Gurzuf: attractions, beaches, history of the resort. Gurzuf: respectable and quiet resort of Crimea Gurzuf Crimea infrastructure

Gurzuf 2015 - our first Crimean race - EXCELLENT - We didn’t get enough of Crimea, we’ll definitely repeat it.

We got there with a “single” ticket: train-bus-ferry-bus. It was tiring: transfers, waiting, time gaps between the train and buses were 2-6 hours.

This is a ferry crossing

Gurzuf is an urban-type settlement. The population is about 7 thousand people. including the village of Krasnokamenka. Member of the Yalta City Council.

The origin of the name "Gurzuf" is different - both "mountain valley" and "fortress".

Located to the left of Ayudag (Bear Mountain). Ayudag is the calling card of Gurzuf. And also adalars - a couple of rocks in the sea.

Gurzuf is known primarily for Artek.

There are sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotel complexes - Gurzufsky (former Soviet military sanatorium), Pushkino, Pearl of Crimea, Geologist, Skalny (expensive), Kiparisny building - cheaper than the “expensive” ones, but there are no places.

The most common segment is the private sector. In 2015 The average price of a room with different levels of “service” is from 1000 rubles.

Actually, we prefer boarding houses, but we can’t afford the ones there. We rented the economy option for 900 rubles. for three persons. Room with kitchen: double bed, sofa, table, TV. In the hallway there is a closet, an air conditioner, a kitchen (refrigerator, microwave, electric stove, dishes and even leftover food). The bathroom (shower, toilet, sink) is separate, 3 meters from the room. The housing is third-rate, but acceptable for overnight stays and hygiene procedures.

1. it is better to deal with agents who have transport: motor scooters and inspect several objects - INDEPENDENT TRAVEL IN THE STREETS OF GURZUF - a separate topic - read below*

2. in the private sector, focus on the average price - in 2015. - 1500 rub. per set room-kitchen-bathroom

3. when communicating with housing rental agents, immediately voice your preferences: 1. COST 2. DESIRED CONDITIONS 3. PLACE OF RESIDENCE

4. when choosing a place to stay, consider the BEACH!!!**



Oooooh....Gurzuf is a pure labyrinth!

There are 4-5 passable streets in Gurzuf. The rest are pedestrian streets of the “fell-lost consciousness-woke up-closed fracture-plaster” category.

Getting lost in Gurzuf is a sacred thing! And it’s easy to fall on a Gurzuf street! - slipping on the worn-out pavement, on fallen ripe plum-figs.

The village is located on the slope of a mountain. Wandering through its streets you can come to a dead end. You can walk in circles around the desired address and not find it. You can crawl to the store with your tongue out, instead of turning in at the right time in the right place.

But, wandering, exploring an unfamiliar place is the special excitement of a true traveler!

There is a church


1. central - on the embankment

includes public beaches and closing beaches of boarding houses and sanatoriums

The advantage is the proximity to the main residential sector, an abundance of ice cream cafes. Availability of shade canopies. sunbeds (paid 60-250 rub.)

Disadvantages - crowded, paid toilets, muddy water

But on the resort beaches there is emptiness

2. "Artekovsky" - "Gurovsky stones"

The advantage is that it is cleaner, the density of vacationers is less than in the central

Disadvantage - there are no shady canopies, the descent to the beach, the ascent is long, sinusoidal.

I liked it there better.


There are 2 markets, or rather markets. One is closer on Leningradskaya, thinner and more expensive. The second one on Solovyova is in the multi-storey building area of ​​Gurzuf. taller, richer, cheaper.

A couple of normal supermarkets

There are a lot of shops, such as grocery stores, household goods, on Leningradskaya.

There are plenty of canteens, cafes, restaurants

Bank cards are NOT accepted for payment, but There are enough ATMs

There are plenty of travel agents with excursions

I definitely recommend Ai-Petri and definitely in the morning to get your fill of walking.

We went on a tour after lunch - it wasn't enough

Here is a separate review about Ai-Petri

In Gurzuf itself there is a wonderful place - Chekhov's dacha. In addition to the dacha itself, there is a bay where you can sunbathe and swim.

