The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty.


2. Ellie in the amazing land of munchkins. The Wizard of Oz. Volkov's tale.

Ellie woke up because the dog was licking her face with a hot, wet tongue and whining. At first it seemed to her that she had seen an amazing dream, and Ellie was about to tell her mother about it. But, seeing the overturned chairs and the stove lying on the floor, Ellie realized that everything was real.

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun was shining brightly through the window.

Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty: a green lawn spread around; along its edges grew trees with ripe, juicy fruits; in the clearings one could see flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny birds fluttered in the air, sparkling with their bright plumage. Golden-green and red-breasted parrots sat on tree branches and screamed in high, strange voices. Not far away, a clear stream gurgled and silver fish frolicked in the water.

While the girl stood hesitantly on the threshold, the funniest and sweetest people imaginable appeared from behind the trees. The men, dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight trousers, were no taller than Ellie; blue boots with cuffs glittered on their feet. But most of all, Ellie liked the pointed hats: their tops were decorated with crystal balls, and small bells tinkled gently under the wide brims. Old woman

in a white robe she walked importantly in front of three men; Tiny stars sparkled on her pointed hat and on her robe. The old woman's gray hair fell onto her shoulders.

In the distance, behind the fruit trees, a whole crowd of small men and women could be seen; They stood whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare to come closer.

Approaching the girl, these timid little people smiled welcomingly and somewhat fearfully at Ellie, but the old woman looked at Ellie with obvious bewilderment. The three men moved forward together and took off their hats at once. “Ding ding ding!” - the bells rang. Ellie noticed that the little men's jaws were constantly moving, as if chewing something.

The old woman turned to Ellie:

Tell me, how did you end up in the land of the Munchkins, dear child?

Strange, very strange! - The old woman shook her head. - Now you will understand my bewilderment. Here is how it was. I learned that the evil sorceress Gingema had lost her mind and wanted to destroy the human race and populate the earth with rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magical art...

How, madam! - Ellie exclaimed with fear. -Are you a sorceress? But why did my mother tell me that there are no wizards now?

Where does your mom live?

In Kansas.

“I’ve never heard such a name,” said the sorceress, pursing her lips. - But, no matter what your mother says, wizards and sages live in this country. There were four of us sorceresses here. Two of us - the sorceress of the Yellow Country (that's me - Villina!) and the sorceress of the Pink Country Stella - are kind. And the sorceress of the Blue Country, Gingema, and the sorceress of the Purple Country, Bastinda, are very evil. Your house was crushed by Gingema, and now there is only one evil sorceress left in our country.

Ellie was amazed. How could she, a little girl who had never killed even a sparrow in her life, destroy the evil sorceress?!

Ellie said:

You are, of course, mistaken: I didn’t kill anyone.

“I don’t blame you for this,” the sorceress Villina calmly objected. - After all, it was I, in order to save people from trouble, who deprived the hurricane of its destructive power and allowed it to capture only one house in order to throw it on the head of the insidious Gingema, because I read in my magic book that it is always empty during a storm...

Ellie answered embarrassedly:

It’s true, madam, during hurricanes we hide in the cellar, but I ran to the house for my dog...

My magic book could not have foreseen such a reckless act! - the sorceress Villina was upset. - So, this little beast is to blame for everything...

Totoshka, aw aw, with your permission, madam! - the dog suddenly intervened in the conversation. - Yes, I sadly admit, it’s all my fault...

How did you start talking, Toto!? - Ellie screamed in surprise.

I don’t know how it happens, Ellie, but, aw, aw, human words involuntarily fly out of my mouth...

You see, Ellie,” Villina explained, “in this wonderful country, not only people talk, but also all animals and even birds. Look around, do you like our country?

“She’s not bad, madam,” Ellie answered, “but we’re better at home.” Should you look at our barnyard! You should look at our Pestryanka, madam! No, I want to return to my homeland, to my dad and mom...

“It’s hardly possible,” said the sorceress. - Our country is separated from the whole world by desert and huge mountains, through which not a single person has passed. I'm afraid, my baby, that you will have to stay with us.

Ellie's eyes filled with tears. The good Munchkins were very upset and also began to cry, wiping their tears with blue handkerchiefs. The munchkins took off their hats and put them on the ground so that the ringing of the bells would not interfere with their sobbing.

And you won't help me at all? - Ellie asked sadly.

Oh yes,” Villina realized, “I completely forgot that my magic book was with me.” You need to look into it: maybe I’ll read something useful for you there...

Villina took out from the folds of her clothes a tiny book the size of a thimble. The sorceress blew on her, and in front of the surprised and slightly frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume. It was so heavy that the old woman laid it on a large stone. Villina looked at the pages of the book, and they turned over under her gaze.

Found it, found it! - the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began to read slowly: “Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki, yoriki... The great wizard Goodwin will return home the little girl brought to his country by a hurricane if she helps three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickup, tripapoo, botalo, dangled..."

Pikapoo, trikapoo, botalo, motolo... - the Munchkins repeated in holy horror.

Who is Goodwin? - Ellie asked.

“Oh, this is the greatest sage of our country,” whispered the old woman. - He is more powerful than all of us and lives in the Emerald City.

Is he evil or good?

Nobody knows this. But don’t be afraid, find three creatures, fulfill their cherished desires, and the wizard of the Emerald City will help you return to your country!

Where is the Emerald City? - Ellie asked.

It is in the center of the country. The great sage and wizard Goodwin himself built it and manages it. But he surrounded himself with extraordinary mystery, and no one saw him after the construction of the city, and it ended many, many years ago.

How will I get to the Emerald City?

The road is long. Not everywhere the country is as good as it is here. There are dark forests with terrible animals, there are fast rivers - crossing them is dangerous...

Won't you come with me? - asked the girl.

No, my child,” answered Villina. - I can’t leave the Yellow Country for a long time. You must go alone. The road to the Emerald City is paved yellow brick, and you won't get lost. When you come to Goodwin, ask him for help...

