Top most terrible cities. The most terrible places in the world. They manage not to get lost. Remain gentle and optimistic

1. Summit of Mount Washington
It can be very beautiful here, but being on Mount Washington, in the northeastern United States, is very scary. The height of the peak is only 1917 meters, but its peak is almost more dangerous for the visitor than the highest point of Everest.
Mount Washington holds the world record for wind speed on the earth's surface. In April 1934, air masses at the top of Washington reached a speed of 372 km/h. In winter, such winds mean snow storms, which picturesquely sweep away the complex of observatory buildings with doors and windows tightly sealed at this time of year. The buildings and instruments of the extreme weather station are capable of withstanding wind gusts of up to 500 kilometers per hour, and this is also possible here.

Mount Washington's winter wonderland is deadly for the casual hiker and the deliberate natural beauty photographer. And incredibly desirable for the one who “ordered” suicide by being blown away by a hurricane wind into a prickly ice snowdrift.

2. Poisonous beauties of the Danakil Desert
We understand - active recreation, new experiences, but not as much! - we told our friends who were packing for a vacation in the Ethiopian desert, but they didn’t listen to us.

The Danakil Desert in northern Ethiopia is called “Hell on Earth” by everyone who has been there. Lovers of risk and horror listen to the storytellers, look at the photos and, one after another, go on a deadly trip through one of the most terrible and strange landscapes on the planet.

Once you walk on the cosmic surface of Danakil, you don’t need to fly to Mars. There is almost no oxygen to breathe over the volcanic wasteland, but there is enough scorching air for everyone and everything, saturated with fetid gases generated by the boiling earth underfoot and melting stones.

Traveling through the Danakil Desert is, to say the least, unhealthy. Fifty-degree heat, the risk of stepping on an awakening volcano yawning with scarlet lava and getting cooked, the risk of inhaling sulfur vapor for the rest of your life and making it short. In addition, in the Afar region, semi-wild tribes of Ethiopian citizens periodically go on the warpath for water and food. Ten-year-old boys with guns and machine guns can become another of the world's most terrible surprises that await a traveler in a place of unearthly beauty - the African Danakil Desert.

3. Capital of the grandchildren of cannibals
The main city of eastern New Guinea, the gateway to a state that calls itself "Nujini", the city of Port Moresby is the most dangerous of the world's capitals. From the sea and from the sky, the New Guinea “pearl” looks quite attractive:

In fact, it's like this:

In Port Moresby, such helmsmen of the “banana republic” as the president and ministers live and work, and bandit brigades control the real life of the city. For a white person, the capital of PNG is a terrible place. It’s the same as putting an intellectual in prison with young children.

Papuans in the forest kill strangers for food, and this is explained by the lack of protein in their traditional diet. Papuans in the city are cheating tourists because of laziness and unemployment. Spoiled by Australian handouts, the Aborigines do not want to work, and even if they want to, it is very difficult to find work. There is only one thing left to do - join a gang and get money for booze, drugs and girls by hunting suckers. People are killed in Port Moresby 3 times more often than in Moscow. These guys don’t care about the police, because they are bought or intimidated. Look at their faces and never again dream of becoming the second Miklouho-Maclay, because they will eat you like Cook.

Every person burdened with a household has dark corners, not only in his biography, but also in his home. This is not necessarily a closet with teaching spiders to intimidate Pinocchio. In a dark corner there may be, for example, a stash - something valuable that, unlike a person, is not afraid of darkness. There are such mega-corners in every country on every continent. No culture can live without cursed places. The scariest places on the planet compete with each other in the intensity of quiet horror, like economies, brands or football leagues. The most terrible places attract guests - from among the bourgeoisie who are accustomed to seeing horror on TV. Life would be boring without such corners of the Earth. Like in an apartment without dark corners.
We continue our rating review. If anything, don’t be afraid - letters and photos don’t bite.
Top 10 scariest places on the planet. Start
4. Forest of cultural suicides
Aokigahara is an old forest at the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji. People come here not to pick mushrooms, not to barbecue, but to say goodbye to life. For some time now, Aokigahara has been affectionately loved by authentic Japanese suicides.

An approximate count of those who have gone into the forest forever has been carried out since the early 1950s. Over the course of half a century, Aokigahara took in the bodies and, for a time, the souls of more than 500 volunteers. They say that fashion came after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto’s book “The Black Sea of ​​Trees”, two characters of which, holding hands, went to hang themselves in this venerable forest, so mastered by shadows that even on a sunny afternoon you can easily find a terrible place here, shrouded in damp grave twilight.

Walking through the terrible Aokigahara forest, a traveler will stumble upon not only corpses, skulls and nooses. And also on numerous billboards with inscriptions like “Life is a priceless gift! Please think again!” or “Think about your family!”

In the 1970s, the problem attracted national attention and since then, every year government units are sent to clear the forest of “fresh” corpses. The area of ​​the tract is 35 square kilometers. Over the course of a year, from 70 to 100 newly arrived suicide victims “ripen” on tree branches.

Several years ago, looters appeared in Aokigahara, cleaning out the pockets of hanged men and tearing not ropes from their necks, but gold and silver chains. They manage not to get lost. Remain meek and optimistic.

