Message about the pyramids. The most famous pyramids of ancient Egypt. The main mysteries of the pyramids

The pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (in the Greek version of Cheops), or the Great Pyramid - the greatest of Egyptian pyramids, the oldest of the seven wonders of the world of antiquity and the only one of them that has survived to our time. Over four thousand For years the pyramid was the largest building in the world.

The Pyramid of Cheops is located in the far suburb of Cairo, Giza. Nearby there are two more pyramids of the pharaohs Khafre and Menkaure (Khefre and Mikerin), according to ancient historians, the sons and successors of Khufu. These are the three most great pyramids Egypt.

Following ancient authors, most modern historians consider the pyramids to be funerary structures of ancient Egyptian monarchs. Some scientists believe that these were astronomical observatories. There is no direct evidence that pharaohs were buried in the pyramids, but other versions of their purpose are less convincing.

When was the Cheops pyramid built?

Based on ancient “royal lists”, it has been established that Cheops reigned around 2585-2566. BC. Construction of the "Sacred Height" lasted 20 years and ended after the death of Khufu, around 2560 BC.

Other versions of the construction dates, based on astronomical methods, give dates from 2720 to 2577. BC. Radiocarbon dating shows a scatter of 170 years, from 2850 to 2680. BC.

There are also exotic opinions expressed by supporters of theories of aliens visiting the Earth, the existence of ancient civilizations, or adherents of occult movements. They determine the age of the Cheops pyramid from 6-7 to tens of thousands of years.

How the pyramid was built

The Pyramid of Cheops is still the largest stone building on the planet. Its height is 137 m, the length of the base side is 230.38 m, the angle of inclination of the edge is 51°50", the total volume is about 2.5 million cubic meters. At the time of completion, the height was 9.5 m higher, and the base side was 2 m longer, however, over the past centuries, almost all of the cladding of the pyramid was dismantled and they did their job. natural factors– temperature changes and desert winds carrying clouds of sand.

Ancient Greek historians reported that the construction involved the labor of millions of slaves. Modern researchers believe that with the correct organization of work and engineering, the Egyptians would have had enough tens of thousands of workers to build it. Temporary workers were hired to transport materials, the number of whom, according to Herodotus, reached 100 thousand. Modern scientists fully agree with this, as well as with the reality of a 20-year construction period.

The construction of the pyramid was supervised by the head of the royal works, Hemiun. Hemiun's tomb is located next to his creation, and a statue of the architect was discovered in it.

The main material for the construction was gray limestone, which was cut down in nearby quarries or brought from the other bank of the Nile. The pyramid was lined with light sandstone, which is why it literally shone in the sunlight. For interior decoration, granite was used, which was delivered a thousand kilometers away, from the area of ​​​​present-day Aswan. The structure was crowned with a hewn gilded granite block - a pyramidion.

In total, the construction of the pyramid took about 2.3 million limestone blocks and 115 thousand facing slabs. The total weight of the building, according to modern estimates, is almost 6 million tons.

The sizes of the blocks vary. The largest ones are placed at the base, their height is one and a half meters. The blocks are smaller the higher they are located. The height of the block at the top is 55 cm. The length of the facing slabs ranged from 1.5 to 0.75 m.

The work of the pyramid builders was extremely hard. A lot of time and effort required quarrying stone, cutting blocks and adjusting them to the required size. In those days, neither iron nor bronze was known in Egypt. The tools were made of relatively soft copper, so they were quickly ground down and were very expensive. Tools made of flint - saws, drills, hammers - were widely used. Many of them were found during excavations.

The materials were delivered by river, and the stone was transported to the construction site on wooden sleds or rollers. It was hellish work, because the average weight of one block is 2.5 tons, and some of them weighed up to 50 tons.

A variety of devices were used to lift and install the monoliths, and inclined embankments were erected to drag up the most massive elements that make up the lower rows. Images of construction work found in a variety of Egyptian temples and tombs.

Recently, an original theory has emerged regarding the construction methods of the Egyptians. Scientists who examined the microstructure of the blocks in order to establish their origin discovered foreign inclusions. According to experts, these are the remains of animal hair and human hair, from which scientists concluded that the limestone at the mining sites was crushed and delivered in crushed form to the construction site. Directly at the laying site, blocks were made from the limestone mass, which were thus a semblance of modern concrete structures, and the traces of tools on the blocks are actually the imprints of the formwork.

Be that as it may, the construction was completed, and the grandiose dimensions of the pyramid fully justify supporters of the theories of Atlanteans and aliens who do not believe in the possibilities of human genius.

What's inside the pyramid

The entrance to the pyramid was made at a height of almost 16 meters in the form of an arch made of granite slabs. It was later sealed with granite plug and covered with cladding. The current entrance, 10 meters below, was made in 831 by order of Caliph Al-Mamun, who hoped to find gold here, but did not find anything valuable.

