How to get to Sveaborg from Helsinki. Suomenlinna - Finnish fortress on the island: how to get there and what to do. The oldest dock in Europe is located on Susisaari

1. I went to the Sveaborg fortress (translated from Swedish Sveaborg - Swedish Fortress) immediately after a short visit. Actually, the main point of the program that day was not the city, but a fortress located on islands in the Baltic Sea.

2. While still approaching on the ferry, I saw various buildings of the fortress. Here is a powder magazine, built on an artificial peninsula for safety.

3. A lot of watercraft are concentrated on the islands, because there is no land connection with the city. There are also quite rare hovercraft.

4. Having landed on the shore, I go to explore the coastal strip.

5. From here you have a beautiful view of the center of the Finnish capital. In general, it’s just a stone’s throw away.

6. The islands themselves are entirely stone, rocky, called “Wolf Skerries”.

7. The crevices of the rocks are filled with earth, from which low birch trees and grass with moss grow.

8. It is extremely rare to find sandy coves.

9. The fortress itself was built in the middle of the 18th century on seven islands to protect Helsingfors from the sea.

10. Basically, the fortifications were built from boulders tightly fitted to each other, in some places reinforced with brickwork.

11. The main gate of the fortress from the side of the pier is decorated with a turret with a spire and a clock. All this was built in the 1860s by Russian military engineers.

12. In the center of the island there is a Lutheran church with a lighthouse dome. And originally it was an Orthodox cathedral in the name of Alexander Nevsky, built in 1854 by the famous architect Konstantin Ton, and was very similar to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior designed by him. In the 20th century, the Finns rebuilt the building beyond recognition.

13. The buildings inside the fortifications are entirely brick. In the former arena there is an exhibition of weapons from the Second World War, but on the day of my arrival it was closed.

14. Some buildings were erected on a high stone plinth.

15. At the entrance to the residence of the commandant of the fortress there lies a broken anchor of completely unimaginable size.

16. Nearby is an unusually designed power pole.

17. In total, 900 people live on the islands, and you can find quite ordinary houses here.

18. For reliability, local residents hammered crossbars for drying ropes into the stone base of the island.

19. On the island of Pikku Musta (Small Black), under the Russian Empire called Hospital, there is now a naval academy.

20. At the entrance to the academy there is a sculpture symbolizing the country’s coat of arms - a lion in a crown holding a sword in its paw.

21. The Academy is surrounded by the fortifications of the Lilo-Osterswerd fort, on the rampart of which there are anti-aircraft guns from the Second World War.

22. And the coast here is covered by coastal guns.

23. In one of the barracks there is a museum and a tourist center, but, as it turned out, nothing is open here in October.

24. In 1808, Finland was conquered by the Russian army. On March 2, the fortress was besieged. After a month of fruitless attempts to take the fortifications, a truce was concluded. They decided that if the Swedish fleet did not come to help by May 4, the fortress would surrender. The fleet did not come to help, the seven thousand strong garrison of the fortress surrendered. Everyone was sent home, taking the word not to participate in hostilities anymore. All artillery and ammunition went to the Russians.

25. The most powerful fortifications of the fortress are located on the island of Susisaari, the former Wolf.

26. The two-meter walls have loopholes for artillery fire on the enemy fleet.

27. Small loopholes were intended for firing from rifles at the enemy who risked taking the fortifications by storm.

28. The most interesting fortifications are in the southern part of the island. They once held the Kustaanmiekka (Sword of Gustav) Strait clearly visible behind them. Although the gap between the islands seems small, huge ferries easily pass through it.

29. The local bastions contain dozens of casemates, all of them connected by turns, where you can interestingly wander.

30. Some of the bastions contain ancient cannons that once protected the entrance to Helsinki harbor.

31. Small door in one casemate.

32. Behind it is a long corridor with several turns, called the lost room.

33. The posterns connected the various parts of the fortress with each other.

34. It was possible to move along such corridors without fear of enemy shells and bullets.

35. In the curtain there were storage rooms, where the floor was laid with bricks.

36. Coming out of the casemates, I found myself at the Royal Gate, in front of which lies the pier of the same name. Once upon a time this was the main entrance to the fortress. In front of the gate there is a deep ditch, more like a narrow gap, through which a rising wooden bridge is thrown.

37. At the pier there is a massive ring driven into the rock.

38. From the pier there is a beautiful view of the island of Iso Mustasaari (formerly Komendantsky), where the forced labor colony is located. There, under symbolic protection, people who have committed minor offenses are working on the restoration of the fortress.

