Tour with a shaman to the ancient place of Altai Power - the Karakol Valley. Spiritual journey "path to the shaman" to the Altai Mountains Altai shamans how to find

10 days/ 9 nights

A magnificent excursion and relaxation tour accompanied by a hereditary shaman. This tour will allow you to see the marvelous nature of Altai and feel its wonderful energy. You will have the opportunity to visit the Karakol Valley, where hundreds of archaeological monuments of the Scythian period are concentrated; admire the wonderful views of the mountains; see one of the most beautiful rivers in the world - Katun; get inspired by the ancient culture of the Altai people through original throat singing performers. And in your free time from excursions, you can devote time to communicating with a shaman. The shaman will conduct an individual Rite of Opening of the White Road for all tour participants.

Duration: 10 days.

Number of people in the group: up to 6 people.

Tour date: by agreement.

Tour cost per person: negotiable.

Number of tourists per jeep: no more than 3.

Accompanying persons: 2 driver-guides.

Transport: imported SUVs.

Attention! Limited number of seats! Only 6 places.

Today, one of the most interesting areas of tourism is “mystical tourism” or “hiking to places of Power.” Therefore, we invite everyone to take a magical journey to the guardian spirits of the Altai Mountains to the ancient place of Power - the Karakol Valley. And the Altai shaman, or rather the shaman Altynsai, will help us implement it. Altynsai is a hereditary shaman from the ancient Altai clan Kipchak. She is known and respected by many Altai shamans. Working with spirits is a difficult and sometimes even dangerous matter. To communicate with them you need a good guide. Altynsai copes with this task perfectly. Spirits do not often reveal their presence to a person and quite rarely seek to manifest their intentions. This means that a person himself must turn to them. But only their chosen ones - shamans - can achieve constant and pronounced contact with spirits. In Altai they are called kama, and the work they carry out is called ritual. A shaman becomes a magician and wizard only during a ritual, only when he calls upon his entire squad of spirits. After the ritual, when the spirits leave the shaman, he turns into an ordinary person. Communicating with a kam is a unique experience that often contradicts the average person's initial expectations and ideas about shamanism. For example, many people expect to see a person who is very emotional, nervous, and restless, but it turns out just the opposite. As a rule, these are people with surprisingly stable psyches. This is also confirmed by ethnographic research, and, indeed, only emotionally stable people can withstand the overload to which their psyche is exposed in altered states of consciousness.

In addition, you will be able to communicate with Altynsay all these days, ask her your most pressing questions and receive answers to them. Perhaps on this journey you will be able, with its help, to unravel all the mysteries of life and learn sacred secrets, and maybe you will even be able to start life from scratch or change its course. Answers to the most difficult questions can be obtained directly in the Karakol Valley, only there it will be possible to perform ritual rituals and communicate with the spirits of Altai. Spirits do not tolerate the vanity of this mortal world, and the peace and power of the reserved Karakol Valley helps communicate with them. The powerful energy of this place helps strengthen people with paranormal abilities.

This year the spirits allowed the shaman to lead only 5 people to the sacred Karakol Valley; there will be no other such opportunity.

Duration - 10 days.

Number of people in the group - 6.

Tour cost per person is negotiable.

Accommodation:During the active part of the tour, tourists live in a 2-room wooden house, on the way to the route at tourist bases.Nutrition:Meals 3 times a day. During the transfer, meals will be served at roadside cafes.Insurance:medical and accident protection is mandatory and is included in the price of the tour.Transport:Two imported jeeps. To Shinok waterfalls - UAZ all-terrain vehicle.

Description of a car tour with a shaman “Ancient Place of Power - Karakol Valley.”

Tourists rarely visit the Karakol Valley. There is only one camp site in the entire valley. Alcohol is not sold here, and locals worship mountains, fire, and consider Scythian and Turkic rock paintings sacred.

The Karakol Valley is a neck about three kilometers wide, located between the Chuisky tract and the Terektinsky ridge. It stretches along the Karakol River and is surrounded on all sides by mountains ranging from 1000 to 2700 meters above sea level. The Terektinsky ridge separates it from the Uimon Valley - the same one that certain Old Believer sects, admirers of the work of Nicholas Roerich and people passionate about esotericism consider a mystical place of power, the threshold of Belovodye and Shambhala.

The Karakol Valley is inhabited exclusively by ethnic Altaians. There are only three villages with a total population of less than a thousand people. Local residents profess Burkhanism - a bizarre mixture of traditional Altai paganism with elements of Buddhism. Burkhanism is a fairly young religion - it arose only in the first decade of the 20th century. Some Altaians refused to follow traditions associated with bloody sacrifices and “black” shamans. From the old faith, only that which concerns the “upper”, good world has been preserved. This was supplemented by elements of Buddhism, which is professed by their Mongol neighbors - again, with the exception of those moments that, from the point of view of the Karakol people, are “black”, that is, associated with the world of evil spirits. Today, many scientific works are devoted to Burkhanism. The key in this religion is to follow the “white” path - the path of good, in the Altai language it is called Ak Jan, translated as “white faith”. The first preachers of Burkhanism were even put on trial by the tsarist authorities in 1906, but they were acquitted.

The Karakol Valley has been one of the epicenters of Burkhanism since the beginning of the 20th century. Altaians consider many places here sacred: the mountains themselves, the high-mountain lake Aru-Kem, ancient petroglyphs, and so on. Above each village there are their own sanctuaries, made of flagstones and hung with multi-colored ribbons. Rituals are held on certain days. Milk, wheat, and some vegetables are sacrificed to the fire.

Car tour program with a shaman “Ancient Place of Power - Karakol Valley”. 10 days/9 nights (06/17/2018 - 06/26/2018)

Day 1. (17.06.) Sun. Barnaul-Chemal

Meeting at Barnaul airport. (7:00). Morning departure from Barnaul to Gorny Altai. The journey takes place along the oldest route in Siberia - the Chuya Tract. The Chuysky tract was included in the top ten most beautiful roads in the world according to National Geographic, taking an honorable fifth place.

Along the way we visit the village of Manzherok, where the lake of the same name and a ski resort are located. The lake is home to the relict water chestnut chilim, preserved from the pre-glacial period. Lunch at a cafe. On the way to the village of Chemal, stop at the “Village of Masters” with. Askat. Askat is an unusual mountain village, which has become famous as one of the most interesting and beautiful places in Altai. There are many stories and legends about Askat. Artists, potters, ceramists, representatives of various religious denominations, and many simply very good people live in Askat. It is believed that the underground lake of artesian water, hidden in the depths of Askat, gives this area a special cosmic power. Transfer along the Katun River to the village of Chemal, located in the heart of the Altai Mountains. Accommodation in the Kedr estate in 2-bed comfortable rooms. Dinner. Rest. Adaptation to time and climate zones. (automatic - 365 km).

Day 2. (18.06.) Mon. Che-Chkysh tract - Oroktoi bridge - Patmos island

Breakfast. Today you will take the “Chemal Walk” excursion. We go upstream of the Katun to the Oroktoy bridge, here is the place of Power - the Teldekpen rapids. The place where wild power emerges, where the Katun is squeezed by basalt rocks up to a width of 20 meters and a depth of more than 70 meters. Along the way, we will visit the Che-Chkysh tract (“Valley of Mountain Spirits”), in which the “Shaman’s Cave” and “Shaman’s Rock” are located - mystical places of Power, hidden from prying eyes. Religious ceremonies and rituals are still held there to this day. We will also make a short climb along the stream to an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the Katun River valley.

After lunch we will take an excursion to the Chemal hydroelectric power station, which is located in the southern part of the village. The hydroelectric power station is one of the first in the region, built in 1935. Then, following the “goat path” along the Katun River, we will get to the steep rocky island of Patmos, on which is the temple of the Apostle John the Theologian (1849). The island is connected to the river bank by a long suspension bridge. Next to the temple, an image of the Virgin and Child is carved into the rock. The final object will be an excursion to the Altai national dwelling - ail. While visiting the village, you will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of the 10-13th centuries, travel back in time, get acquainted with the life and way of life, customs and culture, history and pagan religion of the Altai nomadic tribes. Return to the Kedr estate. (car - 102 km, walking - 3 km).