5. Beer, glass, skeletons
The cozy, civilized Czech Republic cannot in any way be called a scary country. Tourists enjoy everything here - delicious beer, affordable drugs, beautiful houses, bridges and girls. And even, perhaps, the most terrible place in Western Europe pleases the tourist’s eye, being remembered for a lifetime. This is the famous ossuary in the city of Kutna Hora.

For the inhabitants of medieval Europe, the abbey in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutna Hora, was the most fashionable and desirable cemetery. Its insane popularity was due to the fact that in 1278 a certain monk brought some soil from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered the holy soil in small handfuls throughout the local churchyard. Many thousands of people wanted to be buried in Sedlec. The cemetery has grown greatly, they began to bury people in 2-3 tiers, which is not divine. Therefore, since 1400, an unusual tomb has been operating in the abbey - a warehouse for bones removed from graves that were not cared for.

In 1870, the new, secular owners of the lands and buildings of the old monastery decided to restore order to the ossuary and invited a local creative artist, a carver named Rint, to do this. With the deadly sense of humor and taste inherent in true Czechs, Pan Rint created a terrible miracle from the mortal Catholic remains of 40 thousand people. He not only organized the deposits of bones and skulls, but also built from them a massive coat of arms of the owner’s noble family and a magnificent chandelier with garlands. Memento mori, pani ta panove!

The eerie chapel is open to beer- and Becherovka-intoxicated visitors seven days a week.

6. Museum of horror stories - a maniac’s dream, the pride of doctors
The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine in Philadelphia is home to all the worst things that can happen to the human body. The museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mütter. Admission to the Sanctuary of Medical Science costs $14. The exhibition presents all kinds of pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, and biological samples of varying degrees of nightmare. It also houses the most impressive collection of American skulls.

Top positions in the Mütter Museum are occupied by such interesting exhibits as a wax sculpture of a female unicorn; a ten-foot human intestine that contained 40 pounds of it; the body of a “soap lady” (a female corpse that has turned into a fat wax in the ground); tumor removed from US President Cleveland; conjoined liver of conjoined twins; a piece of the brain of Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President Garfield.

There are rumors that at night something out of the ordinary happens in the museum - either scary or funny.

7. Monkey for the enlightened
The Tibetan Drapchi Prison, which is located on the road from Lhasa Airport to the city of Lhasa, is considered the most terrible penitentiary institution in the world. In Drapchi, the evil Chinese have been pedantically rotting the rebellious Tibetan lamas since 1965. Here, behind the thorn, there are more monks than in any single Buddhist monastery.

The Chinese occupation authorities cynically call such prisons “rehabilitation centers.” In Drapchi you can get a “stray” bullet in the forehead for looking incorrectly in the direction of the guard. Prison monks are beaten mercilessly for the slightest protest. One of the regime violators spent so long in a solitary cell that he forgot how to speak. Another has been languishing in prison for 20 years for distributing a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In addition, Buddhists in the Chinese Gulag are forced to take classes on scientific communism. If you haven't learned your lesson, you'll get hit in the chakras with a batog. If you don't come to class, try some bamboo porridge. Is this prospect really scary?

Lyrical digression: wandering around the black Japanese forests with hanged men and museums with skulls and intestines, we, romantics, completely forgot about such the most terrible places on the planet as the working torture rooms of the criminal investigation department in the regional police departments. About places where a small civil war and nano-genocide are played out every day. What saves us, romantics, from visiting such “horror stories” is the holy faith in justice and the neat appearance of chaste eyes. As for the civil war, I remember that the most terrible, bloody and unusually stupid of them was in Rwanda. A terrible African country, where we will go today.
8. Africa is terrible, yes, yes, yes!
All Soviet children know that the nasty, bad, greedy Barmaley lives in Africa. The concentration of barmaley per square mile of tea plantations is off the charts at 420 individuals. In 1994, barmalei with a machete decided to reduce their own population by 900 thousand souls. This is what came out of it

Having learned from the embassy reports about the Rwandan genocide and its consequences, the white man sighed heavily and went to pacify the barmalei. Those of them whose hands were bloodied higher than the elbows were sent to prison. Yes, in a difficult time - the most crowded and unsanitary in the world. This incredibly scary place has a lyrical name - Guitarama.

In barracks designed to house 500 prisoners, more than 6,000 Rwandan barmalei are languishing, waiting 8-10 years (!) for trial. They are tormented by hunger, so biting off a cellmate’s heel or ear is normal. There is nowhere to lie down, so constant standing causes prisoners’ feet to rot, which doctors have to amputate without anesthesia. The floor is wet and filthy, the stench spreads for half a mile, disgracing the capital city of Kigali in the eyes of the peacekeepers. Every eighth barmali dies in this prison without waiting for a verdict - from violence or disease. And neither God nor the devil forbid that an intelligent white man get into Guitarama...

9. Home of the Slumdog Millionaire
What does real India smell like? Incense, marijuana, fried cremation meat? Real, unpomaded India smells of slop, sewage and chemical waste. This stench is inhaled from morning to evening by friendly and superstitious consumers of Bollywood film products, residents of an area where renting an “apartment” for a month costs no more than $4. This is Dharavi, Asia's largest shanty town - a slum settlement in the heart of charming, multimillion-dollar Mumbai.

The main character of the film “Slumdog Millionaire” comes from the “city within the city” of Dharavi. Over a million Hindus and Muslims live here on 175 hectares of dirty land. Their bread is recycling city garbage, which is brought here in tens of tons every day. Residents of terrible slums are recycling plastic, cans, glass and waste paper. Their barefoot children and wives rummage through Mumbai's trash bins in search of anything they can recycle.

