Dragobrat is a high-mountain ski resort in Ukraine. Open left menu dragobrat Yasinya dragobrat distance

Provides consistently high demand for consistently inexpensive and fairly comfortable housing. In addition, there are places for skiing in Yasin! True, the length of the slopes and the slight difference in altitude will satisfy only beginners - lovers of skis and boards will probably find it a little boring on the Yasinya slopes.


You can ski from Mount Kostyrivka (located in the center of the village) - the length of the local track is 400 meters, the height difference is 70 meters, the width of the track is 200 meters.

The second route is 2.5 km away from the center: it is located in the Mlaki tract, has a length of 800 meters, and the elevation difference is 150 meters.

There are drag lifts on both routes: 400 and 800 meters respectively.

Usually, there are no queues for the lifts. In high season you will have to wait no more than 10 minutes.

There is no night skiing.

Ski holidays in Dragobrat

Thanks to its favorable location, snow in Dragobrat can last until mid-May! The ski resort is located at an altitude of 1400 meters near the Stig and Bliznecy mountains, on the Svidovetsky ridge. It has 5 steep black slopes, and on snowcats you can climb even higher - for freeride (the longest descent is 3 km of happiness, free of beginners on the slopes!).

If you plan to live in Yasin and ride in Dragobrat, keep in mind that from the village. to the resort - 12 kilometers of mountain road, which can only be overcome by a 4X4 car with a ground clearance of at least 20 cm. The road from the highway to the resort is a soil serpentine, which is often covered with snow, in some places covered with ice, in some places covered with UAZ vehicles to conditions of impassable mud. This is not intimidation so that you leave your cars in paid parking lots below and change to a taxi or the same UAZs. This is a warning: there really is no place for passenger city cars. It’s also not a place for drivers who will be negotiating such slopes for the first time in their lives. Your safety and the safety of your passengers is paramount!

The road to the Dragobrat resort, author Vasily Oniskiv

In Yasin there are enough ski equipment rental points that meet all requirements: be it quality or budget. There are first aid stations, grocery stores - in general, everything that can satisfy any whim: billiards, saunas, baths and even Hutsul vats (a unique water procedure, by the way).

The vats are located in the open air, heated from below, and can accommodate from 2 to 6 people, depending on the size of both the vat itself and the “size” of its visitors. They offer swimming in clean spring water, heated enough to take baths in the open air in winter.

Before ordering such a procedure, we recommend that you carefully read the conditions that the owners of the bath can offer and learn more about the effect that such a hot bath can have on the body. Let us warn you right away: not everyone may like it.

In order not to waste either your time or the time of the owners, it is better to play it safe.

By the way, it takes at least 2.5 hours to prepare one such vat - to kindle the fireplace to heat the water, which consumes up to 1200 liters at a time. The working depth of the vats, as a rule, is 70 cm. Sitting chest-deep in the water is quite comfortable - your shoulders and head do not freeze in the cold.

The Hutsul vat is not just entertainment. It has a healing effect: strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, stimulates the functions of the thyroid gland, and restores skin elasticity.

Strukovskaya Church (Church of the Ascension)

The Strukov Church stands in the same place where, according to legend, it was erected by the founder of Yasinya, Ivan Struk. The rapid arrival of winter forced him to leave the sheep on this side of the river: he could not lead the flock home due to weather conditions and, in order to save himself, he decided to build a sheepfold out of ash.

Returning in the spring, Struk was surprised: the sheep not only survived the winter, but also gave birth! As a token of gratitude to God, Ivan erected a wooden church here, named after his last name - Strukovskaya.

On the Yasini coat of arms we see the ash tree from which the sheepfold was built, the shepherd Struk and his flock.

The Strukov Church is considered one of the best wooden churches in Western Ukraine - it is a perfect example of the Hutsul tradition of wood construction. By the way, it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Trufanets Waterfall

Along the highway from Yasin to Kvasy, in a few minutes you can reach the Trufanets waterfall - a 5-cascade beauty 36 meters high rumbles right next to the road. A gazebo has been erected here over the stream - there is a place to relax in the shade and admire the falling water. But there is no place where to leave the car - the car will have to be “parked” on the road with the hazard lights on.

Visiting the waterfall is free.


Dragobrat is considered the highest among Ukrainian ski resorts.

This site lies in an area where alpine meadows and dense coniferous forests meet at an altitude of 1,400 m.

