Traffic tickets Traffic tickets Traffic rules program

The presented traffic rules tickets allow you to test your own knowledge of the rules traffic, as well as increase the chances of successfully passing the traffic police exam. As in the state automobile inspection, you will need to answer 20 questions, and you can make no more than two mistakes, and the time to answer is 20 minutes. Thanks to these tickets, you will have a real opportunity to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming exam on your knowledge of traffic rules.

As practice shows, in order to increase your chances of passing the theoretical part, it would be good to answer 5 tickets in a row correctly, without a single mistake. In most cases, future drivers were 90% guaranteed a successful pass due to the fact that they fulfilled this unspoken condition. Not everyone knows about this feature, so we highly recommend training yourself with the help of our tickets and questions.

During the traffic police exam, the program selects 20 questions from 40 tickets and asks them to the person in order. The peculiarity is that the 2015 traffic rules exam tickets are selected in random order, which means there is no way to calculate or predict which question will be asked in the exam. To feel confident, it is very important to go through the entire exam on our website several times and remember the correct answers to a variety of questions. Please note that the content of our traffic tickets is 100% consistent with those offered during the traffic police exam.

  • This is a good opportunity to test your own knowledge of traffic rules;
  • The content of each ticket and question is fully consistent with what is offered to the person taking the exam;
  • The conditions for passing the 2015 traffic rules examination tickets are 100% identical to the conditions of the real test of the theoretical test;
  • Training and repetition can improve visual memory, and this makes it possible to feel calmer during the traffic police exam.

You can download the 2015 traffic rules exam tickets on our website and fully prepare yourself to successfully pass the exam.

– an application from the name of which it becomes clear what the content will be. This version of the program contains all the latest changes and signs that were introduced in 2015. If you actively use a car, then you will need an application like this to keep up with the latest innovations and know how things are going with fines. Even if you don't have a car or the right to drive vehicle, then it’s still worth learning the latest rules, because many of the introduced ones apply to cyclists and pedestrians. After all, they are also participants in the movement, so getting to know them will always be beneficial.

As you can see from the screenshots, the application is built as follows. There is a main menu that contains all the main features of the program. Here you can read the rules of the road, get acquainted with new signs and laws. There is also an interesting help section that contains many useful information. After you familiarize yourself with the rules, you can safely begin training. All these sections will be able to prepare you for the upcoming traffic police exam or simply refresh your knowledge if you have a license, but you, as a conscientious citizen, decided to do it.

In the exam section, everything is structured as in a real inspection exam. In other words, the number of questions and possible mistakes can prepare you mentally for such an event. Anyone who decides to go to study for a driver's license should familiarize themselves with these rules and pass the exams in the program. After all, here you can do this an infinite number of times, so do not hesitate to use the program for its intended purpose.

Exam tickets for traffic rules 2018 (BC) - a program with official tickets for traffic rules 2018 for quick learning and passing the theoretical exam of the traffic police for the rights of categories “BC” and subcategories “B1” and “C1”.

When developing the program, the official traffic tickets 2018 BC were taken as a basis.

There are two modes available in the program:

  • Training mode. Exam questions can be studied both by ticket (40 tickets of 20 questions each) and by topic. IN this mode If the answer is incorrect, the program will report this and offer to look at the commentary on the question. It is very convenient to display miniatures of road signs and markings immediately in the comment window, as well as quickly move to the required traffic rules item.
  • Examination mode. You are given 20 minutes of time. There are 4 thematic blocks. Each block contains 5 questions. Questions are generated randomly. You cannot make more than two mistakes. You should also not make two mistakes in one thematic block. If one mistake is made in one thematic block, the system will add 5 additional questions on the relevant topic and 5 minutes of additional time for the exam. Once the allotted time has passed or all questions have been answered, the exam ends. You can view the detailed exam result (time spent, number of errors, explanation for each error).

A significant advantage is the ability to generate a detailed report after the exam in PDF format.

If the program Examination tickets of traffic rules 2018 is downloaded, but not registered, then there are some restrictions:

  • In practice mode, only 5 tickets are available.
  • Examination time is limited to one minute.



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