39. Not far from the gate you can see the tiny submarine "Vesikko" built in the 1930s. After the war, Finland was prohibited from possessing a submarine fleet, as a result of which the submarine lay abandoned for a long time on one of the islands of Suomenlinna. Now it has been restored and turned into a museum. Unfortunately, there was a lock on the door when I visited.

40. For more than a century, the fortress was part of the Russian Empire. It is not surprising that the Russian command was strengthening the defense of Helsingfors. On the island of Lansi Musta (Western Cherny, formerly Strelkov), the concrete position of the Russian coastal battery has been preserved.

41. Two massive doors lead to the interior of the battery.

45. They are locked with a lock that has become quite rusty.

43. There are traces of small shells on the doors. The fortress took part in hostilities during the First World War.

44. The battery was designed for four cannons, hidden in the gun courtyards behind the parapet. Under a thick layer of concrete there was a gallery to shelter the crew and ammunition. A small cast-iron hatch was provided for feeding shells.

45. Unfortunately, now there is not a single weapon left here, only cast iron supports remain. However, many Russian cannons have been preserved on the islands, which can be seen in one of the following posts.

(G) 60.148056 , 24.986389

Suomenlinna in June 2005


The fortification of the Varga Skerries was decided by the Swedish government after the Peace of Abo and was entrusted to General Augustin Ehrensvärd in 1746, with the assistance of the architect Thunberg. In - years the present Gustavsvärd was built; all work was completed in 1770 and cost 25 million riksdaler.

Church in Suomenlinna

During the Finnish Civil War (summer 1918), the fortress was a concentration camp for Finnish Red Guards. The fortress was changed to Suomenlinna (“Finnish Fortress”). In 1933, an ammunition depot exploded in the fortress, killing 12 people. During the Soviet-Finnish War, the fortress was bombed several times by Soviet aircraft. In 1973, the outdated fortress was transferred to civil authorities.

Currently, Suomenlinna is one of the main attractions of Helsinki. On the islands of the former fortress there are several museums, a naval academy of the Finnish Navy and a light-security prison, whose prisoners work to maintain the fortress in order. The fortifications include numerous artillery from the times when the fortress was developed, and all the guns were cast in Russia and the inscriptions on them are only in Russian, mainly from the Perm Arms Factory. The museum preserves a 6-inch siege cannon of the 1904 model and other weapons. About 900 people live on the islands. Ferries between Helsinki and Suomenlinna are considered Helsinki's city transport.


  • Heroic defense of the Sveaborg fortress by Baltic sailors
  • Tarle E.V. Crimean War. Chapter XVI. Second Baltic Campaign 1855


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    See what "Sveaborg" is in other dictionaries: Sveaborg - Laid down on January 9, 1808 at the St. Petersburg Main Admiralty. Builder I.V. Kurepanov. Launched 18.9.1809, became part of the Baltic Fleet. 45.8x11.8x5.1 m; 36 or.; 250 people. In 1810 he cruised off Krasnaya Gorka. Participated in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the war with... ...

    Military encyclopedia - “SWEABORG”, USSR Finland, Yuleisradio/Mosfilm, 1972, color, 142 min. Historical revolutionary film. Based on the story of the same name by N. Semenkevich. About the uprising of the garrison of the Sveaborg fortress in 1905 and the joint struggle against Russian tsarism and... ...

    Encyclopedia of Cinema - (now Suomenlinna Suomenlinna), a city in Finland. Founded in the 2nd half. 18th century Swedes. In 1809 1917 as part of the Russian Empire, one of the bases of the Baltic Fleet. In 1906 in Sveaborg there was an uprising of soldiers and sailors...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SVEABORG, fortress. It was located on islands in the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea. Founded by the Swedes in the 2nd half of the 18th century, it covered the sea approaches to Helsingfors. In 1809 1917 as part of the Russian Empire, one of the bases of the Baltic Fleet. In... ...Russian history Suomenlinna Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Sveaborg, Suomenlinna ...

