Homemade harpoon for underwater gun. The harpoon is the oldest fishing tool. How to make a harpoon at home

Spearfishing, one of the most exciting elements of recreation and tourism, naturally implies a good catch as its climax. And since a fishing rod cannot be used underwater, its role can be perfectly performed by an underwater gun (crossbow), equipped with a high-quality and reliable harpoon. Without such equipment, underwater hunting is impossible - and modern technologies, in fact, have not significantly changed this ancient weapon of ocean, sea and partly river fishing.

The device of a gun (crossbow)

The design features of harpoons and their appearance in the 21st century have remained almost the same as they were 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 years ago. The harpoon structure still includes a long and strong rod, a sharpened tip with a hook of one shape or another that prevents the prey from getting rid of it, as well as a hole for the line, which allows you to pull the harpooned fish or animal towards you. The main difference between a professional modern harpoon and ancient tools is, first of all, the use of durable stainless steel with a high coefficient of rigidity, since flexible rods are not only unreliable and not accurate, but also dangerous. In addition, modern universal harpoons have acquired replaceable tips that screw onto threads, and in some versions, special clamps, holes and/or grooves.

AMS “Gator Getter Point” harpoon for spearfishing

Types of harpoons

Due to such a variety of options, harpoons are usually divided into separate types according to the method of interaction with the trigger mechanism (related to the operating principle of the latter) and according to the types of tips.

By way of interaction

Without latches in the release mechanisms

The most ancient, structurally simple and yet the most popular type of harpoons does not require the inclusion of grooves and grooves in the design of the rod. It is used in guns with a rear trigger - pneumatic, spring and crossbow.

Equipped with groove and hole

This design is necessary if the release mechanism is located at the front.

Target pistonless pneumatic shotguns AMATIKA-47 – design

Equipped with a lock

Used in spearfishing guns with rear-mounted trigger mechanisms.

By type of tips

Harpoons in which the tips are integral with the rod

The advantage of such harpoons (in essence, the design is no different from those used by ancient hunters to catch fish) is precisely their simplicity and strength. In this case, the tip cannot become detached, deformed, or get lost; it will reliably hold the fish, and among its inconveniences one can highlight only a slight difficulty in removing prey and the impossibility of using the main rod with other types of tips.

Harpoon with solid tip “Tahiti”

Harpoons with removable (screw-on) tips

This type is the most versatile and convenient, first of all, due to the ability to select a small tip of any shape and type from their set, depending on the requirements of underwater hunting. Obvious disadvantages are associated with the reduced strength of the threaded connection, which, in the event of the slightest damage, immediately reduces shooting accuracy and threatens final failure.

Photo gallery of removable tips

Removable tip “Taimen” Removable “Paralyzer” tip for eels and small fish
Harpoon for spearfishing “Titanium five-pointer”

Regardless of the types of harpoons, an important role is played by the shape of the tips and, especially, their sharpening - selected separately not only for different types of fish, but also for the fishing locations.

Which harpoon to choose?

Since the choice of harpoon will be decisively influenced by the expected type and size of the fish being caught, the hunter will need to carefully consider such parameters of the weapon as the diameter of the rod, its material and rate of fire. For not very large fish, the most popular options are considered to be diameters of 6 and 6.5 mm, which have the highest rate of fire. For medium-sized fish, it is recommended to take a 7-mm harpoon, and for even larger underwater game (for example, silver carp) - 8-10 or more millimeters in diameter, preferably made not of steel, but of a titanium alloy.

For clean, clear water, the gun itself can be chosen to be quite long, 1.5–2 meters, since visibility in such water will be good.

Equipment - binding methods

Since the main (and practically the only) element of harpoon equipment is the line, the method and especially the place of tying it is a fundamental point. There are not 2, but 3 such options (the usual front, in front of the sliding bushing and in the back, behind the bushing) - each with its own advantages and disadvantages. To decide how to tie the line, check out the table below.

Table “Advantages and disadvantages of methods for tying a line”

Way pros Minuses
Front binding is the easiest to manufacture and allows you to quickly and easily replace the line if it is damaged or abraded; promotes good (through) shooting and retention of prey. a rapid drop in shooting accuracy with increasing distance; weakening of the harpoon's strength (due to the presence of a front hole);

difficulty in removing the arrow;

high probability of tench being cut by a fish bone.