How long will I have to live here, madam? - Ellie asked, lowering her head.

“I don’t know,” Villina answered. - Nothing is said about this in my magic book. Go, search, fight! I will look into the magic book from time to time to know how you are doing... Farewell, my dear!

Villina leaned towards the huge book, and it immediately shrank to the size of a thimble and disappeared into the folds of her robe. A whirlwind came, it became dark, and when the darkness dissipated, Villina was no longer there: the sorceress had disappeared. Ellie and the Munchkins trembled with fear, and the bells on the little people's hats rang of their own accord.

When everyone had calmed down a little, the bravest of the Munchkins, their foreman, turned to Ellie:

Powerful fairy! Welcome to the Blue Country! You killed the evil Gingema and freed the Munchkins!

Ellie said:

You are very kind, but there is a mistake: I am not a fairy. And you heard that my house fell on Gingema on the orders of the sorceress Villina...

“We don’t believe this,” Sergeant Major Zhevunov stubbornly objected. - We heard your conversation with the good sorceress, botalo, motalo, but we think that you are a powerful fairy. After all, only fairies can travel through the air in their houses, and only a fairy could free us from Gingema, the evil sorceress of the Blue Country. Gingema ruled us for many years and forced us to work day and night...

She made us work day and night! - the Munchkins said in unison.

She ordered us to catch spiders and bats, collect frogs and leeches from the ditches. These were her favorite foods...

And we,” the Munchkins cried, “we are very afraid of spiders and leeches!”

What are you crying about? - Ellie asked. - After all, all this has passed!

True true! - The munchkins laughed together, and the bells on their hats jingled merrily.

Mighty Mistress Ellie! - the foreman spoke. - Do you want to become our mistress instead of Gingema? We are sure that you are very kind and will not punish us too often!..

No,” Ellie objected, “I’m only a little girl and I’m not fit to be the ruler of the country.” If you want to help me, give me the opportunity to fulfill your deepest desires!

Our only desire was to get rid of the evil Gingema, pikapoo, trikapoo! But your house is crap! crack! - crushed it, and we have no more desires!.. - said the foreman.

Then I have nothing to do here. I will go looking for those who have desires. Only my shoes are very old and torn, they won’t last a long way. Really, Toto? - Ellie turned to the dog.

Of course they won’t stand it,” Totoshka agreed. - But don’t worry, Ellie, I saw something nearby and I’ll help you!

You? - the girl was surprised.

Yes I! - Toto answered proudly and disappeared behind the trees. A minute later he returned with a beautiful silver shoe in his teeth and solemnly laid it at Ellie’s feet. A gold buckle glittered on the shoe.

Where did you get it from? - Ellie was amazed.

I'll tell you now! - answered the out of breath dog, disappeared and returned again with another shoe.

How lovely! - Ellie said admiringly and tried on the shoes: they just fit her feet, as if they were tailored for her.

“When I was running on reconnaissance,” Totoshka began importantly, “I saw behind the trees a large black hole in the mountain...

Ah ah ah! - The Munchkins screamed in horror. - After all, this is the entrance to the cave of the evil sorceress Gingema! And you dared to enter there?..

What's so scary about that? After all, Gingema died! - objected Totoshka.

You must be a wizard too! - the foreman said with fear; all the other Munchkins nodded their heads in agreement, and the bells under their hats rang in unison.

It was there, entering this cave, as you call it, that I saw many funny and strange things, but most of all I liked the shoes standing at the entrance. Some big birds with scary yellow eyes tried to stop me from taking the shoes, but will Toto be afraid of anything when he wants to serve his Ellie?

Oh, you are my dear daredevil! - Ellie exclaimed and gently pressed the dog to her chest. - In these shoes I can walk tirelessly as long as I want...

It’s very good that you received the shoes of the evil Gingema,” the elder Munchkin interrupted her. “They seem to have magical powers because Gingema only wore them on the most important occasions.” But what kind of power this is, we don’t know... And you are still leaving us, dear Mrs. Ellie? - the foreman asked with a sigh. - Then we’ll bring you something to eat on the way...

The munchkins left and Ellie was left alone. She found a piece of bread in the house and ate it on the bank of the stream, washing it down with clear water. cold water. Then she began to get ready for a long journey, and Toto ran under the tree and tried to grab a noisy motley parrot sitting on a lower branch, who was teasing him all the time.

Ellie got out of the van, carefully closed the door and wrote on it in chalk: “I’m not at home.”

Meanwhile, the Munchkins returned. They brought in enough food to last Ellie for several years. There were lambs, roasted geese and ducks, fruit baskets...

Ellie said with a laugh:

Well, where do I need so much, my friends?

She put some bread and fruit in the basket, said goodbye to the Munchkins and boldly set off on a long journey with the cheerful Toto.

Not far from the house there was a crossroads: several roads diverged here. Ellie chose the road paved with yellow bricks and walked briskly along it. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the little girl, abandoned in an amazing foreign country, felt quite good.

The road was bordered on both sides by beautiful blue hedges, beyond which began cultivated fields. Here and there you could see round houses. Their roofs looked like the pointed hats of Munchkins. Crystal balls sparkled on the roofs. The houses were painted blue.

Little men and women worked in the fields: they took off their hats and bowed warmly to Ellie. After all, now every Munchkin knew that the girl in the silver shoes liberated their country from the evil sorceress, lowering her house - crack! crack! - right on her head. All the Munchkins that Ellie met on the way looked at Toto with fearful surprise and, hearing his barking, covered their ears. When the cheerful dog ran up to one of the Munchkins, he ran away from him at full speed: there were no dogs at all in Goodwin’s country.

In the evening, when Ellie was hungry and was thinking about where to spend the night, she saw a large house by the road. Little men and women danced on the front lawn. The musicians played diligently on small violins and flutes. Children were frolicking right there, so tiny that Ellie’s eyes widened in amazement: they looked like dolls. On the terrace there were long tables with vases full of fruits, nuts, sweets, delicious pies and large cakes.

