The most influential people in the world: who are they? Lords of the world. Putin lost his leadership in the Forbes ranking of the most influential people Ranking of the world's most influential people

“The Russian president influences almost every corner of the planet. At home, in Syria and in the US presidential elections, he continues to achieve what he wants,” the publication writes.

The Russian factor has become central to American election discussions after the Democratic Party, which ran as its presidential candidate, admitted that its servers had been hacked by anonymous hackers. A short time later, a number of American intelligence agencies linked the cyberattack to Russia and, in particular, the Kremlin.

Leaks from confidential Democratic correspondence damaged the image and became one of the factors that brought down Clinton's ratings and led to the victory of Republican Donald Trump. Trump himself, already the elected president of the United States, does not hide the fact that he is going to establish contact with Vladimir Putin and again consider the issue of annexing Crimea to Russia.

Recently, Trump-connected financier Carter Page visited Moscow and also publicly discussed the Crimean problem in a conciliatory manner.

“With such a likely ally in the White House, Putin’s power could be unlimited for years to come,” Forbes writes.

The general director of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications "APEC" believes that covering the topic of Putin's influence on the American elections helped his authority, regardless of how real this influence was. “The fact that this was discussed strengthened his image positioning,” the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru is sure.

Orlov also notes Russia’s role in politics in the Middle East, in particular in the Syrian campaign. “Putin, having, in general, few resources and playing against several opponents, managed to win,” he believes.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain is in 13th place, the President of France is in 23rd, and the Prime Minister of Japan is in 37th.

58th place went to Russian businessman Alisher, owner.

Usmanov is also the richest businessman in Russia after and.

The current US President Barack Obama ranks only 48th on this list. “Obama leaves office at a time of global upheaval; a wave of populism caused political instability in Europe; the crisis began with Brexit in June 2016,” Forbes writes in a commentary.

Political scientist Vyacheslav believes that Putin topped the ratings at a good moment. “Everything is logical. Former US President Barack Obama is no longer the most influential, and his successor Donald Trump is not yet influential,” Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor is sure.

However, the expert clarifies that this does not mean that the future American leader will necessarily be ahead of Putin in the future, it’s just that now the Russian president has no alternative for the one who compiled the rating.

According to Smirnov, the influence of heads of state can be compared to the influence of heads of companies. It is clear that the larger and more influential the company, the heavier the leader. But another question is how personally influential he still is and determines the entire policy of his company.

“In America, after all, the president is a product of the system. He expresses not his own opinion, but the opinion of opposing groups. But in Russia, on the contrary, everyone supports the opinion of a single ruler,” comments Smirnov.

Those who left their mark on history are remembered for centuries. Undoubtedly, all of these outstanding individuals were ambitious, self-confident and purposeful.

At the same time, they are people just like the rest of us - with hidden fears, childhood grievances and a desire to express themselves to the world. So let's remember once again what they were like...

1. Vladimir Lenin (04/22/1870-01/21/1924)

Country Russia
Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) is a Russian revolutionary who dreamed of leading the country to communism. His childhood was spent in Simbirsk. When Vladimir was 17 years old, his older brother was hanged, proving his involvement in a conspiracy against Tsar Alexander III. This made a painful impression on the child and influenced the formation of his worldview. After finishing school, Ulyanov (Vladimir’s real name) studied abroad, and upon his return founded the Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Proletariat. He created the printed publication Iskra, from the pages of which emanated communist ideology.

I was in exile. After the revolution in February 1917, he returned to his homeland, where he headed the new government. He is the founder of the Red Army, replacing War Communism with the less onerous New Economic Policy.

2. Adolf Hitler (04/20/1889 – 04/30/1945)

Country: Germany
Adolf Hitler is perhaps one of the most terrible people in history. He was an Austrian by origin; his direct ancestors were peasants. Only his father managed to become an official.

During the First World War he was in the service. He was distinguished by frailty and sycophancy, but masterfully mastered the art of oratory. In the post-war period he worked as a spy, infiltrating gang formations of communists and leftist forces.

He was a participant in a meeting of the German Workers' Party, where he became imbued with the ideas of National Socialism and identified the main enemy - the Jews. The way of thinking of one person subsequently led to millions of human victims and broken destinies of people of various nationalities.