Binding from front to sleeve reducing the influence of the line rope on the boom; the possibility of using a long line. design complexity; need for fixation on the muzzle;

high resistance;

low (due to the bushing) probability of end-to-end damage to fish;

lack of fixation of the harpoon in the body of the fish at the moment of impact.

Snap behind the sleeve insignificant influence of the line rope on the boom; ease of manufacture;

high accuracy.

difficulty in replacing the line; weakening of the strength of the harpoon (due to the presence of a hole);

the likelihood of a tench being cut by a fish bone;

low (due to the bushing) probability of end-to-end damage to the fish.

Features of care

At first glance, the simplicity of the harpoon does not seem to require any special care, but this is only partly true.

It is important to note that even on stainless steel, if it is frequently under water (especially salty), corrosion can occur. For this reason, regular lubrication is the basis for extending the life of the harpoon. It happens that even the strongest rod is subject to deformation - and in order to detect and then eliminate defects in the geometry of this kind, the harpoon requires periodic visual inspection. Further, the petals of harpoons may wear out, the point may become dull, the fastenings may become loose, the line rope may fray, cracks may appear in the body of the harpoon, and all such problems before (or after) hunting will need to be eliminated - using a hammer, sandpaper, clean dry rags and good lubricants By the way, ordinary motor oil does an excellent job of the latter. You need to apply it to a piece of cloth and carefully wipe the metal, paying special attention to the threaded areas.

Different sources give different recommendations on the frequency of lubrication - but since this procedure is not so expensive, ideally it is better to carry it out not a couple of times a season, but after each hunt (and also at the end of the season). If serious defects are detected on any part of the harpoon, the failed element must be replaced.

Photo gallery: spearfishing trophies

Fantastic trophy – catfish 70 kg Not a bad trophy - perch The romance of spearfishing

Video: spearfishing for silver carp (22 kg) from a boat

How to make a harpoon with your own hands

As you know, many experienced spearfishing masters prefer to make a harpoon (or at least tips) with their own hands rather than using a factory product. In addition, making a harpoon with your own hands is not so difficult, and if you have all the necessary parts and materials, such a weapon will have a number of advantages over the standardized version, since it will meet the needs of the hunter even in minor details.

All you need to create a simple model is a strong thick stick, strong steel wire, rope made of synthetic material, tools and a little patience.

The optimal diameter of the wire for the tips (of which you can make several - from three to five) will be 4–5 mm, and the length of the cut pieces will be from 20 to 30 cm. One end, 6-7 mm from the edge, of each piece will need to be bent under at a right angle, and flatten the second with a hammer. The flattened ends will need to be filed to form a more or less curved hook-hook. And the rear ones will then be inserted into a stick (with holes made in advance for this purpose) and securely rewound with several dozen turns of any strong synthetic rope. After this, the homemade harpoon can be considered completely ready for use.

Video: how to make a harpoon with your own hands

Video: homemade speargun in action

Read more

The speargun has a direct impact on the success of the event, so its quality is critical. Experts do not recommend rushing to the first thing you come across, because an exciting adventure can turn into torment due to a poor device. Before selecting a weapon, it is better to get acquainted with all its varieties, find out their characteristics, pros and cons. Even then decide which underwater gun will be the best choice.

Types of underwater guns

There are certain types of guns for this type of hunting. The modern market has devices made by different companies, but you may also come across a homemade underwater gun. When purchasing a speargun for yourself, you need to know that there are the following types:

  • Sling;
  • Gunpowder;
  • Vacuum;
  • Gas;
  • Spring;
  • Hydropneumatic;
  • Pneumatic;
  • Crossbow.


You can’t call a sling or a Hawaiian gun a gun, and from the outside it doesn’t look like one. However, this device itself became the ancestor of all underwater guns.

A sling is a metal tube with a movable tip attached to it. The other end has a spring or rubber band. To activate the device, a spring or rubber band is pulled to the middle of the tube. At this point, the hunter, holding it with his hand, releases the tube after aiming. The tension force will throw it sharply at the target. You can make such an underwater gun with your own hands without any problems, even at home.

