Detailed map of Paphos - streets, house numbers, areas. Map of Paphos in Russian Baths of Aphrodite and Botanical Garden

Here is a detailed map of Paphos with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is Paphos in?

Paphos is located in Cyprus. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Paphos coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

An interactive map of Paphos with attractions and other tourist attractions is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Paphos. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

In 2 days we filmed and created a small guide about what to see and where to go in Paphos (other videos about holidays in Cyprus can be viewed on our YouTube channel).

Video about the sights of Paphos

Sights of Paphos on the map

To make it easier to navigate and understand where everything is, we have placed photos with the main objects and attractions on the map of Paphos (the map enlarges when you click the mouse):

Map of central Paphos

Map of northwestern Paphos

This attraction is a kind of symbol of Paphos, appears on most souvenirs and is considered a must-see. In fact, this building is not distinguished by any architectural delights.

In general, this castle has a rather difficult fate. If you believe historians, the castle’s foundation can be considered the first half of the thirteenth century, after which at different times they tried to besiege it (though not unsuccessfully), then it was partially dismantled, then restored... Now we see the castle, which was restored by the Turks in the sixteenth century.

At all times, the castle had either a defensive or service function. So the Turks had a prison in it, and the British generally stored salt in it.

Cost: 2.5 euros per adult and 1.5 euros reduced (children/seniors).

Near the castle there is a sculpture of a recumbent woman. Perhaps this is a symbol of salvation. There is a QR code on the stone that allows you to find out the history of the creation of the sculpture.

These are the cute boats you can find in Cyprus

Next to the castle there is a long promenade with a large number of cafes and restaurants.

The beginning of the central promenade of Paphos from the side of the castle

And this is a landmark of the Paphos embankment - a live pelican. Every day he walks near fish restaurants. Allows you to take pictures with you

Among the attractions near the castle, if you walk literally a hundred meters to the bus stop, there is the entrance to the Archaeological Park, which is also a must-see.

Paphos Archaeological Park

This park is located in the open air, so it is optimal to choose a not very hot day to visit it, because... You can find shade in the park, but there is very little of it. This is necessary either to go into the building, which is located near the entrance (the House of Aeon is indicated on the map), or to hide in the pavilions, which can be quite hot.

Cost: entrance to the park costs 4.5 euros per adult. There are benefits for children and pensioners.

Entrance to the archaeological park in Paphos

Opening hours of the Paphos Archaeological Park (open seven days a week, all year round)

By the way, regarding the map, you can ask at the entrance to be given a map in Russian. You can even say “Russian” - they rarely say “Russia” themselves. Although, it is not very informative.

This is what a map of the archaeological park looks like (the objects are placed on the map rather arbitrarily)

The first objects to be examined are in this building (here you can also watch a film in English about how the excavations were carried out)

And these are actually the objects themselves - the tools of archaeologists

The photo shows the Odeon (marked as number 8 on the map, not to be confused with the theater marked as number 5).

The park is rich in various ruins left over from the houses of wealthy citizens and officials. All of them were destroyed as a result of earthquakes, but numerous mosaics from that time survived and can be viewed. Each is provided with detailed descriptions in English. Here are just a few mosaics that we thought were nice.

Ruins, remains of ancient houses

Mosaics in Paphos Archaeological Park

A plaque describing the previous mosaic

The houses are named after the ancient Greek gods. Naturally, completely different people lived in these houses :)

There is a lighthouse on the territory of the park, which was built in the second half of the 19th century by the British. The interesting thing is that the lighthouse is still operational. Therefore, it will not be possible to climb it. The staircase that goes in a circle rises halfway and ends with a locked door. But you can also take beautiful shots from there.

Active lighthouse

In principle, I don’t see much point in describing all the attractions of the park within the framework of this article - it won’t be interesting to look at. Let me just say that we really wanted to find the large theater, which is indicated on the map under the number 5 - apparently it was not spared by the earthquakes at all, and we also had difficulty finding the Basilica of Chrysopolitissa and the Church of St. Kyriakios, as well as the castle "Forty Columns" (this attraction is also can often be found on various Paphos souvenir products).

Below are a few more photos from the archaeological park and move on.

