The White House is on the warpath with Texas. The Russian Federation and Belarus are going to fight with “Veyshnoria Belarus Texas”

The most terrible wars in Belarus.

In Soviet times, propaganda called the Great Patriotic War “the most terrible war in the history of Belarusians.” This is wrong. “The worst” - in terms of human losses and demographic consequences - was the war of 1654-1667.

Although the truth about the war of 1654-1667 was hushed up in the USSR, some Belarusian historians even then tried to say at least a few words about it.

“For Belarusians this war turned out to be disastrous... The war and the accompanying famine and epidemic took half of the population to the next world: out of 2.9 million people, by 1667, 1.4 million remained alive. Never before have the Belarusian lands suffered such a terrible loss of people. The economy and culture suffered enormous damage. The most active part of the people died on the battlefields.”

This is a quote from Konstantin Tarasov’s article “The Adversary of the Darkness of Ignorance,” dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of Simeon of Polotsk and published in 1979 in the Neman magazine (No. 12, page 166).

And here is what the Belarusian historian Vladimir Orlov wrote about that war in the book “Invisible Belarus”:

“In 1654, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich started another war for the “original Russian lands.” Hiding behind words about protecting Orthodoxy from the oppression of the “damned Poles,” three huge armies totaling up to 100 thousand invaded Belarus. The royal governors Trubetskoy, Sheremetyev and the Cossack ataman Zolotarenko occupied Vitebsk, Polotsk, Orsha, Krichev, Mstislavl, Gomel, Shklov and other cities. Those who refused to capitulate and bravely defended themselves were destroyed by order of the tsar, and their population was killed or taken captive. The saddest fate awaited Mstislavl, where, as Russian historical documents testify, “more than ten thousand gentry, Lithuanians and other service people were beaten.” Rechitsa, Zhlobin, Rogachev turned into ruins. In 1655, Vilnya was occupied. All the guarantees given by Alexei Mikhailovich were that he would preserve the rights and property of the Belarusian gentry and provide Orthodox Belarusians (who refused the Union under threat of death and converted to the Moscow faith. - Author’s note) a quiet life (promises that , it must be said, had quite a significant influence on the lands bordering Russia) were forgotten. In the occupied lands, the tsarist warriors committed open robbery and violence.

In response, a massive partisan movement began, especially active in the Mstislav region (by the way, it was from that war that the world-famous Belarusian partisan tradition began)... The people's liberation movement in the occupied Belarusian lands made it possible for the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to move on to successful military operations. As a result of the Truce of Andrusovo in 1667, the Smolensk and Chernigov voivodeships went to the Russian state, but the entire north of Belarus had to be returned to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Our country emerged from that war having suffered heavy losses. Belarus was missing more than half of its inhabitants who died in battles, died of hunger, and were resettled in Russia. In absolute numbers, it looked like this: out of 2 million 900 thousand, about 1 million 350 thousand remained alive, and in the east of Belarus not even a third of the population survived. Moscow archers sold captured Belarusians into Persian slavery at Astrakhan markets for three rubles per soul.

As Gennady Saganovich, a researcher of those events, writes, the war of 1654-1667. as if it had replaced our land. Almost everything has become different: from living conditions to the national gene pool. Belarusians have almost lost their elite, citizens, and entrepreneurs. It was as a result of this war that thousands and thousands of educated and skilled Belarusians, discussed above, ended up in a foreign land, in Moscow and other Russian cities. And it was incredibly difficult for the peasant people to rise to national consolidation. It is precisely in that economic, cultural, demographic catastrophe that the origins of many national complexes and troubles of today’s Belarusians lie.”

Soviet propaganda liked to illustrate the “monstrous losses of Belarus in the Great Patriotic War” by the fact that the BSSR reached its pre-war population only 25 years later. But after the war of 1654-1667, the previous population was restored after 122 years! This alone shows what kind of war really was the most terrible in the history of Belarus.

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By the mid-1830s, the dictatorship in Mexico had brought the state to the brink of collapse. Texas was at that time part of this country, and the policies of the Mexican government forced the future American state to start a war for independence. On March 2, 1836, in the town of Washington-on-the-Brazos, the House of Representatives, consisting of 59 delegates, declared the independence of Texas. And on December 29, 1845, the republic became the 28th state - the first and only independent state directly admitted to the United States as an equal member of the union.