Bird's eye view of the Gurzuf coast

The most modern hotels are located in the new part of the village, and in Old Gurzuf there are many colorful guest houses that are different from each other. A walk through the old buildings allows you to be transported to Crimea a hundred years ago. In addition, this part of the village is located closer to the beaches than New Gurzuf.

Gurzuf is located on the shore of a spacious bay into which several rivers flow. The largest of them is Avunda, flowing from the border of Nikitskaya and Gurzufskaya yayla. From the east, the bay is closed by the large Bear Mountain - Ayu-Dag, which juts far into the sea and protects Gurzuf Bay from strong winds. And from the west the bay is limited by Cape Martyan.

The entire resort village lies on the slopes of the mountains, at an altitude of about 60 m above sea level, so from the coast to the hotels you need to walk up 10-15 minutes. The popularity of Gurzuf as a holiday destination is very high. Tourists are not deterred by either the mountainous terrain or high prices. Holidays in a resort village cannot be called cheap. In terms of cost, a summer vacation in Gurzuf is second only to Yalta and Foros, but it costs much more than a vacation in Koktebel or Feodosia.

What is the reason for the attractiveness of this place? Gurzuf is considered one of the most environmentally friendly places on the Crimean Peninsula. There are no industrial productions here, so tourists enjoy clean air, silence, exotic greenery and excellent beaches.

Vacationers in Gurzuf can visit the Artek children's camp, explore the museums of the history of the camp and astronautics, as well as look into the Gurzuf Park, the Pushkin Museum and A.P. Chekhov's dacha. In the vicinity of the village there are beautiful double rocks - Adalary, the majestic Red Stone and Genoese Rock. From Gurzuf, boat trips, climbing Mount Ayu-Dag and bus tours to the sights of the southern coast of Crimea are popular.

Climatic features

Thanks to the humid subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type, Gurzuf has the status of a climatic resort. People come here all year round, but the most comfortable period for relaxation and sanatorium treatment lasts from the first ten days of May to the last ten days of October. In July and August, resort life in the village is simply in full swing. During the day it can be quite hot +27...+28 °C, but constant coastal breezes and winds blowing from the mountains allow vacationers to feel comfortable.

It is very sunny in Gurzuf, the duration of sunshine per year is 2200-2400 hours. In the warm season there are no more than 8-12 cloudy days. The sea warms up early and is already quite suitable for swimming at the end of May. At the height of summer, the sea water temperature reaches +26...+27 °C, and no one wants to leave it. The last swimmers leave the beaches only at the end of October, when the pleasant velvet season ends.

Dawn over the Black Sea

History of the village of Gurzuf

The fact that the coast in the Gurzuf area was inhabited a very long time ago is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists who discovered Neolithic and Bronze Age sites near the sea, an ancient burial ground and traces of Tauri dwellings. From the 3rd century BC. e. to the 3rd century AD e. on the site of Gurzuf there was a developed ancient settlement, from which a slab with an inscription in ancient Greek has been preserved.

In 1475, the peninsula fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and Gurzuf gradually fell into decay. It turned into a small village where the descendants of the Byzantine Greeks lived, and the Turks kept their military garrison in it. In 1778, the Tatars became the main population of Gurzuf, and at the end of the 18th century, when these lands were ceded to Russia, the village was inhabited by only 179 people.

Since the 1880s, Gurzuf developed as a resort where wealthy citizens vacationed. When Soviet power came, luxurious estates were nationalized and several state farms were created on their basis. In 1921, two sanatoriums opened here to provide treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.

A new page in the history of the village opened in 1925 with the creation of the Artek children's pioneer camp-sanatorium near Ayu-Dag. After the war, buildings of the Ministry of Defense sanatorium were built in Gurzuf. Many new residential buildings appeared in the village, and the old territory was landscaped.


The coastline in the area of ​​Gurzuf and its immediate surroundings is divided into many small beaches. Some of them are free and open to everyone, while others can only be used by guests of sanatoriums and boarding houses. Some of the closed beaches can be accessed for a fee, while others can only be accessed with special passes. In any case, all vacationers find places for a beach holiday according to their taste and financial capabilities.