The sufficient height of the Bliznitsa mountain range, where the resort is located, provides excellent natural snow cover.

The unique mountainous terrain and significant snow layer on Dragobrat create an unsurpassed atmosphere and conditions for extreme skiing.


For 7 months, starting from November, there is natural snow cover in Dragobrat. This is possible due to the special location of the Svidovets ridge, which has the shape of a crescent.

Ski features of the resort

  • number of tracks – 20 (with varying levels of difficulty);
  • total length of tracks – 10 km;
  • length of tracks – from 300 to 2000 m;
  • number of lifts – 10, of which 5 are drag lifts, 5 are multi-lifts, 2 are chair lifts, double lifts;
  • extensive extreme skiing and freeride area; heli-skiing;
  • there is a snow park and a freestyle stadium;
  • possibility of paragliding;
  • sleigh rides, “snow pillows”;
  • there are several medical stations;
  • availability of a ski and snowboard school with professional instructors;
  • rental points for ski equipment and equipment;
  • the nearest gas station is 10 km from Dragobrat in the village of Yasinya;
  • There is no parking on the territory of Dragobrat. The nearest parking is in Yasiny.

Dragobrat's lifting mechanisms operate from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The lines will take 12-15 minutes.

  • “Dragobrat 1” - length 1 km;
  • "Dragobrat 2" - length 1 km;
  • "Oaza" - 800 m;
  • “Top of the Carpathians” - 800 m;
  • "Ringer" - 250 m.

Chair lifts:

  • “Top of the Carpathians” with a length of 1.5 km;
  • “Carpathian Seagull” with a length of 1.2 km.


  • 2 elevators belong to the Dragobrat base. Their lengths are 250 and 100 m;
  • 1 elevator – at the Edelweiss base with a length of 250 m;
  • 1 elevator is the property of the Oaza Hotel (280 m).

About skiing and other services

The recreation area has a large number of trails for any tourist, whether he is a pro or a beginner. The resort organization strictly monitors the quality of the slopes and jumps.

Snowboard parks are well equipped with different designs for freestyle and tricks.

More than anything else, the Dragobrat ski resort is a magnet for extreme sports and risk-taking athletes.

The resort is used not only for skiing on virgin snow, but excursions to the hard-to-reach mountainous regions of the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine will also raise your adrenaline.

Guides take guests to the almost 2-kilometer height of the Gendarmes 1 and Gendarmes 2 peaks.

You can go into the depths of the picturesque Gemini mountain range or climb Mount Stog, 1,707 m high.

You can get to these places on foot, by all-terrain vehicle or by helicopter. In Dragobrat, for such cases there is a special snowcat with a passenger cabin. It's called a snooket.

The helicopter is used by heli-skiing enthusiasts to deliver them to the top and further descent through the unsurpassed virgin Carpathian snow. The length of such an “imaginary route” is about 5 km.

Ski instructors

At the ski school, tourists who do not know how to ski or snowboard at all will be greeted kindly by ski instructors. Improving existing skills is also possible.

Of course, freeride skating trainings are held here regularly. To do this you need to take equipment with you. Teachers can teach those interested in sports skiing or carving skiing techniques.

Entertainment services and Après-Ski, meals

Local evening entertainment includes:

  • bath;
  • sauna;
  • entertainment room with billiards, table tennis and hockey; TV, air hockey;
  • snow football;
  • karaoke bar;
  • internet room;
  • disco, which is the highest in Ukraine;
  • riding snowmobiles, ATVs, sleighs and “pillows”;
  • the international freeride competition “Freeride Fest” is held in Dragobrat;
  • you can visit “Planet – Dragobrat” - an annual May festival;
  • children's board games;
  • sledding with children;
  • educational children's slides.

As for food, to satisfy visiting tourists on the territory of Dragobrat there are several restaurants, cafes, and kolybas with a variety of European, Russian and Hutsul cuisine.

Prices for a main course average 40 UAH.

At one of the tops of the ridge there is a cafe called “Chicken House”, where they prepare warm drinks (mulled wine, coffee, herbal tea), shish kebab, grill, etc.

Prices for ski-pass passes

The cost of ski passes in Dragobrat is presented as follows:

Number of lifts

Subscription price (UAH)

Bugeli Dragobrat 1, Dragobrat 2, (weekdays/weekends)

Armchair “Carpathian Seagull” (on weekdays/weekends)

Chair “Top of the Carpathians” (on weekdays/weekends)

Bugel "Oaza"

On a note! Equipment rental service: for 1 day – 75 UAH on weekdays and 100 UAH on weekends.

