Luxurious summer vacation in the UAE. Luxury summer holiday in the UAE Dubai Summer Shopping Festival

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Emirates in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Weather, is it possible to swim?

It’s warm here all year round, and in other months it’s even higher than +40 degrees. Most, almost 80% of this country is sand and desert. But the remaining parts are chic cities, unique buildings and new wonders of the world. Can you guess which country we are talking about? Yes, this is the Emirates, a country that is constantly included in the TOP 5 countries in terms of attractiveness among tourists. Let's talk about the best time to vacation in the UAE, what time of year and where. Let's look at each season, find out what the temperature is in the Emirates in winter and summer, find out when there are sandstorms and whether it is worth visiting the country in the heat of +40 degrees.

Winter in the UAE means the lowest temperatures.

When there is snow in Russia and there are severe frosts at night, the sun shines in the Emirates. Although even in this country, winter is the coldest time of the year.
In December there is no snow here, but the sun shines. The average temperature in cities is +26 degrees. The water is quite warm and not lower than +23 degrees. Sometimes cold winds blow, which make the temperature feel like +15, and then swimming is not comfortable, but you can sunbathe.

January is the first month of the year, and it is also the coldest in the country. During the day the temperature drops to +15 +17 degrees, and at night it can be +10. At the same time, the sea is warm, and there are not very many people who want to swim in it. The winds begin to blow stronger, often from the north, which lower the temperature. But still, in January there are many tourists in the Emirates; they come here for Christmas and New Year.

February is almost no different from January. The air temperature is from +17 to +20, sometimes up to +24, but this is closer to the end of the month. The sea is +21 +23 and some tourists start swimming in it. The cold winds are ending, and there is little stopping you from being on the beach. Although there are fewer tourists than in January, the holidays are over, and the weather is not yet very suitable for relaxing on the beach.

Spring in the UAE means both the beach and excursions.

March is already warm, and hot for some. The average daytime temperature is about +27 degrees, the sea warmed up to +24. With such indicators, the Emirates are becoming very attractive to tourists. Although not everyone risks swimming in the sea. Most often, March is suitable for shopping and excursions.

But April is the ideal month for a beach holiday. During the day the air warms up to +33, and the sea becomes gorgeous +25 and above. The winds are starting to blow again, but they are already warm and are pushing hot air into the region. Therefore, relaxing on the beach is becoming fashionable. Tourists are in no hurry to get out of the water, refreshing themselves in it.

With the onset of May, real heat comes to the country. The temperature does not drop below +38 degrees, and it is very difficult to be in the sun. The sea is not lower than +29 degrees, swimming in it is a pleasure. Just don’t forget to wet your head with water, otherwise you’ll get sunstroke. In May, tourists, for the most part, begin to relax in the UAE in the evening. After sunset, the long-awaited coolness sets in, you can leisurely walk, visit attractions or be on the beach.

Summer in the UAE - hot, hot, hot!

It is not worth visiting the UAE in summer. Even 70% discounts on vacations are not worth ruined health and a ruined vacation.
From the very first month the temperature soars to +40 degrees. At night the temperature does not drop much and remains at +31 +33 degrees. The temperature of the sea resembles tea, and you can get burned. The waters of the bay are warmed up to +33, and in some places up to +35.

July and August are like twins. Daytime temperatures are above +44 degrees, the sea is also +33 +35. It is simply impossible to be in the sun during the day. High humidity does not allow you to walk the streets, and the scorching sun takes away your last strength.

In summer, air conditioning is available throughout the UAE. Even on buses they work at full capacity. This is another disadvantage of vacationing in the country at this time of year. Even after a short walk outside, you will be so wet from the humidity that when you enter an air-conditioned room, you will be cold. Visitors often suffer from sore throats and other diseases due to such temperature changes. Therefore, consider whether you should visit Dubai in the summer. The beaches here are empty, there are no people willing to swim. But tourists are also very willing to visit shopping centers. In summer, the cities of the Emirates become deserted.

Autumn in the UAE is very diverse.

Autumn in the country is very similar to our autumn - heat, rain, cold weather.
In September, you can still feel the recently ended summer here. Daytime temperatures often rise to +38, and nights around +29. But tourists appear on the beaches. Towards evening there are even more of them. Many people rush into the water to wash off the day's sweat.
October is very similar to April. The air is not so hot, around +32 +34, and the water in the sea is not lower than +27 degrees. This is a great time to visit the UAE for a beach holiday and excursions to the beautiful places of the country. But don’t be too deluded, it’s autumn and it’s autumn here. Therefore, at any moment the weather can present an unpleasant surprise for tourists.

Now you will learn one important information that will be very surprising. In November, there are 3-4 rainy days in the Emirates - and this is the rainiest month of the year in this area! Surprised? If you are not afraid of “such” amount of rain, then you can safely go on vacation to a beautiful country. Moreover, the air temperature during the day is about +31 degrees, and the sea will be warm and about +28 degrees. And if you get caught in the rain on the beach, don’t worry – the rain here is warm, and you’ll even enjoy walking under it.

Let's summarize.