In terms of cleanliness and grooming, the beaches of the village are considered one of the best on the southern coast of Crimea. All beaches of Gurzuf are quite wide and have a gentle entrance into the water. Everywhere the coastline is covered with small pebbles. Most beach areas have everything necessary for a beach holiday - sun loungers, sun umbrellas, showers and changing rooms.

The beautiful Gurzuf embankment stretches for a kilometer. It is lined with white marble and looks very lively during the summer tourist season. There are many cafes, restaurants and snack bars, as well as souvenir shops and shops selling resort goods. On the embankment there are equipment rental points and attractions for children and adults.

In many places, for the convenience of vacationers, wooden paths are laid to the water, and large shady canopies rise on the shore. Due to the excellent clean beaches, vacationers are in great demand for housing on the southern outskirts of Gurzuf, in the cozy village of Ai-Danil. Even further south lies the wild beach of Cape Martyan and a popular nudist beach. At the foot of Mount Ayu-Dag there is also a whole series of wild beaches where lovers of secluded recreation like to spend time.

In the center of the resort village there is a boat station that supplies all the beaches of Gurzuf with boats and water activities - water skiing and boarding, parachute rides behind the boat, as well as rental of hydro scooters. Near the boat station, on the pier you can meet divers and yachtsmen. Here it is easy to arrange a sea excursion and a sea fishing trip.

Gurzuf for active recreation

There are several dive centers on the embankment near the central pier of the resort village. Their instructors are ready to train beginners in a few hours and dive with them to the bottom of the Black Sea to a depth of 10 m. Those who want to receive an international certificate must undergo longer training at dive centers. There are several interesting dive sites near Gurzuf where you can go on a diving safari and do underwater video filming. Children's diving groups also operate in Gurzuf.

Fans of sea fishing can go to sea on speedboats and motorboats. All necessary equipment is provided by the organizers of such trips. In the Black Sea near Gurzuf horse mackerel and haddock are caught. And near the village of Krasnokamenka, located north of Gurzuf, they offer fishing in a local pond inhabited by grass carp, carp, carp and crucian carp.

Those who enjoy horseback riding will not be bored either. A small local horse farm keeps quiet horses and teaches horse riding to inexperienced riders. Horse riding routes run both through Gurzuf itself and its surroundings.

Fans of water tourism can try their hand at sea kayaking. Such trips are organized from Gurzuf to the Adalar rocks, to Ak-Tash Bay at the foot of Ayu-Dag, to the Pushkin Grotto, to the Azure Bay, as well as to the Genoese and Chaliapin rocks.


People can go on boat trips along the Crimean coast from Gurzuf on motor boats, cutters and yachts. In addition, every day the Samantha Smith motor ship takes tourists from the pier to the open sea. During the journey, a professional guide tells passengers about everything they see on the shore.

The most beautiful natural attraction of Gurzuf is an ancient park, which is located on the territory of a military sanatorium. It was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by order of Duke Armand-Emmanuel de Richelieu, who at that time served as Governor-General of New Russia and Bessarabia. Today, the unique park covers an area of ​​12 hectares and is home to 110 species of trees and shrubs. Olives and palm trees, laurels and bananas feel at ease under the warm Crimean sun.

Gurzuf Park is famous not only for its exotic plants. You can see many old sculptures and unusual fountains here. Near the southern entrance there is an alley of busts of celebrities who have ever visited Gurzuf. Busts of the singer Fyodor Chaliapin, poets Alexander Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz and Vladimir Mayakovsky, as well as writers Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky are exhibited here. During the day, only vacationers of the sanatorium are allowed into the park. But twice a day, at 11.00 and 16.00, excursions are held around the natural attraction for everyone.

From the resort village, walking tours through the picturesque surroundings are popular. From Gurzuf you can go to the Red Stone rock. For about half a century, the picturesque hill has the status of a natural and geological monument. It is made of marble-like limestone of pink-yellow color. At the foot of the cliff there is a beautiful lake and grapes are grown.

While vacationing in Gurzuf, you can go on bus tours to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, to the royal palace in Livadia, to the former capital of the Crimean Khanate - the city of Bakhchisarai, the Valley of Ghosts under Mount Demerdzhi, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, Mount Ai-Petri and the winery in Massandra.