Day 3. (06/19) Tue. Chemal - Kamlak

After breakfast, transfer to the village of Kamlak. On the way we stop at the “Village of Masters” with. Askat. Askat is an unusual mountain village, which has become famous as one of the most interesting and beautiful places in Altai. There are many stories and legends about Askat. Artists, potters, ceramists, representatives of various religious denominations, and many simply very good people live in Askat. It is believed that the underground lake of artesian water, hidden in the depths of Askat, gives this area a special cosmic power. Lunch on the way to a cafe. Arrival in the village Kamlak. Accommodation in a family eco hotel in double comfortable rooms. Dinner. After dinner, those interested can visit a local shaman, who works in the traditions of the shamans of the North American continent. (auto -45 km)

Day 4. (20.06.) Wed.Kamlak - Karakol (Ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek”)

Breakfast. Travel along the ancient trade route - the Chuysky tract through its highest point, the Seminsky pass. The name “Seminsky” itself goes back to the Mongolian “sebi” - “fortress”, reflecting the inaccessibility of the pass. The Altai name of the pass is Dyal-Menku, “Eternal Mane”. The height of the pass is 1717 m, the ascent is 9 km, the descent is 11 km. The road crosses the Seminsky ridge between the Sarlyk mountains (2507 m above sea level) and the peak of Tuyakhta (1900 m) at the place where the ridge changes direction from latitudinal to meridional. The Cherginsky ridge adjoins it from the north. The Sema River flows to the north from the pass, and the Tuekta to the south. At the top of the pass in 1956, a stele was erected in honor of the bicentenary of the voluntary entry of the Altai people into Russia. From this place you can see Mount Sarlyk and Mount Tiyakhta; on the slope of the latter there is the Seminsky training center (TC) with summer running tracks for roller skis, a winter ski slope from the top of the mountain and one ski lift. Lunch on the way to a cafe. Arrival at the ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek”. Accommodation in five-bed Altai villages or Mongolian yurts at the Karakol camp site. Dinner at the complex cafe. In the evening, a folklore program - unique throat singing and playing national musical instruments. This concert awakens the deep roots of man, helps to feel the spirit of the Altai people, natural involvement, and allows you to enjoy the skill of the performers, some of whom are laureates of international festivals. And then, when you come to the village for the night, it’s as if you’ll be transported in a time machine to ancient times. The ancient attributes of Altai life, decorating the interior of the home, create a special flavor and spirit of the times. Facilities (Shower, WC) on site. (auto - 156km)

Day 5. (21.06.) Thu."Uch-Enmek"Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon)

Since ancient times, the Karakol Valley has been considered sacred by the indigenous population - the Altaians and is an ancient place of Power. There are entire groups of ancient burial mounds and a large number of rock paintings here. It is believed that all these ancient monuments of the valley, in the prism of the traditional culture of the indigenous population, represent an information code about the laws of the universe. The population of this valley has a unique mentality and considers itself to be in a spiritual relationship with the nature of this valley. After breakfast, excursion around the valley with a visit to sacred centers. Temple - burial complexes of Tuekta, Bashadara, Boocha, Karakol - where the Afanasyevites and Karakolites, the royal Scythians, and the warlike Turks built their temples and altars, buried their leaders and priests.

Arrival at a secluded forest retreat in the Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon). Silence and beauty! A blooming mountain meadow and mountains, tall larches and a mountain river, where nothing distracts from the contemplation of nature. The air here is crystal clear, mountainous, filled with the aromas of herbs. Accommodation in a two-room house with a stove. Amenities on site. Dinner. Visit to the bathhouse. (by car - 20 km, on foot - 1 km)

Day 6. (22.06.) Fri.A trip to the protected alpine lake Aru-Kem - Shamanic rite of the White Road

After breakfast, departure to the high mountain lake Aru-Kem. We travel 20 km by car and walk about 2.5-3 km. Lake Aru-Kem is hidden on the northern slope in the center of the Terektinsky ridge, in the taiga, in the upper reaches of the Arygem River at an absolute altitude of 1400 meters. This is a protected area of ​​the Uch-Enmek Natural Park. On the maps the names of the river and lake are indicated as “Ayrygem”. Apparently the toponym was written down incorrectly. The correct name of “Aru-Kem” is “Clean River”. Although “fork of the rivers,” as “Ayrygem” can be interpreted, is also quite suitable. The Karakol and Airygem rivers run parallel for more than ten kilometers, but their sources branch. And this “fork” could form the basis of the name. At the same time, the rare and beautiful name “Aru-Kem” has a touch of mystery and sacredness. Today, when a tourist allows himself to swim and fish here, it seems that this is one of many lakes - beautiful and romantic. But the times are not far off when it was considered sacred and people were afraid to even approach it alone. Its special geological origin and location opposite the sacred mountain Uch-Enmek distinguished this small body of water among many similar ones. Or maybe God chose him by touching him with his right hand!? But one way or another, even today the lake has not lost its pure and subtle energy, bringing strength to people. Return to borrow. After lunch, conducting the Shamanic ritual of Opening the White Road.

OPENING OF THE WHITE ROAD is a traditional shamanic ritual that harmonizes the external environment, energy, and circumstances of human life.

The ritual clears the way for the realization of your desires in all areas of life:

  • eliminating obstacles in the love sphere;
  • cleansing from negativity and harmonizing the energy field;
  • eliminating blocks in the area of ​​material well-being and money channel;
  • provides career growth and rank promotion;
  • attracting Spirits - helpers for Luck and Success;
  • attracting the right people and life circumstances in the implementation of specific plans.

The ritual is carried out in a group in the SHAMANIC CIRCLE or individually for those who wish privacy. The most important, powerful and largest rituals of the WHITE ROAD are carried out on days coinciding with the EQUINOXES AND SOLSTICES.

On June 22, 2018, Altynsai will conduct ONLY INDIVIDUAL RITES OF THE OPENING OF THE WHITE ROAD, since the ritual held on this very day, coinciding with the summer Solstice, is very significant and gives the STRONGEST HELP OF THE SPIRITS, spreading out the WHITE ROAD for you for the WHOLE YEAR!

This Rite, coinciding with the Summer Equinox, is a great Holiday that helps people remove obstacles in their Life Path and has Great Power for EVERYONE, regardless of religion. (For the ceremony, white clothes or at least a white top are desirable)

Dinner. Visit to the bathhouse. (car - 40 km, walk - 6 km).

Day 7. (23.06.) Sat. Ak-Koo tract - tourist complex "Iskra"

Breakfast. Transfer along the Karakol highway to the village of Ust-Kan. Excursion to the Ust-Kan Cave. The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of about 50 meters from the foot of the mountain and is clearly visible from the road. A staircase leads to the entrance. The length of the Ust-Kanskaya cave is 17 m, the height is 12 m. The beginning of serious archaeological research of the Ust-Kanskaya cave is considered to be 1954, when the famous archaeologist S.I. Rudenko discovered and explored a Paleolithic site here. This Early Paleolithic site gained worldwide fame due to the fact that it is the first such site of ancient people discovered in North Asia. Altaians call this mountain “Almys Tuu Boom”, which translated means “Mountain of Almys”. The name is associated with a legend according to which, on the night of the full moon, the walls of the cave part, and the mythical Almys - half-humans, half-beasts or, in other words, humanoid werewolves - emerge into the world of people. Such creatures are depicted as hairy, with an eye in their forehead. So guess what, either a Cyclops or Bigfoot. Interestingly, a natural monument of great historical significance is not only the Ust-Kan Cave, but also the entire huge rock massif in which it is located. It is called the White Stone. The value of the archaeological site lies in the fact that this place was used by primitive people for habitation. Lunch in the village. Next, travel along the Anuy River to the Iskra camp site. The tourist complex "Iskra" is located in the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory, at the foot of a cliff on the banks of the Anui River. The hotel building was built on a fenced and guarded area in a park area. Hotel accommodation. Double room. (Shower, WC) on the floor. Dinner in a cafe. (road-287 km).

Day 8. (06/24) Sun. Excursion to the waterfalls of the Shinok River.

After breakfast we will have an excursion to the Shinok River waterfalls. The Shinok River, whose name in translation from Turkic means “impregnable”, “precipitous”, mostly flows in a picturesque gorge, which is surrounded by a rich cedar forest growing on the slopes of the mountains, which gives an amazing view to the river valley. A cascade of waterfalls begins approximately 13 km from the mouth. Tourists cover 6 km in a UAZ all-terrain vehicle, and the remaining 7 km on foot. On the way to the waterfalls you will have to overcome 14 fords and a couple of log crossings, so you need to take care of the appropriate equipment. The depth of the river is shallow, it is enough to have high rubber boots (~ 30 cm), or any non-falling shoes with rubber soles, which you don’t mind getting wet.