The main rooms are the Pharaoh's chamber, the queen's chamber, the Great Gallery and the underground chamber. The passage made by Al-Mamun leads to a 105-meter inclined corridor, ending in a chamber carved into the rock below the base of the pyramid. Its dimensions are 14x8 m, height 3.5 m. Work here was not completed for unknown reasons.

At 18 meters from the entrance, an ascending corridor 40 meters long, ending in the Great Gallery, separates from the descending corridor. The Gallery itself is a high (8.5 m) tunnel 46.6 m long, leading to the Pharaoh's chamber. The corridor to the queen's chamber branches off from the Gallery at its very beginning. A rectangular ditch, 60 cm deep and 1 m wide, has been punched into the floor of the Gallery; its purpose is unknown.

The length of the pharaoh's chamber is 10.5 m, width 5.4, height 5.84 m. It is lined with black granite slabs. There is an empty granite sarcophagus here. The queen's chamber is more modest - 5.76 x 5.23 x 6.26 m.

Channels 20-25 cm wide lead from the burial chambers to the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the king’s chamber open at one end into the room, and at the other onto the surface of the pyramid. The channels of the queen's chamber begin 13 cm from the wall and do not reach 12 m to the surface, and both ends of the channels are closed with stone doors with handles. It is assumed that the channels were made to ventilate the premises during work. Another version, associated with the beliefs of the Egyptians, claims that this is the path to the afterlife that the souls of the deceased had to go through.

No less mysterious is another small room, the Grotto, to which an almost vertical passage leads from the beginning of the Great Gallery. The grotto is located at the junction of the base of the pyramid and the hill on which it stands. The walls of the Grotto are reinforced with rather roughly processed stone. It is assumed that this is part of some structure more ancient than the pyramid.

It is necessary to mention one discovery related to the pyramid. In 1954, two stone-lined pits were discovered near the southern edge, in which there were pharaoh's boats made of Lebanese cedar. One of the rooks has been restored and is now in a special pavilion next to the pyramid. Its length is 43.5 m, width 5.6 m.

The study of the Cheops pyramid continues. Research using the latest methods used in exploration of the earth's interior shows with a high degree of probability the existence of unknown caverns inside the pyramid. So it is quite possible that scientists can expect new interesting finds and discoveries.

In the meantime, the Great Pyramid keeps its secrets, standing proudly in the middle of the desert, just like thousands of years ago. After all, as the ancient Arabic proverb states, everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.

There are fewer and fewer unsolved mysteries on our planet every year. Constant improvement of technology, collaboration of scientists from various fields of science reveals to us the secrets and mysteries of history. But the secrets of the pyramids still defy understanding - all discoveries give scientists only tentative answers to many questions. Who built the Egyptian pyramids, what was the construction technology, is there a curse of the pharaohs - these and many other questions still remain without an exact answer.

Description of the Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists talk about 118 pyramids in Egypt, partially or completely preserved to this day. Their age ranges from 4 to 10 thousand years. One of them - Cheops - is the only surviving “miracle” from the “Seven Wonders of the World”. The complex called the “Great Pyramids of Giza”, which includes and, was also considered as a participant in the “New Seven Wonders of the World” competition, but was withdrawn from participation, since these majestic structures are actually a “wonder of the world” on the ancient list.

These pyramids have become the most visited excursion sites in Egypt. They are perfectly preserved, which cannot be said about many other buildings - time has not been kind to them. Yes and local residents contributed to the destruction of the majestic necropolises by removing cladding and breaking stones from the walls to build their houses.

Egyptian pyramids were built by pharaohs who ruled from the 27th century BC. e. and later. They were intended for the repose of rulers. The enormous scale of the tombs (some reaching almost 150 m in height) was supposed to testify to the greatness of the buried pharaohs; things that the ruler loved during his life and that would be useful to him in the afterlife were also placed here.

For construction, stone blocks of various sizes were used, which were hollowed out of the rocks, and later brick began to serve as material for the walls. The stone blocks were ground and adjusted so that a knife blade could not slip between them. The blocks were stacked on top of each other with an offset of several centimeters, which formed a stepped surface of the structure. Almost all Egyptian pyramids have a square base, the sides of which are oriented strictly to the cardinal points.

Since the pyramids performed the same function, that is, they served as the burial place of the pharaohs, their structure and decoration are similar inside. The main component is the burial hall, where the sarcophagus of the ruler was installed. The entrance was not located at ground level, but several meters higher, and was masked with facing slabs. Stairs and passages-corridors led from the entrance to the inner hall, which sometimes narrowed so much that they could only be walked on squatting or crawling.