By 2013, the Mumbai authorities intend to raze Dharavi to the ground. Where should the residents go, those who did not manage to become millionaires? Go back to the village? It's scary to think about it.

10. Capital of Incessant Violence
When the Indian wakes up and goes to collect bottles, the Somali is still sleeping, hugging his favorite toy - a Kalashnikov assault rifle. He sleeps lightly, shuddering and drooling blackly - after all, just look, land-based Somali pirates will come and tear him to pieces. In the capital of collapsed Somalia, the city of Mogadishu, violence and fear are the norm.

People of the Somali anthropological type are stately and beautiful. They often die young, taking their cruel beauty to a deserted grave. But new, future sea and city robbers are born, who do not disdain anything, so as not to show themselves weak and not be left without dinner.

Those who are tired of the war are fleeing Mogadishu, but they cannot escape from themselves. Over the past year, 100 thousand residents of the warring capital left the city, risking death not from a bullet, but from thirst. The UN is not even able to transfer humanitarian aid to them - it’s scary, and there are no security guarantees.

How scary it is to live... Fortunately, not for us.

There are many places on our Earth that, when visited, will make your blood run cold. Mysterious and terrifying events are associated with them. It happens that watching films about these places or reading a book about the events that happened can be scarier than watching a modern horror film. In this article we will look at the 10 scariest places in the world.

1. Paris Catacombs

The underground complex is a series of tunnels with a length of 300 kilometers. In the 16th-17th centuries, the construction of cathedrals was underway; a lot of limestone was required for their construction, so tunnels were dug. Due to the threat of collapse, the authorities decided to close the quarries.

At the end of the 17th century, an epidemic hit Paris; it was forbidden to bury the dead within the city, so they began to bury them in tunnels. Over 6 million people were buried here. Among them are the remains of the revolutionary Maximilian Robespierre, the mathematician Pascal, and the writer Charles Pierrot.

2. Winchester Mansion

William Wirt Winchester, the owner of a weapons company, the son of the founder of the famous rifles, married a girl named Sarah, and soon they had a daughter.
A series of tragedies began with the death of his daughter in 1866; to this day, the cause of the child’s death is unknown. It soon became known that Sarah would never be able to have children again. Further, in 1881, in the prime of life, William himself died, leaving his fortune to his wife Sarah. The inheritance did not console the young woman’s grief; she gradually abandoned her friends and lost her joy in life. She was tormented by the question of why she had such a fate; later she turned to a clairvoyant and found out that the Winchester family was cursed due to the huge number of deaths through the Winchester rifle.
To atone for the guilt, you need to continue building the mansion, then the ghosts of the victims will be lost in the huge corridors and rooms of the castle. The widow did just that, construction went on for 38 years.
The mansion had several hundred rooms; after reconstruction, 160 rooms, 6 kitchens, more than a dozen bathrooms, fifty staircases, etc. remained. There are doors and stairs that lead to nowhere; according to one version, they were made so that spirits would leave this world and move on to the afterlife with a calm soul.

3. Edinburgh Vaults

The underground city is one of the mysterious places in Great Britain. In 1795, these areas were inhabited by murderers, thieves, and notorious criminals. Here notorious bandits hid from the law, murders took place every day, some of them serial in nature. For this purpose, an ideal atmosphere was created here, no daylight came in here, the smell of stench and dampness hung in the air.

Drunken laughter mixed with cries for help, people died right next to the walls, sometimes the corpses lay there for several days. After some time, people began to notice mysterious phenomena and called the zone mystical.

Witnesses of ghosts and ghosts appeared more and more often, and gradually the rumor spread throughout the world.

4. Gas crater Darvaza-gas field

The crater is located near the village of Darvaza, on the territory of the Republic of Turkmenistan. The crater was found during excavations and drilling of an exploration well by a group of Soviet geologists. During their work, specialists stumbled upon an underground void, after which a collapse occurred, the drilling rig collapsed, and the equipment went with it. Fortunately, no people were injured. Because of the collapse, a hole appeared, and the air was filled with dangerous gas, methane. Scientists decided to set the crater on fire to remove the methane, however, something went wrong, and as a result, the Dante Anomaly arose, which is still active today.

5. Bouvet

The most isolated place on the planet, completely uninhabited, located 2,200 km from Antarctica, 90% covered with a thick layer of ice. The coastline is vertical and consists of volcanic slopes, glaciers, and icebergs. Therefore, daredevils and connoisseurs of anomalous zones fly here by helicopter; there is no landing zone, so the only way is to drop the stairs.

The local land is covered with ice, the island is considered the windiest. The strongest storms occur here, the waves rise to the height of a nine-story building.

6. Nagoro

The village of Nagoro is located in Japan. The main feature is a large number of life-size dolls. 40 people live here, and there are approximately 350 dolls. Most of them are the brainchild of artist Tsukimi Ayano.

She made dolls in the likeness of her neighbors who died or left the village. During the walk you can see various dolls, they are not installed under glass, but are busy with a specific task.


The island is located near Sao Paulo in Brazil, there are no ghosts or ghosts here, however, it instills horror and trembling. The area is 45 hectares, on every square meter you can find a snake. According to some reports, over 4,000 snakes live here, most of them poisonous. Their bite leads to instant death in hellish agony.


