Where to go for spring break. Where to relax with your child during spring school holidays Spring break where to relax with your children

Spring break is just around the corner, the kids are already tired of school, the parents are tired of work, which means it's time to go on a little family trip. What to choose, depending on the child’s age, family preferences and travel budget? Let's figure it out together!

Junior classes (6 – 10 years old)

If the child is still small, the planned trip must meet three main requirements: a short direct flight, the absence of a sharp climate change and an easy excursion and entertainment program. Thus, the following options work well.

Excursion trip

It would be an excellent option for a spring trip with children. He has amazing city LEGO, which not only kids, but also adults are delighted with. Dozens of huge buildings built from construction sets, the ability to independently create any figure, attractions and cafes - all this will take more than one hour, or even a day.

Don't forget about the animated museum of Andersen's fairy tales, which is also located in Copenhagen, and the famous Experimentarium, a hands-on museum where children can get acquainted with the laws of nature, presented in very unusual ways.

To the sea, to the sun

good sea ​​holidays in March can boast. Parents will be pleased low prices and a small number of people on the beaches and in hotels, and children will enjoy the cool weather, warm sea and a rich animation program.

Children's recreation, photo kasami0408

In addition, in March you can go diving, visit a water park or a giant aquarium, children's park Fun Town attractions, a dolphinarium, a real ice skating rink and much more.

Native spaces

If your child doesn’t finish the quarter very well, and you don’t think he deserves a trip abroad, you can always go to one of the cities in Russia. Certainly, Gold ring and its ancient churches are unlikely to interest a small tourist, but we have more tempting options.

Children's holidays, photo kiwiand5chicks

The Arkhangelsk region and Karelia will delight you with full-fledged winter landscapes, skiing and reindeer and dog riding. Here you can combine leisure With bus excursions, and parents will love the local baths and the opportunity to taste strong drinks while the children pull the tail of one of the friendly husky sled dogs.

Secondary school (11 – 13 years old)

If the child has already grown up and tolerates it normally long flights, you can choose no less interesting options.

Excursion trip

Who hasn't read a book about Harry Potter, the little wizard who defeated universal evil? If your child is a fan of the fantastic saga, then a visit would be an excellent European option. The Hogwarts dining hall located in Oxford College, platform 9 ¾ at King Cross Station and the numerous castles where the film was filmed will not leave anyone indifferent.

King Cross Station, photo by yvision

By the way, although it’s easy to buy tickets to London, you should arrange a visa in advance. Well, if you already have the coveted document, all that remains is to pack your bags.

To the sea, to the sun

A five-hour flight to Moscow does not frighten many tourists who decide to visit. Pleasant, cool weather is suitable for both beach and excursion holiday. With children you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also go on observation deck Burj Khalifa, to a singing fountain or a huge aquarium, and also spend the whole day in one of the local water parks.

Beach vacation, photo Best Buy

Well, parents will be interested in local shopping centers, where sales are held at the end of March.

Native spaces

Older and stronger children will be glad to have the opportunity to stretch their legs after a boring two months of sitting at school. Of course, you can’t swim in March, but you can easily admire the blooming flowers, ride a horse or go on mini-hikes in the mountains.

Hiking in the mountains, photo DSC_0406

True, a considerable share of activity will be required from parents, since animators or nannies are local hotels You will have to meet and supervise the children yourself.

Senior classes (14 – 17 years old)

At this age, the easiest way to entertain a child well is to make his wish come true. A teenager can easily plan his dream vacation within the allotted budget. If he doesn’t know what to choose, offer him these options.

Excursion trip

Choose European city March is not easy, because in each of them, in addition to traditional attractions, there are also seasonal ones. Flower parades and music festivals, art exhibitions and costume processions - any city becomes a huge holiday.

We can recommend a flower parade in the Netherlands, a tour of knightly castles in France or, a trip to or vacation in warm and hospitable Italy, where excursions can be interspersed with gastronomic tours and shopping.

To the sea, to the sun

Since teenagers cannot be frightened by a long flight and acclimatization, you can safely go with your whole family, not forgetting to get the necessary vaccinations. Exotic nature, fruits and seafood, other cultures and numerous attractions will allow the child not only to relax, but also to gain a lot of new knowledge.

Teenagers on the beach, photo by TomasDesign

By the way, in March in Thailand the water and air are at approximately the same temperature (+ 30 °C), so your vacation will be incredibly comfortable.