In most necropolises, burial halls (chambers) are located below ground level. Ventilation was carried out through narrow shaft-channels that penetrated the walls. Rock paintings and ancient religious texts are found on the walls of many pyramids - in fact, from them scientists draw some of the information about the construction and owners of burials.

The main mysteries of the pyramids

The list of unsolved mysteries begins with the shape of the necropolises. Why was the pyramid shape chosen, which is translated from Greek as “polyhedron”? Why were the edges located clearly in the cardinal directions? How were huge stone blocks moved from the excavation site and how were they raised to great heights? Were the buildings built by aliens or people in possession of a magic crystal?

Scientists even argue over the question of who built such tall monumental structures that stood for thousands of years. Some believe that they were built by slaves, who died by the hundreds of thousands during the construction of each. However, new discoveries by archaeologists and anthropologists convince us that the builders were free people who received good food and medical care. They made such conclusions based on the composition of the bones, the structure of the skeletons and the treated injuries of the buried builders.

Mystical coincidences were attributed to all deaths and deaths of people involved in the exploration of the Egyptian pyramids, which provoked rumors and talk about the curse of the pharaohs. None scientific evidence no to this. Perhaps the rumors were started to scare away thieves and looters who wanted to find valuables and jewelry in the graves.

Mysterious interesting facts include the short time frame for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. According to calculations, large necropolises with that level of technology should have been built in no less than a century. How, for example, was the Cheops pyramid built in just 20 years?

Great Pyramids

This is the name of the funeral complex near the city of Giza, consisting of three large pyramids, a huge statue of the Sphinx and small satellite pyramids, probably intended for the wives of rulers.

The original height of the Cheops pyramid was 146 m, the side length was 230 m. It was built in 20 years in the 26th century BC. e. The largest of Egypt's landmarks has not one, but three burial chambers. One of them is below ground level, and two are above the base line. Intertwining corridors lead to the burial chambers. Along them you can go to the chamber of the pharaoh (king), to the queen's chamber and to the lower hall. The Pharaoh's Chamber is a chamber made of pink granite, measuring 10x5 m. It contains a granite sarcophagus without a lid. Not a single report by scientists contained information about the mummies found, so it is unknown whether Cheops was buried here. By the way, the mummy of Cheops was not found in other tombs.

It still remains a mystery whether the Cheops pyramid was used for its intended purpose, and if so, then apparently it was plundered by looters in past centuries. The name of the ruler, by whose order and design this tomb was built, was learned from the drawings and hieroglyphs above the burial chamber. All other Egyptian pyramids, with the exception of Djoser, have a simpler engineering structure.

Two other necropolises in Giza, built for the heirs of Cheops, are somewhat more modest in size:

Tourists travel to Giza from all over Egypt, because this city is actually a suburb of Cairo, and all transport interchanges lead to it. Travelers from Russia usually travel to Giza in excursion groups from Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. The trip is long, 6-8 hours one way, so the excursion usually lasts 2 days.

The great buildings are accessible to visitors only during working hours, usually until 17:00, in the month of Ramadan - until 15:00. It is not recommended for asthmatics, as well as people suffering from claustrophobia, nervous and cardiovascular diseases, to enter inside. Be sure to take drinking water and hats with you on the excursion. The excursion fee consists of several parts:

  1. Entrance to the complex.
  2. Entrance inside the pyramid of Cheops or Khafre.
  3. Entrance to the Museum of the Solar Boat, on which the body of the pharaoh was transported across the Nile.

With the Egyptian pyramids in the background, many people like to take photos while sitting on camels. You can bargain with camel owners.

Pyramid of Djoser

The first pyramid in the world is located in Saqqara, near Memphis, the former capital of Ancient Egypt. Today, the pyramid of Djoser is not as attractive to tourists as the necropolis of Cheops, but at one time it was the largest in the country and the most complex in engineering design.

The funeral complex included chapels, courtyards, and storage facilities. The six-step pyramid itself does not have a square base, but a rectangular one, with sides 125x110 m. The height of the structure itself is 60 m, inside it there are 12 burial chambers, where Djoser himself and members of his family were supposedly buried. The pharaoh's mummy was not found during excavations. The entire territory of the complex of 15 hectares was surrounded by a stone wall 10 m high. Currently, part of the wall and other buildings have been restored, and the pyramid, which is approximately 4700 years old, has been preserved quite well.

Great Seven Wonders of the World - hanging gardens Babylon, Alexandrian lighthouse, statue of Zeus, Colossus of Rhodes, etc. Everyone knows about them. But only one “miracle” of these seven has survived to this day. It's mysterious Egyptian pyramids, which are more than 4,500 years old.

Location and structural features of the Egyptian pyramids:

The pyramids stand on the territory of the ancient cemetery in Giza, which is on the opposite bank from (the modern capital).