Despite the fact that 178 years have passed since the glorious historical date of gaining independence from Mexico, Texas does not give up attempts to gain complete freedom. Residents of the rebellious “Lone Star State” (as it was nicknamed because of the flag, on a blue field of which a single star was depicted), no, no, and they will organize a rally demanding freedom from the “occupation of Washington.”

Privileged position

Texas joined the ranks of the United States as not just a “territory”, but an independent state, and has managed to retain a number of privileges to this day.

Thus, Texas is the only state that has the right to hold a popular referendum on the issue of secession and independence. Also - and this is a point of special pride for freedom-loving Texans - only this state is allowed to fly its so-called “Lone Star Flag” at the same level as the national one. The tricolor with star became official in 1838. After the republic became part of the United States, the banner was forgotten, but in 1933 it was again given official status. Nowadays, tensions arise from time to time between those who do not recognize it and those who willingly add it to car license plates.

US law as a whole has a structure similar to that of common law. But there are also differences. One of them, a very significant one, is related to the federal structure. The states that are part of the federation are endowed with very broad powers within which they create their own legislation and their own system of case law. Thus, it can be argued that there are 51 constitutions in the United States: 50 in the states, and one federal.

The modern Texas Constitution, adopted in 1876, is considered one of the most extensive in the United States: the body of rights is longer and more detailed than the body of rights of the American state, it also includes some articles unique to Texas.

For example, the Bill of Rights, which is contained in the first part of the first article, states: "All political power lies in the people, and all free governments are founded upon the powers of them, and established for their benefit. The confidence of the people of Texas is founded on the pledge of the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation alone, the people of Texas at all times have the unalienable right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they shall think expedient.”

This provision of the Texas Constitution applies only to state government.

Over the years, the state's founding document has undergone some changes. Basically, the need for change was dictated by the cumbersomeness of the code of laws. The constitution was substantially revised in 1969. Then, for example, the provision on property rights to Spanish and Mexican lands was abolished.

By the way, the Texas court system also has a reputation as one of the most complex in the world, due to multiple layers of courts and overlapping jurisdictions.

Shots fired in Dallas

Preparations began for the 35th American president's trip to the Lone Star State in June 1963, as part of the 1964 election campaign. The Dallas newspapers on the eve of the distinguished guest's arrival were full of speculation about what the one-day visit would be like. There were reasons for concern. A little earlier, in October, Democratic politician Adlai Ewing Stevenson made an ambiguous statement in Dallas with anti-UN slogans that the city had long lost its political and economic weight. Stevenson was literally spat on by demonstrators for his words.

Against the backdrop of protest sentiments, maintaining decorum during the president's visit was especially important. Throughout November, local newspapers reported on plans to protect the head of state, emphasizing the thoroughness of the preparations, and conveyed requests from Dallas politicians that citizens not cause disturbances during the visit. The Dallas Morning News expressed tentative hope that the president would receive a "good reception" and not face demonstrations.

The fears were justified. On the eve of the head of state's visit to Dallas, anonymous leaflets appeared in the city with photographs of Kennedy in profile and full face, and the inscription "Wanted on charges of treason." As it turned out later, this was not the worst thing.

On November 22, 1963, Air Force One arrived from Houston to Dallas. As the motorcade carrying the President and First Lady passed along Elm Street, two rifle shots were fired one after the other. One of them mortally wounded Kennedy, who was in an open-top car with his wife. The preparations for Kennedy's visit were personally handled by the Governor of Texas; the route of the convoy around the city was published in one of the local newspapers two days before the visit... No one directly blamed the Texans for what happened, but conclusions were drawn. The troubled state changed the history of the entire state and earned an extra “minus” for karma in the eyes of other Americans.

By the way, in the 1960 elections, Kennedy defeated his rival Nixon in Texas because, according to political scientists, he was paired with vice-presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson, a native of Texas.

"Rise, Texas!"

In the Civil War between North and South of 1861-1865, Texas participated on the side of the southerners, thus actually opposing Washington. Rebellious sentiments persist in Texas to this day, occasionally manifesting itself in open clashes between the federal government and the local organization "Republic of Texas." The name speaks for itself. The "Republic of Texas" fights for the state's independence, arguing that after seceding from Mexico in 1836, it was illegally annexed by the United States. Thus, April 1997 was marked by a confrontation between the American authorities and the separatists. Texas police, with the support of the FBI, blocked the base of members of the organization, who, in turn, took two hostages and promised to “die, but not surrender.” Then everything was resolved with little bloodshed, but the case, as it turned out, was not the only one in the modern history of the state.

