Confluence of 2 seas in Rhodes. The junction of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Rhodes, Greece - experience seekers. Holidays for all tastes

Without conducting a little educational training in physics and geography, it can be difficult to understand where the boundaries of the watershed lie - at what specific point does the Baltic Sea separate from the North Sea, the Mediterranean from the Aegean, and how do the waters not mix at all? Be that as it may, the meeting place of two rivers, seas or oceans is a very unusual and romantic point. You can observe such a phenomenon as the “kiss of two seas” in Rhodes, where on Prasonisi beach the two seas are separated by a thin strip of land. How to get there - read on.

The place in question is the small peninsula of Prasonisi in the very south of Rhodes and a thin strip of land connecting it to the main part of the island.

In the case of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, it is surprising how different they are from each other and how much the difference is noticeable at the thin and seemingly formal border in the form of a strip of land only a few meters wide.

The Aegean side with a coastline of large pebbles is very windy, and therefore Prasonisi is chosen by surfers and kitesurfers, and even then only those who are confident on their feet. The Mediterranean side with its sandy coast is much calmer, warmer and shallower.

It is for this reason, by the way, that all the most popular resorts of Rhodes are located on the eastern part of the island - the beaches here are much more suitable for swimming, while on the western, Aegean, side the shores look more unpretentious, the sea is constantly stormy, and it’s easy to swim calmly impossible.

How to get to the confluence of two seas in Rhodes

By car

The smartest way to get to Prasonisi Beach is to rent a car in the city of Rhodes and drive the entire 89 km along the eastern side or 105 km along the western side yourself, without tying your plans for the day to bus schedules.

Along the east coast, by the way, the road runs right along the most beautiful beaches of Rhodes, which we have already written about earlier, so along the way you can look for the most suitable place to soak up the sun.

The closest settlement to Prasonisi is the village of Macheria. Although it is tiny, you can find a couple of cafes and even a small hotel there if you want to stay on such a unique beach for longer than a day.

Please note that not far from the beach there is Prasonisi Center - a water sports school (open from April to October), where you can rent all the necessary sports equipment or take a Russian-speaking (!) instructor. The main office is located in Kiotari. As you can already guess, there are a lot of Russian tourists here.

The same school organizes transfers from the airport.


The bus stop in Rhodes is located at Papagou 9 near the port of Mandraki.

The main office of Prasonisi Center is located in Kattavia, and from there you can take an inexpensive transfer or taxi to the beach. The drive is only 9 km, so the price won’t bite.

When Zeus defeated the giants and became the sole ruler of the world, he planned to divide it among the Olympian gods. The solar god Helios was not present during the “distribution of elephants” and he was left deprived.

He turned to the king of the gods with a request to give him the land that would arise from the depths of the sea. And from the depths of the Mediterranean Sea a blooming island emerged. Helios generously gifted it with sunlight and made it even more beautiful.

For this, the grateful islanders cast it in bronze in the likeness of the Spike, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. But not only Helios favors the island. The existence of Prasonisi can only be explained by the grace of the sea god Poseidon.

Why is Prasonisi the kiss of two seas?

This is a small island connected to Rhodes by a 500-meter isthmus up to 100 meters wide.

In autumn, the isthmus disappears into the sea waves and Prasonisi becomes a separate island. Here two seas unite “in a kiss” - the peaceful Mediterranean and the frantic Aegean. This is why this place is called the kiss of two seas, Prasonisi.

This is one of the best places in the Mediterranean for kiting and windsurfing. Amateurs come in busloads, which, stuck in the sand, wait for the guys with boards to release their adrenaline. Kiters spin somersaults in the air - spectators, take your seats!

On the flat top, local thyme blooms pink and there are pyramids of flat stones made by tourists everywhere. Near the lighthouse, the wind knocks you off your feet, and it can be scary to approach thirty-meter cliffs. But here it is - “the kiss of the seas”! The boundaries of the open seas are not at all arbitrary.

Everything is different: the waves, the color of the water, and the texture of the shores. “Left”, the Mediterranean Sea, is quieter, greenish-blue, with a gentle shore. The “right” one, the Aegean, is deep blue, with white breakers and cellular rocks along the shores. The phenomenon is explained by the fact that the two sides of the leaf island are blown differently by the winds. Strong, harsh winds blow from the Aegean Sea, which, having overcome the Rhodian mountains, reach the western coast in the form of a refreshing breeze.