In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. After the death of the President of Germany, the powers of government were transferred to him, which, as we know, ended in terrible, bloody events for the whole world. It is believed that Hitler committed suicide, although there is a theory about the death of his double.

3. Joseph Stalin (12/18/1878-03/05/1953)

Country: USSR
Joseph Stalin is a cult figure for an entire era, surrounded by an aura of mystery. 30 variants of pseudonyms, changing the date of birth, hiding one’s noble roots - these are not all the secrets of the great leader.

During his reign, a different opinion was equated to a crime - many executions were carried out, the camps were overcrowded. On the other hand, the totalitarian leadership made it possible to raise the USSR from the ruins of the civil war in record time and win the Great Patriotic War.

4. Mahatma Gandhi (October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948)

Country: India
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most outstanding people, a peacemaker who fought aggression with the help of his “aimed” words. He became the father of the entire nation, the “pious soul” of the whole world, and ardently defended human rights.

His personality and ideology were formed under the influence of the Mahabharata, books and correspondence with Leo Tolstoy, and the philosophical teachings of G.D. Thoreau. He fought against caste inequality, organized the movement “India’s Independence from Britain,” and tried to resolve the conflict that arose between Muslims and Hindus living in Pakistan using non-violent principles.

5. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (05/19/1881 – 11/10/1938)

Country: Türkiye
Mustafa Kemal is considered the father of Turkey, where his personality is honored, remembered and monuments are erected in almost every city. He organized secret societies to combat the corruption of military officials, was the initiator of the liberation movement against the Anglo-Greek intervention, and also abolished the sultanate, introducing a republican form of government.

Kemal is a supporter of moderate dictatorship. He tried to reform the state along the lines of Western countries. Thanks to his efforts, women's rights were equalized with men's.

6. Konrad Adenauer (01/05/1876 – 04/19/1967)

Country: West Germany (Germany)
Konrad Adenauer is the first Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, a ruler with positive features in the new history of Germany. During the Nazis' rise to power, Adenauer resigned from his positions due to his personal dislike of Hitler. Since he was an opponent of the regime, he was arrested by the Gestapo. After the end of World War II, he headed the Christian Democratic Union and was Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963.

An energetic and strong-willed politician, a supporter of an authoritarian management style with the simultaneous presence of tough and flexible leadership methods, he was able to raise the country from ruins. The pace of development of the Federal Republic of Germany was far ahead of the GDR. Konrad Adenauer was loved by the people and had the nickname “Der Alte” (“The Old Man” or “The Master”).

7. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (11/30/1874 – 01/24/1965)

Country: UK
One of the most prominent people in Great Britain, a long-liver in the political arena. Churchill twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

His activities were not limited to politics. Winston, the son of the Duke of Marlborough, was a multifaceted personality: a historian, artist and writer (awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature). Churchill was the first to be made an honorary US citizen.

8. Charles de Gaulle (11/22/1890 – 11/9/1970)

Country: France
Famous French politician, first president of the Fifth Republic. He headed the anti-Hitler coalition, and in 1944-1946 he was the head of the provisional government of France. On his initiative, a new constitution was prepared in 1958, which expanded the rights of the president.

Of particular importance is withdrawal from NATO and French-Soviet cooperation. Supported the creation of our own nuclear forces.

9. Mikhail Gorbachev (03/02/1931)

Country: USSR
Mikhail Gorbachev is the first and only president of the USSR, a politician who wanted to make the country more open and democratic. The restructuring of the state, which was started by Mikhail Gorbachev, became a difficult period for all people of the post-Soviet space. The collapse of the USSR, the decline of the economy, unemployment - all this is well remembered by people who lived at the end of the 20th century.

The undoubted success of Mikhail Sergeevich was his meetings with Ronald Reagan and the first steps towards ending the Cold War with the United States. In 1991, Gorbachev announced that he was leaving the post of President, transferring powers to Boris Yeltsin.

10. Vladimir Putin (07.10.1952)

Country Russia
Vladimir Putin is an outstanding politician of the Russian Federation, successor to Boris Yeltsin. Today, Vladimir Putin leads the country for the third time. Coming from a simple working-class family, he was in the service of the KGB. He worked in the state security agencies of Dresden in the GDR. In 1991, he returned to his homeland, St. Petersburg, where he headed the external relations committee of the mayor's office.