Scientists note that during the existence of the Ancient Egyptian kingdom, more than 80 pyramids were built, but only a small part has reached us. There are three surviving pyramids in total - these are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin (they also have Egyptian names - Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure). Only the first of this list formally belongs to the legendary seven. However, they are all mysterious and majestic.

The appearance of these buildings is impressive. They stand out clearly against the background of the blue sky and dark yellow sand. You notice them from afar, before you get close to them. Anyone giant pyramids cause sacred awe. They seem like something out of space; it’s hard to believe that man had anything to do with their construction.

The main pyramid is the pyramid of Cheops (Khufu). Each side of the base is 233 m long. The height of the pyramid is 147 m. The area of ​​the pyramid is more than 50 thousand square meters. Its interior spaces occupy a very small volume - no more than 4% of the total area.

Until the mid-19th century, the Cheops pyramid was considered the largest structure on our planet. According to Napoleon's calculations, the stone blocks from the three pyramids of Giza would be enough to encircle the entire wall with a height of three meters and a thickness of 30 centimeters.

All sides are almost symmetrical - such accuracy is surprising. The pyramid consists of 2,500,000 huge blocks, each of which weighs at least two tons, the heaviest block weighs 15 tons. The architect of this pyramid is also known - the Egyptian Hemuin.

Many misunderstandings arise due to the layout of the internal corridors and the so-called “main royal chamber” with the empty sarcophagus of the Cheops pyramid. As is known, a narrow passage - a ventilation duct - leads outside from this room at an angle, and above the chamber there are several empty unloading rooms, built in order to reduce the huge mass of stone. One of the mysteries, for example, is the location of the main room - it is not located along the central axis, as in all tombs, but is tilted to the side.

Pyramid of Khafre(Khefre) is almost as good as the Cheops pyramid. It is slightly smaller - 215 m long and 143 m wide, but due to the fact that it is located on steeper slopes, it appears larger. Khafre, the son of Cheops, is buried there.

Not far from this pyramid is the legendary Great Sphinx, which is also part of the funerary complex. The size of the figure is rather large: its height is 20, and its length is 57 meters. The figure, carved from a single rock, depicts a reclining lion with a human head.

Pyramid of Khufuso has reached our times in good condition compared to other pyramids: it is the only one that has preserved the lime cladding on its top.

Pyramid of Menkaure(Mykerina) is the smallest of the legendary pyramids. It is almost 10 times smaller than the Cheops pyramid. Its height is only 66.4 meters. The pyramid was intended for the grandson of Cheops.

History of the Egyptian pyramids:

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids dates back to the beginning of the Old Kingdom, which is approximately 2800 - 2250 BC. e.

Almost 5 thousand years ago (28 centuries BC), the founder of the III dynasty, Pharaoh Djoser, as soon as he ascended the throne, ordered the construction of his tomb to begin. The construction was entrusted to the architect Imhoten. The innovation that the architect used when building the tomb for Djoser was that he built it in the form of six benches stacked on top of each other. Moreover, each subsequent one was smaller than the previous one. Imhoten created the first step pyramid. Its height was 60 m, length - 120 m, width - 109 m. Unlike previous tombs, the pyramid of Djoser was built not from wood and brick, but from large limestone blocks. This pyramid is considered the ancestor of the great Pyramids.

The first of the great pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. It is absolutely impossible to imagine that it was built, according to the manuscripts that have reached us, in just 20 years. Even today, with all the modern technology, it is difficult to build such a huge structure, not to mention the fact that the pyramid was built 4,500 years ago, when no mechanisms were even thought of. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that the pyramids could not have been built by people living in the Bronze Age, and that aliens took part in the creation of these colossal structures. But, according to the official scientific version, the construction of the pyramid was the work of ordinary people. The main builders were almost 100,000 slaves.

Millions of blocks were literally chiseled out of the rocks using primitive red copper drills, which quickly became dull from such hard work. When fitting wooden boards under the future slab, they were constantly watered. The tree swelled and tore the stone away from the rock. Then the resulting block was carefully polished, giving it the required shape. One has only to marvel at the impeccable result, because, in fact, the work was carried out with completely primitive tools. Without any measuring instruments, we ended up with a block that was ideal in its proportions and shape. In the vicinity of Aswan, there are still ruins of ancient quarries, on the territory of which many ready-made blocks have been found. As it turned out, this was a waste material that was not used when laying the pyramids.

The processed blocks were transported by boat to the other side of the Nile. Then they were transported along a specially paved road, the construction of which took 10 years and which, according to Herodotus, is only slightly simpler than the construction of the pyramids. The pyramid was built on a bedrock limestone massif, cleared of sand and gravel. Workers pulled them into place using ramps, blocks and levers, and then pushed them towards each other without any solution. The stones of the pyramid are “fitted” so tightly that it is impossible to insert even a knife blade between them. To raise the blocks, the Egyptians built an inclined embankment of brick and stone with an elevation angle of about 15. When the main structure was completed, it resembled a series of steps. As the pyramid was built, the mound was lengthened. It is possible that wooden sleighs were also used, on which the blocks were dragged up by hundreds of slaves. Traces of these carts were found here and there.

