, who photographed a 12-year-old orphan girl in a refugee camp. For National Geographic, this photo became almost an icon and since then the photo has been used everywhere.

Niagara Falls is a famous landmark in itself, but in the photo it is frozen, and the photo was taken back in 1911. All this in a compartment makes the photo especially remarkable.

The photo was taken in 1932, when construction of Rockefeller Center was nearing completion. Workers sit on a thin crossbar at the 69 level. They don't seem to care much about height.

Medicine and science in general have long leapt forward, but where did it all begin? Surgeon Jay Vacanti and microengineer Jeffrey Borenstein grew a human ear on the back of a laboratory mouse.

In 1945, this photo spread all over the world. It was made by Evgeniy Khaldei. No comments needed.

Alfred Eisenstadt took a photo of a kissing couple for the world famous Life magazine. He titled the photograph “Unconditional Surrender,” which became a symbol of the end of World War II.

Surely you know other most unusual photographs of the world, but here we have selected those that have touched humanity through the years.

Our world is full of such amazing things that we could not even imagine, but thanks to the talented photographers who are nearby at the most opportune moment, we have a wonderful opportunity to see what a fantastically beautiful world we live in. Let's enjoy together these incredible shots of the most exciting moments and discoveries, which will certainly come as a real surprise to many.

The turtle has saddled the jellyfish and is now riding on it.

The tallest tree on the planet is Hyperion. Its height reaches 115.6 meters and its age is approximately 800 years.

A man holds in his hands the Fukang meteorite, a precious gift from the Universe, which is 4.5 billion years old.

This is how astronauts in space see an eclipse.

A flock of birds illuminated by fire against a background of black smoke.

A Japanese temple in Kyoto turned into a fabulous place after a snowfall.

Shadows cast by clouds on the Earth.

A kayaker floats next to burning lava flowing into the ocean (Hawaii).

To date, this is the best quality image that has captured the Orion Nebula.

Photo of opal. It seems as if the dawn is being born inside the stone.

Thor's Well, called the “gate to the underworld” (USA, Oregon).

An image of the Sun taken in ultraviolet light.

This is the clearest photograph of Mercury ever taken.

All the beauty and power of a thunderstorm captured in one photo.

Macro image of the iris of the human eye.

Fancy pattern of ice on a pond.

For 20 years this monk prayed in the same place.

A perfectly preserved fragment of the tail of a feathered theropod dinosaur, whose age was about 99 million years, was discovered in a small piece of amber. Below is a photo of that same fragment.

This amazing fire cloud appeared over Portugal and immediately received the name “Hand of God”.

Sahara Desert covered with snow. The last time this could be observed was 37 years ago.

“Man and Turtle” is a photo submitted to the Sony World Photo Awards 2013. Australia.

Portrait of a girl who was wounded in the shoulder, stomach and thigh during the massacre on the island of Utoeya, Norway. “I am not ashamed of my scars for what I believed in and continue to believe in,” said 15-year-old Ylva Schwenke.

A large wasp (2.5 inches long) was captured on a banana tree. One of them published in the Sony World Photo Awards.

Kłodzko Valley. In this photo, photographer Pawel Uchorczak tried to convey to us all of Poland.

Colorful rye fields of Italy. Although, why go so far, because you can buy rye in your native Ukraine -

Ghoramara Island, located in the Ganges delta, West Bengal.
(cm. )

An unusually beautiful photo of a gorilla, submitted to the Sony World Photo Awards 2013 photo competition.

Tops of poplars.

Portrait of an Iranian girl.

Face to face with a whale shark.

Havana, Cuba. The weather in July and August is very hot, so children are very happy about the short rain showers.

The dragonfly was taken by surprise by the sudden rain.

The first snow falls on Hokkaido (Japan's second largest island).

An unusual photograph submitted to a photo competition in the ““ category. A family dressed as zombies during a Halloween celebration.
(read about)

Jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) drifts near the surface of the water.

Intracoastal waterway in Ponte Vedra, Florida.

Arctic whale games from a photo submitted to the Sony World Photo Awards.

A rainbow appears after rain on the island of Palawan, Philippines. Photo was added to

World of spiders.
(read about)

Pilgrims gathered to watch priests lower a barren woman into a baptismal pool. According to local residents, the holy water will heal her and help her become pregnant. Every year, shortly before , thousands of devout Christian Orthodox believers make a pilgrimage to the small town of Lalibela (in the mountainous region of Ethiopia known as Jerusalem), which is famous for its 13th-century monolithic churches built into the rock.