Powder gun for underwater hunting

The harpoon is ejected under the action of powder charges. These guns were popular in the last century. Nowadays their use is prohibited. Fans of spearfishing have not lost anything due to the many flaws of the device.

Underwater vacuum gun

The device consists of a metal pipe, a barrel and a piston with a large diameter. When loading it, the hunter presses on the harpoon, moving the piston. The created pressure between it and the pipe body forms a vacuum.

When diving to great depths, water pressure was supposed to increase the power of the gun, but in practice the device demonstrated its inefficiency and unreliability. The force of the shot was not enough for large fish, and there was also no accuracy.

Gas gun

The device is a barrel with a trigger mechanism. It has a special dispenser, as well as a compressed gas cylinder. When fired, some of the gas is released through the dispenser, after which the harpoon is launched.

The weapon is quite noisy, for this reason it is not used by either amateurs or athletes. It is used by professional hunters of large fish.

Spring shotgun

It is more widespread than all previous ones. It was especially popular until the middle of the last century, although some people still use it now. The gun has a powerful spring, under the influence of which the harpoon is thrown out of the barrel.

There are several modifications of this gun, with differences in the spring mechanisms, which:

  • Springs stretch;
  • The springs are compressed;
  • Two springs - the first is compressed, and the second is stretched.

In addition, one gun can be equipped with two springs of similar action, but different in diameter. A thin spring is placed inside a thick one, which increases the power of the gun.

Expanding springs are used in small models, while compression springs, on the contrary, are also more powerful. Double-spring - very strong, but difficult to charge.

The advantages of such products include simplicity of design, ease of operation, low cost and reliability.

Despite this, such guns are not advisable for beginners because they have:

  • Weak lethal force;
  • Low buoyancy;
  • Noisy during reloading and shooting;
  • Low shooting accuracy. The barrel is thrown upward.

Hydropneumatic underwater gun

A powerful, but structurally complex speargun for underwater hunting. In its production, only high-quality materials must be used, because it is very demanding.

The design of this device consists of:

  • trunk;
  • muzzle;
  • Receiver;
  • Pistons for separating the hydraulic and pneumatic cavities;
  • The handles in which the trigger mechanism is located;
  • Harpoon.

Hydropneumatic guns have some advantages. With their help, you can hunt even at night in reservoirs that are completely overgrown with reeds. In addition, such a device can be fired completely silently.

Pneumatic gun

The gun is considered wasteless and operates on compressed air. The “Shark” underwater gun is one of the representatives of pneumatic guns. The presence of compressed air replaces the spring. The power of the shot is determined by the pumping. When firing, there is no release of compressed air; it will not leave the chamber.

The engaged trigger mechanism releases the harpoon from the couplings. The pressure created from the energy of the compressed air pushes the harpoon out of the barrel. Such devices can be recharged underwater.

Air guns have a wide variety of power, which directly depends on their size. Larger pneumatic devices are more powerful. Many systems have combat regulators. With their help, the force with which the harpoon will be allowed to fly out of the barrel is selected.

Pneumatic devices are produced mainly with 11-13 mm barrels, the thickness of the harpoons for them is 7-8 mm, respectively. 7 mm arrows fly out with high initial speed, but they are more likely to lose it due to the presence of less weight. Whereas 8 mm harpoons fly out with a low initial speed, but are capable of covering significant distances.

By the way, the Zelinka underwater gun is deservedly considered by many amateurs and underwater hunting professionals to be the best air gun in its class. Knowing the tactical and technical characteristics of this underwater weapon, experts recommend using sevens to hit targets at short distances, and eights for hunting from a distance of several meters.

Some specialists will improve their devices by installing an additional pneumatic vacuum system on them. It will prevent the accumulation of water when loading in the barrel space. The underwater gun "Pelengas" is one of the representatives of pneumatic vacuum guns.

Advantages of air guns:

  • Efficiency is high;
  • Convenient use;
  • High maneuverability;
  • Good buoyancy;
  • Considerable power;
  • Adjustable stopping power;
  • Compact sizes.


  • Noisy shot;
  • Big recoil up;
  • The need to get used to the aiming process.

Underwater crossbow

This type of weapon for underwater hunting is used mainly in sea water and under conditions of good visibility. The design of the crossbow is very simple and reliable. Because of this and for several other reasons, the spearfishing crossbow is now extremely popular.