Seeing Ellie, a handsome tall old man came out of the crowd of dancers (he was a whole finger taller than Ellie!) and said with a bow:

My friends and I are celebrating today the liberation of our country from the evil sorceress. Do I dare ask the powerful fairy of the Killing House to take part in our feast?

Why do you think I'm a fairy? - Ellie asked.

You crushed the evil sorceress Gingema - crack! crack! - like an empty eggshell; you are wearing her magic shoes; with you is an amazing beast, the likes of which we have never seen, and, according to the stories of our friends, he is also gifted with magical powers...

Ellie was unable to object to this and went after the old man, whose name was Prem Kokus. She was greeted like a queen, and the bells rang incessantly, and there were endless dances, and a great many cakes were eaten and countless quantities of soft drinks were drunk, and the whole evening was so fun and pleasant that Ellie remembered about dad and mom only when she fell asleep in bed.

In the morning after a hearty breakfast, she asked the Caucus:

How far is it from here to the Emerald City?

“I don’t know,” the old man answered thoughtfully. - I've never been there. It's best to stay away from the Great Goodwin, especially if you don't have important business with him. And the road to the Emerald City is long and difficult. You will have to cross dark forests and cross fast, deep rivers.

Ellie was a little sad, but she knew that only the Great Goodwin would bring her back to Kansas, so she said goodbye to her friends and set off again along the yellow brick road.

The hurricane continued to rage, and the house, swaying, rushed through the air. Totoshka, shocked by what was happening around him, ran around the dark room barking in fear. Ellie, confused, sat on the floor, clutching her head in her hands. She felt very lonely. The wind blew so hard that it deafened her. It seemed to her that the house was about to fall and break. But time passed, and the house was still flying. Ellie climbed onto the bed and lay down, holding Toto close to her. Under the roar of the wind, gently rocking the house, Ellie fell fast asleep.

Part one

yellow brick road

Ellie in the amazing land of munchkins

Ellie woke up because the dog was licking her face with a hot, wet tongue and whining. At first it seemed to her that she had seen an amazing dream, and Ellie was about to tell her mother about it. But, seeing the overturned chairs and the stove lying on the floor, Ellie realized that everything was real.

The girl jumped out of bed. The house didn't move. The sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. A green lawn spread around; trees with ripe, juicy fruits grew along its edges; in the clearings one could see flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny birds fluttered in the air, sparkling with bright plumage. Golden-green and red-breasted parrots sat on tree branches and screamed in high, strange voices. Not far away, a clear stream gurgled and silver fish frolicked in the water.

While the girl stood hesitantly on the threshold, the funniest and sweetest people imaginable appeared from behind the trees. The men, dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight trousers, were no taller than Ellie; blue boots with cuffs glittered on their feet. But most of all, Ellie liked the pointed hats: their tops were decorated with crystal balls, and small bells tinkled gently under the wide brims.

An old woman in a white robe stepped forward importantly in front of the three men; Tiny stars sparkled on her pointed hat and on her robe. The old woman's gray hair fell onto her shoulders.

In the distance, behind the fruit trees, a whole crowd of small men and women could be seen; They stood, whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare to come closer.

Approaching the girl, these timid little people smiled warmly and somewhat timidly at Ellie, but the old woman looked at her with obvious bewilderment. The three men moved forward together and took off their hats at once. “Ding-ding-ding!” - the bells rang. Ellie noticed that the little men's jaws were constantly moving, as if chewing something.

The old woman turned to Ellie:

“Tell me, how did you end up in the land of the Munchkins, dear child?”

“I was brought here by a hurricane in this house,” Ellie answered timidly.

- Strange, very strange! – the old woman shook her head. – Now you will understand my bewilderment. Here is how it was. I learned that the evil sorceress Gingema had lost her mind and wanted to destroy the human race and populate the earth with rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magical art...

- How, madam! – Ellie exclaimed with fear. -Are you a sorceress? But why did my mother tell me that there are no wizards now?

- Where does your mom live?

- In Kansas.

“I’ve never heard of such a name,” said the sorceress, pursing her lips. “But no matter what your mother says, wizards and sages live in this country.” There were four of us sorceresses here. Two of us—the sorceress of the Yellow Country (that’s me, Villina!) and the sorceress of the Pink Country, Stella—are kind. And the sorceress of the Blue Country, Gingema, and the sorceress of the Violet Country, Bastinda, are very evil. Your house was crushed by Gingema, and now there is only one evil sorceress left in our country.

Ellie was amazed. How could she, a little girl who had never killed even a sparrow in her life, destroy the evil sorceress?

Ellie said:

“You are, of course, mistaken: I didn’t kill anyone.”

“I don’t blame you for that,” the sorceress Villina calmly objected. - After all, it was I, in order to save people from trouble, who deprived the hurricane of its destructive power and allowed it to capture only one house in order to throw it on the head of the insidious Gingema, because I read in my magic book that it is always empty during a storm...

Ellie answered embarrassedly:

“It’s true, madam, during hurricanes we hide in the cellar, but I ran to the house to get my dog...

“My magic book could never have foreseen such a reckless act!” – the sorceress Villina was upset. - So, this little beast is to blame for everything...

- Totoshka, aw-aw, with your permission, madam! – the dog suddenly intervened in the conversation. - Yes, I sadly admit, it’s all my fault...

- How did you start talking, Toto? – Ellie screamed in surprise.

“I don’t know how it happens, Ellie, but, aw-aw, human words involuntarily fly out of my mouth...

“You see, Ellie,” Villina explained, “in this wonderful country, not only people talk, but also all animals and even birds.” Look around, do you like our country?

“She’s not bad, madam,” answered Ellie, “but we’re better at home.” Should you look at our barnyard! You should look at our Pestryanka, madam! No, I want to return to my homeland, to my mom and dad...

“It’s hardly possible,” said the sorceress. “Our country is separated from the whole world by desert and huge mountains, which not a single person has crossed. I'm afraid, my baby, that you will have to stay with us.

