What does the expression “move mountains” mean? Move mountains Move mountains meaning of phraseology

If you approach a mountain and try to move it, you are unlikely to succeed.

The expression “move mountains” carries precisely this meaning - to do something that is considered impossible and not feasible, but for the sake of something or someone you are ready to do it. To do a great thing, something outstanding.

Origin of the expression

Many popular expressions have roots in the Bible, which we rarely realize.

Over time, many expressions expressed in the Bible were distorted and could lose their meaning when the first part was used and the continuation was omitted, and it is unlikely that this was done out of malicious intent.

Likewise, the expression “move mountains” is taken from the Bible, which can be a revelation for many of us.

Christ told his disciples that there is nothing stronger than true faith, and if a person deeply and sincerely believes, then nothing is impossible for him in this world - he can even move mountains.

“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20)

MOVE MOUNTAINS. Razg. Express Do a big, very important thing. Doronin cheered up. He felt cheerful from the knowledge that this hot young guy was demanding work from him, Doronin, that he was ready to move mountains if only he was taught how to do it

(A. Chakovsky. It’s already morning here). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST


    A. I. Fedorov. 2008. See what “Move mountains” is in other dictionaries:

    move mountains- to accomplish, to do, to do Dictionary of Russian synonyms ...

    Synonym dictionary Move a mountain with a mound - Chkal. The same as moving mountains. SRNG 36, 324 ...

    Synonym dictionary collapse - I growl, I growl; folded; chen, a, o; St. 1. (NSV. turn back). who what. Razg. With effort, it is difficult to move; dump, throw down something heavy, bulky. S. barrel with cucumbers. S. log from place. S. bag from a cart. S. stump (uproot).... ...

    RETURN THE MOUNTAINS. MOVE MOUNTAINS. Razg. Express Do a big, very important thing. Doronin cheered up. He felt cheerful from the knowledge that this hot young guy was demanding work from him, Doronin, that he was ready to move mountains, if only... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Move/move a mountain- Razg. The same as moving mountains. BTS, 218; ZS 1996, 26; Versh. 6, 192… Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    mountain- ы/, wine; go/ru; pl. mountains, dates a/m; and. see also mountain, mountain, hill, hill 1) A significant hill rising above the surrounding area. Steep, rocky, wooded mountains... - I growl, I growl; folded; chen, a, o; St. 1. (NSV. turn back). who what. Razg. With effort, it is difficult to move; dump, throw down something heavy, bulky. S. barrel with cucumbers. S. log from place. S. bag from a cart. S. stump (uproot).... ...

    Burton, Tim- (Burton, Tim) Director of animated and feature films. Born on August 25, 1958 in Burbank (California) in the family of a worker from the city landscaping service. By his own admission, he spent his childhood in front of the TV, devouring cartoons and films... Director's Encyclopedia. Cinema USA

    MOUNTAIN- Water comes from the mountains, fish come from the mountain. Novg. About the time of snow and ice melting, when the fish begins to move actively. NOS 9, 161. They came down from the mountains to get salt. Jarg. they say Contempt. 1. About rude, ignorant people. 2. About Caucasians. Maksimov, 401. White Mountain. 1.… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    mountain- noun, f., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? mountains, why? woe, (see) what? mountain, what? mountain, about what? about grief; pl. What? mountains, (no) what? mountains, why? mountains, (I see) what? mountains, what? mountains, about what? about mountains 1. A mountain is a large mass of earth, stone... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • With Life Alone, Hannah Christine. 1974 Leni is thirteen years old, her father has recently returned from the Vietnam War. He returned completely different from before - angry at the whole world, confused and broken. And soon he received an inheritance -...

Hello girls!

We are all terrible perfectionists and lovers of procrastination. How many mountains do each of you have to move? And which irritate your eyes and itch your brain? Mountains of unironed laundry, mountains of unsorted photos, mountains of weeds in the garden beds, mountains of uncompleted courses, unfinished handicrafts, mountains of unfinished tasks. All this should have been done yesterday. And there are so many things we still dream of doing! Learn new language, promote a blog, save a million and start investing, write a book, pump up your abs.

But everyone lives an already busy life! Household chores, work, children and husband, travel, communication, there’s not even enough time to sleep!

And so we reason: “So, I would like to move this mountain and that one, but now there’s no time, they’ll start school break, now the child will go to kindergarten, now the reports at work will end, now I will retire...":)))

Girls, waiting for the perfect time and conditions to start doing something is perfectionism.

And it is he who prevents us from realizing our bold ideas and realizing our dreams. Retirement is coming... but we no longer want anything, we have no strength, our dreams are lost...

Jane Austen wrote all her novels on scraps of paper in between household chores; she never had a special time or place for this activity. I read this in the book “Genius Mode: The Daily Routines of Great People,” which I recommended.

So what to do? I offer you a technique - “Move mountains in 5 minutes a day.”

Choose any mountain, old (which should have been done long ago) or new - the embodiment of your idea, dream. Find a piece of time that you don’t mind devoting to this every day. It is advisable to keep it to no more than 15 minutes, because it will be difficult to persuade yourself to do more on most days. You can even do it for 5 minutes, that’s normal!