Walking tour along Ayu-Dag

Many people climb the green mountain, which looks like a bear lying near the sea. This journey from Gurzuf is not very difficult and takes half a day. It can be done independently or accompanied by a guide.

Bear Mountain is composed of igneous rocks - ghabro-diabases, which is not at all typical for the Crimean mountains. And its top is overgrown with green sessile oaks. It is noteworthy that the age of individual trees ranges from 500 to 800 years.

In addition to natural attractions, the mountain has preserved many archaeological sites. On its slopes, flint tools of primitive people and the remains of a Tauri settlement were found. In the 8th century, a Christian monastery was built on Ayu-Dag, which existed here until the 15th century.


Any city can envy Gurzuf’s museum collections. At the end of the summer of 1820, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin lived in the village with the family of General Raevsky. The poet's museum is located in the “castle in the air” - the first European building on the southern coast of Crimea (Naberezhnaya St., 1). The exhibition is distributed across six halls and tells about the Crimean period in Pushkin’s life. Here you can see authentic lifetime publications, as well as items from the early 19th century. The Pushkin Museum is open from 10.00 to 18.00 and welcomes guests seven days a week from May to October. At other times of the year it is closed on Mondays.

A visit to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s dacha, which has been turned into an interesting memorial museum, leaves a very pleasant impression. The writer purchased a small house in Gurzuf in 1900. He really liked the location of the dacha and the rocky bay on the seashore. Here Chekhov rested, admired the coast and fished. The writer's relatives came to the dacha. After the death of A.P. Chekhov in 1904, his widow O.L. Knipper became the owner of the house. The writer's house-museum in Gurzuf is open from April to November from 9.00 to 18.00, except Monday and Tuesday.

On the territory of the Artek children's center, in the architectural monument of the beginning of the last century - the Suuk-Su Palace - there are two museums: the history of the camp and the history of astronautics.

Where to stay

The resort history of Gurzuf lasts almost a century and a half, so good traditions of receiving guests have long been formed here. Even at the height of the summer season, there are no problems with rental housing or hotels in the village. Most of the Gurzuf hotels offer standard rooms with amenities at a price of about 2,000 rubles per day.

The first line near the beaches is occupied by large sanatoriums, boarding houses and children's camps, where accommodation is not cheap. The remaining hotels and guest houses are located on a hill, away from the sea, and you have to walk from them to the beaches. However, housing on a hill also has its advantages. From here you have an excellent view of the coast, there is always fresh air at the top, and the distance from entertainment centers guarantees calm, quiet evenings.

Those who have been vacationing in Gurzuf for many years prefer to settle in the old part of the village. Old Gurzuf has a charming atmosphere. There are many beautiful cobbled streets and the buildings have unique architecture.

Private guest houses are scattered throughout the village. They are very different. Some of the owners have built a modern villa with balconies, while others continue to rent out rooms in their grandmother’s old house. Housing prices also depend on the newness, location and range of services. You can rent a room in a guest house for 1500-1600 rubles per day. Cheaper options are offered in the private sector of Gurzuf with minimal amenities. These are small rooms with furniture in houses without air conditioning with toilets on the floor.

How to get there

The nearest airport to Gurzuf is in the capital of Crimea - Simferopol (83 km). Airplanes from many Russian cities fly to this city. From the airport to the resort village you can get by taxi, trolleybus No. 55 and all buses heading towards Yalta or Sevastopol. In this case, to get to the streets of Gurzuf you will need to go down from the main highway - the so-called “turn to Gurzuf”.

The second option: come from Simferopol airport by bus, minibus or trolleybus to the city center, to bus station-2 “Kurortnaya” near the railway station. From there there are direct buses to Gurzuf every half hour, which reach the resort village in 1.5-2 hours.