83-year-old Mikhail. Diagnosis: multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The man once worked as a mason at a construction site. During the next examination, the doctor discovered spots on his lungs, after which the patient was sent to the Kherson tuberculosis hospital, where he has now been treated on a case-by-case basis since 1983. In 1995, the World Organization declared a tuberculosis epidemic in Ukraine. Over the past 16 years the situation has worsened even further.

Another photograph submitted to the Sony World Photo Awards photo competition - in Barcelona (the second most populous city in Spain).

Unusual on the surreal world of the Dubai desert.

Work from the category “Culture” -

Unusual photography of the urban environment (working with shutter speed on the camera).

Two butterflies waiting for the sun.

An employee at the Pamir cinema sells snacks during intermission in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Edith, Hellrider and Dadmonster are the lead singers of the Metal band in Botswana (a state in South Africa), currently performing in nightclubs, at concerts and festivals.

14 giraffes flee from lions who are out hunting.

An unusual photo was taken on a train traveling from Bucharest to Baia Mare, in a foggy

Photo taken during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang.

Jaipur is a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan - called the "Pink City" due to the unusual pink color of the stone used in construction. It was founded in 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II (r. 1699-1744) as the new capital of the state.

We offer you our selection of unusual photographs, once again proving how many extraordinary, frightening, but also beautiful things can be seen in the world around us.

(Total 17 photos)

1. What is this? Jelly train tracks?

In fact, the aftermath of the earthquake in Canterbury, New Zealand.

2. How to learn to walk on water?

No way, but you can learn to take photographs “at the right moment.”

4. This is not Photoshop: the dog is called a “maned wolf”, and it really has incredibly long legs.

5. When were androids invented?

In the photo there is a living Ukrainian girl - Valeria Lukyanova, who has undergone many surgical procedures to achieve the external perfection of Barbie. Here, we once talked about her:

6. “Oh, we took a wrong turn somewhere!?

“Calm down, that’s just how the runway at the German Leipzig airport was designed – above the autobahn!”

7. A man thought about the eternal at the moment of a yacht crash...

No, he shows his ability to maintain balance, and the boat initially had such an unusual design, to put it mildly.

8. That day the mountain was very angry! 🙂

9. Philosophical photo showing the perspective of life.

12. What is this!??

“It’s just algae floating in clear water at high tide.”

13. The natural color of the cat Venus, which made her extremely famous - she even had to start a page on Facebook! 🙂

14. Original sculpture. We suggest calling it “Hold the Falling Sky!” 🙂

Descriptions and photographs of unusual, mysterious and amazing places on our planet.

Semuc Champey (the name from the Mayan language translates as “where the river is hidden under the stones”) is the most beautiful natural attraction in Guatemala, formed by the Caabon River, passing through a 300-meter limestone bridge (of natural origin) and forming several natural pools with a depth of 1 to 3 meters. You can swim in these pools, and if you sit on a stone and put your feet in the water, then in just a few seconds you will begin to receive free massage and peeling from the small fish that live in these reservoirs. This is an extremely pleasant feeling, I liked it even more than directly swimming in a pond.

Semuc Champey is located in the deep jungle and remained unknown for a long time until it was accidentally discovered in the mid-50s of the last century. In 1999, the President of Guatemala declared Semuc Champey a natural monument.

Semuk Champey. View from the observation deck

Mount Kailash is located in the highland valley of Tibet in southwest China. This sacred land is full of mysteries and mysticism. It is here that pilgrims come from all over the world to perform the kora - a ritual circumambulation around Kailash.

Prohodna is the highest cave in Bulgaria. It is located 2 km from the village of Karlukovo in the valley of the Iskar River and is part of the Iskar-Panega Geopark. This amazing karst cave is a natural rock bridge 262 meters long and 15 to 25 meters wide. It has two entrances, Big and Small, between which there is a path.
The height of the arch of the large entrance is 45 meters: this is a favorite place for fans of extreme jumps. In addition, the cave is very popular among rock climbers. In the surrounding area of ​​Prohodna there are sports routes that are considered one of the most difficult in Bulgaria.
The main feature of Prohodna is two through holes in the rock shaped like human eyes. Locals call them "God's Eyes" and sometimes "Devil's Eyes." These “windows” provide natural light in the cave and captivate tourists with their amazing symmetry. But the “Eyes of God” make a special impression in rainy weather, when real tears seem to flow from them.

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in the state of Utah (USA). This amazing natural site is known throughout the world for its beauty and unique marine geology. It is a gigantic amphitheater of rocky peaks of varied structure.