The first of the waterfalls is a steep drop of water, the drop of which is 8 m. The second waterfall is located 0.5 km from the previous one and has a height of about 28 m. And finally, one kilometer from the second, the third is located - the most impressive and highest a waterfall whose fall height is approximately 72 m. The third waterfall, called Gray-haired, is sometimes called by tourists the Giraffe for its extraordinary “neck” - a long flowing stream. This is the largest waterfall in the Altai region. In summer, flying water is enclosed in a green rim of the banks: in the river valley there are 259 species of plants, including many rare and endangered species and medicinal herbs. According to legend, the waterfall has its own guardian spirit - Eel; to assure him of your good intentions, you need to tie a white or red ribbon to a sacrificial tree standing at the source of the river and thank him for the clean water. Of course it's a legend; but when it comes to Altai, many legends should be taken seriously...

According to the number of waterfalls of the river. Shinok is unsurpassed throughout Altai.

In case of unfavorable weather conditions, when it is not possible to drive up to the mouth of the Shinok River, you will be offered an alternative excursion to the maral farm. A trip to the deer farm will help you learn more about these amazing animals, get acquainted with the basics of antler farming, hear a lot of interesting things about the internationally recognized beneficial properties of antlers, and you will also be able to see deer living in their natural environment. After the excursion, return to the Iskra camp site. Dinner in a cafe. (70 km by car, 16 km by UAZ, 10 km by foot).

Day 9. (06/25) Mon. Iskra - resort town Belokurikha - Barnaul

After breakfast, we will move to the resort town of Belokurikha, known throughout Russia for its healing properties of aeroionized air and radon water. The Belokurikha resort, conveniently located at the foot of Tserkovka Mountain, attracts vacationers from Russia and many foreign countries. In terms of the level of air ionization, Altai Belokurikha is ready to compete with the famous Swiss health resorts, and in terms of the number of sunny days - with the sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Belokurikha is located in the south-eastern part of the Altai Territory, framed by the majestic rocky mountains of the Cherginsky Range, the granite peaks of which, meeting, create shapes and images of unimaginable beauty. It is generously endowed with many thermal springs that heal people from a number of diseases. Warm underground springs (therms) are saturated with mineral salts. The basis is nitrogen, silicon and small doses of radon, making the healing properties of thermia unique. Lunch at a cafe. Sightseeing tour of the city with an ascent to Tserkovka town by cable car to a height of 801 meters. Next, departure to Barnaul, hotel accommodation. Double comfortable room. Dinner at the hotel restaurant. (road-368 km).

Day 10. (06/26) Tue. Airport transfer.

Early departure to the airport.

Price per person for a group of 5 people - please check at the time of booking.

Tour cost for 1 person in a group of 5 people: 55,000 rubles.

The cost of the program includes:

  • meeting at Barnaul airport on Day 1;
  • transfer to Barnaul airport on Day 10;
  • all internal route transfers in a comfortable SUV;
  • 3 meals a day according to the program on the active part of the route;
  • breakfast (lunch box) on Day 10;
  • accommodation in the Kedr estate in the village. Chemal on Day 1 and Day 2 (2- and 3-bed comfortable rooms with all amenities);
  • accommodation in the guest house "Luga Altai" in the village of Kamlak. (double room)
  • accommodation in the ethno-natural park “Uch-Enmek” on Day 4 - accommodation in 5 local Altai villages at the Karakol tourist center. Facilities on site;
  • accommodation at a forest farm in the Ak-Koo tract (Takhtonov Cordon) on Day 5/6 - accommodation in a 6-bed wooden house. Facilities on site;
  • accommodation at the Iskra camp site on Days 7 and 8 - hotel accommodation in a 2-bed standard room. (Shower, WC) on the floor;
  • accommodation in Barnaul at a hotel on Day 9 (2-bed comfortable room);
  • driver-guide on the active part of the route;
  • sauna on Day 5/6;
  • Rosgosstrakh insurance: medical expenses (300,000 rub.) and accident insurance (50,000 rub.). We recommend having a tick-borne encephalitis vaccination (especially for races in June).;
  • excursions according to the program;
  • folklore program with throat singing;
  • recreational fees;
  • entrance tickets to museums and excursions;
  • conducting the Shamanic rite of Opening the White Road.

The cost of the program does not include:

  • breakfast on Day 1;
  • souvenir products;
  • personal expenses;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • additional costs at tourist centers;
  • single occupancy (possible for an additional fee);
  • individual work with a shaman

Starting point of the route, meeting point

Barnaul, airport.

Total duration

10 days/9 nights

Active part duration

Route length

Auto - 1424 km, walking - 19 km

Number of tourists in the group

5 people

Number of attendants on the active part

2 driver guides

Accommodation along the route

hotels, inns, guest houses, wooden houses, villages

Equipment: No special equipment required. Be sure to have: warm, waterproof clothes and shoes (hiking boots), sunscreen.


3 meals a day, according to the tour program (except for Day 1 - only lunch and dinner). At camp sites - in cafes and canteens.


  • Hiking boots or sneakers with ankle support with rigid soles;
  • Sneakers;
  • Flip flops, slippers for shower/bath, hotels;


  • Waterproof and windproof jacket and pants (or rain cover);
  • Sports suit;
  • Warm jacket (autumn);
  • Thin sweater (wool/polartek/fleece);
  • T-shirts (2-3 pieces);
  • White T-shirt for the White Road ritual;
  • Shorts;
  • Swimsuit/swimming trunks;
  • Woolen socks;
  • Thin socks (2-3 pairs);
  • Sun hat (cap, Panama, bandana).


  • Flashlight (preferably a headlamp);
  • Sunglasses;
  • Sun cream with a high level of protection 30-60;
  • Individual first aid kit + bactericidal patch;
  • Personal hygiene products: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap;
  • Towel.

Places of Power that we will visit:


The Che-Chkysh tract is a place of Power, located near the village of Elanda.

Translated from Altai, Che-Chkysh means “narrow,” but many locals call it the “Valley of Mountain Spirits” or “Valley of Shamans.”

The gorge is hidden from prying eyes and many travelers pass by without even suspecting that the place of Power is very close by. Due to its hidden location in ancient times, this gorge more than once served as a shelter for Altai tribes during internecine wars.

The place is very beautiful - a mountain gorge around which steep cliffs rise 150 meters. The gorge is narrow, up to 15-20 meters in places. A clear mountain stream flows through the gorge, turning into a low (4 m) waterfall. The waterfall's jets extend far enough away from the rock so that you can walk under them. There is an ancient belief that anyone who walks under the streams of the waterfall will gain wealth and health, for they have magical powers.

If you go up the left bank to the stream bed, you can see ancient rock carvings of animals on the steep rocks. If you go down the path from the waterfall, then on the right side up the slope you can find a small cave. If you follow the path at the top of the gorge, you will see another mystery of nature - unusual rocks. Their entire surface is covered with craters, as if the rocks were melted by some unknown force and froze in this position. Then the trail rises steeply uphill to an observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the Katun River valley. All the energy compressed by the steep walls of the gorge finds an outlet here. One feels extraordinary lightness and upliftment. The area is suitable for meditation and rituals. You can simply admire the beautiful views and take some good photos.

OROKTOY BRIDGE (Teldekpen rapids).

The Teldekpen rapids are located on the 38th kilometer of the Chemal-Edigan highway. These are some of the most beautiful and most dangerous rapids on the Katun (they belong to category 3 of difficulty). These rapids are characterized by the presence of powerful undercurrents, whirlpools, and turbulence. The rapids are located in a long narrow corridor of black rocks, representing a deep tectonic fault. The Katun here narrows to 20-40m, while the depth reaches 70m. The rocks rise above the river to a height of 10-12 m, have sharp edges and peaks, for which locals call them “Dragon’s Teeth”. This place of power is unique in its energy - the river splashes out all its energy with a narrow roaring beam, causing everything around to vibrate. When visiting this place of power, you need to take special care, do not go close to the water, do not stand on the edges of the rocks, do not hang from the bridge - many careless people have taken this place.


A rock with steep walls on an island right in the middle of Katun. Its history is connected with the development of Orthodoxy in Altai. Patmos Island is one of the most visited places of Power in the Altai Mountains.


The Karakol Valley in the Ongudai region is a unique place of Power. This valley in Altai has been considered sacred since ancient times. The esoteric history of Altai began here. The indigenous population living here preserves sacred knowledge, a special worldview, spiritual values, unique tales and legends. But the first thing that amazes is the indescribable beauty of the Karakol Valley, many pyramids, mountains and mounds. The routes of the Karakol Valley are laid through the territory of the Sacred Lands, which have enormous energy and information potential. For thousands of years, shamans performed their magical rituals in this area. This territory is the “acupuncture” point of the Planet. There are entire groups of ancient burial mounds and a large number of rock paintings here. It is believed that all these ancient monuments, in the prism of the traditional culture of the indigenous population, represent an information code of the laws of the universe. Mount Uch-Enmek, which is located above the valley, is considered sacred - you cannot approach, take photographs, or pronounce the name of this mountain out loud.