Putin managed to stabilize the situation in Chechnya and adhere to social priorities during the economic crisis of 2008. The third term of the president was crowned with active actions to return Crimea to Russia in connection with the refusal of the population to obey the new illegitimate government in Ukraine. This situation was not accepted by the heads of European countries.

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Time magazine has published its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. It includes those who strive to improve the situation in the world and change people's worldviews. The list of the most influential people of 2018 includes journalists, actors, musicians, artists, politicians and other famous people.

This year it included 45 women and 45 people under the age of 40. Time's women's picks included activist Tarana Burke, who founded the Me Too movement, and human rights activist Nice Nylantei Lengete, who works to end female genital mutilation in Kenya.

« While we're still a long way from gender parity on a global scale, there are more women in Time's Top 100 this year than ever before. And this is proof that there are ways to change the world beyond traditional methods of force."- writes the magazine's editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal.

But the Russian president Vladimir Putin was not included in the top 100 most influential people this year on the ground. This is an amazing decision by Time, since Putin was consistently included in the rating from 2014 to 2017. Discussing this fact on social networks, users suggested that this was the West’s revenge for Russia’s policies. However, the editors of Time did not promise that its opinion should completely coincide with the opinion of readers.

However, the Russian leader still appeared in Time, on the April cover of the European edition. On it he is depicted in the image of the Russian Tsar.

Here are the top 5 nominations in which the most influential people of 2018 were identified.

5. Leaders

Satya Nadella, the head of one of the largest corporations in the world, is a native of India. He is a cricket enthusiast and believes that “one brilliant player who does not put the team first can destroy the entire team.” This is exactly the concept that Satya Nadella uses while at the helm of Microsoft. He also preaches the importance of empathy and making sure the company produces products that work reliably. Nadella's first child was born with cerebral palsy and depended on devices that ran Microsoft systems for his life.

In the four years since Nadella became Microsoft's CEO, the corporation's market value has increased by 130%.

Next in this subsection is the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. As US Senator Ted Cruz said about him: “ President Trump is a “flash drive” (the popular name for a flashbang) thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as President has confused and upset the media and political establishment is not a fault, it is a feature...President Trump is doing what he was elected to do—disrupting the status quo. It's scary for those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is fascinating to watch.».

There are different ways to think about Trump for his policies towards Russia. However, it cannot be denied that he is a bright and decisive personality who significantly influences world politics.

In addition to Nadella and Trump, the leaders included: the heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the head of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, the English Prince Harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle, as well as the sun of the North Korean nation, Kim Jong-un.

4. Innovators

Time gave the first place in this category to black female comedian Tiffany Haddish. You might have seen her in the comedies “Cool Girls”, “Crazy Families” or in the TV series “The Last Real Gangster”. As actor Kevin Hart said about his colleague: “ Tiffany is an amazing talent with a big heart. She loves to make her loved ones happy. I hope she continues to be herself because that's what makes her shine».

Also included in the “Innovators” category are hip-hop artist Cardi B, famous snowboarder Chloe Kim, the first female ISS commander Peggy Whitson, and Florida students who survived the 2017 Parkland school shooting.

3. Artists

This subsection is opened by Hollywood star Nicole Kidman. In addition to her outstanding acting talent, Nicole has compassion, kindness and humor that make her the epitome of a great woman. She has the title of Citizen of the World and often participated in charity programs.

Time editors also included Hugh Jackman, Gal Gadot and Deepika Padukone, and director Guillermo del Toro among the most influential artists.

2. Icons

The charming Jennifer Lopez is on the cover of this category. She is the first Latina actress to earn more than $1 million per film. Jennifer is also a mother, businesswoman, activist, designer, fashion enthusiast, philanthropist and producer. She is one of the most successful singers of her generation and has managed to parlay her popularity into the expensive and respected fashion brand J.Lo. In 2013, J.Lo got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Time included singer Rihanna, public figure Tarana Burke, actor Chadwick Boseman, singer Kesha and figure skater Adam Rippon as modern “icons.”

1. Titans

First in the titanic subsection is the great tennis player Roger Federer. As the American writer David Foster Wallace wrote, “ he is one of those rare, supernatural athletes who seem to be exempt, at least in part, from certain physical laws" At 36 years old, the world number one also seems immune to the laws of aging. He is the only tennis player in the world to become an eight-time Wimbledon men's champion.