The most famous house in Jamaica is a mansion built in the Georgian style. Construction of the complex began in 1750 and was completed in 1770. John Palmer the owner and his wife Rose were wealthy planters. Celebrations and receptions were often held here. However, the complex is known not only for its architectural beauty. According to legend, the white witch Annie Palmer lived in this building. She turned a picturesque plantation into an underworld, testing her Voodoo skills on slaves. Monstrous traps were installed throughout the plantation to prevent escape. Even the portrait of a witch is mystical; if you look closely, you get the feeling that even through the canvas, the witch is watching everything that happens around. Despite the depth of centuries, strange sounds and voices of murdered slaves are heard.


Located in Lithuania, approximately 12 kilometers from Siauliai. The hill is small, completely covered with crosses. For a long time, many scientists and archaeologists tried to find out the cause of its occurrence, as well as the date, but everything remained a mystery.

Christians consider this place sacred and annually make a pilgrimage to these lands. Over the entire history of its existence, the authorities have tried several times to demolish the memorial, however, it still exists today, and the number of crosses is increasing for unknown and mystical reasons.


Pripyat was founded in 1970 and was home to about 50,000 people. After the Chernobyl accident, residents were evacuated.
For many years, the city was closed, however, now daredevils come here as part of an excursion.
Everything here remains as it was before the tragedy; in the classrooms there are textbooks and notebooks on the desks. Things, toys, photographs of happy people hang on the walls, like reflections of a former carefree life. There are dishes covered with a layer of dust on the tables, spoiled food in the refrigerators. This dead city is a vivid illustration of what will happen to the earth when the era of humanity ends.
There are many scary, terrifying sights on the planet, some of them are famous for ghosts, poisonous snakes, skulls, skeletons, but one thing is clear, it is better to read about them a dozen times than to visit them once.

For thrill-seekers, it’s not enough to jump with a parachute to get the blood flowing through their veins; they need something special: mesmerizing and frightening. These are places where an ordinary person would not want to end up; daredevils from different parts of the world strive to get to them, and voluntarily. To get a real buzz and feel the adrenaline rush, you need to visit the 10 scariest places in the world.

Museum-repository of bones (Czech Republic)

The ossuary was created by Abbot Jindrich many years ago, when he brought a bag of holy soil from Golgotha ​​and scattered it at the local cemetery. Since then, the burial place has become incredibly popular, because everyone wanted to touch the holy land, especially to be buried. During the plague in the 14th century, over 30 thousand people were buried in the cemetery.

Wars, civil clashes, epidemics are an incomplete list of disasters, as a result of which the cemetery grew and occupied tens of kilometers. It was decided that during new burials the old bones would be taken to the church. The Schwanzbergs bought the land and hired a woodcarver to honor and perpetuate the remains. Thus, the Museum-Storage of Bones was created, in which all the objects: coats of arms, paintings, chairs and tables, bowls are made from thousands of human remains.

Dracula's Castle (Transylvania)

Dracula's Fortress or Bran Castle was built in the Middle Ages on a cliff of the Carpathian Mountains. It is made in the Gothic style: narrow passages, stone stairs, small rooms. The huge castle evokes fear and depresses. The fortress was built with strong walls and a large number of labyrinths, used as a place to imprison criminals. Secret underground tunnels lead outside the castle. Tourists will be able to wander through the rooms of the fortress, visit creepy labyrinths and feel the spirit of the Middle Ages.

In 2005, a thematic museum dedicated to Count Dracula was created in the castle. Only here you can see antique furniture, armor and weapons collections located in the Museum of History and Art of the Middle Ages, located on the territory of the fortress.

Manchac - Haunted Swamps in Louisiana

The Manchac Swamp is located near New Orleans, Louisiana. They are known as the Haunted Swamp. Legends say that this place was cursed by a powerful witch when she was captured and taken prisoner in these same places. Since then, local residents have constantly seen the dead near the swamp.

Old huge trees can be seen from the swamp, their branches descend to the green-gray water, and tree roots stick out from the dirty water. It was decided to drain the swamp and cut down the tree trunks, but the idea was not implemented. Terrible hurricanes and storms began in Louisiana; several villages were carried away by the hurricane. Since then, corpses of people have been constantly found in the swamp, even though more than a hundred years have passed. Tourists do not believe in legends and book excursions to this area to solve the mystery of Manchac.

Chowchilla Cemetery

Nazca is a town in Peru that is constantly visited by hundreds of tourists. Some come to see with their own eyes the mysterious drawings left on the desert sand, others come to visit the local cemetery.

It’s creepy to watch the pits and ditches, fenced off with wooden sticks, in which corpses sit, dressed in their usual clothes. A special embalming technology made it possible to preserve the bones and avoid the stench. The last dead person was buried in the cemetery 11 centuries ago.

Mütter Museum - Medical Mysteries and Mysteries (Philadelphia)

The Museum of Medical History has collected all sorts of riddles and secrets that can shock any person:

  • pathologies;
  • biological unique exhibits;
  • skeletons and skulls;
  • bodies and bones of infants;
  • ancient medical instruments and much more that will keep you awake at night.

You can visit the museum in Philadelphia, at the doctor's training center. There are exhibits here that cannot be found in other places, such as a 12.5 centimeter long human intestine. Monstrous pathologies will shock everyone: a child with 2 heads, unprecedented deformities and contortions. You need to have nerves of steel and good endurance.

