How are you spending the last days of summer? How to unforgettably spend the last month of summer: tips for every day. If you want to do something new

Push-ups are one of the most common gymnastics exercises, but that doesn't mean they're easy to do. If you want to do it in one go large quantity push-ups, you should master the correct technique for performing this exercise. It is also necessary to strengthen the corresponding muscles involved in this exercise.


Part 1

Correct performance of push-ups

    First of all, stretch your muscles. In order to correctly perform the exercise and do push-ups from the floor more times, you need to master the technique of this exercise, as well as conduct a thorough warm-up beforehand.

    • Stretch your pectoral muscles, taking a “warrior pose”, first clasping the palms of your hands behind your back at waist level; then slowly spread your arms out to the sides, fully expanding your chest. Count to 15-20, slightly tensing your chest muscles.
    • Also stretch the muscles of your upper and lower body. Although push-ups work primarily the muscles of the upper half of the body, stretch all the muscles of the torso to feel free.
  1. Transfer the weight of your body to the balls of your feet. For push-ups, you will need to place your toes firmly on a non-slip (perhaps slightly rough) surface, such as a yoga mat. For better stability, you can also wear sneakers with rubber soles.

    • If you're working out at home on linoleum or hardwood floors, it's best to wear shoes rather than doing push-ups barefoot or in socks to prevent your feet from slipping on the floor.
    • If you find it difficult to do regular push-ups at first, start with a lighter version, placing your knees on the floor instead of your toes, and move on to standard push-ups when you feel ready.
  2. Keep your shoulders turned and your back straight. Your face should be facing the floor and your neck should be fully straight to avoid muscle strain. The shoulders should be kept turned, and not pressed towards the neck. The back should also be kept as straight as possible, in its natural position. Your entire body, from shoulders to heels, should form a straight line.

    • If you have such an opportunity, use a mirror, or ask someone to check whether you have taken the correct pose and whether your body is straight. Ask a friend to take a photo of you in this pose to make sure you're doing it right.
  3. Position your arms and hands correctly. Your hands and feet should be shoulder-width apart, although if you're a beginner, you can spread your arms a little wider to make the exercise easier. As you practice, narrow the distance between your palms so that they are in the correct shoulder-width position.

    Bend your arms at a 90 degree angle. Bend your elbows as you slowly lower yourself toward the floor, keeping your back and legs straight and squeezing your thighs together. Having bent your arms at a right angle, straighten them again, pushing up from the floor.

    • At least at the beginning of training, do not try to touch the floor with the tip of your nose or jump up during push-ups, lifting your hands off the floor. If you want to succeed, just focus on doing the exercise correctly and try to keep your back straight.
    • There are also other ways to perform push-ups, and some of them have a lower incline. These methods are designed for additional muscle load and, as a rule, differ in the position of the hands; these will be discussed in the last section. When performing standard push-ups, do not bend your arms more than 90 degrees.
  4. Keep your torso muscles tense. With proper technique, the abdominal muscles should be no less tense than the chest muscles. The abdominal muscles help maintain a straight position, but the movement is performed only by the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest.

    • Take the starting position without doing push-ups. See how long you can stay in this position, keeping your back and legs straight. Where will you feel tired? When doing push-ups, keep your abdominal muscles tight and your body will remain straight throughout the exercise.
  5. Move slowly at first. You are not racing. Smoothly and slowly lower yourself to the floor, slowly inhaling air, and rise back up, exhaling. You will learn to do more push-ups over a longer period of time if you do the exercise slowly at first, paying attention to your technique.

    • It may seem like the best way to achieve more push-ups is to increase your speed, but it's important to strengthen and develop your muscles early in your workouts, and worry about quantity later.
    • If your goal is just to do as many push-ups as possible, then you really should increase your speed. When you do the exercise quickly, you become less tired.

    Part 2

    Increasing the number of push-ups
    1. Do as many push-ups as possible. If you want to increase the number of push-ups you can do in one set, you should set how many times you can do push-ups. Take the starting position and push up from the floor as many times as possible. You will reach the limit of your capabilities when, once again, you sink to the floor, you will not be able to do push-ups from it.