Ellie's eyes filled with tears. The good Munchkins were very upset and also began to cry, wiping their tears with blue handkerchiefs. The munchkins took off their hats and put them on the ground so that the ringing of the bells would not interfere with their sobbing.

- And you won’t help me at all? – Ellie asked sadly.

“Oh yes,” Villina realized, “I completely forgot that my magic book was with me.” You need to look into it: maybe I’ll read something useful for you there...

Villina took out from the folds of her clothing a tiny book the size of a thimble. The sorceress blew on her, and before the eyes of the surprised and slightly frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume. It was so heavy that the old woman laid it on a large stone.

Villina looked at the pages of the book, and they themselves turned over under her gaze.

- Found it, found it! – the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began to read slowly: “Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki, eriki... The great wizard Goodwin will return home the little girl brought to his country by a hurricane if she helps three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickup, tripapoo, botalo, dangled..."

“Pikapoo, trikapoo, botalo, motalo...” the Munchkins repeated in sacred horror.

-Who is Goodwin? – Ellie asked.

“Oh, this is the Greatest Sage of our country,” whispered the old woman. “He is more powerful than all of us and lives in the Emerald City.”

– Is he evil or good?

- Nobody knows this. But don’t be afraid, find three creatures, fulfill their cherished desires, and the Wizard of the Emerald City will help you return to your country!

– Where is the Emerald City? – Ellie asked.

- It is in the center of the country. The Great Sage and Wizard Goodwin himself built it and manages it. But he surrounded himself with extraordinary mystery, and no one saw him after the construction of the city, and it ended many, many years ago.

- How will I get to the Emerald City?

- The road is long. Not everywhere the country is as good as it is here. There are dark forests with terrible animals, there are fast rivers - crossing them is dangerous...

-Won't you come with me? – the girl asked.

“No, my child,” answered Villina. – I can’t leave the Yellow Country for a long time. You must go alone. The road to the Emerald City is paved with yellow bricks, and you won't get lost. When you come to Goodwin, ask him for help...




Ellie woke up to the dog licking her face with a hot, wet tongue and whining. At first it seemed to her that she had seen an amazing dream, and Ellie was about to tell her mother about it. But, seeing the overturned chairs and the stove lying in the corner, Ellie realized that everything was real.

The girl jumped out of bed. The house did not move and the sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. There was a green lawn spread around; along its edges grew trees with ripe, juicy fruits; in the clearings one could see flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny birds fluttered in the air, sparkling with their bright plumage. Golden-green and red-breasted parrots sat on tree branches and screamed in high, strange voices. Not far away a clear stream gurgled; Silver fish frolicked in the water.

While the girl stood hesitantly on the threshold, the funniest and sweetest people imaginable appeared from behind the trees. The men, dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight trousers, were no taller than Ellie; blue boots with cuffs glittered on their feet. But most of all, Ellie liked the pointed hats: their tops were decorated with crystal balls, and small bells tinkled gently under the wide brims.

An old woman in a white robe walked importantly in front of the three men; Tiny stars sparkled on her pointed hat and on her robe. The old woman's gray hair fell onto her shoulders.

In the distance, behind the fruit trees, a whole crowd of small men and women could be seen; they stood, whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare to come closer.

Approaching the girl, these timid little people smiled warmly and somewhat timidly at Ellie, but the old woman looked at her with obvious bewilderment. The three men moved forward together and took off their hats at once. “Ding-ding-ding!” - the bells rang. Ellie noticed that the little men's jaws were constantly moving, as if chewing something.

The old woman turned to Ellie:

“Tell me, how did you end up in the land of munchkins, young child?”

“A hurricane brought me here in this house,” Ellie timidly answered the old woman.

- Strange, very strange! – the old woman shook her head. – Now you will understand my bewilderment. Here is how it was. I learned that the evil sorceress Gingema had lost her mind and wanted to destroy the human race and populate the earth with rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magical art...

- How, madam! – Ellie exclaimed with fear. -Are you a sorceress? But why did my mother tell me that there are no wizards now?

- Where does your mom live?

- In Kansas.

“I’ve never heard of such a name,” said the sorceress, pursing her lips. – But, no matter what your mother says, wizards and sages live in this country. There were four of us sorceresses here. Two of us—the sorceress of the Yellow Country (that’s me, Villina!) and the sorceress of the Pink Country, Stella—are kind. And the sorceress of the Blue Country, Gingema, and the sorceress of the Violet Country, Bastinda, are very evil. Your house was crushed by Gingema, and now there is only one evil sorceress left in our country.

Ellie was amazed. How could she, a little girl who had never killed even a sparrow in her life, destroy the evil sorceress?

Ellie said:

“You are, of course, mistaken: I didn’t kill anyone.”

“I don’t blame you for that,” the sorceress Villina calmly objected. - After all, it was I, in order to save people from trouble, who deprived the hurricane of its destructive power and allowed it to capture only one house in order to throw it on the head of the insidious Gingema, because I read in my magic book that it is always empty during a storm...

Ellie answered shyly:

“It’s true, madam, during hurricanes we hide in the cellar, but I ran to the house to get my dog...

“My magic book could never have foreseen such a reckless act!” – the sorceress Villina was upset. - So, this little beast is to blame for everything...

- Totoshka, aw-aw, with your permission, madam! – the dog suddenly intervened in the conversation. - Yes, I sadly admit, it’s all my fault...

- How did you start talking, Totoshka!? – the amazed Ellie cried in surprise.

“I don’t know how it happens, Ellie, but, aw-aw, human words involuntarily fly out of my mouth...

“You see, Ellie,” Villina explained. – In this wonderful country, not only people talk, but also all animals and even birds. Look around, do you like our country?

“She’s not bad, madam,” Ellie answered. “But it’s better at home.” Should you look at our barnyard! You should look at our moth, madam! No, I want to return to my homeland, to my mom and dad...

