Forest of miracles in Izmailovo park. Relaxing on the Forest of Miracles site in Izmailovo Park. Who is it suitable for?

Address: Moscow, Izmailovsky pr., 2, Izmailovsky Park, Forest of Miracles, metro Partizanskaya

Visit to the site for communication with dogs (no time limit) 250 rub.
Husky dog ​​walk (puppies/adults) 500 RUR/30 min
Dog sledding with photo session 1000 RUR/10 min

Sledding allows one adult (no more than 100 kg) or an adult and a child under 5 years of age to be in the sled. From the age of 6, a child can ride independently. The team is always driven by a Musher.
Distance - 1 km. Start from the platform, through the forest, return to the starting point. Dogs run this distance at speed - 5-6 minutes.
The client is allowed to independently shoot video and photos.

Riding takes place:
Weekdays - by appointment (89154769902 Anastasia)

Weekends and holidays- from 12:00 to 19:00 on a first-come, first-served basis, without prior registration.
There are no gift certificates available.

In concepts:

> Winter day with husky

A perfect winter day is a day with cute husky dogs. And if you are not yet familiar with them, today we will fix that. Especially if you want to have a date or have an unusual walk with friends.

> Winter enthusiasm in Izmailovo (with children) 3+, 7+

Childhood is a wonderful time, adults are jealous! Winter fun in the park, where children were always in charge. For family vacation everything is here.

> Visiting winter friends (with children), 3+, 7+

Winter friends are waiting for us - huskies, deer and horses! We go to visit, hug, ride, walk and take pictures. A charge of positivity and vigor is guaranteed

A fun and active holiday awaits you in the “Forest of Miracles”! At your service there is entertainment for every taste: ice skating and snowmobiling, a laser shooting range and a children's theater, snow cannons and ice slides, tubing, rental of snow blasters and bicycles, visiting a winter cinema... And that's not all you can do you can do it here.


Izmailovsky Park is one of the largest parks in the capital. There is fresh air and a whole range of entertainment for the whole family. At the “Forest of Miracles” site you can ride snowmobiles and bicycles with winter tires, watch movies and cartoons, play hockey, visit an exhibition of ice and LED sculptures and more. There is always great music playing here, and you can refresh yourself in the cafe.

An exhibition opened at the Forest of Miracles site ice figures. Especially for the exhibition, 20 tons of ice were brought to the park from the Vologda region, from which 14 ice figures were cut, not counting small sculptures.

The site has tubing slides with a height of 3, 5 and 7 meters. There is a rental of tubes, snowmobiles, and bicycles with studded tires.

What is the price

The cost of entertainment at the All Inclusive rate is 1,500 rubles.


The site is open daily from 11.00 to 20.00.


Izmailovsky Park, Partizanskaya metro station.

Who is it suitable for?

For everyone, those who like to have fun and actively spend time in the fresh air, this is perfect for winter holiday with kids.

Why it's worth a visit

  • Lots of fun in one place
  • Ice sculptures
  • Active and varied holidays for the whole family

An exhibition of ice figures has opened for visitors at the Forest of Miracles site in Izmailovsky Park. Especially for the exhibition, 20 tons of ice were brought to the park from the Vologda region, from which 14 ice figures were cut, not counting small sculptures.

Among them are the symbol of the coming year - a rooster, the coat of arms of the Izmailovo PKiO, figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as well as a whole series of sculptures dedicated to life in Far North. In the evening, the figures are illuminated with multi-colored LEDs, and a magical festive atmosphere reigns on the site.

Let us remind you that in addition to the exhibition of ice sculptures, tubing slides with a height of 3, 5 and 7 meters are open at the Forest of Miracles site. You can also interact with husky dogs on the site. You can walk and play with puppies, and adult dogs are ready to give everyone a sled or tubing ride.

Cost of visit:

  • exhibitions - 150 rubles;
  • when purchasing a ticket to the tubing slide (250 rubles/hour, tubing rental included) - admission to the exhibition is free.

Operating mode:

  • on weekdays from 12:00 to 20:00;
  • on weekends and holidays from 11:00 to 21:00.

You can find out more on the organizers' website.

Opening hours: Saturday-Sunday from 11.00 to 2100. The husky park is closed on weekdays.
Dog sledding in Izmailovo Park on weekdays from 12.00 to 20.00. On weekends - from 11.00 to 20.00.
Cost: Visit to the site for communicating with dogs (no time limit) 200 rubles.
Walk with husky dogs 400 rubles /15 min
Walk with a husky puppy 500 rubles /15 min
Communication with puppies in the enclosure 200 rubles/10 min
Dog sledding 1000 rubles/10 min
Discounts: for mothers with many children, Izmailovo Park provides 50% discounts on interacting with huskies.
For disabled people and orphans, all services of the husky park in Izmailovo are free.
Benefits and discounts are provided only after presentation of the relevant documents.

