Russian-Chinese city of Dalian: attractions, treatment and entertainment. What to visit in Dalian? Interesting places in the central Zhongshan region

Dalian is a huge port and resort city, which is located in the North-East of the country in the coastal part of the Yellow Sea Bay. The city, with a population of over 6 million, is recognized as one of the 5 hundred most comfortable cities in the world to live in.

Dalian has just under 1,000 kilometers of sandy and pebble beaches, dozens of resorts and sanatoriums that can accommodate up to 40,000 vacationers at a time, and there are also amazing attractions in Dalian.

Sometime at the end of the 19th century, the Russian Empire leased this area from China and founded the city of Dalny here. The huge investments involved in the lengthy construction helped make the city unique among the many large settlements in both countries.

During the Russo-Japanese War, the city of Dalny was in the power of Japan for a long period. It was only in 1945 that it was recaptured by the troops of the Soviet Union, and 5 years later it was finally handed over to the Chinese government. The city acquired the name Luyda and in 81 of the 20th century it was renamed Dalian. After 3 years, the Chinese government allowed the introduction of foreign investment. A period of active growth and development of the city began.

Over time, a course was taken to rebuild the infrastructure towards tourism and the health and treatment sector. Today Dalian serves the country as a strategic seaport, industrial, economic, resort and festival center.

Top places to visit in Dalian

When you hear the phrase China Dalian attractions, most travelers remember its unique squares and districts.

The most beautiful place in the city is called Friendship Square. It has a circular shape and is surrounded by multi-story office buildings of modern architecture made of glass and metal. Spacious streets lead to it, where the main representative offices of the world's leading companies, boutiques and exclusive stores with rare expensive goods are located. In the center of the square there is an impressively sized ball, which rests on 5 supporting arms, symbolizing the friendship of the five continents. When night comes, the ball glows with a variety of illumination.

Xinghai Square is the largest square in all of Asia. In its center there is a 20-meter marble pillar, which was erected in honor of the return of this region to the PRC. Along the perimeter of the pillar there are five more columns. There are musical fountains throughout the area, and a path with footprints is laid near the sea. At the end there is a sculpture of children holding a book. It is also home to China's largest marine aquarium, with a tunnel built underwater, 118 meters long, and tens of thousands of different species of marine life.

Also on the list of attractions in Dalian China is People's Square (the old name is Stalin Square) - a popular vacation spot for citizens and tourists, and Victory Square or Victoria Square, which is known for its huge shopping center. You can buy a wide variety of goods at good prices.

All squares are unique and beautiful. If you have enough free time, city guests can also visit Zhongshan Square, Hope Square, Frozen Wave Square, Putin Square and America Square.

The history of the formation and development of Dalian (China) was influenced for a long time by the Russian Empire, and later by the Soviet Union. In the very center of the city there is Russian Street, where you can see up to four dozen different buildings made in the Russian style of the period of the 19th-20th centuries. This street is the oldest in the city and the city authorities paid great attention to the issue of its reconstruction. Today there are restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops and clubs on it, designed in the Russian style.

Also in the city you can find Japanese Street, on which there are enterprises and establishments characteristic of this country. This street was built specifically in 2000 in memory of Japan's rule in this region. Here you can feel the spirit of the culture of this country, enjoy its traditional dishes, and attend a tea ceremony.

Parks of Dalian, as an important part of the attractions of all China

The number of parks that Dalian has is very difficult to find in other cities in the world. Their number has exceeded a dozen, which is why the city is often called “situated in the middle of a garden.”

In Tiger Park you can visit the Polar Aquarium, where, in addition to the many species of fish, turtles and belugas on display, there are also shows of dolphins, fur seals and walruses. Its name comes from the statue of two tigers placed in the center.

The Bird Park is located next to the Tiger Park. Here tourists can wander among a variety of birds of various species. The inhabitants of the park are not confined to separate cages and live in a natural environment. Only in this place is a unique half-hour show of parrots held, where they ride bicycles, play funny melodies, add single numbers and speak human language.

In Labor Park you can walk to the lake and feed the fish, take a ride to the observation deck of the Dalian TV Tower, and see the city from a 170-meter height, or have lunch at the revolving restaurant located here. You can take a cable car up the mountain and go down on a special sleigh sliding along a metal chute.