Kiss of two seas and surfers

It’s not for nothing that kite surfers choose only the left side of the spit - there is both wind and no waves! There are training centers for surfing athletes and a large number of instructors who “put” on the board those who want to learn how to “run” on the waves of amateurs. The best season for those eager to ride a board is July-August. The calm Mediterranean Sea is suitable for beginners, while the stormy Aegean Sea will be appreciated by experienced surfing fans.

Prasonisi Beach

For those who prefer a more relaxing holiday without an adrenaline rush, there is a great opportunity to swim in the waters of two seas. Where else will you find such a place? You can sunbathe on the excellent sandy beach only in summer, since in winter it is flooded with sea waters. The Aegean Sea, seething with rolling waves, but surprisingly warm water. In comparison, the Mediterranean Sea is cooler, bluer and calmer.

Near the shore, a sandbank stretches for a considerable distance. To reach the depth you have to go a long way, but already when the water is waist-deep, the waves literally knock you off your feet. Cape Prasonisi does not come out of the water every year. So getting to the island on foot is not always possible. This is what Rhodes is famous for. “Kiss of the Two Seas” is a very popular place among tourists. Even when approaching here, a lot of cars, tents, trailers, and trailers catch your eye.

It is surprising that there is practically no vegetation on the island, the landscapes are represented mainly by rocky soil, and its name means “green island”. At its southern end stands one of the two Rhodes lighthouses, built in 1890.

How to get to the Kiss of the Two Seas on Prasonisi (Rhodes): practical tips

The best way to get to the “Kiss of the Two Seas” in Prasonisi, and in general to move around Rhodes, is by car or moped. Fortunately, there are enough car rental stations. But don’t make the mistake of driving to Prasonisi Beach by car all the way to the water. It is quite extensive and the captivating flatness of the surface can play a cruel joke even on a jeep. The cost of renting a car starts from 35 euros per day.

If you rent a car for a week, you can manage it for 20 euros. Sometimes you can get a promotion - out of three rental days, one is free. You need to refuel at the gas station in advance. Firstly, there is a problem with gasoline in Prasonisi, and secondly, most gas stations are open until 18-00. You can't drive recklessly on the roads. Large fines can ruin your entire vacation.

In principle, nothing complicated: do not exceed the speed above 80 km/h, park in permitted places, fasten your seat belt. When traveling around the island of Rhodes, be sure to visit the Valley of Butterflies; children will find it very interesting. That's all.

10.05.11, Tuesday, 1st day by car. So, our journey around the island of Rhodes by car continues. The beginning of today is described.

Having eaten from the heart (or from the belly 😉) at the restaurant, Monolithos, we get into the car again. Now we need to feed her too. Gasoline is almost running out. We ask where the nearest gas station is, and they send us to Apolakia(Apolakkia). Well, that's on our way. Petrol very expensive on the island (even compared to Russian prices). A liter costs (on average) 1.72E.

Having reached Appolakia, we got a little lost. It was hard to find at first refueling, and then exit onto the road leading to the southern point of the island (marked on the map with a blue circle).

15.00. (we drove another 47 km). We stop at the southernmost point of the island, a place called Prasonisi or whatever they call it here " kiss of two seas" It is at this point that two seas “meet”: stormy with waves - Aegean And calm – Mediterranean. We have seen in photographs how this can look very impressive. Both seas are divided sand spit which goes to a small island with lighthouse. To the right of this strip the waves are very clearly visible, and to the left is a quiet and calm sea. But when we were there, this isthmus was not visible. Apparently he was under water. It is possible that at other times of the year, the kiss of two seas will look more impressive. But other than that, everything was just great!

So we drive our car into parking, where tourist buses and other cars park. There are places, we park. Ahead (a few hundred meters) we see the sea, a huge sandy beach, and on it another spontaneous parking lot, where there are many small rental cars. We decide to drive closer to the sea. On off-road (or rather hardened sand) we easily overcome another 150 meters towards the sea. We stop with most cars. But ahead (even closer to the sea) we again see several cars. We decide again that we are no worse and move in their direction. Almost immediately the understanding comes that, after all, we are worse, because... our Suzuka overhaul gets stuck in wet sand. 😥 Seeing our misfortune and hearing the cries of “ Help!”, German tourists approach us. They look at all this sadly and try to explain what needs to be done. I offer the car and keys at their disposal: if they are so smart, then implement your advice. But the Germans are somehow sluggishly withdrawing themselves. By this time, a small group of various curious people has accumulated around us, incl. and our compatriots. They somehow begin to push our car, telling us what to do, where to turn the steering wheel, which pedals to press. With our joint efforts, in a few minutes we emerge from the deep sandy rut. We thank our helpers from the bottom of our hearts, calm down a little and go to the sea.