If you want to relax comfortably on the beaches of the UAE, then you have four months to do this: March and April in the spring, and October and November in the fall. These months are the “mildest” in terms of climate in the country.
It is not recommended to visit the Emirates during the summer months. The air temperature rises above +45, and the water in the sea is about to boil, reaching +35. At the same time, air conditioners work everywhere, and you can easily catch a sore throat and a hundred other diseases.
As for the winter months, they are suitable for excursions and shopping. You won't be able to swim in the sea; you can always swim in the hotel pool, please.
As for vacation prices, they are almost always the same. Only in summer there are discounts, since there are almost no tourists in the country. There are also discounts in the winter months, when sales festivals take place in the country, but they are not as big.

If you were planning to go to the UAE in the summer specifically for a beach holiday, then we will immediately upset you - there are no opportunities for this! However, some tourists still visit the Emirates in the summer and there are a number of reasons for this... but let's talk about everything in order.

Weather in the UAE in summer

And in the Emirates there are the hottest months, when the sun is so merciless that it literally does not allow tourists to be in the city and on the beach even during the daytime. It is only possible to move from a tour bus to a restaurant or from a taxi to a shopping center. Daytime temperatures in the UAE in summer reach +37 °C in the shade, and in the sun it scorches over +40! It's a little cooler at night, but you can't do it without the help of air conditioners. There is practically no rain at this time, but gusts of wind from the north can provoke the onset of sandstorms. As for a beach holiday, the sea is so warm that it is not refreshing at all, so being on the hot sand by the sea is a very questionable event. True, you can swim in a chilled pool, but that's another story.

What to do in the Emirates in summer?

So is it worth going to the UAE in summer? If you want to spend time in luxury hotels, enjoy rich cuisine and impeccable service, plunge headlong into entertainment and shopping in shopping centers where it is pleasantly cool, then your choice is completely justified. Add to this the service and services that only the UAE can offer - these are free nights and free dinners, offers for children of free access to water parks or a free car from the airport and much more. By the way, all premises in the UAE are air-conditioned - metro, hotels, taxis, buses, shops, museums and so on.

Are there any advantages to holidaying in the UAE during the summer months?

Indeed, the number of tourists in the Emirates in the summer decreases sharply, but the government is trying to do everything to attract vacationers at this time. To do this, many hotels offer special discounts for families with children under 16 years of age - accommodation, meals, and sometimes flights are free for them, provided that the family stays at the hotel for at least 3 days. And that’s not all, find out more from your tour operators!

Dubai Summer Shopping Festival

To attract tourists, Dubai hosts a Dubai summer festival called “Dubai - Summer Surprises”. This is a family festival, in which more than 40 shopping centers participate, and in addition to various festival events (competitions, concerts, sweepstakes), there is also a significant sale of quality goods, when discounts can reach up to 70%!

Features of holidays in the Month of Ramadan

Please note that usually the month of Ramadan falls in one of the summer months, when your holiday will be almost the same as in other months, but may still have a number of features - from sunrise to sunset, restaurants will be surrounded by dark screens, in bars and stores will sell alcohol after 19:00, and you need to dress more modestly at this time.

So, weigh all the pros and cons and if such a vacation suits you, go to the UAE in the summer, because there are many tourists who travel in this direction for a high-quality vacation, saving a lot on summer rates. Those who should be dissuaded from traveling to the UAE in the summer are heart patients and simply unhealthy people, as well as families with small children.

Many tourists are scared of the United Arab Emirates in the summer, but not everything is as scary as they say. It’s not necessary that the thermometer will show +50 throughout your entire vacation, and even if it does, you can still have a great rest. The main thing is to properly distribute your day, then you will have fun, interesting and comfortable. The only advice is that in July and August, do not take small children with you, who not only have a hard time withstanding the heat, but also react to the temperature difference that occurs due to air conditioners.

The first plus is that buy a tour to the Emirates in summer can be done very cheaply. The fact is that in this country, due to the sun, the flow of vacationers is greatly reduced, and the government is trying in every possible way to attract people. So, many hotels offer incredible discounts, and sometimes even pay for flights. This is perhaps a huge plus, because not everyone can afford a holiday in the UAE, but everyone wants to see the indescribable beauty of this country.

The second plus is air conditioning everywhere, so the United Arab Emirates in summer is not as scary as it seems. Each store and the passages between them, stops, public transport, taxis, hotels, and all excursion sites are equipped with air conditioning. They are installed wherever possible and necessary, so your movement around the city will not be painful. The only joy you will have to deny yourself is spending the whole day on the beach and going on an excursion to the desert. But don’t despair, there are many substitutes for these joys, and you can still visit the beach; it will be most pleasant after sunset.

Yours trip to the Emirates will definitely give you unforgettable memories, because you can spend the whole day in local water parks, which have no analogues in the whole world. Pools with wons, extreme slides, artificial rivers and volcanoes, where many surprises await you.

The summer shopping festival, which takes place in Dubai, will allow you to make many profitable purchases, take part in competitions and sweepstakes, and also watch interesting concerts. If you wanted to go on an excursion to a mosque, museum or palace, no problem, any transport or room is pleasantly cool. So the United Arab Emirates in the summer is quite realistic and not tiring.

Choose any direction, a bus or car will take you to your destination, you will not have to walk anywhere, and accordingly you will be protected from the sun. If you are interested in seeing, for example, Dubai from above, you need to buy a ticket for a monorail train and enjoy the panorama. Also, do not forget that each hotel has a swimming pool, billiards and many other entertainments; even at night you can go crab hunting and thus enjoy your vacation. Having planned everything correctly on your trip, you will see the sea, the beach, excursions and be able to visit any interesting places.


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