About the death of a Belarusian in Spain. “Sasha’s colleagues chipped in for tickets, readers volunteered to give them a ride to Barcelona.” The family of Alexander, who died in Spain, returns to Belarus. Be aware: very often people get caught in a rip current and act incorrectly

22.06.2017 - 16:58

News of Belarus. A tragic message came from Spain. A citizen of Belarus drowned at a resort in Alicante, reported the “24 Hours” News program on STV.

A 40-year-old employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was vacationing at sea with his family. Suddenly, the Minsk resident’s children began to be pulled under the current. Their parents rushed to their aid. The wife swam out, but the man could not. Just a few minutes later, rescuers pulled him ashore. They tried to resuscitate the man for 20 minutes, but he died.

The embassy of our country in Spain is providing assistance to the family of the deceased.

A fisherman died from a sea snake bite. The previous such incident occurred 85 years ago.

A British man has died after being bitten by a sea snake.

According to the Daily Mail, a 23-year-old guy named Harry worked on a shrimp trawler in northern Australia.

The guy was bitten by a sea snake. The victim asked the team if he would be okay. These were one of the guy's last words. They tried to calm him down and tell him that everything was okay. The ship's first officer noted that he was unaware of the danger of this creature.

Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The trawler workers applied a compression bandage, but the guy did not feel any better. By the time doctors could examine him, Harry had already lost consciousness and was having seizures.

During the investigation into this case, the boy's mother said that “lost one of the most important people in my life”. She also noted that no one from the ship contacted her when her son became ill.

40-year-old Interior Ministry employee Alexander died on Tuesday in the Spanish resort of Alicante. He and his wife were saving their children, who were being pulled into the sea by the current. Irina and the children were able to swim out, but the man died. As Onliner.by learned, the family of the deceased will fly to Minsk tomorrow.

- The children of Sasha and Irina, they are 5 and 9 years old, were splashingin circles. And then suddenly they began to be pulled into the sea,- friends of the family told Onliner.by. - Irina and Alexander rushed to their aid. Irina swims better, she swam, the children are also fine, but Sasha could not swim. Rescuers responded quickly. Two minutes later they pulled him onto the beach, resuscitated him for 20 minutes, but they could not save him. He died in front of the children.

According to relatives, an autopsy was performed on Wednesday and no alcohol was found in the Belarusian’s blood. Spanish doctors said his heart was healthy.

All this time after the tragedy, Irina and her two children remained in Spain, in the city of Guardamar del Segura. Main question They were deciding how to repatriate the body to their homeland.

- For a funeral in Belarus, Irina needs a death certificate from Spain. Otherwise, it is impossible to get a place in the cemetery, draw up death documents and carry out all other procedures - family friends explained. - A certificate in Spain is issued through the court in about 15 days. Therefore, it was not clear what to do next.

What does the Belarusian consulate in Spain say?

The Consulate of Belarus in Spain and the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assured that they will do everything possible to speed up the procedure and help the family. According to the Consul of Belarus in Spain, Alexander Ivashkevich, the family is now being provided with comprehensive assistance.

- The Embassy of Belarus in Spain on June 20, 2017, immediately after receiving information about the tragedy that occurred with a citizen of Belarus, instructed the honorary consul in the city of Alicante to provide maximum assistance to the family of the deceased. And solve all the necessary legal and organizational formalities related to the preparation of documents and the removal of the citizen’s body The Republic of Belarus, - noted the consul. - The consul in Madrid on the same day, June 20, contacted the wife of the deceased and came into contact with the Spanish services, with which consular officers are in constant interaction. Unfortunately, Spanish legislation provides for certain temporary procedures for preparing documents to organize the removal of the body of the deceased. We try to speed up these procedures as much as possible. The Embassy has established contact with the Belarusian insurance company Belgosstrakh and their partner Savitar Group.

« The Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is doing everything necessary to provide assistance to relatives."

- Currently, the leadership of the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is doing everything necessary to provide assistance to the relatives of the law enforcement officer. (...) The employee was 40 years old, about 20 of which he spent serving in the internal affairs bodies. Characterized positively. He performed his duties competently and responsibly, made the right independent decisions in a difficult operational situation, showed reasonable initiative, for which he was repeatedly rewarded,- the Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement. - The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Security and the personnel of the internal affairs bodies express sincere condolences to his family and friends.