Castle "Forty Columns"

The archaeological park borders the sea, but you cannot enter the park from the sea; there is a high fence everywhere. There is only one entrance and exit to the park (from the house in the photo above)


Catacombs of St. Lambrianos (if you like to climb such places, we recommend visiting the Royal Tombs, we will talk about them below).

Inside the catacombs

If you leave the park and follow the path from the sea that leads up towards the large shopping center, you can visit the catacombs of Solomonia.

To get your bearings, you need to walk past the large parking lot, past the Kato Paphos bus station, then turn left and walk about two hundred meters along the roadway on the sidewalk.

The history of this place is sad: the catacombs got their name in honor of the Great Martyr Solomonia, whose relics are still kept in one of the grottoes of the hill. According to legend, Solomonia fled Palestine with her sons and hid in these parts. But they were found, their sons were killed, and Solomonia lived for some time, spending all her time in prayer over the bodies of her children.

In principle, there is nothing particularly interesting there, and in some places in the catacombs they even set up a “spontaneous” public toilet, but there is some kind of prayer room with an Orthodox iconostasis. Near the entrance to the catacombs there is a wishing tree. You can tie a piece of fabric on it and make a wish related to health.

Cost: entry to the catacombs is free.

Wish tree

Strings are hung everywhere, even on the fence, ceiling and walls of the catacombs

Despite the seeming abandonment of this attraction, in some places there are trash cans from which garbage is regularly taken out. So it’s still a little, but they are watching.

In November 2017, a rope installation was installed in the catacombs.

The first time we visited this attraction was under the cover of darkness - we walked along the route from our apartment to the supermarket. It’s better not to go there at night without a flashlight, but walking with a flashlight is quite comfortable.

A cleaner and more civilized part of the catacombs

Rope installation in the catacombs

Royal Tombs

For some reason, this attraction is called the Tomb of Kings or Tsars, although there were no traces of any kings/tsars there. Prosperous townspeople were simply buried there... this is such a “ruble”, only for dead Cypriots.

This attraction is located 3 km from the center of Paphos, there is a large free parking lot. It is more convenient to get there by car.

There are several tombs in the complex. All of them are underground and carved into the rock, which by this very fact makes them elite. Well, the beautiful interior decoration, of course, shows that these are not ordinary people buried here.

But, despite the fact that the buildings are all underground - make no mistake, you can only move between them on top, so if the day is hellish, you will have to move between the tombs in small dashes, because Nothing taller than grass grows on the territory of the complex. And the territory is decent in size.

Unlike the houses in the Archaeological Park, the graves are romantically named by serial numbers.

Entrance fee: 2.5 euros

Entrance to the necropolis

We arrived here right after it rained, so some of the tombs were flooded

Necropolis territory

There are a lot of tombs

Unlike the archaeological park, from the royal tombs you can access the sea and neighboring wild beaches

Turtle Beach

A wild beach, so called because turtles lay their eggs there. Moreover, this beach is also a nature reserve, because In addition to turtles, state-protected crabs live here.

According to some reports, turtles were last seen here quite a long time ago. You can determine whether there are masonry by the presence of white metal structures that mark the masonry and protect it from tourists.

The road to the beach is dirt, strewn with rubble and quite bumpy, but you can drive slowly, and not necessarily in an SUV - we drove in our rented mini car.

Road to Turtle Beach

The color of the sand here is more red with a red tint.

Next to the turtle beach there is another attraction - Avakas Gorge.

Avakas Gorge

If you are going to Turtle Beach, we also recommend visiting Avakas Gorge. The only thing is that there is a small river flowing along the gorge, which, nevertheless, can be fraught with a very serious danger if it starts to rain. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the gorge in dry, sunny weather.

For about 3 kilometers you can walk through the gorge quite comfortably. You can go further, but this is not for everybody, because... Then the trail becomes completely wild.

The famous hanging stone in the gorge

The gorge is one of the official attractions, so it is maintained in proper condition, but remember about the weather conditions - mountains do not forgive mistakes.

Aphrodite's Baths and Botanical Garden

This is a very beautiful place, which is reached by a good smooth road, there is a good parking lot, a cafe and a beach nearby. Entrance to the botanical garden is free. We were not very lucky, because... While we were parking, a bus arrived with German pensioners who also wanted to see the baths of Aphrodite. We, of course, overtook this organized crowd along a narrow path, because... their cruising speed did not exceed 3 km/h, but we didn’t have time to take a lot of photographs, so we went for a walk in the botanical garden, and then came back again.