“It’s hardly possible,” said the sorceress. “Our country is separated from the whole world by desert and huge mountains, which not a single person has crossed. I'm afraid, my baby, that you will have to stay with us.

Ellie's eyes filled with tears. The good munchkins were very upset and also began to cry, wiping their tears with blue handkerchiefs. The munchkins took off their hats and put them on the ground so that the ringing of the bells would not interfere with their sobbing.

- And you won’t help me at all? – Ellie sadly asked the sorceress.

“Oh yes,” Villina realized, “I completely forgot that my magic book was with me.” You need to look into it: maybe I’ll read something useful for you there...

Villina took out from the folds of her clothes a tiny book the size of a thimble. The sorceress blew on her and, before the eyes of the surprised and slightly frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume. It was so heavy that the old woman laid it on a large stone. Villina looked at the pages of the book and they themselves turned over under her gaze.

- Found it, found it! – the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began to read slowly: “Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki, eriki... The great wizard Goodwin will return home the little girl brought to his country by a hurricane if she helps three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickup, tripapoo, botalo, dangled..."

“Pikapoo, trikapoo, botalo, motalo...” the munchkins repeated in holy horror.

-Who is Goodwin? – Ellie asked.

“Oh, this is the greatest sage of our country,” whispered the old woman. – He is more powerful than all of us and lives in the Emerald City.

– Is he evil or good?

- Nobody knows this. But don’t be afraid, find three creatures, fulfill their cherished desires and the wizard of the Emerald City will help you return to your country!

– Where is the Emerald City?

- It is in the center of the country. The great sage and wizard Goodwin himself built it and manages it. But he surrounded himself with extraordinary mystery and no one saw him after the construction of the city, and it ended many, many years ago.

- How will I get to the Emerald City?

- The road is long. Not everywhere the country is as good as it is here. There are dark forests with terrible animals, there are fast rivers - crossing them is dangerous...

-Won't you come with me? – the girl asked.

“No, my child,” answered Villina. – I can’t leave the Yellow Country for a long time. You must go alone. The road to the Emerald City is paved with yellow brick and you won’t get lost. When you come to Goodwin, ask him for help...

- How long will I have to live here, madam? – Ellie asked, lowering her head.

“I don’t know,” Villina answered. - Nothing is said about this in my magic book. Go, search, fight! I will look into my magic book from time to time to know how you are doing... Farewell, my dear!