The Karakol Valley is truly an energetically strong place, and this energy suits almost all people. The functional property of the area is to cleanse people and fill them with pure positive energy.


Lake Aru-Kem is hidden on the northern slope in the center of the Terektinsky ridge, in the taiga, in the upper reaches of the Arygem River at an absolute altitude of 1400 meters. This is the territory of the Uch-Enmek natural park.

The waters of the lake reflect the snow of the sacred peak of Uch-Enmek. This mountain, one of the three sacred peaks of Altai, has a special significance in the lives of the people inhabiting the Karakol Valley.

There has long been a belief among local residents that Aru-Kem (it should be noted that Aru-Kem, translated from Altai into Russian, means “clean lake”) is connected by an underground stream with the waters of Lake Bulandyk. Local legend says that one day a horse entered the waters of the lake, was pulled by a water stream to the bottom of the lake, and floated out in Lake Bulandyk.

The legend about the connection between the two lakes is more poetic. There was a very long time ago when two beautiful young people, a boy and a girl, burned in the flame of mutual love and passionately dreamed of the day when their love, with the blessing of their parents, would unite them into a family. But the formidable khan, the girl’s father, who was against their marriage, stood in the way of their love as an insurmountable obstacle. The lovers decided to escape, but the khan overtook them and ordered the shaman to turn them into lakes. He ordered his daughter, Lake Aru-Kem, to be hidden in the taiga so that she would not enchant anyone else with her beauty, and he ordered the young man, Lake Bulandyk, to be placed in plain sight of everyone in an open place, so that it would not be a shame to contradict the khan. But the shaman could not kill the love of the spirits of the lakes and they merged together in an underground stream. They still live together to this day.

The sacredness of these places goes back centuries. The indigenous population has always considered the lake sacred and a place of power, although this power is very contradictory and can cause different perceptions of it in different people. Several people come in one group and for some this lake instantly relaxes and pacifies, enchanting with its unique beauty, while for others it causes an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and restlessness, despite the surrounding beauty and the enveloping silence of pristine untouched nature.

There are several observation points along the perimeter of the lake, from where an indescribably beautiful view of the Terektinsky ridge and Mount Uch-Enmek opens, the absolute height of which is 2792 m. If you translate the name of the mountain into Russian, it will be “three crowns”. Locals revere the mountain as sacred as Belukha and believe that Uch-Enmek has cleansing power and every person who sees and worships it in his soul will leave it with purified thoughts and tripled feelings of love and spiritual kindness.

Brief description of the travel area:

Altai Republic (short name - Altai Mountains) - a republic within the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District. Area: 92903 km² Population 217,000 people Density: 2.34 people/km²

The capital is the city of Gorno-Altaisk.

In the north-west, the Altai Republic borders on the Altai Territory, in the north-east - on the Kemerovo region, in the east - on Khakassia and Tuva, in the south - on Mongolia and the People's Republic of China, in the south-west - on Kazakhstan.

The climate is sharply continental, with short hot summers and long frosty winters.

The average annual air temperature in the valleys is 0...+5 °C (the warmest is in Chemal), which is the highest temperature for Siberia. In the mountains, the average annual air temperature drops to −6 °C (Kosh-Agach village).

Kosh-Agachsky and Ulagansky districts are equated to regions of the Far North.

The republic's topography is characterized by high ridges, separated by narrow and deep river valleys, and rare wide intermountain basins. The highest mountain - Belukha (other names: Kadyn-Bazhy, Uch-Sumer) 4509 m, is the highest point in Siberia.

Chuisky tract - federal highway (M52) Novosibirsk - state border with Mongolia. Passes through the territory of the Novosibirsk region, Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. The length of the highway is 962 kilometers. The historical Chuysky tract, from which the Chuysky tract highway received its name, is part of the modern road from Biysk to the border with Mongolia, with a length of about 630 km. For a long time, on the site of the modern Chuisky tract there was the so-called Mungalsky tract, references to which are contained in Chinese chronicles from thousands of years ago. For a long time, on the site of the current asphalt road there was a path, which was used by traders and warriors since ancient times. The road along the Chuysky tract is indescribably picturesque, but the most beautiful views open up in the area of ​​​​the border of the Altai Territory with the Altai Republic and alternate, with incredible speed, right to the border with Mongolia.

Katun River - the main water artery of the Altai Mountains. The name “Katun” comes from the Altai word “kadyn” (“mistress, mistress”), which in turn comes from the ancient Turkic word “katyn” (“river”). The length of its drainage is 688 km; The catchment area is 60.9 thousand km². The Katun originates on the southern slope of the Katunsky ridge near the town of Belukha near the Gebler (Katunsky) glacier at an altitude of about 2000 m. According to the general nature of the valley, the Katun is divided into three sections: the upper Katun, from the sources to the Koksa River, 210 km long, the middle Katun from the mouth of the Koksa to the Sumulta River, 200 km long, the lower Katun, 280 km long, from the Sumulta River to the confluence with the Biya River. The geological structure of the Katun Valley is very diverse both in composition and time of formation - from the most ancient Proterozoic rocks to modern ones. Shales, granites, limestones, and marbled limestones dominate.

An amazing impression is made by the terraces of the Katun (up to 16 pcs.), which reach 350 m and are most developed in the middle reaches of the river, the estuary part of the tributaries - Lower Inegen, Kaznakhta, Ini, Small and Big Yaloman, Big Ilgumen, Sumulta, etc. Their formation is connected with the erosive and accumulative activity of tributaries. They are provided by fluvioglacial, alluvial, proluvial and lacustrine deposits.

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is -18 C, in July - +18.9 C. The annual amount of precipitation is 520 mm. The water temperature in Katun does not rise above 13-15°C even in July.

In the vicinity of Chemal village, hair dryers are often observed - warm dry winds from the mountains, so the average January temperature is about -16 C, and in the second half of March the snow cover disappears on the bottom of the valley and the southern slopes of the surrounding ridges. Such amazing “oases” are found in other areas of Katun. For example, in the village. Maly Yaloman, at the mouth of the river of the same name, has apple orchards.

A beautiful, powerful and fast-moving river attracts thousands of travelers. For rafting lovers, Katun offers different sections of difficulty. There are rapids of category 4 with elements of category 5, and simple obstacles for beginners. The beauty of the mountains, among which the river flows, does not leave any traveler indifferent.

Seminsky Pass - the most famous and highest pass (1984 m above sea level) on the Chuisky tract. The name “Seminsky” itself goes back to the Mongolian “sebi” - “fortress”, reflecting the inaccessibility of the pass. For both foot and mounted enemies, the assault on the Seminsky Pass until the beginning of the 20th century was an extraordinary event at any time of the year. In winter, due to impassable snowdrifts blown into the saddle by the winds, in summer and in the off-season, rains and melting snow washed away the trail, turning it into viscous mud, in which even riders got stuck. The Altai name of the pass is Dyal-Menku, “Eternal Mane”. For centuries, the pass was a strategic point; Scythian troops and Tatar-Mongol hordes moved through it. The highest point of the pass is located on the border of the forest - above there are subalpine meadows interspersed with dwarf tundra vegetation. It is always windy at the pass, since it crosses the path of atmospheric fronts, and the weather is changeable; snowstorms and snow drifts are frequent in winter.

The hallmark of the Seminsky Pass can be the stele installed here in 1956 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the voluntary annexation of Altai to Russia, which is a favorite backdrop for tourists taking photos as souvenirs. Nearby there is a cafe stylized as an village, a souvenir shop where you can buy honey, pine nuts, and handicrafts. As at any pass, there is a shaman tree to which travelers, following Altai customs, can tie a light ribbon, asking the spirits of the pass for an easy road, having previously appeased them with offerings to the “obo” in the form of sweets or coins.

Seminsky Pass has the status of a natural monument of national importance.

Village Kulada - is located in the Ongudai region of the Altai Republic. As of 2013, the population was 468 people. The village was founded in 1700, but people lived here much earlier. Since ancient times, there have been favorable conditions for human life - an abundance of rivers and springs, the beauty of the surrounding area. Near the village there is a world-famous archaeological monument - the Bashadar complex with objects of Afanasyevskaya, Karakol, Scythian, and Turkic culture. Finds from his mounds are kept in the State Hermitage and the State Historical Museum. The village is located on the territory of the Karakol natural park "Uch-Enmek" with many cultural and historical monuments of different times and places sacred to the Altai people. A road passes through the village leading to the small lake Aru-Kem (Arukem), which is also considered sacred. In the village, as elsewhere in the park, local residents honor and preserve ancient traditions of spiritual and material culture. In Kulada there is a small museum where you can see stone warriors, Altai utensils and national clothing.

Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River - a natural monument, a complex reserve of regional significance in the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory. The reserve is located 10 km southwest of the village. Tog-Altai. The Shinok River, a tributary of the Anui, originates on a swampy plateau on the border of the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory and the Ust-Kansky region of the Altai Republic. Water mineralization is about 400 mg/l, hardness index is 6 mEq/l. The chemical composition of water is dominated by anions.

The cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River, although not indicated on maps, is the largest natural attraction of the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory. Shinok is a small river, only 15 km long, the left tributary of the river. Anuy flows along the border of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. It originates on the slopes of the Baschelaksky ridge in the area of ​​Mount Askaty (1786 m). In the upper reaches it calmly meanders along a swampy plateau, and then rushes down in a narrow canyon, cutting its way between almost closely converging rocks and forming many waterfalls, waterfalls and drains in its middle course. The total elevation difference from the river's sources to the mouth is 850 m. The Turkic meaning of its name fully reflects the character of this small river: “Shinok” - “precipitous”, “impregnable”.

The Shinok River basin is very picturesque - the slopes are covered with larch-cedar taiga, interspersed with alpine meadows with a wide variety of Altai flora, among which more than 200 species are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Ancient fossils can be found in the riverbed and along the banks.

The water in the river has a brownish color, but, according to analytical data, it is clean, suitable for drinking, and in terms of its chemical composition it is even close to water from mineralized springs.

Biysk city - a large industrial and scientific center in the south of Siberia, the second most populous city in the Altai Territory. Founded in 1709 as a fortress by decree of Peter I. Biysk is located in the south-eastern part of the Altai Territory on the Biya River, not far from its confluence with the Katunya River. The city is located on the southwestern slope of the Biysk-Chumysh Upland. It lies mainly on the narrow meadow right terrace of Biya and the steeply rising slope of the upland loess plateau. Part of the city is located on the left low bank, adjacent to pine forests. The right-bank and left-bank parts of Biysk are connected by a bridge. Biysk is the starting point of the Chuysky highway, which runs through Altai to the border with Mongolia. The distance to the city of Barnaul is 163 km, to the Kazakh Ust-Kamenogorsk - 339 km, to Novosibirsk - 356 km, to Moscow - 3800 km. The border with Kazakhstan is 210 km, the border with Mongolia is 617 km.

Gono-Altaisk — the only city of the Altai Republic (also the administrative center) with a population of 60,000 people, the rest of the population lives in villages. Gorno-Altaisk is located in the northwestern part of the Altai Republic in an intermountain basin surrounded by low mountains at an altitude of 270-305 m above sea level, at the confluence of the Ulalushka and Maima rivers, which flow into the Katun River approximately 250 kilometers north of Belukha Mountain , the highest point of Altai. The distance from Gorno-Altaisk to Moscow is 3800 km, to the nearest railway station Biysk is 100 km.

Belokurikha - a resort city known throughout Russia for its healing properties of aeroionized air and radon water. The Belokurikha resort, conveniently located at the foot of Tserkovka Mountain, attracts vacationers from Russia and many foreign countries. In terms of the level of air ionization, Altai Belokurikha is ready to compete with the famous Swiss health resorts, and in terms of the number of sunny days - with the sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. The city of Belokurikha is surrounded by a landscape of unique beauty. It is generously endowed with many thermal springs that heal people from a number of diseases. Warm underground springs (therms) are saturated with mineral salts. The basis is nitrogen, silicon and small doses of radon, making the healing properties of thermia unique. In addition, the sources contain fluorine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfates, and are able to have a complex effect on the human body. Such natural resources for radon therapy, which the Belokurikha resort has, cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Natural potential is used by health workers at twelve sanatoriums equipped with the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment. Holidays in Altai in Belokurikha allow you to receive a huge charge of positive energy, which radiates from the local geographical landscape and unique nature.

October 13. Yakutia. NVpress - For some reason, the word “shaman” is associated only with the heroes of works, performances and paintings by Ivan Popov, and, most importantly, with the past. Do shamans exist today? There are, says our interlocutor today, Anatoly Alekseev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of NEFU named after M.K. Ammosova, a well-known researcher on the topic of shamanism and, according to him, personally knowing shamans from many countries.

Shamans - chosen ones of spirits

- Anatoly Afanasyevich, who are shamans, where did they come from?

As man appeared on earth, he began to understand the world around him and himself on three levels. The first is called magic, mysticism, mythology, or in general it is paganism: belief in spirits, deities and the supreme god. And the pinnacle of paganism is shamanism. Shamans are the chosen ones of spirits. Thus, shamanism is a coherent system of views on man, society and nature. This is an integral teaching, and it has existed since the advent of man to the present day. Of course, since the 15th century, European states began to colonize the whole world and began to fight such a natural phenomenon as shamanism. And not only European culture, but also the great religions of the world also began to fight, and during the years of Soviet power, shamanic ideology was alien to communist ideology, so shamanism was eradicated from the culture of indigenous Siberian and northern peoples.

The second level is when the great religions of the world appeared: Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Man was created by God, and the whole world obeys the supreme gods: Buddha, Yahweh, Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad. God created not only man, but the whole world.

The third level is materialistic science that denies God and the great religions of the world. We believe that this is wrong and today bright minds of humanity have appeared (Western and Russian scientists) who say that we are doing wrong, we should not fight paganism, shamanism, religions of the world, but must integrate them, knowledge, and then humanity pave the way to the future. If this does not happen, then, as Western and Russian researchers write, very soon the end of humanity will come, the last person will remain, and the end of history will come. And I believe it.

Modern shamans of Yakutia

- Do we have shamans in Yakutia today?

Although modern technogenic civilization dominates the street, there are still shamans in Africa, South America, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Southeast Asia, even in such technologically developed countries as Japan and South Korea. In Yakutia today there are only two or three real shamans, maybe. Fedot Ivanov from the village of Zhemkon, Vilyuisky ulus, Anna Sofroneeva from the village of Batagai, Verkhoyansk ulus. Last year the great Semyon Stepanovich Vasiliev died, his spiritual name is the shaman Savvey, he is from Iengra.

The strongest are in Siberia. If you look narrowly, then the Yakuts are much weaker than the Yukagir, Chukchi, Evens and Evenkis. By the way, udagankas are stronger than shamans, but not all of them.

- They say they live alone, don’t get married, don’t have children.

Why? They live ordinary lives, they have both children and spouses. They just reincarnate during the ritual. Some other shamans, including modern ones (especially Chukchi ones), have a “spiritual wife,” that is, “ichchi,” a spirit.

- External attributes of today's shaman, what are they?

A tambourine, a hat, a suit, helping spirits, although each shaman has his own individual suit, but in appearance they seem to be similar. In fact, their clothing differs in ironwork depicting helping spirits, depending on the spiritual level of the shaman.

- How do they get along with ordinary people these days?

Ordinary people have different attitudes towards shamans: some believe, some don’t; under Soviet rule, many became atheists. Since any person consists of evil and good, a shaman can also manifest evil, which is much more dangerous than the spiritual evil that a simple person commits. And all the thoughts and deeds of the shaman are fulfilled. If he calls death on someone, he will die before his time.

Sometimes shamans fight among themselves: each has their own clan, tribal, ethnic territory, which depends on their spiritual rank. Therefore, for example, the shaman of the seventh heaven can only be on his own territory.

- There have been a lot of psychics lately. What is their difference from shamans?

A shaman has a completely different spiritual level. He is chosen by the spirits, and only he is dedicated to the secret knowledge of nature, and only he must have a suit and a tambourine. Treat certain diseases. And a psychic is not the chosen one of the spirits, although they say that they are exactly that, but such an opinion is incorrect. He heals only with his energy and does not communicate with spirits, whereas a shaman heals through strong spirits, that is, he acts as an intermediary between the patient and the spirits. Each shaman has his own method of treatment, his own mother animal, for example, a deer, a bull, a bear. Thus, the more powerful the spirit assistant, the stronger the shaman.

Symptoms of shamanic disease

- Is shamanism passed on to relatives by inheritance?

No, but sometimes it can be transmitted, but the spirits themselves find the person who fits their personality (etinen-khaanynan, eyunen-sanaatynan). In general, this is a natural mystery, and the ways of God are inscrutable. What if it shows up in my descendants?

- I heard that a person who had shamans in his family often sees prophetic dreams and can predict the future and have other abilities.