We would like to note that all prices are for the 2015-2016 season and are subject to change.


The ski center welcomes tourists with great cordiality and tries to create the most comfortable stay possible. It is not difficult to choose a room in accordance with “economy-convenience”.

So, in Dragobrat there are 2 sectors for living: hotel and private.

In the first case, prices for a single room per day start from 100 UAH. If you rent a house from the private sector, the minimum price will be 150 UAH per day, including meals.

The most popular Dragobrat hotels and minimum room rates:

Hotel name and minimum price in UAH.

  • "Adrenaline" - 500;
  • "Big Dipper" - 360;
  • “Top of the Carpathians” - 240;
  • "Dobosh" - 350;
  • "Dragobrat" - 540;
  • “Crane (junior)” - 400;
  • “Crane (senior)” - 400;
  • "Krayvid" - 70;
  • “Flint” - 300;
  • "Crocus" - 400;
  • "Kushavel" - 350;
  • "Marika" - 544;
  • "Oaza" - 500;
  • "Peak" - 200;
  • "Polonina" - 240;
  • “Prolisok (Zvizdaryuk’s Hut)” - 300;
  • "Robert" - 300;
  • "Santara" - 220;
  • “Fairy Tale of the Carpathians” - 240;
  • "Smerichka" - 400;
  • “The Snow Queen” - 400;
  • “Snowy Peaks” - 400;
  • "Stupar" - 500;
  • "Trembita" - 500;
  • “At the bell ringer” - 200;
  • "Kalina" - 200.

In the private sector, tourists speak with warmth and satisfaction about the following residential properties:

  1. “Smerekovaya hut at Ivan and Nelya” (price – from 150 UAH);
  2. “At Stepan’s” (price – from 220 UAH);
  3. “At Slavik’s” (price – from 200 UAH);
  4. “House of Zvizdaryuk” (price – from 180 UAH).

Dragobrat belongs to the Rakhiv district of the Transcarpathian region. The nearest village to it is “Yasinya” - 17 km away.

It is best to land at the airports of Kyiv or Lviv - the route is the simplest and most convenient.

You can get to Dragobrat by train, car, SUV taxi, or transfer.


From Lviv there is a train “606P Lviv-Rakhov”. Trains “457Ш Kyiv-Rakhov” and “43Ш Kyiv-Ivano-Frankivsk” depart from the capital.

"Rakhiv" trains will take you to "Yasin".

Private minibuses travel from Ivano-Frankivsk towards the resort. Ticket price – about 70 UAH. The minibus goes to the village of Yasinya.

There is a transfer method: take a bus to the village of Yaremche, then transfer to the next transport to Yasinya.

By car from Kyiv you can get to the base at the following route points:

  1. Zhytomyr;
  2. Smooth;
  3. Dubno;
  4. Kremenets;
  5. Ternopil;
  6. Bucha;
  7. Monastyrisk;
  8. Ivano-Frankivsk;
  9. Nadvirnaya;
  10. Yaremche;
  11. Yablunitsa;
  12. Yasinya.

There is also an alternative route. It is important to find a good quality road, this is a problem in Ukraine.

If you depart from Lviv:

  1. Bibyrka;
  2. Rohatyn;
  3. Burshtyn;
  4. Galich;
  5. Ivano-Frankivsk;
  6. Nadvirnaya;
  7. Yaremche;
  8. Yablunitsa;
  9. Yasinya.


This option is the most comfortable and reliable. You can call a transfer car from Yasinya to the resort or on the route “Yasinya – Ivano-Frankivsk” by phone numbers:

  • 097 21 87 874 – driver Ruslan;
  • 067 905 30 67 –Ivan;
  • 097 229 42 26 –Yuri.

But please note that phone numbers may change, we are not able to track when this happens. They are current as of November 2015.

Travel reviews

Mikhail, Kyiv.

“There is a lot of snow in Dragobrat. The quality of piste maintenance is poor. Often we had to fall into snowdrifts formed by snowcats. Although the poor condition of the tracks may have been due to overnight snowfalls.”

Konstantin, Kamenets-Podolsky.