    Geographical encyclopedia Now Suomenlinna, a city in Finland. Founded in the second half of the 18th century. Swedes. In 1809 1917 as part of the Russian Empire, one of the bases of the Baltic Fleet. In 1906, an uprising of soldiers and sailors took place in Sveaborg. * * * SVEABORG… …

    - (Swedish Sveaborg, Finnish modern Suomenlinna, Suomenlinna; Finnish before 1918 Viapori, Viapori) a former fortress in southern Finland on the islands of the Gulf of Finland at the entrance to the harbor of Helsinki (now one of the districts of Helsinki). Main fortifications... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Sveaborg in Swedish, Weapori in Finnish) a strong fortification that protects the city of Helsingfors from the sea. Located on 7 rocky islands that make up the Wargskären (Wolf Skerries) group. Station of the Russian navy, docks, arsenals, sailor school, barracks... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Swedish Sveaborg, Finnish modern Suomenlinna, Finnish until 1918 Viapori) former military. a fortress in Finland, located on a group of islands at the entrance to Helsinki harbor in the Gulf of Finland; in admin. regarding one of the districts of the city... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    See what "Sveaborg" is in other dictionaries:- name of the human family count. fort on the Baltic Sea is... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language


  • Sveaborg. Guardian of Helsinki and outpost of St. Petersburg. 1808–1918, Juntunen A.. The book by the Finnish historian A. Juntunen presents in detail the history of one of the most powerful sea fortresses in Europe. Built in the middle of the 18th century. by the Swedes as 171; Swedish fortress 187;…

The ferry company Moby PSL, which operates the Princess Anastasia ferry on the line St. Petersburg - Helsinki - Tallinn - Stockholm - St. Petersburg, also organizes excursions to the sights of Finland, Estonia and Sweden. One of the most popular is an excursion to the Suomenlinna Fortress near Helsinki.

Advantages of a ferry excursion

Let us remind you that in 2017, the Princess Anastasia ferry underwent a major renovation, choosing an Italian theme for the interior design, content of services and restaurant menus. In 2018, during the off-season, certain changes were also made, in particular, the design of the restaurant was completely changed, and many Italian dishes were added to the menu.

The list of group and individual excursions in the cities to which the ship arrives has also been expanded. These are sightseeing tours, which are in particular demand, as well as thematic and individual ones. An important nuance: excursion groups have priority exit from the ferry.

You can purchase excursions in several ways:
— online at;
— in St. Petersburg at the sales office at the Marine Station (Morskaya Glory Square, 1);
— directly on board the ferry.

Cost of excursion to Suomenlinna Fortress:
Adults: 28 euros
Children from 7 to 12 years old accompanied by adults: 16 euros.

Like ferry tickets, excursions are best purchased in advance.

Sveaborg Fortress (in Swedish), also known as Suomenlinna (in Finnish), which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Some visitors draw parallels between Sveaborg and St. Petersburg. However, the only things they have in common are bastions and casemates.

Founded at the end of the 18th century, the sea fortress of Suomenlinna is much larger, located on several islands, has its own post office, school and, of course, houses for permanent residence. There is even a dry dock on the territory of the fortress, where various vessels, including sailboats, are repaired and simply parked. The houses on the island are mostly private, but the land is state owned. In general, this is an independent district of Helsinki with a population of about 800 people.

The fortress is open to visitors all year round.
— from May 2 to September 30 it is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.;
- from October 1 to April 30 - from 10 to 16 hours.

Entrance to the fortress is free, you only need to pay when visiting museums, of which there are quite a lot:
— Suomenlinna Museum;
— Ehrensvärd Museum (founder and first commandant of the Sveaborg fortress);
— toy museum in Suomenlinna;
— military museum;
- submarine "Vesikko";
— customs museum.

How to get to Suomenlinna

Since the fortress is located on the islands, the only way there is by ferry. A ticket for it can be purchased at the Helsinki shopping area, at the terminal from where small ferries depart to the island.

A single travel pass is convenient because you can use all types of transport, including ferries to the island where the fortress is located. This is a daily pass that is valid on trams, metro, buses, Helsinki commuter trains and the ferry to Suomenlinna. You can also buy it for up to 7 days at R-kioski kiosks, large department stores, ticket machines and HSL service points.

During the summer season, ferries run every 15 minutes, starting at 6 am and ending at 02:20 am.

The ferry from Helsinki city center to Suomenlinna has both indoor and outdoor decks. On a fine spring or summer day, you can choose the upper, open deck, which offers wonderful views of the bay and nearby islands. To be fair, it should be noted that it can be quite chilly, so take warm clothes with you. In principle, you should take it for any boat trips, especially in windy Helsinki.
In the warm cabin you can admire the views of open water, numerous ice floes by the window and warm up from the stoves located along the inner side of the ferry.

Just twelve minutes after departure, the ferry docks at the pier on the island.