Any person has psychic abilities. My generation too. I am 68 years old, and I can predict the future using dreams and various signs. People usually think that animals do not have consciousness, but in fact, even a small field or house mouse (deer, horse) with a special behavior tells its owner what awaits him within three years. You just need to be able to read encrypted messages. But modern man watches more TV, looks at his phone and thinks that he is the ruler of the world and believes that he will conquer the world with his will. Nothing like that, a person is a grain of sand in the universe. It is no coincidence that “Woe from Wit” is a sign from above, a warning: if a person begins to conquer nature, he will destroy himself.

- Let’s imagine a person: on the one hand, there was a priest in his family, on the other, a shaman. Could he have a split personality, and could his soul act as an arena for the struggle of two forces?

Whether you are a communist or an atheist, it doesn’t matter if the shamanic disease manifests itself, then it will manifest itself. There will be no bifurcation. Maybe I will express a seditious thought for modern society, but in fact, all the great religions of the world are artificially created.

- What are the symptoms of a shaman’s “disease”?

After the spirits have chosen the future shaman, he begins to “suffer from madness,” or “mental illness.” Modern medicine considers them schizophrenics, and tries to cure them with strong medications and injections, driving the “disease” deeper. That's it, the person is already spoiled. But among the patients of mental hospitals there can be real shamans. For example, on our Kotenko. True, not all mental illnesses lead to shamanism

- And today for those who are “sick,” what is the alternative to mental hospitals?

- “Sick people” can go into the taiga for several days, where they will not die even in forty-degree frost, being lightly dressed. Now medicine has “dismembered” a person into parts. Doctors of the ear, nose and throat appeared... And oriental medicine, including shamans, examines and treats a person as a whole, entering his unconscious.

Don't go near the shaman's grave

Shamans are divided into white and black...

White ones are those who have helping spirits from above, and black ones are from the lower world, they are stronger. Whites belong to the priesthood. In general, the division into whites and blacks is conditional. People just misinterpret it. This is a European approach that sees shamanism as a backward phenomenon, but in fact it may even be the future of humanity.

- Is it impossible to voice the shaman’s name?

Can. By the way, every shaman has a spiritual and a worldly name.

- Touching their graves will cause trouble, a curse?

For three hundred years, the spirit-beast has been at the shaman’s grave, and if someone approaches the burial, the spirit can pass on to the person, and then he can become a shaman. Especially if he is suitable in his mental state, in his physical body, in his spiritual consciousness.

If a person does not show respect for the grave, negative things can immediately happen to him. Is it dangerous. In general, you can’t joke with shamans.

Humans were cloned by aliens

- In your opinion, which of the Yakut writers truthfully portrayed shamans?

Ivan Gogolev-Kyndyl. Ethnographer Gavril Ksenofontov. Pre-revolutionary researchers, for example, Vaclav Seroszewski, although they looked at it from a European point of view, they are not to blame for this.

- Many people are very interested in the topic of shamanism. What explains this?

Because it is a natural phenomenon. Everyone has been studying this issue for a very long time, but there is still no answer and there will not be any soon. My mentor, the shaman Savway, told me three years before his death that man did not descend from a monkey, but was cloned by aliens from outer space. Believe it or not.

In the spring of 1995, a shamanic virtual operation was performed on me: early in the morning, in a tent with reindeer herders in the Khatynnaakh area, near the Timpton River, 107-year-old Matryona Petrovna Kulbertinova replaced my diseased heart with the heart of a young deer. She performed a ritual, pointing the tambourine at my heart and back. I myself also took part in replacing diseased organs of five people, but this is a medical secret.

Cosmologists have finally found out that our modern science knows only 4.6 percent of the atoms of the world, that is, only five percent of the truth. The remaining 95 are unknown. Paradoxical but true. This will always be relevant. Therefore the statement is true: “The more I read, the more I find out that I don’t know anything.”

33 simple ways to create zones of health and happiness in your home and country house Blavo Ruschel

Place of power of Altai shamans

Place of power of Altai shamans

During my expeditions to Altai, I studied the tradition of connecting a person with a place of power. I learned a lot from the famous Altai shamans. They revealed to me secrets that are passed down from generation to generation from distant ancestors to current descendants.

Altai shamans have highly developed intuition and the ability to heal people without the help of drugs. In their opinion, the most important thing for gaining inner strength is liberation from aggressive emotions, resentments and feelings of depression. The less a person is angry, the greater his healing power.

Among their patients, shamans primarily identify people who believe in their power. From a psychological point of view, this is understandable: the placebo effect is triggered when the patient believes in a cure. It is also important that, unlike an ordinary doctor, whose visit lasts 20–30 minutes, the shaman sometimes spends several days with the patient in the fight against illness and death.

The main place of power of Altai shamans is Mount Belukha, the highest point of the Altai Mountains. Since ancient times, it has been revered in Asia as sacred. According to legend, it is northern Shambhala. Ancient legends say that on this mountain there is the “navel of the Earth,” energetically connected with the cosmos, giving people strength, vigor, health and revealing new knowledge to them.

Belukha Mountain is called because of the snow that covers it from top to bottom, from the top to the very base. More than 200 types of medicinal herbs grow in the vicinity of the mountain, including golden and maral root.

Altai shamans are convinced: every person can create a place for himself where his dreams will come true, where he will rest, relax, and get rid of illnesses.

In this book I will describe thirty-three ways to create a personal place of power. I systematized the knowledge of shamans, combined it with the practical knowledge of European healers and will share with you some of my experiences.

To understand how to work with creating a place of power, you first need to determine what your main goal is. This is what we will do now.

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4. Place of power Bald Mountain, called by the witches Maiden or Bachelorette, is a difficult place, it is a place of power, and not just power, but the power of power. There may not be another place like this in the world. Because all thoughts and desires, secret or obvious, manifested here, come true!

It is almost impossible for an ordinary Russian to meet a real Altai shaman. Back in the 1920s, the Soviet authorities began an active fight against “Siberian superstitions.” Almost all the hereditary shamans of Altai were slaughtered, and their children were killed in labor camps. Years passed. In the new, capitalist Russia, shamanism has become a profitable tourist profession. Out of nowhere, many adherents of the ancient Siberian religion appeared. Actually, to prosper in this area of ​​business, it is enough to have initial capital in the form of the appropriate nationality, a suit decorated with feathers, skins and copper rings, and the ability to beat a tambourine, while dancing spectacularly and howling in every way. However, such shamanism is nothing more than a dramatic performance for an inexperienced tourist.

There is only one chance to see the original servant of the ancient Altai cult - to go on a unique ethnic tour of the Altai Mountains with a travel agency " EcoAltai»

This method of ethnic tourism is suitable for both beginners and avid outdoor enthusiasts.

They say all sorts of things about Gorny Altai. In this relatively small territory there coexist the gates to the mystical Shambhala, a landing site for alien ships, the world of the elves, and sacred places of power. Something mysterious and unique on a planetary scale is constantly happening in this area. And here future kamas are born - that’s what the shamans of Altai are called.

The kama gift is not hereditary, although, as a rule, an Altai shaman can name his ancestor, who was also a shaman. The talent for communicating with spirits, or more precisely, chosenness, is discovered in early childhood. At the sound of a tambourine (or even out of the blue), a child begins to have convulsions, trembling, he jumps up, rushes about, “makes a fool” - a “shamanic disease” is discovered. Such children are taken to the nearest old shaman, they learn from him and undergo an initiation ceremony. The shaman cannot contradict the will of the spirits and abandon his destiny - it is believed that then the “disease” intensifies and can lead to death. Often the initiation rite includes the experience of one's own death: a person lies motionless for several days, while in another world demons tear his body to pieces and create a new one.

Communicating with a kam is a unique experience that often contradicts the average person's initial expectations and ideas about shamanism. For example, many people expect to see a very emotional, nervous, restless person, but it turns out just the opposite: Altai shamans are people with an amazingly stable psyche. This is also confirmed by ethnographic research, and, indeed, only emotionally stable people can withstand the overload to which their psyche is exposed in altered states of consciousness.

People go to a shaman to be cured without drugs or to learn about their future. Scientists have proven that at the time of a religious ritual, the shaman’s brain begins to work in the same rhythm with the patient’s brain. This rhythm is imposed by the booming beats of a heated tambourine and the movements of a spectacular dance, which the patient observes. In the achieved altered state of consciousness, the Altai shaman energetically “connects” to his viewers and, as a result, gains the ability to predict their lives and influence their health.

: Tour operator "EcoAltai"

Ethnic tour program “Visiting the Shaman of Altai” from “EcoAltai»

On the way from Chemal to the shaman, travelers successively overcome the Chuisky tract, the Karakol sacred valley, the Chui-Oozy Natural Park, the Ulagansky tract and the Pazyryk mounds. Along the route, there is a gradual immersion into the nature/culture of the ancient mountainous country and preparation for an important meeting.