Native spaces

It remains a traditional, never boring direction. Of course, there are no fountains yet, but palaces, museums, cathedrals, parks and monuments have not gone away. Here you can not only admire the beauty, but also improve your knowledge of basic school subjects, for example, by visiting house No. 5 in Stolyarny Lane, where, according to researchers of Dostoevsky’s work, Raskolnikov lived.

Saint Petersburg

By the way, in March, prices for tickets and hotels in St. Petersburg have not yet skyrocketed, so the trip will be quite budget-friendly.

As you can see, entertainment can be chosen to suit every taste and budget. The main thing is not to waste time and not be lazy in planning a family vacation on your own.

Spring is coming. We have been waiting for her for so long and preparing for the warmth. But when the calendar shows us March 1, for some reason we are not particularly happy. After all, spring has arrived only according to the calendar, but outside the window it’s still the same winter. How to fix this? Where to go to spring break 2017 with a child to get into summer? Let's see where it is better to go abroad and in Russia. And you yourself decide what is better and closer to you.

On vacation in warm countries to the beach.

Why not give your child a party and take him to the beach? After all, summer is far away, and even if there are exams in the summer, then immediately “throw away” half of your vacation. So spring break is the best best time for a beach holiday.
There are many countries that will welcome you with warmth and sunshine. Among them it is worth highlighting Vietnam and Goa. These countries are closest to us, and there, in March-April, beautiful weather. The air warms up to +33 degrees. And the water is warm and will not drop below +27 degrees. The rainy season has not yet begun, but its approach is already becoming noticeable. Sometimes it may rain. After which it gets a little cool. But they are not so frequent, and they last for two or three hours at most.
Don't want to vacation in Asia? Then get on a plane and take the flight of your life - to Caribbean. And then choose a country for your holiday. Waiting for you: Cuba, Maldives, Seychelles and many other lesser-known tourist countries.

Excursion holidays in Europe.

Where to go on excursions with a child? That's right - to Europe. And there are more than enough countries for such a holiday. For example, you can visit Germany. There are many castles in this country, and some of them are five hundred years old! Museums, ancient buildings and monuments - all this is excursion Germany.
We also recommend going to Britain. It is in Britain that you can fully enjoy nature and magnificent buildings. The same castles beautiful gardens and ponds, geysers and hot springs - Britain is simply a treasure for those who love to learn new things.

Holidays in Russia.

At the end of March and beginning of April in Russia you are unlikely to find a beach. Where you can swim. But in our country there are hundreds of cities that are worth visiting.
For example, you can drive through the cities of the Heroes of Military Glory and see with your own eyes the monuments to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Visit Volgograd. Only in this city are there many “traces” that remind us that our people are very brave and that they were able to defeat the Nazis.
If you want to visit a city or region to improve your health. You won’t find a better place than Altai. The Altai Mountains are healers in themselves, and you can simply relax and heal. So think about it.
Plus in Altai mountains you can find out about local nature, about animals in the forests and independently climb the highest mountain.

Where you shouldn't go.

But wherever we advise you to go on vacation with your child is Sochi and Crimea. No, everything is good and wonderful there. But millions of tourists will go there. And these cities will simply teem with tourists. So you won’t see a relaxing holiday. And it is likely that you will only become more tired than rested.
Imagine that you will have to stand in line for several hours to see one attraction of Crimea. If you go to Crimea or Sochi for sightseeing, it is better to do it on autumn holidays.

Spring break can be called a dress rehearsal before the long-awaited summer months of rest. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the school routine, change your surroundings and recharge yourself with positivity. We are looking at where to go for spring break with a child.


The Russian capital offers a lot of opportunities for recreation with children. Usually everyone is drawn to Gorky Park, which, in turn, stretches along the river for 7 kilometers. This is the most famous Moscow park, which needs no introduction.

If you want to be closer to the stars, go to the Planetarium (Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 5). You can learn about the stars not only by looking through a telescope, but also by watching video installations. And in the capital's Experimentarium (46 Butyrskaya St.) you can study exhibits on mechanics, optics, electricity and other fields.

Spring holidays are long - you can visit almost all Moscow museums. The first point on the program is better to put the classic Tretyakov Gallery (Lavrushinsky Lane, 10), and if suddenly you already know everything there by heart, visit the Biological Museum (Malaya Gruzinskaya St., 15), Darvinovsky (Vavilov St., 57) or the Zoological Museum (St. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6). Among the others interesting places Let’s highlight the city of masters “Masterslavl” (Presnenskaya embankment, 4, bldg. 1).