When the construction was basically completed, the inclined embankment was leveled, and the surface of the pyramid was covered with facing blocks.

Construction ended in 2580 BC. e. Initially, the height of the pyramid was 150 meters, but over time, due to destruction and advancing sands, it became smaller - by 10 meters today.

There is no doubt that this pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops. In ancient Egypt, it was customary to build burial structures long before the death of the person for whom it was intended. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife and carefully prepared for it. They believed that in the event of a person's death, his body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen shrouds. So the body turned into a mummy. Jewels were buried with the pharaohs, which, according to the ancients, could be useful to him in another world. In addition, people were often buried along with the ruler. big number servants who would serve the master even after death. The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religious beliefs, as a ladder along which souls ascended to heaven.

After the construction of the Cheops pyramid, the construction of the Khafre pyramid began. Huge money was invested in these constructions. According to the plan, the third pyramid should have been no less majestic. But Menkaur could not afford to build a large pyramid. The country was devastated by the construction of the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre. Hunger began. The population, exhausted by backbreaking labor, grumbled. But, despite its smaller size, the pyramid of Menkaure still looks incredibly beautiful.

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids:

There are absolutely fantastic assumptions about the pyramids. For example, that these are not tombs at all, but something like observatories. Astronomer Richard Proctor argues that the descending corridor may have been used to observe the movements of certain stars, and the Grand Gallery, open at the top, was used to map the sky. But still, the official version is that the pyramids were built primarily as tombs.

Since the pharaohs were buried along with various valuable things, there is no doubt that jewelry can be found in them. The search for treasures in the tomb of Cheops does not stop today. There is still a lot of unknowns. That is why ancient pyramids are a favorite place for treasure seekers. For a long time, the main problem was considered to be the theft of the pyramids. It seems that this problem existed even in the Old Kingdom, so tombs were designed on the principle of labyrinths, with secret rooms and doors, baits and traps.

By official version, first entered the pyramid in 820 AD: the Arab caliph Abdullah Al Manum decided to find the treasures of Khufu. Immediately, the treasure hunters were faced with the fact that it was completely impossible to find the entrance to the tomb. After a long search, we decided to dig under the pyramid. They soon found themselves in a passage that led down. This digging continued for several months. People were simply in despair - as soon as they entered a corridor, it immediately ended in a blank wall.

The first room they found was what is now known as the "royal room." From it they were able to find a way out into the space at the junction of two corridors and come to the “large gallery”, which, in turn, led to the “king’s room” - about 11 meters long and 5 meters wide. Here they found only an empty sarcophagus without a lid. There was nothing else in the room.

Several years of work yielded nothing - no treasure was found. It is most likely that the tomb was plundered long before the arrival of Abdullah Al Manum, but the workers said that this was simply impossible, since all the slabs inside the pyramid were untouched, and it was impossible to pass through them. True, in 1638, John Graves discovered a narrow passage in the Great Gallery, which was littered with rubble. It is possible that all the treasures were taken out through this passage. But many scientists doubt this, since the passage is very small and a thin person can barely fit into it.

What happened to Khufu’s mummy and his treasure2 Nobody knows. Various explorations have not revealed any other rooms or passages. However, many still believe that the main rooms and the treasures hidden there have not yet been found.

Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin in El Giza in ancient times were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The construction of the pyramid, in which the Greeks and Romans already saw a monument to the unprecedented pride of kings and cruelty that doomed the entire Egyptian people to meaningless construction, was the most important cult act and was supposed to express, apparently, the mystical identity of the country and its ruler.

The people worked on the construction of the pyramids during the part of the year free from agricultural work. Texts have been preserved that testify to the attention and care that the kings themselves (though of later times) paid to the construction of their tomb and its builders. It is also known about the special cult honors that were given to the pyramid itself.

Description of the most famous pyramids (briefly)

The Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), the Great Pyramid, is the face of the Egyptian pyramids and the largest structure of antiquity, giving rise to many secrets and legends around itself. It took two decades to build the pyramid. Construction time IV Dynasty 2600 BC. e. Located in Giza. The original height is 146.60 m, today it is 138.75 m. The dimensions of the base are 230 m. It was the largest building in the world for more than 4,000 years.