“The people who helped the most were the ordinary people who read the note.”

- Helped the most ordinary people who read the note. For some reason, the consulate was unable to change the tickets they bought for July 1. And this was announced literally today - says a family friend. - Therefore, Alexander’s colleagues bought tickets for a direct flight from Barcelona to Minsk. And Ira already has the tickets. A Belarusian guy who lives there will help her get to Barcelona. He read about the incident in the media and decided to give Ira and the children a ride. And this is 400 kilometers.

As for repatriation and documents, it is still unknown whether this process will be accelerated or not. If not, then the woman will receive the death certificate, autopsy report, and so on by mail no earlier than two weeks later. Then it will be possible to resolve the issue of repatriation.

Be aware: very often people get caught in a rip current and act incorrectly

The cause of tragedy at resorts is very often a reverse current (also called a rip current or Rip Current), which literally drags the swimmer far into the open sea. Although seemingly harmless at first glance, it is very dangerous phenomenon- you can be carried away from the shore unnoticed at a speed of up to 15 km/h. Such areas near the coast can be identified by the unusual color of the water, the accumulation of sea foam, or the absence of waves moving towards the shore. Unfortunately, very often the rip current does not manifest itself visually at first. As a rule, rip current “corridors” are small - they rarely exceed 50 meters in width. When you get into them, the main thing is not to lose your composure and try to get out, saving your strength and moving to the side, parallel to the shore.

Rescuers took 20 minutes to resuscitate 40-year-old Alexander, but to no avail. The man died in front of his wife and children. The widow has already been informed that she will have to wait 15 days for her husband’s death certificate, and without this document, Irina cannot begin preparing for the funeral and find a place in the cemetery.

The photograph is used as an illustration. Photo: Reuters

“You can imagine the state Irina is in.” Alone in a foreign country - and such grief. She sits in her room, doesn’t go out anywhere, she needs to hold on for the sake of the children, whose father died before their eyes,” a family friend tells TUT.BY.

On June 13, Minsk resident Alexander, together with his wife and two sons (boys 5 and 9 years old) flew to rest in spanish city Alicante. The family organized their vacation on their own without using the services of a travel agency. This was their first trip to Spain.

— On Tuesday, June 20, they went to the beach. The children swam in circles and at some point they began to be carried out to sea. The parents immediately rushed into the water to save their sons, but the adults also began to get sucked in. Irina and Alexander began to pull the children to the shore, everyone escaped except Sasha. He drowned... A couple of minutes later, rescuers came running, got him out, resuscitated him for 20 minutes, without success, say friends of the couple.

According to preliminary information, Alexander was sober at the time of the tragedy. And the autopsy showed that the man had no health problems. He is a law enforcement officer, he underwent a medical examination every year, and the report always said “healthy.”

Now the family is faced with two problems at once. Return tickets were purchased for July 1, after the death of her husband, Irina can no longer be in a foreign country.

— The family wants to return to Minsk, but there is no money for new tickets. Ira looks at airline websites, studies prices, she needs more than a thousand euros to fly home. But where does she get that kind of money? She contacted the embassy and is waiting for help from them. Doesn't understand what to do in such a situation. It also turned out that a death certificate in Spain is issued only through the court within 15 days. Without this document in Belarus, the wife cannot do anything: find a place in the cemetery, prepare for the funeral, family friends say.

The Embassy of Belarus in Spain is working to ensure the speedy return of Irina and her sons to their homeland.

— The Embassy of Belarus in Spain immediately, on June 20, after receiving information about the tragedy that occurred with a citizen of Belarus, instructed the honorary consul in the city of Alicante to provide maximum assistance to the family of the deceased and resolve all the necessary legal and organizational formalities related to the preparation of documents and the removal of the body of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. The Consul of Belarus in Madrid on the same day, June 20, contacted the wife of the deceased and came into contact with the Spanish services, with which consular officers are in constant interaction. Unfortunately, Spanish legislation provides for certain temporary procedures for preparing documents to organize the removal of the body of the deceased. We try to speed up these procedures as much as possible. The embassy has established contact with the Belarusian insurance company and their partner in Spain, commented TUT.BY Alexander Ivashkevich, Consul of Belarus in Madrid.


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