The park in Izmailovo has long become a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites. Here you can get away from the hustle and bustle of Moscow, have fun on the sports fields, conquer heights in the Panda Park ropes course, ride a Ferris wheel or go for a walk with the friendliest dogs - huskies.
To interact with adult dogs and husky puppies, you need to go to the Northern entrance to Izmailovsky Park. This is where the most visited area of ​​the park is located, called the “Forest of Miracles”.

In the summer, children come to the “Forest of Miracles” to play in the “Karakula Shark” mini-water park under the hot Moscow sun. In winter, when there are only a few days left until the New Year, ice sculptures and high slides for riding.

Here, Izmailovo Park has prepared a lot of entertainment for every season. The only thing that remains the same is walking with the husky. In winter and summer, friendly huskies are waiting for adults and children to take a walk through Izmailovsky Park.

In Izmailovo Park, 10-15 huskies are waiting for you in a small enclosure on weekdays and weekends. You can interact with friendly dogs in the kennel or take your husky for a walk through the alleys of the park.

Take your time to move deeper into the park; a walk with a husky takes 15 minutes. In Izmailovsky Park you can not only take a walk with a trained and docile adult dog, but also chat with cute puppies.

Husky puppies simply amaze with their friendliness and desire to run and play! In the company of these little mischief makers, time simply flies! Walking and interacting with husky babies fills you with optimism and good mood.

With the onset of cold weather, many attractions and entertainment in Izmailovsky Park are closed until spring. And you can visit the husky all year round. Huskies are sensitive to bad weather. Therefore, when going for a walk with cute dogs, it is better to check the operating hours of the husky park with the park administration by phone: 8-915-476-99-02

Everyone knows that huskies are sled dogs. During a long selection process, strong and hardy huskies were specially selected, capable of covering several kilometers a day through the snows of Siberia. When Izmailovsky Park is covered in snow, you can ride a dog sled pulled by Siberian huskies.

Huskies harnessed to a sleigh will take you for a ride along the alleys of Izmailovsky Park. The cost for 10 minutes of riding is 1000 rubles.
Many doctors confirm that 10 minutes of communication with a husky can cure depression and restore good mood. But what could it be better than a walk with four-legged human friends in one of the most beautiful parks in Moscow!

Opening hours: Saturday-Sunday from 11.00 to 2100. The husky park is closed on weekdays. Dog sledding in Izmailovo Park on weekdays from 12.00 to 20.00. On weekends - from 11.00 to 20.00. Cost: Visit to the site for communicating with dogs (no time limit) 200 rubles. Walking with husky dogs 400 rubles /15 min Walking with a husky puppy 500 rubles /15 min Communication with puppies in an enclosure 200 rubles / 10 min Dog sledding 1000 rubles /10 min Discounts: for mothers with many children, Izmailovo Park provides discounts on communication with husky in the amount of 50%. For disabled people and orphans, all services of the husky park in Izmailovo are free. Benefits and discounts are provided only after presentation of the relevant documents. The park in Izmailovo has long become a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites. Here you can get away from the hustle and bustle of Moscow, have fun on the sports fields, conquer heights in the Panda Park ropes course, ride a Ferris wheel or go for a walk with the friendliest dogs - huskies. To interact with adult dogs and husky puppies, you need to go to the Northern entrance to Izmailovsky Park. This is where the most visited area of ​​the park is located, called the “Forest of Miracles”. In the summer, children come to the “Forest of Miracles” to play in the “Karakula Shark” mini-water park under the hot Moscow sun. In winter, when there are only a few days left until the New Year, ice sculptures and high slides for skating grow on the territory of the “Forest of Miracles”. Here, Izmailovo Park has prepared a lot of entertainment for every season. The only thing that remains the same is walking with the husky. In winter and summer, friendly huskies are waiting for adults and children to take a walk through Izmailovsky Park. In Izmailovo Park, 10-15 huskies are waiting for you in a small enclosure on weekdays and weekends. You can interact with friendly dogs in the kennel or take your husky for a walk through the alleys of the park. Take your time to move deeper into the park - the walking time with the husky is 15 minutes. In Izmailovsky Park you can not only take a walk with a trained and docile adult dog, but also chat with cute puppies. Husky puppies simply amaze with their friendliness and desire to run and play! In the company of these little mischief makers, time simply flies! Walking and interacting with husky babies fills you with optimism and good mood. With the onset of cold weather, many attractions and entertainment in Izmailovsky Park are closed until spring. And you can visit the husky all year round. Huskies are sensitive to bad weather. Therefore, when going for a walk with cute dogs, it is better to check the operating hours of the husky park with the park administration by phone: 8-915-476-99-02 Everyone knows that huskies are sled dogs. During a long selection process, strong and hardy huskies were specially selected, capable of covering several kilometers a day through the snows of Siberia. When Izmailovsky Park is covered in snow, you can ride a dog sled pulled by Siberian huskies. Huskies harnessed to a sleigh will take you for a ride along the alleys of Izmailovsky Park. The cost for 10 minutes of riding is 1000 rubles. Many doctors confirm that 10 minutes of communication with a husky can cure depression and restore good mood. But what could be better than a walk with four-legged human friends through one of the most beautiful parks in Moscow!


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