DIY winter fishing rod - design options and manufacturing process. Making a homemade winter fishing rod How to make a homemade winter fishing rod

Fishing stores offer a variety of fishing rods for all occasions. But you can make such gear yourself. Fishing with a handmade fishing rod is a special pleasure. A do-it-yourself winter fishing rod can be made taking into account all your individual requirements - such ideal tackle cannot be found on sale. In addition, there are many interesting options for ice fishing gear that are easy to use and allow you to achieve excellent catches, but are not commercially produced.

A do-it-yourself winter fishing rod will be no worse than a purchased one. A variety of materials can be used to make it. There are many options for homemade fishing rods, from which you can always choose the right one.

with reel

This universal fishing rod is light in weight and therefore well suited for fishing. It can also be used for other types of fishing. To make such a tackle, you will need:

  • a strip of sheet plastic (you can use a plastic plinth about 2.5 mm thick);
  • plastic tube with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm;
  • small lead weight;
  • reel (a small plastic spool of fishing line will do).

From a strip of plastic you need to cut a sharp triangle about 20 cm long, while the last 5 cm should remain untouched, that is, have a strictly rectangular shape. This blank will be the whip of the fishing rod; it must be carefully sanded with sandpaper so that there are no sharp edges left.

The plastic tube must be carefully heated halfway over the fire and squeezed so that part of it becomes flattened. Then you need to insert a whip into it. The junction of the tube and the whip must be cauterized so that a solid structure is obtained.

You need to drill a through hole in the fishing rod so that it goes through the tube and the whip, and secure it in it. This can be done using a bolt and nut.

To make using the fishing rod more convenient, you can make a stand from a sheet of plastic. To do this, you need to cut out a rectangle, remove excess material from below, leaving two triangular legs, and make a hole in it into which the whip will fit. It would also be a good idea to secure a lead weight in the handle, which will provide the fishing rod with the correct center of gravity. Thanks to this, it can be placed on ice and held comfortably in your hand.

All that remains is to secure the nod with a rubber or silicone ring and wind the fishing line with the equipment onto the reel - and the fishing rod is ready for fishing.

Fishing rod made of brush and foam

A do-it-yourself winter fishing rod can be made in different ways. One of the easiest options to make at home is a filly fishing rod. To make it yourself you will need:

  • dense foam;
  • paint brush;
  • nod.

The first step is to cut out a handle of a standard shape for a filly from foam plastic. It must be processed first with a file and then with sandpaper. After this, you need to separate the wooden handle from the brush, which will act as a fishing rod, and place it on the glue in the hole made in the foam. The final step is the installation of the nod, which can be secured to rubber or silicone cambrics.

Fishing rod with cork handle

To make such gear you need to take:

champagne cork (it can be replaced with dense foam);

  • whip - you can use plastic, fiberglass, carbon fiber or wood;
  • nod and cambrics for its fastening.

A champagne cork is a finished fishing rod handle. If foam is used, it will need to be ground to form a suitable shape. Then you need to drill a hole in the side of the handle and glue the whip into it. At the next step, you need to secure the nod - and the fishing rod is ready. Also, the whip can be glued not to the side of the handle, but to its end. In this case, the line will come off easier.

This small and very light winter fishing rod, made by yourself, is perfect for fishing with a reelless bait. It has very small dimensions and weight, is easy to transport, and provides high sensitivity.

Do-it-yourself winter fishing rod for reelless fishing

This fishing rod has very light weight. Its other advantage is its highest sensitivity. When fishing with such gear, the fingers lie directly on the whip, so everything that happens to the bait is immediately transferred to the hand.

This DIY ice fishing rod can be made using the following:

  • whip;
  • wires about 1 mm thick;
  • electrical tape;
  • thread and glue;
  • isolon or similar material for making a handle.

A good choice for making such a winter fishing rod with your own hands would be a quick-action whip 20-25 cm long. You need to bend a wire reel with three protrusions, and then fix it on the fishing rod with electrical tape, leaving the last 3-4 cm open. You need to apply glue to them, and then put a winding of threads on top, turn to turn. When the glue dries, you need to remove the electrical tape and cover the rest of the reel with winding.