      Increase the number of push-ups every day. If you are not using additional weights, it is recommended to break up your workouts into several sets, in between which you can rest a little and recuperate. This scheme is more effective for building muscle strength than performing the exercise in one long approach, since in the latter case the muscles and joints are subjected to too high loads. There are several ways to break up your activities:

      • You can gradually increase the number of push-ups in each approach without changing the number of the last ones. Start with three sets of doing a third of your maximum push-ups in each set, and then gradually increase the number of push-ups in each set, thereby increasing the total number of push-ups per day.
      • You can increase the number of approaches. First, do as many push-ups as possible at one time, then rest a little and repeat the exercise. As you train, having reached the maximum in the second approach, add a third, and so on.
    2. Break the maximum number of push-ups into three equal parts. If you can do 15 push-ups in one set, do 5 push-ups 3 times, with short 10-second breaks in between. Do this for a few days, then increase the number of push-ups in each set by 1-2, and do this for the next few days. Then again increase the number of push-ups in each set, and so on.

      • Eventually you will be able to do 15 push-ups three times, after which you can continue to increase the number of push-ups in each set, or reduce the number of sets and increase their duration.
    3. Try to do as many push-ups as possible, three times a day. If necessary, increase the rest time between individual sets. With this method, you will not be able to increase the number of push-ups in each set as quickly, but your strength will increase very quickly.

      • Intersperse 3 sets of as many push-ups as possible with shorter sessions. If your maximum is 15 push-ups, and three sets of 15 are too difficult for you, try doing 10 push-ups in five sets first, which may be easier.
    4. Gradually increase the number of push-ups in each approach. Whatever training scheme you choose, try to constantly increase the duration of the approaches and their number. Vary both parameters, making your activities as varied as possible.

      • Choose a pace that suits you. Whether you want to increase the number of sets or increase the number of push-ups in each of them, this is not so easy to achieve. In both cases, you will need persistence and patience, and you will have to work hard to achieve your goal.
      • To avoid overload, you should not increase the number of push-ups by more than one in 2-3 days. Muscles need time to strengthen and adapt and should be allowed to recover after exercise.
    5. Try timed push-ups. This will make the exercise more difficult, and there are two main methods: increasing the number of push-ups over a fixed period of time, or reducing the time required for a certain number of push-ups. Having first practiced the push-up technique, check how many times you can do push-ups in, for example, one minute, then record the date and result in a specially designated exercise log, in which you can track your progress.

      • Before you try timed push-ups, you should reliably master the technique of doing push-ups and have already achieved some progress in your training.
    6. Once a month, perform as many push-ups as possible. Whatever progression scheme you choose, about once a month, perform as many push-ups as possible in one set, after being well rested before doing so. Very soon you will notice obvious improvements, but nevertheless, pay due attention to the structure and regularity of your classes.

      • Even if you set a specific goal, say, to be able to do 50 push-ups in one sitting, you should vary your workouts by varying the number of sets and the number of push-ups in each one. If you do monotonous activities, your progress may stagnate.
    7. Be persistent and consistent. If you relax and practice irregularly, you will very soon notice a significant deterioration in results. For example, if you were able to do 50 push-ups one day, and then took a week off, resting on your laurels, a week later you will not be able to repeat your achievement. Success comes with persistent, regular training.

      • It is much more effective to do fewer push-ups, but more often, than to rarely and irregularly try to do the maximum number of push-ups. To make noticeable progress, you need to exercise at least 5 days a week.

    Part 3

    Training the corresponding muscles
    1. Include push-ups in a whole range of healthy physical exercises. While push-ups are an excellent exercise that utilize many muscle groups, other exercises are recommended for overall muscle strengthening and development. Here is a small list of useful exercises that you can do at home:

    2. Swing your arms . When doing push-ups, the pectoral muscles and triceps are primarily developed. These same muscles are strengthened when performing arm swings - exercises for lifting dumbbells in front of you.

      • Use dumbbells with which you can repeat the exercise 10-15 times. Lie on your back on the floor or gymnastics bench, with your arms extended with dumbbells in front of your chest and brought together. Keeping your arms straight, spread them to the sides, lowering the dumbbells to chest level. Exhale, then bring the dumbbells straight above your chest again.
      • Do deep push-ups.
        • If you want to increase the challenge and achieve even greater success, deep push-ups are the way to go. In this exercise, you go a little lower than with standard push-ups. As a result, the load on the shoulder muscles increases. Do not perform this exercise before you have progressed to standard push-ups.
    3. Place your palms on two dumbbells or small medicine balls on the floor. If necessary, also place something under your feet so that they are level with your palms. Lower yourself to the floor so that your chest is level with your palms, then push up. Vary your push-ups.