Pripyat - a city without a single soul

A town that suffered from the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and was virtually destroyed. Once in Pripyat, you will find yourself in the exclusion zone. Before the accident, more than 11 thousand people lived in the city, some of them managed to leave their homes, and some were urgently sent to the nuclear power plant to put out the fire. Pripyat is an exclusion zone where essentially nothing alive remains.

In empty houses, everything remains the same as many years ago: unread newspapers, dishes, furniture and memories. In kindergartens there are dolls scattered and old beds. Tourists from all over the planet come to see these past horrors. The level of radiation has decreased several times over almost 30 years, so in protective clothing you can walk through the deserted streets of the ghost town and look at the remains of the nuclear power plant.

Gates of Hell (Turkmenistan)

The Gates of Hell is the name given to a hole in the ground on the territory of Turkmenistan. Its width is 100 meters. In 1971, a disaster occurred at a drilling station; it provoked the emergence of a huge fault in the ground and a gas leak dangerous to human life.

Scientists decided to burn dangerous gases, but they didn’t really succeed. The hole burns to this day, and its bright light can be seen several kilometers away. Nobody knows when this fire will end, but everyone is really looking forward to it.

Sonora Market - Ancient Magic and Witchcraft in Mexico City

Once in Mexico City, it would be a sin not to visit the local market for witchcraft and the occult. Here you can find any accessories for love spells, healing tinctures and potions:

  • medicinal herbs;
  • candles for spells;
  • Voodoo dolls;
  • protective amulets;
  • holy water and other attributes of witches.

If you search, you can buy the blood or venom of a rattlesnake or dried hummingbird, which bring success and material wealth.

For a few dollars at the market, sorcerers will tell fortunes to anyone and tell the whole truth about life and destined destiny. Residents of Mexico believe in magic and if they fall ill with something, they first of all try to be cured with drugs and herbs obtained from a healer or witch.

Suicide Forest

The Aokigahara forest (located at the foot of Mount Fuji) is quiet, calm and at the same time gloomy and cold. According to legends, the forest was considered the habitat of ghosts and monsters. Many years ago, during epidemics and famines, residents took their loved ones to this area to die. The dark and mysterious reputation of the forest attracts people prone to suicide and takes them forever “into its arms.”

Around the forest you can see many signs asking you to come to your senses and not harm yourself or your loved ones. Residents of Japan are sure that it is impossible to enter and exit Aokigahara; the fate of the person who enters the grove is predetermined. Therefore, it is visited only by extreme tourists and rescuers.

Thelema Abbey – occultism at its finest (Sicily)

Aleister Crowley at the beginning of the twentieth century was considered the saddest occultist of all time. Hundreds of pagan frescoes can be found in his house. He became the founder of a famous abbey, and became famous for his motto: “Let everyone do what his soul and body desire.”

For beginners, there was a mandatory initiation rite; it consisted in the fact that, under the influence of drugs, a person had to stay in a room with mosaics of hell, heaven and earth. Now the building is practically destroyed, but some valuable examples of mosaics have been preserved. Therefore, lovers of esoteric science and experts in occultism can safely visit the fortress and find out how strong their nerves are.

These are the ten most terrible places on the planet; they deserve this title not only for their gloomy appearance, but also for their unique backstory. “Black” sights excite interest, make the heart beat wildly, but at the same time, they attract people from all countries and cities every day.


There are many nice cities in the world where everyone wants to go and where everyone dreams of living, but there are also places from which it is better to stay away. Some of these dark and dangerous cities have a bad reputation for obvious reasons - high crime rates, poor ecology, and so on. But there are also cities that are bad for living for completely different reasons, also intolerable for most people. Although, despite the daily horrors, some madmen and brave people manage to live there all their lives and even enjoy everyday things and the world around them. Horrible facts await you in this collection, so impressionable people should not continue reading. If anything happens, we warned you.

10. Cleveland, Ohio - the city with the highest concentration of serial killers

For some reason, Cleveland is becoming a hot spot on the US map when it comes to serial killers. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous and frightening places in America. And although no one can explain it, everything points to Cleveland as the serial killer capital of the world. It was in Cleveland that the notorious kidnapper Ariel Castro, the maniacs of recent years Anthony Sowell and Michael Madison lived, as well as the early 20th century murderers Jeffrey Dahmer and the never-identified Cleveland Butcher, the main investigator in whose case was Eliot Ness himself, who imprisoned the legendary gangster Al Capone (Ariel Castro, Anthony Sowell, Michael Madison, Jeffery Dahmer, Eliot Ness).

Somehow, new serial killers are constantly appearing in Cleveland, keeping the entire city in serious fear. Some of these criminals are known for dismembering the bodies of their victims and hiding their remains in different rooms in their home, while others, like Ariel Castro, prefer to hold innocent people captive and torture them for days. Some of the killers admitted that their actions were inspired by the examples of criminals of past decades, but this still does not explain why Cleveland has such a high concentration of serial killers. Unfortunately, the most likely reason is that this large city is a very remote and isolated place, simultaneously gripped by an economic crisis, which ultimately affects the general atmosphere and psychological climate of Cleveland.