Chuysky tract

What to pay attention to:

  • To the highest point of the Chuisky tract - Seminsky Pass, height 1894 meters above sea level. This pass is the border between civilized tourism and wild tourism. There are practically no campsites or hotels beyond the pass. The tourist is left alone with untouched nature.
  • On the extreme serpentines of the roadway of the Chuisky tract, one of the most ancient roads between Western Siberia and Central Asia. The steep cliffs on the sides and the sharply winding road take your breath away. Photos will not convey even a hundredth of the adrenaline.
  • To the altars of the Seminsky Pass, the heritage of distant ancestors, around which the Altai people still organize their fascinating rituals.
  • To the section of the Old Chuisky tract. To do this, you need to go down 200 meters from the northern slope of the Seminsky Pass. It was a terrible road - a winding horse-cart path.
  • To the Chike-Taman pass. The height of the pass is lower than that of Seminsky, 1460 meters above sea level, but due to its steepness it seems higher.
  • To a very beautiful panorama of the Altai Mountains.
  • On the white fluffy stars of edelweiss growing on all the passes of the Chuisky tract.
  • To shamanic trees. Most often these are larches on hills or near mountain springs, decorated with ribbons. The Altai people knit pieces of material onto branches, thus showing respect to the spirits.
  • At the confluence of the Chuya and Katun. The brown waters of the Chuya muddy the almost transparent greenish stream of the Katun, and for some time a clear boundary between the waters of the two rivers is visible.
  • To the Katunskie and Chuiskie boms (the rock-road-cliff-river system) are the most dangerous, but also the most beautiful sections of the road.

Ulagansky tract

What to pay attention to:

  • To the Chulyshman Valley, where a unique microclimate has developed. It is much warmer here, poplars grow and herbs bloom wildly. Many waterfalls fall from the cliffs into the valley, especially in spring and early summer. Some rocks have a bizarre shape, for which they are nicknamed “stone mushrooms.”
  • To the passes Ulagan, Balyktyyul, and especially Katu-Yaryk. From Katu-Yaryk there is a stunning view of the narrow gorge - the valley of the Chulyshman River. The road descends in a steep serpentine direction; if you look from above, the car at the foot of the pass looks like a bug. At the pass you can see ritual stones.
  • On the Chulyshman River - this is one of the largest rivers in Altai, and one of the most turbulent, replete with rapids and whirlpools. It is excellent for catching grayling.
  • The nature of the Ulagansky region is wild, harsh, and there are very few tourists here, which has helped it remain in its original form. Therefore, from Chulyshman you can see mountain goats on the rocks, and food should be protected from chipmunks. This is one of the few regions where snow leopards are found.
  • On the buildings at the base of the EcoAltai travel agency under the Katu-Yaryk mountain pass: traditional Altai chaadyrs and ail.
  • To multi-colored mountain lakes and waterfalls (one of them - Uchar, located on the territory of the Altai Nature Reserve - is the largest waterfall in Altai). They are not included in the tour program, but if you wish, you can extend your stay in this wonderful region and visit them.

Karakol Sacred Valley

What to pay attention to:

  • On the population of the valley, which is still in deep isolation from modern civilization. Many residents of local villages do not even understand the Russian language and still worship nature by performing shamanic rituals.
  • To the pyramidal sacred mountains, covered at the foot with rock paintings.
  • Ancient mounds of absolutely identical shapes are places of mass sacrifices, both animal and human. It is noteworthy that different people feel different energy in the valley. Some are positive, and some are geopathogenic. The latter call the Karakol Valley the Valley of Death. Interestingly, “magnetic marks” were found on the mounds. Scientists suggest that the pattern of placement of such marked mounds is absolutely deliberate and not random. There is an opinion that such an arrangement of points of local magnetism ensures the climatic, seismic and cultural stability of the territory. Therefore, any destruction of mounds is unacceptable. And it is unlikely, given that the valley is not a place of mass tourism in the Altai Mountains.

Chui-Oozy Nature Park

What to pay attention to:

  • At the unusual remains of horses, cows and bulls, hanging on long poles, in the middle of a desert plain or on the top of a cliff. These are places of religious worship among the Altai people. This is how they ask for mercy from the spirits or give thanks for benefits already received.
  • On the Kalbak-Tash tract, where rock paintings from different centuries are concentrated on greenish rocks for 10 km. There are more than 3000 petroglyphs in total.
  • On the stormy Chuya River, along the banks of which are lined rocks of the most fantastic, unusual colors for a mountainous area.
  • To the mountain steppe, filled with silence, tranquility and the aroma of herbs.
  • On petrified figures, ancient stone sculptures.

Pazyryk mounds

In a chain of five mounds stretching from north to south, scientists excavated the frozen graves of tribal leaders from the 5th to 3rd centuries BC. Thanks to a special design, the mounds were able to preserve human mummies, utensils, and even items made of leather and fabric, which is extremely rare. The recovered artifacts are now stored in the Hermitage, in the department of primitive culture. At the excavation site, in the Ulagan Museum, you can see copies of the finds.

What to pay attention to:

  • On the energy stone, from which the fighters of the legendary Genghis Khan were recharged. The energy activity of the stone is not constant, but just in case, it is not recommended to approach it with expensive equipment - it may break.
  • The geographical spread of finds, which indicates broad cultural ties of ancient Altai. Archaeologists have unearthed embroidered Chinese silk, a pile carpet from Persia, the finest Asian woolen fabrics, a Chinese chariot, a collapsible tent, leopard fur items from the Far East, coriander and shell jewelry from the shores of the Persian Gulf.
  • On works of art made in a peculiar animal style.
  • On an interesting method of mummification used by the Altai people. After the internal organs were removed, the body and skull were stuffed with dried grass, sewn up with horsehair and smoked with hemp.
  • For a large number of horse carcasses excavated from burial grounds. In one of the mounds, as many as 10 horses were discovered at the same time. The animals' ears are marked with signs of ownership.
  • On the mood of the local population. Altaians believe that the spirits are very angry because the peace of the long dead is disturbed. Moreover, the excavations were carried out in a rather barbaric way - logs from the opened burial grounds were used as a fuel resource in the cold season, the already excavated horse corpses were damaged by foxes. The wrath of the spirits manifests itself in the form of periodically occurring strange phenomena near the mounds: the engines of cars stop working, animals stop as if they were running into an invisible wall, travelers observe a strange red-haired woman melting in the air.
  • The amazing drawings covering the bodies of both men and women. These are the oldest surviving examples of tattoos in the world. The Altai people depicted fish on their feet, predators and ungulates on their arms and bodies, and birds and solar symbols on their shoulders and necks. There are absolutely fantastic tattoos - for example, griffin-deer-ibex, cat predators with a beak instead of a mouth.
  • To the smells of excavated Altai culture. This is hemp with a mild narcotic effect, coriander and ziziphora as incense.
  • The red stone from which the mounds are made, the origin of which is unknown. Since there is no red rock in the visible vicinity.

Shamanism and cultures of the ancient peoples of the Altai Mountains: Tour operator "EcoAltai"

To figure out what secret knowledge the spiritual leaders of Siberia possess, a KP correspondent met with one of the famous “whites”
shamans of Altai by Anton Yudanov. And comment on his story
we asked the head of the Center for the Study of Shamanism of the Institute
Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valentin
Who can be a shaman?
It is impossible for an ordinary person to become a shaman. A true shaman must possess nine distinctive qualities:

One of the ancestors must be a shaman, since the gift is inherited.
There must be a “divine mark” on the body - a mole the size of a fist or the sixth finger on a hand or toe.
You must be able to see spirits and communicate with them.
Have the ability to send your soul on a journey to other worlds.
Treat without the help of drugs.
Taming the fire.
Understand the language of animals.
Know rituals, shamanic prayers and names of ancestral spirits.
To be the custodian of oral epic literature, traditions and customs of his people.

Anton Yudanov - leader from Shchukinsky

I managed to meet one of these carriers of ancient knowledge
quite recently, during a business trip to the Altai Mountains. 67-year-old Anton
Yudanov lives not in the thicket of the forest, but in a completely comfortable three-room apartment
apartment on the outskirts of Gorno-Altaisk with his wife and son. Shamanic Maniac
he is replaced by sneakers, jeans and a T-shirt. Studied at school
machine operators, Krasnoyarsk Forestry Institute and Shchukinsky
theater school (he defended his diploma based on Plyushkin from Dead Souls).