Tour of Suomenlinna

The tour lasts two hours. During this time, you have time to walk around the entire fortress, get a lot of interesting information and also go to a cafe and drink coffee. In the same cafe you can buy souvenirs.

Since you need to walk a lot, including over rough terrain, loose or sports clothes and shoes are preferable. It is a little colder here than in Helsinki, there is more wind. Dress shoes and heels are strictly not recommended, because many of the paths in the fortress are paved with large pebbles. There is an easier route for people with limited mobility. Families with strollers are recommended to use this route.

Let us note that everything on the islands will be very interesting for children: cannons, mortars, casemates and even a small tunnel with stalactites on the roof. But it’s better to go with older children, as they now say 6+.

The island has several cafes, souvenir shops and shops, and toilets. The cafe has quite a large selection, and the prices are the same as in.

Andrey Kovalev

Address: Suomenlinna C 74, 00190 Helsinki, Finland.
How to get there: from Kauppatori Market Square by HKL ferry, which runs 3-4 times per hour, depending on the time of year. The first ferry leaves to Sveaborg at 09:00 am, the last ferry to Helsinki at 6 pm.
Ferry tickets can be purchased at the river station; a one-way trip will cost 4 EUR.

From Kolera-allas by JT-Line water bus, additional stop at the Royal Gate. Tickets are available at the pier and on board, 4 EUR one way.

Sea fortress Sveaborg belongs to the administrative part of the city of Helsinki, the total area of ​​which is 80 hectares. The fortress is considered to be the largest in the world. The symbol of the fortress is the monumentally majestic Royal Gate, built in 1754.
The Finns call the fortress Suomenlinna, well, our compatriots are more familiar with the name Sveaborg, as it happened historically. See what "Sveaborg" is in other dictionaries:, this is part of the history of the Russian Empire, therefore, part of the history of modern Russia!

History of Sveaborg Fortress

Sveabor Fortress d, or in the Finnish version, Suomenlinna was built on islands locally called "Wolf Skerries" in the 18th century. The Sveaborg fortress owes its appearance on the map of Europe to a series of defeats by the Swedes in the war of 1741-1743 with Russia. The fortress was initially designed and built as an outpost designed to deter Russian troops from invading the territory of Swedish-controlled Finland. A series of military defeats and the proximity of its northern neighbor, coupled with the loss of all eastern fortifications captured by Russia, greatly worried Sweden. The fortress became an attempt to create an impregnable line of defensive structures See what "Sveaborg" is in other dictionaries:. Construction, unprecedented for Sweden in its scope, lasted more than forty years. The resources spent on construction, both material and human, flowed uninterruptedly, despite the meagerness of the Swedish treasury. Thousands of builders, soldiers, peasants gathered for construction and, of course, convicts, tirelessly, day and night, erected the future fortress. Sveaborg looked impregnable, it seemed that it was impossible to capture the fortress. However, in 1808, with minimal losses on the part of the Russians, the fortress was captured. Historians are still arguing about the reasons for the Swedish surrender of the fortress; the prevailing opinion is that the culprit of the defeat was a lack of ammunition.
Having fallen into the tenacious hands of the Russian autocracy, Sveaborg had no practical military significance for half a century. The territory was built up with houses, barracks and hospitals.
The sleepy existence was disrupted during the Crimean War of 1855 by the attack of the Anglo-French military squadron.The shelling of the fortress continued for four days, numerous fires broke out, and many buildings were destroyed. However, all the efforts of the aggressor did not lead to the capture Sveaborg, the fortress remained a subject of the Russian Empire.
By 1890, the fortress acquired a new line of defense, and 9 and 11 inch guns, which were very modern at that time, took up combat duty.
Peaceful life continued for another half century, and in 1906, the revolutionary infection that had risen wildly on the territory of the Russian Empire sprouted in Sveaborg fortress. During the Sveaborg Uprising, the garrison's batteries were draped in a red flag raised by the rebels. The armed confrontation between the rebels and the ships of the military squadron continued for three days. The final point in the dispute was set by a shell fired from one of the ships and hitting an ammunition warehouse with almost 60 tons of gunpowder in storage. The rebellion was suppressed, with minimal losses for the troops loyal to St. Petersburg restoring sovereignty.
New citizenship Sveaborg sea fortress received in 1918, after Finland gained independence.
The modernization of the fortifications and weapons of the fortress should have helped Finland feel safe from the long arm of its northern neighbor.