“For freeriders, this is a great place! Thick snow layer, picturesque Carpathians and a lot of adrenaline! Although some slopes with tracks sometimes resemble virgin snow.”

Elena, Lvov.

“There are enough ski slopes to keep you from getting bored. The most significant advantage was the landscapes: forest and mountain. I liked climbing on snowcats to the top of the slopes and descending on virgin snow.

The lifts are not new, some are from Soviet times. But the mechanisms work properly.”

Andrey, Dnepropetrovsk.

“Unfortunately, there was terrible weather: hurricane winds, snowfall. But, the strangest thing is that the base of the route did not close. Although this is a violation of safety rules. This was alarming.

For example, in such weather the roads were closed.

Some “close-minded” tourists managed to go out onto the slopes in such weather.”

Oleg, Belgorod.

“It was my first time, I mostly visited. But here the prices are affordable. For example, we didn’t know where to spend the remaining hryvnia.”

Alexandra, Kyiv.

“There are many students among the audience. Probably because the price system also includes budget holidays. But it’s worth saying that there is a direct relationship between quality and price.”

Oleg, Ivano-Frankivsk.

“If you want good living conditions and service, then book a room in advance and don’t be fooled by the cheapness of some hotels. The higher the cost, the better the service. Another important piece of advice is to pay closer attention to the booking process and the entry of your name into the database when making an advance payment.”

Yana, Kharkov.

“Tourists and many employees directly associated with the services of the ski destination were friendly, sociable and responsive. For example, the rental employees helped me repair my skis for free. But among hotel administration workers such “heartfelt guys” are very rare.”

Yuri, Krivoy Rog.

“There were problems when purchasing ski passes. Sometimes workers in cafes, rental shops and at ski lift ticket offices inflate prices.”

Galina, Lutsk.

“We came across different types of accommodation during the 2 rounds in Dragobrat. Here you need to focus on the opinions of tourists who were there. There are cheap hotels with decent, high-quality service. The organizers try to take into account all the guest’s requirements. In some, even at high prices, the service is disgusting.”

Andrey, Chernigov.

“Of the places of residence, I can highlight the estate “At Stepan’s”.

Mini-hotel "Kalina", private estate "Zhuravel", hotels "Shovkova Kosytsa", "White Edelweiss".

Tourists at the resort especially highlight “Kalina” (https://kalina.com.ua/). We met a company coming to the resort for the 6th time! They always stayed only at this hotel.”

Gennady, Kherson.

“As a leisure activity, I note the bathhouse and sauna - they are especially beautiful, especially after a long ride in the cold. The kolyba dishes turned out to be delicious. The disco was also pretty good. In general, you can spend an exciting evening.”

Dasha, Zaporozhye.


The winter resort of Dragobrat is located at the foot of the tall Mount Stig (1700 meters above sea level). The mountain is one of the highest in Ukraine. And it is here, on the slopes of the mountain, that a good and fairly inexpensive ski resort is organized.

This winter one is located just a few hours drive from Ivano-Frankivsk, in the Dragobrat valley of the same name. Due to the peculiarities of the mountain climate, there is always plenty of snow on the slopes of the resort, almost 5 months a year. Starting from mid-November, the resort is fully open to everyone.

It is worth noting that getting to it is a little problematic, the resort is not promoted like “Bukovel”, there is no established infrastructure, therefore only antediluvian transport runs to it, those same private owners. So, from Ivano-Frankivsk by minibus or regular bus, first to the town of Yaremcha, then to the foot of Mount Stig. And at the foot will be waiting for you an incomprehensible-looking, semi-handmade car (either GAZ, or UAZ), with a not particularly comfortable seven-seater kung. Although the transport looks unsightly, it is the only way to get to the top.

Other vehicles (even vaunted SUVs) will not be able to cover a third of the distance. Therefore, I would like to warn those who still try to get there by personal transport - it still won’t work. At best, burn out the clutch and block the passage with your car. And the road - oh, how difficult and dangerous.

The price of travel in a “seven-seater handicraft monster” is from 300 to 350 UAH. The road up is somewhat similar to the Crimean serpentine, but an order of magnitude more dangerous. You look, outside the window there is magnificent Carpathian nature with tall spruce trees (called smereks in the Carpathians), and under the wheels wrapped in chains there is a narrow, icy dirt road, passing over rather deep cliffs. Beautiful and scary. Mixed feelings.