Coastal hotels in Gurzuf

People also come to Gurzuf using the “Single Ticket” of Russian Railways from the territory of Russia. First, tourists travel by train to Krasnodar or Anapa, then transfer to a bus and take it through the Kerch ferry to the territory of Crimea. “Single tickets” to Gurzuf itself are not sold, but you can buy a ticket to Yalta and from the Yalta bus station get to the resort village on suburban buses No. 106 or No. 31B. Bus number 106 arrives in the upper part of Gurzuf, and bus number 31B stops closer to the beaches.

There is an intercity trolleybus line near Gurzuf, so it is easy to get to the resort village by trolleybus from Simferopol or Yalta.

Even in Soviet times, colleagues and neighbors began to envy those who went (on vacation or on a trip) to Gurzuf. The vacation, reviews of which were heard later, was considered not just “beach”, but special. After all, Gurzuf was our Italy. In addition to the main elements of a successful vacation, sea and sun, there were also breathtaking views. The most beautiful nature (Bear Mountain alone is worth it), the proximity of Artek, winding streets, “Genoese” houses hanging over the water, Chekhov’s dacha, picturesque rocks - all this evoked enthusiastic sighs.

But does modern Gurzuf really promise relaxation? Review of him now - is he equally grateful? Let’s try to analyze it, especially since this village has remained just as attractive to tourists, especially “summer” ones, as in the old days. Firstly, the same Ayu-Dag and the twin rocks of Adalary remain here. And people who are no strangers to romance claim that you can admire them endlessly, because these natural formations even change their color depending on the weather and time of day. Secondly, all the same endless steps from the sea and to the sea. For some, this is a disadvantage, but active and athletic people, on the contrary, are only happy. And ancient houses with verandas, and the smell of coffee on the streets... Gurzuf provides a unique holiday for everyone.

Reviews from swimmers are usually positive. The beaches in Gurzuf, as in most resorts on the South Coast, are pebbly, but quite acceptable. And those who are not afraid to walk far can even swim on the beaches of Artek, where the pebbles are so smooth and “licked” by the sea that you can lie on them without any bedding. In the evenings there are promenades along the embankment, the moon over the sea, as in Kuindzhi’s paintings, restaurants, the famous ones (especially since they are grown right above the village, not far from the ancient capital of the Gothic principality of Teodoro). In general, there is somewhere to eat in Gurzuf, and it’s very good. Meat and fish kebabs are especially good. Restaurants on the beaches, if the wind blows from the sea, provide visitors with blankets, so that it becomes warm and cozy. This is how you can fall in love with Gurzuf for the rest of your life!

Vacations, reviews of which are left by many tourists, in these places have a certain nostalgic connotation. After all, these places were loved by poets, writers and artists. True, entering the territory of the Military Sanatorium to admire the two-hundred-year-old park and the “Night” fountain is also not very easy, just like in Soviet times. But it is possible. Many excursions are also organized from the village - to Yalta, to Ai-Petri, to Often these are boat trips, sometimes - bus excursions. It’s cheaper to buy them at the pier, rather than from barkers. Housing here is very expensive - this is Gurzuf! Holidays 2013 (accommodation prices) cost at least one and a half thousand rubles per room. This is if it's in season. The same can be said about food, so it’s more economical to cook at home if the owners allow it. However, if prices are not a problem for you, then in the village it is better to go to expensive old restaurants. From their quality it is immediately clear that this was an elite resort.

The clean sea and the wonderful climate, which almost does not require getting used to, are the main good things about which, even if they complain about the high cost, they still note the beauty and comfort of this resort, which has recently begun to provide not very expensive, convenient and comfortable private boarding houses. Unlike ordinary hotels and sanatoriums, there is, as a rule, a kitchen with everything necessary, Internet, modern household appliances, a swimming pool... So for those who have considered Gurzuf as their second home since childhood, there is a good prospect that it will eventually will become a real European resort.

This is one of the most popular vacation spots on the South Coast. The village is conveniently located in the Gurzuf Valley, it is surrounded on all sides (except the sea) by mountains, so there are no cold winds here. You can walk around the entire village in a couple of hours, it’s so small.

The most picturesque is the old residential area of ​​Gurzuf. Narrow winding streets, gates covered with grapes, bright houses - truly beautiful. Immediately above the old area is the new one, with all its high-rise buildings and modern buildings. Another completely independent area - camp Artek, it occupies a large territory right up to Ayu-Dag. And finally, the last part of our conditional division is the Gurzuf embankment with its restaurants, beaches and sanatoriums.