Sea Melody Park is unique for its serpentine street, which is good for walking and riding in a special car. This place has many platforms that offer breathtaking views of the Yellow Sea, and statues of its inhabitants are placed along the sides.

The wedding park - Swallow's Nest - is located on a steep cliff. At its edge, which ends in a cliff, openwork gazebos with a seascape in the background were built. Of course, there are wedding-themed sculptures throughout the park. Here you can not only watch a Chinese wedding, but also take pictures in national wedding costumes.

Dalian Zoo continues the list of “attractions of Dalian”; you can spend more than one hour exploring it. Vast areas of primates, herbivores, predators, birds and exotic plants are better and less tiring to travel around in an electric car. To attract more visitors, an elephant show is held here.

In Xinghai Park, in addition to the Shenya Aquarium, there are attractions and a Ferris wheel. On the pebble beach adjacent to the park, boarding is available for pleasure boats that ply along the coast. A jumping tower was built over the sea and ropes were stretched, allowing you to ride a special device over the sea to the shore.

The Big Black Mountain is filled with a large number of Buddhist and Taoist temples. Temple attractions are always open to visitors. The height of the mountain is 1300 meters.

Also in Dalyan there is a spacious Aerbin water park with many large and small water slides and Discoveryland with more than 30 different attractions.

Golf clubs, a hunting club and 900 meters of city beaches with sand and pebbles are also open to the public.

In the vicinity of Dalian there is the Golden Stone area with a famous hospital and a free beach. On the beach there are courts for playing volleyball and football, and along the shore there are huge figures of shrimp, crabs, lobsters, etc. In the Golden Stone Park, among the natural stone boulders, there is a small artificial lake.

Port Arthur is a place where battles took place during the Russo-Japanese War. The fort itself still houses military fortifications, barracks and bunkers. There is a cemetery near the port where Russian soldiers are buried. In its center there is a memorial dedicated to Soviet heroes and a monument to Russian and Japanese soldiers.

What else to see in Dalian China? - a question to which there are a thousand answers. For example, not far from the city there is a nature reserve called Ice Valley. Its territory is 200 km. In the center of the valley, surrounded by mountains with untouched forested mountain slopes, a museum of marine nature was built. Clean spring water and wonderful places of untouched nature attract those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

On the outskirts of Dalian near the sea there is the International Sailors' Club with gourmet restaurants and banquet halls. Here you will be served an exotic dinner in a wonderful atmosphere accompanied by the sound of the sea waves.

For those who want to enjoy and capture more unique landscapes and sea views, it is advisable to see Banchuy Island with a surrounding chain of mountains and sea expanses in the distance. Bingyu Island, with its mountains and stone boulders, is a bit reminiscent of the landscapes of Switzerland. The Medical Center is also located here, where many chronic diseases are successfully treated.

Dalian is a tourist city, so there are a lot of places to visit and a large number of attractions. For example, Port Arthur is located 45 kilometers from the city, but along the way you can marvel at the landscapes and look at monuments dedicated to the Russo-Japanese War, and separately monuments to Russian heroes among the 17 thousand who died on Japanese soil. The Russian Military Memorial and Cemetery is the largest Russian burial site in Asia.

Ice Valley is a 200-kilometer-long nature reserve located northwest of the city of Dalian. In the valley surrounded by mountains you can see the untouched forests that have been preserved here. Tourists are usually attracted here by crystal water and unique landscapes. The valley is immense in size - 5000 hectares. There is also a museum of marine nature, located in the once city hall building. It was built by the Russians back in 1900, in the traditional Northern European style.

The International Sailors' Club presents several distinguished restaurants and banquet halls located on the second floor of the building. The village of Jinshitan is approved by the State Council of Holiday Villages and is located in the southeast of the Yellow Sea in Dalian. This is an ideal holiday destination regarding Northern China.

The “Seaside Road” is 30 kilometers long, winding like a serpentine, going around beautiful hills, then going to the sea, then to the mountains. It connected the beaches of Banchuy, the Tiger Park of the village of Lu with the Starfish Park.

There is a landscape area on Banchui Island, which is located in the east of Binhailu Street, 9 kilometers from the city center. In the north, the area is covered by mountains and offers beautiful views of the sea. If you look closely, you can see Sanshan Island in the fog, which resembles some kind of fantastic object.

