How to get a star for a weapon in wot. How are marks on barrels calculated? Our standard prices for obtaining marks on barrels from scratch to regular tanks

Starting from version 9.1, a new type of achievement will appear in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must be in the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.


At one time, Wargaming introduced another indicator into the World of Tanks game, which is a reason for pride and a desire to compete with friends and the tank community - distinctive markings on tank guns. These marks allow you to quickly determine how well your allies or opponents know how to play the vehicle with which they entered a particular battle. And these marks, in contrast to the percentage of victories, directly depend only on the player’s skills, his knowledge of the game and shooting accuracy.

All markers have three skill levels, the damage and highlight requirements for which vary depending on how other players have been playing the machine lately. Presented mod “Percentage of marks on gun barrels in battle” for World of Tanks allows you to see not only percentage indicators, but also clear damage figures when viewing the vehicle statistics menu, and also directly in battle displays whether you have reached the required minimum to raise your percentage on the way to the next mark or, on the contrary, have moved away from it.

In addition, in the latest updates of this modification, it was adapted to the current version of the game client, the formula by which the amount of damage required to receive a mark when viewing in achievements was calculated, the rounding of the indicator is now used only for percentages not received. It is also now possible to choose the style of display of the modification in battle - simplified or advanced version. To change the display position of the panel, use the keyboard shortcut "CTRL+right mouse button".


Starting from version 9.1, a new type of achievement will appear in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality.

However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

Markings on the barrels of tanks of different nations

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historical reference

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must be in the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

Questions and answers

— Why will distinctive marks be issued on gun barrels?

Marks on the barrel are assigned based on the results of the game in the “Random Battle” mode and display the average amount of damage inflicted on a specific player’s tank in relation to other users.

— Will this achievement be available to owners of light tanks?

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

— Will battles held before the release of update 9.1 count?

No, accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1.

— How often are statistics collected?

Damage statistics are collected daily.


Distinguishing marks each of your tanks can be awarded individually. To get them, you need to surpass other players in damage dealt with this tank over the last 14 days. This takes into account damage caused both directly by you and with your help.

  • Distinctive marks are only available for vehicles of tier V and higher.
  • Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, making the achievement accessible to light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.
  • The received marks remain on the tanks forever.
  • Similar to class badges, re-acquired badges are displayed in post-battle statistics.
  • In the game, the “Indicators” tab displays the maximum marks.

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not so easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must be in the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players.

How to get 3 marks on wot gun barrels (mark in wot battle)?

The scheme for getting 3 marks on different tanks is slightly different, but in general, to earn marks on the trunk, you should stick to a fairly simple tactic: be as useful as possible during the battle - expose the enemy, consistently cause damage. The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, to assign the highest degree of achievement, which will turn into a mark on the barrel, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles.

Those that were awarded to a player once will never be taken away from him. There are also no measures to reduce their status. The player can either hide these drawings or make them visible again (declaring to everyone around him about his achievements), using a special option for this.

Marks that are received again will be displayed in the post-battle statistics data (mark in wot battle).

Can wot gun barrel marks (wot battle mark) be purchased with money?

We are all fans of the game World of Tanks, but sometimes it is so tiring to reach the coveted mark, for which we simply do not have enough of our precious time.

Here our wot-assist Service will come to your aid! We will upgrade any of your tanks to the required mark (mark in wot battle) in the shortest possible time!

Our standard prices for obtaining marks on barrels from scratch on regular tanks:

  • 3 marks on the trunk (95%) - 1900 rub.
  • 2 marks on the trunk (85%) - 1200 rub.
  • 1 mark on the trunk (65%) - 600 rub.

If, for example, you have 2 marks on the barrel and you need a 3rd one, etc. The price will depend on the % mark at the moment.

To obtain distinctive marks on the barrels of wot guns for ordinary tanks. For complex, new tanks, tanks obtained from the Civil Code, promotional tanks and tanks for LBZ, the price will differ significantly, the maximum price is 4,000 rubles.

Starting with update 0.9.1, players who have achieved the best results in terms of damage caused can apply special tank ace marks to their vehicles.

Starting with version 0.9.1, a new type of achievement has appeared in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

I would like to dwell in more detail on such a component of calculating marks as damage per assist. This could be intelligence damage or track down damage. Briefly, the formula is as follows - (player damage per battle) + (maximum damage for shooting down a caterpillar or for being illuminated) - (damage inflicted on allies during the battle). Those. the maximum damage for shooting down a track is taken into account or for exposure, and not the sum of these values. This applies to tanks and tank destroyers.
Regarding the self-propelled guns, a little needs to be added - the stun will be counted as damage to the exposure/shooting down of the caterpillar. Those. in this case, the highest indicator will be selected from three, and not from two, as with conventional tanks. This is indirectly written in patch note 9.19.1 “Damage inflicted by allies using artillery on a stunned enemy is now included in the calculation of distinctive marks on the gun. Now this damage is also taken into account, as well as damage to a downed track or damage to intelligence, as well as damage , inflicted directly on an enemy vehicle."
Added a911:ru

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 0.9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must be in the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike the asterisk on the WoT barrel and other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage caused and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, to assign the highest degree of achievement, which will turn into a mark on the barrel, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles.

Received marks and stars on the muzzle in WoT are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

Marking styles for different nations
Nation The damage indicator on the tank is greater than that of... Screenshots
65% of players 85% of players 95% of players


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