Like all other resorts on the South Coast, Gurzuf is located on terraces. So, the beach turns out to be the lowest point of the resort. On the other hand, compared to Alupka, Simeiz, Foros and Gaspra, Gurzuf more flat.

Secret from the locals: The biggest differences in elevation are on Nikitina and Proletarskaya streets, there are also several steep sections on Vinogradnaya and Krymskaya.

Infrastructure of Gurzuf

As befits one of the most popular resorts, Gurzuf has a huge selection of accommodation. In addition to inexpensive rooms in apartments and houses, there are relatively budget mini-hotels, boarding houses, sanatoriums, and decent hotels, of course. It all depends on the budget. Some good options include Villa Snegiri, and some excellent options include the Familia hotel complex.

You can find housing on the website, where advertisements from owners are published. A booking request can be submitted directly from the website or via the specified contacts.

There are no problems with shops (of course, there are no large chain hypermarkets here, or have they already appeared?), cafes, snack bars, coffee shops, restaurants, clubs, attractions and other entertainment. One way or another, Yalta is nearby - if you get bored, you can always go there.

What to see in Gurzuf

If your strength allows, go to Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain - the visiting card of the village. The hike is not difficult, but the impressions will last a long time.

Be sure to set aside time for Chekhov Museum. It will be interesting, you will learn a lot about the writer’s life in Gurzuf, about his walks to Leo Tolstoy in Gaspra. The stunning view of Chekhov Bay, which opens from the museum’s territory, will help you to feel what you’ve heard.

Since the excursions to the museums have already begun, take a look at the Pushkino sanatorium, on its territory there is a museum A.S. Pushkin.

Fans of beautiful vacation photos should climb the mountain Balgatura, this is the highest point in the village. The view from here is unforgettable!

At the very beginning of the Gurzuf embankment there is Korovin's House of Creativity. Today it houses a recreation center for artists. The house itself is an architectural monument; K.A. Korovin lived and worked here.

If you go on vacation at the beginning of August, there is a chance to get to Summer New Year. This is Gurzuf’s own holiday with its own long-standing tradition.

Of course, in Gurzuf there is also a lot of active entertainment - fishing, diving, boat trips, etc.

Here is an advertisement published on the Rent-RealEstate website: Those who want to try diving to the depths of the sea and receive high-quality diving training in Gurzuf from experienced instructors, sign up for the group +7 978-556-35-18.

  • We work from May 15 to October 15.
  • Schedule: daily 2 groups from 10:00 and from 15:00. There are 8-12 people in a group.
  • The total diving time is 3.5-4 hours, of which 2 dives last 25-35 minutes.
  • Note: bring your passport and flash card with you.

The price includes: training; photographs; 2 dives; briefing; equipment; diving with an instructor.

The dive takes place both from a boat and from the shore. We have 5-7 dive routes. REGISTRATION IN A GROUP BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Prices in Gurzuf

Prices are quite affordable compared to Yalta. And guests from Moscow even think that everything in Gurzuf is very cheap. Of course, the cost of a vacation largely depends on the season. There are budget canteens in the village with decent menus, and there are inexpensive accommodation options for budget tourists. In general, if you are a little strapped for money, you just need to set your priorities correctly, and you can fit into a modest budget.

Beaches of Gurzuf

The beaches in Gurzuf are pebbly, since the pebbles are imported and are a little uncomfortable for the feet. Better to take it with you special shoes. There are paid and free beaches. Basically, the coastline is quite narrow, so in high season the beach is crowded, to put it mildly.

At the beginning and end of the embankment there is the City Beach, it is free. In the middle is a paid beach. All are equipped, but you will have to pay for umbrellas and sunbeds.

The beach in Chekhov Bay is considered the cleanest. But it is not convenient, strictly speaking, and there is no beach here, just a pile of stones. Entrance is paid, since the beach is part of the territory of the Chekhov Museum. The bottom is deep - you can safely dive. Take a mask with you, this is, of course, not the Red Sea, but there are living creatures.