Bingyu, called the landscape area, is located 40 kilometers north of Zhuanghe, or rather its urban area. And from there it will be necessary to advance to the northeastern part of Dalian. This area is also called “Little Switzerland” and for good reason - the mountain landscape and boulders create their own unique and amazing view. You can get here by bus, which runs direct from Dalian Railway Station. In addition to the sights and beautiful picturesque nature, here you can treat your health. Dalian has a Medical Center where professionals have been successfully treating any disease for several years.

Xinghai Square (星海广场, Xin Hai Square) is located in the southwestern part of Dalian and has an excellent geographical location. This site was originally a saltworks in Xinghai Bay. Later, in honor of the return of Hong Kong to China, the largest city square in Asia was created here. In the square there is a pillar made of white marble, on which 9 dragons are engraved, meaning that all the "sons and daughters" of China are the heirs of the dragon. In the center of the square is a replica of the sacrificial altar of the Beijing Temple of Heaven, built from Sichuan red marble, on which are carved the heavenly foundations and earthly branches (an ancient system of chronology), the 24 agricultural seasons and the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. To the north of the square is the Xinghai Exhibition Center. This modern building combines an exhibition hall, a conference hall, shopping, financial and entertainment centers. Beer festivals, clothing festivals, and marathons are held on the square.

Working hours: around the clock.

Entrance: free.

Address:大连市沙河口区南部海滨风景区/ Beach landscape district, South part of Sha He Kou district.

Lüshun (旅顺, Lüshun) - former Port Arthur, famous for its beautiful scenery and interesting places, such as Mount Baiyunshan, military port, victory tower, Lushun Museum, Snake Museum and others. Located near the port Bai Yushan Mountain is a symbol of Lushun, its height is more than 130 m above sea level. At the top of the mountain there is a 110 m high television tower and a museum of naval weapons. South of the mountain is military port (旅顺军港, Lüshun military harbor) , which began construction back in 1880. The port has unique natural conditions; it is a world-famous natural convenient harbor. Its geographical location is extremely inaccessible and strategically important. The port is difficult to attack and easy to defend. Fierce battles were fought for this place many times with Japanese and Russian colonialists. After the formation of the People's Republic of China, the port of Lushun became an important military base for the Chinese army. Tower of victory (胜利塔, Tower of victory) was built in 1955 by the Soviet army, before it left Lushun, to commemorate the decade of victory over Japanese imperialism and German fascism. The tower has a height of 45 m, the base of the tower is pentagonal in shape. Each side consists of 15 layers of granite. After the Japanese occupied Dalian in 1905, they built in 1916 on the basis of the former officers' club of Tsarist Russia Lüshun Museum . The museum building was built in European style and at the same time has elements of oriental decor. The museum displays about 100 thousand exhibits, including bronze items, Xinjiang cultural monuments, calligraphy, paintings, ceramics, as well as foreign cultural exhibits. Lüshun Snake Museum occupies an area of ​​14,000 sq. m. It shows the natural landscape of snake island, the life of snakes, their uses, as well as stuffed snakes.

Working hours: military port - off-season: 8.00-16.00, “hot season” - 6.00-18.30; Lushun Museum - summer: 8.00-17.00, winter - 9.30-15.30, spring - 8.30-16.00, closed Monday (except holidays); Snake Museum - 8.00-17.00.

The Chinese city of Dalian is surrounded by greenery. There are blue skies, white beaches, many attractions, as well as opportunities for recreation and wellness. This city also has a very unusual history. Imagine, Dalian was founded by the Russians at the end of the 19th century, then they called the city Dalek. It had three parts: administrative, Chinese and European.

Construction by today's standards cost more than 11 billion rubles and lasted only 7 years. It turned out to be a very beautiful and cozy place with a mechanized port, which allowed Dalian to become the second city in terms of cargo turnover.

Today, the Chinese city of Dalian is one of the popular tourist centers for Koreans, Japanese and Russians. It is very easy for residents of Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to get here, because direct flights are organized. There are even special tourist routes for Russians with sightseeing and cultural programs. You can also undergo treatment in Dalian, which is organized by many Russian tourism operators. But I suggest starting with visiting the most interesting places in the city.

Sights of Dalian

City squares

The city of Dalian consists of many squares, from which streets and avenues radiate. Friendship Square is considered the most beautiful.

It houses the town hall building, the Bank of China, and the Dalian Hotel. The square looks amazing in the evening, when the lights come on, a huge ball lights up in the center and the screen turns on, showing TV programs.