The Titans category also includes billionaire inventor Elon Musk, TV host Oprah Winfrey, founder Jeff Bezos, WeWork startup creator Adam Neumann and athlete Kevin Durant.

Reading time: 6 min.

The planet's population is growing every day, and we have already reached the 7 billion mark. However, not everyone can boast that they are able to change the course of history. On our planet, only a small percentage of such people are a kind of elite, people who have reached unprecedented heights and are “at the helm” of world development.

The authoritative publication Forbes constantly makes a selection of the most influential people on the planet. Participants are selected based on a summary table. Surprisingly, the selection conditions are very simple: applicants are compared based on the number of people they control and popularity.

The most influential people in the world for 2017, according to Forbes:

Mark Zuckerberg

The last place is occupied by Mark Zuckerberg. He is the youngest representative of this rating. The founder of Facebook is only 32 years old, but he has already reached unprecedented heights. He is also the youngest member of the TOP 10 richest people in the world.

Surprisingly, he is almost two times younger than his main competitors. This year, the billionaire has significantly improved his position and has confidently entered the top ten since the end of the top twenty.

At the moment, his fortune is estimated at $59 billion. However, the young businessman does not suffer from star fever at all and leads a very modest life. He also donates significant amounts to charity.

Mark said that by the end of this year he wants to donate 3 billion dollars to a kind of charity - the structure that will receive investments is engaged in the eradication of all existing diseases on Earth.

Narenda Modi

The second to last is Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi. Every year turns out to be more and more successful for Modi. Its popularity among Indians is constantly growing.
It is noteworthy that even harsh financial reform did not reduce his popularity. Painful changes were made as part of the fight against corrupt officials. In the fall of 2016, the prime minister issued an order that stated the cancellation of the two most nominal banknotes.

Larry Page

A well-known figure on the Internet, because Larry is one of the main developers of the best search engine Google. In 2016, the company was completely reorganized and Google is now a subsidiary of Alphabet. Larry was elected to the post of chairman of the board.

Bill Gates

Larry was overtaken by an equally famous person - Bill Gates. He is the creator of the world famous Windows company, which is a world leader in software development. The richest person in the world, with a fortune exceeding $80 billion.

Janet Yellen

The leading US economist, Janet Yellen, is almost in the middle of our top. Concurrently, she is also the head of the US Federal Reserve System. It keeps under control all activities of banking and other financial institutions.

It's funny, but she is extremely popular among ordinary Americans. This is ensured by her simple approach and ability to clearly express her thoughts in an accessible form.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis, the head of the Vatican, occupies fifth place in the ranking. He is also the oldest participant in the TOP, because he recently turned 80 years old.
It is worth noting that his advanced age does not at all prevent Francis from retaining a huge amount of vital energy and inspiring people on the right path. After all, it is he who directs a huge flock to perform various good deeds.

Xi Jinping

The fourth place is occupied by the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping. In 2012, he was elected to office and immediately began a flurry of activities within the country. He became famous for his fight against corruption. The population is extremely supportive of his activities due to the high degree of openness.

Angela Merkel

It is quite predictable that this year Angela Merkel entered the top three. He is a very unusual person, but at the same time remains a prominent figure in political life.
The German Chancellor, according to Forbes, can compete with Russia's influence in the West. The ambitious politician was able to relieve tension within the European Union and cope with the huge crowds of emigrants who poured into Germany.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump confidently takes second place. Surpassing his predecessor, Barack Obama, who fell to forty-eighth after third place, Trump confidently entered the top ten most influential people on the planet.

Let us remember that Trump was previously at the very bottom of the ratings, but his rapid rise secured him the presidency.

The ambitious politician who came to power with the slogan “Make America Great Again” immediately got to work.

Vladimir Putin

The first place in the ranking is occupied by Vladimir Putin. According to Forbes, he is the most powerful person in the world. Taking the first mark for the fourth time in a row, the politician proved that he is deservedly considered the most famous and popular person, whose influence on society simply cannot be denied.

If you are sure that you live modestly, do not own a business, are not involved in politics, and therefore the affairs of the powerful do not concern you, you are mistaken. There are always those on whom what happens in the world directly or indirectly depends.