title: Buy: feed_id: 3854 pattern_id: 1079 book_author: Alexander Volkov book_name: The Wizard of the Emerald City
The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. Spread around
green lawn; along its edges grew trees with ripe, juicy fruits; on
In the clearings one could see flowerbeds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. IN
Tiny birds fluttered in the air, sparkling with their bright plumage. On
golden-green and red-breasted parrots sat on tree branches and screamed
in high strange voices. Not far away a clear stream gurgled; in water
silver fish frolicked.
While the girl stood hesitantly on the threshold, from behind the trees appeared
the funniest and sweetest people you can imagine. Men,
dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight trousers, they were no taller
Ellie; blue boots with cuffs glittered on their feet. But more
All Ellie liked were the pointed hats: their tops were decorated
crystal balls, and under the wide brim small ones tinkled gently
An old woman in a white robe walked importantly in front of the three men; on
Tiny stars sparkled on her pointed hat and on her robe. Gray haired
the old woman's hair fell onto her shoulders.
In the distance, behind the fruit trees, a whole crowd of small men could be seen
and women, they stood, whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare
come closer.
Approaching the girl, these timid little people affably and somewhat
They smiled timidly at Ellie, but the old woman looked at her with obvious bewilderment.
The three men moved forward together and took off their hats at once.
"Ding-ding-ding!" - the bells rang. Ellie noticed that the jaws
The little men moved incessantly, as if chewing something.
The old woman turned to Ellie:
- Tell me, how did you end up in the land of munchkins, young child?
“A hurricane brought me here in this house,” she timidly answered the old woman.
- Strange, very strange! - The old woman shook her head. - Now you
you will understand my bewilderment. Here is how it was. I found out that the evil sorceress
Gingema went crazy and wanted to destroy the human race and populate the earth
rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magic
- How, madam! - Ellie exclaimed with fear. -Are you a sorceress? A
How did my mother tell me that there are no wizards now?
- Where does your mom live?
- In Kansas.
“I’ve never heard such a name,” said the sorceress, tucking
lips. - But, no matter what your mother says, wizards live in this country and
sages. There were four of us sorceresses here. Two of us - the sorceress Yellow
countries (it's me, Villina!) and the sorceress of the Pink Country, Stella, are kind. A
sorceress of the Blue Country Gingema and sorceress of the Violet Country Bastinda
- very angry. Your house was crushed by Gingema, and now there is only one left
evil sorceress in our country.
Ellie was amazed. How could she destroy the evil sorceress?
a little girl who has never killed even a sparrow in her life.
Ellie said:
- You are, of course, mistaken: I didn’t kill anyone.
“I don’t blame you for this,” the sorceress Villina calmly objected. After all, it was I, in order to save people from harm, who deprived the hurricane of its destructive power
and allowed him to capture only one house in order to throw it on his head
insidious Gingham, because she read in her magic book that he
always empty during a storm...
Ellie answered embarrassedly:
- It’s true, madam, during hurricanes we hide in the cellar, but I
ran to the house to get my dog...
- My magic book could not have done such a reckless act.
foresee! - the sorceress Villina was upset. - So it’s all my fault.
this little beast...
- Totoshka, aw-aw, with your permission, madam! - suddenly
The dog intervened in the conversation. - Yes, I sadly admit, it’s me in everything
- How did you start talking, Totoshka!? - the astonished woman cried out in surprise
- I don’t know how it happens, Ellie, but, aw-aw, out of my mouth involuntarily
human words fly out...
“You see, Ellie,” Villina explained. - In this wonderful country
Not only people talk, but also all animals and even birds. Look
around, do you like our country?
“She’s not bad, madam,” Ellie answered. - But it’s better at home.
Should you look at our barnyard! Should you look at our moth,
madam! No, I want to return to my homeland, to my mom and dad...
“It’s hardly possible,” said the sorceress. - Our country is separated
from the whole world by desert and huge mountains, through which no one has crossed
one man. I'm afraid, my baby, that you will have to stay with us.
Ellie's eyes filled with tears. The good munchkins were very upset and also
They began to cry, wiping their tears with blue handkerchiefs. The munchkins took off their hats and
They placed them on the ground so that the ringing of the bells would not interfere with their sobbing.
- And you won’t help me at all? - Ellie asked sadly
“Oh yes,” Villina realized, “I completely forgot that my magic
I have the book with me. I need to look into it: maybe I’ll read something there
useful for you...
Villina took out from the folds of her clothes a tiny book the size of
thimble. The sorceress blew on her and in front of her surprised and slightly
Frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume.
It was so heavy that the old woman laid it on a large stone. Villina
she looked at the pages of the book and they themselves turned over under her gaze.
- Found it, found it! - the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began slowly
read: - "Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki,
Eriki... The great wizard Goodwin will bring home the little girl,
brought into his country by a hurricane, if she helps the three creatures achieve
fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickapoo, tripapoo, botalo, dangled..."
“Pikapoo, trikapoo, botalo, otkapoo...” they repeated in holy horror.
-Who is Goodwin? - Ellie asked.
“Oh, this is the greatest sage of our country,” whispered the old woman. He is more powerful than all of us and lives in the Emerald City.
- Is he evil or good?
- Nobody knows this. But don't be afraid, find three creatures, fulfill
their cherished desires and the wizard of the Emerald City will help you return
to your country!
-Where is the Emerald City?
- It's in the center of the country. The great sage and wizard Goodwin himself built
him and controls him. But he surrounded himself with extraordinary mystery and no one
I haven’t seen him since the construction of the city, and it ended for many, many years
- How will I get to the Emerald City?
- The road is long. Not everywhere the country is as good as it is here. There are dark forests
with terrible animals, there are fast rivers - crossing them is dangerous...
-Won't you come with me? - asked the girl.
“No, my child,” answered Villina. - I can't leave for long
Yellow country. You must go alone. The road to the Emerald City is paved
yellow brick and you won't get lost. When you come to Goodwin, ask him
- How long will I have to live here, madam? - Ellie asked,
lowering his head.
“I don’t know,” Villina answered. - Nothing is said about this in my
magic book. Go, search, fight! I'll check in from time to time
my magic book to know how you are doing... Farewell, my
Villina leaned towards the huge book, and it immediately shrank to the size
thimble, and disappeared into the folds of the robe. A whirlwind came, it became dark, and
when the darkness cleared, Villina was no longer there: the sorceress had disappeared. Ellie and
the munchkins trembled with fear, and the bells on the hats of the little people
rang by themselves.
When everyone had calmed down a little, the bravest of the munchkins, their foreman,
turned to Ellie:
- Powerful fairy! Welcome to the Blue Country! You killed
evil Gingema and freed the munchkins!
Ellie said:
- You are very kind, but there is a mistake: I am not a fairy. And you heard,
that my house fell on Gingema by order of the sorceress Villina...
“We don’t believe this,” the munchkin chief stubbornly objected. - We heard
your conversation with the good sorceress was boring, shaking, but we think that you too
powerful fairy. After all, only fairies can ride around in their houses, and
only a fairy could free us from Gingema, the evil Blue sorceress
countries. Gingema ruled us for many years and forced us to work day and
“She made us work day and night!” - the munchkins said in unison.
- She ordered us to catch spiders and bats, collect frogs
and leeches in the ditches. These were her favorite foods...
“And we,” the munchkins cried. - We are very afraid of spiders and leeches!
-What are you crying about? - Ellie asked. - After all, all this has passed!
- True true! - The munchkins laughed together and bells on their
hats jingled merrily.
- Mighty Mrs. Ellie! - the foreman spoke. - Do you want to become
our mistress instead of Gingema? We are sure that you are very kind and not
You will punish us too often!
- No! - Ellie objected, - I’m only a little girl and I’m not fit to
ruler of the country. If you really want to help me, let me



Ellie woke up to the dog licking her face with a hot, wet tongue and whining. At first it seemed to her that she had seen an amazing dream, and Ellie was about to tell her mother about it. But, seeing the overturned chairs and the stove lying in the corner, Ellie realized that everything was real.
The girl jumped out of bed. The house did not move and the sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie ran to the door, opened it and screamed in surprise.
The hurricane brought the house to a land of extraordinary beauty. There was a green lawn spread around; along its edges grew trees with ripe, juicy fruits; in the clearings one could see flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny birds fluttered in the air, sparkling with their bright plumage. Golden-green and red-breasted parrots sat on tree branches and screamed in high, strange voices. Not far away a clear stream gurgled; Silver fish frolicked in the water.
While the girl stood hesitantly on the threshold, the funniest and sweetest people imaginable appeared from behind the trees. The men, dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight trousers, were no taller than Ellie; blue boots with cuffs glittered on their feet. But most of all, Ellie liked the pointed hats: their tops were decorated with crystal balls, and small bells tinkled gently under the wide brims.
An old woman in a white robe walked importantly in front of the three men; Tiny stars sparkled on her pointed hat and on her robe. The old woman's gray hair fell onto her shoulders.
In the distance, behind the fruit trees, a whole crowd of small men and women could be seen; they stood, whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare to come closer.
Approaching the girl, these timid little people smiled warmly and somewhat timidly at Ellie, but the old woman looked at her with obvious bewilderment. The three men moved forward together and took off their hats at once. “Ding-ding-ding!” - the bells rang. Ellie noticed that the little men's jaws were constantly moving, as if chewing something.