Then, on top of the thread, you need to put a strip of isolon, coated with glue on the inside, on the handle, thus making a handle. It can be secured with winding on both sides, but this is not necessary. All that remains is to bend the wire protrusions into hooks on which the fishing line will be located, and secure the nod - and the fishing rod is ready.

You need to hold such gear while fishing like a pencil. In terms of ease of use, this DIY winter fishing rod is inferior to models with reels. But no other gear can surpass it in sensitivity.

DIY winter fishing rod made from a toothbrush

Another original option is a fishing rod made from a toothbrush. This tackle turns out to be very miniature and easily fits in your pocket.

To make it you will need:

  • old toothbrush;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a piece of polyurethane foam;
  • material for making a nod (you can use thin fishing line);
  • cambrics.

To make a fishing rod, the first step is to bite off the head of a brush with bristles using wire cutters. Then you need to use a drill or a hot nail to make a through hole in the handle and screw a self-tapping screw into it. The reel is made from polyurethane in the form of a small square block with special slots on the sides. It needs to be screwed to a self-tapping screw.

To make a nod from a thick fishing line, you need to fold it in two and place one cambric on it so that there is a loop at the end for passing the equipment through. Then the guard must be attached to the tip of the fishing rod with a second cambric. All that remains is to wind the fishing line on the reel - and the fishing rod for winter fishing with your own hands is ready.

The length of such tackle, when made from an ordinary toothbrush, is about 16 cm, weight - up to 70 g. This fishing rod transfers all the game manipulations of the fisherman well to the jig, and provides excellent control over the bait. It is better suited for fishing at shallow depths - up to 2 m, since winding a large amount of fishing line onto such a polyurethane reel takes a lot of time. One of the important advantages of such a fishing rod is its high strength. It will not break during fishing or transportation, and can be used for many years.

DIY winter fishing rod

To make a fishing rod for, you will need:

  • plastic tube about 15 cm long;
  • cork;
  • glue;
  • inertial, inertia-free or multiplier reel;
  • clamps;
  • insulating tape;
  • the last leg of the telescopic fishing rod for making a fishing rod whip.

The base for the handle will be a plastic tube. To make it comfortable to hold in your hands, it should be covered with cork crumbs, which can be made from solid cork using a rasp or grater.

The tube must be coated with glue and then rolled in crumbs. This procedure must be repeated until the handle reaches the desired volume. Then it needs to be sanded.

When the handle is ready, you need to mount an inertial or coil on it, clamping its legs with two clamps. It is better to cover them with electrical tape on top to prevent hand contact with cold metal. To secure the whip, you need to insert a plug into the front part of the plastic tube and drill a hole in it into which to glue the last leg of the telescopic fishing rod. The same plug must be inserted into the butt part of the handle.

An ice fishing rod designed for lure fishing, as a rule, must withstand heavy loads. Therefore, its production must be approached especially thoroughly in order to end up with high-quality gear that will not let you down in difficult situations.

Making a winter fishing rod with your own hands at home is not difficult. At the same time, it is important to understand the characteristics of the type of fishing for which the gear is being prepared. The fishing rod required for an active jig is not the same as for float fishing with a riser. A number of fishermen use, in principle, only homemade gear, while others modify store-bought options. It makes no difference whether the tackle is made independently or purchased in a store. A person catches fish using knowledge and skills, and a fishing rod is just a tool. Winter gear, due to its small size, is not as demanding on materials as long summer gear. You can literally make them on your knees using improvised materials. In this article we will look at how to make a homemade winter fishing rod. Let's look at various schemes and tips for homemade fishing rods for winter fishing.


Homemade gear for winter fishing with spoons, balancers and other artificial baits for predators differs from ordinary fishing rods in caliber. However, the thinnest and lightest fishing rods for noddle trolling are somewhat similar to reelless ones. Tackle for trolling deserves a separate discussion. The features of self-manufacturing such fishing rods are outlined in a separate article. In this publication, we will look at how to make a winter fishing rod yourself for regular fishing, with a nod or a float, as well as for active fishing with jigs and reelless baits.