Having reached the top, there was a stupor. There is a stunning view of pristine nature, your heart skips a beat from the beauty around you. And the air is healing and smells of fir trees.

So, all fears were instantly forgotten, and we went to check into the previously booked hotel “Hata Magnata”, in my opinion.

Most of the camping-type hotels are made in the Carpathian style - wooden log houses. The living conditions are wonderful. Decent, cozy rooms with all amenities (bathroom, shower). The staff speaks interestingly. A mixture of the Magyar language with Ukrainian and a little Russian. From the beginning, some words were simply not understandable, but after 2-3 days of communication, everyone and everything was understood. Brothers Slavs after all. The price for a camping room ranges from 150 UAH. per day per person. The price includes two meals a day. Our campsite was located a little away from the main buildings; of course, we could have rented a room closer, but the price was getting too expensive. The closer to the highways, the more expensive the room (from 300 UAH).

The ski trails open in the morning, at about 9 o’clock, but are poorly equipped compared to Bukovel. At night, the slopes do not work, there is no lighting. At the top there is one single spotlight and that one is just for beauty. And at the same time, the tracks are very interesting, both for beginners and professionals.

There are enough slopes for people with different skill levels. Even several children's and slopes for training with an instructor. One hour of lessons with an instructor 150 UAH. For those who don’t know how to ride at all, it’s better to use the services of an instructor, you’ll be healthier.

There are 7 different ski lifts at the ski resort, the fare is 15 UAH.

It can be done cheaper; they sell passes for various types of ski lifts. In comparison with Bukovel, the services are the same and the price is half the price. The same applies to equipment rental. You can, of course, equip yourself at the hotel at your place of residence, but these services are more expensive than at rental points. Rental price for ski equipment is 80 UAH. per day, snowboard 100 UAH.

There is also a lot of outright stupidity at the resort. The instructor's house is right next to the ski lift, right opposite the descent from the mountain. And behind the house the descent continues. In order to ride completely, like a breeze, you need to be a fairly strong professional (no joke, maneuver at speed and go around the house). There wasn't a day when some dashing extreme skier didn't crash into this house.

And the first aid station here is just for show, just according to the instructions. In it sits a graduate of a medical college, who understands bruises like an “elephant in oranges.” The first aid station has analgin and activated carbon, nothing else. All from personal experience - I fell on the descent myself.

The ski resort has a good entertainment industry. Lots of bars, restaurants, several nightclubs with a good music program. There is a good disco, located almost at the peak of the mountain, but we went there, we had enough entertainment below.

The design of the entertainment facilities is stunning, made in the national Hutsul style. And the cuisine in cafes is mostly national. “Awesome” first courses, especially soup with dumplings flavored with something national, banosh for the main course, potato pancakes and, of course, liqueur infused with berries and herbs. Delicious. The price is excellent, a full dinner up to 50 UAH.

Bukovel never dreamed of this with its pathos and “show-offs” for the rich.

The resort is lovely. I liked almost everything. Stunningly beautiful nature. The air is clean, the service and comfort are at the same level, and the prices are simply amazing.

Is the answer helpful?

The answer to the question “is it worth going to Dragobrat” is obvious, and the answer is yes. There are many factors that speak for themselves, and now I will try to list them.

Firstly, one of the main factors is that this is the highest ski resort in Ukraine. Yes, yes, not Bukovel, as many believe, but Dragobrat.

Secondly - the price. Prices here are much lower than, for example, in Bukovel. One of the factors that influenced this was that the road from the village of Yasinya to Dragobrat is not easy, and you can only get there by rented UAZ vehicles with chains on the wheels, and similar all-wheel drive vehicles. In Yasiny you can leave your car in a paid parking lot for a nominal sum. There is only a chance to search for your car for a long time if there has been good snow.

There were cases when tourists in sedans tried to drive there on their own, and successfully got stuck without getting halfway there. Therefore, on Dragobrat there are no huge queues for the ski lifts, which is also an integral factor when choosing a ski resort in Ukraine.

The next point is the price. Prices here are not exorbitant, both for housing and for ski lifts. There is a choice: cheaper - a 40-minute walk to the ski lift, and more expensive - you leave the hotel and get on the ski lift. About the weather. Personally, I’ve been to Dragobrat three times, and the weather has never let me down, the snow is always fluffy and the sun is shining. There are small educational slides for children, there are difficult ones for more experienced ones, and there are also Christmas trees where very brave and fearless skiers and snowboarders can go.