Tourist route around Sveaborg

Tourist tour of Sveaborg may take more than one day, therefore, to get the most complete and pleasant impressions, it is recommended to use the services of a guide.
Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of fortress architecture strongly recommend visiting the attraction in late spring or summer. Entrance to the fortress is free, but you must pay to visit the museums.

What should a tourist see at Sveaborg Fortress?

Today, the Sveaborg fortress is a unique military monument and at the same time a magnificent open-air museum, included in the UNESCO lists.
The territory, which includes fortifications, forts and bastions, barracks, numerous museums, cafes and restaurants, is home to about a thousand permanent residents.
Among the existing government facilities, the Naval Academy should be noted. The territory belonging to sailors is closed to tourists, but there is always the opportunity to take a peek and see with your own eyes that the Finnish Navy is equipped with future admirals undergoing training. It is not possible to visit and inspect the state prison. However, it is quite likely that you will meet prisoners serving sentences for minor crimes during excursions around Sveaborg. The prisoners are actively making their contribution to maintain the World Heritage Site in acceptable condition.
The main entrance to Sveaborg is considered to be an arch in Rantakasarmi, right next to the main pier. The wooden block behind the arch previously belonged to Russian merchants who lived on the island. In the block there is a hostel that operates in the summer and is usually completely occupied by tourists.
An attraction of the quarter recommended for visiting by guests is the small and cozy cafe "Kahvihuone". The café terrace offers excellent views of Sveaborg Church, built in 1854.
In Tykistelahti, Artillery Bay is located Sveaborg History Museum, there is also an information center that provides information about current events in Sveaborg.

The oldest dock in Europe is located on Susisaari

The house-museum of Augustin Ehrensvärd, who designed and built this miracle of shipbuilding, is located opposite the dock, and not far from the museum is the house in which Vissarion Belinsky was born.
The highlight of Sveaborg is the submarine, which has its own name "VESSIKO". Fans of underwater transport can view the boat from the inside.
As a mandatory program, tourists are recommended to visit the Maneesi military museum, the customs museum, the Augusta gallery and of course the doll museum.
Theatrical performances are held outdoors in warm weather.
Numerous cafes and restaurants hospitably await guests, their prices are liberal and everyone can find a place for themselves, based on their financial situation.
Fans of the Middle Ages can visit the tunnel, where a truly unforgettable experience awaits you. But be careful, the tunnel is very slippery and cold, so dress warmly and wear non-slip shoes.

Suomenlinna is one of Helsinki's most interesting attractions and a great place to stroll, dine, and even spend the night. This open-air museum is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Suomenlinna, that is, the “Finnish fortress” (or, in the second official language of Finland - Sveaborg) is a sea bastion built on several islands in order to protect the entrance to the harbor of the Finnish capital. The first fortress was erected during Swedish rule - in 1748-1772. However, it could not resist the Russian troops - it fell in 1808, and after it the whole of Finland came under the rule of the Russian Empire. And much later, in 1855 - during the Crimean War - she was able to repel the Anglo-French squadron. Then the walls were completed and rebuilt, so now we see the “Russian version” of the “Finnish fortress”.

Why go to the island of Suomenlinna

Firstly, an excursion to the island is a pleasant walk along the sea, and, by the way, it will cost less than the 1-2 hour excursions offered on the embankment. From the water you can see (from an unusual angle!) most of the city's attractions.

Secondly, Suomenlinna is a great place for walking and picnics in good weather. There are a dozen establishments on the territory of the fortress, including even a restaurant-brewery.

Thirdly, to stay inexpensively, a hostel, Hostel Suomenlinna, has been opened on one of the islands.

And finally, those who are interested in history will be interested in walking through the outstanding fortification structure, visiting the preserved forts and bastions, visiting the military and customs museums, as well as on a submarine.

There is also an “open type” men’s prison on the main island of Suomenlinna, preparing prisoners for life in freedom. The prisoners work on the island or travel to the mainland, receive a salary and use it to pay for their maintenance.

How to get to Suomenlinna

Very simple! Ferries run from Market Square (Kauppatori) to the fortress from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. - 2 to 4 times an hour, depending on the day of the week and time of year. Travel time is approximately 20 minutes. Regular public transport tickets apply on these ferries. That is, if you bought a day pass, you can go to the island using it.

  • Forgot to do this in advance? No problem! The fortress information center (located in the first building you see from the pier) has free wi-fi.

Suomenlinna (Sveaborg) on ​​the map

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