Stationary fishing

Stand-up fishing is a classic of winter fishing that many beginners start with. It’s easiest to make a winter float rod (or nod) for stand-up fishing. There are no requirements for such a fishing rod that affect the performance of the jig. The main function is to store a supply of fishing line, ease of installation on ice, and quickly bring it into working position. The basic design is simple:

  1. A device for storing fishing line (reel or reel);
  2. Handle (often together with a reel, as on a filly, or with a reel, as on a balalaika);
  3. Whip;
  4. Legs (optional).

The specific option depends on what the fisherman is going to make it from. It is not the peculiarities of fishing tactics that are of great importance, but rather the personal preferences of anglers. An absolute plus of homemade products is that everything is made for yourself. The process of making winter fishing rods with your own hands with a float or nod, in essence, connecting the whip and handle, reel (reel) into a single whole. In stationary fishing, the equipment of the fishing rod itself is more important, and not the fishing rod, which performs secondary functions. Therefore, when making or thinking through the design of a fishing rod, an angler can take certain liberties.

The simplest do-it-yourself winter fishing rod, a filly, is made from a piece of hard foam or other similar material. Previously, the filly's body was carved from wood. Now it is advisable to use polystyrene foam or other plastics - they are easy to obtain and process. And they are much lighter in weight than wood. The process of making a winter fishing rod from polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam with your own hands takes a few minutes. Reels are cut from a block of material with a knife, then the workpiece is processed with sandpaper or a file. The whip is glued into the filly with epoxy resin or any glue that does not dry out in the cold and does not corrode the foam.

As a whip, you can use store-bought polycarbonate or vinyl sixes, fragments of summer gear, as well as improvised materials - for example, plastic knitting needles from an umbrella or the feathers of a broom. In principle, such a fishing rod can already be used on a pond. The line is wound onto the reel, passed through the cambric (nod connector) on the whip and equipped. If you get confused, you can devote more time to this workpiece for the sake of ethical beauty - properly sand it, paint it.

With handle and reel

You can make a fishing rod for winter fishing with a reel. This type of gear is more convenient for use at depth. Making it is not much more difficult than a filly. The principle is the same, just instead of cutting out a reel, a reel is attached to the handle. The handle of such a winter fishing rod is made by hand from any suitable materials. Polystyrene foam, cork, wood, mop handles, fluoroplastic, plastics - the list goes on and on. The simplest way is to put several wine corks on a whip and place it on glue. A homemade winter fishing rod with a reel is made in various versions, as long as the design meets the fishing requirements. There are a lot of homemade products on the pond. This is a huge field for experimentation.

An important point is to think in advance about the result you want to get. A lightweight small fishing rod is suitable for catching small fish in the shallows. When fishing in currents and depths with bottom rigs, you will need a fairly massive fishing rod that can stand stably above the hole when the current affects the fishing line. You can attach a lead plate to the handle for counterweight - so that the fishing rod does not dive like a whip into the hole. A good idea can be borrowed from winter trout fishermen - place a 20 cm student's ruler on the whip. Then a large crucian carp or bream will not be able to drag the fishing rod into the hole from a gaping angler.

Fishermen often make homemade winter fishing rods just for the sake of the process. At the same time, do not forget about the fishing conditions for which the tackle is made. It is impossible to fully describe all the options - each master considers his own design to be the best. For practicality purposes, the simpler the better. If there is a desire to tinker, we collect more complex options while passing the time in the off-season. If you try, you can carve a balalaika from wood. The end result is to achieve smooth rotation of the coil in the cut-out niche. The simplest winter fishing rod and reel with your own hands is a whip, a handle and a small summer reel attached to it with electrical tape. For stand-up fishing, it is useful to equip fishing rods with legs.


When equipped with a float, the fishing rod can simply be placed on the ice next to the hole when fishing. But for nodding installations, the whip is placed directly above the hole for the correct position of the guard. For ease of installation, such fishing rods are equipped with legs. You can make legs for a winter fishing rod with your own hands from any suitable materials. The simplest thing is to twist a wire or attach an ordinary clothespin to a whip. The trout fishing ruler is both legs and protection against the tackle being dragged into the hole.


If the configuration of the fishing rod allows some liberties in the design, then the equipment requires increased attention from the angler. This is the most important part of the tackle, which catches fish directly. Depending on the fishing conditions and the type of fish, different ones are used, with a nod or a float. The float rig is adjusted so that when lifting the hook with a hook (jig) from the bottom, the fish does not feel the weight of the bait. To do this, the float and weight are adjusted so that the entire equipment has a slightly negative buoyancy. This is the only way the float will compensate for the weight of the bait when it surfaces. ABOUT .