The largest is Xinghai Square.

There are musical fountains along its perimeter, and a marble pillar in the center. It is a place for festivals, celebrations and fairs. Entertainment includes a variety of attractions, and there is a go-kart track. The crocodile show taking place here is definitely worth a visit.

Port Arthur

In the south of Dalyan is the famous Port Arthur. The desire to own this fortress led to a clash between Russian and Japanese troops. Many Russian military fortifications, barracks, trenches, and bunkers have been preserved here. Some of them preserve the memory of the battle with the Japanese in the form of damage left by Japanese shells. Near the port there is a square called Melody of the Sea. It is decorated with various sculptures and a monumental ship.


Of course, this Chinese city could not do without Russian Street, located in the Xigang district, the Chinese name is Tuanjiejie. It ends near one of Dalian’s most striking and oldest landmarks – the historic Civil Government Building, built in 1900. As you remember, back then it was still Dalny.

On Russian Street, tourists will also find the Dalian Marine Engineering School and the building of the CER Shipping Company.

But on Changjianglu Street you can see retro tram cars.

Also on this street are buildings that have been preserved in Dalian since the Japanese period.

Today, many people prefer to receive treatment in Dalian because, as you remember, there are direct flights and companies that offer support and assistance in organizing the trip. An excellent opportunity to experience the full power of the famous traditional Chinese medicine, get acquainted with new techniques and significantly improve your health.

You will be offered to improve your well-being at the city clinics Kerren and Horizon, and the Tanganzi health and wellness complex. And in the very center of Dalian there is the Chinese-Russian Health Center.

Here you can take a wellness course of traditional Chinese massage, acupuncture, and enjoy a bioactive foot massage. It is also difficult to imagine treatment in Dalian without baths with medicinal herbs, infrared rays, and cupping. And the traditional Chinese therapeutic scraping will help eliminate congestion in the muscles and under the skin.

On the territory of the Health center there is a 4-star hotel, a jacuzzi, a gym, a beauty center and a variety of saunas: crystal, granite, adobe, oxygen, agate, mica, tourmaline, wood and salt.

In your free time from treatment, you can walk around the city, sightsee, enjoy the beauty of nature and all kinds of entertainment in the parks. I’ll be happy to tell you about some of them further.

Parks in Dalian

You can have a great rest in Xinghai Park. Attractions and an aquarium with an incredibly long underwater tunnel are available to tourists. There is also a beach and a swimming pool. A visit to Tanhai Cave, hidden among a riot of greenery, will give you incredible impressions. From here, along a staircase carved into the rock, you can go down to the sea.

An interesting entertainment program is offered in the Tiger Park.

The Polar Aquarium located here hosts a dolphin show every 2 hours, as well as a show with fur seals and a walrus. The funicular will take everyone to the opposite bank.

Not far from the Tiger Park is the Bird Park. This is a huge artificial cage in which about 80 species of birds live. The parrot show lasts half an hour, during which time the trained parrots will demonstrate their ability to count, play musical instruments, play sports and collect money.

And in Dalian Labor Park you can feed the fish. Tourists have taken a liking to the local TV tower, from the top of which there is a wonderful view of the city's beauty. Not, of course, but also a good observation deck. I also advise you to take the cable car up the mountain, from where you can slide down the iron chute on a sled. Their speed can be easily adjusted, and the ride experience is incredible.

Another city amusement park is Discoveryland.

There are several thematic zones on its territory, and each of them has many attractions. Around 20:00, a theatrical performance begins in the park, a laser show and fireworks take place. You can return to the city by bus.

There is also a zoo in Dalian, located on the coast, near the Baiyun Mountains. Many of the animals living here are kept in the wild, in a specially designated area, accessible by tourist buses. Near the musical fountains there is an observation deck overlooking the city.

These are the attractions, entertainment and treatment opportunities Dalian provides to everyone. I hope you were interested in learning about such a nice Russian-Chinese city. I will be glad to comments, likes and tweets. See you at .

I am glad to welcome everyone who prefers to combine a holiday by the sea with treatment according to the treatises of Chinese medicine, excursions and shopping, walks in magnificent parks and vibrant nightlife.

Central - round square

The perimeter of the square is surrounded by buildings built by the Japanese: the monumental City Hall, the Bank of China building, and the Dalian Hotel. Wide streets diverge from the square like rays of the sun, one of which is Sidalin Lu Street (Stalin Street) leading to the sea pier and the International Sailors Club with a row of restaurants and cafes.