You can try to get to the beaches of sanatoriums. Officially, this is prohibited, but in fact, many people succeed. A very nice beach near the holiday home. Korovin, the small-pebble and flat beach of the White Sail is just as good. The beaches of the “Pearls of Crimea”, the “Gurzufsky” sanatorium and the “Ayu-Dag” holiday home are worthy of attention.

There are also several private paid beaches in Gurzuf. The beaches are clean, equipped and pleasant.

Just returned from a long-awaited vacation! We rested from 08.27-09.11.2011. We are under attack from Gurzuf and its environs. Before this I wrote a review only once, but now I decided to definitely unsubscribe, because... Before the holiday, I spent 3 months looking for information about holidays in G. and comparing opinions! First of all, I’ll say that if you want a stormy, fun and lazy vacation, you should definitely go somewhere else. We stomped up and down the slides all day long, and as the hostess said, “Take a break at least a little,” but we had no time! We traveled with a 4 year old child! He is also in captivity and the good fellow always walked on his own, except in the late evenings when we returned home (this was always after 9 pm). We got up around 7 in the morning, at lunch the little one slept for an hour and a half, went out after 4 and returned after 9 sometimes 10 pm! And everyone is on their feet and having fun! Housing. We lived on Solovyova, a little far from the sea, but everything was at hand and for a lower price. We lived with a friend, so the price was not market price. Sea! The sea is just super! So clean and warm. A week before our departure, our friends returned from Evpatoria - the sea was 18 degrees, where are you going?! Our sea was 24! Only in the last few days has the temperature dropped by 2 degrees; cold temperatures have passed everywhere. The first 2 days it was stormy: we walked around and adapted. On the last day it started to rain, we didn’t swim either, the rest of the days we went to the sea 4-5 times. First the promenade and at the very end the beaches are free. First we went to the 3rd beach, there are really big cobblestones there - it’s very difficult to get out of the sea, especially for a child or child. Then we went to the beach near the pier. Sometimes there was a little film from the ships, but compared to the surrounding beauty, you didn’t notice anything. Pebbles and sand. After the rain, a mountain stream flowed into the sea and the kid found something to do: build bridges, waterfalls, etc. By the way, there are a lot of people with babies and strollers! I even met pregnant women on the beach, but lazy people write MOUNTAINS! For those who love nature, this is a fairy tale! And the air!!! After lunch we went to Artek beach (there is a fee there, but in the evening they turn a blind eye to those passing by). beauty, silence. We swam opposite Adalar, and my husband swam back and forth. Then, closer to 7 pm, we went for a walk to the Artek camp itself. This is absolutely a miracle! Every evening the kids and I delved into children's activities! What an atmosphere there is, enthusiasm, fun. We watched competitions, events there, and even got to see a movie and no one forbade anything! We fell in love with Artek! Food. We ate at home for the purpose of healthy and proper nutrition, as well as to save money. We dined at Galley 2nd floor several times. Everything is there, everything is available. Prices are the same as in Kyiv, some things are a little cheaper. We also found meat (the “Nasha Ryaba” stall under the house and a store with beef and pork), shops with frozen fish, and we could have taken the fishermen’s phone number from the owner and bought fresh fish, but we didn’t. Someone wrote that there is NO meat or fish! NOT TRUE! There is everything, we even bought homemade milk, cottage cheese and sour cream! We bought wine at the Crimean Wines Entertainment store. We found a couple of playgrounds for the child. There was no entertainment for the baby on the embankment. We went to the Gurzuf sanatorium a couple of times - it was beautiful. We went to Alushka to the Crimean Rose store - I like these products. To Yalta, to the Glade of Fairy Tales. We rode on the Gurzuf-Alupka boat. Then we took minibuses to get home. We have never encountered rudeness or rudeness. Everywhere is clean and beautiful. Of course, sometimes there was garbage, but where wasn’t it?! Overall very satisfied! Just think how ready are you to become a doe and get in shape without going to the gym? She lost a little weight, although before that she was no more than 53 kg, and her silhouette tightened: both her husband and her hostess noticed! But in general, beauty and a lot of impressions and plans for next summer!


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