9. In Dubai, you face arrest if you are raped... you

Dubai is one of the largest and most important centers of the United Arab Emirates and is famous for its very strict and orthodox laws. The strictest attitude here is towards issues related to women and sexual relations, since all this is very clearly regulated by the religious traditions of Arab society. Because of this, some foreign women found themselves in very difficult circumstances during their trip to the city of seemingly entertainment and luxury. The tourists found themselves practically defenseless in the face of local regulations, although initially they relied on the protection of the Dubai police, and not on prosecution by law.

There are already at least two precedents in which European tourists were raped, went to the police with a complaint and were themselves arrested for allegedly inappropriate behavior. The fact is that regardless of whether the sexual act occurred according to your will or not, extramarital sex is a crime in the UAE. Both rape victims ended up in prison, and the police announced that the tourists should have familiarized themselves with the laws of the country in which they came to vacation.

The first girl was from Norway, and the innocent tourist was released after an international outcry, although the rape victim was initially sentenced to 16 months in prison for admitting to extramarital sex, albeit against her will. Another case involved a British civilian who was raped in Dubai by two Englishmen. In response to her complaint, this tourist was also sent to prison. Most likely, with the assistance of the world community, she will be released. But you must admit that the idea that a rape victim is sent to prison sounds simply crazy and illogical. What is the point of punishing someone who is guilty only of defenselessness?

8. The largest city in South Africa, Johannesburg, is a real hotbed of AIDS and a place where children are regularly raped

We have already warned you that there are some very dark stories awaiting you in this ranking, so further reading is at your own responsibility.

South Africa is notorious for its high levels of violence, which has also led to the massive spread of AIDS. The problem is most acute in Johannesburg, where the FIFA World Cup was recently held. The media seriously raised the issue that visiting athletes and fans are at great risk of becoming victims of rape and contracting a terrible disease during this trip. However, the media kept silent about the terrible fact that most often it is children, and sometimes even babies, who become victims of violence here.

The AIDS problem is further aggravated by the fact that many local residents still prefer to turn to traditional healers instead of real qualified doctors. Sometimes healers advise patients to do absolutely ridiculous and cruel things. For example, they believe that AIDS can be cured by having sex with a virgin or a virgin. It was partly because of this that so many local men began to rape very young children, and sometimes even babies who were sometimes barely a few months old. Desperate patients hope that this way they will be cured and saved from death and suffering.

The incurable disease is transmitted through blood and sexual contact, and it is absolutely natural that, due to the advice of traditional healers, AIDS ends up spreading even more throughout the country and especially in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, no way to resolve the problem has yet been found.

7. Being a street child in Rio De Janeiro is life-threatening

Recently the Olympic Games took place in Rio de Janeiro, and local authorities did everything possible to hide from tourists and athletes that the city was in a terrible state and in complete ruin. Although they almost failed. The city now has a world-famous reputation as a place where robbery is a daily problem, and you need to be vigilant every second to avoid losing your own phone in the middle of a crowded street. Valuable things are snatched right out of your hands here.

However, while we are thinking about the most obvious crimes, not everyone knows what terrible and inhumane measures the Brazilian authorities took to clean up Rio both on a daily basis and before the Olympic Games...

Most often, homeless children become street thieves. Street children, many of whom are barely 7 years old, either beg on the busy streets of Rio or steal from inattentive passers-by. They are simply forced to do this to survive. Of course, it is very easy to consider such children a social threat, but most of them are lonely and defenseless creatures who just really want to eat. Unfortunately, many street children become drug addicts, because drugs are the only joy in their lives. These guys have no one to look after them, no one cares about them, and they choose the easiest and wrong ways to cope with daily stress and despair.

As it became known, the Brazilian police periodically conduct real raids - they catch homeless children in order to clear the streets of “unpleasant and dangerous elements” and put them in prisons for no reason, where juvenile prisoners live in the most inhumane conditions. Based on anecdotal evidence, the UN commission suspects that law enforcement officers sometimes simply kill street children because it is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to clear them from city streets. The Brazilian government does not acknowledge this fact, but the country's police have long been known for committing a huge number of murders each year.

The truth is that living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro is very difficult and dangerous. Apparently, even a tourist may find this place too sad and even dangerous if he finds himself outside an expensive hotel or a well-trodden path to the legendary statue of Christ the Redeemer.

6. Radiated wild boars are keeping the infamous Japanese city of Fukushima at bay.

We all remember the tragedy that happened in Fukushima, but many people do not even suspect that this nightmare is far from over for local residents who fled their homes due to the terrible accident. The damaged reactor is still causing problems, it has not yet been rendered harmless and will continue to pollute the environment for many years. The people of Fukushima will never be able to return to their old way of life.

At the moment, Japanese authorities are convinced that radiation levels in the city are beginning to fall. They even believe that it is possible to announce the cancellation of the evacuation status and return people to their abandoned homes just 6 years after the nuclear power plant disaster. However, some signs indicate that the tragedy is far from over and it may be too late for the city to recover.

The townspeople may no longer be so concerned about the level of radiation, but now Fukushima is suffering from another problem - forest dwellers have begun to arrive in the abandoned area. The forest is practically encroaching on the ruins of orphaned houses, and wild animals have taken up residence in the empty buildings. Many property owners are concerned that wild boars, which have proliferated against the backdrop of radiation, have taken over the homes of city residents and are in no hurry to leave them. These creatures are usually more timid by nature, but it appears that the radiation has made them aggressive and fearless, making returning to Fukushima a rather dangerous undertaking.