In the botanical garden there is something like an “ecological path” (Nature Path), although it looks more like a good health path. It consists of ascents and descents along a rocky path, so it’s not particularly comfortable in slippers and flip-flops, but if you bring sneakers with you, you’ll be fine.

The views from the top are simply incomparable. The whole of Polis (Paphos region) is at your fingertips!

The bath itself is a small lake, hidden in the shade of greenery. The water in it is very cold. That's probably why he looks younger. You should not drink this water, and there is a corresponding warning about this.

It makes sense to go there early in the morning, before it’s too hot, and on the way back you can stop at very beautiful sandy beaches and swim. We were deprived of this opportunity in November, the sea was very cold, so we just stopped by for a walk and take pictures.

Entry cost: free.

Bath of Aphrodite

A stream flowing from the bathhouse

Next to the bathhouse there is a large botanical garden with a health path

Photo spot next to the trash can (but the views are beautiful)

Park map

Paths in the park

View of Paphos

Statue of a Boy with a Fish

The statue is located on the central promenade of Paphos. This statue symbolizes the marine fishery of Cyprus, which is the main industry and blah blah blah, or maybe this is a statue of a boy who was saved by a fish... or he saved a fish... In general, I think the guides will come up with some kind of legend for this statue, but for now this just a statue that means nothing.

Although, there are some abrasions on it, so perhaps they have already come up with something. It’s something like how in Moscow at the Ploshchad Revolutsii metro station there are statues with which people unanimously rub someone’s nose, someone an egg (chicken), someone a gun - everything has its own sign. Or maybe in the case of the boy, the sea water polished it or tourists in search of a memorable shot touched it. :))

We are waiting for your comments on this attraction in the comments!

Bath of Adonis

This is a rather beautiful museum, organized in a picturesque corner of Cyprus. Yes, this is a remake, albeit a very high-quality remake. You need to go to the bathhouse by car or as part of an excursion by bus. Even at the entrances to the bathhouse you will see Aphrodite, and at the entrance you will be greeted by Zeus himself. A statue, of course. There will also be a small cafe where you can have a snack or just drink coffee from the road.

Unlike the Baths of Aphrodite, you can definitely swim here.

The place is beautiful, but there are two fly in the ointment - it is a very bad, long, but passable dirt road, even for small cars, and a fairly high entrance price (more on this below).

Cost: entrance to the park costs 9 euros per person.

Entrance to the bathhouse

Be aware that the statues in the park are quite explicit, so think twice before bringing children along.


This attraction is famous as well as "Birds and Animals Park". Because that's what it was called before. Founded by Christos Christopher initially as a private collection of birds. But literally 18 years ago, in 2000, the thought came to him about opening a bird park, and it became so, just three years later. In the process, some more living creatures began to appear in this park, so the park began to be called the Park of Birds and Animals. Now it's a zoo. Official and largest on the island of Cyprus. The entrance price to it, however, is also the largest. True, it includes a bird show, which takes place according to the following schedule:

  • From November to March = 12:00, 14:00, 16:00
  • From April – October (except August) = 12:00, 14:30, 17:00.
  • In August = 12:00, 14:30, 18:00.

Entrance fee: 16.50 euros per adult and 8.50 euros for a child ticket.

In our opinion - a little expensive.

Zoo map

Bird performance


Water park Aphrodite is the third largest water park, where a small area (only 35,000 square meters) accommodates as many as 23 attractions.

It’s interesting that 15 of them are quite extreme, and it’s especially nice that in this water park, even during the season, there are no abnormal queues. So lovers of water activities should definitely visit this water park.

Well, it also falls into the category of attractions, because... named, like many things in Cyprus, in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.

Cost: 30 euros per adult (47 for a two-day pass) and 17 euros for a child ticket for a child from three to twelve years old (28 euros for a two-day pass).

Beach with Aphrodite's stone

This is one of the tourist attractions covered in legends. One of the legends says that it was here that the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite emerged from the foam of the sea. And the stone of Aphrodite, also called the rock of Aphrodite, is the stone with which the enemy ship was sunk... And it was thrown by the mighty Byzantine warrior Digenis Akritus.