In 2004, one of the separatist leaders published a manifesto called "Rise, Texas!" after which a curious legal incident took place in a Colorado state prison. They tried to transfer one of the prisoners there to California, but he categorically refused this: he, they say, is a citizen of the sovereign republic of Texas and they have no right to transfer him. Of course, the Texan’s demands were rejected by the court, but the precedent received wide resonance.

The economic crisis of 2008-2012 shook the whole world and brought life back to life in America. According to 2009 data published by the British weekly The Economist, Texas' GDP was $1.144 trillion. Against the backdrop of economic independence, Texas reacted with hostility to the federal center’s proposals to increase the tax burden. In April 2009, Texas Governor Rick Perry accused Washington of despotism and illegal interference in the affairs of the Lone Star State. “For now, we have no reason to dissolve our union, but if Washington continues to interfere in areas that should not interest it, the outcome is not difficult to predict,” this remark of the chief executive was quoted by all world news agencies.

The politician made an emotional speech in which Perry mentioned the possibility of Texas secession from the United States in front of a large crowd that vigorously supported the criticism and chanted “Secede!” (“let’s disconnect”). A poll conducted around the same time showed that 31 percent of Texans believe that the state has the right to secede from the United States to form an independent state.

In March 2011, during the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Texas independence, the story continued: a demonstration demanding secession took place in front of the parliament building in Austin. According to the Associated Press, the reason for this was the growing US national debt. The organizer of the action was the same small but incredibly active members of the “Republic of Texas”. Both Republicans and Democrats responded to the revolutionary call. They say that even the “great and terrible” action hero, actor Chuck Noris, declared support for the separatists.

Findings that added fuel to the fire

Six flags have flown over Texas at different times: French, Spanish, Mexican, the flag of the Republic of Texas, the flag of the Confederate States of America and, finally, the USA. The Texans won their freedom in battle and since then have been tirelessly seeking confirmation of their love of freedom. In the States, the defense of Fort Alamo in 1836 is still considered an example of military courage, when the Texan garrison held off Mexican troops ten times greater for 13 days.

By the way, supporters of independence are also inspired by some interesting historical finds. So, in the early 1990s, researcher Rick McLaren discovered documents that stated that in 1861, on the eve of the American Civil War, the majority of Texas residents voted to secede from the Union of American States.

“Having discovered the documents, Rick McLaren began his social activities with a series of lawsuits, proving that Texas has the right to self-separation, then his “Republic of Texas” movement split into 3 movements, and McLaren himself in 1997 took 2 hostages at a Texas resort, demanding the authorities exchanged them for their comrades. The police siege lasted a week, and McLaren ended his struggle on a prison bunk, as did four of his associates who broke away from McLaren and did not go far - in 1998, two more fighters were imprisoned for planning assassinations on officials. persons, including then US President Bill Clinton," Vesti said in a statement.

The current "Republicans" are calmer. In 2003, their disparate parts united under the leadership of Daniel Miller. The organization relies on donations and sells independent Texas passports. They are treated calmly in Austin, as a group of historical activists.

In August 2009, Texas archaeologists dug deeper and identified the exact location where Mexican troops surrendered to separatists from the Founding Army of the Republic in 1836. After the news of the discovery in the Lone Star State, talk about independence began again - though not from Mexico, but from Washington.

Conflict with the European Union following the election results

One of the first and most high-profile international scandals involving Belarus - after the 1996 referendum - occurred in 2001, when the next presidential elections took place. Then Alexander Lukashenko showed an almost “elegant” result of 75.65% of the votes.

European observers suspected something was wrong and accused Belarusian officials of “falsifications, numerous violations and non-compliance with democratic standards.” It was from this moment that Belarusian-European relations finally deteriorated, which led to political and economic sanctions against our country.

"Quarrel" with the United States

Until 2004, Belarusian-American relations developed quite calmly, although with varying degrees of success. However, Belarusian “problems with democracy” gradually accumulated, which resulted in the famous “Belarus Democracy Act”, which was adopted by the US Congress.

– We will fight for Belarus to be freed from tyranny. Changing the regime of President Lukashenko is planned not by armed means, but with the help of international pressure, the senator said then John McCain.

Among other things, the adopted Act demanded that the Belarusian authorities release political prisoners and stop persecuting opposition politicians and independent journalists.