The pyramid has not one, but three burial chambers. One of them is located below ground level, and two are located above the base line. Intertwining corridors lead to the burial chambers. Along them it is possible to go to the pharaoh's chamber, to the chamber of his wife and to the lower hall. The Pharaoh's Chamber is a chamber made of pink granite, measuring 10 x 5 m. It contains a granite sarcophagus without a lid. Not a single report from researchers mentioned the mummies found, so it is unknown whether Cheops was buried here. It should be noted that the mummy of Cheops was not found in other tombs.

After the Great Chinese wall it is the largest structure that has ever been erected in the entire history of mankind.

The second most important is the pyramid of Khafre, the son of Cheops. It was found during archaeological excavations in 1860. The tomb of this ancient Egyptian king is “guarded” by the famous Sphinx, which looks like a lion lying on the sand, whose face may have been given the features of Khafre himself. Near Khafre's pyramid there is a separate pyramid for his wife, a temple, a port and an enclosure wall.

The estimated time of construction of the pyramid is the middle of the 26th century BC. e. It was built on a 10-meter plateau, so it seems higher than the Cheops pyramid, but this is not entirely true. The original height is 143.9 m, today it is 136.4 m. The dimensions of the base are 210.5 m. The pyramid was decorated with a pink granite pyramidion, which is now lost. We have no information as to whether the granite was decorated with limestone, plaster or gold.

The third great pyramid is the Pyramid of Mikerin (also known as the “Pyramid of Menkaure”). It is the smallest of them, and was built later than the others. Construction time IV Dynasty (approximately 2540-2520 BC) Initial height - 65.55 m, today - 62 m. Dimensions of the base - 102.2 × 104.6 m. According to eyewitnesses, the pyramid Menkaure was the most beautiful of all the pyramids. Sculptures from the reign of Menkaure were characterized by highest quality artistic performance. In addition, the pyramid of Mikerinus marked the end of the era of large pyramids. All subsequent buildings were small in size.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser is considered one of the largest in Egypt. Construction time: III Dynasty (approximately 2650 BC). It is located in the village of Saqqara, and was erected for Pharaoh Djoser by Imhotep himself. The original height is 62.5 m, today it is 62 m. The size of the pyramid is 125 m × 115 m. This is the first pyramid of Egypt, and it is very well preserved.

Initially, Imhotep intended to create an ordinary stone mastaba (rectangular tomb). Only during the construction process did it turn into the first step pyramid. The meaning of the steps is believed to be symbolic - along them the deceased pharaoh was supposed to ascend to heaven.

The burial complex included chapels, courtyards, and storage facilities. The six-step pyramid itself has a rectangular base, not a square one. Inside the structure there are 12 burial chambers, where Djoser himself and members of his family could probably have been buried. The pharaoh's mummy was not discovered during excavations. The entire territory of the complex of 15 hectares was surrounded by a 10-meter stone wall. Now part of the wall and other buildings have been restored.

The most unusual pyramid in shape is in Medum. Construction time III Dynasty (approximately 2680 BC) Located 100 km south of the capital of Egypt, it was built for Pharaoh Huni, the last ruler of the III Dynasty, but it was completed by his son Sneferu. It originally had eight steps, but today only the last three are visible. The original height is 93.5 m, today it is 65 m. The base is 144 m.

Its unusual forms were first reported by Al-Makrizi in the 15th century. The pyramid had a stepped shape. In his essays, Al-Makrizi described a pyramid consisting of 5 steps, and that it had serious damage from erosion and from the removal of stonework by local residents.

Pink Pyramid or Northern Pyramid. Construction time IV dynasty (from approximately 2640 to 2620 BC) Initial height - 109.5 m, today - 104 m. Base - 220 m. Northern pyramid of Pharaoh Snefru in Dahshur, at the time of its construction in the 26th century BC. e. was the tallest building in the world. It is now the third tallest pyramid in Egypt, after Khufu and Khafre at Giza.

It is unusual in that it has a pink tint due to the special stone that was used during construction. Researchers believe that this pyramid was also built by the above-mentioned Pharaoh Snefru. The Pink Pyramid was not always pink. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone. However, in our time, white limestone is almost completely absent, since in the Middle Ages a significant part of it was removed for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which pinkish limestone was exposed.

Not far from the Pink one is the Broken (“cut” or “diamond-shaped”) pyramid. Construction time IV Dynasty (XXVI century BC) Initial height - 104.7 m, today - 101.1 m. Base - 189.4 m. It got its name because of its irregular shape. It was built in three stages, at each of which it was given different angles of inclination. It differs from other Egyptian pyramids in that the pyramid not only has an entrance on the north side, which was the standard, but also a second entrance, which is open higher, on the west side.

Explaining the non-standard shape of the pyramid, German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) put forward his “accretion theory.” According to it, the king died suddenly and the angle of inclination of the pyramid's faces was sharply changed from 54° 31 minutes. up to 43° 21 min., for quick completion of work.