Nodding installations are made according to the same principle. Here the compensating function is performed by a correctly configured guard. ABOUT .

Attachment jig and reelless jig

For active play, do-it-yourself ice fishing rods are made more carefully. All components are important here:

  • Lightness of gear;
  • Elasticity of the whip;
  • Correspondence between the caliber of the fishing rod and the fineness of the equipment.

The bone in its minimal version is perfect for use with devils and heavy borers. More often, such tackle is used for trolling with light baits. However, nothing prevents you from making it in a lighter version and using it with a jig. This is something between a filly and a puck. The reels are machined into a slightly different shape.

In jig gear, the six itself is more important, and not the line storage system. If you have the required tip, you can simply attach two eyes to its lower part for winding the fishing line - you will get a miniature and sensitive fishing rod.

Game fishing equipment

Do-it-yourself fishing rod rigging for ice fishing for game is made according to all the canons and rules of winter jigs. The main point is the correspondence of the thickness of the fishing line, the weight of the bait and the elasticity of the guard (no-kick six). Experienced jig makers prepare a whole set of gear for various conditions so as not to have to deal with tying while fishing. More details can be found in the block of articles on our website about jigs and reelless jigs.

Despite the rich assortment of gear for any time of year in fishing stores, fans of ice fishing do not stop inventing homemade winter fishing rods. The main reason does not lie in the desire to save money, although this factor is present. For most domestic fishermen, only homemade fish can provide preferences in both convenience and efficiency. And for many residents of remote areas, due to the lack of specialized stores, making fishing gear is a common thing.

Winter gear is compact and simple, because ice fishing requires the presence of an angler right at the hole. Thanks to this, there is wide scope for creativity and new inventions. What kind of fishing rods do fishermen make for ice fishing?

All homemade fishing rods for winter fishing can be divided into several categories according to the fishing method. Ice fishing is a multifaceted hobby for millions of Russians, everyone finds their favorite niche.

  • Lovers of elegant fishing for white fish and perch use float rods. They are equipped with an attached jig or regular hooks with a sinker. For such fishermen, the fishing rod must have a stable position on the ice, and the supply of fishing line can be stored on a small reel or on the handle of the tackle. A striking example of such a homemade product is the filly fishing rod, which owes its name to its resemblance to a horse. Most often this is a nodless fishing rod for stationary fishing.
  • Another category of fishermen prefers to actively fish with a reelless jig. With this method of fishing, the fishing rod is in the hands throughout the fishing, it rises up and down, the angler gives the jig trembling and oscillating movements. To prevent your hand from getting tired, the rewinder is made light and comfortable. Many options have been invented where the handle is made of cork or foam, but the main role is played by the nod.

  • To catch predators with a balance beam and a spoon, fishermen make the longest fishing rods. Sheer trolling involves throwing an artificial bait above the bottom, where it should entice a predator to bite. Therefore, the whip is made long and rigid, it is equipped with an elastic guard, and the handle can be made of wood or foam. It is important that your hands are warm and comfortable to hold the tackle.
  • Postavushki are considered gear for passive fishing of such types of fish as perch, pike perch, trout, rotan. Live bait or other bait is attached to the hook, the equipment is lowered into the hole, and the fishing rod is installed in a vertical position with a slight slope towards the hole. The bite is determined by the bright guard. Usually, several positions are installed, and the fisherman takes such a position to clearly see all the gear (read more about choosing live bait for fishing in our article).

Materials for creating winter fishing rods

The main elements of ice fishing gear are the handle and the whip. They can be made from different materials. Before you make a winter fishing rod at home, you should choose the most suitable options for yourself.

What is a whip made of?

The whip bears serious responsibility for the quality of the drive and the effectiveness of the hook. Therefore, this homemade element must be optimal in length and rigidity. Manufacturers of budget fishing products usually use materials such as polypropylene or polystyrene. They deform or break quite quickly.

  • A good polymer for making a whip is fiberglass. It is suitable for most types of winter fishing rods.
  • When you need to break through the hard mouth of a pike or pike perch, it is better to use a carbon fiber whip.
  • The traditional material for making whips has long been juniper. Some fishermen still use it successfully on their fishing rods.