The path of many who decide to go somewhere during the autumn holidays with a child lies through Kazan. Everything is logical: the city is fresh, beautiful and pleasing.

In the capital of Tatarstan there is one of the best Russian water parks - “Riviera” (Fatykha Amirkhana St., 1). There are many attractions here, and the prices are quite affordable. In the Kazan Zoo (Khadi Taktash St., 112) you will find not only cute animals, but also unusual plants that are nestled nearby in the Botanical Garden.

Right in the city center, near the white stone walls of the Kazan Kremlin, there is a circus (Millennium Square, 2). If you want to go on rides of varying degrees of difficulty and extremeness, go to the Kyrlay park (Odnostoronka Girvki St., 1a). And if you want to introduce children to the science and technology industry in an accessible way, visit the House of Entertaining Science and Technology (91 Gabdulla Tukay St.).

Saint Petersburg

Everyone likes Peter - both children and adults. A trip here together is one of the best ways to relax during spring break. There is so much to see here: museums, palaces, squares, and chic suburbs.

If yours and your child’s eyes are dazzled by the variety, take a red double-decker bus, which offers excursions around the center of St. Petersburg with an audio guide. He makes stops near attractions: you can get out and leisurely admire them.


Residents of Belarus have long decided for themselves where to go on spring break with their children - to Minsk. Join them, because the Belarusian capital is a real haven for children.

For example, on the street. Orlovskaya, 80 there is the Dreamland amusement park. There is a selection of activities for children of all ages. There is also a water park there. In the park named after Chelyuskintsev (Independence Avenue, 84) you can go on rides, enjoy delicious food and take a walk in the Botanical Garden. Among the classic entertainments for children, we highlight the zoo (Tashkentskaya St., 1) and the circus (Independence Avenue, 32).


Relaxing with children on vacation in Kaliningrad means forgetting about time, because it flies by unnoticed.

The main attraction of the city is Cathedral(Kanta St., 1). It would seem that this is not a very “childish” place, but young travelers like it: there is a museum with knightly armor. At the Museum of the World Ocean (Marshal Bagramyan St.) you can look at real ships, and at the Friedland Gate Museum (Dzerzhinsky St., 30) you can get a closer look at the life of the knights of the Teutonic Order and find out how their romantic knightly souls lived.

Spring is associated with the sun, and the sun in Novosibirsk is associated with an unusual museum Sun (Ivanova Street, 11a). You can see the stars and planets in the Novosibirsk Planetarium (Klyuch-Kamyshenskoye Plateau, 1/1). The Novosibirsk circus and zoo are preparing for the spring holidays, and the dress rehearsal before beach season can be held at the Leader Land water park (12/2 Respublikanskaya Street).

You can visit a fairy tale at the Interactive Museum of Fairy Tales (Krasny Prospekt, 99), and feed the squirrels in city parks. Labyrinths, slot machines and other fun activities await children in the Funky Town Sun City park (Sun City shopping center, Karl Marx Square, 7).

Obviously, most parents plan their holidays with children's holidays in mind. We understand and share. And we tell you where to go in March with your child to have fun, bask in the sun, and in some places even swim.


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1. Sochi and balloon races

Nearest inexpensive resort for children's holidays - Black Sea coast Russia. Of course, at the end of March and April the sea is still cold here. But the air is warmed up to 15 degrees, so walking along the shore is very comfortable.

There is still snow in the mountains and you can take a breeze on the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana on skis or try zorbing - an extreme descent from a mountain inside a large transparent inflatable ball. If climbing inside the ball is still a little scary, but... thrills if you want, go to the Laura ski and biathlon complex: there you can try snow tubing - riding on large uncontrollable cheesecakes.

And if the children get bored with winter fun, you can always go down from the mountains to Sochi Disneyland - Sochi Park. Territory entertainment complex is divided into 5 thematic lands - “Avenue of Lights”, “Land of Heroes”, “Land of Science and Fantasy”, “Enchanted Forest” and “Eco-Village” - and offers young guests activities for every taste - from extreme slides to scientific experiments; from laser show to theatrical fairy tales. You can also swim in March, though not in the sea, but in indoor water park"Aqualoo." Children will definitely be delighted with the variety of slides ranging from 50 to 120 meters in height.