What is known about the Egyptian pyramids

Building the pyramids

Slabs weighing at least 2.5 tons, from which the pyramids were built, were cut out of stone in a nearby quarry and transported to the construction site using ramps, blocks and levers. There is an opinion, considered marginal by the scientific community, that concrete was used in the construction of the pyramid, that is, the slabs were made directly at the construction site. At the tops of the pyramids, traces of wooden forms have been preserved to this day, erased at the base by numerous sandstorms. To prevent the walls of the pyramids from cracking as a result of the compression-expansion process, individual blocks were separated by thin layers of mortar. The slope of the external walls is exactly 45°. The surface was covered with blocks of polished white limestone. After the fall, the limestone was stretched out by local residents for their needs.

What is encrypted in the pyramids

What is the secret of the Egyptian pyramids? Why, for almost 5 millennia, have they never ceased to excite the imagination of everyone who has seen them? All sorts of assumptions have been made about this: they were built by aliens, they contain encrypted astronomical and magical knowledge of the ancient priests, they contain a prediction of the future. Digital magic was so popular that by measuring it in all directions and adding up the results, amateurs could predict anything.

Why were the pyramids built?

Even the debate about whether the pyramids are actually the tombs of the pharaohs continues today. Some researchers believe that these are temples where the sun god Amun-Ra was initiated into the cult of the sun god, others - that the pyramid is a huge scientific laboratory of the ancients. Some argue that the pyramids are huge natural generators of earthly energy, in which the pharaohs were “charged” with this energy for a long time, even rejuvenated and prepared for state activities. And then they were buried near the pyramids, in small rooms, perhaps near funeral temples.

The pyramids delighted many of the greats of this world: , Cleopatra, . The latter, in order to inspire his grenadiers during the Egyptian campaign, first exclaimed: “The pyramids are looking at you,” and then instantly calculated in his mind that out of two and a half million stone blocks The pyramids of Cheops could be used to build a wall around France three meters high.

Interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids

All Egyptian pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile River, which is the site of sunset and was associated with the kingdom of the dead in Egyptian mythology.

The edges of the pyramids are curved by one meter so that they can accumulate solar energy. Due to this, the pyramids could reach thousands of degrees and emit an incomprehensible hum from such heat.

Despite the intense heat that reigns around the pyramids, the temperature inside them actually remains relatively constant, hovering around 20°C.

Egyptian pyramids also have this feature. The stone blocks are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps between them; even the thinnest blade will not fit through there.

The Great Pyramid consists of 2.3 million blocks that are perfectly aligned and fit together. The blocks weigh from 2 to 30 tons, and some of them even reach a weight of more than 50 tons.

Although many people associate pyramids with hieroglyphs, no inscriptions or hieroglyphs have been found in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Estimates of the number of workers involved in the construction of the pyramids vary greatly, however, it is quite possible that at least 100 thousand people built them.

Three large pyramids on the Giza plateau replicate the “Orion’s Belt” from the constellation Orion on Earth. The Pyramid of Cheops and the similar-sized Pyramid of Khafre occupy the places of the two brightest stars in Orion's belt, Al-Nitak and Al-Nilam, and the smaller pyramid of Menkaure is offset from the axis of the two neighboring ones, just like the third and smallest star in the belt - Mintaka.

Structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids can also be found in Sudan, where the tradition was later picked up.

Each side of the pyramid is located in the direction of one side of the world.

It was calculated that large necropolises with that level of technology should have been built in no less than a century. How, for example, was the Cheops pyramid built in just 20 years?

In the 12th century, an attempt was made to destroy the pyramids of Giza. Al-Aziz, the Kurdish ruler and second sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty, tried to demolish them, but he was forced to retreat as the task was too large-scale. And yet, he was able to damage the Pyramid of Mykerinus, where his attempts left a vertical gaping hole in its northern slope.

Pyramids are one of the numerous evidences in favor of the existence in those ancient times of a certain developed civilization. Meanwhile, that era fits into the time frame of the existence of the legendary Atlantis, although no one undertakes to claim that the civilization that built the early pyramids was in fact the civilization of the Atlanteans.

Tourist Information

The Great Pyramid complex of Giza is open to the public from 8:00 to 17:00 every day, except during the winter months (opening hours until 16:30) and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when access closes at 15:00.

Some travelers believe that if the pyramids are under open air and are not a museum in the literal sense of the word, then here you can behave freely, climb these structures. It should be remembered: doing this is strictly prohibited - in the interests of your own safety!

Before entering the pyramids, you need to objectively assess your psychological state and physical health. For those who are afraid of closed spaces (claustrophobia), it is better to skip this part of the tour. Due to the fact that the inside of the tombs is usually dry, hot and a little dusty, asthmatics, hypertensive patients and those suffering from other diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system are not recommended to enter here.