Wind in this open space the wind is very strong. But, as it should be, there are waves only on the right, while on the left there is a completely calm sea.

In this wind, several people on boards with parachutes are gliding across the water surface at great speed. It all looks very beautiful! But, of course, we try to feel for ourselves the difference in the elements of the two seas. We start the tests with a calm Mediterranean seas. Absolutely wonderful bottom: clean, fine sand.

The sun warms up well. We plunge into the serene waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Beauty and complete relaxation! Only the water “Schumachers” do not allow you to completely relax. You have to watch their turns so as not to accidentally end up in their path.

After this, we move to the other side, where power falls on us Aegean seas.

The waves seem small, but they overwhelm you, knock you off your feet, and swimming is very difficult and extreme. But this communication with the elements gives an amazing charge of energy!

16.10. We again get into our car, which has been bathed in the sand, and head towards the house, only now on the eastern side of the island. At first the traffic is very easy: a good almost straight road, few cars. But already from the middle of the island problems begin. They began to repair and expand the road on this side, so in many places it is blocked, a lot of cars accumulate here, and the speed of movement is very low. Little by little we get to our village Ialyssos.

A real Dorian city, a monument to pre-Hellenic civilization, ancient temples, medieval castles and Orthodox churches... It keeps the secrets of all eras. Attractions on the map of this small piece of land are scattered so generously that it seems unfair to other corners of the earth. Rhodes even has two seas - the Aegean and the Mediterranean. What do guidebooks recommend to see on the island? Firstly, it is worth going to Limnos - a city that has existed continuously since the 6th century BC. Secondly, visit Kamiros - another of the settlements of the Dorian civilization. Also, guidebooks strongly recommend seeing Mount Filerimos, the monasteries of Moni Tari and Tsambiki, the castles of Kritinia and Monolithos, and the valley of the Petaloudes butterflies. But here we will talk about a special natural attraction for which Greece is famous. “Kiss of two seas” - this is the poetic name it bears.

What it is?

As you remember, Rhodes has two water areas. If you look at a map of the island, it becomes obvious that the eastern coast (the one closer to the Turkish city of Marmaris) is washed by the deep blue of the Mediterranean in the northwest. Between them, the natural border, like a fish jumping out of water, is Rhodes. “Kiss of two seas” is the name of the place where two water areas meet. It would seem that what is interesting here? But tourists who have visited Rhodes believe that it is necessary to make a pilgrimage there. After all, the salinity, and therefore the seas, is different. In addition, the nature of the water areas is noticeably different. And this is visible to the naked eye. Swimming at this point is the height of pleasure. After all, in “Kiss of the Two Seas” the heart of Rhodes beats. That's what the residents themselves say, at least. And there is no reason not to believe them.

Where is

This place is located, as is clear from the map, at the southernmost tip of the island of Rhodes. The low hill on the cape is called Prasonisi. “The Kiss of Two Seas” is best observed and photographed from the top of this hill. By the way, only she remains unchanged. The outlines of the cape itself (or rather, the sand spit) change from year to year. Sometimes at high tide Prasonisi becomes like an island. Then it is connected to Rhodes by a narrow sandy isthmus about half a kilometer long and only 50-100 meters wide. And the name speaks for itself: Prasonisi in Greek means “green island”. The downside of this paradise is that there are no hotels here, and you can only come here for a day. But the pilgrimage of tourists to the “Kiss” is such that even without permanent residents it is quite crowded. This place is favored by a variety of categories of vacationers: families with children who want to ride a wave on a board, or daredevils who perform unimaginable somersaults using a parachute.

How to get there

Cape Prasonisi is located only ninety kilometers from the capital of the island; “Kiss of the Two Seas” is closest to the resort village of Katavia. It has hotels and shops. From Katavia to the confluence of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas it is only eight kilometers. Experienced tourists advise going there for the whole day. The best way to travel is not with a tour, but on your own. In this case, the guide can tell you little; the most important thing is in the spectacle. In Greece, you can rent a car without any problems - just our driver's license is enough. And Rhodes is so small that twelve liters of gasoline are enough to travel around it from north to south. Well, those who don’t know how to drive can only take a tour.