New Zealand is a beautiful country proud of its picturesque landscapes. However, its main attractions are not only on the surface - it is just as beautiful underground. Proof of this is the famous Waitomo region, which lies on one of the largest islands of the state. It is famous for its impressive limestone caves, which are amazing in themselves, but what makes them even more special are the numerous fireflies that choose these underground labyrinths as their home. Thousands of tiny insects emit phosphorescent light, creating surreal light installations.

The picturesque island quarter of Burano in the northern lagoon of the Italian city of Venice can rightfully be called one of the most colorful places on planet Earth. In addition to its skilled lace-makers, it is famous for its bright, colorful buildings. Interestingly, each building is assigned a specific color, for which homeowners receive permission from local authorities. The condition of cartoon houses and the saturation of the shade are carefully monitored, if necessary, refreshing the lost brightness of their appearance. According to legend, it was the bright colors of the facades that from ancient times showed Buran fishermen the way home.

The small village, located on one of the 400 Shengxi Islands located east of the Chinese province of Zhejiang, has been abandoned by people for decades, but every year it increasingly attracts the attention of tourists. After the town, famous for its fishing, was abandoned by people who found more convenient ways to make money on the mainland, it began to disappear under the onslaught of local vegetation, turning into a kingdom of greenery. Plants are slowly consuming dilapidated stone buildings, demonstrating the power of nature and creating a truly fantastic spectacle. The quiet, picturesque area on China's east coast has not become a comfortable place for humans to live, but it has quickly become a cozy home for local flora and fauna. The transformation of the city is especially impressive considering the fact that residents only left it in the early 90s, and empty houses and broken windows are already completely merging with thriving greenery. Thus, the abandoned settlement gradually turns from ruins into a green jungle, which has already become a famous local landmark.

In cold Iceland, a land of snow, ice and unique natural attractions, there is always something to see and admire. Its main assets are represented by powerful fjords, volcanoes, waterfalls and, of course, glaciers, striking in their scale and beauty. In their depths, as if in the castle of the Snow Queen, something even more magnificent lurks - ice caves. The most amazing of them are concentrated in the southern part of the giant Vatnajokull glacier, which has the status of the largest in Europe and the third largest in the entire globe after the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Its area is 8133 km², which is 8% of the entire territory of the island. The ice thickness is on average 400 meters, and the maximum reaches 1000 meters. Vatnajökull is part of the largest national park in Europe of the same name.

Yosemite National Park in California has an impressive natural feature called Horsetail Fall. Behind this unusual name lies an ordinary seasonal waterfall, falling from the eastern side of the El Capitan mountain range in winter and early spring. The most interesting things begin to happen in these parts at the end of February. For just a few days a year, visitors to the park have the opportunity to see a rare phenomenon - the transformation of an ordinary water stream into a fiery waterfall, reminiscent of lava erupting from a volcano. In fact, this natural phenomenon is a visual illusion, the secret of which is hidden in the reflection of the rays of the setting sun at a certain angle and under favorable weather conditions. The luminary, blazing with fiery reflections in the water flowing from the mountain, creates truly apocalyptic landscapes. The unusual effect lasts only a few minutes, but travelers and hunters for unique footage regularly gather near Mount El Capitan in order to see and capture the stunning illusion.

Blue Fields is an unusual photo project, similar to a beautiful fantasy of an artist, authored by Scottish photographer Simon Butterworth. The water bodies in western Australia captured using aerial photography look very surreal, as if these are not photographs at all, but watercolor paintings depicting abstract patterns. In fact, the pictures show ordinary artificial ponds from which a concentrated salt solution evaporates, leaving a harvest of salt. The salt fields reflecting the blue sky were captured by a photographer from an airplane at an altitude of about 1,500 meters near the abandoned town of Useless Loop, in Shark Bay, the westernmost point of mainland Australia.

Goats are known for their acrobatic skills and ability to maintain balance on sheer cliffs. However, their amazing abilities do not end there - in the kingdom of Morocco you can see an even more unusual sight: dozens of horned animals nestle comfortably in the trees, like a flock of birds. They climb to the highest branches, like skilled tightrope walkers, where they deliberately eat green leaves and fruits.

As night falls, the beaches of some islands in the Maldives archipelago erupt with millions of glowing neon dots, as if the starry sky is falling on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The surreal picture does not appear through magic, but as a result of the life activity of microscopic organisms called bioluminescent phytoplankton. Blue glow is most common in the Maldives from around July to February, especially during the new moon, when the darkness of the sky helps microorganisms glow as brightly as possible. The amazing effect of bioluminescence can be seen in any of the atolls of the state, but the most enchanting “star” surf occurs on the island of Vaadhoo.


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