How much can an excursion to the area of ​​the Egyptian pyramids cost a tourist? Cost has several components. Admission ticket it will cost you 60 Egyptian pounds, which is approximately 8 euros. Would you like to visit the Pyramid of Cheops? For this you will have to pay 100 pounds or 13 euros. Seeing the inside of Khafre's Pyramid is largely cheaper at £20 or €2.60.

You will have to pay separately for visiting the Solar Boat Museum, which is located south of the Cheops Pyramid (40 pounds or 5 euros). Photography is allowed in the pyramid area, but you will have to pay 1 euro for the right to take photographs. Visiting other pyramids on the territory of Giza - for example, the mother and wife of Pharaoh Khafre - is not paid.

A new hypothesis about the date of construction of the Egyptian pyramids was born in Ulyanovsk. Its author is entrepreneur Sergei Baideryakov; he has already sent his developments to Moscow scientists and Egyptologists and is now waiting for a response from them. And we decided not to wait for the verdict of pundits and ask the author how he, living on the Volga, studied the overseas wonder of the world? And how old are the pyramids really?
It turned out that you can study the unsurpassed architectural structures of the Egyptians without leaving your home. You just have to stock up on the necessary books. Based on information obtained from books, Sergei Baideryakov, in fact, put forward his hypothesis.
Science has not yet determined the exact date of construction of the Egyptian pyramids; scientists in their definitions differ not even by hundreds, but by thousands of years. According to the traditional version, they have been standing for 4.5 thousand years. This age was shown by studying the method of radiocarbon decay. There are other methods, such as referencing the stars. Astronomers claim that the pyramids copy the arrangement of stars in the constellation Orion, which was observed 12.5 thousand years ago. Our Ulyanovsk researcher Evgeniy Menshov determined that 12.5 thousand years ago the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus were also located in the starry sky exactly as the pyramids are now. The soothsayers also had their say on this issue: the famous American psychic Edgar Cayce, who lived near the pyramids and studied them, gave the shelter of the pharaohs also 12.5 thousand years. There is a hypothesis that estimates their age at one hundred thousand years, but it has not been confirmed by anything.
All this information was studied by Sergei Baideryakov. Then I noticed one interesting fact, which is not particularly advertised anywhere: the sphinx, located next to the pyramids, judging by radiocarbon studies, has been “living” for 8.5 thousand years. That is, older than the pyramids themselves. This discrepancy intrigued the Ulyanovsk entrepreneur: it is known that both the pyramids and the Sphinx were built from the same stones, using the same technology. The age of the Sphinx is not advertised because it does not fit into the age of the pyramids, Baideryakov concluded. This means that there is something fishy in this hypothesis.
And then he included in his work all his knowledge of physics, acquired at the Kazan Aviation Institute, information about geopathogenic zones, which he had been closely involved in in recent years.
“I have long been interested in such a phenomenon as the uneven aging of buildings built at the same time,” says Baideryakov. There are, for example, “Khrushchevkas” that grew up in different cities forty years ago. They stand side by side, built using the same technology, from the same materials, by the same housing cooperatives. But they look different: some are more intact, others are worn out. This made me think that in some zones time changes faster and houses age faster, perhaps so do the people living in them. This means that these houses could be in geopathogenic zones.
For information, a pathogenic zone is a place that negatively affects a person or physical objects. And “geo” means that the impact is caused by geological faults.
There are numerous studies about these unfavorable zones, including the buildings located in them.
If there are destructive, geopathogenic zones, then there must be others - geomantic, with a rejuvenating effect, Baideryakov decided. This idea inspired him. He connected this version with the pyramids - perhaps they are younger than the age when they were erected. Simply put, they are well preserved. 
- I am satisfied with the age of the pyramids - 12.5 thousand years. It can be assumed that they were erected in a positive energy zone, which prevents them from aging. Perhaps this positive energy is created by the location of the pyramids themselves. Today it is no secret that the pyramid creates a certain energy. It is no coincidence that small pyramids are used for medicinal purposes. The youth of the pyramids may well be maintained in this energy field. If we take into account that they are of the same proportion, strictly identically oriented in space, then in resonance they can create a single field, and, accordingly, maintain the same age. The Sphinx stands separately, but not far away, and falls into this rejuvenating field of action of the pyramids. Accordingly, the Sphinx is also rejuvenated, but not as much as the pyramids themselves. I believe that this hypothesis deserves attention because it explains the discrepancies in the age of the pyramids and the difference in the longevity of the pyramids and the Sphinx.
Of course, the hypothesis requires testing. To confirm or refute it, you need to conduct an examination of at least the Khrushchev buildings and understand whether there is a time difference.
The pyramids keep a lot of secrets and attract scientists to them like a magnet. Who knows, maybe in their solution lies new road, and this happened in our Ulyanovsk.


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