The old woman turned to Ellie:
“Tell me, how did you end up in the land of munchkins, young child?”
“A hurricane brought me here in this house,” Ellie timidly answered the old woman.
- Strange, very strange! – the old woman shook her head. – Now you will understand my bewilderment. Here is how it was. I learned that the evil sorceress Gingema had lost her mind and wanted to destroy the human race and populate the earth with rats and snakes. And I had to use all my magical art...
- How, madam! – Ellie exclaimed with fear. -Are you a sorceress? But why did my mother tell me that there are no wizards now?
- Where does your mom live?
- In Kansas.
“I’ve never heard of such a name,” said the sorceress, pursing her lips. “But, no matter what your mother says, wizards and sages live in this country.” There were four of us sorceresses here. Two of us—the sorceress of the Yellow Country (that’s me, Villina!) and the sorceress of the Pink Country, Stella—are kind. And the sorceress of the Blue Country, Gingema, and the sorceress of the Violet Country, Bastinda, are very evil. Your house was crushed by Gingema, and now there is only one evil sorceress left in our country.
Ellie was amazed. How could she, a little girl who had never killed even a sparrow in her life, destroy the evil sorceress?
Ellie said:
“You are, of course, mistaken: I didn’t kill anyone.”
“I don’t blame you for that,” the sorceress Villina calmly objected. - After all, it was I, in order to save people from trouble, who deprived the hurricane of its destructive power and allowed it to capture only one house in order to throw it on the head of the insidious Gingema, because I read in my magic book that it is always empty during a storm...
Ellie answered shyly:
“It’s true, madam, during hurricanes we hide in the cellar, but I ran to the house to get my dog...
“My magic book could never have foreseen such a reckless act!” – the sorceress Villina was upset. - So, this little beast is to blame for everything...
- Totoshka, aw-aw, with your permission, madam! – the dog suddenly intervened in the conversation. - Yes, I sadly admit, it’s all my fault...
- How did you start talking, Totoshka!? – the amazed Ellie cried in surprise.
“I don’t know how it happens, Ellie, but, aw-aw, human words involuntarily fly out of my mouth...
“You see, Ellie,” Villina explained. – In this wonderful country, not only people talk, but also all animals and even birds. Look around, do you like our country?
“She’s not bad, madam,” Ellie answered. “But it’s better at home.” Should you look at our barnyard! You should look at our moth, madam! No, I want to return to my homeland, to my mom and dad...
“It’s hardly possible,” said the sorceress. “Our country is separated from the whole world by desert and huge mountains, which not a single person has crossed. I'm afraid, my baby, that you will have to stay with us.
Ellie's eyes filled with tears. The good munchkins were very upset and also began to cry, wiping their tears with blue handkerchiefs. The munchkins took off their hats and put them on the ground so that the ringing of the bells would not interfere with their sobbing.
- And you won’t help me at all? – Ellie sadly asked the sorceress.
“Oh yes,” Villina realized, “I completely forgot that my magic book was with me.” You need to look into it: maybe I’ll read something useful for you there...

Villina took out from the folds of her clothes a tiny book the size of a thimble. The sorceress blew on her and, before the eyes of the surprised and slightly frightened Ellie, the book began to grow, grow and turned into a huge volume. It was so heavy that the old woman laid it on a large stone. Villina looked at the pages of the book and they themselves turned over under her gaze.
- Found it, found it! – the sorceress suddenly exclaimed and began to read slowly: “Bambara, chufara, skoriki, moriki, turabo, furabo, loriki, eriki... The great wizard Goodwin will return home the little girl brought to his country by a hurricane if she helps three creatures achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires, pickup, tripapoo, botalo, dangled..."
“Pikapoo, trikapoo, botalo, motalo...” the munchkins repeated in holy horror.
-Who is Goodwin? – Ellie asked.
“Oh, this is the greatest sage of our country,” whispered the old woman. – He is more powerful than all of us and lives in the Emerald City.
– Is he evil or good?
- Nobody knows this. But don’t be afraid, find three creatures, fulfill their cherished desires and the wizard of the Emerald City will help you return to your country!
– Where is the Emerald City?
- It is in the center of the country. The great sage and wizard Goodwin himself built it and manages it. But he surrounded himself with extraordinary mystery and no one saw him after the construction of the city, and it ended many, many years ago.
- How will I get to the Emerald City?
- The road is long. Not everywhere the country is as good as it is here. There are dark forests with terrible animals, there are fast rivers - crossing them is dangerous...
-Won't you come with me? – the girl asked.
“No, my child,” answered Villina. – I can’t leave the Yellow Country for a long time. You must go alone. The road to the Emerald City is paved with yellow brick and you won’t get lost. When you come to Goodwin, ask him for help...
- How long will I have to live here, madam? – Ellie asked, lowering her head.
“I don’t know,” Villina answered. - Nothing is said about this in my magic book. Go, search, fight! I will look into my magic book from time to time to know how you are doing... Farewell, my dear!
Villina leaned towards the huge book, and it immediately shrank to the size of a thimble and disappeared into the folds of her robe. A whirlwind came, it became dark, and when the darkness dissipated, Villina was no longer there: the sorceress had disappeared. Ellie and the munchkins trembled with fear, and the bells on the little people's hats rang of their own accord.
When everyone had calmed down a little, the bravest of the munchkins, their foreman, turned to Ellie:
- Powerful fairy! Welcome to the Blue Country! You killed the evil Gingema and freed the munchkins!
Ellie said:
– You are very kind, but there is a mistake: I am not a fairy. And you heard that my house fell on Gingema on the orders of the sorceress Villina...
“We don’t believe this,” the munchkin chief stubbornly objected. “We heard your conversation with the good sorceress, botalo, motalo, but we think that you are a powerful fairy too.” After all, only fairies can ride around in their houses, and only a fairy could free us from Gingema, the evil sorceress of the Blue Country. Gingema ruled us for many years and forced us to work day and night...
“She made us work day and night!” - the munchkins said in unison.
“She ordered us to catch spiders and bats, collect frogs and leeches from the ditches. These were her favorite foods...
“And we,” the munchkins cried. – We are very afraid of spiders and leeches!
-What are you crying about? – Ellie asked. - After all, all this has passed!
- True true! – The munchkins laughed together and the bells on their hats jingled merrily.
– Mighty Lady Ellie! – the foreman spoke. – Do you want to become our mistress instead of Gingema? We are sure that you are very kind and will not punish us too often!
- No! - Ellie objected, “I’m only a little girl and I’m not fit to be the ruler of the country.” If you really want to help me, give me the opportunity to fulfill your deepest desires!
– Our only desire was to get rid of the evil Gingema, pikapu, trikapoo! But your house is crap! crack! – crushed it, and we have no more desires!.. – said the foreman.
“Then I have nothing to do here.” I will go look for those who have desires. Only my shoes are very old and torn - they won’t last a long way. Really, Toto? – Ellie turned to the dog.