Equipment rental is available in every hotel, there is always enough of everything.

The food in absolutely all cafes is very tasty. There is one establishment, halfway to the top, from there there is a magnificent view of the entire Dragobrat tract.

Below, near the ski lifts, there are cafes where you can buy delicious mulled wine and snack on a waffle cake with condensed milk.

The only negative that I have never paid attention to is the lack of snow cannons. Maybe for some it is important, but for me it is not important.

It's up to you to decide, but my advice is that you should go to Dragobrat without hesitation.

You can get to Dragobrat by several means of transport. If you look below at the location of Dragobrat on the map of Ukraine, you can see that it is located in the western part of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region. Near Dragobrat there are such famous ski resorts as Bukovel, Yablunitsa, Vorokhta. Dragobrat itself is not a populated area. It is not on the map of villages or in the weather forecast. Dragobrat is a tract, an area located at an elevation of about 1400-1700m above sea level. The closest settlement to Dragobrat is the village of Yasinya, located at its foot. Therefore, first we will need to get to the village of Yasinya. The cities closest to the village of Yasinya, from which it is convenient to get there, are Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi.

We are going to Ivano-Frankivsk

1. The simplest and cheapest form of transport is the railway. It is best to go by train to Ivano-Frankivsk, which is closest to Dragobrat. If you don’t have tickets to Ivano-Frankivsk, you can get to Lviv, and from there you can go towards Ivano-Frankovsk or Yasinya. The main departure stations to Ivano-Frankivsk: Kyiv, Moscow, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernivtsi, Odessa, Kovel.

Recently, a direct train Kyiv-Rakhiv was launched from Kyiv, which passes through Ivano-Frankivsk and the village of Yasinya. A very convenient option with no transfers. If your city is not on the list, then you need to get to Kyiv, and then go from Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk. There are as many as 3 trains running from Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk.

2 . It is still possible to get there by your own transport, especially if you have your own equipment. However, I want to warn you right away that from the village of Yasinya it will be possible to climb the mountain only with all-terrain vehicles (UAZ and GAZ-66), which have a high lift, 4 driving wheels, and chains on the wheels. Therefore, it is better not to risk your car and leave it in the parking lot in Yasiny, and they will take you upstairs in special transport. Look for the best route to take in your car on the Internet, especially on forums. Experienced people who have traveled more than once share their impressions.

3. If you need to quickly get to Ivano-Frankivsk, then a plane will help you. Travel time is from half an hour to an hour and a half depending on the distance. Departure from Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Moscow.

Road Ivano-Frankivsk - Yasinya

After arriving at the Ivano-Frankivsk railway station, you need to decide how you will move further towards Yasinya. It all depends on your wallet and time. If you need to leave urgently, then we catch a taxi at the exit from the station directly to Yasin. If you have a car for 16-18 people and the required number of people, you can negotiate a normal price.

If this option is expensive, then you can take a shuttle bus. Travel time is about 2.5 hours at a price of 50-55 UAH. per person. When exiting the railway station, about 200 meters away, you can see the bus station on the left side.

Minibuses and Bogdans depart here. However, there is no direct bus to Yasinya. You can go to Yaremche, and then change to a bus to Yasinya. If you want, you can take a direct bus to Yasinya, but it leaves from the AS-2 bus station (Gorbachevskogo St., 14), which is located at a decent distance from the railway station and you still need to get to it in 30-40 minutes by minibus or Taxi. Bus departure times from AC-2 station:
  • 07:45 Ivano-Frankivsk - Rakhiv,
  • 09:35 Ivano-Frankivsk - Yasinya,
  • 12:35 Podvolochysk - Rakhiv,
  • 14:20 Ivano-Frankivsk - Rakhiv,
  • 14:40 Ivano-Frankivsk - Solotvyno,
  • 16:30 Ivano-Frankivsk - Rakhiv,
  • 18:00 Ivano-Frankivsk - Solotvyno.
All these buses pass through Yasinya.

There is another option to travel by train (diesel) Lviv-Rakhiv on a narrow-gauge railway to the Yasinya station. The travel time is of course longer, but the price is cheaper. The train departs from Ivano-Frankivsk at 19-07 and arrives in Yasinya at 22-33.

You can arrange a transfer with the hotel owners in advance and they will be waiting for you at the station when the train arrives.