“Showdown” over the Union of Poles

Relations with Poland have long been among the priorities of Belarus - exactly until the moment when the Belarusian authorities struck a blow at the public association “Union of Poles in Belarus” in 2005.

The association, which was primarily concerned with supporting the Polish language and culture, found itself at the center of a scandal. The Belarusian Ministry of Justice then refused to recognize him as the head of the organization Angelique Boris, elected by delegates to the Congress of the Union of Poles in Belarus, contrary to recommendations from Minsk. As a result, with the support of Belarusian officials, an “alternative congress of Poles” of Belarus was held, which chose its leader, whom Warsaw, for obvious reasons, categorically refused to recognize.

The reluctance of the two countries to sacrifice principles led to a long “cold war” between Belarus and Poland.

Diplomatic conflict with Sweden

Following the expulsion of the American ambassador from the country in 2008, the Belarusian authorities decided to repeat this trick a couple of years later with diplomats from Sweden.

After the landing of the “plush landing,” the Belarusian Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it announced that the entire staff of the Belarusian embassy in Sweden had been recalled from this country. In turn, the Swedish side was asked to take similar measures and recall all its diplomats from Minsk.

Before this, the Swedish ambassador urgently left Minsk Stefan Eriksson, which the Belarusian authorities refused to renew its accreditation and also accused of “destructive activities.”

Trade wars with Ukraine and more

As it recently became known, the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade decided to introduce a special duty of 39.2% on a number of Belarusian goods from January 20, 2015, which will be a response to “unfriendly actions” on the part of Belarus.

In fact, this case illustrates well what has happened repeatedly in Belarusian-Ukrainian economic relations. For example, no earlier than in July, a similar dispute arose between Belarus and Ukraine when Belarusian officials introduced licenses for the supply of certain types of Ukrainian products.

There were also difficult moments between the two countries on the political plane, for example, when Lukashenko did not come to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and properly “walked through” the then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

– Unfortunately, the current leadership of Ukraine has enough lice. I'm not going to ask anyone. And I’m not going to be some kind of singer either,” the head of the Belarusian state said then.

Long-standing “friendship” with Russia

Surprisingly, Belarus manages best to quarrel with “brotherly Russia.” Suffice it to recall the regular gas, milk and other food wars, as well as information wars with shows about the head of Belarus. Or the potash conflict with the arrest of the Russian. Even Belarus’ position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict last year made our eastern neighbors seriously nervous.

Well, as they say at harsh Belarusian weddings, the main thing is that there is no stabbing.

Military exercises will be held in the United States, the legend of which shocked the population of the country. According to it, during the maneuvers the American military will “fight” ... with the state of Texas, which in this case is the main enemy of the United States, reports the German publication “Deutsche wirtschafts nachrichten” (German Economic News).

The US military will conduct large-scale exercises in various US states from July 15 to September 15, 2015. They will simulate combat operations in the environment of various states that are marked as “hostile”, “generous”, “unsafe with a tendency towards hostility”, “unsafe with a tendency towards friendship." National Guard troops have already been deployed in California.

The state of Texas plays the role of the main enemy of the United States in the exercises. More than 1,200 American soldiers are participating in the exercise. This is the so-called Green Berets, Navy SEALs, US Air Force, National Guard and others.

That is, in the legend of the exercises, American military leaders retreated from the traditional “color identification of the parties” (“green” versus “blue”) or from the designation of some abstract “enemy state”, appointing their own state as an “adversary”, and even one in which the relationship towards Washington and the “federals” in general has always been ambiguous.

Some experts see the main idea in this legend as opposition to separatism and “hybrid war” in Eastern European countries, such as Ukraine or the Baltic states, pointing out that the organizers of the maneuvers sought to simulate the complex administrative and ethnic division of several small states.

However, a significant part of US civil society sees what is happening somewhat differently. They believe that the federal authorities are preparing to suppress unrest in a possible civil war in their country, which could arise if the US government attempts to replace the federal model with a de facto unitary one, and limit a number of freedoms and rights of both Americans and states, as sovereign formations.

It should be noted that in Texas and a number of southern states that made up the Confederacy during the war, there is a strong distrust of Washington, which, in their opinion, is building a fascist police state, encroaching on the constitutional structure of the country laid down by the Founding Fathers.

In addition, these regions have very strong religious traditions that are hostile to the liberal “innovations” introduced by Obama and his predecessors, such as homosexual “marriage” and the legalization of marijuana.