According to legend, if you swim and touch this stone, you can be greatly rejuvenated. The place is beautiful and picturesque, but the water is very cold, so legends are legends, but common sense should be above all. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to go swimming, because... if your leg cramps in cold water, there may be eternal memory instead of eternal youth.

By the way, the island of Cyprus itself is named after Aphrodite, one of whose names was Cypris.

Aphrodite beach in summer

Excursions in Paphos

From Paphos you can go on a large number of excursions around the island. Here is a small list of interesting excursions from Paphos:

Video about Paphos in winter

In this video we show what Aphrodite beach looks like, walk through the center of Paphos and go to Avakas Gorge.

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Here is a map of Paphos with streets → Paphos district, Cyprus. We study a detailed map of Paphos with houses and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More details about the streets of Paphos on the map

A detailed map of the city of Paphos with street names and villages can show all the routes and roads of the Paphos area, how to get to the street. odos Chiou, where the main or central one is located, what country, the surroundings of the nearest settlement, type of area. Located near

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. The page contains an interactive map of the city of Paphos (Cyprus) with addresses and routes of the region, with directions of travel and bypass roads. Move its center to find your home on odos Kinyra street now.

The ability to plot a route across the country, measure and calculate distances using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to the center, determine your location, addresses of attractions in the region, transport stops and hospitals (type of scheme “Hybrid”), look at nearby cars and trains train stations, borders of the Paphos resort.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city infrastructure. Search for places nearby, look for nearby bus stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

What to see nearby:

  • royal tombs
  • Paphos Castle
  • Pafiako Stadium

An accurate satellite map of Paphos (Paphos) in Russian with Google search is in its own section. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on a city map in Cyprus/the world, in real time, in full screen.


Paphos attractions: map, how to get there, what to see

Everyone knows about the UNESCO list. This is a list that includes the most beautiful and ancient structures, monuments, buildings, natural areas that have historical and cultural value for humanity and the modern world. But few people know that this list includes the entire city, with all its streets and suburbs. And this is the city of Paphos, in Cyprus. A new map of Paphos with attractions in Russian will help you find out where the royal tombs are, how to quickly get to a church or monastery, and also show the way to the famous Saranta Kolones castle. The map will be useful to everyone who is going to Cyprus and intends to visit Paphos. So you can save it on your computer or print it out for your trip.

Yes, as we already said, the entire city is under UNESCO protection. There is a unique historical landmark on every corner, on every street and in every house. To this day, historians and archaeologists find unique objects, excavate new theater buildings and tombs. Tourists come to Paphos not only for the beaches, but also for the buildings that were built before our era and are open to the public today.

One of the most visited places in the city is the Archaeological Park. This is an old city that is still being excavated. According to historians, this place was filled with earth and stones after a series of earthquakes. A long time ago, there were four houses of wealthy island residents here. Many rooms and mosaics from those times have survived to this day. A fortress and theater have also already been excavated in the park. There is an old acropolis and a temple. All this belonged to wealthy families who suffered misfortune when a powerful earthquake destroyed the island and covered everything with stones.

A special place in the city is the royal tombs. Although they are called that, kings and other famous people were not buried here. But many tombs are made in the form of houses, decorated with frescoes and lined with riches. This is where the name came from - royal tombs. To our joy, everything here is still preserved as it was before three centuries BC! Can you imagine how many generations of humanity have changed since then! But the tombs still stand and can be visited.

Each of us knows about the ancient gods. Some people think that these are fictions, but others believe in them. Whatever it was, it was on the coast of Paphos, at the rock of Petra tou Romio, that Aphrodite emerged from the sea. People in love come to this place so that their love becomes even stronger. And if you swim around the rock three times, you will immediately become younger! This attraction is free, but you can’t climb the rock – there’s a fine.

There are a lot of churches and temples in the city. They also have historical value and are protected. Churches and temples were usually built on hills, closer to heaven and the gods. The views from their observation towers are stunning, and inside the buildings much has been preserved as it was thousands of years ago.

Even if you just walk along the old streets of the city, you can feel the ancient spirit of Paphos. It was here that centuries and millennia ago people walked, it was here that meetings gathered on the streets of the city and the destinies of people were decided. It was here that they called on the gods and made their sacrifices to them. And it was here that rich people were delighted with theatrical performances and battles.


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