Ascent from Yasini to Dragobrat

Having arrived in the village of Yasinya, the further journey up the mountain will continue in special vehicles like bobbies, GAZ-66, and tablets. Parking for these cars is located in several places in the village. For those who came by car, immediately after the turn to Dragobrat (indicated on the map below), driving a little towards the ascent, there is a parking lot where you can leave your car, and next to it there are cars that take you up the mountain.

The next location is located right next to the bus station in the center of the village. Here you can see cars from different sides of the bus station. If you walk not far from the bus station along the road towards Lazershchina (where you came from), then immediately after the bridge on the left side there will be another car collection point. The cost of climbing up in 2015 was 300 UAH on UAZ. from a car (4 people), on a tablet - 350 UAH. from a car (8-9 people), for a GAZ-66 550-600 UAH. (15-18 people). We agree with the driver and hit the road. Travel time 40-60 minutes.

How to get there

The Dragobrat ski resort is unique in that an ordinary passenger car cannot get there. Local residents decided to make extra money at this ski resort property. And they take skiers to the top in their UAZs. This pleasure costs a lot - a 4-seater car will cost you 200 UAH (2012 price). There is a UAZ Bukhanka - probably up to 8 people can fit there - although the car will cost more.
And so first you need to get to the village of Yasinya (either by car, or by train to Ivano-Frankivsk, and then by minibus to Yasinya). In the village of Yasinya, finding a UAZ is not a problem.
On practice.
It was mid-March. We decided to go to Dragobrat to form our opinion about the highest ski resort in Ukraine. For reference, Mount Stog, at the foot of which Dragobrat is located and which is accessible by a chairlift, is 1707 meters high.
We drove to Yasinya by car. The town seemed small in appearance. There are only two rental points - which was a little confusing - we thought there would be a lot of them here and we would choose our boards.
We reached this place 48.230082°, 24.321213° - from here the road to Dragobrat begins. There were no UAZs, except for one guy who was walking around near his “loaf” (a large UAZ). He said that the season on Dragobrat is already over, the hotels there are empty, there are practically no people and we won’t find travel companions. From all this it followed that we would have to pay no more or less for a car in one direction - 200 UAH. After thinking about it, we decided that Bukovel would be much cheaper - we decided to change our plans. But the boy turned out to be “not indifferent” to Dragobrat. He offered to take us upstairs for a hundred rubles, and promoted the wild nature of Dragobrat. He warned me that the machine was acting up a bit. We agreed. We left the car in the parking lot right there (it is surrounded by a fence and costs 15 UAH per day).

Road to Dragobrat
The road to Dragobrat is really a mess. If at first, the first few minutes it still seems that you could try to drive here in your car. You soon realize that this is from the realm of science fiction (I mean ordinary cars). On some sections of the road the UAZ could barely cope. A couple of times we got out of the car, and the driver alone tried to cope with another steep climb. On one of the particularly steep climbs we stalled. It turned out that the driver was too greedy to buy enough gasoline and, due to the tilt, the glass fell to the bottom of the tank and did not enter the engine. A traffic jam formed - another loaf was driving behind us, and a small UAZ bobby type was driving towards us. The skiers came out of the bobby. While we were waiting to see how the epic with our “loaf” would end, the skiers said that it was impossible to ski on Dragobrat and they were leaving for Bukovel. Alarmed. About 10 minutes later we set off again. Soon we were near the hotel.

Hotels on Dragobrat.
All hotels on Dragobrat promise to feed you morning and evening. True, the price starts from 200 UAH per person. Almost all hotels. We managed to find a hotel for 150 UAH per person, that is, a double room with meals cost 300 UAH per day. The hotel is called "Robert's". Located 50 meters from the left chair lift. It's a 500-meter walk to the right one, the one that leads to Stog, which feels very tiring. The hotel is new and beautiful. The rooms are spacious, the furniture is new. There were no problems with hot water. The food was so-so - not tasty. It felt like food was included in the price - they were saving money and not trying.
Arriving at the hotel, we had a bite to eat, rented boards and went for a ride.

Rent on Dragobrat.
There are few rentals on Dragobrat. Better rent one downstairs - it will be cheaper and much better. They gave me a board that I was never able to ride on - the fastening came unfastened. In addition, a board for a day costs 80 UAH (for reference, on the way to Bukovel you can find equipment from 50 UAH).
On the second day we rented skis. They're doing better with skis here. There is more choice, the price is normal (50 UAH/day). The skis are good. We rented skis at our hotel.