"People's Square" formerly "Stalin Square"

98 sq. km. occupies “Stalin Square” and is one of the most beautiful squares in Dalian and is equipped with beautiful lawns, as well as a huge musical fountain that attracts tourists and local residents. Once upon a time, on the site of this luxurious fountain there was a monument to Soviet soldiers, erected in 1945.

At the end of the last century, the Melody of the Sea Square was built on the embankment and immediately became one of the most popular attractions in Dalian. There are many sculptures of various themes, styles and directions built on the square; such a complex is rarely seen both in China and abroad.

Labor Park

In the city center, near the commercial area, covering an area of ​​7,220 sq. km, Labor Park is located, being the largest comprehensive park in the city. Consists of three parts:

lake, nature park and amusement town.

The park was built more than 100 years ago, and in 1945 it officially received its current name. In the park you can feed pigeons, peacocks and other birds and animals that roam freely on the lawns. Every year, Labor Park is visited by about 5,000 tourists from both abroad and Chinese residents. On the territory of the park, at an altitude of 1,170 m above sea level, there is a TV tower 125 m high. In the TV tower at an altitude of 125 m there is a restaurant and a bar, where 2 elevators deliver tourists, and a beautiful panoramic view opens from the observation deck.

Tiger Park - Laohutan Park

On the southern coast, on the territory of Tiger Bay, there is “Tiger Beach”, which occupies an area of ​​1,180 km2, with a coastline length of 4,600 meters. Adjacent to the seashore is a beautiful park in which the Hundred Tigers Pavilion and Seal Lake are located. There is a restaurant along the coastline where you can have a delicious and inexpensive lunch with fresh seafood.

Laohutan Park is a multifunctional complex and is an important tourist attraction in Dalian, including the North Bridge, Tiger Shoal Bay, Chilima Bay, Xiu Yue Mountain, Bird Park, Oceanarium and Marine Museum. Animals."
The Tiger Sculpture Square is one of the famous places in the Tiger Park and occupies 15,700 sq.m. The sculpture of 6 tigers, made of granite, impresses with its originality and amazingness.

There is a small pier on the beach: from here you can take a short boat excursion and admire the coast and Ban Chuy Island from the sea.

Bird Park

The “Bird Park” is located in the southwest of the Tiger Shoal Bay and in the north, on a hill from the Chilima Bay, occupies 18 km2, being one of the largest natural and artificial cages in which more than 2,000 representatives of 80 live. types of birds.

Zoo - safari park

In the south of Dalian, on Mount Clouds, next to the sea, is the Dalian Zoo. The zoo presents more than 1,000 representatives of 300 species of animals living freely on an area of ​​12 km2.

From the observation deck of the Dalian Zoo you can clearly see the music square with waterfalls, surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Xinghai Park

Xinghai Park is located on the western shore of Dalian, surrounded by mountains and water, attracting with its picturesqueness and legends.

Xinghai is one of Dalian's four beaches and is also a world-famous beach park in China.
The park has a very long history, dating back to approximately the end of the last millennium. It was rebuilt several times and today it is an attractive place for excursions, entertainment and just active recreation. The park has many attractions, a sea beach, a swimming pool, fountains, various recreation areas, as well as the largest marine aquarium in China with an underwater tunnel 118 m long, home to more than 10,000 fish of various species, and a crocodile show. Not far from Xinghai Park is Xinghai Square, built in honor of reunification with Hong Kong.

Xinghai Starfish Park

5 km southwest of the center of Dalian is the Starfish Park, which is very popular among local residents due to the presence of a golf course and a good fish restaurant, Taihua.

Port Arthur

A beautiful tourist place 45 km from the city of Dalian, the travel time to which will pass completely unnoticed, since along the way you will meet beautiful landscapes, a monument to Russian soldiers who died in the Russian-Japanese battles.

Golden Rock Beach (Jinshitan)

A rapidly developing tourist area 70 km from Dalian, it is loved by tourists and local residents.

Ice Valley (Bingyi)

A nature reserve 200 km northwest of Dalian. In a valley surrounded by mountains, on an area of ​​5,000 hectares, there are magnificent virgin forests. Tourists are attracted by the beautiful scenery and crystal clear waters.


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