Select convenient dates in the field below, indicate how many of you are and from which city you want to fly - we will immediately select best tours in Sochi.

2. Italy and doll houses

In Italian resorts at the end of March and beginning of April it is a little warmer than in Sochi - up to +15, and the water is +10. It seems that Italy with its ancient architecture and flowering vineyards is more suitable for an adults-only vacation, but don’t rush to conclusions: in the land of pasta and mozzarella there are no fewer activities for children than for adults.

Not far from the resort of Milano Marittima and Ravenna there is the Mirabilandia park - the third largest amusement park in Europe. On an area of ​​200 thousand square meters there are more than 40 attractions - there will be something to do for both the little fairy and the young cowboy. Girls can start with the 130-metre-high Ferris wheel, while boys are immediately sent to the iSpeed ​​slide, where in cockpits stylized as Formula 1 cars they will accelerate to 100 km/h in just 2.2 seconds.

If you want to instill in your children a love of nature, go to the “Butterfly House” (La Casa delle Farfalle), where in a pavilion with a microclimate, colorful wings from all over the world flutter and several interesting rarities are collected - poisonous frogs, insect-hunting fish and carnivorous plants.

If you are tempted to show your children all of Italy, but don’t want to turn it into week's vacation in the race for survival on trains - choose Rimini. There is the “Italy in Miniature” park, where 270 miniature Italian landmarks are presented. You will see both the Colosseum and Leaning Tower of Pisa, and St. Peter's Cathedral!

Select convenient dates in the field below, indicate how many of you there are and from which city you want to fly - we will immediately select the best tours to Italy.

3. Türkiye and living dinosaurs

At the end of March, the sea in Turkish resorts is still not warm enough for swimming, just above 10 degrees. But excellent club hotels are ridiculously cheap, and the animation remains one of the best in the world: both adults and children will be happy.

Spring in Turkey is the ideal time for excursions. Teenagers will love the jeep ride through the breathtaking mountain serpentines. Younger schoolchildren will be enchanted by the Dinopark near Kemer - the largest attraction in Europe with working dinosaur models. The animals here are very life-like - they move and growl to the delight of little visitors.

If you have chosen Bodrum as your holiday base, be sure to go to the Museum of Underwater Archeology, which houses a unique collection of shipwrecks from the Bronze Age to the present day. While adults look at ancient amphorae and sarcophagi, children will be able to feel like captains of ancient ships and walk through life-size models of the ship.

For those who stay on the coast of Alanya, the main point entertainment program should become the Damlatas Cave. Its name translated from Turkish means “stone in drops.” You will immediately understand why: the fantastic formations of multi-colored stalactites and stalagmites about 14–15 thousand years old will make not only young travelers, but also their experienced parents hold their breath.

Select convenient dates in the field below, indicate how many of you there are and from which city you want to fly - we will immediately select the best tours to Turkey.

4. UAE and Ferrari racing

In this Middle Eastern country, summer is all year round, but late March and early April are the best times to travel. The sun heats up to only +28 and the water is Persian Gulf at about the same temperature - you won’t want to get out of the sea.

However, you definitely won’t have to relax on the beach forever - there is too much entertainment around. For example, theme park Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi is a Disneyland for fans of speed. It is home to the world's fastest roller coaster, Formula 1 computer simulators and an exhibition of Ferrari cars.

If the kids get tired of splashing around in the pool, you can go to the Dubai ski resort. Yes, yes, you heard right, in the desert they also ride alpine skiing. Even when the air temperature outside goes beyond +40°C, on the slopes Ski Dubai there is snow. The temperature on the indoor slope does not rise above -3°C, so you can’t go out on the slope without a warm ski suit - you’ll freeze. In addition to the usual skis and boards, children will enjoy sleds, cheesecakes and other winter attractions.

For maximum contrast, the next day you can go on an excursion into the desert. Local companies offer a variety of options: from walking through the dunes on camels or horses to overnight camping under the stars. Children will love this adventure!

Select convenient dates in the field below, indicate how many of you are and from which city you want to fly - we will immediately select the best tours to the UAE.

5. Thailand and crocodiles

The only drawback of Thai resorts is the long flight. But here you can swim at any time of the year - even in early April the air warms up to 30 degrees and the water to almost the same temperature.