Crossbows with a length of 500-1500 mm are popular on sale. It should be remembered that it is not the actual length that is taken into account, but the distance from the first hook of the harpoon to the places where the rods are attached, that is, the barrel (“barrel”) is measured. The actual size will exceed the stated size by approximately thirty-five percent.

Main advantages:

  • Accurate shooting;
  • Silent shooting;
  • Simple design;
  • Insignificant price.


  • Low rate of fire;
  • Poor mobility.

Rules for choosing underwater guns

When choosing the underwater gun of “your dreams,” you will have to take into account the characteristics of the bodies of water where you plan to hunt: will it be the sea or a fresh body of water, what is the level of the bottom and vegetation there.

Thus, for hunting in reservoirs with densely overgrown vegetation, the presence of stones and snags, it is recommended to arm yourself with highly maneuverable short-barreled models. For deep-sea hunting with good visibility, it is recommended to arm yourself with long-barreled guns that have the most accurate shooting possible.

What trophy is intended to be hunted will determine the choice of gun power. The larger the trophy is planned, the more powerful the shooting device should be. So, when hunting at short distances, you will need a silent gun.

  • CressiSubSL Star 55. Good price-quality ratio. Simple and reliable;
  • It appeared relatively recently, but has already won over many admirers. The device has many useful innovations;
  • Seac Sub A convenient and practical shotgun, it has a reel and a regulator;
  • Mares Sten 11. Has good characteristics and low cost. By the way, most experienced hunters prefer to use this model;
  • Zelinka. It is one of the best and most expensive. The main advantage is the titanium body of the weapon.

It is not advisable to buy the cheapest Chinese devices, because the quality will most likely be appropriate. You shouldn’t go to extremes and think that the best speargun for spearfishing should only be the most expensive. The most acceptable option for a gun will most likely be one in the mid-price category, and preferably from a well-known and time-tested manufacturer.

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Let's continue the topic of homemade weapons. This time we will present to your attention a review of a video on making a powerful underwater gun.

So, we need:
- wooden block;
- a piece of polypropylene pipe;
- martens bandage;
- three medium nails;
- a thread;
- glue gun;
- screw;
- vice;
- sandpaper;
- hacksaw for metal;
- file;
- electrical tape.

Martens bandage can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is also popularly called a medical tourniquet, but this name is incorrect. Let's get started.

First you need to make the harpoon itself. To do this, take the nut and put it in a vice. According to the author of the idea, it is advisable to take a larger nut, since the harpoon will be thicker and stronger, but you should not overdo it so that the harpoon does not turn out too thick.

When the nut is clamped in a vice, insert the block into the drill.

We begin to rotate the block through the nut at medium speed, giving it a round shape.

In the same way, we process the resulting base for the harpoon using sandpaper.

Then we take three nails and saw off the heads of each one using a hacksaw.

Now we take a file and sharpen the part of the nails from which the heads were sawed off. Then, using the same file, we sharpen the sharp parts of the nails so that they are sharper.

Next, take electrical tape and wrap it around the outermost part of the harpoon.

We attach one of the nails to the base of the harpoon with thread. It should be noted here that the author of the homemade product recommends using fishing thread, since it is stronger than ordinary threads.

After we have wound one nail with thread, we insert a piece of wood between the nail and the base so that the nail is at a slight angle.

We fix the nail with a small amount of glue from a glue gun so that it is secure. Similarly, we attach the remaining two nails to the structure.

To better secure the structure, you can wrap more electrical tape over the nails. The harpoon is ready. Let's start manufacturing the main part to launch it.

Take a martens bandage and cut off a small piece.

The resulting piece must be attached to the polypropylene pipe on both sides. To do this, pour glue from a glue gun onto one side of the pipe and attach a piece of martens bandage. We do the same on the other side.

We firmly clamp and wrap one layer of electrical tape.

Then we wind the thread and add another layer of electrical tape on top. Thus, the installation for launching the harpoon is almost ready.

Spearfishing is not only an effective way to get an impressive catch, but also an excellent recreational solution, which is gaining more and more popularity every year. However, it is impossible to use classic gear under water, so there is a need to use special guns equipped with harpoons.