We will talk about them - the most influential people of our time. Regular lists with them are compiled by Times and Forbes - perhaps the most authoritative publications in the United States. We will look only at the “top” and talk about the TOP 10 of the current list.

One of the few political leaders in India who enjoys huge support from the people. A clear confirmation of this is his re-election for a fourth term in a row. However, both in the country and abroad, many consider him a controversial person. On the one hand, he is a charismatic “millionaire from the slums”, a winner of UN and UNESCO awards, and on the other hand, he is one of the indirect culprits of the result of inter-religious clashes in Gujarat among Indian Muslims (more than a thousand people died then). The youngest influencer on this list was born in 1984 and has since managed to become the owner of one of the most valuable companies and the largest social network. The latter's history began as a modest website for Harvard students, and has grown to become one of the five most visited online sites in the world. Mark Zuckerberg is a record holder in many respects. For example, he managed to become the youngest billionaire in history and one of the richest Americans. Like Bill Gates, he donates the lion's share of his fortune to charity - this is how he plans to dispose of 99% of Facebook shares.

The world's largest search engine would never have appeared if not for the joint efforts of Larry Page and Sergey Brin. At the same time, Page is the 12th richest person on the planet and the winner of the prestigious Marconi Prize. Colleague Omid Kordestani calls Larry "an idealist dedicated to changing the world through the lens of technology."

It is not surprising that he was included in the list of the most influential people of our time - the famous saying says that “who owns the information, owns the world.” But it is Larry Page who directly influences what information we receive every day using the global Network.

Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and philanthropist

This is one of those people thanks to whom computers became compact, humane (from the point of view of development) and accessible. For several years in a row, he topped the ranking of the world's richest people, and today, having retired from business, he focused his efforts on developing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In the latter, Bill Gates succeeded no less than in the computer field: Bill personally holds the record for the amount of funds donated to charity. For example, he sent 38% of his Microsoft shares to an unknown recipient. This donation could easily qualify as the largest since the beginning of the 21st century.

Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church

His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio and he is the 266th Pope. Over the past 1,200 years, he became the first non-European (born in Buenos Aires) to occupy this honorary chair. Despite the fact that in many Western countries the state is separated from religion, the Catholic faith continues to play an important role in the lives of ordinary residents, and both politicians and businessmen listen to the opinion of the head of the church. Pope Francis himself is a modest man with strong principles. In 2013, the year of his election, Time magazine named him “Person of the Year.”

Janet Yellen, head of the US Federal Reserve

She has headed the US Federal Reserve since 2014 and is the first woman to hold this post. To understand the importance of this government unit, it is necessary to know that it functions as the central bank of the country. Jeannette Yellen is not the only one in her family to receive a high title: her husband is a Nobel Prize laureate in economics, and she herself holds a Ph.D.

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

It is difficult to underestimate the influence of China on the global economy, so it is not surprising that the leader of this country is included in the list of the most influential people. What sets Xi Jinping apart from other political figures is his principled position on corruption, as well as his openness to reform. For the first time he was included in the hundred most influential people in the world (according to the Forbes ranking) back in 2009.

A woman with a strong grip and the same endurance. Angela Merkel became the first woman in Germany to occupy such a significant position, for which she managed to receive the unofficial title of “new iron lady.” Today it actually controls the work of the European Union and is actively involved in resolving external conflicts outside the country.

Merkel has repeatedly become a leader in ratings of the most influential female politicians, has numerous awards and was named “Woman of the Year” by the authoritative British publication Financial Times.

Donald Trump, US President

Donald Trump managed to take the presidency relatively recently, but even before this event he was well known in the world for his political and commercial activities. A versatile man, he is not only involved in business (he is the president of a construction conglomerate, owner of a chain of gambling establishments and hotel complexes), but also worked as a TV presenter and regularly appeared in

Indeed, he not only once again occupies the presidential chair in a country that consistently holds first place in the world in terms of territory and ninth in population, but also participates in foreign policy, and his actions are not always perceived unambiguously. By the way, Vladimir Putin is the only representative from Russia in our ranking.

The personal life of public politicians and media figures always attracts close attention from society and the press. Therefore, many of them try to protect themselves and their families from journalists and strictly limit information about this. The editors of the site invite you to read about the family life of Vladimir Putin.
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