For curious fidgets, Thailand has a lot of entertainment: elephant rides, culinary performances, colorful fire shows. If you come on holiday to Krabi, go on an excursion to the Aqua Center or just the aquarium (as tourists call it). Here they study tropical animals and fish. You can see huge stingrays, predatory sharks, ball fish, lionfish, butterfly fish, seahorses, damselfish fish, perches and rare species of corals. Just keep in mind that often the most beautiful of the local inhabitants are deadly poisonous, so you shouldn’t touch them.

If you are on holiday in Koh Samui, you can go to the Samui Crocodile Farm. Tourists come here primarily for the show with crocodiles and snakes, but it makes sense to calmly wander around the territory and follow the entire process of raising and caring for crocodiles. Children will love the enclosures with small crocodiles and the incubators where eggs are stored until the babies hatch.

Select convenient dates in the field below, indicate how many of you there are and which city you want to fly from - we will immediately select the best tours to Thailand.

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If you don’t know what to give your loved one for the upcoming holiday, we’ll give you some practical advice: give not a thing, but an experience!

You can’t imagine anything better than a short trip outside the boring and noisy metropolis. A few days away from work, relatives and home will be the best gift and will definitely be appreciated by your companion.

It turns out that it is not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. Using the OneTwoTrip service you can easily find cheap plane or train tickets.

OneTwoTrip is a service for organizing travel that allows you to completely plan your trip: find and order air and train tickets at a favorable price, book a hotel, rent a car, buy a “flight + hotel” package, ready-made tour or a bus ticket.

The service is looking for offers among 50 largest tour operators, scans more than one and a half million hotels in 200 countries, tracks 800 airlines, including 70 low-cost airlines. OneTwoTrip also has a support service that works 24/7, speaks seven languages ​​and will answer any question not only by phone, but also on WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Vkontakte, Telegram.

Here's what we managed to pick up in a few minutes spent with the service application.

All prices are for round-trip tickets for two with departure/departure from Moscow.

1. Verona from RUB 26,800.

Why here: tourist centre in northeastern Italy is famous for one of the most unhappy couples in love in the world.

In addition to Juliet's estate, here you can see the ancient amphitheater Arena di Verona, the 8th century Castelvecchio castle and the cypress garden of Giusti, which overlooks the entire city.

From here you can easily take a ride to Milan, Venice or San Marino.

What's the weather like? +6…+8

What is the price:

  • flight: from 26,800 rub. (for two)
  • ticket to the local Colosseum: from €12
  • pasta: from €6
  • lunch: from €16 (for two)

2. Athens from RUB 24,800.

Why here: a real mecca for lovers of the history and mythology of ancient Greece.

Here is the famous Parthenon, and Athens Acropolis, and the stunning Theater of Dionysus. In addition, the city has many libraries, museums, temples and simply interesting historical ruins.

What's the weather like? +15…+17

What is the price:

  • flight: from 24,800 rub. (for two)
  • bagel with sesame seeds: from €2
  • tea/coffee: from €3
  • lunch: from €16 (for two)

3. Dusseldorf from 24,000 rubles.

Why here: The historical part of Altstadt is perfect for walking, shopping and, of course, beer tasting. There are more than 200 beer gardens, pubs and restaurants with their own signature drinks, traditional dishes and exciting events.

The city is also known for its large number of different museums and a beautiful zoo.

In the immediate vicinity of Düsseldorf are Dortmund and Cologne.

What's the weather like? +6…+8

What is the price:

  • flight: from 24,000 rub. (for two)
  • glass of Pilsner: from €6
  • sausages: from €5
  • lunch: from €24 (for two)

4. Hamburg from RUB 26,000.

Why here: The city is worth a visit for the wonderful Alster Lake and the huge port of Hamburg, which is considered to be the water gates of Germany.

The museum of modern art, large, will not disappoint tourists Botanical Garden and an opera house.

What's the weather like? +4…+6

What is the price:

  • flight: from 26,000 rub. (for two)
  • fish bun: from €3
  • boat trip: from €9
  • lunch: from €20 (for two)

5. Vienna from 25,600 rub.

Why here: The Albertina Museum, which is one of the largest in the world in terms of the number of paintings on display, will not leave you indifferent.

The famous Vienna Opera provides visitors with a portion of spiritual food every evening; architecture lovers can visit the numerous castles and palace complexes in the city itself and its surroundings.

Unusual attractions include a street art museum and a snow ball factory.