Such fishing can be carried out in virtually any body of water where there is suitable prey for this, and the development of modern technologies has not greatly affected the characteristics of harpoons. Today, the highest quality and reliable materials are used for their manufacture, but the design and operating mechanism remain the same.

This article contains all the necessary information that every person should familiarize themselves with before spearfishing.


The classification of harpoons implies their division into two main groups depending on the design features:

  1. Devices equipped with removable tips that can be installed or removed by screwing.
  2. Such models are most recommended for beginners, as they are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use. You can take with you a whole arsenal of tips of various shapes, which allows you to select the most suitable options directly on the spot, depending on the conditions in which you will be spearfishing. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the thread, which wears off if used too much. Even minor depreciation can negatively affect shooting accuracy and also increase the risk of the harpoon failing. Cast devices in which the tip is securely integrated into the harpoon.

An alternative classification involves division depending on the method of interaction; in accordance with it, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Devices with release mechanisms without clamps. Such models are very close to the classic tools of ancient hunters; they are distinguished by their simplicity of design, and they are still the most common and popular option. Such harpoons can be equipped with spring and pneumatic guns, as well as crossbows for underwater hunting, if the release mechanism is located on the rear side.
  2. Devices in the design of which a hole and groove are added. This is a more modern variety; its use becomes relevant in the presence of guns or crossbows, in which the trigger mechanism is located at the front.
  3. Devices with a lock added to their design. They are used only for spearguns with a rear trigger mechanism, if their design has grooves and grooves.

How to choose

When choosing a harpoon, it is necessary to take into account not only the design features of the weapon used, but such factors as the rate of fire and the diameter of the main rod. These indicators are directly dependent on each other, and are determined by the expected weight and size of the potential prey that will be hunted.

  1. Rods with diameters from 6 mm to 6.5 mm They are characterized by an increased rate of fire; such models are used when hunting small fish. Most often they are made of aluminum or other metals with average strength.
  2. Rods with a diameter of about 7 mm used when hunting medium-sized prey.
  3. Rods with a diameter of 8 mm or more designed for hunting the largest inhabitants of the underwater depths. They are usually made from various variations of titanium alloys.


The cost of harpoons depends on various factors, including the specific design, diameter, length, brand recognition, and material.

To understand the current prices, below are the prices for some device options:

  1. Aluminum harpoon with a diameter of 8 mm for air guns, the design of which has a thread for changing the tip, costs from 400 rubles.
  2. Crossbow harpoon without the ability to change the tip, made of high-quality stainless steel, costs from 3,200 rubles.
  3. Crossbow harpoon with thread for changing tips and with a diameter of 6 mm costs from 2000 rubles.
  4. Harpoon for underwater guns made of hardened steel and with a diameter of 6 mm, costs from 1200 rubles.
  5. Speargun harpoon made of stainless steel and with a diameter of 7 mm, costs from 800 rubles.

DIY harpoon

Many people prefer not to purchase harpoons or tips for them in specialized stores, but to make their own. This allows you to get a weapon that meets the individual requirements and preferences of the hunter, so it has undeniable advantages over factory products.

The manufacturing technology is quite simple; anyone can handle this process, since it does not require any specific skills or knowledge.

First you just need to make sure you have a set of tools for working with metal and the following materials:

  1. A fairly thick stick, reliable and made of suitable material. It will act as a rod.
  2. The wire is made of steel, the main requirement for it is the same - reliability and strength.
  3. Synthetic cord or rope.

The action algorithm is described below:

  1. Initially, steel wire for the tips is cut: the length of the segments should be within 20-30 cm, and the diameter should not exceed 4-5 mm.
  2. On each segment you need to measure about 0.5-0.7 cm from any one edge and make a bend with an angle of 90°.
  3. The opposite end of a segment on which there is no bend, flattened by hammer blows.
  4. The flattened edges of the wire are filed and hand processing to provide them with a hook-like shape.
  5. Holes are made in a pre-prepared metal stick, through which the wire is inserted into it. The flattened and turned side should remain on the outside.
  6. The joints are additionally sealed.
  7. The design is reliably rewound with synthetic cord and rope, you will need to make at least 10-20 turns.