“Of course they won’t stand it,” Toto agreed. “But don’t worry, Ellie, I saw something nearby and I’ll help you!”
- You?! – the girl was surprised.
- Yes I! - Toto answered proudly and disappeared behind the trees. A minute later he returned with a beautiful silver shoe in his teeth and solemnly laid it at Ellie’s feet. A gold buckle glittered on the shoe.
-Where did you get it from? – Ellie was amazed.
- I’ll tell you now! - answered the out of breath dog, disappeared and returned with another shoe.
- How lovely! - Ellie said admiringly and tried on the shoes - they just fit her feet, as if they were sewn for her.
“When I was running on reconnaissance,” Toto began importantly, “I saw behind the trees a large black hole in the mountain...
- Ah ah ah! – the munchkins screamed in horror. – After all, this is the entrance to the cave of the evil sorceress Gingema! And you dared to enter there?..
- What's so scary about that? After all, Gingema died! - Toto objected.
“You must be a wizard too!” – the foreman said with fear; all the other munchkins nodded their heads in agreement and the bells under their hats rang in unison.
“It was there, when I entered this, as you call it, cave, I saw a lot of funny and strange things, but most of all I liked the shoes standing at the entrance. Some big birds with scary yellow eyes tried to stop me from taking these shoes, but will Toto be afraid of anything when he wants to serve his Ellie?
- Oh, my dear daredevil! – Ellie exclaimed and gently pressed the dog to her chest. - In these shoes I can walk tirelessly as long as I want...
“It’s very good that you put on the shoes of the evil Gingema,” the older munchkin interrupted her. “They seem to have magical powers because Gingema only wore them on the most important occasions.” But what kind of power this is, we don’t know... And you are still leaving us, dear Mrs. Ellie? – the foreman asked with a sigh. -Then we will bring you food for the road...
The munchkins left and Ellie was left alone. She found a piece of bread in the house and ate it on the bank of the stream, washing it down with clear cold water. Then she began to get ready for a long journey, and Toto ran under the tree and tried to grab a noisy motley parrot sitting on a lower branch, who was teasing him all the time.
Ellie got out of the van, carefully closed the door and wrote on it with chalk: “I’m not at home”!
Meanwhile, the munchkins returned. They brought in enough food to last Ellie for several years. There were sheep, tied geese and ducks, baskets of fruit...
Ellie said with a laugh:
- Well, where do I need so much, my friends?
She put some bread and fruit in the basket, said goodbye to the munchkins and boldly set off on a long journey with the cheerful Toto.
* * *
Not far from the house there was a crossroads: several roads diverged here. Ellie chose the road paved with yellow bricks and walked briskly along it. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the little girl, abandoned in an amazing foreign country, felt quite good.
The road was bordered on both sides by beautiful blue hedges, beyond which began cultivated fields. Here and there you could see round houses. Their roofs looked like the pointed hats of munchkins. Crystal balls sparkled on the roofs. The houses were painted blue.
Little men and women worked in the fields, they took off their hats and bowed warmly to Ellie. After all, now every munchkin knew that the girl in the silver shoes had liberated their country from the evil sorceress, lowering her house - crack! crack! - right on her head. All the munchkins that Ellie met on the way looked at Toto with fearful surprise and, hearing his barking, covered their ears. When the cheerful dog ran up to one of the munchkins, he ran away from him at full speed: there were no dogs at all in Goodwin’s country.
In the evening, when Ellie was hungry and was thinking about where to spend the night, she saw a large house by the road. Little men and women danced on the front lawn. The musicians played diligently on small violins and flutes. Children were frolicking right there, so tiny that Ellie’s eyes widened in amazement: they looked like dolls. On the terrace there were long tables with vases full of fruits, nuts, sweets, delicious pies and large cakes.
Seeing Ellie approaching, a handsome tall old man came out of the crowd of dancers (he was a whole finger taller than Ellie!) and said with a bow:
– My friends and I are celebrating today the liberation of our country from the evil sorceress. Do I dare ask the powerful fairy of the killing house to take part in our feast?
– Why do you think I’m a fairy? – Ellie asked.
– You crushed the evil sorceress Gingema – crack! crack! – like an empty eggshell; you are wearing her magic shoes; with you is an amazing beast, the likes of which we have never seen, and according to the stories of our friends, he is also gifted with magical powers...
Ellie was unable to object to this and went after the old man, whose name was Prem Kokus. She was greeted like a queen, and the bells rang incessantly, and there were endless dances, and a great many cakes were eaten and a great variety of soft drinks were drunk, and the whole evening passed so cheerfully and pleasantly that Ellie remembered about her father and mother only as she fell asleep in bed.
In the morning after a hearty breakfast, she asked the Caucus:
– How far is it from here to the Emerald City?
“I don’t know,” the old man answered thoughtfully. - I've never been there. It is better to stay away from the great Goodwin, especially if you have no important business with him. And the road to the Emerald City is long and difficult. You will have to cross dark forests and cross fast, deep rivers.
Ellie was a little sad, but she knew that only the great Goodwin would bring her back to Kansas, and so she said goodbye to her friends and hit the road again along the road paved with yellow bricks.


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