To make matters worse, there are a number of conflicting studies suggesting that the radiation disaster affected thyroid problems in local children living here at the time of the accident. Although some scientists believe that the Japanese from this city were in poor health even before the disaster. In any case, life in Fukushima and its citizens will never be the same from now on.

5. Canadian London, Ontario, and the increased percentage of serial killers per capita

Between 1959 and 1984, the small Canadian town of London received the status of having the highest concentration of serial killers in the world. According to all available data, London, Ontario has become the most maniacal city on Earth in the history of mankind. At least 29 violent deaths occurred while the place was in the hands of numerous murderers. Only 13 of these crimes were solved, and it turned out that they were committed by three different villains.

A detective named Dennis Alsop, who worked on these cases, kept a personal diary and in it mentioned his work on these terrible crimes. The investigator's notes were carefully studied by researchers at the University of Western Ontario, and they suggested that the unsolved murders could have been committed by four more criminals who were active almost simultaneously and used similar methods. The researchers also say that even if the remaining 16 people were killed by just one serial killer, London still retains its sad title of record-breaking city. Nowhere else in the world were as many serial killers on the rampage at the same time as here.

Criminal activity has apparently died down since then, as all the worst criminals have either died or been arrested, and fortunately failed to pass on their life's work to a new generation of madmen. And yet the most important question still remains unanswered... Why did such a modest Canadian town become home to so many brutal killers for several years?

4. Residents of Pyongyang suffer from creepy electronic music every morning

Everyone knows that power in North Korea belongs to a dictatorial dynasty, and the most severe and incredibly inhumane laws reign in this country. Even the most privileged citizens who perfectly respect party politics are still forced to endure daily circumstances that would drive any of us crazy in no time.

Let's start with the fact that North Koreans are required to keep portraits of all the country's leaders at home, including both its current and past leaders. No one has the right to turn their back on these portraits. This, of course, also applies to images of dictators in public places. In addition, the North Korean authorities decided that its citizens need to be reminded every morning of the deceased rulers, who are considered real gods in the country.

Every morning, opera music plays throughout Pyongyang, and the city's residents awaken to the eerie sounds of an electronic version of the song "Where Are You, Dear General" from the opera written by the late Kim Jong Il. The original track doesn't sound too bad, but the electronic version played over loudspeakers throughout the city sounds more like something out of a horror movie. In addition to the dreaded alarm clock, North Koreans are forced to listen to recorded political propaganda all day long. What if someone forgot something or misunderstood something? We need to repeat it. And so all my life...

3. The Mexican city of Ecatepec is a creepy place where women and girls constantly disappear

Residents of the Mexican city and municipality of Ecatepec are accustomed to hearing about constant armed robberies, and recently the Minister of the Interior of the entire country issued a special warning regarding this particular city. When the Pope himself came to Mexico for a visit, he also stopped by Ecatepec to see for himself how bad things were in this place. It’s not for nothing that the city is often called incredibly dirty and disgusting, and it seems that local residents have long resigned themselves to the state of affairs, have completely given up and do not value their home. But the worst thing you should know about this place is that it has the highest rate of deaths and disappearances of young girls in all of Mexico.

Mothers constantly turn to the police for help in finding their daughters and never return home with satisfactory answers. Some parents are told by law enforcement that their child's body was found in a sewer, but the police never provide any physical evidence that it is their daughter who is lying in the morgue. There are notices all over the city asking for help to find the missing girl or to provide the parents with at least some information that will help the family unite again.

Some fathers and mothers are contacted by cartel members and demand a huge ransom for their child. If it turns out that the family does not have the requested amount of money, the girls are simply hanged. Many townspeople are terribly worried that an exorbitant ransom will be demanded for their daughter, and then the child will either be killed or sold into slavery. Most local residents dream of leaving Yecatepec and leaving all its horrors behind, but poverty does not allow them to move to a safer place. The unfortunates have to overcome the hardships of life in this nightmare city every day for the rest of their lives.

2. Onitsha – the Nigerian city with the most polluted air in the world

When we wonder about the most polluted cities in the world, our thoughts usually lead us somewhere to China or India. However, the truth is that it is Nigeria that has become the current leader on environmental issues. The reason lies in the fact that in recent years this country has significantly advanced in terms of development rates, and special attention is paid to industrial production. For nature and citizens, this means large-scale environmental pollution, and Onicha feels this more than any other city in the country. Today the air here is the most uninhabitable in the world. Large and small particles of dust and ash are almost everywhere here, and there is nowhere to hide from them. In addition, sanitary standards in the city are practically not observed, and there are piles of garbage everywhere.

The main reason for the disaster in Onitsha is the rapidly developing industrialization, and in this city there are factories of almost every industrial sector imaginable. Combine this with lax government oversight of quality and safety standards, and you're bound to end up with a city that's simply dangerous to breathe in, and that won't change for generations.

However, local residents are not very worried about this. Perhaps they are simply careless or are accustomed to this state of affairs, although for the most part they simply have no other choice. Recently, the prestigious Guardian magazine conducted a survey in Onitsha about what citizens think about the environmental situation, and the majority of those surveyed did not consider air pollution a serious problem.

However, failure to accept or know about the dangers of industrial emissions does not change the fact that local residents are already suffering from poor air quality. This is especially noticeable in child mortality. Still, it is interesting how talented a person is in psychological adaptation to almost any conditions. For those who have always lived in Onichu, hearing that their city is the dirtiest and most dangerous in the world came as a big surprise.