There are also various binding options, the most popular options are discussed below:

  1. Front tying is most often practiced by beginners, since the design is quite simple, which facilitates the replacement process in case of damage or other unforeseen circumstances. The main disadvantage is the loss of shooting accuracy if it is fired from a considerable distance.
  2. Tying from the front to the bushing reduces the pressure of the rope on the boom, so accuracy is not compromised. However, the resistance will be quite high, in addition, the likelihood of end-to-end damage to the production is reduced, and the implementation of the binding is quite complex.
  3. Tie in the area behind the bushing. It combines the advantages of the first and second options, but the presence of a hole negatively affects the strength of the harpoon itself, and the likelihood of end-to-end hits to prey remains minimal.

  1. When hunting the largest and most powerful prey, it is recommended to choose devices, made from the most durable and reliable material – titanium.
  2. The device requires regular lubrication, since even stainless steel with frequent and prolonged contact with water is subject to the negative effects of corrosion.
  3. Before each hunt, the harpoon must be carefully inspected for damage; The blade can be sharpened further if necessary.

In practice, air guns for spearfishing are of course popular. But to make such a gun you need a lot of things. One sports club has found a solution; it uses a spring gun of its own design. They make an underwater gun with their own hands, it’s not at all difficult, and most importantly, such a gun works flawlessly.

Before you start making an underwater gun, you need to purchase the necessary materials:
For a gun, buy wire with a diameter of at least two mm. grades OVS, 65G or PC for springs, up to 16 meters are required.
Duralumin pipe, internal diameter 12.5-13mm. , it is necessary for the trunk.

The handle requires two 10 mm plates. each (this can be oak, nylon or aluminum plates).
A rod for a harpoon, the diameter of which is up to 1 cm, it should be made of stainless steel.

How to make a speargun with your own hands step by step instructions

Let's start, it's the most difficult. It is made on a special lathe, then subjected to heat treatment and finally covered with an anti-corrosion coating. The length of the spring is measured based on the size of the barrel. It should be 20-30 cm longer than the length of the barrel, since after the first use of the gun the spring will decrease by 5-10 cm.

On both sides of the barrel, cut a thread, cut a slit 15-17 cm long for the sear. It is this length that regulates the force of the gun and its firing when moving the handle along the barrel. Then we make a hole in the trunk to get rid of water.

We grind the muzzle together with the plug from duralumin. In the last one we make a hole into which we insert the harpoon. The barrel is ready, after which they begin to make the trigger mechanism and handle.

The handle is made from two separate plates. They are drilled to the original diameter of the finished trunk, and then the contours are cut out. Next, a slit up to 4 mm deep is made with a file in each plate for the trigger mechanism.

The next operation is to make holes for the sear axis, spring and fuse. The halves in the handle are connected to the barrel and pressed with screws. A ring is placed on the front of the handle to prevent slipping along the barrel. The mechanic makes the trigger, the sear, the spring and the fuse, in a word, the trigger mechanism. He tempers the sear. This completes the assembly of the speargun handle.

The penultimate thing they do is a harpoon (see drawings of a harpoon for a speargun). The diameter in our case is 6 mm. For this purpose, previously purchased stainless steel was used. There is a sliding sleeve along the harpoon, and a line is attached to it. The bushing is made in such a way that it is cushioned by a fluoroplastic ring and rests against a special shank. The latter is designed to secure the harpoon. The tip is made simple - a flag with a wire to hold the fish. They sharpen it for several edges. The trick is that the sharp edges quickly cut through fish scales.

And lastly, they make an easy release. It is cut from solid steel. The cut plate is attached to the plug on the barrel using two screws. When winding, the line is placed under the plate, and in the very center of the barrel it is attached to the fly. When fired, the line easily comes out of the plate and unwinds.

The do-it-yourself underwater gun is ready, it needs to be tested in practice. Insert a harpoon into the barrel and compress the spring until it is fixed to the sear. This is facilitated by a clicking sound, which indicates that the speargun is ready and loaded. They press the trigger and shooting begins. This gun is loaded only in water and unloaded too.

The underwater gun has sufficient destructive power, weighs about 3 kilograms and hits the target at a distance of up to 3 meters. When it is infected, it is quite noisy, just like when shooting. This is a drawback, but it is the only one. To reduce noise, the spring and the barrel are rubbed with glycerin.


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