Dragobrat. The first day.
And so, after walking 50 meters, we get to the left Dragobrat chairlift.

Lifts of Dragobrat.
There are a total of 5 ski lifts on Dragobrat. 2 chairlifts, 2 rope tows, 1 educational rope tow (very short). They are all located very far from each other. Each ski lift is someone’s property, so you buy your own travel pass for each of them (it’s hard to call it a sky pass). In 2012, the chairlift cost 20 UAH/lift. Rope ropes 10 and 15 each.

A small lyrical digression in favor of Bukovel: I am not promoting Bukovel at all. Everyone rides where he likes. It’s just a strange misconception that Dragobrat is supposedly cheaper. This year, with a promotion available to everyone, we bought sky passes for ski lifts in Bukovel - 100 lifts - 1000 UAH. In terms of calculation, one lift in Bukovel costs 10 UAH, in Dragobrat 20... There is simply no point in comparing the quality of the lifts. Old, slow, inconvenient ski lifts on Dragobrat and fast, comfortable ski lifts on Bukovel.

The first day we bought one lift to the left chair. We got up. The view is certainly very beautiful. Here Bukovel definitely loses. We decided to go down. They suffered and suffered - there was solid ice on the slope. And the slope is not gentle. With our possession of the board, going down seemed like something out of fantasy. We suffered through half the slope, gave up halfway through - we took the boards in our hands and walked. True, on the same day we saw one girl boarder who went down the same slope without any problems, although she skates incomparably better than us.
Upset by this state of affairs, we thought we would leave Dragobrat tomorrow, but the hotel had paid for two nights. They didn’t want to refund the money for the second night, so we decided to stay another day.

Dragobrat. Second day.
We decided to go for a ride on Mount Stog. The chair lift was located quite far from our hotel. We bought 10 lifts (when buying 10 lifts, the lift costs 15 UAH instead of 20). The lift is very slow. It takes at least 15 minutes to get to the mountain. The mountain offers stunning snow-capped views again. This time we took skis. We felt confident wearing them. We rode among the Christmas trees, it was very cool. I also really liked the natural half pipe. We had a lot of fun skiing - we traveled along the slope, each time choosing new paths between the fir trees. At the end we moved from Mount Stog to the left - to where the left chair lift is located.
In this regard, skating is very different from Bukovel. Here you can ski wherever you want - the whole slope is yours. This is much more exciting than the beaten path in Bukovel. True, there is only one slope, but there are many trails in Bukovel. So it’s not known what will get boring faster.

When trying to compare Bukovel and Dragobrat, you come to the conclusion that people come to Dragobrat either out of habit or in search of new sensations.

Lifts.Dragobrat vs. Bukovel. Thinking a little and buying passes for the climbs to Bukovel in advance, you can ride cheaper. For 2012, 10 UAH/ascent on Bukovel versus 20 UAH/ascent on Dragobrat. In addition, the quality of the lifts is undoubtedly simply difficult to compare.

Hotels. Dragobrat vs. Bukovel. In Bukovel we usually lived within 200-250 UAH. It was without power and not under a lift like on Dragobrat. However, I question the quality of food on Dragobrat. And sometimes proximity to ski lifts too. True, I liked the hotel in which we lived, “At Robert’s” - I admit that it is the best of all the ones we ever lived in when we went to Bukovel.

Trails. Dragobrat vs. Bukovel. Skiing in Bukovel and Dragobrat is very different. As I already wrote above, there are many trails in Bukovel, they are monitored, and cannons work here in winter. There was open ice in Bukovel only once in all this time, and we go there quite a lot - for at least three years. Dragobrat has very beautiful nature. There are no such landscapes in Bukovel. And here you can ski along the entire slope. But we were a little unlucky with the ice. And another important point - learning to ride Dragobrat will be very difficult. All the tracks are quite steep. The slope intended for skiing is also not big - I would get bored there after a couple of days. I want variety.

Availability. Dragobrat vs. Bukovel. Is it possible to get to Dragobrat by car? Can. We saw a couple of jeeps above. One of them was a Kia Sorento, which I was very surprised by. Jeeps, those that are bolder, climb the mountain themselves. Other cars and people without cars have to pay a lot of money to get to the mountain. It turns out to be a ski resort cut off from the world.


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