1. Mumbai - an Indian city struggling with the garbage that fills it

Today, Mumbai is practically buried under mountains of garbage, and the Indian government is desperately looking for a way out of this situation. The problem is so serious that every day hundreds of garbage trucks line up in a long line to take new amounts of waste to the landfill. The landfill is already almost full to capacity, and Mumbai's other two large landfills have long been unable to accommodate the city's new waste. Someone suggested simply organizing new landfills, but there is justifiable fear that this will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse. The thing is that both in Mumbai and in other Indian cities, a waste recycling system simply does not exist.

Almost all types of waste are constantly loaded onto trucks and taken to landfills. The problem of waste has become so serious that it has started to flood the streets, and some citizens are trying to get rid of garbage by burning it in the middle of Mumbai, thereby only worsening the environmental disaster and further polluting the city's air. Experts worry that if the authorities decide to open new landfills, the crisis will only intensify, since it is necessary to solve the very essence of the problem, and not its manifestations.

Experts believe that if the country’s industrialization process continues to increase its pace, it will be vital to open waste recycling centers in the country and introduce into society the habit of responsible treatment of household waste in order to reduce its amount. Subject to a change in the thinking of the common population and the introduction of appropriate infrastructure, theoretically, even a large and rapidly developing city like Mumbai could eventually win this garbage war.

The village of Blair once stood on the site of the city. Do I need to explain that it was there that the cult horror film “The Blair Witch Project” was filmed, filmed like a video of friends wandering in a scary forest. Rewatch the video, re-read the legend about the vengeful witch and the place will seem really scary to you.

9. Louisiana, near New Orleans

Famous for its Voodoo sorcerers and their dark rituals, there is a truly creepy place. Nature itself took care of making it the most terrible in the area. It has everything - classic green swamps, mystical mists, twisted trees and mass graves. Alligators will be an unpleasant bonus. In such a place, behind every trunk you see sorcerers and ghosts.

8. Cane Hill

Photos of the scary place at No. 8 are quite popular on the Internet and are creepy. Of course, Cane Hill is an abandoned psychiatric hospital. It was closed in the 90s and from the photo it seems that the patients got out of bed one day and left the terrible hospital forever. Medical equipment and abandoned beds remained there. The gloomy atmosphere excites the imagination.

7. Bangar.

An abandoned city in India can also be called one of the scariest places on the planet. Bangar was built in 1573 in honor of the military exploits of an Indian prince. It was densely populated and existed until the end of the 18th century. There is a legend about a terrible curse imposed on the ancient city. It was because of him that residents fled the city. As if the legend is confirmed, access to the city is closed after sunset. The eerie place is believed to be infested with ghosts.

6. Hellish failure in Turkmenistan

This is not a natural phenomenon. Soviet drilling stations contributed to the birth of the fiery gates of hell. A terrible mistake led to the appearance of this terrible place. The dangerous gas leak worried scientists and the best solution was to burn the gases. The rift still burns to this day. No one knows when the fire will subside. On the edge of the fiery pit, people seem very small. The fault can be seen from afar. Scary place.

And now photos of the 5 most terrible places in the world.

5. Tunisian sanctuary of Tophet

This is a huge burial place for children with stone tombstones. There are several versions of the appearance of a mass Carthaginian burial. According to one of them, children were sacrificed to the bloody gods. According to another, even more terrible, children were not only sacrificed, but also eaten to the bone during times of famine. In general, the place is very scary, not one of those where it’s pleasant to walk.

4. Mayan remains in Belize

The scary place is called Aktun Tunichil Muknal. It was discovered by accident and is located in a cave. It is filled with bones and various things that tell a lot about the gloomy Mayan culture. As you know, sacrifices were a common thing for them. What makes the place terrible is its one “resident” - the skeleton of a young murdered girl. Her bones shine like crystal in the light. Over the centuries spent in the special conditions of the cave, the bones became calcified.

3. Forest in Japan

Aokigahara is not a magical forest for walking, otherwise it would hardly be in the top 10 scariest places on earth. It is located near the famous Mount Fuji. “A sea of ​​trees” - they say about this forest. And also, and this is not just talk, cleanups are carried out in the forest every year to clear it of bones. The fact is that Aokigahara is a favorite place for suicides, creepy and scary.

2. Kutna Hora

Kutná Hora is a Czech town with an eerie attraction. A terrible chapel - called the Ossuary. And the name says a lot. In 1278, the Holy Land was brought to the chapel from Jerusalem, which immediately attracted masses of pilgrims who wanted not only to pray, but also to be buried there. During the outbreak of the plague in the 14th century, about 30 thousand people came to the monastery. The bones of old burials were dug up and stored in basements to make room for new graves. In the 18th century the monastery closed and the bones were removed to give the monastery its Gothic beauty. The chandelier made of skulls and shoulder blades looks especially impressive, as well as frightening.

1. Creepy catacombs

The most terrible place on earth and also associated with death can be called a crypt in Italy. The terrible catacombs served to bury the Capuchins. It was later discovered that the special environment of the dungeon mummified the dead. This creepy place is located in the city of Palermo on the island of Sicily.

The last person to die found peace here in the 90s. Now the catacombs are open to tourists. The mummified dead do not lie, but stand along the stone walls, and seem to be looking at tourists. A very creepy place.


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