As for the length of the whip, for jig tackle it is limited to 20-30 cm; spinners use longer elements (50-70 cm).

Handle materials

One of the main requirements for the handle is convenience, lightness and comfort. But it must be hard enough for the whip to be firmly attached.

  • Our grandfathers made handles mainly from wood. It is pleasant to hold even with your bare hand, it is well processed and is durable.
  • Today, wood has been replaced by modern materials such as cork, dense foam, and expanded polystyrene. They are light and buoyant, can be processed well, and do not freeze.

The best homemade products for winter fishing, manufacturing examples

A lot of homemade products have been invented that differ in complexity of manufacture, weight, and cost. Every fan of ice fishing wants their DIY winter fishing gear to be simple, affordable and effective. Therefore, we will dwell on several options that any angler can implement.

Creating a rewinder for 10-15 minutes

Using baitless jigs such as “devil”, “goat”, “uralka” or “nymph” allows you to catch roach, bream or perch without baiting small bloodworms in the cold. But to give these lures a believable action, a light and sensitive rod is required. It can be done in 10-15 minutes if you prepare all the necessary parts in advance.

Helpful advice! It is necessary to make a small groove on the handle so that the fishing line does not fly off the fishing rod on its own. This can be done with a utility knife and sandpaper.

  1. A transverse through hole is drilled approximately 1 cm from the edge. Its diameter depends on the thickness of the whip.
  2. A plastic rod, a lollipop tube, the tip of an old telescopic fishing rod, etc. can be used as a whip.

    Photo 2. A whip made from a plastic knitting needle of a children's umbrella.

    Photo 3. The whip is inserted into the cork-handle.

  3. A nod made of a PET bottle or X-ray film is mounted to the whip using a cambric. Another piece of insulation is glued on top to allow the fishing line to pass through. A hole is made at the end of the nod or a cambric is glued.

    Photo 4. Film nod.

  4. All that remains is to adjust the operation of the tackle by winding a fishing line of 0.08-0.12 mm and tying a jig. The approximate weight of such a fishing rod will be 10-20 g. Due to the simplicity and low cost of manufacturing, you can make several different models for existing jigs.

How to “ride” a filly?

The unusual name of this winter fishing rod attracts the interest of novice anglers. Filly is the general name for a whole layer of tackle for float fishing, which has an unusual handle shape. It allows you not only to hold the whip and store a supply of fishing line, but also to give the fishing rod a stable position on the ice.

  1. The most time-consuming and difficult task in making a filly will be cutting out the handle. The material used is rigid foam. Processing is carried out using a stationery knife, file, sandpaper. In the classic version, there should be a protrusion at the top of the handle for winding fishing line, and two wide legs at the bottom. A longitudinal hole is made in the end part to a depth of 20-30 mm for the whip.
  2. The role of a whip can be played by a standard purchased product, the tip of an old spinning rod, a feeder, or just a juniper twig.
  3. The nod is made in case the angler has to move away from the hole or wants to play a little with the bait in the upper layers of the water. A guard made from a PET bottle, X-ray or steel plate is suitable for this purpose. A high-voltage automotive wire or several cambrics are used as a holder.

The advantage of the filly is its high degree of buoyancy. Even if he misses a bite, the fisherman will not lose his gear. The handle will play the role of a rescue buoy.

Making tackle for trolling

A good catch of pike, perch or pike perch can be provided by a homemade trolling rod for an angler. Sheer fishing involves constant vertical play with artificial bait. It is performed in different water levels, so it is better to equip the product with a coil. To complete the set, you can use a simple inertial plastic model, a small meat grinder or a modern multiplier.

  1. One of the main requirements for a lure is the rigidity of the whip. It is better to make it from a feeder quiver tip or the tip of a spinning rod 50-70 cm long. This is especially important when catching pike perch and pike.
  2. The handle can be cut from moisture-resistant wood or plastic products can be used, covering them with a layer of cork. To do this, the cork is crushed and glued to the handle. Usually several layers are applied, after the glue has completely dried, rough abrasive processing and subsequent sanding are carried out.
  1. The reel is attached to the handle using tie clamps and electrical tape.
  2. The spinner can be additionally equipped with a nod if the whip is hard and the spinners and balancers are light. It can be made of a wire spring, steel or Mylar plate. For mounting on a whip, it is better to use special holders.