      • If you are bored with standard push-ups, you can slightly change them so that individual muscle groups are more heavily loaded. Try the following options:
      • One-arm push-ups; at the same time, the second hand is pressed against the body, and the load on the supporting hand increases greatly.
      • Maltese push-ups, in which the palms are placed closer to the waist, help develop the back muscles.
      • Diamond push-ups help develop triceps; in this case, the palms are arranged in the form of a “diamond”: the thumbs and index fingers touch each other, resting on the floor.
      • Bridge push-ups using dumbbells. Hold the dumbbells in your hands and assume a standard push-up stance, then twist to one side, raising the dumbbell arm above you. Lower your arm, returning to the starting position, and turn in the other direction, raising your other arm. This is a rather difficult exercise.
    • Having achieved your goal, do not stop and do not stop training, otherwise after a while you will have to work hard again to achieve the same goal.
    • Make sure your posture is correct.
    • Don't overexert yourself during training.
    • Visit the gym and exercise on the exercise equipment. Work the muscles involved in push-ups (pectoral muscles, triceps, shoulder muscles, torso, back, etc.).

Push-ups are one of the simple and effective exercises that you can use to keep your body in shape. Some people follow special programs and track results, while others simply do several approaches every day. Both claim that they get excellent physical activity. So is it really worth thinking about? Let's figure out whether it's possible to do push-ups every day, and what will come of it.

The feasibility of daily training

It is important to understand that doing exercises every day is definitely beneficial. But every day to go to Gym and doing heavy ones is rather harmful.

If you approach physical activity as a prevention of blood stagnation, heart disease and physical inactivity, then it makes sense to give it to yourself daily. But if we are talking about strength progress, gaining muscle mass - in this regard, our body is not as fast as we would like.

Recovery of muscle fibers after active training occurs within 48 hours or more (you can judge this for yourself by soreness and lack of strength after training).

Push-up patterns

To strengthen your arms and chest, you can do several push-ups.

Scheme 1

Every morning you do 10-30 push-ups in the same position. Namely, as recommended by the GTO standards - that is, the body is straight, like a string, and the elbows are not spaced further than 45 degrees relative to the body.

For maximum effect, hold in the lower position for half a second.

This circuit will help you target your triceps and chest muscles evenly.

Scheme 2

Every morning you do 20-40 push-ups in 4 variations:

  1. Elbows pressed to the body - 5-10 times. Here the main load goes to the triceps.
  2. Elbows to the sides, palms inward - the same amount. Breasts work.
  3. 5-10 times in the position indicated in diagram 1. Uniform load.
  4. 5-10 times on fists. Fists are needed to increase the range of motion. This will engage the pectoral muscles more.

Scheme number 2 will strengthen your triceps and chest from all sides. This is the most preferable option if you want to give a complex load to the body while charging. If you just need to do push-ups, Scheme 1 would be preferable.

Now you can see for yourself that thanks to push-ups you will be healthy and ready for work and defense at any time.

They will not provide a serious increase in mass or enormous strength, but are perfect for people who do not have time for the gym to keep their body in shape.

    1. Do push-ups correctly. First, you should read about how to do push-ups properly so you don't hurt yourself and bring more benefits.
      • Remember that you should not touch the floor, but you should lower your body as low as possible.
    2. Be realistic. You cannot increase the number of push-ups in 1 day. You will need to take the time to become stronger and more resilient. In the first days, do some push-ups 3 times a day with a break of 2 hours. Even if you did 1 push-up, in a week you will easily do 7.

Part 2. What are you capable of?

  1. Before training, count how many push-ups you can do without preparation. Do push-ups until your vision blurs or your hands give out. The number of push-ups depends on your physical fitness.
  2. Before starting your workout, give your muscles a rest for 15 minutes. And remember, you don’t need to check your results every day.

Part 3. Training

  1. Start your workout with a small number of push-ups. For example, if you are doing 30 push-ups, start with 20.
  2. Take a break for 2-3 minutes. When your muscles have rested, repeat the exercise 2 more times. And so several times a day.
  3. Each time after a successful workout, try to do a few more push-ups. Do the same number of approaches as in the last workout.

Rest often.

    Your muscles need as much rest as they do exercise. Sometimes you can relax by jumping rope. Read the article on how to jump rope.

Part 4. Making it perfect.