He worked as a tractor driver, loader, and actor in the pantomime ensemble at Rosconcert.
and Theater named after. Pushkin. Lived in Moscow for twenty years, visited several
once married. For four years he was a director in Minsk with Mulyavin, when
he still sang not in Pesnyary, but in Orbit-67.
This is, so to speak, the official biography. According to an unofficial biography,
Anton Yudanov - Zaisan, leader of the tribe of northern Altai - Tubalars.
Initiated into the “white” shamans.

In the thirties of the last century, all influential Altai shamans
taken to Kazakhstan, in the steppe in winter, thrown out of a train. Persecuted
and Yudanov’s grandfather - an Altai storyteller and shaman, whose monument stands
now in the middle of the city of Gorno-Altaisk.

- I must
was to follow the path of his grandfather, but it turned out that he returned to the spiritual foundations
Altaya is only 50 years old, looks at me with her heavy gaze
Yudanov. — It was impossible before, because all this time in Russia
ruled by the King of the Dark Kingdom. But God sent Mikhail Sergeevich
Gorbachev, whose mission was to destroy Satan.

- Gorbachev is a savior?!

- No, he was simply “led” by higher powers from outer space.

— Is Putin happy with shamans?

- This is the best king of the Russian people. Better than the Romanovs. But will he be able to pull Russia out of the deep thieves' hole?

How do they communicate with spirits?

Experts believe that shamans have developed intuition.
And this sixth sense allows them to enter altered states
consciousness (ISS). And then they can communicate with spirits quite tangibly. Somnologists call shamanic trance the term “conscious”
“dream”, when dreams are perceived as reality. Some scientists
those who study the phenomenon of ASC believe that this is new, not yet accessible
for most people the level of vision of the world.

Many shamans achieve this state with the help of stimulants and hallucinogenic substances.

— Do you indulge in drugs? — I ask Yudanov.

- Me not. Others actually use a special herbal infusion,
which allows the soul to be released from the body. But the most important thing is within
Throughout his life, the shaman strives to free himself from the emotions associated with
with aggression, resentment, depression. The less angry you are, the more
your strength, the deeper you see.

— While studying at Shchukinsky, did you predict the fate of your fellow students?

- It happened. When we talked to Andryusha Mironov, I said: “You work on a tight thread, and an over-tightened thread will ever
will tear, and this can happen very quickly.” He died exactly a year later.
In our tradition, if you do not hint to a person about the sad outcome,
then you are responsible. It definitely needs to be said. And he will understand
If he doesn’t understand, that’s his business.

— Are all shamans clairvoyants?

- Only us, “whites”,
with the help of the power of Altai we overcome space with thought, we see what
what others don’t see, we hear what others don’t hear. We are connected
with the light and with the heavens. And a person connected with the lower world and the upper
world, with the world of shadows and light at the same time - this is a shaman in that sense
words, as you Europeans understand. That is, the one who puts on
special clothes, beats a tambourine (and this is an instrument of the lower kingdom) and spins in front of the audience. He is “black”.

Meet me in space
Each shaman has his own sacred mountain. My interlocutor has a two-peaked mountain.
According to local beliefs, there is a land of spirits - Shambhala. Approach
A shaman cannot be closer than 10 km to her. Yudanov comes to the nearest
village, prays to its peaks and leaves.

— But Belukha is conquered by several thousand people every year. How so?

“I fight such sacrilege as best I can.” How do people not understand -
Entrance to Shambhala is prohibited for an ordinary person! By the way, many of the conquerors
Beluga whales are dying.

- Are you the one causing the collapses?

- No, Altai does it. There is often something going on in this area
mysterious. For example, after the group passes with a guide
Some stage of the journey, the trail disappears, as if it did not exist. Your Komsomolskaya Pravda once called my shrine a “killer mountain”
where the most tourists have died in recent years. But this is not a mountain -
murderer, and you are suicides. Anyone who wants to get close to the secret
her secret, she throws off...

Psychiatrists have long considered shamans to be crazy because the manifestation of the condition, conventionally called "shamanic"
disease”, its external symptoms resemble schizophrenia. In fact
they really know some mental techniques that allow
to be both in trance and in reality at the same time. Shamans to this
trained from birth or with the help of a mentor. If the “chosen one of the spirits” cannot balance the work of his own brain, then he may begin to have mental problems.

— How do you communicate with the Cosmos if you don’t even come close to Belukha?

- With the help of thought - the highest energy in the world. For example,
so we meet souls with my brother in cosmogony, American
shaman. He “takes off” there, in his America, and I “take off”
Here. This is called ritual - a special shamanic practice that
allows you to enter a state of altered consciousness and travel
to other worlds.

Why do they beat the tambourine?
- I don’t see your tambourine...

— I, like my grandfather, play the topshur (two-string
musical instrument in the form of a dombra. - Ed.). I make them myself. At all
an experienced shaman of high initiation can make a mental journey
to another world without a tambourine and a shaman costume.

according to scientists, when a shaman dances around a fire and beats a tambourine, causing
spirits, then the spectators nearby seem to also see ghosts.
In fact, shamans put people into hypnosis. Laboratory research
showed that beating a tambourine causes changes in the central nervous
systems. The shaman beats with a frequency of 4 - 7 beats per second, this rhythm
matches the frequency of brain waves that are associated with dreams,
hypnotic images and trance. Experiment using
electroencephalograph discovered that the shaman, in ten minutes of performance
This “music” achieved the kind of trance that Japanese Zen masters achieve after six hours of deep meditation practice.

How do they treat?

Electroencephalogram data taken during healing sessions
patient, showed that the brains of the shaman and the patient begin to work in one
rhythm. After the session, emotional state and functioning of the immune system
the patient is improving. One day the scientists asked the shaman differently
act on test volunteers: and in some it increased
temperature, some began to feel severe dizziness, and others
began to sway in his chair without noticing it. Known from practice
situations when, after the influence of a shaman, recovery occurred.
But none of the specialists will say that it was the shaman who cured him. After all, among
He first of all singles out his patients as people who believe in his power.
From the point of view of psychotherapy, this is understandable: the placebo effect is triggered,
when the patient believes in a cure. Moreover, unlike the doctor,
the visit to which lasts 15 - 30 minutes, the shaman can conduct
with the patient for several days in the fight against illness and death...

-Are you treating?

— Usually a shaman is called upon in case of infertility or difficult childbirth. One day
a very beautiful woman could not give birth for a long time because she was sick
and even wanted to commit suicide. And I am OUTSIDE of her, WITHOUT her, that is
at a distance, he performed an operation - and she recently gave birth to her second one. When
the shaman is engaged in healing, he sees the disease as if the soul
person lost in the subtle world. He finds her and heals her.

— What is the difference between shamanism and other religions?

— When a Muslim dies, he is met in heaven by Mohammed and others
prophets When a Christian dies, he is greeted by angels. When he dies
Buddhist, he is waiting for a meeting with Buddha. And when a shamanist dies,
he will meet his ancestors.

The word "shaman" (from the Evenki word "saman" -
excited, frenzied person) was borrowed in the 17th century. Russians
among the Tungus. The highest rank of shaman - zaarin - was rare
already in the 19th century. He could rise into the air and soar above the treetops.
And the first shamans, according to ancient legends, could fly in the clouds
on their horses and performed miracles that their modern descendants
can't repeat it.

Is Shambhala located on Mount Belukha?
Altai shamans believe that Shambhala is located inside the sacred Mount Belukha (the most
the highest point in Siberia - 4506 m), but in another dimension, therefore
it can only be seen in an altered state of consciousness. And this is given
not everyone. Shamans say that for an ordinary person to set foot on Belukha
It’s impossible, because gods and spirits live there. And there is the center of the Earth,
energetically connected with the Cosmos.


Journey for the soul of the sick
"Having reached
Iron Mountain, he sees that it is covered with the whitened bones of others
shamans who did not have enough strength to reach the top. He penetrates
into the cave - the entrance to the Underworld, “the jaws of the Earth.” He sees in front of him
the sea and crosses it on a bridge the width of a hair. He sees a man
nailed to a post by the ear because during his lifetime he eavesdropped on the other side of the door;
another, a slanderer, is hanged by his tongue; the glutton is surrounded by the best dishes,
but cannot reach them. So he reaches the tent of the King of Hell and,
trying to attract his attention, she touches her
forehead with a tambourine and repeats: “Mergu!” Mergu!“ He pretends to pour wine into his tambourine and offers it to the King of Hell. He becomes kinder and agrees to give up his soul.

The session ends, the shaman takes a tambourine and beats it three times. The shaman rubs his eyes as if waking up.”

This is how George Harner, a famous researcher of shamanism, describes
the shaman's descent into hell in order to find and return home the soul

*Maniac is a special cloak made from animal skins.


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