Photo 5. Fishing rod for trolling from scrap materials.

When a fisherman wonders how to make a fishing rod for winter fishing, you should immediately pay attention to the materials at hand. Many fishing masterpieces are made from unnecessary items. At the same time, the fishing rods are distinguished by their convenience and high catchability.

Beginners, and not only fishermen, often have questions when choosing gear for winter fishing, especially on a new body of water. Although winter gear is not as varied as summer gear, there are still different types of equipment. Their choice depends on the type of reservoir where fishing is planned, and on the fish intended to be caught.

By type of fish, you can distinguish gear for catching white fish, such as redfish, roach or bream and predators - pike, pike perch. Perch is often caught using both types of gear.

By type of reservoir, winter fishing rods for currents and for still water can be divided.

Now let’s look at the features and differences between different winter gear in more detail.

Float rod equipment for catching roach, bream and crucian carp

Equipping a winter fishing rod with a float rig allows you to easily switch from summer fishing to winter fishing, and does not require special, additional skills. With such tackle you can catch bream, white bream, silver bream, roach, crucian carp and perch.

Selection of equipment elements

For a winter float fishing rod, the following equipment is used:

I catch roach, bream, crucian carp, etc. A winter float fishing rod uses live bait - bloodworms, maggots, jigs, etc.

Installation of equipment

Installation of a winter float fishing rod is quite simple. For it, in addition to the previously listed equipment elements, we will need scissors and pliers.

  1. We measure the fishing line, its length should be equal to two depths of the reservoir at the fishing site, plus 2 - 3 meters. This value is needed so that you have a reserve of fishing line in case of a break.
  2. We wind the fishing line onto the reel.
  3. We pass the fishing line through the rings on the rod or attach a cambric, ring or other element to it for attachment to the tip of the fishing rod.

  4. Then we pass the fishing line through the hole in the float or put on an element that secures the fishing line to the float.

  5. The next step is loading the float. First, the main weight is attached to the fishing line, giving the float almost zero buoyancy. Below it we place a very small weight, which will submerge our float, and when lifted, the float will float up.
  6. Below the small weight, approximately 5 - 7 cm, we tie a hook, either on a leash, or directly to the main fishing line. In the second case, you need to make a knot on the fishing line just below the load, where the fishing line will break if it gets caught. Otherwise, we risk losing most of the gear, and not just the hook.

That's it, the winter fishing rod is ready for use

Video: rigging a winter float fishing rod

For perch, pike, pike perch

When fishing for pike, perch and pike perch with a winter fishing rod, use a jig, spoon or balancer. For catching perch, all three types of bait are used; for pike and pike perch, the last two are a balancer and a vertical spoon.

Tackle with a nod and a jig.

Fishing with a jig with a nod is the most common during winter fishing. Moreover, the jig is used both with and without an attachment. In addition to perch, roach, bream, silver bream and most other white fish are caught with this tackle.

Selection of equipment elements

Fishing with a winter fishing rod with a jig and a nod is a fairly active fishing method that requires constant play with the bait, so the tackle should be light.

  • For such a winter fishing rod, choose a rod whose handle is made of lightweight materials, cork, various dense foams, lightweight plastics, coated with thermal insulating material that does not cool your hands when fishing.
  • Note! For more than 30 years, many fishermen have been using a fishing rod, popularly nicknamed “balalaika”, with a reel embedded in a round or oval-shaped handle, as a lightweight, industrial fishing rod for winter jig fishing. It has proven itself well in both sports and amateur fishing..