Things to do

You just think that one or two hours is enough to watch “Kiss of Two Seas.” Rhodes, whose photos of attractions are simply mesmerizing, does not let tourists go so quickly. There is something magical about this place. It is no coincidence that in ancient times, local residents believed that Zeus himself, by his divine will, commanded the two seas to merge in a single kiss. Time just moves quickly here. Before you even blink an eye, the evening will begin to fall. And how much needs to be done! Climb to the top of Prasonisi to take a series of colorful photos. Swim first in the Aegean and then in the Mediterranean Sea. Definitely in this order. After the warm Mediterranean, you will not want to enter the stormy and cool Aegean. Well, daredevils will be able to try their hand at fighting the waves.

Why is “Kiss of Two Seas” interesting?

The different densities and salinities of the two water areas speak little to the heart of the average tourist. But these physical indicators are revealed in a completely visible effect. You will immediately see it if you take the trouble to climb the “Green Island” of Prasonisi. Turn to the south, where in front of you there will be only water to the horizon. To your right will be the monochromatic deep aquamarine of the Mediterranean Sea, and to your left will be the Aegean, shimmering in all shades of blue, from soft turquoise to mother-of-pearl azure. They merge precisely in a kiss: a clear strip of touching two different colors of water goes far to the south. The water areas are also different in character. The always stormy Aegean Sea brings serious waves to the pebble beaches. The gentle Mediterranean, on the contrary, gently licks the golden sand of the shore. The temperature regime of the two water areas is also different. The Mediterranean Sea welcomes you into its waters, as if into a warm mother’s embrace. The Aegean is invigorating in a masculine way.

Holidays for all tastes

Different categories of tourists come to Rhodes. “Kiss of the Two Seas” is ready to satisfy everyone’s aspirations. Most beachgoers stop at the long spit that connects Prasonisi and the island of Rhodes. Families with children and those who like to soak in warm water choose the Mediterranean coast. Well, wind and kite surfers catch their adrenaline on the Aegean edge of the spit. Only good and strong swimmers can swim on the southernmost cape. There are strong tidal currents here, which can carry an unlucky tourist far from the shore. It’s also not worth trying to stand on the board or hook onto the kite for the first time. A strong gusty wind constantly blows here, abruptly changing its direction. “Kiss of Two Seas” is not for beginners.

Where does the wind come from?

For many, the weather conditions in this place remain a mystery. Even if absolute calm has covered the entire island of Rhodes, “The Kiss of the Two Seas” is still blown by a fresh breeze. Where do such gusts come from in calm weather? It's all about the different water temperatures in the two water areas. An area of ​​low pressure is established over the Mediterranean Sea, and a high pressure area over the Aegean Sea. When a wide strip of land lies between two water areas, this difference is hardly noticeable, it is smoothed out. The friction of water masses with different densities increases the wind. That's why experienced surfers come here specifically.

The junction of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, Rhodes, Greece December 22nd, 2013

While traveling around the Greek islands in April, we stopped at another amazingly energetic place. The junction of two seas: the Aegean and the Mediterranean at the southernmost point of the island of Rhodes (Greece). In principle, I adore such exotic places, amazing with their atmosphere. Only staying there allows you to feel the insignificance of human existence, and to have a good rest from all sorts of worldly problems. In the list of these places I included the Paterns Glacier in Austria (which I still haven’t posted about).
The place where the seas meet, or the kiss of two seas, as the islanders call it, is called Prasonisi. You can only get there by car (90 km from the town of Rhodes and 40 km from the town of Lindos). One of the seas is calm, and the second is very violent. Such a strong connection makes Prasonini a favorite destination for windsurfers and kiters.

The road ends in the sea. And in the summer (July - August) the isthmus is exposed and filled with crowds of surfers. As always, we arrived in the off-season and had a blast in the wind. Or the wind frolicked with us. We managed to get wet, eat enough sand, and while walking to the car in the same wind we were completely dry.

The wind there is really very strong, it really blew us off our feet, covering our heads with waves and sand:

At some moments (when the waves go away at the same time), an isthmus appears. They say that in quieter times of the year you can even get overland to the lighthouse, which is located somewhere there - on the island:

We saw this picture, the seas violently connected on both sides. They fought with each other:

We're leaving alone.
You can get to the place by any road along the coast of the island. We drove from Rhodes along the eastern side and returned back along the western side. Having covered the entire island in a circle in a day.


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