What's the weather like? +4…+7

What is the price:

  • flight: from 25,600 rub. (for two)
  • Viennese bun: from €2
  • coffee: from €3
  • lunch: from €24 (for two)

6. Prague from 21,800 rub.

Why here: People come to Prague for leisurely walks along the beautiful boulevards, squares and streets. Different areas of the city allow you to enjoy ancient architecture, chapels, town halls and cathedrals.

You can while away the evenings in cozy cafes and restaurants, enjoying pleasant live music and a glass of Czech beer.

What's the weather like? +6…+9

What is the price:

  • flight: from 21,800 rub. (for two)
  • glass of Staropramen: from €5
  • potatoes on skewer: from €3
  • lunch: from €10 (for two)

7. Vilnius from 22,000 rub.

Why here: a very quiet and cozy city without the bustle and crowds of tourists. The place is simply created for walking and shopping. There are many shops here offering both goods from world famous brands and local manufacturers.

It is not at all necessary to know a foreign language; local residents will be happy to answer you in Russian, help you navigate and answer any question.

What's the weather like? 0…+2

What is the price:

  • flight: from 22,000 rub. (for two)
  • magnet: from €2
  • Zeppelin portion: from €4
  • lunch: from €8 (for two)

8. Baku from 26,600 rubles.

Why here: the city has collected a large number of unusual attractions, for example, the State Museum of Azerbaijani Carpet, the mysterious Maiden Tower or the Gobustan Nature Reserve with mud volcanoes at the entrance to Baku.

The flame towers, which can be seen from almost anywhere in the city, and the square with a huge national flag will not leave you indifferent.

What's the weather like? +7…+9

What is the price:

  • flight: from 26,600 rub. (for two)
  • portion of pilaf: from €3
  • baklava: from €2
  • lunch: from €8 (for two)

9. Helsinki from RUB 17,600.

Why here: this northern city offers quite unusual entertainment. You can visit one of several water parks, a church located in a rock, or go to a large market with designer shops, boutiques and souvenir shops.

What's the weather like? -2…0

What is the price:

  • flight: from 17,600 rub. (for two)
  • magnet: from €3
  • tourist tram: from €3
  • lunch: from €24 (for two)

10. Minsk from 9,000 rub.

Why here: First of all, people come here for cleanliness, order and nostalgia for the Soviet past. There are no traffic jams, you can eat deliciously and inexpensively, and even ride military equipment.

There are also a large number of casinos and gambling houses in Minsk. Everything is official, legal and according to the law.

What's the weather like? -4…-1

What is the price:

  • flight: from 9,000 rub. (for two)
  • Drains: from 80 rub.
  • sorcerers: from 100 rub.
  • lunch: from 600 rub. (for two)

🚂 But! You can also go by train

Comfortable compartments and a beautiful spring landscape outside the window will easily brighten up several hours of travel. Traveling by train has its advantages, one of which is a more affordable price.

And here the OneTwoTrip service will easily provide assistance in finding tickets.

1. Minsk from 6,500 rub.

Why here: see above. Instead of an hour and a half flight, you can go to the capital of a neighboring state by train. The journey will take 9 hours, but you can save some money.

What's the weather like? -4…-1

What is the price:

  • flight: from 6,500 rub. (for two)
  • Drains: from 80 rub.
  • sorcerers: from 100 rub.
  • lunch: from 600 rub. (for two)

2. St. Petersburg from 6,000 rub.

Why here: many Moscow residents have never been to Northern capital, but there are a large number of palaces and squares, bridges and streets, historical and cultural places. There are drawbridges, museums, squares and royal estates on almost every corner.

Don't forget to go through the front door, stand by the curb and eat shawarma.

What's the weather like? -5…-3

What is the price:

  • flight: from 6,000 rub. (for two)
  • magnet: from 60 rub.
  • shawarma: from 150 rub.
  • lunch: from 800 rub. (for two)

3. Riga from 6,200 rub.

Why here: this amazing city is located quite close to our country and the spirit of the Soviet past is felt in it, but at the same time there is great amount places reminiscent of the city’s centuries-old European history.

Museums, guilds, castles and churches - all this will be a wonder for a Russian tourist.

What's the weather like? +2…+4

What is the price:

  • flight: from 6,200 rub. (for two)
  • sprats: from €2
  • Riga balsam: from €3
  • lunch: from €14 (for two)

4. Kazan from 5,200 rub.

Why here: in Kazan it is worth visiting the Millennium Square with the ancient Kremlin. Several museums, memorials, cathedrals and mosques are collected on its territory.


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