Just take on one mountain at a time! And then just do this for 5-15 minutes every day. Don’t listen to internal excuses and ridicule: what good can you do in 5 minutes? There are so many things you can do!!! The main thing is that you start making progress. This technique has a ton of bonuses! Firstly, you will do things that have been pressing on your brain for a long time or begin to make your dreams come true, this is the main thing! Secondly, pump up the frontal lobes of the brain , responsible for conscious behavior and self-discipline (after all, you will need to remember your challenge every day and persuade yourself to devote another 5-15 minutes to it). You will pump up your personality power: because as soon as you start to see results from biting off pieces of elephants and some signs of regular behavior,

you will feel incredibly proud of yourself and feel a surge of strength, I promise you!

  • Here are some examples of my students:
  • One participant in the “I have time to live” training washed the tiles in the bathroom one row a day and scrubbed the seams between the tiles. This tile made her nervous, and the thought of cleaning it all at once was terrifying—it would take several hours. The result is a sparkling bathroom.
  • Another wrote a book 15 minutes a day, after 3 months the first edition was ready.
  • Another lady sorted through photo archives for 5 years - the result: beautiful photo books, and great pride in herself!

And now I’m making progress in the field of gardening! All the past seasons I could not make my dream of a beautiful garden come true. First I was a newbie, then I was pregnant, then I had no one to leave my son with, then there was a lot of work, but this season I’m learning to set aside a little time for the garden every day to turn my 15 acres into something beautiful and put things in order. At the beginning of the season, I had to reconfigure my psyche through an effort of will in order to convince myself that even 15 minutes a day would make a difference and that there was no need to wait for the weekend when I could finally devote the whole day to the garden. And it works great, I tell you!

So girls, who's with me? Who wants to try this technique today? I'm announcing a challenge!

The conditions are simple: choose your “mountain” that you will climb with me, how many minutes you are willing to devote to it every day and a reminder method (alarm clock, phone reminder, piece of paper in front of your eyes). Describe all this in the comments and get started! Today is your first day!

Who's with us? Shall we move mountains?

As your workload has increased, your boss's expectations have increased along with it. Leaving this path is a surefire way to lose your job. But I don’t have the strength to stop. What to do?

Psychologist Paul Bard, who has experience working not only with office employees, but also with major league athletes, knows everything about stress. One of his main pieces of advice is: “Even when you feel a loss of strength and, it would seem, you can no longer take a single step, know that there is still something to profit from! At the very least, you can still support your teammates.”

Instead of demotivating your colleagues with self-doubt and showing weakness, tense up and at least put on a courageous expression. By the way, this will not only help your comrades, but also you.

As research has proven, in order to stay in the ranks, you need a special psychological attitude, says Paul Bard. – This means that you must not only do your job, but also be able to tune in to it, find not only physical, but also moral strength. Thus, you make a very tangible contribution to the work of the entire team (department). You can always help your colleagues, even if just by encouraging them.

True, the psychologist notes, knowledge of this, so to speak, “technique,” ​​should be used only in extreme cases. Still, you must do your job. We are talking about those rare moments when your strength completely leaves you.

Search for meaning

Business coach John Weaver, during his consultations, first of all makes clients look for meaning in their activities.

Several years ago, in one children's institution where I taught classes, trouble happened - a pipe burst and the building was flooded. The entire staff was forced to move to another building - much less convenient. Of course, the employees were very annoyed by this situation. To help revive a positive attitude, I asked each employee why he was doing this work, because people become nannies not because it is some particularly glamorous job and not because it pays well. So as soon as people answered my question honestly (at least to themselves!), their attitude immediately changed. Each found a variety of reasons why temporary inconveniences became only a modest misunderstanding.

Thinking about the original purpose of your work can help manage stress, Weaver says. Scientist Rick Best, who studied the work (and with it the stress level) of nurses working with veterans, agrees with him.

One would expect that people in this profession would experience burnout much more often than any office clerk, but in this case, everyone understood perfectly well why they were doing what they were doing. So instead of burnout, on the contrary, they are faced with job satisfaction.

They came into their profession to help. This is a conscious choice. In addition, every employee of the medical center knows why he is doing all this and that there is a real meaning to it. All together helps to achieve self-realization and reduce stress.

Reduce your expectations

Considering how much energy you expend at work, it would be surprising if expectations were disproportionate, says Ken Pinnock, associate director of labor relations at the University of Denver. – But in the end we always get less, no matter how often we go to the boss with stories about how much we do for the company and how we need to increase our salary (raise us in position).

Instead of bombarding your boss with such conversations, focus on your non-work activities - your presence in professional in social networks, for example, or additional business education.

Set personal goals and try to achieve them in less direct ways. Let your boss see that you are ready to develop, then the promotion will go faster, recommends Pinnock.

A problem is not a problem!

Try to look at daily work issues not as routine problems, but as tasks that need to be solved.

People who approach work in this way have the opportunity to learn much more. Their job satisfaction is higher, and so is their productivity,” concludes Coach Weaver. – Such employees do not try to prove that they are the smartest, but they gain invaluable experience from their own mistakes, which, of course, should not be feared.

And scientist Best, instead of concluding, reminds: setting intermediate goals helps employees experience a sense of accomplishment, which has a great effect on motivation. At the same time, long-term goals do not run away - they simply wait patiently in the wings.


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