  1. When you are already doing push-ups consistently, improve your performance by 4-5 push-ups each workout. Even if you don't have enough strength, try your best. Never give up!
  2. After reaching 50-60 repetitions, try more difficult push-ups.
    • Try to do push-ups on one hand or on your fingers. You can also try push-ups with clapping and jumping.
    • For 10 sets per day, replace them with 2-3 different difficult push-ups or push-ups with additional weight (you can just put a backpack with books on your back).
    • After 60-70 push-ups, you can do more complicated variations more often.
  3. Once you reach 100 push-ups, don't stop! Improve your physical condition. And remember, you are doing all this only for yourself.
  • It is best to do push-ups during work or some activity. You can do 2 approaches for advertising on TV. If you play or work on the computer, you can rest your eyes while doing push-ups.
  • If you miss a few days, then go back to the previous result. For example, if you did 20 push-ups, then two days later do 19.
  • Don't just do push-ups. They can be combined with pull-ups, barbell lifts, abdominal crunches and much more.
  • Don't stop at 100 push-ups, do more and more each time.

Push-ups are excellent physical preparation for performing any set of exercises. To perform them, there is no need for special equipment, and the effectiveness for the development of several muscle groups of the upper body at once is very high.

How many push-ups can you do?

However, many who decide to improve their physical fitness are faced with the fact that they are not able to perform any significant number of push-ups in one approach. Therefore, the question inevitably arises: how to increase the number of push-ups?

Quantity and quality

The number of push-ups clearly demonstrates your physical fitness: the better it is, the more there are. However, the quality, that is, the correctness of the exercise, should not suffer.

Some believe that the main thing is to do push-ups quickly and as much as possible, and do not pay any attention to the correct technique. To close this gap, you should check out the photos and videos at the end of the article.

Push-ups can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common push-ups are:

  • normal grip - place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders;
  • narrow - correspondingly narrower than the shoulders when the hands touch;
  • wide – when the hands are placed wider than the shoulders.

Depending on the nature of the grip, the nature of the load also changes. With a normal grip, it is evenly distributed between the pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle and triceps; with a narrow one - between the triceps and shoulders, with a wide one, the load falls mainly on the chest and much less on the triceps.

Lesson program

To decide how to increase the number of push-ups on the floor, you need to create a training program: how many times a week to do, how many push-ups to do in one approach, how many there should be and how much time it takes for each approach.

Therefore, you will have to get a stopwatch. To make your task easier, you can use our online calculator, which, based on the current number of push-ups, can create a training program, thanks to which you can achieve the desired number of repetitions.

The main thing is to practice regularly and methodically, but at the same time, not to force things. If you are starting to study, as they say, from scratch, then do not set yourself the task of short time reach 100 or more push-ups.

Training “for wear and tear” can give a completely opposite result: due to excess load, the muscles will simply fail, it will take some time for their recovery, and new workouts will begin with much worse results.

According to experts, you can do push-ups in different ways:

  1. push-ups every other day;
  2. daily push-ups.

But in any case, you will need to find out your baseline level. To do this, you need to perform the maximum number of push-ups that you are capable of, using the correct technique, until the muscles fail.

Be sure to record this result and the time it took you to achieve it in a special notebook. Such a table will help you control the process and record progress, which will become great incentive to continue classes.

The best sports nutrition for weight gain

Push-ups every other day

To make visible progress, train every other day to give your muscles time to rest and recover.

Divide the number of push-ups that you are able to perform correctly (!) into three approaches with a break of 20-30 seconds between them. Try to time yourself with a stopwatch and record the number of push-ups and time in the table; this is just enough time between sets.

Naturally, for girls these indicators will be more modest at first. However, if you try to do at least one or two more push-ups with each approach, then you will certainly be pleased with the results within a month. It is also recommended to change the position of your hands during different approaches.

Daily push-ups

After the first wear test push-ups to determine the limits of your capabilities. Pay attention to how many push-ups you did relatively easily and when you became very tired.

Be sure to record this data in the table. Then give your muscles a rest for a couple of days and begin daily exercise.

For the first week, perform as many push-ups in one approach every day so that they do not cause excessive fatigue.

Don't forget that your muscles won't have a daily break for rest and recovery, so you shouldn't overexert them. Next week, increase the number of push-ups by one, and do this all the time.

It is best to do push-ups several times a day different time, for example, during TV commercials or as a break while sitting at the computer. The number of push-ups is always individual.

Take your maximum (10, 20, 30 repetitions per set) and multiply it by three or four, depending on your endurance, and then divide by the number of sets and the time you are comfortable with. Here is an example diagram:

10 push-ups x 4 = 40 push-ups: 2 (3, 4, 5, etc.)

This way you get the number of push-ups at one time, and you decide for yourself how to distribute them throughout the day.

This training regimen should continue for 10 days, after which you take a break for 4-5 days, and then try to do as many push-ups as you can. The result will certainly please you and will be an excellent incentive to resume training.

A sports blogger shares his experience in increasing the number of push-ups in the video below:

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