In these states, the positions of the “civil militia” or Minutemen, voluntary associations of armed citizens who consider it their duty to protect the American Constitution, traditional values ​​and Christianity, are very strong. And the news of the impending “war with Texas” worried them very much.

One can also add that a number of “confederate” associations have great sympathy for the fighting Donbass, seeing in this some analogy with the Civil War in the United States (fortunately, the battle flag of Novorossiya is very similar to the banner of the Confederacy). Not long ago, rallies and pickets took place in a number of southern states in support of Novorossiya and against Obama’s policies in Ukraine.

In Texas itself, which entered the United States as an independent state, separatist sentiments were always present. To this we can add that a significant part of the Spanish-speaking population dreams of creating “Atzlana” - the country of the Aztecs, which should include all the states that were taken by the United States from Mexico. In this sense, they consider their resettlement beyond the Rio Grande, to the territory of the invader, as the beginning of a reconquista.

It should be noted that dreams of “Atzlan” are becoming almost the “official” ideology of the developing alliance of Mexican drug cartels, nationalists and ultra-left associations. There is a fear in the United States that as Russia strengthens its position on the continent and its military bases appear, this trend could be exploited by Moscow, and a “hybrid war” will begin in their own South. It is clear that all these fears are based solely on the delusional fantasies of American strategists and analysts.

There is no need to be surprised - the United States, under the leadership of a black liberal, is rapidly moving into the era of Forrestal and McCarthy. The White House is frightening its own citizens with paranoia.

30.03.2016 20:27

After a meeting with a representative of the US Department of Defense, Lukashenko said that Belarus would not fight for its allies outside the country.

Belarus is committed to allied obligations in the military sphere, but will not fight on the territory of another country, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in Minsk on Wednesday.

“You must understand that just as you are allies of the North Atlantic Alliance, we are also in an alliance with Russia and a number of other post-Soviet states, meaning the CSTO. We also do not hide our position in the CSTO, it is simple: whatever then (of the allies - ed.) interests beyond their (borders - ed.) borders, we will never fight on foreign territory," Lukashenko said during a meeting with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Michael Carpenter.

The President emphasized that Minsk is building a defensive policy. "If someone tries to fight with us, we will defend ourselves and fulfill allied obligations with Russia, but only on this piece of land", he said. According to Lukashenko, the main thing for the country is to protect the integrity and sovereignty of the country, to resist any threats, no matter where they come from.

He stated that Minsk is ready “to discuss any problems and cooperate with the United States, not only because it is a global player.” According to the president, Belarusian society treats Americans well, despite the “recent confrontation and sanctions.”

“We don’t hide anything. If new weapons appear, we speak directly and demonstrate them, but not in order to scare anyone. We want our partners to clearly understand what is happening. Our military doctrine is exclusively defensive, we never attack anyone We will attack, we will not use weapons against other countries,” Lukashenko emphasized.

On August 27 last year I wrote a comment: “I have vague doubts... We will not receive any help from Lukashenko in the event of a war with NATO. He will “rest in Belarus” - he simply will not give the go-ahead for our actions from his territory in exchange for NATO’s promise not to touch him personally. This is very beneficial for NATO - the task of unblocking Kaliningrad in this case becomes tenfold more difficult for us, of course. "

Yes, it’s a shame to guess such things. It's really better to be wrong. But alas. However, the mustache has finally come off, when Lukashenko spat on the agreements with Shoigu and canceled his own permission to locate our air base on the territory of Belarus.

Well, here in plain text - don’t touch us, fight with Russia as much as you want, we, of course, are allies with the Russians, but we won’t interfere and you don’t have to fear a retaliatory strike from our territory.

This is the snake Mother Russia warmed on her chest. The worst thing is that there is no one to replace him - the whole clearing there has long been cleared, and the opposition consists of the same degenerate Russophobes as the horses from the Maidan. Unless they organize a military coup there... In general, this is a problem that Russia will have to somehow solve.

What kind of nonsense is “Old Man” talking about?! For example, someone invaded Belarus, and Russia went and said: “We are bound by the CSTO treaty, but excuse me, we will not fight on your territory!” How do you like that, dear Bulbashi?!

Convenient position. None of Belarus' neighbors threatens it - why fight?
It is in other CIS countries that wars are likely - let others fight. Let Russia fight - it is big and it is responsible for order. Let NATO fight for some ideas of freedom and democracy and spend money on weapons.
Belarusians will save money and their lives.

However, Ukrainians also thought so before the Maidan. Is a color revolution impossible in Belarus?



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