  • The rod is equipped with a small, lightweight reel.
  • The whip is elastic, in the case of perch it is quite rigid, allowing it to cut through the mouth of the fish when hooking. Length 20 – 30 cm.
  • There are different types of nods, the most common are the following:
    • lavsan nods in the form of a long strip;
    • rubber nipple;
    • coiled spring nod;
    • a nod made from a strip of spring steel, for example from a clock spring (such nods are usually made individually);
    • nod from a silicone tube.
  • They are attached in one way or another to the tip of the rod, and the type and elasticity of the nod are selected according to the weight of the bait used.
  • The fishing line is colored, but thinner than for a float fishing rod, somewhere around 0.1 - 0.15 mm. This is due to the fact that on a thick fishing line the play of a light jig will be very clumsy.
  • The choice of jigs is very diverse. These can be either jigs for bloodworms, or various jigs without a jig, equipped with beads and cambrics. Fishermen have different attitudes to the selection of jigs themselves. Some believe that to get results you need to select a certain type of jig, others that the jig does not matter, and the main thing is how to play it. But in any case, the weight of the jig is an important factor.. When moving, both upward jerks and smooth dives are important. Heavy jigs cannot provide sufficient smoothness of descent. On the other hand, at great depths or in currents, a light jig is also not very suitable. All these factors need to be taken into account when choosing. Nowadays, tungsten jigs are considered the most universal.
  • Healthy! When using jigs such as the Witch (Medusa) or the Devil, you need to take into account that pike or pike perch can bite on them.

Installation of equipment

Equipping a winter fishing rod for fishing with a nod with a jig, as in the case of a float, should not cause any particular difficulties.

  • We wind the fishing line onto the reel. Its length should be equal to two depths of the reservoir in this place plus a couple of meters.
  • We attach a nod to the end of the rod.
  • We pass the fishing line through the nod; this is done differently for different types.
  • We tie a jig to the fishing line. The method of tying depends on the type of jig. For example, if witch or devil type jigs are tied vertically, then most bloodworm jigs are tied so that the hook is at an angle to the fishing line.

The tackle is ready.

Video: rigging a winter fishing rod with a nod and a jig

Fishing rod with nod and balancer

The balancer is a fairly new bait but has already become quite popular among anglers. A winter fishing rod with a nod and a balancer is used to catch predators. They use it to catch pike, pike perch, perch and other predatory fish.

Selection of equipment elements

When selecting equipment elements for such a winter fishing rod, the fish you are going to catch is very important.

Installation of equipment

Installation of equipment is not much different from that for a fishing rod with a nod and a jig.

That's it, the tackle is ready for use.

Video: installation of a fishing rod with a nod and a balancer

Kickless fishing rod for winter trolling

The spoon is lighter than the balancer, so the bite on it is felt more clearly. Since, as we have already said, the bite of a pike perch or pike is in most cases felt by hand, many anglers use winter tackle for trolling without a nod. In this case, a very light tackle is used as a fishing rod, which allows you to feel even perch bites.

Selection of equipment elements

Most of these fishing rods are made by hand. They are based on a homemade lightweight fishing rod made from a winter sports fishing rod and a carbon tip of a spinning rod or a summer fishing rod.

So, for the fishing rod we will need:

  • a winter sports fishing rod of the “balalaika” type where the reel is built into the handle body;
  • the carbon tip of a spinning rod or fishing rod is at least 35 cm, the main condition is that it is hollow, since the fishing line will pass inside it;
  • “Moment” type glue;
  • knife and scissors;
  • screwdriver with a set of drills.

Fishing rod making process

  1. We take a sports winter “balalaika” and disassemble it by removing the coil and disconnecting the whip.

  2. We cut the carbon tip to the length we need. If there are rings on it, carefully cut them off with a knife. There is no need to remove them using heat, since in areas of overheating, the carbon whip becomes brittle.
  3. From the set, select a drill whose diameter corresponds to the thickness of the butt of the carbon tip.
  4. We drill a hole in the top of the balalaika handle at such an angle so that the fishing line coming out of the winter fishing rod does not rub against the edges of the carbon whip. This hole can also be made manually by holding the drill in a vice.

  5. Using a knife, clean the edges of the hole.
  6. Having smeared the butt of the whip with glue, glue it into the handle.

  7. After waiting a couple of hours for the glue to set, we put the coil in place. All the fishing rod is ready.

In addition to the fishing rod, we will need fishing line and lures for equipment.

We use monofilament, colored fishing line. Its diameter directly depends on the expected catch. For perch it is thinner (0.15 - 0.18 mm), for pike and pike perch it is thicker, from 0.2 mm.

A wide variety of spinners are used. Due to the method of application, vertical lures are most often used during winter fishing. They come in different types and are designed for fishing at different depths and different types of fish. Small ones for perch, larger ones for pike perch and pike perch.

Remember! From mid-winter until the first thaw, pike prefers small fish. Therefore, at the beginning of winter, preference is given to large spoons, and starting from the middle, they switch to small winter spoons.

To make it easier to change lures while fishing, you can use a carabiner.

Installation of equipment

A winter fishing rod for trolling without a nod is equipped quite simply:

The tackle is ready for use.

Video: nodule fishing rod for winter trolling, manufacturing and equipment

Experienced fishermen construct homemade products for ice fishing, which are often much cheaper and more effective than store-bought products. Fishing stores have a wide selection of different products, but many tackles have flaws that are difficult to correct. For this reason, fishermen make winter fishing rods at home.

  1. The most common method is to cut a tablespoon from the handle. To improve catchability, it is recommended to bend the handle slightly. Using a drill you need to make holes for the hooks. If you cut a small piece of metal from the handle, then after processing it will look like bleak, which pikes love.
  2. From teaspoons you can make an almost complete copy of the Devon spoon. This allows you to install the bait more firmly so that it does not get lost while fishing.
  3. An unusual bimetallic spoon can be made from several metals, such as copper and steel. First you need to take 2 similar pieces of metal, in which holes for rivets are already made. The parts need to be carefully riveted and processed. By stamping, the future lure must be given the desired shape.

The rotating type is made of 2 parts - a petal and a base. When an angler plays with the tackle, the petal rotates near the base, luring fish. Manufacturing process:

  1. The petal pinwheel is made from round or oval-shaped pieces of metal. The ends of the parts need to be carefully processed, given an elongated shape and slightly twisted. The hook is secured from below; a sinker must be installed above it so that the spoon rotates freely.
  2. Turntables with turbines come in different shapes and types. They are made with 2, 6 and 8 blades that rotate around the base. Petals can be made from any soft material.

Balance baits are a bit like live fish. The balancer is made from a 6-7 cm pipe, to the ends of which hooks are attached. To make a rewinder sensitive and balanced, you need to cast a special mold from plaster, install hooks in it and fill the mold with molten iron. After the material has hardened, you need to treat the surface and paint the bait.

Advantages of homemade floats

Knowing the habits of the fish, the characteristics of the reservoir and the season, you can make a suitable float for winter fishing; a homemade one will surpass any expensive float that can be found in special stores. In addition, you don’t mind losing floats that you made yourself, since most often they are made from cheap parts.

Homemade tackle

There are several types of homemade winter fishing rods with a reel, but the most common are:

  1. Filly.
  2. Rocker.

The filly fishing rod is popular among fishermen because:

  1. It consists of few parts, it is a simple and strong fishing rod for ice fishing.
  2. It is easy to transport and prepare for fishing.
  3. It is convenient to install such a fishing rod on the edge of the hole, and even if the prey can drag it under water, it will not be possible to carry it to the bottom due to the high buoyancy of the foam.
  4. When hooking, the tackle is convenient to hold even with warm gloves.

The only drawback is the inconvenience of reeling in the fishing rod, since it does not have a reel.

This gear is easy to make yourself:

  1. High-quality foam is used for the handle of the fishing rod.
  2. You need to make a longitudinal hole on the handle into which the whip will be inserted. This is easy to do with a hot nail.
  3. After cleaning the workpiece, you need to start making the legs of the fishing rod. Sewing spools cut in half without thread are suitable for this purpose.

Rocker. Winter fishing mostly brings fishermen small, peaceful fish. Only with the help of a rocker can you catch large prey.

Fishermen use a wire type of gear to catch bream. To produce the structure you need:

  1. A piece of wire about 20 cm long.
  2. Several templates.

Manufacturing process:

  1. You need to draw a drawing of the future equipment on a wooden board with a marker. In places of bending, you need to hammer in nails 3 mm thick.
  2. Using the layout, you need to make a structure, providing loops along the edges and in the center of the equipment. Having removed the finished product, all that remains is to remove excess material and shape it with your hands.
  3. To equip a finished homemade product for winter fishing with your own hooks, you need to stretch the fishing line through 3 loops. There should be pieces of fishing line left on the outer loops; tie hook No. 5 to each.


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